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Thanks I tore from the cabin floor and I lit the boiler fire some coal last found it was lying round and I hit the fuel How are the flames just soared in the Pernice roared such a blaze you never did see and I burrowed a hole in the glowing coal and I stuffed in Sam McGee then I made a hike for I didn't like to hear him sizzle so and the heaven spell in the Huskies held in the wind began to blow it was icy cold but the Hotz what rolled down my cheeks and I don't know why and the greasy smoke in an inky cloak when streaking down the sky I do not know how long in the snow I wrestle with Grizzly fear but the stars came out and they danced about before I ventured near I was sick with dread but a bravely said how just take a peek inside I guess he's cooked and it's time I looked in the door opened wide and there sets them look and coo and calm in the heart of the furnace roar and it wore a smile you could see a mile and he said Please close that door it's fine in here but I greatly fear you'll let in the cold and storm and since I left Plumtree down in Tennessee this is the 1st time I've been warm. There strange things done in the midnight sun but the minute toil for go the Arctic trails have their secret to use that would make your blood run cold. The northern lights have seen queer sights but the queerest they ever did see was that night on the marge of Lakeland barge that I cremated Sam . And what a piece of storytelling and that's what we do here on our American stories we get out of the way we find some really great material and we share it with you and by the way there's Johnny Cash was telling that story I couldn't get the thought of the Lonesome Dove out of my head and that great burial scene where of course Woodrow has to bury Gus he has to take him all the way back all the way back across the country by way again because he made a promise to his body by the way if you remember the line he says og I guess this will teach me to be a more careful about what I promise in the future but a promise then was a promise and hopefully you know people in your life now today were a promise is a promise the Crimean asian of Sam McGee story telling in that's the great Johnny Cash if you've got an old story like this from American literature from the American canon send us your suggestions put them up on the air and send him right back at you American literature at its finest American performance art at its finest and American storytelling at its finest here on American stories. This is Lee Habib with our American stories and I want to tell you a story about my experience and my bride Valerie's experience. With my pillow dot com We gave them a shot because well we just had never found the right pillows and I'm telling you folks overnight the neck pain went away and all of a sudden it was a night of free and clean sleep my wife went for one style I went for another her is a little bit more firm mine less and what do you know you're making your own pillows and you sleeping beautifully at night to order your my pillow go to my pillow dot com or call 803079472 give them our promo code stories to get their 4 packs special it's 50 percent off on 2 premium my pillows and 2 of their go anywhere pillows for your travel in trains planes cars hotels or anywhere else but only if you use our promo code stories at my pillow dot com. K.p.c. Has dependable traffic when you need it most still a big jam into the new hall pass because of an earlier accident in Santa Clarita on the 5 freeway northbound just past the 14 freeway interchange it has cleared out of the way but traffic remains residually slow 710 freeway northbound at Firestone Boulevard in accidents been reported there in the left lane in traffic so really stop and go from the one of 5 freeway your Griffith Park 5 freeway south and a list Fearless will of articulation clearing the traffic is heavy and in Burbank 5 north end of way to Vista Street a crash with the right lane blocked there you're looking at lots of slow going beginning at about Burbank Boulevard I'm Richard Turnage Doc Radio $790.00 k. a b C The National. If you have really big gaps cracks to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite type phone big gaps insulating foam seal it with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your. Graphs moisture and pest with Loctite type full big gaps exclusively the Home Depot more saving more doing us only store for details. Ever wonder why Europeans seem to speak so many languages maybe it's because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe battles award winning technology gets you speaking right away whether you're learning Spanish French or German and best of all you'll remember what you've learned I always thought I was bad at languages but after using Babel I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way using babbles 10 to 15 minute lessons you can be speaking confidently in your new language within weeks I was amazed that I could start having real life conversations right away with so fast now I'm speaking that is. No wonder babble is the number one selling language learning app in Europe try it for yourself and see why babble is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish French or more you can try Babel for free download the app or text vocab 248-4848 text vocab 24848482 try Babel for free that's the o.c. a B. 248-4848 any when. This is a guided meditation on parenting. Take this time to breathe deeply close your eyes right now your completely and control. Unlike the time you and your son played basketball and you attempted to slam dunk or when you tried removing those raccoons from the basement concentrate on the soothing sound of my voice release the memory of when you wrestled with that beehive in your son's treehouse let go of the time you thought that skunk was a cat or when you pulled into the garage with your son's bike on top of the car deep breaths. Breaths you don't have to be perfect to be perfect parent there are thousands of teens in foster care who don't need perfection they need you for more information on how you can adopt visit adopt us kids dot org a public service announcement from the u.s. Department of Health and Human Services adopt us kids and the Ad Council messaging data rates may apply individual results may vary the website for details. But hey I'm buying a huge flat screen t.v. 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Had trouble with your wax or the problem becomes more common as you get older and it can have a serious impact on your life in addition to hearing loss it can also perpetuate a ringing in your ears or even Vertigo which can increase the chances of falling for the elderly our partners a Kaiser Health News report a connection between hearing loss in cognitive decline if you speak to people who work in nursing homes they'll tell you impacted you know x. Can be a particular problem for patients with the mention that exacerbates hearing loss which can p. Communication and worsen aggression and other difficult behaviors do it yourself your wax removal can be dangerous but being able to hear properly is important any good doctor should be able to help clean out your connect I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life. If you have really big gaps in cracks to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite type phone big gaps insulating foam seal it with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your draft moisture and pests with Loctite type foam big gaps exclusively the Home Depot more saving more doing us only store for details. Lauren just to finish up on the Emmys as you watch Yeah I did I had to I did too I thought it was cute and fun and you know I liked all the Saturday Night Live stuff I had one sort of take the Nokia Theater seem too big to me I like that they filled it up with huge trains have I dug that but man I mean putting they don't each each winner put 30 people on stage with a title dog but it just seems so big the results show many shows there are no i don't need a streaming and video on demand and. Many categories in so many shows it's much bigger than the ask that's the other thing about the Emmys I mean yes they had records of ratings this year but not nearly as falling as. Big a drop as the Oscars of the Grammys and I think it's because people actually watch the shows and I also think that I mean before they used to watch I don't watch the Emmys are to me No no I'm saying people are watching more t.v. Now than ever they're definitely watching these shows shows you know how to tell about those movies that when he passes that nobody Yes I totally agree with you without. Ever wonder why Europeans seem to speak so many languages maybe it's because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe babbles award winning technology gets you speaking right away whether you're learning Spanish French or German and best of all you'll remember what you've learned I always thought I was better at languages but after using I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way using babbles 10 to 15 minute lessons you can be speaking confidently in your new language within weeks I was amazed that I could start having real life conversations right away with so fast now I'm speaking for that is. No wonder Babel is the number one selling language learning app in Europe try it for yourself and see why babble is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish or French or more you can try Babel for free download the app or text vocab 248-4848 text vocab 24848482 try Babel for free that's the o.c.a. Be for 8 for 8 for 8 wide pay taxes if you're just tons of taxes on small cap you think of the vendors what are they so they're selling like hot dogs and bacon and fruit cups maybe some corn if that's all you know I don't know any other business that is really head to head with let me tell you look the one that that I look at is flowers all along and it's a quality thing pure flour they're great flowers in a day I bought on my own I had happily buying their flowers all along the Forest Lawn people selling flowers and at the end of Forest Lawn is a business that sells flowers Hollywood flowers and they have employees and they have property taxes on their video shown there and they're getting killed there in about. Business there have been and all those employees will lose their job and the rents going to die and so I fire a holler flowers or sky was one area you know out there in the street just do it out there let's just let's not pay all the taxes while the other we're flying them in jail for assault that doesn't seem right terrible However you're right if you're a small business you know what you're in it for you to play the right good further on this conversation we've been having today for about what you feel about the judge Kavanagh's accuser Barry White who is a reporter for The New York Times probably a well known reporter because she is so often but her quote here is what about the deeper moral cultural like the ethical questions here let's say he did this exactly as she said she the fact that a 17 year old presumably very drunk kid did this should this be disqualifying that's important and there's even another layer to it too which is at that point in history when things were very different the culture was very right where young males are being encouraged to be young females are being encouraged to pay behave like this and it what do we do with that I really think so much of the. The feelings that are being generated by the movement today is because of all the misconduct of appropriation of people's more sort of healthier impulses and they were all sort of set sideways for a long long time I was reading something about Ken Starr's. History would Proposition 8 and he said essentially that rights are important but they don't go to structure rights are all to believe defined by the people so what's Prop 8 Prop 8 was that anti gay marriage yeah get emerging and I think he was for it it's all you know for me what he was doing and what was wrong but he this quote is his. And I don't know that I agree with their rights are important but they don't go to structure rights are all to believe defined by the people in our Constitution based on the idea that rights are something we have an alley of all right that they're out there somewhere that we can access the rational thought about why you sort of ran country grants it's way different granted by God and whatever. That they're not granted by the. Us We the people are the ones that create the Constitution that's maybe I'll have him explain Yeah that was a challenging comment he made. Hey over here. Whacked right here on the side of the House who said that look down I'm right at your feet who are they the basketball yes the basketball right down here where the kids left me a long time ago and you know how lonely it is being a ball and not being able to bounce or roll excuse me remember what you got me for the kids you said now kids you have no excuse not to go outside and play. Ole Miss flying through the year and hearing the shouts of joy when I switched to the basket where you say could you give me a little lair her mind the kids of how fun I still am Ok oh wow you are flat easy I'm ticklish. As Native American parents and caregivers are encouragement to healthy lifestyles markets is helping them get outside and play good ideas get em far going at let's move that Slash Indian country by u.s.d.a. H.h.s. And the Ad Council. If you have really big gaps to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite type phone big gaps insulating foam seal it with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches and pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your draft moisture and with big gaps exclusively. For saving or doing us only store for details. Please. Ever wonder why Europeans seem to speak so many languages maybe it's because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe babbles award winning technology gets you speaking right away whether you're learning Spanish French or German and best of all you'll remember what you've learned Iowa. But after using tell you I was just using 15 minutes you can be speaking. Within weeks I was amazed that I could start having real life conversations with so fast now I'm speaking standing is. No one is the number one selling language learning. For Yourself is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish French. 484848 text vocab 24848482. Be 488. It's a documentary on the unprecedented. In the 20. 2 days. This year. But a real life. Story begins with a lot of credit card debt and I heard. I. If you're in and you need. To buy when I 1st called I was a little embarrassed and kind of ashamed and I looked at the numbers and I saw how quickly that astronomical debt that was in my life. Easy to manage monthly payment. Possibly improve your credit score you'll save what I would tell please pick up the phone and. Let them put together a program and see how. And easy it is to pay off your debt Trinity 180748205. 807-4182. The teacher down in Florida Port St Lucie Florida claims that she was fired for refusing to give a student partial credit for work that was never handed in. His her name she's been teaching for more than 17 years and she works at the Westgate school which is k. Through 8th grade and this year is an 8th grade social studies teacher and she says that she gave her students 2 weeks to complete an explorer's notebook project some of them didn't turn it in now here's what's ridiculous the school has a No 0 grading policy. Written in red in the school's handbook it states no zeroes the lowest possible grade is 50 percent so you can literally not do you work and coast with a 50 and that's what she was expected to do when she didn't do it she gave the kids who did not hand in the Assignment 0 Yeah because you didn't do anything that is a 0 and she was fired. Ms says if there's nothing to grade how can I give somebody a 50 percent yeah you'd end up the work you did there with the work that's what teaching is right you're setting up children to learn so when they get out of school that when they get a job if you don't show up for a job you don't get paid you don't get half your paycheck for not showing up is that correct if I don't show up for a job do I get half my paycheck this is how this is even worse than the participation trophies our participation trophy at least you participated in didn't . Do anything yet 2 weeks to do your job. This is you know what this is very much like. Think about it like I wasn't here Monday or Tuesday and I got 100 percent. Pay no one's a part in your town let's think about it though 100 percent the money penny and I didn't come here to MacIntyre in the morning weekdays 5 to 10. Better Life with Dr Sanjay Gupta It's been a while since we've talked about football and concussions I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent to their credit the n.f.l. Is taking some steps to address its concussion crisis but we've still got a long way to go to making football safer games nowhere is this more important than in youth football because kids' brains are still developing if you can believe it until now there were really no guidelines on treating children with concussions the c.d.c. Says its new recommendations will provide doctors with the tools they need to ensure the best outcomes for their young patients among the key recommendations understand that symptoms will be different for kids of different ages assess not just immediate risk factors but also those for long term recovery and make sure parents and patients are given clear instructions on Rast as well as when and how to return to normal activity I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life. K b c News Live and Local at 830 I'm Liz Warner of the l.a. Fire department says firefighters are battling a fire in a one story single family home on the 5600 block of Lexington Avenue in Hollywood a 2nd former staffer for l.a. City councilman Jose wheeze r. Is suing the city for alleged retaliation after complaining of an ethical behavior Pauline Medina says she was punished for complaining about we as are having an extramarital affair with a staff aide and also about a lack of boundaries in the workplace the councilman called Medina a disgruntled former employee and says the lawsuit is full of misrepresentations Medina's allegations mere similar complaints are raised by another former staffer who has also filed a lawsuit James 0 hoss Kavi seen a noose detectives have arrested a suspect in the death of a woman whose body was found in a dumpster at a condominium complex in Anaheim as he attempted to leave the country. 28 was taken into custody at l.a.x. On suspicion of killing Tejano the levy whom he'd been dating al-Hassan had just completed check in for a flight yesterday afternoon to Jordan according to Anaheim Police Sergeant Darren Wyatt the suspect had significant belongings on him and was regarded as a flight risk Talk Radio 798 b.c. Sports. The Clippers lost to the 76 years today 113 to 122 The Kings are hosting the Philadelphia Flyers right now that games on the ice now the ducks hosted the New York Rangers tonight also underway and San Francisco is hosting Oakland in a Bay Area showdown on Thursday night football that's sports on 790 k. A.b.c. Traffic weather and more of our American stories will leave Habeeb next k b c news time 832. If you have really big gaps and cracks to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite type phone big gaps insulating foam sealant with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your draft moisture and pests with locked tight tight foam big gaps exclusively the Home Depot more saving more doing us only store for details. Please note that the Dr ever wonder why Europeans seem to speak so many languages maybe it's because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe battles award winning technology gets you speaking right away whether you're learning Spanish French or German and best of all you'll remember what you've learned I always thought I was bad at languages but after using Babel I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way using babbles 10 to 15 minute lessons you can be speaking confidently in your new language within weeks I was amazed that I could start having real life conversations right away it was so fast now I'm speaking from that is. No wonder babble is the number one selling language learning app in Europe try it for yourself and see why babble is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish French or more you can try Babel for free download the app or text vocab 248-4848 text vocab 24848482 try Babel for free that's the o.c. . To for 8 for 8 for 8 our veterans who are there for you every day to ensure our way of life let them know we care joining me as a proud supporter of our veterans Hi this is Joe Montana I'm on the 100th anniversary of Veterans Day help no vets alone improve the lives of those who have served our country please show your support and give back a little to those who give us so much text that v. 280-8882 choose your donation amount message and data rates may apply the National Debt Why pay taxes if you're just tons of taxes on small cap you think of the vendors what are they so they're selling like hot dogs and bacon and fruit cups maybe some corn if that's all you know I don't know what other business that is really head to head with let me tell you look at one that that I look at is ours flowers all along but again it's a quality thing beautiful flower they're great flowers or in a day I bottom I don't have happily buying their flowers all along the Forest Lawn all gone for a lot of people selling flowers at the end of Forest Lawn is a business that sells flowers Hollywood flowers and they have employees and they have property taxes and they're very emotional and they have about and they're getting killed there in about a business there have been and all those employees go lose their job in the rents going to die and so I fire a Hollywood Florida because we were very good out there in the street just do it out there let's just let's not pay all the taxes that other we're throwing them in jail for assault that doesn't seem right terrible However you're right if you're a small business if you know what you're in it for you to get to places to write. A p.c. So Cal whether sunny and warm tomorrow highs around 80 at the beaches of radius downtown and 90 in the valleys 72 minutes you know it's 66 in the Hunton beach and 67 in downtown l.a. Of course you'll vote November 6th then count on smart election coverage with John Phillips and Lawrence of on to break it all down I'm Liz Warner new. This is our American stories then we return to the city of New Orleans on a side note here is my favorite American city my wife and I go there regularly we broadcast here in Oxford Mississippi not very far drive away Moreover we were married there that's how much we love the city got married there and loved to go and eat there and listen to music there now let's return to Jesse and more of the story. The population of the city doubled in the 1830s with an influx of settlers $840.00 have become the wealthiest and 3rd most populous city in the nation at $102000.00 early in the Civil War New Orleans was captured by the union without a nonprofit organization Preservation Hall continues their mission cornerstone of New Orleans music culture. The bass player the upright bass and that's where with the band. Runs this place his parents were founding members I look so. High in the areas that are responsible for this music people like you know and most Armstrong and. These musicians that. We're creating something new it's. Part of the tradition that we're part. Of and the responsibility we have to keep the tradition alive and. New. You know a foot in the past and you know how looking towards the future since it's opening day in 1961 millions of people walked through this hall including presidents prime ministers movie stars and rock. Newman and Steve McQueen a film scenes at the hall. Called it sacred ground Louis Armstrong himself said of Preservation Hall that's where you'll find all the greats. We so often hear him sing Let's listen to the Master from New Orleans speech I play in a symphony orchestra in 1905 for the silent pictures we played everything you hear the big August is played. Right down and in the bend to Chicago. And we change programs tries a week. With movies. And with play all over and sure. Then we go into the jazz quite nicely as all that in there but still a lot of experience in their. Legal minds have to come in with the Jazz Chorus or whatever dead but with relevant your face as the expense that way it will tell whether or not that out of date 2 weeks. Since then. Because that was issued 2 miles on and everything went with it. Wasn't much different divisions of the measures nor that they did in a few more inches 34 time before time. Travel a time to say. So everything been done before nothing new but I listened to the best of views a. Which is just plain music. Was playing a prominent and specially musician there ruined music musician trying to play but bam Jordan same bass you are against. And need a get in the damn guts. To get it on and be there people that appreciate like one who is just a cave to until you hear. Your call I hit musician and ask them to play and you know you have to tone the play or an hour of you don't blow your brains out that's what growing a lot of musicians really is Andrew and he is it. John appeased other musicians that he can't they're not going to have. You bet your life. But I was more live trying to raise the kids standing there were there on school and were working here but. There is some very young drum but. Then one that you think is the creator. You know there were no kids you know. Jazz in New Orleans go hand in hand people love it there are one from a citizen of the city of like jazz a little too much known is the action in New Orleans. As the killer's name implies the victims were actually attacked. He killed 6 and injured 12 but the actual news never Coloradoan for his crime spree stock as he still. Has it it started. A March 13th 1990 a letter from the X.-Man was published in newspapers saying that he would kill again but would spare the occupants of any place where a jazz band was playing. Now to be exact at $1215.00 s e time. On Tuesday next I'm going to pass out. In my ain finning I'm going to make a little proposition to you paper. And verify jazz music and ass where all the devils in the name of the regent if it passes shall be spanned in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I mentioned. It at the jazz band going west so much the better for young people. One thing he said and that he's that. Some of ya people who do not Jackson Tuesday night a stampede. That night all of New Orleans dance halls were filled to capacity with jazz parties at hundreds of houses around town the horror then came to an abrupt end. And no one would ever learn the identity of the back. Story of New Orleans continues when we return here on our American story. To hear everything that we do on our American stories visit us online and our American Network dot org. Belongs way. You might still clear all seem. To be on. Good. Ground. listen online at our American Network dot org I hope you join the camp fire and call in with your stories you hear a lot about Hillsdale College here in our American stories it is a special place where students study all the things that matter in life all the things that are beautiful in life history philosophy literature the Constitution and much more if you can't get to Hillsdale Hillsdale can come to you with their terrific online courses go to Hillsdale dot edu to learn more the courses are free the lessons are priceless and a perfect summer education go to Hillsdale dot edu and sign up now. If you have really big gaps in cracks to fill the Home Depot is really big news introducing new loctite type phone big gaps insulating foam seal it with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your draft moisture and pests with big gaps exclusively at the Home Depot more saving for doing us only store for details. Ever wonder why Europeans seem to speak so many languages maybe it's because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe battles award winning technology gets you speaking right away whether you're learning Spanish French or German and best of all you'll remember what you've learned I always thought I was better at languages but after using Babel I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way using babbles 10 to 15 minute lessons you can be speaking confidently in your new language within weeks I was amazed that I could start having real life conversations right away with so fast now I'm speaking Stannis. No wonder Babel is the number one selling language learning app in Europe triumphed . Yourself and see why babble is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish or French or more you can try Babel for free download the app or text vocab 248-4848 text vocab 24848482 try Babel for free that's the o.c. 848-4848 mission. Get further in this conversation we've been having today of about what you feel about the judge Kavanagh's accuser Barry White who is a reporter for The New York Times probably a well known reporter because she. Often but her quote here is what about the deeper moral cultural like the ethical questions here let's say he did this exactly as she said to the fact that a 17 year old presumably very drunk kid did this should this be disqualifying that's important yes and there's even another layer to it too which is at that point in history when things were very different the culture was very right when young males are being recruited parents to behave young females are being encouraged to pay behave like this and it what do we do with that I really think so much of the. The feelings that are being generated by the movement today is because of all the misconduct of Miss appropriation of people's more sort of healthier impulses and they were all sort of set sideways for a long long time. Friend your station Hi I'd like to report a bear sighting as in Smokey Bear we were about to head home after a bonfire and Smokey said the fire was actually out he said it's too hot to touch it's too hot to leave Did you know that 9 out of 10 wildfires are caused by humans no kidding I'm a forest ranger We never kid sorry if you see someone in danger of starting a wildfire step in and make a difference brought to you by the us for service or state forest or in the Ad Council learn more Smokey Bear dot com. Can prevent. I was reading something about Ken Starr's. History with Proposition 8. And he said essentially that rights are important but they don't go to structure rights are all to believe defined by the people so what's Prop 8 Prop 8 was that anti gay marriage yeah get emerging and I think he was for it so you know for me what he was doing and what was wrong about this quote is his and I don't know that I agree with their rights are important but they don't go to structure rights are all to believe defined by the people. Is our Constitution based on the idea that rights are something we have an alley of all right there out there somewhere that we can access the rational thought and that's why you sort of branch country Iran's that's what different granted by God and whatever that they're not granted by the. Us We the people were the ones that create the Constitution that's maybe I'll have him explain Yeah that was a challenging comment he made. Radios with. You talking about his new book he was he is talking about all the things I've been through movies. And step in the field of all of these and 3 of them I don't know quite well and. Gary Busey the radio. You get your kid from the Westwood One podcast network. The other dehumanizing integrating part of flying is going through t.s.a. And apparently airport security trays you have to stick your stuff and when going through t.s.a. They carry more germs then a toilet no actually they studied everything in airports and they found out everything is covered with germs like the hand rails that you use the trays that you use it t.s.a. Like everything you touch is filthy except the toilets the toilets are actually. Part of the airport I'm well there's the hot traveling tip and you traveled have to wear out in the bathroom. And eat off the toilet. I'm now one of those people that every time I get on a flight I bring Clorox wipes and down every surface that I will touch like it's much much to the growing of whoever's sitting next to me but that's a doctor to tell me to do and that the only way to keep yourself germ free in some kind of capacity but now I feel like I need to just wear gloves and a ski mask all the time right in an airport or yeah I mean travel in a bubble maybe I don't know where all gross I mean people just don't wash their hands everything's gross but apparently it's not just germs that they're finding at airports it's the actual viruses like these respiratory viruses that are out in about an airborne in some cases. If you have really big gaps and cracks to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite type foam big gaps insulating foam seal it with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your draft moisture and pest with Loctite type foam big gaps exclusively the Home Depot more saving more doing us only store for details. Better Life Dr Sanjay Gupta It's been a while since we talked about football and concussions and Dr Sanjay Gupta C.N.N.'s chief medical correspondent to their credit the n.f.l. Is taking some steps to address its concussion crisis but we've still got a long way to go to making football safer games nowhere is this more important than in youth football because kids' brains are still developing if you can believe it until now there were really no guidelines on treating children with concussions the c.d.c. Says its new recommendations will provide doctors with the tools they need to ensure the best outcomes for their young patients among the key recommendations understand that symptoms will be different for kids of different ages assess not just immediate risk factors but also those for long term recovery and make sure parents and patients are given clear instructions on rest as well as when and how to return to normal activity I'm Dr Sanjay Gupta helping you live a better life. Ever wonder why Europeans seem to speak so many languages maybe it's because they use Babel The number one selling language learning app in Europe battles award winning technology gets you speaking right away whether you're learning Spanish French or German and best of all you'll remember what you've learned I always thought I was better at languages but after using I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way using babbles 10 to 15 minute lessons you can be speaking confidently in your new language within weeks I was amazed that I could start having real life conversations right away with so fast now I'm speaking that is. No wonder babble is the number one selling language learning app in Europe trying for yourself and see why babble is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish French or more you can try Babel for free download the app or text vocab 248-4848 text vocab 24848482 try Babel for free that's the o.c.a. Be for 8 for 8 for 8 messaging data rates may have individual results may vary the website for details. But hey I'm buying a huge flat screen t.v. So I can finally see it without my glasses Why not just get racing at the Lasik this means to you that's what I'm doing my glasses and contacts are a pain I'd love to finally get rid of these but who can afford Lasik you can because the basic vision Institute is offering dramatically low prices and an absolutely free consultation just text clear 992350350 The Lasik vision Institute has already performed over a 1000000 procedures they use the latest f.d.a. Approved lasik technology that helps the majority of patients achieve 2020 vision for a fraction of what others charge better vision better value the Lasik vision Institute make this the year you finally get Lasik for a free consultation plus an extra 20 percent discount clear 992350350 you'll see for free if Lasik is right for you that c l e a r 992350. 50 how of your Federal Express are you p.s. Are you now an Amazon delivery driver how do you get there in time and that's got to be the most stressful job in the world they gave an example in the l.a. Times about one driver is 38 drives for a transportation company a local courier company in Inglewood that delivers packages for Amazon this person starts their day with listen how many boxes 260 and they have to drop off at 200 different addresses across up to 80 miles in Southern California so in the morning they load up with gas and then hit one home every 2 minutes how is that even conceivably possible in Los Angeles and that supposedly failing to deliver even one package is not an option because you get pushed back the problem here is they're saying they're not independent contractors Amazon is saying they are but unlike her where you pick your own schedule and drive when you want to hear you have to deliver 260 boxes I don't know how you do it there's a new scam done in the Venice area a person or persons targets wealthy folks by the cars they drive where there's a Lexus or Mercedes hyun car and as you're turning rise right in front your car takes the hit on of his wearing pads or not underneath his pants or whatever gets up comes to your car and says let's give me your insurance I want to file the insurance right now or if you have cash I'll settle right now because I think I hurt my back etc and he's done it 12 to 15 times and I understand the scam it happening in other cities where again it's easy to target a high in car easy to get hit slowly and claim a clip you maybe you're not looking so he goes on the right side your car and start screaming you know that Lee had him just what you take out the coin you give the guy theft your 100 bucks and they go away so now you've got Souter scams happening but it's getting to be nuts people are people are really hating the stupid things they're sites all over now and I forgot all of the different names where they are reveling in the fact that they're trashing these things to the point that they're doing illegal things or vandalizing. Yes showing it because nobody's enforcing it. If you have really big gaps in cracks to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite type phone big gaps insulating foam seal it with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your drafts moisture and pests with big gaps exclusively the Home Depot more saving more doing us only store for details. Hi Ali I might be undefeated in professional boxing but there's one problem even I can't buy it alone childhood hunger over 17000000 kids in America may not know where their next meal is coming from that's one in 5 children yet billions of pounds of surplus food produced right here in America just get thrown out every year that's more than enough to feed every last hungry child. That's why the Feeding America nationwide network of food banks gather surplus food and get it to hungry kids before it goes to waste but they can do it without your help join me in supporting Feeding America and your local food bank by going to Feeding America or Together we can knock out hunger together we're feeding America. To help solve hunger in your community and to find your local food bank visit Feeding America dot org brought to you by feeding America and the Ad Council. A b c News Live and Local at 9 o'clock I'm Liz Warner it appears President Trump is planning on naming Heather Nauert to replace Nikki Haley as the brand new u.n. Ambassador now or is a former Fox News broadcaster who's been working for the State Department a.b.c. News says it's unclear if NAUERT has accepted the job Haley announced last month she would leave the position at the end of this year and a new. Appointee would need to be confirmed by the u.s. Senate and whoever driver is behind bars for allegedly trying to kidnap customers in Santa Monica Santa Monica Police Lieutenant Saul Rodriguez says they got a call last night from a woman is stating her driver was armed with a gun and refusing to stop and let her out police received a similar reports from other women that same night at some point during the pursuit those victims were able to jump out of the car while the car was moving police found the car chase did and the driver eventually stopped and was taken into custody the 35 year old who was booked on suspicion of kidnapping and felony of beating arrest James Rojas n.b.c. News Radio 4 alleged members of a militant Southern California white supremacist group were indicted by a federal grand jury today for allegedly inciting violence against counter protesters journalists and a police officer at political rallies in California in Charlottesville Virginia the 4 defendants are scheduled to be arraigned on the indictment later this month starting with one of them November the night gubernatorial candidate for California John Cox is visiting Santa Barbara in the final days leading up to Election Day He began his help is on the way bus trip to in Sacramento this morning and expects to speak with people at Stearns wharf his visit is being hosted by the Santa Barbara County Republican Party a man is suspected of burglaries in Malibu and Calabasas and he's going to be staying in jail while longer Anthony Rohde disrupted a hearing in court today. You know the you don't have the right to speak. In various maybe you're no no you don't know what it was that I. Wrote it didn't show up as scheduled in the morning and in the afternoon session he wanted the judge to fire his public defender the judge refused and the hearing was cut off when Rhoda began banging on his holding cell he said to appear again later this month and he's being held without bail. Talk Radio 790 k. AC d.c. Sports The Clippers lost to the 76 years today 13122 the l.a. Kings are hosting the Philadelphia Flyers tonight that game is ongoing the ducks are playing the Rangers tonight that game is also underway San Francisco's hosting Oakland in a Bay Area showdown on Thursday night football that sports on 7. News time is 9 o 2 with dependable traffic when you need it most right around town very busy this evening and got a lot of slowing as you had southbound to downtown l.a. On the Hollywood Freeway starting right around Santa Monica Boulevard and it's also busy on the eastbound Santa Monica Freeway between and I just passed the 110 also South 5 through the 110 freeway in the sixty's the laser fairly heavy in fact the southbound Hollywood freeway from Santa Monica Boulevard all the way to the 5 are going to be on the brakes and then there's a 3 car wreck on the 5 south. Split So that's in the left lane that's affecting all these freeways and in Santa Clarita side of the northbound side of the 5. We've got a wreck that's only left the left lane open so the backup is really solid to Rockford street you're talking about slow speeds under 10 miles per hour so that with your patience has dependable traffic when you need it most Talk Radio 790. Whether it's going to be mostly clear tonight with lows in the mid fifty's to the mid sixty's to be sunny and warm or tomorrow with highs around 80. Downtown and around 90 in the valleys it's 67 and down 69 in like forest and 70 in Sun Valley Of course you'll vote on November 6th then count on smart election coverage with John Phillips and Lawrence of to break it all down I'm Liz Warner a.b.c. News. Ever wonder why Europeans seem to speak so many languages maybe it's because they use Babel. The number one selling language learning app in Europe battles award winning technology gets you speaking right away whether you're learning Spanish French or German and best of all you'll remember what you've learned I always thought I was bad at languages but after using I can tell you I was just taught the wrong way using babbles 10 to 15 minute lessons you can be speaking confidently in your new language within weeks I was amazed that I could start having real life conversations right away with so fast now I'm speaking that is. No wonder babble is the number one selling language learning app in Europe try it for yourself and see why babble is the quick way to get conversational in a new language like Spanish French or more you can try Babel for free download the app or text vocab 248-4848 text vocab 24848482 try Babel for free that's the o.c.a. Be for 8 for 8 for 8. The National. If you have really big gaps and cracks to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite type foam big gaps insulating foam sealant with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it will fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your draft moisture and with big gaps exclusively the Home Depot more saving more doing us only store for details. Ladies and gentlemen this I find fascinating and it's not a huge study it's come from something called the Rudd Center for Food Policy obesity at the University of Connecticut they polled roughly 800 parents in 20101316 regarding what they had ordered from the nation's 4 largest fast food chains McDonald's Burger King Wendy's and subway for their kids ages 2 through 11 in the past 7 days and in a result 91 percent of respondents said they had bought lunch or dinner for their child from one of the fast food eateries.

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