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Brant and this I book I'm pretty sure I'm not misremembering this or inventing this I'm pretty sure somebody once got shot doing one of these things Cod because they didn't you know people just ran into people who are running around with guns and they're using squibs and it looks like it looks like they're there's a gun battle going on the street and look it's one thing one when you know when I was a model used to run out and try to do a little photo shoot and you even need permits to do photo shoots a lot Thankfully yes yes and not just you know if you try to do it at the beach look there are hounding you all the time they come up to you have a permit to do this photo chain you're like look I'm just testing for my book and they would let you do it right but when you're running around with fake a k $47.00 s. Come on and there's a get of the freakin permit me I worked on a series where the entire b. Unit was shot with no permits and it was just driving up and down Ventura Boulevard and if that's all different some place that was interesting. Made run in and throw the kid working in the store 20 dollar bill shoot the scene and hop back in a minute he'd going a little different what offends me is how played this is machine guns in a rat music video all it's so amazing I haven't seen that a 1000000000 times. Let's go check roads we've seen this a 1000000000 dimes happens every day where's today's disaster Bill Thomas today's disaster deductions you asses on the Hollywood freeway I was just watching the pictures on the one I want northbound Santa Monica Boulevard off ramp to 3 left lanes are taken without both my car pileup for now there are that he got by one at a time in the far right lane one northbound and then related to that crash on the one southbound there holding the far left lane so into or out of Hollywood it's a mess on the one I want surface streets if you can at the San Fernando Valley southbound on the 4 o 5 is right by Mulholland we have the cocked out m.t.a. Bus the carpooling shut down there the back of his growing and growing now from Moscow Boulevard out of the north end of the San Fernando Valley and back into the open empire we have that wreck on the Riverside Freeway 91 West at the Lincoln off of the trying to clear that off to the right side I'm watching the back up out of Riverside and I just heard about this one our car fire on the 15 freeway southbound is right by the 210 in Rancho Cucamonga the think of the big rig with the back wheels on fire and wait for the size at the see if they have any of the right ones taken away there again at southbound on the 15th all the k.p.c. Have to pedal traffic when you need it most next report a 25 Bill Thomas Talk Radio 7 idea. Let's just see how far I can get into the story before I get deigned by Mr McIntyre over there so the fall out is still going on from the World Series and now the Red Sox in an extent. All right President Trump is eager to keep voters focused on illegal immigration in the lead up to the midterm elections and has stepped up his dire warnings about the migrant caravans heading toward the u.s. Saying there's quote an invasion of our country the number of u.s. Troops Trump ascending to the Us Mexico border is more than double the number of troops who are fighting the Islamic state group in Syria some 5200 troops are headed to the southwest border Well the again we've been covering this as the caravan got closer and the last time it was a caravan in the time before that and we'll keep covering it as more caravans come to the border that it makes perfect sense for peace. Bill who are migrating north to come in large groups because it's safer it cuts the coyotes out of the equation . And they get a nice gentle breeze to their back from a sympathetic media but what it also highlights is the magnitude of the problem that we've had for decades that this happens every week in the United States every single week thousands of people come across the border and many many more come through airports and the airport situation I know the president made these controversial statements about terrorist commingled and that is certainly possible with thousands of o.t.m. Says the immigration enforcement calls that other than Mexicans are caught from all over the world including Tunisia from Libya from Italy from all over the world but the real problem of course is that folks can fly into the United States on a student visa tourism visa or with no visa of any kind from anywhere in the world you change planes in London you fly into an international airport and then you just never check out and no one goes looking for you when you even do about that well listen you know somebody tried to use my debit card yesterday for a dollar you know they you do it Ok it's high yeah yeah yeah and b. Of a was able to immediately notify me and put a freeze on the account and it's a hassle because now I have to go get new cards you know like the 8th time this year but the bottom line is instantaneously the credit card companies and the banks were able to police that we could have. A travel documents that lights up the same way an a.t.m. Card does tronic pass or yes there's a lot of ways there's a lot of ways to do it we don't want to do it because the system is being job by people who are sides it's actually who are benefiting from this and we've discussed that for decades and that's the problem it's not that we lack the method we lack the will and right now Bowl. Sides believe that the immigration issue breaks in their favor politically so this is as true for the Republicans and for the president as is for the Democrats both sides believe that this issue is too good to cure before the midterms and the sad reality is and this is you know maybe my cynicism after spending so many years covering this issue that the Remember the presidential race for 2020 begins the 2nd the polls close next Tuesday we don't get a breather No we don't and frankly the campaign is already begun but even hell dogs talking about running it will kick into high gear it'll kick into high gear the minute the polls and then guess what the immigration issue will could be considered too valuable for 2020 to have solved in 2019 there's always an excuse and that's a good problem you know and it's a real problem because this is a solvable problem and we could clear up all of these issues like the Dream Act kids etc etc but we apparently would rather just have this stay says that does nothing at all for the country or for the people who already year the Food and Drug Administration is considering requiring sesame to be listed on food labels as an allergy causing food correspondent Linda Kenyon has details the f.d.a. Has requested detailed information about sesame seeds did a growing concerns about allergies presently sesame seeds are not among the major allergens that are required to be disclosed on food labels allergy labeling is required for milk eggs fish shellfish Trina it's peanuts wheat and soy beans. You know I don't understand this I really don't I mean it's obvious it's a real thing but I don't understand how we became allergic. In such great numbers to so many natural foods. When we just mean again the peanut allergy is such a head scratcher we. Grew up in a surrounded by a sea of peanut butter I mean you know everybody every kid I went to kindergarten through you know peanut butter and jelly wrapped up in a lie Saran dockage is yeah we had peanut butter breath every one of us grew up in the priests and the world I wonder now that's a problem see that's my question and I don't know enough about the science to answer the question I'm not sure that scientists have an answer but there's got to be something we've done environmentally that is making so many people so hyper sensitive you know you see these hyper allogeneic you know there are hotels that that actual advertising in the room is how you're Alexander get there are we making our environment pure that we have lost our natural end of Barney's to be talked about like the boys in the bubbles and versus the kids that have played in eating dirt have played in the bud and outside all the time and they're less sick and they're more healthy than the kids that are always washing their hands and I mean there's something to washing your hands and not getting sick but the kids that are always clean and sterile all the time seem to get sick more often and yeah it's weird but you know when I had a baby and they're like oh careful don't give your baby any peanut products or peanut butter and I'm like really but they did knock that down a little bit and they're like you can give your kid or try your kid on a little bit of peanut butter and see if they're allergic they've lessen that a little bit because I'm like what happened when nobody was worried about me getting peanut butter when I was a baby you know and there's. You know I got a jar of honey on the desk in there and it's got those warnings never give honey to a child under one and there are some things that you know I get but I'm talking about adults that all of a sudden you they have not allergies that kills them yet closes up their breathing passages my best friend Brandy who's been here with me. She has eaten and not before swelled up and she had to be rushed to the hospital same thing it's just a certain kind of weird not from a not I know this is worrying because now they come after the sesame seeds they're going to go after my Big Macs We are halfway through our 1st 30 minute nonstop news blitz of the day as you know this morning we had a conversation with Rabbi Abraham Cooper who is the associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center all of this in the aftermath of that attack horrible attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh and the rising level of hate and people acting on that in modern America and specifically anti-Semitism joining us right now to talk about this after his powerful reaction to this event is the mayor of the city of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti Good morning Mr Mayor how are you I'm Ok And thank you so much sir for doing this program well appreciated coming on. I've been I've known you for quite a few years and you as a general rule keep your emotions in check in talking about public policy and in terms of even when tragedy Well I don't want to use the word tragedy because this is an atrocity to me a tragedy is an accident and this wasn't an accident but this really hit home to you and you were very emotional very unusual. It hit me incredibly hard I mean this whole week pipe bombs being sent to folks and then to African-Americans hunted down by somebody looking for black people to kill and then as a Jew I'm the 1st elected Jewish mayor of the city of Los Angeles and I just you know the most basic things we do go shopping or ship live our lives now we're looking over our shoulders and it was a moment which every said don't get political and I certainly don't think we should get partisan but I said you know at this moment we've got to stop this hate we've got to stop this language it's got to stop this violence we've got to stop these threats and here in the 3rd largest Jewish city in the world you know it was important I think for us to come together with folks that we've been there for our Muslim allies and African-Americans and Christians who in churches and mosques and you know other folks have been attacked we've always stood with them as Jews it was a very depressing moment but a very uplifting moment to see in this city and around the country people say everybody belongs here and we've got to stop this we've got to cut it off. It's astonishing to think actually that in October of 2018 this nation suffered the worst attack on Jews in our history because we like to believe anyway that we've grown and moved past the historic anti-Semitism that's actually lesser in the United States and almost every corner of the world going back to George Washington's letter to the synagogue in Newport Rhode Island in the $790.00 s. But the reality is is that the Internet and the geist if you will have brought hate inside the into the into the front burner in ways that were not possible pre digital connectivity and that's something we just have to deal with that it is possible for haters to find each other and to organize and to. Reinforce their toxic beliefs in ways that in the old days in the in the analog days were you know was really a tough spot to find fellow travelers Absolutely and you know you had to find somebody who might have had a book of conspiracy like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion Now you can find your fellow haters RINGBACK quickly and you know anti-Semitism like a lot of forms of prejudice doesn't ever really go away it just adds and flows and it might feel new but this is an old and poisonous well and I think anybody's Jewish knows it well that African-American friend who said you know this is what we live with every single day and maybe you know Jews I think I don't know a Jew who has a picture at some point oh my gosh what what would happen if this synagogue was attacked and then it suddenly did happen which only reinforces that you're raised to be careful and you know I think for all of us when we look at the scapegoating that's going on when people are looking to blame we can disagree in this country without being disagreeable we can not point out that there's conspiracies behind every time we disagree or that somebody is funding this or you know those dog whistles that are blown or even more than dog whistles I mean we have swastikas that were marching by synagogue in Charlottesville and if we don't have strong leadership across the board just condemning that and then getting back to you know having our party debates and our disagreements about policy which is fine on of immigration or on multiculturalism or schools whatever it is we've been able to do that as Americans as an example to the world in a better way but unfortunately this weekend we saw the worst of it we're talking with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. In our conversation with Rabbi Cooper this morning and I'm not I'm not bringing this up to inject partisan politics in it but it's just it's just the nature of what we have to deal with today the in the anti-Semitism on the right that is easy to identify because if your if your identifying yourself as a Nazi in 2018. Well you've pretty much labeled yourself what you are but we also have a very very pernicious rise of anti-Semitism on the far left and it's expressing itself on college campuses including major universities here in Los Angeles u.c.l.a. And others where Jewish groups and Jewish students have felt more than threatened and this is something that we're going to have to put into the conversation as well because it's coming from both extremes no question you know it's funny the other night a leader in the community at our vigil in Westwood said hey we can make sure we don't say anything that offends supporters of President Trump and I said look we have to condemn whether it's coming from b.d.s. The boycott sanctions movement and some of the anti-Semitism connected to that or whether it comes from you know somebody who's the president ited States not speaking health strongly enough or you know buying into the conspiracy that George Soros a Jew is helping you know caravan of immigrants come you're right you absolutely have to call out friends you have to call out people that you support and it doesn't mean that you're betraying anybody It means that you are living up to your values as an American and I think this country comes 1st always the idea that Jews have been here and belong here and a matter what the color of your skin no matter what your background this is a place where you belong and I think it comes from the left it comes from the right comes from the center comes from ignorance is what it comes from and yet it spreads and gone unchecked It's not that one person's condemnation or lack of condemnation leads to a shooting something like that happens because of a crazy person who is filled with hate and filled with conspiracies but if they don't hear anything else I mean the words he used was I think he used the word genocide that that the Jews were fighting over committing genocide to my people the shooter said which is just you know boggles the mind that the Jews were somehow being genocide because you saw a group that is held. But refugees come to this country just as Jews did once which is our tradition so you're right it is left and it's right but it's also one here we see a very clear connection in this case between what you know Jewish activist groups do to support refugees and this guy deciding that that was somehow a threat to him. What steps are the l.a.p.d. Taking given the fact that we had the mail bombs go out including 15 at least 15 people identified by the f.b.i. In Los Angeles area including Congresswoman Maxine Waters office and then the Pittsburgh incident you always have to be on guard for copycats we had the Buford Furrow attack at the Jewish center in the valley years ago so this is something that we obviously have to tend to absolutely and we immediately Chief more and I got on the phone and made sure that we had a depiction of patrols and beefed up security at our synagogues on Saturday at our major you know gatherings and our Jewish institutions we are making sure both visible and not visible presence of security is there the pipe bombs obviously there were a lot of targets here and the ones just from yesterday that were on this man's list to those going after the press and individuals he disagreed with so we are on high alert here we've got a great infrastructure with l.a.p.d. We're coordinating with the sheriff's department too and you know asking everybody to just be very careful when you there may be still some bombs out there we don't expect them to be but who knows they could be sitting someplace in a mail room or in a warehouse and we want to make sure that these bombs which none of them thankfully did go off but are alive explosives are taken care of Mr Mayor thanks so much for your time this morning appreciate you coming on as you will be back to fate with 'd boundless love all right Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti it is a $21.00 let's check the roads. And here is a Bill Thomas the traffic of day sponsored by Scientology networks out of the 405 right by mole hill and finally of our contact empty of us out of the car pool lane off to the right side up behind a back up beauty to deal with coming off Roscoe Boulevard is a violent wreck of a Hollywood Freeway Santa Monica Boulevard off ramp north want to want 3 left lane shutdown there you will be able to squeeze by that far right lane for now but back about a Boyle Heights on the water one southbound every bit as bad toward downtown coming down from Sunset Boulevard and still working at motorcycle wreck on the foothill freeway to 10 westbound Myrtle Ave off ramp carpool and left lanes are blocked off the back of starts at the $57.00 inbound from Glendora this fall it's t.v. That entertains and inspires c.t.v. That changes lives curious all the shows all new stories all on one network Scientology network on direct t.v. Channel 320 or go to scientology dot tv all the cave you see has dependable traffic when you need it most next report 834 idle Thomas Talk Radio 7 id case all right let's see how far I can get into this story before I get the bell from Doug McIntyre money and I was rather uneventful in London football with the Pats bust of the bills 256 but there was a little thing going on in the field the Bills fans have a weird tradition it's 3 years running now where they throw something onto the field in its. Back massager you know it's a rubber and it's cylindrical a missile if it's for your back right I don't think that's to rub your back one of the balls for. I should have done as soon as I was looking to you as you're talking about was in the parking lot coming in this morning I just turned right around let's do that. Let's do the next story all right dialysis companies have contributed a record $111000000.00 to defeat a California ballot initiative Proposition 8 would cap profits for dialysis clinics that provide treatment for people with damaged kidneys the amount of spending to kill the measure exceeds the last record of $109000000.00 that drug companies spent to defeat Proposition $61.00 in California in 2016 that ballot would have allowed the California government to pay no more for drugs than what the Department of Veteran Affairs pace well under an $11000000.00 prop you know Randy said something that I think is not a bad rule of thumb for looking at ballot measures just find out who spent the most and vote against. And look whoever spending a ridiculous amount of money and if divvied up you know labs the people that run the dialysis clinics and spending $100000000.00 to defeat this thing well I'm voting for it well that is one of the many issues that we're going to be voting on next Tuesday and the next couple of days will start ramping up our coverage as we get closer to that but you know 1st of all so many it's a in abuse yes to Peter tilted it a whole law hour on this and I still couldn't understand what we we should be voting on this this is the minutia of stuff that should not be on a ballot measure Well here's the here's the argument as far as I can see it because you're right we're meddling with the private business except we're meddling with a private business that gets almost all of its money from Obamacare and from California health care money. Ladies and gentlemen I just want to make a quick mention those of you who remember this story Jeremiah Denton Jr has died at the age of 89 he was the American p.o.w. Who was forced to make a propaganda film who blinked Morse Code my God while the Vietnamese his Vietnamese torturers were were making him confess to American war crimes and he blinked out with his eyes Morse code obviously rebutting. Blanked out the word torture to your Ts you are ready with his eyes using Morse Code he had that kind of command of him of his. Presence of mind to make sure that he got that message across that everything that he was saying was under duress he has died at the age of 89 is an honor a real hero absolute. Tilt all over my body Ok Twitter is planning to remove the ability to like tweets in a radical move that aims to improve the quality of debate on the social network Britain's Daily Telegraph reports that founder Jack Dorsey last week admitted at a Twitter event that he wasn't a fan of the heart shaped button and that it would be getting rid of it soon the feature was introduced in 2015 to replace favorites and that was a star shape but not allowed people to bookmark tweets to read later I don't understand why liking something is going to minimize hate I mean I don't I just don't understand what that has to do with anything I mean so I mean what was the previous system that they had with it was ours so it just bookmark things but that's neutral while attempt to read it later but I think it just meant to me it wasn't really about reading it later it was just that you could see that you've starred things to read it later but it was saying it's neutral it's . Doesn't say what your opinion is about the thing that's posted right but it just mean you marked it that I know I read it oh I get that but what I'm saying is that what's wrong with people saying I like this or I dislike this the problem isn't the like or the dislike the problem is the content of the post if the content of the post is hateful or frankly I'm happy to see people identify themselves as somebody who's in favor of the hateful comment so they add a dislike but yes because that way it allows the debate to contain allows people to read that's the free action again the answer to free speech you don't like is more free speech is to rebut the argument but to just sort of cut the crust off the bread and smooth the bumps out and have some kind of neutral thing that just says I I remember this was one of the funny and students John Davidson who was our boss Eric a b c was the general manager for a number of years the very 1st time I met him literally the very 1st time I met him was in the parking lot of our old building and get out of the car and he's good at his car I introduce myself because I know you're MacIntyre Because I've heard your show and then he walked away. And as I and I kidded I kidded with him about this that there's no adjective there there's no I heard your show and even if it's we need to talk we should fix your show but it was just totally neutral it was completely neutral and if thing is I we what does that do for us I mean the bottom line is of people post things were better off you know reacting to it and if you don't like what The Post is there should be a method to express that objection I don't know how neutrality in that case solves any problem. All right let's move to the next one supporters of repealing the California gas tax are accusing politicians of misleading voters by writing a false title and description of their master Karl and of my own chairman of the Yes on Prop 6 campaign alleges in a lawsuit that the state attorney general intentionally changed the ballot title in a plane that attempt to defraud voters struck the term gas tax repeal off the ballot and they put into law all attempts to. Eliminate road repair but the lawsuit is being called of the last remedy to correct the misleading title to my also announced an effort to recall Attorney General Javier Basara James Rowe Haas k b c news again as we said yesterday about this how in the world is this lawsuit going to change the outcome of the election ballots have already been cast people have been voting by now and they're not going to reprint the balance between now and Tuesday so this ship has sailed this lawsuit is 100 percent legitimate by the way but it should have been filed months and months ago it should have been filed the moment the title came out of the secretary of state's office I remember what you said yesterday about this and I think it's 100 percent true they think they're going to lose in this way of dealing as the whole thing well it's a bookmark that it certainly sounds that way and it would be a tragedy because of course I'm very pro Yes on 6 because I think the system how they passed it was so crooked Yeah but the bottom line is this does reek of their polling tells them that 6 is going to lose and this is stablished showing a basis for a legal process after election I hope I'm wrong about that but that's what it looks like to me it's 830 it looks like when we do this again the next 30 minutes the insult useless is a new doctor grew more civil on Southern. Ok the a.p.c. Where the news was never stops. Let's get more out of line here's Leigh Anne Tuohy thank you very much Doug good morning everyone the Florida man accused of sending bombs to top Democrats Trump administration critics and the media across the u.s. Kept lists and other information that suggest he had at least a 15 in the Los Angeles region law enforcement sources declined to identify anyone on the list according to the l.a. Times so far only one package linked to say ah cast been found in Los Angeles it was addressed to rap Maxine Waters It was intercepted by authorities in Los Angeles as a central postal facility last week the Border Patrol says it needs help Jim Roope reports that u.s. Customs and Border Protection officials say the caravans of Central American migrants are not the only reason it's requesting military help there are 2 caravans of migrants on which c.b.p. Is keeping it side a total of about 6500 but c.b.p. Commissioner Kevin McHale even says the daily arrival of migrants is each day on average encountered a combination of almost 1200 person he says at any given moment tens of thousands of migrants are making their way to the u.s. From Central America we've already seen unlawful entry across to international borders and violent and dangerous tactics against both Guatemala and Mexican border security team he says to secure the u.s. Border and for the safety of both American citizens and the migrants military help is being deployed in Texas Arizona and California Jim Roope Los Angeles President Trump says he will sign an executive order to end birthright citizenship you know how ridiculous were the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years with all of those benefits to dequeue us it's ridiculous the president made the comment on x. On h.b.o. Indonesia has stepped up a search for an airliner that plunged into the sea yesterday with all 189 aboard feared dead underwater beacons have been deployed to trace its black box recorders and uncover why an almost new plane crashed. Minutes after takeoff correspondent Anna Coren reports it took off on Monday at 6 21 am from Jakarta it was heading to Penco and then that which is a island of Sumatra just a nation that is only a one hour domestic flight away a routine flight when the pilots told a traffic control that they were having problems and that they wanted to return to base that permission was granted and shortly after that the plane disappeared off the right. K b c news time is a $33.00 let's get sports non-doing of all sports here's Randy Wang Well the Lakers lost in the symbols $124120.00 and love Brandon is running out of patience with this team 6 games in you're probably going to be Romo pretty late this is the man's tomorrow at 730 the Clippers play Bunder in 5 the ducks as the Flyers that 7 Kings play the Flyers Thursday at $730.00 Elliott see the playoffs however that works if playing the Real Salt Lake there's the at $730.00 not the thanks the Pats plus the bills 256 the mountain of football John Cena pulled out of the w w crown jewel in Saudi Arabia as he was to have a movie career the bronze for Hugh Jackson after a 336 and one record after 3 seasons I didn't know Hugh Jackman was coaching me. He's a talented I said just the same on I'm sorry different you let's check the count and I want to consider. Only 3551 days to the l a 2020 to live they said the Red Sox are exiting Magic Mountain. And you know I was trying to do this story in the news but before I was so rudely say let's get traffickers Bill Thomas dog into the San Gabriel Valley a couple of motorcycle wreck 1st ones on the 6 o 5 south right by Interstate 10 to be involved in park the rider is hurt and down the right lane is shut down there south of the 6 o 5 they're calling this motorcycle wreck out of the inside lanes on the foothill freeway in Monrovia to 10 westbound there's the Myrtle Avenue off ramp and traffic is just crawling coming in from the $57.00 freeway and out of Glendora that that huge wreck of a Hollywood Freeway what I wonder about this is the Santa Monica Boulevard off ramp with a car pileup 3 of the left lanes are taken away and now the one I want to work out is backing up toward the east l.a. Interchange lanes are open on the Hollywood southbound at the back of charts at Sunset Boulevard into downtown l.a. And all because that earlier stalled bus which is gone now south for a fight at Mulholland that left behind a backup leaving the Roscoe Boulevard off out of the valley on the 4 or 5 southbound only k.b. She has dependable traffic when you need it most next report 844 idle Thomas Talk Radio 7 id case you better not being me now I'm doing. Commercial Hey Jeopardy champ its term I'd. Say is really for my friends at my current inspections you know Frank of Cassie over there in the Van Nuys area that would serve the l.a. 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Why for 15 months becoming a member of connected Federal Credit Union is so easy save with Connect open your certificate Connected dot org that's connected dot org local banking for 80 years a.p. Wise annual percentage of minimum of $1000.00 to open a certificate connect is federally insured by n.c.u.a. . Here's your Talk Radio 790 k b c market check currently the Dow is up to 19 Nasdaq is up 53 and the s. And p. 500 is up. Whether sunny skies with high temperatures in the mid seventy's at the beaches upper seventy's and Len and the made eighty's in the valleys currently 58 degrees unhealthy. Dana 65 in Anaheim and 62 in Alhambra of course he'll vote on November 6th and count on smart election coverage by John Phillips and Lawrence Yvonne to break it all down on Leeann Tweeden k b c News Week got to see very funny and so for you. It's the little drive all the horrors. Of all the trades and of course a few tricks to keep your best prostration for a group was good to listen for your chance to win a v.i.p. Invitation to our house I mean that a little drive home of ours lives in the city life stage Halloween of 3 braccia by the owns 3 row 2900 Subaru is sad life is now bigger than ever. To. Kill him it's 838 Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. And of course we're here until 10 til the net that time noon to 3 it's Dr Drew on Lauren savant and a Dr Drew is with us right now as he is every Tuesday at this time Good morning Doc Good morning hey we've had a lot of conversations today in the aftermath of the bombings the bombs sent out and of course the murders in Pittsburgh a lot of conversation about anti-Semitism and just hate on the rise and I I was curious to get your take on the the psychology of haters people who cross that line into we all have our biases we all have our little peccadilloes and cultural preferences eccentric chatter but what happens when somebody makes that leap from just a benign preference to a metastasized ugly victory all that can then go all the way to the extreme like this lunatic in Pittsburgh Well just looking at the evidence right looking at. The people that do these things particularly lone wolf perpetrators there's there's a significant mental illness overlay on all of these cases now Laura and I got a big discussion yesterday she was saying and she started asking me why is it that I don't say that a you know Islamic extremist bombers and you know Israel Palestine or something is not a mental illness and I said look you've got to understand there's a guy gigantic difference between bringing somebody into a cell indoctrinating them into essentially what is a cult and then weaponize in that individual who has no violence in their heart to begin with necessarily but you this is one of the military knows how to do this they know how to turn young males into killing machines on behalf of their peers by pulling them into units and dissolving the self into the unit that's very different than somebody who is paranoid delusional agitated hypomanic sitting on social media spewing vitriol and having that accelerated by the environment in which they are living which is the general environment here of hate vitriolic tribalism and specifically the social media environment where this is with this is what should with the words we use it you know cooks it's cooked up to the point of froth and off they go into their delusional aggressive grandiose fantasy Now what I keep saying is hey do you think that dude's happy when he was rolled into court yesterday he looked better now things are good for him if somebody had stepped in 3 weeks ago and said hey you can't put crosshairs on public figures faces you can't say you're going to do anything just what you can't say you're going to kill yourself and not have the cops show up at your door and that's bringing you to a psychiatric hospital we need to get much more aggressive in our judging of people for or their inappropriate acting out even if it's acting out on line there's got to be consequences you say you're going to. Kill somebody it's the same as if you say you're going to kill somebody else you've got a got to call the police you've got to see something say something and they have to respond that's just the way the way the world's going to have to be from now on now a step back from this you know the say ox or this Powers character are the people and we're seeing lots and lots of video showing up of just people walking around who unleash racial based tirades on an airplane on someone on the subway walking down the street in their apartment building. And you see you see this incredible I saw a video in my that somebody posted from my hometown of New York which is one of the most liberal progressive towns in America culturally. And it always has been and there's there's a woman running for the library board and I'm not making this up is running for the library board and she could post in something about her support for drams gender people and inexplicably a protest showed up in one of the most liberal towns in America with this one woman screaming her head off about this woman who happens to be Asian she should go back to China and we don't want your scummy here because she supports transgender rights on the library board and you look at this stuff as a how what is this always been going on or is it are we doing something culturally the people are snapping and feeling that they must direct their frustrations and rage at the other whatever the other well you're you know it's it's a try to be a specific Ike as they can to add to your question I think it has always been going on in full you know high stakes political circumstances people get very worked up when they're out of the trail of their mobs but now we have a very special circumstance and I discussed it with you before I predicted it a long time ago. And now we're in it I'm trying to write about this some to try to pull my thoughts goes quick as I can and publish something but the. The this is a kin to pre-revolutionary France in terms of our general personality profile where mob behavior is extremely gratifying and we are highly prone to it and in the mob there is no telling how aggressive we will be or how far from our usual behavior we will drift and it is largely in my humble opinion the result of the sixty's seventy's and eighty's of the destruction of our families the sub optimal child rearing a high degree of childhood trauma never childhood experiences that has left us with an extreme personality liability for envy and aggression and save and it's a perfect environment for the mob and then we've created this new instrument for the mob to be developed we call it social media Twitter and the huge it's just sort of a perfect storm here I can you know I just tell you that in France it was the same phenomenon where libertinism and children were dropped off at orphanages and kids will just raise themselves and guess what when those kids grew up they were angry they were prone to mob they were aggressive they were envious and we had to look each of us inside we now we've got to start talking about each of our responsibility to look into our souls and regulate this business and then begin to address others once we've taken care and clean up our own house but we have a big problem on our hands here and it is I'm convinced it has a psychological basis to it when I started work in a psychiatric hospital I think I told you this so all kinds of different personality profiles and personality disorders there was an early eighty's by the time the ninety's hit the only person holiday for profile we ever saw of every single patient of what's called Cluster b disorders borderline narcissist sociopath everybody and to me I made note of it then I thought this can't be normal this is this is this can't be a Quentin into the campaign norm. Well and now we're paying the consequence for it well I actually believe that your psychological health is directly proportionate to how much time you spend marinating in the news well you know it's funny I somebody told me to stay out of because I'm tired makes me depressed and a friend of mine so I just got to not not read it all the time and I've realized I make that recommendation my patients all the time I tell them hey you can read the Economist You can listen to the b.b.c. Otherwise because there's a fine line between being informed and we need an informed electorate. But between There's a difference between being informed of being obsessed and being obsessed but what happens is you I when I read the paper I keep thinking well that's not right that's not the story so I developed outrage and now there's momentum I'm looking for the real story I can't fight it I'm angry and that's my relationship with a particular print press right now yeah well it's something that we really need to be talking about because again their vote has been lunatics and listen as I wrote my column last Sunday even if you just write these individual incidents off as the work of crazy people and clearly they are but crazy people have set the world on fire in the past I mean when Archduke Franz Ferdinand you know was murdered in Sarajevo millions died as a consequence when the Krays Dutch communists burned the Reichstag in 1933 gave Hitler the excuse he needed to roll up civil liberties in Germany and sent us on the road to the Holocaust and global right so it's of those on the margins that can occur a major move and we have to be very cautious about this this is a this isn't enough this is No 4 this is a serious time and and again you know but attend attend to your own community your own house your own family immediately he immediately because we all got work to do a drill as always thanks so much follow through on Twitter at Dr Drew and of course every day weekday. From a new in disarray with Laura's been right here on Talk Radio 7 I became to see traffic Bill Thomas that is a circular of the Glendale freeway right by the Glendale high school campus southbound on the 2 near the 134 till about 930 the far left lane to shut down their brief back up southbound on the one Del freeway a couple of motorcycle wrecks in the San Gabriel Valley south of the 6 o 5 right by Interstate 10 that motorcycle crash has the right lane taken away the back about a Irwindale and now in are when they all to 10 westbound Irwindale Ave off another motorcycle rider down in the carpool lane and then up ahead of the Myrtle Ave off ramp in a bad motorcycle wreck clearing out of the far left lane to 10 westbound the back up from the 57 out of one door up and a crash clearing out of the inside lights on the one north out at the Santa Monica Boulevard off in Hollywood traffic is jam coming up from the east l.a. Interchange only k.p.c. Has dependable traffic when you need it most next report I know for I Bill Thomas Talk Radio 7 id case message and data rates may apply earning your degree from one of the top business schools in the country might sound impossible to fit into your workload but what if there were a business degree that further Ger career and gave you access to world renowned faculty leaders and mentors all on your schedule one that opened doors to some of the most influential C.E.O.'s tech companies law firms entrepreneurs and thought leaders and what if you could earn that degree in as little a 16 months 100 percent online to find out more text fund 279645 that's f u n d 279645 start your online m.b.a. Information management or business analytics masters program from the w.p. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University today learn more about the w.p. Carey business graduate programs on line text fund 279645 that's f e u n d 279645. Today in school I learned a lot in chemistry I learned that no one likes me and biology I learned that I'm fat and stupid in English I learned that I'm disgusting and to Jim I learned that emphatic and joke the only thing I didn't learn in school today is why no one ever helps kids witness bullying every day they want to help but they don't know how to teach them how to stop bullying and be more than a bystander at stop bullying dot gov a message from the Ad Council if you. If you have really big gaps and cracks to fill the Home Depot has really big news introducing new loctite take phone big gaps insulating foam seal it with 4 times the density of conventional spray foam it'll fill gaps up to 3 inches in walls and around pipes in one pass so big gaps are no longer a big problem with your draft moisture and pests with Loctite big gaps exclusively the Home Depot more saving for doing us only store for details. Yes you are earning so. Squeaking whiteboard marker. 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The following is not an actor but a real life story from Trinity debt management My story begins with debt a lot of debt credit card debt and I heard a commercial for Trinity I gave them a call if you're in debt and you need help call trinity at 180-741-8205 when I 1st called I was a little embarrassed and kind of ashamed and I looked at the numbers and I saw how quickly that astronomical debt that was in my life would go away pretty will consolidate your accounts into one easy to manage monthly payment reduce your interest and possibly improve your credit score you'll save thousands what I would tell other people please pick up the phone and call Trinity just let them put together a program and see how affordable and easy it is to pay off your debt called Trinity 180-741-8205 that's 180-741-8205. Review the eighty's she. Was. It's a $52.00 Talk Radio $790.00 k b c versus tell them at the top of the next hour plus a chance for you to win a $1000.00 as we continue our 4 k. a Day ladies and gentlemen yesterday as you may have heard was national cat day and while we were talking about national cat day in the wee small hours of the program . I mentioned that I have a little problem at the house because Penny and I my wife and I adopted a kitten from the West Valley Animal Shelter and this is the 2nd cat in a row that seems to prefer me to her and she's not happy about it I mean the wife is not happy about it at all. So I came home yesterday and found. A sonnet hanging in the kitchen now Penny writes sonnets in the pure Shakespearean form using the exact metre of Shakespeare's famous song it's and I'm not the best at reading these but I'm going to do my best so in honor of national cat day this is what Penny Pfizer wrote about the fact that our new kitten prefers me to her. My neediness has not left me so witty while sulking when attentions paid elsewhere my husband has the favor of the kitty and for my company she doesn't care I truly am insulted when she purrs so loudly as she's lounging on his lap my meager ego sinks because she prefers to cuddle up next to him to take her nap you are pathetic grow up be mature are admonitions that I always hear complaining that my charms have no allure the pets rejected me I need a beer not hold it against her won't be better but I'll be damned if I will change her letter. In 53 Talk Radio 700 k. Peace and. The John ladies and gentlemen this I find fascinating and it's not a huge study it's come from something called the Rudd Center for Food Policy obesity at the University of Connecticut they polled roughly 800 parents in 20101316 regarding what they had ordered from the nation's 4 largest fast food chains McDonald's Burger King Wendy's and subway for their kids ages 2 through 11 in the past 7 days and in a result 91 percent of respondents said they had bought lunch or dinner for their child from one of the fast food eateries up from 79 percent in 201074 percent of respondents dishy reported receiving unhealthy drinks and or side items with their child's meal as well now again when you did a little kids little kids don't make food choices now parents make food choices yes 100 percent of the time kids don't you know 4 year olds don't have any money you know it's like getting L's it's a matter of proportion if you if you eat there once in a while there's nothing wrong with that but when it comes to what we eat people's diets what we like. It is so personal and there's tremendous pushback when you've got some busybody that's trying to meddle with how and what you because they just push back and go don't sing me for liking my dingdong right on my heels read Oh they're my evening your gluten free artesian well water you know baked and all the bars you know knock yourself out just leave me alone yeah it definitely is of course a love of junk food and I grew up doing that most of my whole life but I think what this also shows with you know your kids eating fast food is there's so many parents that they're both working out no one's got time to be cooking actual meals anymore well now and then and that's a choice people just choose not to do it there are ways that you can still work yes rats and it's I still get home and I'm busy MacIntyre in the morning weekdays 5 to 10. Hayley and tween here in today's world situation for legal services if you owe the i.r.s. Back taxes payroll taxes or have not filed your returns the i.r.s. Will get you they can take your property take you to court even put you in jail with one call to wall you'll never need to talk to the i.r.s. Again our average client settles for about 10 percent of what is owed We offer free face to face consultations in your local area call 807270433 that's 807270433 this year. The city council in Akron Ohio has put an ordinance and this is news writing they put teeth into a city ordinance that intends to address the annoyance of dogs that will not stop parking. The city's current ordinance treats the problem is a minor misdemeanor punishable by hundreds of 5 regardless of how many times the dog owner offense and now they're talking about upping a 2nd offense to 250 dollars and allow for the possibility of 60 days in jail for the dog and no for the dog owner because it's Aaron Tate it's annoying and here's what happens the people of behind us they're very nice people they work very hard long hours and they work very hard to fix the house up and make the backyard really a play space for their kids and the kids' friends and it's fun it's fun to see the tree house it's fun to see the kids running around the backyard actually playing outdoors not the video game but here's the problem because they work long hours the big German Shepherd barks all day her and often times till 11 o'clock at night even when they're home they let it mild know when they're home they don't and I don't know what the schedule is but they keep late hours when they're home vidot doesn't bark because they're home now here's the thing. Often times the dog owners don't know what's happening because the dog only does it when you're not home and then the thing is people get knots like Randy winning and they go well I didn't. Do any do they want to head down over there they have a sweet little angel shut up stop that microphone where we don't get a say in this your the problem I can't wait to you go to Georgia the good neighbors we just don't call like the cops and we make it a death penalty offense MacIntyre in the morning weekdays 5 to 10. 58 Talk Radio 790 k. V.c. The topic is energy drinks let's spin the wheel. Second there realists. But at. That good bad good. It's bad for all it's really bad for you in fact the army is actually believes that it's contributing to p.t.s.d. For soldiers Yeah you know stuff is not if you're not going to prolong people use it for years and they live on it they get no sleep so you're sleep deprived and you trying to compensate for your sleep deprivation by just loading up on over amounts of sugar and caffeine you know World War 2 They used to hand out amphetamines to soldiers of Benny's and they found that soldiers had a psychological break after 90 days of combat I mean a psychological breakdown so there are real repercussions for this whole that it's a little hard core evidence use good old fashioned cocaine well. I you know sometimes I wonder. If that would be better. It's all bad has to be an energy drink called Cocaine Yeah it was terrible ladies and gentlemen we got an hour to go we're going to chance to $1000.00 that's not terrible we're going to talk about the California Southern California casino business which is booming with us Southern California newsgroup writer of the cover that story and. The great tweeting verse is told in battle over the thermostat and all that more come on back. You could be a $1000.00 richer it's not enough to buy your children's love. You enough beer to not hear. Next shot of the brand is coming up in just a 2nd so keep it here Ok. You could win a $1000.00 right now just text the national board tonight 5819 that's not. A 951 not do it now. Your entry to m.s.g. Makes me like it's the 4th right here on 798 in c. K b c News Live and Local at 9 o'clock a morning everyone on Leeann Tweeden a suspicious package found at a U.-Haul facility in Pasadena prompted evacuations and the closure of a freeway and other roads as a sheriff's bomb squad and federal authorities investigated the item was reported chilly before 6 pm yesterday on or in a vehicle at the u. Haul lot on South Rayman ave the area within a half mile radius was evacuated as a precaution Tony Smith was evacuated and told n.b.c. For whatever. 10 minutes pretty scary out here a bomb squad rendered the item safe about 9 pm One person was killed and another wounded in a shooting in North Hollywood police responded about 1015 last night to a call of a shooting at the intersection of Victory Boulevard and Denny Avenue and found the victims this neighbor told n.b.c. For. The wounded person was taken to a hospital with a gunshot wound to the stomach the sex and ages of the victims were not disclosed hundreds of mourners dressed mostly in black are lined up ringing the perimeter ringing the perimeter of. It's Berg said he's oldest and largest synagogue to pay respect for 2 intellectually disabled brothers who were gunned down Saturday a funeral was set to begin at this hour for Cecil and David Rosenthal who are both in their fifty's they were among 11 people who died in the massacre inside the Tree of Life Synagogue supporters of appealing that California gas tax are accusing politicians of misleading voters by writing a false title and description of their measure Carl Demaio chairman of the Yes on Prop 6 campaign alleges in a lawsuit that the state attorney general intentionally changed the ballot title in a plane the attempt to defraud of voters struck the term gas tax repeal off the ballot. Put into law all attempts to. Eliminate road repair but the lawsuit is being called a the last remedy to correct the misleading title to my also announced an effort to recall Attorney General Javier Basara James Rowe hoss k b c news President Trump is eager to keep voters focused on illegal immigration in the lead up to the midterm elections and has stepped up his dire warnings about the migrant caravans heading toward the u.s. Saying there's quote an invasion of our country the number of u.s. Troops Trump ascending to the Us Mexico border is more than double the number of troops who are fighting the state group in Syria some 5200 troops are headed to the southwest border k b c news time is 9 o 3. Let's go get some sports here is Randy Wang Well the Lakers lost to the Timberwolves 124121 East now they're $2.00 and $5.00 and younger brothers get little frustrated patience is running thin you're probably Romo because you know we don't like this is the man's tomorrow at 730 May well get a win The Clippers play the thunder and 5 the ducks host the Flyers and 7 the Kings host the Flyers there's they'd $730.00 the l.a. Of season the playoffs they go to the real salt like Thursday at $730.00 the Pats plus the bills 256 and under that by. All money that football John seen is pulling out of the w w crown jewel that in Saudi Arabia the Browns fire Hugh Jackson after 336 and one in 3 seasons is that a bad record or something let's check get back live. Only 3551 days to the l.a. 2028 Olympics and the guilt of 8 might finally be settled. In her endless chatter about this on the sports stations who's the greatest of all time is it Le Bron there is that Michael Jordan the brother in jail a brother m.j. While I was watching t.v. Of the night and it looks like Michael Jordan is ready to put that challenge Look Listen to this promo. A lot of talk going on these. About who is the greatest ever. Who has titles. Talent the most clutch moment. I get it is a tough call I mean even the jersey numbers office saying. Maybe the best way to solve this debate is to play it out. They did unfortunately it was a problem for Tom Brady going up in 0 Rogers and Sunday Night Football I could even Le Bron it was like well I. Gave this a dependable traffic when he needed most is Bill Thomas we have still a mess of a run here for the Hollywood Freeway one northbound Santa Monica Boulevard off after earlier directed clear out of the 3 left lanes but I watch the back up right out of the east l.a. Interchange on the one of one northbound and from Sunset Boulevard toward downtown equally congested on the one I want south the Glendale freeway south of 134 that circular left lane shut down there and a motorcycle rider hurt in this crash to 10 westbound Irwindale Ave off that right by the 6 o 5 am The Santa Fe dam carpool and left lanes are shut down here the back of begins right by the 57 and if you have a fight hitched out the job by the airport this might tie you have just a bit south where. 5 at the 55 that wrecked in the far right lane only k.v. She has dependable traffic when you need it most next report 24 I'm Bill Thomas Talk Radio 7 id k.p.c. If the message and data rates may apply earning your degree from one of the top business schools in.

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