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Well apparently Wal-Mart has started to keep them under lock and key if you want to get your tied paws. Within these stupid this is what they did with spray paint a few. Go to Michael j. Got to find track down somebody with a damn case. I don't go to Michael's but that's it I have got kids now girls go to men who have no use going to Google. Don't know. When and by accident let's come on. 4 more hours right. Alexis go. To Burns lips he drank his coffee before it was cool. Luckily she also has. B.c. Is one of them just like enable They k.p.c. I am still Ok here's the. Orange. P.v.c. News live the local At 6 o'clock Good morning everyone I'm Leeann Tweeden this check of the news Bronte by j w heating air 2 people were killed early this morning in a car crash in Studio City the l.a.p.d. Says the crash happened on Ventura Boulevard near arch drive the 2 people in the vehicle a male and female crashed into a Marshall store and were pronounced dead at the scene police say the new Range Rover was probably speeding judging by the debris field Ventura Boulevard is shut down right now from violent Avenue 2 to hunger Avenue due to an investigation President Trump gave his 1st State of the Union speech last night in his 1st State of the Union address President trouble already tell of the number of workers who've already seen increases in pay since we passed tax cuts roughly $3000000.00 workers have already gotten tax cut bonuses many of them thousands and thousands of dollars per worker and it's getting more every month every. Week on John Wolf k b c news President Trump also called on Congress to set politics aside and overhaul the nation's immigration system in a 4 part plan the 1st pillar of our framework generously offers a path to citizenship for $1800000.00 illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age that covers almost 3 times more people than the previous administration covered the president's plan would also severely limit legal immigration provide $25000000000.00 for a border wall and in his words create a safe modern and lawful immigration system the former Glee actor who is scheduled to spend years in prison for child pornography has been found dead of an apparent suicide Mark sailings body was found hanging at a baseball field near his home in the silent area his attorney released a statement saying the 35 year old was doing his best to atone for some serious mistakes and errors of judgment he pleaded guilty to child pornography charges after tens of thousands of images were found on his laptop and thumb drive the actor reportedly attempted suicide last August by cutting his wrist a but had 2nd thoughts adding his roommate call an ambulance James 0 Haas k b c news 3 people were killed and 2 others were injured when a helicopter crashed into 2 homes in Newport Beach the Robinson 44 chopper went down to Tuesday afternoon with 4 people on board shortly after taking off from John Wayne Airport which is about a half mile away and b c 4 is Megan Ray as was overhead the really can't tell this is a helicopter except for part of that rear rotor and the blades but the fact that this thing came in at such a tremendous force hit that house sadly 3 people lost their lives here with a pilot come up and are Stan was taken away with a serious injuries to a trauma center one person on. Ground suffered minor injuries a witness told n.b.c. For the chopper lost power and fell from the Sky Jump little k b c news can be seen his time in 603. 6 Let's head over to Randy Wang start off with this inspiring story you see a linebacker seeking Griffin got invited to the n.f.l. Combine He has one hand and he's awesome and he should be in the n.f.l. The ducks make the Bruins 31 in the play The other was senators tomorrow and for the Kings blank the Stars 3 Nothing them for the present time are in 5 which you can hear right here the crappers play the 1st game without play Griffith and it went as expected they lost the Blazers one for $96.00 yet Doc Griffin it's your fault Doc Rivers it's your fault Doc Griffin. Crap somebody else will play the bowl Saturday 1230 Lakers play the magic and for let's do the countdown clock. Only 3824 days to the l a 2020 an Olympics All right a question that's been burning in the back of everyone's minds how drunk was Dennis Rodman. Down in. My. Belly I'll remember Dennis Rodman get him for a DUI in Newport Beach on January 13th where he was swerving in blasting loud music and you're remember that he was already on probation for driving the wrong way device here he went to rehab for a good old week but you wonder now the police report is out how drunk was he when he got busted for DUI how Jon Clancy Well the legal limit is point 08. Dennis Rodman blood alcohol level point to one 0 wow that is a bender long benders Yeah I think you might need more than a week of rehab and that one I think that sports summer anyway you know the king 790 game. Came to see dependable traffic when he needed ministers Bill Thomas we had much earlier those reckon the 6 o 5 south of Washington Boulevard often get overturned cars but uprighted and cleared from lanes all lanes are open the circular did wrap up the traffic has not recovered very heavy coming down from the Pomona freeway southbound on the 6 o 5 seconds back up office at a freeway it's 2 hits here 5 northbound before that you Stella interchange didn't have to off ramp up at history and struck and killed on the freeway with that investigation to the right lanes are shut down the back of starts at the 6 o 5 and then in the middle of that back up a separate wreck reported at the saucer far left take it away there cocked out car has the bit like taking away the 45 north at the Harbor Freeway into Carson there's a hefty back about a Long Beach and then up ahead near the airport 4 or 5 north of Manchester reports of a new wreck in the far left lane well the cave you see has dependable traffic when you post next report 624 I built office Talk Radio 7 i.v. K.p.c. . K b c So Cal weather clear and cool for now with highs expected in the low seventies along the coast to the low eighty's in line and in the valley All right you've got about a minute to check out the moon the total eclipse ends at 6 o 7 so. It's currently 49 degrees in North Hollywood 51 in Orange and 54 downtown l.a. Good news at the top and the bottom breaking news when it happens and continuous coverage on k b c dot com on Leeann Tweeden k d c news zel is a new way to send money from your banking out to almost anyone Zelma this is how money moves more and dot com must have a bank account in the us to use l k b c news brought to you by cell. Good morning. And get smaller. It's my entire in the morning with a dog not good guy and good news Randi wiring sports. It's 6 o 7 on a Wednesday morning the 31st day of January MacIntyre to Morning Live and Local in till 10 o'clock this morning as always Leeann Tweeden with the news good morning Mr Weedon Good morning Mr Mack attack Randy way in sports it's Norway's favorite Olympic Game Viking or Nazi and Bill Thomas dependable came easy traffic to get real value to wreck of the car pool lane to talk about at as it was ave a lot to talk about this hour the soldier hating teacher has been suspended and we'll see what happens on the city council because he's also a city council member not l.a. But we'll get into all of that in a bit. Pat Buchanan is going to join us to talk about last night's State of the Union address and of course we're going to spend a lot of time on that and emotional support Peacock And we'll talk with Mary Schiavo former c.n.n. While she's current c.n.n. Aviation analyst and she was with of course the. Department of Transportation as the inspector general and she's going to talk about yesterday's helicopter crash here in Southern California a tragic accident about 130 yesterday afternoon so we've got a lot to get into including that member of the cast of Glee who had been arrested for child pornography off himself so we'll get into that story as well but we start with yesterday stero and the blood known as just told you super blue blood moon is a lot of colors involved in that just coming to an end right now but quite a show actually really beautiful this morning so last night President Trump gave his 1st State of the Union address and we've got like everything else in America I supposed this. These 2 poll results reflect exactly where America is in 28 team cnn's instant poll says that Trump got the least positive reaction in 20 years. Almost half of Americans who watch President Obama's 1st day of the Union address 48 percent said that they had a very positive impression of the speech. Down from 57 percent of speech watchers after his 1st address. To match Barack Obama's rating after his State of the Union address if that makes sense to you it's the lowest net positive rating of a state a union address since at least 1908 when c.n.n. 1st asked the question there was no equivalent poll for addresses before 998 so cnn's insta poll says lowest approval lowest positive reaction in least 20 years c.b.s. News c.b.s. News viewers approve of Trump's 1st State of the Union address 75 percent to 25 percent. An overwhelmingly positive response in the c.b.s. News poll although who they Paul wanted c.n.n. Fall well Wow good question Bremer's so but this is this makes perfect sense to me because this is where America is that if your and let me this is a theory so take it for what its worth. C.b.s. Is broadcasting in the old sense it's a traditional network that goes out to America and c.n.n. Is a boutique channel like Fox or like m.s.n. Disable for its especially network news chewers and c.n.n. I don't think it's exactly a secret hasn't exactly been friendly to the president and the president has been friendly the c.n.n. So the audience watching c.n.n. Who's likely to take their poll is much more inclined to be hostile to President Trump whereas the c.b.s. Poll is more likely to include middle America and I don't know we were 10 minutes into this thing last night when I turned to petty and I said you know America's going to love this speech and I think that the president helped himself enormously last night with that speech was a great speech as long as the law it was very low was one of the longest It was like the 3rd or 4th longest State of the Union address in history I was surprised by that because as Mr t.v. He he's got to understand that brevity is you know soul of wit here right well and I've mentioned this a few years now they've got to pass some kind of resolution to outlaw applause at this thing except for the beginning at the end if you can trim 25 minutes out of the thing you know standing up setting I actually I actually I like that idea and I'll tell you why I know that it's it's ridiculous but it is one way of testing whether or not the members of the Senate and Supreme Court still ambulatory. And you got to watch it and say Ok who sat for that they don't know exactly and sometimes I'm going they all better stand up for that or are you going how can you not stand up for that what I think are for you all the hell and baby stand for Christ. We have now you have a very very few formalities in America I mean in England and. Countries with the Royal hereditary aristocracy they're tripping over yes traditions and you've got a bow and walk out of the matter and I'm going to kiss the ring and you got to do this you have to do that we have very little of that that's true there's very few civic ceremonies that we honor in America and the whole rigamarole of Mr Speaker of the president and even people hate his guts and he has a heart attack and dies right there they still were cheering the off as an end and then of course after going through that for 6 minutes then speaker of the House Paul Ryan get to say I have the honor of he and he almost said preventing he did but he did Sather over to Freddie and I am preventing presenting Flyman. Dreamtime president but we do it all over again so I kind of like the silliness of it but the president's speech was. It was an interesting and very well written considering what the goal was to it was a well written speech in the sense that he didn't back off any of his positions. But it was framed in a language that was much more humble than we're used to seeing from Donald Trump there was a moment late in the speech when he talked about magma make America great again and he said it's the people that are making America Great Yes that was great it was well it's a profound shift from him saying I'm taking America great I think he thinks I'm doing is making it great Exactly and there was a wonderful moment lateness speech where he talked about the Capitol itself being a monument to the people yeah and then it belongs to the people was a lovely moment. So there were moments in the shop a sort of the camera panned out and well it was it was very dramatic is why you the full moment kind of gave me chills much better written than his previous speeches in my opinion and I have to say even though I don't think he's ever going to be great at this it was better delivered than most of his speeches previous I mean he's delivered like you practiced it a little bit and it's so funny I said exactly that the Pennywise I want to know is that you know if I want pinch me but I think he maybe even practiced it maybe at least halfway once because he has read some speeches off of teleprompters where I swear the 1st time he was reading it was while he was reading Yes exactly and it sounded like it right there and there were times some of his asides betrayed that because there were times where he would read a line and then to go wow or he'd go you know be like accessory 1st time that seen it exactly so so this time it seemed like he was engaged he was connected to the material I thought all the guests that he brought out to point to the examples where it was fantastically plain were sensational the storytelling and the families of the m.s. 13 girls that I knew from the north what I had been a crutch and my heroine and I was like just shaking crutches and you know run over by a train and shot everything else is a father was killed. All of that stuff which is an invention of Ronald Reagan many years ago now everybody does it but it was very effective because what the way the script the speech was crafted every time he got to a section there was somebody in the audience to represented in human form so it took Yeah you know the audience needed human level and he brought up the whole dreamers and he brought up you know crime the Democrats started booing and some people in the gallery started booing but it got shut down instantly it got shut down instantly when he presented the family members whose daughters were murdered in. Brentwood Long Island in Miami 13 many started talking and you see the parents start crying in the dad who's just started oh my god started crying with all of this said speech is one thing actual policy is another does any of this stuff become a law does the outreach what passed for outreach last night actually become outreach does anybody cross a mile to get anything done we'll talk about that in just a bit right now we want to shift gears because we had a tragic accident here yesterday as a helicopter and our 44 for passenger helicopter crashed into a home in Newport Beach joining us right now to talk about this is c.n.n. Aviation analyst and former Department Transportation spectra general it's a pleasure to welcome back to the show Mary Schiavo Mary how are you I'm good and then Good to be with you and condolences to the family such a tragic accident anytime a my Our oldest is a helicopter pilot who flew for the are in the army Blackhawks and any time we see one of these things go down we always you know think of him because the thing about we learned a lot about helicopters having a helicopter pilot in the in the family and one thing about helicopters when they lose power they come down fast and they come down you know there's no glide ratio on a helicopter. Well that's right when you do work I work several helicopter crashes and of course the that manufacturers or others Oyster a plane that you can glide a helicopter down but most of the time you really can't have it come down very quickly just like. They call it auto rotate as a way to try to soften what is in essence a crash but in this case obviously we have no idea what happened the report is lost power. Taking off from John Wayne Airport you know one of the things that in in vox populi and sort of the layman's language we hear about a stall and we think of our car stalling with the engine cuts out but a stall in aviation terms is a whole other animal it means something totally different in this case though it may have been an engine stall if the if the power went out it could be a very different problem. Well that's right would there isn't much a lot of information if a helicopter had to not this particular one but this model of helicopter it had to known problems it had had delayed failures in the past but the blade failure was found very close to the wreckage so while you could have had a problem with the blade that did not entail it separating from the aircraft here that's probably a known problem that perhaps investigators were able to quickly rule out any other problem with this model helicopter which had to be changed after 2009 whereas this is a 2003 is that it required bladders inside the aluminum fuel tanks because the fuel tanks with rupture on crash and it appears that's what happened the fuel tanks ruptured but they were very fortunate not to have a fire because fire is a big problem so the known problems with this helicopter style model of helicopter you can pretty much rule out hello that your witnesses all that we have at this point is said it sounded like the engine was was winding down was fooling down so I agree with you it does sound like some sort of an engine problem which you know could have been a fuel blockage too if there was a problem with friends of those bladders in the fuel tanks at this point everything has to be on the table and of course that's where the f.a.a. Comes in because these investigations are microscopic and thorough and they they don't rush them they take their sweet time to get it right and we learn from every one of these don't we we do and in this one has I believe I had read somewhere that this is going to get an n.t.s.b. Investigation ask Transportation Safety Board investigation which you know not to not to just necessarily pick on the f.a.a. But the n.t.s.b. Is usually has the luxury of had doing a more thorough investigation than the f.a.a. So it's good that we're getting an n.t.s.b. And perhaps that will lead lead to some more directives or warnings for this particular kind of aircraft by the way these are banned in New Zealand because of the problems with a. It had New Zealand has a lot of touring helicopters beautiful country and you want to see it from the air but New Zealand one of the few countries that had taken some action with regard to these oh that's interesting I didn't realize so this particular model aircraft is literally prohibit use in a country that's going to run. Well until they make modifications they they issued an airworthiness directive back in I guess it was February 2015 and they had to make some changes to these these aircraft before they could fly again now once they're these are changed pursuant to what the Air New Zealand you know what New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority wanted then presumably they can be recertified fly but New Zealand I think there were 80 that they grounded back in 2015. Cnn's aviation analyst and former Department of Transportation inspector Jenny can follow her on Twitter by the way of Mary Schiavo. Is the Twitter handle Hey Mary while we have you here can I just ask you a quick question there's a story that's floating all over the place it's got it all and we're going to talk about in a 2nd woman trying to bring a service Peacock onto a flight. Jacket for a peacock but. Point Yeah I'm glad you asked me that because this has gotten ridiculous Lee out of hand now I am all in favor of bonafide service animals for peace. But you know I am with my I am with Samuel Jackson on this one get the belief that he believes animals off the believe that he believes it has got me insane now we have dog of me and pet bathrooms in airports you know there will be a line at the ladies room but the but the animal can go right in and I mean it has gotten out of hand and. It will also help. We don't know how clean the boat is or the dogs or snakes or whatever you bring in on the plane but is this got to be some sort of reason and regulation. I'd say we are some genius is going to start some deep pocket entrepreneurs going to start an airline called Noah's Ark airlines. And then to fix it and it will go on and you'll want to fly with Mr Whiskers in a snowball and fluffy you just to book a ticket on the. Airlines Mary thank you for being with us we appreciate your time thank you Mary Snow It's 623 dependable game see traffic builds on this sponsored by Southern California Edison all the Santa Ana Freeway North High 5 different offices below the east l.a. Interchange fatality crash investigation here a pedestrian struck and killed on the freeway earlier this morning this will be a long term closure with that investigation to the right lanes are shut down the back of starts right by the 6 o 5 if that backup of the 5 northbound at the Garfield off ramp city of commerce that wreck has been removed from the freeway traffic is jammed toward downtown or by a record hoarded in the carpool lane to walk out on the road he'll freeway westbound on the $210.00 and traffic is on the bill for the ride out of Glendora and out toward Pasadena Southern California Edison wants you to stay safe around electricity don't touch or step in water to your downed wire keep away call by one stay aware and stay safe only Cavies he has dependable traffic what you hear most next report 634 I Bill Thomas Talk Radio 7 id k.p.c. 8 clean and live lean Lazear 0 effort nutrition Hey everyone good morning it's Leeann Tweeden do you want to lose those extra pounds in 2018 Zen foods Las best diet delivery can help then foods delivers breakfast a lunch dinner a snack and a dessert directly to your home daily That's right you get your food delivered right to your ports you don't even have to think about it all meals are balanced in portion controlled so you can look great and feel even better. These delicious meals are created with the finest ingredients and an abundance of anti-aging super foods just this morning I had a war mushroom for a tot out with Herb goat cheese and sliced tomatoes It was delicious you can design your own menu and pick from over 50 delicious meals every day it's easy to go online and pick everything that you want all you need to do is eat and lose weight clients have even lost up to 90 pounds with delicious meals like chicken parm Philemon yon and Zen's Zick signature gluten free desserts you can try 7 days and get $50.00 off with promo code k b c 7 or treat yourself to a 31 day plan and get 200 bucks off with promo code k b c 31 just call 888-883-3530 or go to Zen foods dot com That's 888-883-3530. 2 mine and or 2 does not look like a number 2 I don't know what to call it is there a number 3. Table for 4 please anything close to the restaurant. To middle seat with a stomach problems that's my fear of flying sound like you if it does you could be one of the many people with a digestive condition called Mexican pancreatic insufficiency or a.p.i. Even if you don't know what he P.I.A.'s you might know the symptoms frequent diarrhea gas bloating stomach pain if you have even just one of the symptoms you could still have e.p.i. Because not everybody experiences e.p.i. The same way which is why it's so important to open up to your doctor about all your symptoms and the good news is e.p.i. Is manageable so don't keep a lid on it go to identify e.p.i. Dot com complete the symptom checker and use it to have a conversation with your doctor don't keep a lid on it visit identify e.p.i. Dot com brought to you by m.p. If you are looking for a safe anti-inflammatory not just for your health but also your longevity Well one introduce you to Sampson It's a physician recommended as. It may. The f.b.i. It's been a hornet's nest of partisan activity which is the exact opposite of what the f.b.i. Ought to be killed in the same nation weeknights 7 pm on Talk Radio $790.00 k b c. Hey girls are you dealing with hot flashes the t.v. 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For you coming up on the next drive holder Jillian Barberie John Phillips will have all this data you could reach out to you could possibly want more incendiary and hangovers. And also we were talking about supporting animals what if it was a big. Peacock Yeah it's not a hangover still drink at the top level it's about like you are pretty upset about it keep it to. Me and let. You know I'm not something. That has a bar. That's 629 the United Airlines would not allow on to take her emotional support peacock on a flight from Newark Liberty International Airport to Doesn't matter where it was. The animal did not meet guidelines for a number raises a clue gets weight and size you can stand in the aisle they're not that why we let Randi on planes. Anyway they drew the line a short conversation with Mary Schiavo just a 2nd ago yeah this one was absurd and I think it was like someone that's Tell us like 6 feet long I know that everyone's going to make fun of this story and everyone's going to shame or how dare she but when is one airline going to see the trend that's going on and steer into the skid and become the animal free animal friendly airlines and that way all of us crazy animal people will just fly on that airline and not bother you people who hate animal was this and there's not enough of you well if you seen the planes lately there are no not compared I'd say just on him is enough to fill up the airline with animals how many dogs do you bring on our flight to but they're nice I think we just solve the problem with Mary Schiavo we create an airline called Noah's Ark Airways and it's the all animal all the time airline and lot of baboons fly it it's 630 let's get headlines are of maybe a rhesus monkey because they're filled. Peanut butter and chocolate let's go get the headlines here's Leeann Tweeden thank you very much Doug good morning everyone this check of the news brought to you by my dime in the small good plumbers 2 people were killed early this morning in a crash in Studio City the l.a.p.d. Says the 2 people in the vehicle a male and female crashed into a Marshall store on Ventura Boulevard and were pronounced dead at the scene Ventura Boulevard is shut down right now from Vineland Avenue 2 to hunger Avenue due to an investigation several items President Trump highlighted in his State of the Union address last night were worded in a way to try to win over Democrats some support will be necessary to for getting to 60 votes in the Senate Bob Constantini has more the morning after Mr Trump offered all of branches to Democrats especially when it comes to his immigration deal living dreamers stay in the u.s. With a pathway to citizenship in return for billions of border wall dollars and severely curtailing legal immigration programs the last 2 we'll have a number of Democrats sitting on the fence White House press secretary Sarah centers they have to make a big decision they need to decide did they love America more than they hate this president and are they willing to put some of those differences aside Meanwhile Republicans are wondering about the president's plans for billions of dollars for infrastructure since there were no details of how he'd co-opt private funding of more than a trillion dollars cost in t.v. Washington a priest with the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of l.a. Is accused of inappropriate behavior with several under-aged parishioners and s. Statement The archdiocese says Father Honda Cano is on administrative leave after reports of inappropriate behavior with several girls at Grace Catholic Church in Encino l.a.p.d. Officer Michael has is asking anyone with more information to come forward if you are just a gating commission that we received in January I mean earlier this month father Cano served as associate pastor at the church since July of 2015 and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles says it's co-op. Rating with the investigation James wrote Haas Kavi senior news an l.a. City council president her blessin says he's supporting a state Senate bill that aims to create a state chartered bank that could be used by the marijuana industry lesson originally proposed a public bank of Los Angeles last July but the city attorney's office says such a bank would be subjected to the same laws as and the other bank and because marijuana is still a Schedule One drug at the federal level it's something deposits from cannabis businesses could find late the banking Security Act and open the city employee use of the bank to potential liability because banks here running afoul of the federal government most do not accept deposits from marijuana related businesses so the industry operates largely on a cash basis Ken Jeffries k. A.b.c. News k.v. C news time is 633. While the Clippers crapped out against the Blazers won a 496 we're going to see a lot of this now the Blake Griffins Gonzo crafts a play the Bulls Saturday at 1230 let us play the magic of for the Ducks beat the Bruins 31 the play the out of us senators tomorrow and for the Kings blank the Stars 3 nothing the play the pred Starwood by The Who that game right here in 70 k. B.c. Let's check the countdown clock. Only 3824 days to the l.a. 2020 limpets Oh yeah and then Winter Olympics is in 9 days. All right we preface this by saying this is a story out of the New York Times the Norwegian alpine ski team unveiled their official sweater for the Olympics and it's the season the theme is the attacking Viking So the sweaters covered in old Viking runes like the God of the dress all the tree and t. The tear room the Viking god of war and the New York Times wonders why they would want to do that when there are near Nazi groups in Norway who also use that room for their flags so Norwegians are racist because of the fight. Sure that's more in summer anyway of the kings that's a real story of The New York Times 790. Minutes of a busy traffic on Thomas. Was talking about that wreck of the San Fernando Valley 2 people killed this morning in a crash on Ventura Boulevard in Studio City that fatality crash investigation continues however they did reopen Ventura Boulevard always had been taken away between violent but everything is passable once again to be a little bit of a back up on both sides but you will be able to make the ride through the valley if you don't want to wait it out with more Park Street or the Ventura Freeway this wreck of the foothill freeway to 10 westbound at his Ave cleared out of the carpool lane off to the shoulder now a 45 minute commute coming in from Glendora into Pasadena and a fatality crash investigation of the 5 northbound did but ave off. To the right lanes are blocked with a back up out of Santa Fe Springs all the cave you see has dependable traffic what you post next report 644 I Bill Thomas Talk Radio 7 id. Mind number 2 does not look like a number 2 I don't know what to call it is there a number 3. Table for 4 police anything close to the restroom. To middle seat with a stomach problems that's my fear of flying sound like you if it does you could be one of the many people with a digestive condition called Mexican pancreatic insufficiency or even if you don't know what this you might know the symptoms frequent diarrhea gas bloating stomach pain if you have even just one of the symptoms you could still have because not everybody experiences e.p.i. The same way which is why it's so important to open up to your doctor about your symptoms in the good news is manageable so don't keep a lid on it. Dot com complete the symptom checker and use it to have a conversation with your doctor don't keep a lid on it visit identify dot com. Is your Talk Radio 790 k.b. . The market check at the start of trading the Dow is up to 36 Nasdaq is up 46 and as of p.p. 500 is up 15. Markets 13 Brandy gave you see so count whether clear skies with sunshine and highs in the low seventy's along the coast of the low eighty's in line and in the valley I sold my stocks too early yesterday possible and. Currently 56 degrees in Simi Valley 49 found Valley and 54 degrees downtown l.a. T.v. See whether sponsored by 1st 5 California just like reading on a regular basis activities involving early math will give your child a head start in kindergarten more at 1st 5 california dot com get news at the top of the hour and the bottom breaking news when it happens and continuous coverage i k b c dot com on Leeann Tweeden k b c news is your health earthquake ready if you own an older home go to earthquake brace bolt dot com It's a state sponsored support a state supported program that provides money does seismically retrofit older homes time is limited earthquake braced bolt dot com k b c news brought to you by earthquake brace bolt dot com. There are many more are. 800. To go out there so you know you may see from shame. Shame. A girl good good luck. In terms of 639 Talk Radio 790 k. A.b.c. In a Wednesday morning the 31st day of January and it wasn't Donald Trump's hair the got the attention last night it was Joseph Kennedy the 3rd drool mouth of the late beverage talkative as he gave the Democratic response we'll talk about that later on by the way the Democrats of course love his speech and I think America Love the president's speech despite the fact that c.n.n. . Insta poll managed to come up with the lowest rated lowest approval rating in the least 20 years of the president's speech I think the c.b.s. News poll is a closer reflection of where America is because remember the news channels are the news channels they reflect their audience and it's a boutique product going to skew a lot of polls however you want c.n.n. Is going to deliver a pol that gives their narrative out that everyone hates Trump's term Wow I'm not that cynical I don't think that they skew the poll I just think that if you have an insta Paul that's based on your audience and your audience is weighted in a direction that's the result you're going to get c.b.s. Which is an old school broadcast network has more of a Middle America pulse of the nation 75 percent to 25 percent like the president's speech my guess is our next guest liked at least most of it and it's a pleasure to welcome back to the show the author of Nixon's White House wars Pat Buchanan Good morning Mr Buchanan. There are a Ok Welcome to 2018 it's been a while thank you for being with us Pat We always appreciate you coming on with us so I thought that by far this was Donald Trump's best speech both in terms of the way it was written and the way he delivered it what was your take I think it was an excellent speech from the president standpoint I think I was a little leery about so many guests up on the balcony pretty use these anecdotes extraordinarily effective All right and some of them lived through a couple 2 couples who had daughters murdered by illegal aliens and them standing full of grief and everything that's not resent enormously powerful moment I thought it was a good speech and I think the Democrats looked at the clock prisoners of war and it started sitting there Grim was stirring and Pelosi threw her Cory Booker the whole crowd whole crowd I mean what a miserable entrant but no it was an effective speech and or you know I've worked on these before approaches. Nixon and Reagan and there are events that are almost always positive and because given the 3 at theater in the Supreme Court and and 2 sides of the Congress but I thought trump it was I agree with you it's close to his most effective speeches given if he's talking about broadening his base Pat. On the point of the a grieving parents whose daughters were murdered by him is 13 gang bangers on Long Island. The the Democrats and some in the gallery started hissing and booing when the president brought that subject up but by going to the parents it shut it down immediately and the grieving parents were so effective it melted hearts and what could have been a rancorous moment ended up I think decidedly swinging over the president's advantage and with all the problems with all the baggage this president brings to the party and he brings several airport carousels worth of baggage of but the bottom line is he brought this issue to the front burner in a way that we've never seen it brought by any president over the last 40 years and I think that the country will respond in a positive way and put the Democrats it's now put up or shut up time on this issue they've been you know paying lip service to border security for a long time and now they're going to have to actually a pony up with some border security department but I do see a real clarity coming with it with basically the dreamers they are given a path to citizenship and the other demands being applied attach to it that I may agree with you I mean I was just frank about Heartland and deceivers you realize the last of those family look like working class middle class Americans who lost virtually everything in the ad because there's some horrible act by some criminals who didn't belong in the country and that way he handled it I agree with you he shot them down and there is anecdotal after anecdote story after story of associating Donald Trump the president with things Americans who have done great thing or suffered great things or served their country well I mean even the opening that gal was spinning and smiling who made praise to it rescued a number of people I think I don't know whether it's a flood of the forest fires Yeah but it was just I mean these things it's it's Middle America I mean. Quick story about Nixon always used to ask just get me some anecdotes get me some stories he admired Billy Graham Story Corps and I had all these you know great stories in the stadium and because people be deeply moved and it's a various effective tool and Donald Trump use it extremely well last night as stage writer deserves as a present morning we're talking about Pat Buchanan whose latest book is Nixon's White House wars is a great read in itself now immediately afterwards of course and I tried to shut the t.v. Off as fast as possible so I didn't hear any analysis and not just because it irritates me but because I don't like doing this for a living it's not helpful to have my head filled with a bunch of what other people have said because it becomes you know just any aircraft fire but I was there just long enough to hear Chuck Todd of n.b.c. News talk about President Trump bringing up the mythical dreamer criminal and I want to see what universe of these guys living in to use the word mythical after the. In phatic Li verifiable facts of. Venice 13 and people who comment came in under Dream Act protections and have committed horrible crimes what how could you possibly use the word mythical as if it's fiction Well you know what it's if you live in d.c. And you live in a world that's created by you know by the by their own beliefs and it's it does not accord with reality that they all say you know what's going to happen to trump it's going to be finished because if some of the dreamers are sent back to have pictures of the families like they had that one family broken up at that airport but you know the point you raise is exact there's also going to be stories and the conservatives and Republicans are going to point to the victims of these illegal alien to break into the country and sell narcotics and move women in May Not all of them are that way but there's an awful lot of stories that Kate Starr unleashed. Doris' and those stories are going to be matched against the stories of broken families and things like that so but I think you know I find it hard to see how Doug they're going to put this thing together in a week before the government agreed and that's the last point I want to ask you about that because these speeches as you know the real audience is not the house in the Senate the real audience is people watching at home so it's a political speech the president has had an odd path the last couple of weeks of retreating from his signature issue saying things like all sign what have you put in front of me in agreeing to a clean bill on docket before Kevin McCarthy almost had a heart attack television stop him from doing it but I think you can't just give this speech and walk away from it if he wants to achieve his 4 pillars on immigration he needs to get involved roll up his sleeves and do the hard work of executive leadership I think is going to have to do that because I don't know that he will have any Democratic votes although he does have one thing going for being a junior was pounded by the doctor folks for not getting anything from keeping the government open and Democrats realize how important that is and I've seen some Democrats want tv's and you know giving this 25 all just get the basically the amnesty and path to citizenship for the 1800000 so the pressure is really going to be on but up in the last analysis I think he's going to freight it up too heavily for the Democrats to go forward but that's going to split the Democratic Party as well Buchanan dot org is the Web site for all things Pat And of course Nixon's White House wars is available in bookstores and online Pat as always thanks so much always appreciate it good talking to you folks Ok 647 defendable gave us some Thomas they sponsored by Southern California Edison It is a watt hour 20 minute commute between Riverside and advice about all that I. Watch out along the way that you want west out just before the 15 or they can't leave off half that's a signal or carpool and left lights taken away their car in the carpool lane hospitable of our off ramp west out of the 60 through the San Gabriel Valley and into the heights fatality crash investigation continues 2 of the right lanes are shut down I 5 north at a dip and right by the East l.a. Interchange value or back of starts right by the 6 o 5 Southern California Edison Watts years they say for an electricity if you see it out wired on approach called I Want One stay aware and stay safe all the k.v. C. Has dependable traffic when he did house next report 7 o 4 I built office Talk Radio 7 id k.p.c. 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A.b.c. Fans of the president like to speech last night. Enemies of the president and those who dislike them loved Joe Kennedy the Third's response. As well so we've got a lot more to talk about State of the Union this morning I will get into that bought a closer to home the Pico Rivera ranch a high school teacher. Gregory south has been suspended he's on administrative leave. After a student taped him basically bashing members of the United States military basically saying they're bunch adults and they're dumb and they're not the brightest the sharpest tool in the toolbox except for insulting this kid's family to his yeah yeah and he said u.s. Marine Corps recorded this teacher criticizing him for wearing a sweatshirt that said u.s. Marine Corps Cedar was heard on the video which has been viewed 6400000 times as of 6 o'clock Monday night saying only those without options would choose the military as a career and call them the lowest of the low so the school district is now figuring out what they're going to do about it now here's the deal he's entitled to have whatever horrible opinion of the United States military he wants to have had they fight for that right exactly but but when you use your captive audience of students in a classroom to pontificate on that there are founding laced there are consequences for that now as a member of the city council in Pico Rivera Well the voters of Pico Rivera can take care of that problem they've got their own options and a lot like Council meeting last night too and people showed up in force and hopefully they will take care of that So this school does or if he loses his job as a high school teacher that's on him if he loses his job or keeps his job as a member of the city council that's up to the people of Pico Rivera bought I'll tell you one thing if my kid was in his class my kid wouldn't be in his class I. Allow my kid to sit in a classroom for a teacher who abuses this a civics teacher and government privilege of having a classroom full of young minds and then abuses it in such an awful way and personal way as Randy says specifically to a young man whose whose father is in the military is a military veteran I think Selsey does biggest mistake here is that he's teaching high school and college this is a fine. Well you know it's interesting I don't believe that even in high school I think that you know kids are certainly old enough look high school kid some of them can be in the military then that you can be 18 years old and be an icicle thumb could be 17 so I don't believe that signature that you have to shelter kids from different points of view but when you have a teacher with such a ham fisted point of view such a belligerent point of view what message does that send out to the students in terms of what for instance what are your grades going to be like how do you you know I mean this is just the simple reality when teachers go off the reservation in such a political fashion they are they are basically signaling to the students this is what I like and then students get the message off that's what you liked and that's what I'm going to give you I mean that's just what happens it's a total abuse of position it's a captive audience and if you want to post on your blog if you want to knock yourself out but when you're in that classroom then that's a different responsibility so he brought this on himself 650 for Talk Radio 700 k.b. 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