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Of having this weapon and sometimes even if we make Atomic Energy people, you cant ignore me we used to say that it was like a special facility of fima, and in the heart of hundreds of atomic bombs , hassans programs are constantly producing new forms of nuclear weapons. It was said wirelessly that this bomb would kill many people, and yet we were still looking for that, well , we were at war at that time, but now we are making robots that are, and the new skill that we are doing is it is no longer necessary to prevent ourselves from trying to conceive m55 envelopes that are filled with yas arin remix gases in the compartments. They are iron. Sarin gas is a corrosive substance and destroys its casing over time, and this is potentially very dangerous. I have pictures of the m55 rocket that was opened and a technician was holding it. As you can see, it was completely destroyed. These warehouses are made in such a way that it is safe, they are difficult to open , and large cement blocks are placed against corona, and there is annabelle to move them. I pass all of them after the key system, and this is where they want to go as far as the hair. I think there is no problem with being here they succeeded. I saw a photo that contained these materials and that there were a lot of them in the open air, filled with vxqe gas and drivers were passing by on the side roads , and there, once again , real war rockets were piled on top of each other. They were kept in a very interesting way, but there is a risk of using dangerous weapons of war, storing them and making them, however, in some areas of america , there is no other industry. Sarin gas or gas makes it easy to carelessly anything it hits and destroys it, and its killing will continue even in the future. There should be a lot of damage. This is one of the most deadly agents that have been created so far. After a few seconds of exposure to this gas , symptoms of nausea and vomiting appear without the treatment of paralysis, respiratory problems and death comes to the victim in a few minutes. This deadly agent is vix nerve gas, so we use the warning device and as much as possible with public favor for you now and also in the future. The victim is satisfied with the use of phosphorus. Sefid is in the north of kabul, 8 yearold razi is suffering from terrible burns on his face and neck and his language was severely burned. American and nato forces used White Phosphorous to illuminate targets, create a smoke screen and destroy rocks. In a warehouse full of m55 rockets, i remember one of the technicians told me why you are in the warehouse. The world is coming to an end for you, iran report enrique, there are reports that show that there are abnormal cases of malformed babies being born in parts of iraq that are the result of the use of nerve agents or depleted uranium. It was observed that chromosomal toxins affected people and caused incompleteness the creation of the birth of a baby, what and i believe the use sheet of the same third was used in the flegend war, which in some cases were new antipersonnel weapons that were made of enriched uranium. It is interesting that enriched uranium was used in it. Just so you know, the same companies that make billions of dollars from the production of these weapons also benefit from billions of dollars from the reconstruction of the areas destroyed by these weapons. A complete version of this report concluded that iraq has chemical and biological weapons and that Saddam Hussein was involved in the production of these weapons. Weapons continue and serious work for the use of chemical and microbial weapons can be used in 45 minutes. Today, i want to clarify this issue for asal and those under his command. The world is watching them, and the use of chemical weapons is completely unacceptable, and if you make a big mistake in mercks use of chemical weapons will have consequences and you will have to answer. We cannot allow the days of the 21st century to be shot with the worst weapons of the days of the 20th century. From the Us Government for receiving the nobel prize and gold medal for fertilizer or welcome to my name is not very interesting for america. To be clear, none of us have approved it. From a legal point of view, signing something while not approving it means that i dont have to adhere to it. They want others to do this, but it doesnt work for them, it means to say that because i do it , america is the land of capitalism, but it cannot grow every year. The growth of consumption, the continuation of the economic method, cannot last every year. A dynastybuilding cowboy incidents are taken to show the reaction of mullah, the agent or supporter of his reputation leads to a similar reaction from the government , when the powers that be, america enters the war for this particular countrys plan and i enter a conflict, he looks for an excuse and many times. They did it. Usually, this is an excuse for a major event to get Public Opinion inside and outside the country and to gain its support to go to war against this air strike. Syria is actually one of the largest arsenals of chemical weapons. Has in the world that not only the probability in the Syrian Government of them it is possible that terrorists can also use it. Before this, it is sarin gas. This gas targets the nervous system. On the other hand, there is a concern that they may also have them, which scientists believe is one of the most dangerous gases on earth. It is from the nazis war excuse from it before and during the Second World War, this is the way of the American Government many times, the american use of old harbor to get pregnant and participate in the Second World War , using more than 90 of the American People to enter their country. There was no war, hence the officers Naval Intelligence was plotting to incite the japanese to spill the beans and prompt the first spark of war. From december 7, 1941, surveys for signs of the attack on pearl harbor indicated a conspiracy to provoke the japanese to start the war. The kurds were with america to get out of their isolation, based on this theory, rooz knew that all the japanese would anger the American People and start the american war machine. It was in this situation that rooz started what he wanted to be, the war with hitler. The ussd Simple Science cake allowed america to go to war with vietnam in august 1963 american destroyer beautiful died while scoring in taking gulf with north vietnamese torpedo bombers. A few days later , the ships captain informed that once again the target of the attack was too weak. It was an accidental fact. Johnson used this issue to pass the resolution in congress. This resolution allowed the president to go to war in vietnam. And usually in painting it is used that the intention and purpose of the United States and nato, september 11th, are so abnormal that we have to ask ourselves which of these attacks was definitely not the arab world because it caused a devastating war in the region. September 11th is for the benefit of those who are looking for an excuse for war. Were in the middle east and the incident created an excuse that allowed him to start a war. Zionism argued that it has a lot of influence inside america, in fact this the factors of zionist interests, which were used as an excuse by the United States in creating these developments, and led the United States to war 3. In the end, how did the United States, after washing away a world war, come to the conclusion that without creating a catastrophic situation, it means Something Like a world war. Second, of course, this time it will be done with high technologies , so many problems and above all economic problems have to be solved. We tell you that i saw the plane that the doll has decreased in height. I was still asleep when my boss called me in the movies. The village asked for an official video shoot in the area of ​​the attack on the twin towers. Insulin. After that, my life was with bakhtar. I was accused of a crime that i never committed. This is a Production Cooperative that has eight members and has created jobs for 17 people. Of blackouts , our collection is currently active, the result of 10 years of studies for the needs of the electricity industry and the gas tariff, we researched to produce products and raw materials, and the current production we have is based on the research that we started ten years ago and concluded that the father and son of the family food of these cooperatives, experience and the fathers knowledge, along with the science and idea of ​​the children, in the knowledge of the foundation of this collection and the production of new products , is forming a cooperative from the words of father and son. He is going to manage the family of industries , he became a specialist. I know that i will apply for chemistry again. What are the advantages of the body . My mom became very close to her relationship with her father at work. Before this, she communicated inside the house and interacted a lot. Your sons work has improved a lot. Thanks to their technology and knowledge of the language and entering the ip all these years, 35 years of my experience, within two years , he will learn everything. Here is the future. This industrial unit has succeeded in importing a part of this product with the production of group 2 oil, which is a rare oil. This is our new product which is actually based on the few we are Production Units that were able to successfully produce this oil for group two. It is transparent and colorless, and with undesirable components , it has less pollution and higher resistance. Between them, the properties of the oil are lost and it is a base oil. It is a base relationship to other companies to use more for trans oil , and it has a higher lifespan than others. This is the lower limit of jalal 15 thousand tomans per year we produce all kinds of industrial oils. First , we worked for about 48 to 50 billion. He reads from us and their help is interesting , many of them do not explain the financial facilities or financial services. And width the presence of the Catholic Church has now planned, and for us the bureaucracy and the facilitator of the law, please forgive the cooperation department, which is allowed by the law , to facilitate the regulation and policy making for cooperative affairs. The cooperative department should do this work. Through the specialized unions that they have, through the cooperative chambers in the 31 provinces of our dear country, dear iran, take their materials , our colleagues in the Public Sector of the cooperative are at your service, let us know the Disgusting Things and we will definitely make a followup form for them. 54 of Production Cooperatives are members, 16 are explanations and 30 of them are Service Cooperatives that created 1. 8 million job opportunities. 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