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founder is slamming them for their cheating scandals. wait until you hear his reason why. sarah palin's big payday. revealed today. how did she manage to rake in $12 million just a year after leaving politics? >> hello. i'm a.j. hammer from new york city. >> i'm brooke anderson in hollywood. big news breaking today kate's new war. >> today, kate gosselin reveals explosive new details how vicious the custody battle with her ex-husband, jon, is getting. >> putting jon on notice saying no laws will keep her from their eight kids. the custody battle is just the start of kate's drama. she lost a court battle today over the reality show that made her famous. a court ruling jon and kate plus eight violated child labor laws, her own brother even testified against her. all this while kate's trying to stay alive on "dancing with the stars." but, don't count her out just yet. she's bouncing back, dusting herself off and getting ready for her next dance. >> kate and tony. >> kate gosselin lives to dance another day. on "dancing with the stars" last night, viewers voted to keep her on the show, despite the fact her last dance earned her the lowest combined score of all the contestants. >> the technique is still very, very bad. >> with her miraculous survival, it looks like no matter what's thrown at her, kate just won't stay down. she's like rasbutin or sanjaya. "showbiz tonight" can tell you despite all the cracks about her dancing. >> it wasn't very good, kate, and i'm sorry. >> the custody suit from her ex-husband and brand new public bashing today from her brother, kate continues to conquer hollywood and, love her or hate her, she's not going anywhere. >> we keep thinking we've seen the last of kate but she won't go away, no matter what america does. >> in a brand new entire view with "people" magazine released today, kate says, quote, people who try to knock me down, all it does is make me more fierce, more protective, more determined to do better. she adds, go ahead, take me on. this will just make me stronger. >> it's really kate against the world at this point. >> she also unloads on her ex-husband, jon gosselin, taking her to court to fight her for primary custody of their eight kids. he claims her run on "dancing with the stars" turned her into an absentee mom. in response, kate tells "people," quote, don't mess with me when it comes to my kids. he's their father. i want them to see him but i'm not going to vanish to accommodate him. >> i have eight children to provide for. >> in an interview aired this morning on "the today show" she makes no apologies for turning herself into a media giant. >> i'm enjoying what i'm doing and i'm thankful for the opportunities that i have to provide for my kids. >> not only is she on "dancing with the stars" she has a book out next week and gearing up for her own reality show "a twist of kate." she's become her own mini media empire. >> but as kate knocks down criticism of her "dancing with the stars" appearances, today she's taking some hits over her last tv show, "jon & kate plus eight." >> it might be a crazy life. >> but it's our life. >> today regulators in their home state of pennsylvania ruled the show violated child labor laws not getting permits for the eight goslin kids but state officials won't file any charges against the show's producers, as long as it doesn't happen again. >> they are kind of looking more for the money than the welfare of the children. >> also today, kate gosselin's brother who frequently appears on tv to accuse his sister for exploiting her kids for fame and money is taking his complaints to a pennsylvania hearing on child labor laws but no action against the show is expected to come from that, either. so, for those of you keeping score at home, it's the state of pennsylvania, zero. kate, two. so, if kate can take on pennsylvania and her ex-husband, winning over the viewers of "dancing with the stars" should be no problem. >> people aren't voting for kate because of her dancing skills. they are not voting for her because she does a really mean tangovernment they are voting for her because of her personality and people are starting to like kate more because she has become this resilient underdoggy character. the more people attack her, the more people like her. >> if all that weren't enough today, court cases, threats, a big controversy over reports kate is actually packing her bags and moving to hollywood with her eight kids. with me right now -- entertainment journalist, also megan alexander, a correspondent for "inside edition." the brand new reports have her house hunting in los angeles reportedly looking at homes with a pool, at least six bedrooms, a hottub, recording studio in the price range of about $2 million. her publicist told us these reports aren't true but i'm thinking what if she moves there with the kids would, that be so terrible? >> um, yes, i think it's about time to start looking at places in new york city. that's what i would say, because it's time to go. she is going to move to l.a. because she's a celebrity and she's going to make her kids into a singing group like the part ridge family. i don't understand what she is doing. stay at home, if your kids are your first priority take care of them. they are going to be on camera all the time, i guess the point, isn't it? >> you may be on to something with the partridge family. >> coordinating outfits. >> there's your reality show right there, tamika. i was surprised at this heated overwhelming response when we asked about it on our facebook page. let me get a couple in here. dina d. wrote on our wall she became famous for being a mom of eight and she's been riding those coattails ever since. you can be a working mom without abandoning your children every time hollywood calls. please, someone tell her she is way past her 15 minutes. again her publicist shot down the reports but are with the last facebook fan, dina, is she being selfish here. >> i think it is such an interesting, complex story because on one hand you are rooting for her and want to see her do good. on the other hand, i think she's so busy right now there's a point you start to lose your base. being in hollywood, flying back and forth, my gosh, i travel so much, i can't imagine how she feels. i think she is starting to look tired. i think there is a point, you have to say wait a minute, what do i want to do in life. tamika brought up a good point, what kind of celebrity is she and the film crews have showed us they are willing to go to her so i say stay put. >> get a bus, stay happy. here's our question, should kate gosselin move her eight kids to hollywood. you can vote. brand new jim carrey response from jim to critics who have been slamming him. he implied tiger woods' wife elin was a willing participant in tiger's cheating scandal. brooke anderson, tell us about the big news breaking today. >> a.j., when jim carrey tweeted the comments, it really caused a firestorm. well today, he responded by way of his publicist releasing the following statement. to anyone whose grievances have chosen me as their cause i would say first that i recognize that tendency in myself. but, if you knew me well, you'd see your resentment has been misplaced. i wish every human being nothing but love and immeasurable happiness. now, i'm going to re-enter the twitter stream and see if there is anyone left to offend. >> good. >> what do you think, is he having the last laugh? >> -- let me go back to the publicist and go the official route to get out of the hot water. that's what i think he's going on. he is going to go one toe at a time now. >> to me, i think he's having a good time with this to an extent and i've got to say we like jim, a good guy but by releasing statements like this poking fun at the people criticizing him i think he's pouring more gas on the fire here. >> i don't know so much about that. i think he needed to say something in response. i think the key line if you knew me well. the majority of his twitter followers i don't think do, welcome to the world of twitter, everybody is a stranger following you. you've got to be careful and i think he feels bad. >> drew: have to be very careful, you can without the filter of a publicist or team can easily shoot yourself in the foot. >> slootly. >> more big news breaking fresh from the set of "desperate housewives" the ladies from wisteria lane are speaking out about the lawsuit filed by former star nicollette sheridan against the creator of the show, marc cherry, an incredible split. do not move a muscle. we are coming back with that in just a moment. >> okay. this is something that's really making me laugh today, hugh hefner is slamming tiger woods and jesse james. yeah. he's had many, many girlfriends while being married and now is slamming those two for cheating? something just doesn't add up. and you've got to see how the fireworks flew today when a.j. interviewed the former call girl at the center of the sex scandal that brought down new york's former governor, eliot spitzer, ashley dupre. >> you made a pretty big deal trying to get over an image a lot of people may still have of you as an escort. i don't quite understand how posing naked for "playboy" is going to help you do that. can you explain that to me. >> you are really grilling me tonight. >> the headline making interview you'll see only on "showbiz tonight." now the showbiz news tick er ticker -- more making news today. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." right now, desperate times from the desperate housewives. >> today, they are putting up a united front against their former costar. they issued a joint statement pledging their support for the show's creator, marc cherry. now, cherry is being sued by ex-star nicollette sheridan who claims cherry assaulted her, slapped her in the face and had her character killed off because she complained about it. right now from new york, megan alexander, correspondent for "inside edition." the ladies of wisteria lane didn't hold back in their support for marc cherry in this statement to "showbiz tonight." here's what they said. we would never characterize our set as a hostile environment. the friendships and support that marc cherry, the cast and the producers have shared for the past six years have made this a wonderful job that we are grateful for every day. i think it's pretty darn clear where they stand. megan, are you surprised the co-stars are going to great lengths to publicly distance themselves from her lawsuit? i'm personally not because i don't think they would to late an openly hostile work environment if that, is, in fact what they experienced. >> this is interesting to me, brooke, for two reasons. number one, i've interviewed two of them a couple years ago and they spoke to this warm, positive family atmosphere they have on that set. so, i believe that from what they told me. then secondly, in the ego-heavy industry of hollywood, the cast released a joint statement. i think that says a lot, brooke, they could have released them on their own. banning together and saying we support is our producer, we stand together, we appreciate where we work, i think it says a lot, a very strong message to send. >> yeah. and you can't really blame any of these stars for being extra cautious about this whole thing because their jobs are on the line. you know, these are their careers. >> in a sense, like a family protecting itself. exactly. they have all said they really enjoy working on the set. they've all, in a sense, thanked marc cherry for creating a show that, you know, for eva b longoria -- >> a lot of calls have come into the phone lines today about jon and kate. is she taking on too much? "dancing with the stars" and two other shows brewing. >> we got a call from beth in california who doesn't buy her explanation she's doing it all for her eight kids. >> oh, it's all about the kids, that's why kate has two new tv shows coming, she's doing "dancing with the stars" and she's going to give individual attention to eight children? i have three of my own. i don't think so. it's a good thing she's going to be making lots of money because she'll need it for the psychologists that her kids need to see when she continues the way she's continuing. >> thank you, beth. >> we also heard from leann from pennsylvania, who says cut kate some slack. >> women should be actually adoring her because she's going through a hard time right now and for as much as we don't want to like you, you have to love her because she's doing what she has to do for the children that she has. so, i mean, give her a break, cut her a break. i feel like she deserves it. kate, you charge on, you be strong and you hustle. you are doing well for your kids. >> thanks a lot. you can call us to sound off on this or anything else on your mind. >> here's the number: >> all right. so, if you had to guess, how much has sarah palin since leaving politics would, you say a million, a couple? how about $12 million? her big payday, how did she do it? an explosive new report that tiger's wife is furious over his new nike ad. and my interview with the former call girl who brought down new york governor eliot spitzer was sxloexplosive. >> -- i don't quite understand how posing naked for "playboy" is going to help you do that. can you explain that to me? >> you are really grilling me tonight. >> that was just the beginning. this is "showbiz tonight" on hln, news and views. now time for the news ticker, more stories from the newsroom making news today. now on "showbiz tonight" hugh hefner slams tiger and jesse. you won't believe what he says about their cheating sex scandals. ashley dupre bears all. my explosive one-on-one interview with the former escorts, shocking revelations trying to move away from her notorious sex scandal with former new york governor eliot spitzer. >> you made a pretty big deal over trying to get rid of an image a lot of people still may have of you as an escort. i don't quite understand how posing naked for "playboy" is going to help you do that. can you explain that to me? >> you are really grilling me tonight. sarah palin's big paydo you, how she made $12 million since leaving politics. she may not be able to see russia from her house but can definitely see the money stacking up in her bank account. more stories breaking from the show biz news ticker. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." it is 30 minutes past the hour. i'm a.j. hammer coming to you from new york city. >> i'm brooke anderson in hollywood. big news breaking today, elin's new outrage. >> an explosive report broke this afternoon that tiger woods' wife is furious over tiger's new nike ad that featured the voice of her dead father. revealed today elin is just disgusted and outraged by this creepy nike ad and reportedly offended tiger returned to golf so soon after he broke her heart. guess who is slamming tiger woods and jesse james today? only the biggest playboy on the planet, can you believe this, "playboy" founder hugh hefner tore into them saying they should not have cheated on their wives. really, hugh hefner? with me right here in our studios in new york city, tamika, ray entertainment journalist and joining us from hollywood carlos diaz. let's begin with the rage of tiger's wife elin. we learned today she was reportedly, quote, violently angry when she saw tiger's just-released ad for nike. watch. >> tiger, i am more prone to be inquisiti inquisitive, to promote discussion. i want to find out what your thinking was. i want to find out what your feelings are. and did you learn anything? >> let me tell you, she certainly has plenty of company in this -- terms of how people feel about this ad. it has a lot of people, including myself, kind of creeped out. i get it, but it's a little creepy. do you think that she's just at her wits end? i have to believe she is. >> is there really any real evidence she was really upset about this? we haven't seen anything about it, barely seen her wedding ring on her finger. how do we know she was really that upset? i just question that first off the bat. second, yes, she has a lot to be upset about if that's legitimate but you know i think people need to leave them both alone, let them figure it out, husband and wife, go through consultations, get therapy and figure it out. everybody has comments, i don't understand. >> carlos, you and i have agreed on this, the concept of this ad as brilliant as it may have been, i can kind of understand that elin might just be furious that tiger used his dad in this ad to essentially commercially manipulate his cheating. i mean, can you blame elin to being so angry, if she is? >> first off, who -- who kidnapped tamika ray? get on this train here. >> i just don't get it. >> she's -- >> why would elin care? it's not her father. >> when elin watched this weekend, even if she didn't watch, when she hears that tiger is getting standing ovations on the golf course all weekend long and that his behavior hasn't changed a bit on the golf course, as far as throwing clubs and yelling curse words and also when nike gets on board and uses this whole thing to sell sneakers, if i'm elin, i'm out of there. i would do exactly what she did. i would have got on a plane and got out of town and be drawing up divorce papers right now. >> you don't think elin didn't know about this commercial? you think this was a surprise to her. >> no i don't -- this is what the reports are saying. that's not the only thing she's reportedly very upset about. "people."com also reporting she's lost her patience after he went back to playing golf so soon at the masters. everybody has an opinion about this including the infamous elliott spitzer call girl, ashley dupr ed, who is an advice columnist. i actually spoke with her today about the new naked layout in "playboy" you'll hear about that coming up about had to get her take whether she actually thinks they can work this out. watch what she told me. >> first, look at, okay, guys that sheet. if they get caught with the one girl, but how many girls were there before that one girl? chances are, they're not just cheating with one girl. there's always more so. forget about the number f. their relationship, if they can make it work and love each other and go to therapy, then work it out. but, if not, it's not healthy for the children, go to therapy and frpg out how you're going to come together and raise the children together as a family. >> okay. tanika, i want you to control yourself here, regardless of what you may think of ashley dupre, she actually made pretty good sense. given what we've heard today, if there is all this outrage, these circumstances from elin and how she feels, are you holding out any hope they can actually work this out. >> i do think so but i think ashley did solve everything in their relationship. i think we now have the answers. but outside of that, yes, i do think they can solve their problems. unfortunately, it's going to take everyone getting out of their business and them sorting it out together as a couple. nobody else matters in this equation at all. >> there is someone else that matters in his mind and he's lost patience, you aren't going to believe who this is. >> goodness. >> big news breaking today hugh hefner, the playboy of all playboys is slamming them today. the 84-year-old founder, of course, famous for having multiple girlfriends at once and he's very open about it. brooke, what did he have to say about tiger and jesse james today? >> who better to weigh in on tiger and jesse james' cheating scandal, right? here's what he told the "new york post" quote, when you get married, you make a commitment. i had a lot of girlfriends but it's not the same as cheating. i don't cheat. i am very open about what i do. sandra bullock's husband looks like a real creep. i think that when you are in a relationship, you should be honest. the real immorality of infidelity is the lying. i can't help but laugh when you consider the source. do you agree with his point it is all right to fool around as long as everyone knows? >> it is his forte, as everyone knows but people fooling around and everybody knows like a pimp and ho situation, i mean, am i wrong? that's what it sounds like. if people are down with that and agree to that in their personal relationships, go for it. >> i have to say no matter what you think of hugh hefner, he's definitely figured it out, right? he's carved out with his being with many girlfriends over the years and it's been open. riddle me this, carlos diaz, let's say hypothetically, if you will, tiger and elin had agreed to have an open marriage and tiger had all of these mistresses, do you think, in that case, anyone would have cared? >> no. i -- no i think would have cared, i tell you y. tiger woods has banked on this public perception he's a choir boy, he plays golf and hits the ball better than anybody else. he is a family man, has two beautiful kids and beautiful wife and beautiful dog in their family portraits. that's why people wouldn't buy it, selling this image of perfection which we now know is completely false. >> it sounds like you are saying people would have been really angry. >> yes. >> -- wait a minute, we have this open marriage, i'm not suggesting they did and all the mistresses came out. people would not have handled that well. >> we weren't supposed to find out, don't forget that part of the story, we weren't supposed to know if they had that arrangement if they did until they buy their tell-all and we will all buy it and they'll make it into a movie. >> she's got this worked out. we're all set. thank you, guys. let's move to sarah palin. she got a lot of heat when she left politics and today, new reports suggest sarah probably laughing all the way to the bank. we've got all the surprising details about her $12 million salary. and have you seen this new "shrek" photo shoot? let me tell you, it is far, far away from what you might expect. the outrage today over the racy "shrek" fashion shoot. and ashley dupre bares all, and exclusive new interview today with a.j. >> you've made a pretty big deal over frying to get rid of an image a lot of people still may have of you as an escort. i don't quite understand how posing naked for "playboy" is going to help you do that. can you explain that to me. >> you are really grilling me tonight. >> she reveals all about her notorious sex scandal with the former new york governor, eliot spitzer. >> and now the showbiz news ticke ticker, making news today. welcome back to "showbiz tonight." there are incredible details about sarah palin's staggering new salary and whitney houston fans saying it loud and clear, we have a problem with you. it's all in the buzz today. whitney houston gets booed. ♪ staring in my face >> the singer heard boos as she opened her tour in england. tabloid headlines read, houston, we have a problem. she blamed her less than stellar performance on a cold. her magical moment, the star tells "vogue" meeting her new twin daughters the very first time after being delivered by a surrogate. she said at that moment, nothing else existed. i don't remember anything but the blanket on the bed that they were lying on and my husband's face and their faces and my son's. sarah palin's shocking payday. abc news reporting she has earned at least $12 million since leaving office. that's quite a raise from the $125,000 salary she earned as alaska's governor. most of the loot came from her book "going rogue" but commands big bucks as a public speaker and reportedly will get a few million from her upcoming reality series. >> wow, raking in the big bucks now but is she in danger of losing her hockey mom down-home image? ladies, my jaw dropped when i found out that sarah palin made an estimated $12 million since she left her job as alaska's governor because that was less than a year ago. and at that time, a lot of people thought she was making a huge mistake by leaving that post. kathy, do you think she's in danger of losing that down-home image that, relatable image that really endeared theory a lot of people? >> sarah palin could do no wrong for so many people. i mean, she is a female larry the cable guy minus the class and intelligence. so, she could do no wrong. she's a walmart mom that's made $12 million since july. i don't think her fans will be disappointed at all to find out how much she's made. they think she deserves it. >> i think people who love her admire her for her convictions and not how much money she does or doesn't have in her bank account. we know that nobody can argue love her or hate her she's a bankda bankable star but i am trying to wrap my head around this figure, that's a lot of bank. her book she reportedly made $7 million for writing "going rogue" and tv, she will reportedly rake in around $250,000 per episode for her new reality show and you can't forget about all those public appearances. palin typically gets six-figure fees for speaking engagements. with her making big money like, this rachel, can anybody argue she's here to stay? i think she's just getting started. >> absolutely. i mean, sarah palin might have left political office but she has certainly not left politics. this is a very carefully plotted strategy to, a, make enough money so she can actually finally go to russia but, b, to cultivate enough of a fan base through her tv, public appearances and books to get the presidential nomination for 2012. 100%. >> no. >> $12 million in less than a year? and at a time when a lot of people are struggling, say what you want it is really, really impressive. we've got to move on to a major controversy today over "shrek" the big green ogre causing an uproar after provocative pictures appeared of the famous pg-rated movie character and his castmates in a men's fashion magazine. i was stunned when i saw these pictures. you know what they made me think about? john edwards' mistress posing half naked with the innocent characters. i think we need to leave the kids and characters they love out of all the sexual immorality. kathy, are you with me? >> brooke, i agree. some things are sacred and i think children's characters and cartoons are sacred. don't touch them or put them in s & m situations and the donkey in a hotel room with like half-naked people, inappropriate and "shrek" doesn't need that publicity, they are number one at movie theaters. inappropriate. >> yeah. >> no. >> what was the message they were trying to send? dreamworks which made "shrek" signed off on the photos but now hear the producers regret that decision but, rachel, i am betting not the publicity they are getting out of this, what do you think? >> come on you guys, get a sense of humor. it is hilarious, this photo. i can see the donkey lobbying for these picture. it is funny and light. this is a family film but also adults like this movie. i think it's funny. you guys are being too prim. >> no. no. >> i got to say i agree with kathy, some things are off limits. >> thank you. >> and it's the kids' movie and characters, they are off limit. leave them alone. thanks, ladies. >> thank you. she wants to move beyond her sex scandal but she's posing in "playboy." you made a pretty big deal over trying to get rid of an image that a lot of people still may have of you as an escort. i don't quite understand how posing you as an escort and i don't understand how posing naked in "playboy" can help you to do that? can you explain that? >> he is really grilling me tonight. >> well, the former call girl explains to me why she is posing in "playboy," and she exposes the shocking scandal with former governor eliot spitzer. this is "showbiz tonight," news and views. and now more stories from the newsroom making news today on the ticker. new leads in the disappearance of haleigh cummings, and right now searchers are working around the clock at a florida river just five miles from where she was last seen. cops interrogated haley's baby-sitter misty and father joe. >> well, he is at home not bothering anybody. >> what could he know about hayl hayley? >> cops beating students with night sticks and now cops are trying to cover it up? >> i was disappointed to see the tape. >> this is police brutality pure and simple. >> the students' attorney joins us on "prime news" and he wants justice. a high school baseball player tragically lost his leg in a horrific boating accident nearly two years ago. he nearly died. but now he is backfiring fastballs and he has a true fighting spirit and this hour he will join us to tell us his inspiring story. >> controversy, opinion, your point of view, this is "prime news." i'm mike galanos, and we welcome your calls at 1-877-tell-hln, the number. right now a massive full-blown search for missing florida girl haleigh cummings is continuing. divers acting on a credible tip we brought to you yesterday and started to comb the st. john's river yesterday, and the search area is less than five miles from where she was last seen in february of '09. tough to believe it has been that long. now everyone wants to know who tipped off the authorities after all of this time and why now? investigative journalist art harris talked about one theory on the hln's nancy grace last night. >> the break in the case as unlikely as it sounds came from misty's brother tommy croslin, and in an interview that he had with a retired fbi agent steve brown, supposedly an investigator for his lawyer and brown would not comment, but that he told him that that is where they should look and tommy led the detectives in the last couple of days to this spot on the river with steve brown and said, that's where they needed to go look. this is where her body had been dumped. >> as always, we take the calls and the comments and the questions. the number is 1-877-tell-hln. we have the experts back with us, and joining us is hln law enforcement analyst mike brooks and maria schiavo who has been in that home, and also jeane casarez. and jeanne, i want to start with you, we heard art talking about the search, and what about this in day two of the search? >> well, that is right. this is the second full day of the search and this is the very targeted area they have never searched before even though it is very close to where little haleigh went missing. i will take you from florida to tennessee, because the cousin of joe overstreet, and remember that joe is misty's cousin and there in the area right there in the vicinity when hayleigh went missing and last night the florida department of law enforcement flew to tennessee and interviewed him at midnight last night and lasted about an hour and returned to florida and the attorney tells me that joe overstreet is concerned and worried, because he feels that he is being framed. he feels that information is coming from those who are behind bars right now that is false, merely to help them get out of jail. >> okay. marlai marlaina, let's talk about the cousin joe overstreet, and talk about the relationship between him and rod cummings and weren't they at odds as we look back a year ago? >> yes, cousin joe was in town when haleigh cummings went missing. there was a talk about guns and ron came over and there was an argument, and ronald was not home, and apparently, what misty and tommy is alluding to is this is what is going on. he was there and involved and involved with the disappearance. >> mike, what do you make of this? again, this is certainly not a story we have heard before. the story we had heard from misty before is that she put the kids to bed at 10:00 and wakes up at 3:00 in the morning and little haleigh is missing and now the screws to cousin joe? >> well, that is one of the stories from misty and we have heard a number of stoi ris from her, mike. and what is the real role of tommy, misty's brother who was supposed to have been with joe that evening. he said he came over to the trailer and pounded on the door and no one was there. now, was anybody there that night? is this story made up to cover something else up? if you recall, mike, from the beginning ron cummings, the father of haleigh was not getting along with tommy, because of a dispute over the gun that marlaina was talking about some .38 revolver, colt, and what is story here? we don't know. but going back to yesterday, and we talked about this today dadn session, the family was called to the sheriff's office and some of them were seen very, very sad after they met with the sheriff. what they were told, it could not have been good news, mike. >> okay. when we talk about the misty's story and her brother tommy's story kind of linking up, art harris, investigative jourmist has been on that angle and been to satsuma many times, and he talked about the angle on the nancy grace show last night. let's listen to that. >> he has suddenly confirmed that the story that misty croslin has told from jail saying that cousin joe from tennessee came into the trailer that night and tried to steal a gun from the boyfriend and then husband or ex-husband and then couldn't find it, and took haleigh and joe has denied any involvement. >> all right. marlaina, when did this story begin to surface and who is she writing these letters to? >> well, it is wild. this story -- and misty all along saying she does not know and then she writes a story to the family and the letter references this dispute with tommy and joe saying that they were involved, and now she has this other story going on. we heard in the beginning though, mike when it first happened about joe, but then they cleared joe and now joe is being brought pack in. so, now we are trying to make heads or tails of how much joe knows about what happened that night. >> okay. let's read a couple of facebooks going into break. julie writes misty knows what happens and the dad knows, too. and this one, if she flunked lie detectors she must know something. continuing the conversation on the search for haleigh and so many angles on this, but a backdrop, the cute little girl is missing. she was 5 when she was last seen. we will take your calls on this. 1-877-tell-hln. >> i got up, because i had to use the bathroom, but i never made it to bathroom. i walked to the kitchen and i noticed that the back door was wide open. i didn't notice about haleigh right then, but i went into the back room and the door was open and she was gone. that saul i know. devry univers. discover education working at we have not heard anything from anybody in florida. i know that the little girl is still missing. we have not heard anything. i know that all of the bunch down there is in jail. my son is at home not doing anything, and not bothering anybody, and people continue to bother him. >> all right there. is the mom of cousin joe overstreet who now is in the eye of the storm as we continue to search for little haleigh cummings. day two of massive search about five miles from where she was last seen. we will take the calls at 1-877-tell-hln. i want to bring in my friend and colleague jane velez-mitchell host of "issues" coming up at the top of the hour, and i know you spent an hour on this topic, but let's talk about cousin joe, because we heard from the mom. it seems you have misty and brother tommy croslin and zeroing in on the cousin joe here, and what do you make of it here? >> i am starting to wonder if the law enforcement has not been bamboozled yet again by another co kooky story, and they went and searched the river and went to tennessee to talk to cousin joe and they left at midnight without arresting him. they have issued a statement today, this is the sheriff, at this point this search has failed to reveal any items of evidentiary value, and there is no one in custody as a result of rumors that have spread throughout the community. so you have joe saying that he has been unfairly targeted. they grill him. they don't arrest him. they are in the river searching. they don't find anything. so, there is the possibility that misty or somebody else made up yet another story about this case that sounded very believable, but it is just not panning out, at least not yet. >> yep. let's bring in jeane casarez, because jane could be on to something here, when you talk about misty. at one point, over 30 hours of interviews with the police investigators and no consistent story, so to say that she might make up something with the brother tommy and again finger cousin joe is not out of the question, is it? >> everything that jane is saying is on the mark, exactly. but here is the thing, they haven't done a search since last fall. and look at the resources that they have brought out, not only that, they called the whole family to the jail yesterday. some having to drive a lot of miles to get there. that makes this search different. >> jane, as you covered this again for an hour and you will be all over it again tonight, did we get any further as to what the credible tip was all about? why, again, to jeane's point going to the search now? >> we know according to the art harris that misty wrote a letter that saying that instead of the child mysteriously vanishing and waking up to the child missing, that joe and her brother tommy came over and they were trying to get a gun that ron had. when they could not find the gun, she claims that joe was angry and took off with the child. now n the sa now, in the same report from, it says this misty was subjected to a polygraph and failed when asked about that story, and that is what confuses me is because one of the reasons that the police may go to this area is because according to tim miller who is from texas equusearch who told us on the show last night is that he was told that this is where joe liked to go fishing, so this is a nexus there, the joe nexus at this location, but if the story is false, and i don't know, i have no idea, then it's a -- yeah. >> if law enforcement, if they get the information and they think it is credible, they have to follow it up, period. >> jane, we will be watching "issues" at the top of the hour and have the latest on the story. we have this coming up, what kind of mother uses her daughter to end up driving drunk. police say that is what happened in new hampshire. mom had a device to keep her driving intoxicated and instead of blowing into the machine to start the car and check blood alcohol, allegedly, she had her daughter do it not once, but twice, and by the way, this lady is an elementary school teamer. . ...yeah, every night it's something different. oh yeah yeah...she always keeps them in the house. no no no, i've actually lost weight... i just have a high metabolism or something... ...lucky. 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[ female announcer ] at aarp we believe you're never done growing. thanks, mom. i just want to get my car back. [ female announcer ] together we can discover the best of what's next at what a breakthrough for josie ratley who is the 15-year-old girl who was brutally beatenoutside of her high school in deerfield, florida. and now not only is she out of the coma, but sitting in a wheelchair and showing signs that she is recognizing her mom again. >> there is a connection there every time that hilda walks into the room, she immediately changes her emotion. josie changes her emotion, and she tears up. she seems to want to try to cuddle with her mom. >> again, good news, doctors cautious though, because the latest brain scan showed severe injuries in the ability to communicate and to walk. so still too early to tell if she is going to make a full recovery. this story horrified us on so many levels. a 15-year-old, that young man, charged with attempted murder. prosecutors have until monday to decide whether or not to try him as an adult or keep him in juvenile detention. and the friend of josie and his girlfriend 13 years old is facing charges as an accomplice. and a more this convicted of driving while intoxicated gets arrested again. police in new hampshire say she made the young daughter blow into the machine to start the car's ignition. it is the device installed on cars of some dui convicts and checks the blood alcohol level and you blow the breath into the machine, and if there is no alcohol, the car starts for you. well, this mother, denise delucci is accused of having her daughter breathe into the machine not once but twice, and one other fact here is that lisa is a elementary schoolteacher. the school district has put her on paid leave. and trying to contact the district, but no comment on story. call was your thoughts at 1-877-tell-hln. joining us, we welcome back mamie coffee, and criminal defense attorney and specializes in dui offenses and also lieutenant denise roy from the merrimack police department who interviewed the mom. lieutenant, you talked to the mom, and what can you tell us or what did she tell you happened? >> well, at this point, it is an open investigation and could be further charges so we cannot comment on what she has said, but she was in fact charged with two charges of circumventing her ignition in a locked system. >> so, who blew into the machine? it was not her. do we allegedly think that her daughter did it? is that what we have? >> at this point, we can say it is a juvenile under 16 years of age who blew on the two separate occasions into the system. >> so, we have that. and again, we appreciate it that is an ongoing investigation and we are sensitive to the information and we have to ask the questions. how did she get caught. who tipped off the authorities here? >> well, the merrimack police department received a call from the school district, merrimack school district in regards to the possibility that this juvenile had blown into the interlock system, and that information was followed up on by officers, and through the investigation, it was learned in fact that mrs. dinucci on two separate occasions had the juvenile blow into the system. >> and again, it is a sensitive question but i have to ask it anyway, did anyone report that she had been drinking or smelled alcohol or more the juvenile who was the tipping point here? >> at this point, again, because it is an ongoing investigation, i can't comment other than at this time, she was not arrested for driving under the influence. >> again, let me give you a little history here and we will take a break and get mimi in on the conversation and did some research to the court documents she was convicted of aggravated driving while intoxicated and back in 2008, a couple of years ago had a child with her, in the car back then. so, did this happen all over again? we will explore that possibility and take your calls, and again, this is an elementary schoolteacher here, and the ho ther of two. call in 1-877-tell-hln. thisust migh rl win.d't thyou therices tht gy htherin.nd e vi we have lol.i raart nex. thine bivi we have lol.i raart nex. welcome back to "prime news" on hln. on this program we deal with tough stories and we have a hero in our midst, we will honor him, and this man fits the description. this man set out to find nadia bloom yesterday. he set out, and found her. nadia has asberger's and she went into the woods and got lost and after four days of searching james king says he was following a lead. >> it is definitely a miracle. i mean, i didn't know where she was and the only person who knew where she was was god, and so i asked him, and he led me directly to her, straight about as you can go through the swamp. >> when he found nadia, she had on no shoes and covered in insect bites and otherwise, fine. listen to him on the 911 call, and just came in. give it a listen. >> yeah, i want to put you on speakerphone, and hold on a second, and let me see if i can get this thing working baby. okay. >> hi. this is nadia, i'm the girl that got lost. >> okay. >> nadia, you okay? are you hurt in any way? >> yeah. i'm nadia, what's your name. >> and nadia's mom thanked james king at a news conference. >> we are so fortunate that god used him to bring our child back to us. thank is not the appropriate word for what we feel jim king did for bringing back our child. the one thing that was really, really neat is that she was really praying in the time, and the verse she was quoting was proverbing 3:5-6, trust the lord with your heart, and acknowledge him in all of the ways of understanding, and that is the same verse that mr. king was quoting when he came out. >> well. mr. king hopes that he can see the family again, and nadia hinted she would invite him to the pizza party. nice ending there. and this story we are following. a second police officer sus pebded in the beating of a maryland university student last month. that coming from the washington post, and now the fbi is joining the investigation. the video is tough to watch. march 3rd, 21-year-old jack mckenna joins a big rowdy celebration when maryland beats duke. and you see cops beating him with batons and charged first, but then the charges drop and now he is planning to sue the police officers. earlier i spoke with chris griffiths, his attorney. all right. as we look at the incident one more time, we see your client jack mckenna celebrating the win, and we have a spot shadow here circled, and he comes up to the hofshrse and the officers a how does he describe what happened? what has he told you? >> well, as you can see from the video, he is skipping down the road and we have another audio source down on the sidewalk, and you can hear the audio, because he is singing a fight song, and he clearly doesn't see the police line, and you can see that from the body language, and his demeanor, and he actually stops and before the police assault him, he takes a step back. obviously, they jump him, and start clubbing him. >> did he -- again, there is no excuse for what we see on the video how the officers treated him, but did he say anything that might have provoked an officer? >> no, absolutely not. absolutely not. and again, we have another, it is not the video that you are looking at, but another video from a cell phone where the quality is not that great in terms of the visually, but we can hear the audio, a hnd he do not say a thing to police, and they don't give him a command, and he is simply, you know, assaulted. >> okay. again, it is starting to look at it. but pick it up later, and the client says that also he is alleging a cover-up, and police told him don't say anything about the injuries? >> sure. >> what more can you tell us about that? >> well, the cover-up starts with his being charged with a crime. here is charged with assaulting a police officer, and the charging documents indicate that he received the injuries when he is kicked by a horse. clearly, that is false. that was intended to cover up the officers' misconduct, but he is then taken to a staging area where he is given some cursory medical treatment, and the bandage is applied to his head, and then an officer drives him to the county jail. on the way to the jail, he is told, look, you know, if you complain about the injuries, you are going to spend the weekend in jail. if you want to get out of here tonight, don't complain, don't request medical treatment. he actually removed the bandage from the young man's head, and when he got to the jail, you know, officials there at the jail saw he was injured and demanded that the mistake him to the hospital. again, that was intended to try to cover up the 34is condumisco because if they have to take him to the hospital, they have to explain the injuries and prepare reports to have led people to know who had done this to him, and why they had done it. >> and again, chris griffins the attorney for jack mckenna. let's bring back law enforcement analyst mike brooks, and first of all, when we hear that, there are serious allegation, and first of all the video and the cover-up of the injuries and the charges that don't mesh with the video and how does the department go about investigating a matter so sensitive? >> well, i can tell you that that police department has a very good internal affairs unit, and they can police themselves. the sergeant who was in charge of the scene along with the officer who wrote the arrest report, and the charging documents that mr. griffins was talking about, both of them have been suspend and you will see two or three more officers suspended, but mike, when you talk about the charging document, that is basically, when you write that out, that is what you are going to swear to in court. so, you know, is there a possibposroblem with perjury here? yes. we don't know if that was the arresting officer or someone who is transporting him to the jail, and they will find out who that officer was also, and the whole thing -- it isn't good. because, you see, once you use force like that, and you are bandaged up at the area that mr. griffin is talked about, they took the bandages off and the jail is going, wait a minute, you did not receive that here, and we will send you back with the officer who transports you here and you are taking him to the hospital, because once that happens, you have the write a use of force report on how those injuries were sustained, and now the fbi involved, mike, that is not a good thing either. >> and all right. now, the victim or the man who was assaulted here or beat or whatever, we have seen the videos and his name is jack mckenckenna, and his grandfathe a federal judge, and he said that we could be looking at intent to maim, and other criminal charges here. >> well, it is a good possibility after the investigation is done, there could be criminal charges here, mike, and a lot of witness statements taken and the fbi are in the investigation right now to look to see if any of the civil rights violations have -- you know, were violated. i mean, we are talking about possible false arrest and false imprisonment and battery and going along with what the maryland code is. so, i mean, it is not over yet. and you know me, i was a cop in d.c. and right over the line, and i have friends on the police department up there, and this just doesn't look good for those officers involved with that video and the use of force that they did use. >> mike, we will continue to follow this and appreciate your insights on this. >> still trying to make sense of this one, a tennessee mother sends her adopted son back to russia, and he is 7 years old. she says he is psychotic and violent and the officials in russia are not buying that story. what do you think? and what about what avenues of help did she have? who could she have gone to? say that things were not going well, and he had real issues? you can't just trade him back like a car. you may have tried supplement pills to combat joint discomfort but is there a faster way to find relief? try elations. this delicious, once-a-day joint supplement drink is clinically proven to improve joint comfort in as little as six days. elations contains effective levels of glucosamine and chondroitin and it's more absorbable than supplement pills. in fact, some reported improved flexibility in as little as three days. improve your joint comfort with a fast alternative. try elations today. brand power. helping you buy better. you know a lot of you have chimed in on this story and you are outraged that a woman in tennessee would send her 7-year-old adopted son back to russia. do you believe her that the boy was violent and threatened her? the russian officials don't believe her and they have examined him and have not found any signs of psychiatric problems. >> how can you say a 7-year-old boy is a menace or danger to the family? >> well, that is the family and critics are lining up saying if there were problems they had plenty of opportunities to get help. the kid is 7 and had been in an orphanage all that time, and the family had to expect problems along the way you would think, and we are taking your calls. 1-877-tell-hln. here to talk about it is patricia cogan, from international adoption specialist and author of the book "parenting your international child." and also, roslyn from the "ten seeian." >> talking about the serious challenges that you had with your adoptive daughter, what i am gathering from this is that you believe that the hansons should have been ready in an international adoption they should have been ready and it does not sound like they were ready for the challenges that might come? true or false? >> it is absolutely true. if you are going to do an international adoption, there is every opportunity through the internet and the agency to become knowledgeable what, you know, are typical behaviors for children who come through these kinds of circumstances. and the description of the behaviors that the hansons gave are pretty typical. they tend to be extreme behaviors, and they tend to be scary, because these kids are scared, and think are kt aactin that out. >> so, you are saying, here is what the hansons are saying that justin had a hit list, and the adoptive mom was at the top of the hit list and that he tried to set the house on fire -- that does not surprise you? you have heard these stories before? >> i have heard those types of stories before, but first let me say that when a child comes and justin had been here for approximately seven months, those are not typical behaviors when the child first comes. and they weren't apparently when justin first arrived, but according to what i understand, justin received treatment in such a way that, that is where he ended up. all i can think of is that his mother and grandmother and i believe an aunt was involved in raising him. that they were not apprised of how best to work with a child who came from an orphanage. >> okay. >> so that, this would be his ultimate resort to trying to get help. that he was so frustrated and overwhelmed, because literally kids from orphanages have brains that are shaped by the stress and negligent of being in an orphanage. >> let me bring in janelle on this. what do we know? help us to clear it up here? what kind of help did the hansens try to get for this situation? >> that is a great question, but unfortunately, not one that we have the answer to. what exactly this family did to try to get help for this child or where they might have gone to seek the services is by and large going to be shielded from the public view and not something accessible via public records, however, the department of childrens services have said that they have no record that this family contacted the department or community agencies that are designed to try thom families that are facing these kinds of difficulties. here in tennessee, we do have a law that requires post-adoption services to be made available to families who have adopted families out of state custody, however, those same services are available to families such as this one who participated in a private adoption, but those services are made available on a sliding fee scale. >> and angela? your comment or question? >> caller: yes, i think that that lady should have done more than what she did by sending that little boy back on the plane by himself like trying to get him some counseling or something if she thought that he had some type of problems. >> that is what we are all wondering here and janelle was talking about, that because on the program, what we heard from different reporters is that they made a phone call to a psychologist, and sought out help online from an attorney, and patricia, back to you, there has to be more help in a situation like this, isn't there? >> well, there absolutely is. there is no reason that someone as savvy about the internet as mrs. hansen could have been could have gone on line and i came here just before i came here and i put in bad behavior international adoption and i found over 200,000 entries and the fifth one turned out to be any own book, and that is of course not a description of bad behavior, but it is suggestions on how to deal with the typical and difficult behavior and challenging issues that these children bring, and apparently, the woman didn't think that therapy is the way to go, but therapy is considered a standard part of life for these kids and their families. >> the book out there again, "parenting your internationally adopted child." patricia and janell, we hope to have you back. more news coming up. a high school baseball player tragically lost his leg in a boating accident two years ago, and he almost died. but now he is backfiring fastballs and he has a true fighting spirit, and this hour, he will join us to tell us his inspiring story. ♪ [ male announcer ] we call it the american renewal. because we believe in the strength of american businesses. ♪ ge capital understands what small businesses need to grow and create jobs. today, over 300,000 businesses rely on ge capital for the critical financing they need to help get our economy back on track. the american renewal is happening right now. ♪ t worr 'll ndne else. 'sla t worr 'll ndne else. ♪t dy sy la suck up the s pl vacuum and ecc y cloths k r it cleans beer than a sucor your moy ba. pl vacuum sl ♪ i'm ali velshi with "making cents," helping you navigate a tough economy. chuck writes, "i bought an investment property using two loans. one was an equity line of credit. the home was foreclosed, so the first mortgage took it. the problem is the bank with the equity line wants the remaining $30,000. the second mortgage equity line was $30,000. i do not have the home anymore or any money to pay for it. i also have backed up condo fees. please tell me what i can do to resolve this matter." here's the bottom line, while the first mortgage always gets rights to the house, other lenders do have rights to sue you against the assets that you have, so you do have to engage with the lender and try to have some sort of an negotiation as to how you're going to pay that down. same thing for the condo fees. the reality is, they can sue you, and unless you declare personal bankruptcy, they can succeed in garnishing your wages or making you pay them over time. the reality is, for that amount of money, it does cost a few thousand dollars for a bank to go after you, but what we are learning in this economy, with banks trying to get every last dollar they can, they will sue for smaller amounts than they have in the past. so the best thing to do is negotiate a payment plan with the bank. we love hearing from you, e-mail your questions at, give us your questions at our "prime news" facebook page, text us at hln tv and start your message with the word "prime" or submit your questions on i-report. 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