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breaking news tonight. live windermere, florida. superstar golf phenomenon tiger woods drives out of his multimillion-dollar compound barefoot, 2:00 a.m., after thanksgiving day celebrations. and has a head-on collision with a tree and a fire hydrant. his young wife, the mother of his two children, says she hears the crash from inside, runs out to beat out both back windows of woods' cadillac. woods refusing repeatedly to speak to police. immediately pulling out of his own golf tournament. gatorade drops the tiger woods drink. prime-time tv ads dry up. as woods' alleged mistresses hit double digits including a swimsuit model, a porn star and a waitress at a pancake house. it ail hit newsstands before the crash. woods just gets a slap on the wrist, even though a witness tells cops woods was drinking before the crash and prescribed pain pills, sleeping pills and vicodin. why? why did prosecutors refuse blood alcohol results when cops specifically asked for it? bombshell tonight. hundreds of e-mails and text messages sent to a mistress goes public. woods promising to leave his wife and two little children, claiming this woman is his soulmate, and complaining he wishes he met her before he married? in another text, he allegedly tells another woman they'll be together, quote, forever. texts and e-mails reportedly setting up late-night rendezvouses. also on the legal front, did woods pay millions to buy the s silence of an alleged mistress to keep their affairs secret? which is why, closing on a family mansion back in sweden. if woods were an ordinary guy, wouldn't the charges be more serious in light of an alleged dui and a cover-up, not only to his wife but to the cops? as the plot thickens, what really happened to tiger woods and how will it affect child custody and a possible divorce? woods still hiding out on his multi-million-dollar yacht for privacy. and hey, do you blame him? woods allegedly writing -- the eninquirer claims team tiger is working hard to keep them from having additional sources. we are getting word of more alleged affairs, more alleged mistress mistresses. >> rachel, you could tell, obviously, the club hostess. jamie grubbs. another swimsuit model who met him in vegas, she claims. we've got another woman who works for this lingerie web site. >> could all these alleged affairs defeat a pre-nup? >> we've got holly sampson, who is added to the list. it goes on and on. >> i have no words to explain what i have done to her and her family. i guess i would be deeply sorry for never considering her during the whole process. >> good evening. i'm nancy grace. i want to thank you for being with us. bombshell tonight. hundreds -- hundreds -- of explosive e-mails and text messages between woods and two mistresses go public. how will this affect child custody and a possible divorce? woods still hiding out on his multi-million-dollar yacht for privacy, and do you blame him? tiger isn't out of the woods yet. his troubles are just beginning. >> now e-mails become public allegedly sent by tiger woods to alleged mistress rachel uchitel. woods allegedly e mailed -- a full-blown tiger woods scandal. i also allegedly wrote -- >> this guy is a playboy. >> how might these alleged e-mails affect any possible pre-nup? >> i have no words to explain, you know, what i have done to her or her family. i'm not ever going to say that what i did was okay. and like she knows she loved him. >> straight out to tom o'neal. he is the senior editor with "in touch weekly." they have published hundreds of these e-mails and texts. i don't know what you're smiling about, but this is likely the end of a marriage. for get those two. they agreed up front they bargained for each other. what about those children? right now i could take a lot from my husband because i would not want to split up the family with the children. but with these going public, i mean, hold on, tom. liz, let's take a look at a couple of these. these are in "in touch weekly's" in touch edition. you want someone to witness your life. i want you to lay next to me, lay on me or wherever you want to lay. f. why didn't we find each other years ago? we wouldn't be having this conversation. next -- >> they go on and on and on, tom o'neal. him calling her his soulmate, according to your article. talking about how he wished he would have met her before he married his gorgeous, sweet and supermodel wife and had two beautiful, healthy children? before i thought, tom o'neal, that elin would say, he had some flingz. i'm not happy, we're going to work it out. but saying he would have rather married someone other than her? where did you get these things, anyway? >> a third party gave them to us. >> i'm sorry, where? >> a third party. >> a third party. how could you get them from anybody other than rachel uchitel? now i get why she thinks he would leave her for her. it's in these e-mails. >> we have two gals, we have -- >> don't use gals. >> we have two paramours, is that an okay word? but we have no evidence up till now for the first girl. rachael, this is the whole first sign of her, whether the tryst went on in australia before they broke the story. >> tom o'neal, you say rachael uchitel, the new york party girl, she's been called. she is a hostess at a nightclub, she didn't give you these e-mails. who hacked into her e-mail account? >> we don't expose that, but we have lawyers that go into all these things to validate them. >> did you pay her? >> no, we did not pay her. we do not pay for editorial. we do not. >> how do you, in the same breath say "no" and "i don't know." >> because we do pay for photographs. >> paying for photographs is the same thing as paying for an interview. i don't want to talk about you and your policy, i want to talk about these e-mails. you're not telling me where you got them from. they either had to come from her to a third party to you, or someone hacked them. how many are there? >> we have several. there are hundreds of these, of course, and text messages, and what's interesting is you can follow the story of the fight they have before they head to australia, before the tabloids catch them down there, which, of course, leads up to the big blow-up on thanksgiving day. >> give me the timeline you say you can recreate. >> right. exact dates -- i think -- was it november 9, the series of these e-mails take place where he first professes all this love for her, then he starts to tell her how jealous he is because she's been linked with four other celebrities. >> you're telling me tiger woods is mad at an alleged mistress because she's dated other people? >> right, right. four other celebrities. he says, that means you probably just want me for my fame. they have a fight, and he said, let's not fight here. let's hop on a plane to australia and meet there and have make-up sex. what would you tell his wife, elin, if she was sitting right here? >> i have no words to explain, you know, what i have done to her, her family. i guess i would be deeply sorry for never considering her during the whole process and not -- him not bringing her up. it was just a way for me to pretend that he didn't have one and for me not to deal with it, but, i mean, i'm not going to ever say what i did was okay. like she knows she loved him, and that is the way i felt. >> did you ever walk away? did you ever say, i can't do this anymore? >> i never physically told him i can't do this anymore, but i did back away. i did learn he was having a second child, and at that point i just thought to myself, what am i doing? this isn't right. he has a wife and it's not you. so i did, i tried to just fewer text messages and farther in between and phone calls, and there was a time when he did come out, he did physically come out for five days, and he texted me every day and said, meet up with me, i want to see you, i miss you, and i didn't do it. i was like, i'm not going to do that anymore. >> did you love tiger? >> i did never say that i did love him . i wouldn't let myself get that far. >> do you feel tiger loved you? >> there were times i feel like he could have, but if you were to ask me that question now, i would have to say he didn't. >> that is the cocktail waitress, jaymie grubbs, in the middle of an interview where she is explaining why she thought tiger woods actually loved her. but now that she's heard about an alleged string of mistresses, she's not so sure. you know what? how do you think his wife feels? i'm going to go back to tom o'neal. you say there are hundreds of text messages and e-mails that now support all of these affairs or just the one affair with uchitel? >> jaymie grubbs has pro dusddu number of text messages and e-mails with her affair. this last the 2.5 years, by the way. this happened right after the birth of their first child. >> i'm going to go to dr. lillian glass, psychologist, body language expert, author of "i know what you're thinking." when we first heard all these stories of his alleged mistresses, all of thoem, i dont believe, by the way. you're looking at texts from woods back and forth to grubbs. i didn't think the woman had that much credibility, but now that i'm listening to uchitel and i'm listening to grubbs, they're extremely articulate, obviously physically beautiful, but they're not like bar flies or gold dig ggers, they seem li women who really thought he would leave his wife for them. >> nancy, they are golddiggers. she said she was looking for somebody very famous, she was looking for somebody very wealthy to help support her venture because she wanted to have a nightclub. she was using tiger in this regard. she has been playing him and he fell for it. >> i want to point out that uchitel's fiancgurin fiance was new york. she was married after that, a very brief marriage. nothing worked out for her after she lost her fiance. i'm not taking her side. none of these women came forward until they found out about each other. i got the impression they thought they were the only ones in addition to the wife. >> yes. they were playing him, he was playing them right back. >> i'm not taking their side. what i am saying is he is the one that's married, not them. they don't have a duty to anybody but themselves. he has a duty. >> you're absolutely right. he has a big duty. >> i heard that you said tiger woods is suicidal. i don't believe that for a minute. this man is not suicidal! >> the bottom line is he doesn't have a lot of coping mechanisms at this point. this is a guy who has had everything done for him, everything done for him. >> i don't know about that. he gave up a lot -- put glass up, please. lillian glass, he started becoming essentially a professional athlete at age five. he has done nothing but go to school and play golf and perfect his game. he has worked since he was a little boy. don't say he hasn't worked for anything, he worked his butt off. >> i didn't say that, nancy. i didn't say he didn't work for anything. he had a lot handed to him and a lot done for him, absolutely. what would you tell his wife, elin, if she was sitting right here? >> i have no words to explain, you know, what i have done to her, her family. i guess i would be deeply sorry for never considering her during the whole process and him not bringing her up. it was just a way for me to pretend that he didn't have one and for me not to deal with it. but, i mean, i'm not ever going to say what i did was okay. and like she knows she loved him, and, you know, that is the way i felt. >> did you ever walk away? did you ever say, i can't do this anymore? >> i never physically told him i couldn't do it anymore. >> that is from "extra," and that is alleged mistress number two, jaymie grubbs, describing she was in love with tiger woods, thought he was in love with her. although, i should point out she was with him 2.5 years and he never left his wife. i don't know how realistic it is for her to claim that. back to eloise parker. eloise, thanks again for being with us. what is the crux of her interview? >> we didn't have sources to back up the story, so what we were really interested in here was looking at the woman behind the headlines and digging into the personality of rachael uchitel. she invited us into her home and we wanted to see what made her tick. >> let's release the lawyers. eloise parker, "ok" magazine, a lex -- alexis nealy, and defense attorney in new york. ray, a lot of divorces are purely emotional. for instance, i have literally known of a couple in divorce court who went to trial -- it cost them thousands -- over pots and pans and something to do with the dog. they went to trial. it probably cost them 50, $60,000 to go to a jury trial over that. so at one point if the wife, elin, rationalizes in her head, okay, he had some affairs, i'm going to stick it out, but now these e-mails are incendiary. in some he describes uchitel as his soulmate, he wishes he had met her before he married and had children, and will it nullify the pre-nup? >> tiger woods has multiple problems vis-a-vis his wife. here's his problems in a row. number one, this is a slam-dunk no-fault divorce granted in her favor. he may lose a lot of custody of these children. a judge may find him to be an unfit parent. last issue is finances. he's going to be digging out of a hole and writing checks to her and those children for the rest of his professional career. so she's got him, this is an easy case for a lawyer's career, and he has done nothing to help his situation. >> what if the pre-nup is ironclad. do all these alleged affairs nullify a pre-nup? >> no, i don't think it would. the issues are whether or not the person understood the terms and read it all. i don't think the behaviors will nullify it per se. but in the real world, obviously there is a tremendous amount of public relations leverage, and i think that's going to translate into additional money for the wife. >> to alexis martin nealy joining us from l.a., if pre-nups specify the dissolution of a major, can infidelity nullify a pre-nup? >> it's possible, but knowing tiger and who he is, it surprises me if he would allow his lawyers to put that in. >> speaking of many, many years, back to ellie jo's dad, rumors are surfacing that this past july, i believe it was, tiger woods was in scotland, i believe, at a golf event, and there are now reports that a domestic outbreak occurred over alleged affairs in the home in which they were staying. the private home was torn up, destroyed, allegedly, by one of them? >> right. that's actually a globe magazine report. we can't confirm it, but the report is while they were at the british open this past summer, staying at this rented or borrowed home, and some sort of argument broke out and there was apparently some damage. there are also reports that there has been trouble -- >> ellie, it didn't say some damage. it said it was destroyed on the inside. >> $60,000 worth of damage is what they're reporting, yeah. >> so michael gordon, ceo of the gordon group in new york, i would say this is a crisis, michael gordon. how do you keep $60,000 worth of damage to a private home secret? if it happened. every time someone like lindsay lohan throws a bottle at the chateau marmont or wherever she stays, we hear about it. $60,000 damage? >> the truth is coming out. everybody wants to get at the truth. that's the whole problem that tiger is facing. he is not coming forward with the truth himself and take the gas out of everybody who wants to get at that truth. >> you know, michael, if these reports are true, and now with e-mails and the texts, if they are corroborated, if they're for real, then it is true. >> right. right. >> would it be best -- why is he ho holed up on the yacht other than having a goose egg on his forehead, maybe. don't tell me he should come out and say he is a sex addict. don't even go there, gordon. that is so tired. i hear that from so many celebs who run around on their wives -- sorry, gentlemen -- but he can't say that. he can't say he's a sex addict. >> no, he has to come out with his fans, apologize to his fans, apologize to his wife, and that's the only way to start recovering the confidence of his family and fan base. >> michael gordon, you know what i think? if he wants to hold onto his family and to his fans, he's going to have to say, you know what? it's all true. and i was the biggest horse's ass on the planet to risk my wife and my children and my fans for what? no offense to the ladies, but for what? >> that's exactly right. he just needs to speak the truth, and i think he can get past this. but every day that he doesn't talk is a lost opportunity. because he's such a big celebrity, everyone is interested, and he needs to change the name of his boat from privacy to reality. >> very quick to you, reg. if he did, in fact, pay these women not to talk about the affair, when does this become a bribe? >> right now there is no litigation, they're not in violation of anything. >> agree or disagree, doug burns? >> agree. normally a bribe is a public official. i don't see that here. >> what do you think, alexis? >> i agree, there is nothing illegal. >> i tried to just view her text messages, and there was a time he did come out, he did physically come out for five days, and he texted me for five days saying, meet me, i miss you. and i didn't do it. i'm like, i'm not going to do that tanymore. what would you tell his wife elin if she was sitting right here? >> i have no words to explain what i have done to her, her family. i guess i would be deeply sorry for never considering her during the whole process and not -- him not bringing her up. it was just a way for me to just pretend that he didn't have one and for me not to deal with it. i'm not going to ever say what i did was okay. and like she knows she loved him, and, you know, that is the way i felt. >> did you ever walk away? did you ever say, i can't do this anymore? >> i never physically told him i couldn't do it anymore, but i did back away. i did learn that he was having a second child, and at that point, you know, i just kind of thought to myself, what am i doing? >> that's an interview between "extra" and tiger woods' alleged mistress, mistress number two, allegedly, jaim eree grubbs. >> i want to go to paul, he is a former policeman. i want to go to "in touch weekly." they're the ones that know about these explosive e-mails and text messages. where could they possibly come from? unless this woman, rachael uchitel, gave them to someone. her attorney is gloria allred, so gloria knows what she's doing, but unless she gave them to somebody, how else could they be attained unless somebody hacked into her account? >> i think somebody could go into her account and possibly sell them. that's entirely possible. but we could think someone close to her maybe didn't hand them off. technology can be your best friend or your worst enemy, but if you look at the totality of this situation and the money involved and everything else, i'd be surprised to know it's not somebody handing them off to somebody who handed them off. >> the most obvious choice is the correct one, in other words, it did come from uchitel, although o'neal swears they didn't, they could have come from a third party. the fact no one has been sued, someone hacking into her accounts, speaks volumes to me. it says no one did hack into her accounts. >> but people don't realize how easy it is to hack into accounts, and if you don't take that chip out of it, people can download your messages. >> gatorade has discontinued the tiger woods drink. his ads haven't aired since right after thanksgiving, if i'm correct. doug burns, what do you know about morals clauses in contracts? >> well, morals clauses say if a person engages in an act that is contrary to the contract, we can cancel the contract. he and his counsel probably negotiated it and battled back and forth in terms of how much room there would be to nullify it. but having said that, he's going to lose a lot of endorsements. >> i want to go back to dr. marni carey. thanks for being with us, as always. a lot has been made that a witness at the crash, perhaps his wife, told police he had been drinking a lot before the crash and was prescribed ambien, a sleeping pill, and a very powerful pain pill, vicodin. now, if he was dui, what kind of injuries would you have expected him to have to suggest there was a cover-up? >> well, you know, everybody who comes in after a motor vehicle crash in the emergency room is tested for blood alcohol levels and also a standard toxicology screen. we don't know anything about that. what we do know is there was a head injury because there was a claim that there was snoring at the scene, which is a sign of unconsciousness, and that the patient, tiger in this situation, was taken into an icu overnight and admitted the next day. if somebody is discharged from a hospital after 24 hours, that means that they got a head scan. that head scan was negative, and the patient was released because of that. any other reason, they would be watched for a longer period of time. >> are you saying it's sop, standard operating procedures, for the hospital to take blood when someone is admitted like this? >> because there is no way to assign fault from an accident or make a decision, a judgment call, about who was involved and who was at fault, all motor vehicle accident victims get a standard toxicology and blood alcohol level in the emergency room. >> i want to go back to dr. lillian glass, psychologist, body language expert, author of "i know what you're thinking." lillian, i find it very odd that he is actually confronting one of the women in these alleged e-mails that she's dated other people in the past. he's married! >> exactly. again, he fell for her. >> look, lillian, before marriage, whatever. date everybody, anybody, date different people, whatever. but once you walk down the aisle, once you sign on the dotted line and have children, it's over. >> i agree with you, and this is about his entitlement issues. he's tiger woods, he can have it all. and he thinks he can, but he can't. >> i'm going to go back to tom o'neill with? in touch weekly. it's kind of hard to sell the family man thing now. you've got buick, you've got a lot of family-oriented advertisers. y i mean, he is an industry. tiger woods is an industry. he makes about $100 million a year, and most of that is from endorsements. >> that's right. if we look back to a point earlier this year when we saw another heroic sports figure, michael phelps, got caught smoking marijuana, he lost the kel logs account from that, but i think there is another parallel here that may be even more appropriate, five years ago kobe bryant was accused of rape, and now he's not only recovered his career, he's the second highest paid sports figure behind tiger woods. >> and kobe bryant gear is the number one best-selling in europe. alexis martin knenealy, do chiln being born nullify a pre-nup? and how do multiple affairs, if they happened, affect custody. could she take off and head home to sweden? we know she just closed on a family mansion back home in sweden. could she take the children away if she's got all these women with two children? >> well, we don't know how much he was with his children, but hopefully she won't take off no matter what. even if she is granted primary custody. because regardless of these affairs, the most important thing for his children is that he have a relationship with his children. >> how can they do that if they're in sweden and he is on the pga tour? >> i she shouldn't take the kids to sweden and she can't right now know matter what so she would have to go through the divorce process and get custody. she would have to get permission to do that. that's probably not going to be the case. if it was the case, hopefully she won't take the kids away from their dad because he had some affairs. that's a whole other issue to be addressed. >> everyone, quick break. but as we go to break we ask sincerely for your thoughts and prayers for jack, who's just 8, and this beautiful boy is battling cancer. sweet boy, please stay strong. to send well wishes or donate, go to i tried to just -- fewer text messages and far in between and phone calls. and there was a time where he did come out. he did physically come out for five days and he texted me every day and said, meet up with me. i want to see you. i miss you. you know, i didn't do it. i was like, i'm not going to do that anymore die you love tiger? >> i did never say that i did love him. i wouldn't let myself get that far. >> do you think that tiger loved you? >> there were times when i feel that, you know, he could have. but i mean, if you were to ask me that question now, i would have to say he didn't. >> what would you tell his wife elin if she was sitting right here? >> i have no words to explain what i have done to her, her family. i guess i would be deeply sorry for never considering her during the whole process and not -- him not bringing her up was just a way for me to just pretend that he didn't have one and for me not to deal with it. >> straight back to tom o'neil, senior editor, "in touch weekly." allegations that tiger woods paid so-called hush money to various women and we see ucitel giving an interview, refusing to talk about the alleged affair. how many women are out there that allegedly have been paid off? >> that's a good question. there's ten alleged mistresses or affairs total. the allegations of payments to them are only about two or three. >> what about it, eloise parker with "ok?" >> yeah. that's what we're hearing today. another porn star. >> whoa, whoa, wait. did you say a second porn star? >> that's right, yes. which, that releases warning bells in my mind. i don't know. if there's an opportunist. call me wrong. call me wrong, but it stinks to me. >> ellie, just add so far two women are allegedly being paid hush money. what do you know about it? >> right, right. there are reports and can't confirm this, but that uchitel paid anywhere from $1 to $3 million and grubbs claiming to "the enquirer" and "radar" saying she was approached with an offer of $200,000 to keep quiet. >> tiger woods still in hiding allegedly on his yacht "the privacy." no word on his wife and children. let's stop and remember army staff sergeant david keel, 27, north dakota. killed iraq. on a second tour awarded the bronze star, purple heart, army commendation medal. loved hunting, fishing, country music. family barbecues. his f-150 pickup, his cocker spanieles and kitty cat doodle. leaves behind grieving parents keith and laura, sisters shawna and wendy, two little girls, kylie and mesa. david keel, american hero. thank you to our guests but especially to you for being with us. i'll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp eastern, and until then, good night, friend. xxxxxxx

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United States , Florida , New York , Sweden , Australia , Iraq , North Dakota , United Kingdom , Scotland , American , British , Lex Alexis Nealy , Jamie Grubbs , El Elin , Michael Phelps , Michael Gordon , Tom Oneal , Ellie Jo , Alexis Martin Nealy , Gloria Allred , Alexis Martin , Holly Sampson , Marni Carey , Eloise Parker ,

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