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rescuers are back inside a mine right now trying to find four missing miners in west virginia. four teams went in early this morning. they're really working against time. those rescue chambers have enough food and supplies for four days. it has been almost that long since monday's explosion. rescuers got within 500 feet of where they think the survivors could be, but had to turn back that close because of dangerous gases. >> the sample results have declined. it might have been a small amount but basically we still see a decline to the point that all three parties are in agreement that we need to try to get to the refuse chambers as we talked about earlier. the plan is for two teams to go underground and to visit both of those refuse chambers. funerals will be held for four of the 25 miners killed in monday's explosion. carl acord worked in mines for 34 years, two sons and two grandsons. family members say the day before the explosion acord told his family he was worried about going to work. miner josh snapper died in the blast. he wrote letters to his girlfriend and baby daughter before he left for work on monday. >> "if anything happens to me i'll be looking down from heaven at you all. i love you. take care of my baby. tell her that daddy loves her. she's beautiful. she's funny, and take care of my baby girl." >> we're keeping a close eye on the story for you, that's heartbreaking to hear. we're expecting a news conference in 30 minutes in west virginia. we'll take you there live when that starts. rights now astronauts from the shuttle discovery on a space walk outside the international space station. these are live pictures so it's neat to see, right? they disconnected an old tank on the station's cooling system. i always likes to eavesdrop here, too. sometimes they'll talk. they get a new one hooked up during their next two space walks. they also picked up a science experiment that has been running outside the station and they're going to bring that back to earth. let me hear. >> counterclockwise two, and again maybe 7 to 12 1/2 times. >> isn't that fascinating? people on earth telling them what to do and everyone watching them do their job at work. no pressure. tiger woods took his first swing since revealing his sex san scandal or the revelations about a sex scandal. our own rafer weigel is in augusta and witnessed tiger's comeback. so 144 days off and he wasn't rusty at all apparently? >> reporter: robin, regardless of how one may feel about tiger woods, this was nothing short of amazing, after that layoff and a sex scandal that cost him millions and possibly his family he comes out here and plays. the best he's ever played on the first day of this tournament. this is his 16th year in the tournament. this is the reception that woods got as he walked up to the 1st tee. he said it was the warmest reception he had ever gotten in his entire career. do we have that video? and those cheers continued throughout the entire day and that seemed to fuel him. he shot a 4 under 68. all you need to know is that he's two shots behind the surprise leader, fred couples. this guy showed no signs of rust. jack nicklaus thought for sure the guy would look rusty. he said he would be a different, calmer tiger. tiger showing frustration, a vintage tiger in every sense of the word but there were also a few hecklers out there but those hecklers were in the sky. i'll get into that in the next half hour >> that's an interesting piece of tape you got to watch. >> let's talk about the new nike ad. we showed a little bit of it yesterday. now we've learned that tiger's late father during this time wasn't even speaking about tiger when this was taped. >> reporter: yeah, robin, he was asked about the ad when he came off his round and went up to the podium essentially look you don't want us to talk about your personal life but you've made this commercial capitalizing off of it. here's tiger's response first to that question. let me play you that. >> well i think it's apropro, i think that's what my dad would say. it's amazing how how my dad with speak to me from different ways even when he's long gone. he's still helping me, and i think any son who has lost a father and who meant so much in their life, i think they would understand the spot. >> reporter: only, robin, as you said, his father was not talking to him in that ad. abc news is reporting it's from a documentary where earl woods is talking about tiger's mom, they sliced tiger's name and the rest of what he said together to make it seem like his dad is talking to tiger. a lot of people thought the ad was contrived before. now they really are going to think that. >> it's funny because some people say it was brilliant. other people go i don't get it. it's not translating. almost like you have two sides here. thank you. a school district in utah may ban teachers and students from being facebook friends. some parents are divided on this. the district says it wants to cut down on any inappropriate contact between teachers and students. >> the reality is that they're called social networking for a reason. when you're networking for social reasons you should be doing that with your peers. children and teachers are not peers. >> for me i think it's good that they could be friends with the teachers, so facebook it's a good way to do that. >> some students say that facebook helps because they can contact their teachers about assignments. a final vote on that ban is set for later on this month. all right, the diplomat who was accused of a shoe bomb scare is expected to be sent home to qat qatar, from the associated press. he will not be charged for allegedly smoking in the bathroom on a flight, and talking about lighting his shoe on fire. officials say that he was not a threat. his embassy says he was actually going on a routine visit with a convicted terrorist from qatar, his home country. bob's like, oh! >> so the story gets even better, going to visit a terrorist and making jokes like that. >> that's a good point. >> yeah. >> it's a routine visit i suppose that's part of their job. >> i don't care. i don't care. >> it's not part of your job to smoke when everyone else can't. >> as an american who is from the new york city metro area, i don't care. >> don't let the door hit you. >> where the good lord splits ya. new jersey coming out in towards areas like new england, too, look at the lake-effect snow coming off of lake superior, lake michigan, like huron as well. yesterday green bay about six inches of snow, plain old storm as it moved on through. rain out of jersey, new york, heads into boston and look at the drastic change in temperatures. 38 in buffalo. 55 in philadelphia. 52 degrees in washington. rain, there's the cold front goes right across northern parts of florida. heavier downpours from south of tampa in towards miami. masters forecast rain through yesterday, today 1, by sun, 76 nothing but sunshine. our i-report of the day from decatur, georgia, erica myer shot this video of the pollen in her neighborhood. looks like a cloud just exploding in the trees. you wonder why we all sound like ray romano down here. that's why. we had decent rain but today it will come back with the temperatures. >> growing up as a midwest gal there's pollen just about everywhere but this is a different kind where if you drove around with your window down for a half hour. >> it coats you. >> the inside of your car was green. >> you will look like a tennis ball if you stand outside. >> you have to wash your pet's paws off when they come inside. >> you leave foot prints in the street. there's your forecast. more in a bit. >> complain, complain, complain. >> i know, i know. a bus driver gets to keep his job despite punching a passenger. here is the security video. transit police in san antonio, texas, say the passenger was intoxicated and you can see him trying to hit the driver with a bottle in a paper bag. the passenger denies it. >> but i didn't throw anything. that's for sure. i didn't provoke him in any way. i wasn't even looking at him. >> okay, and then your affiliate kens showed the passenger that video. you've got to hear what the passenger then said. ♪ all right, so back to that bus passenger who got punched by the driver. he denied trying to hit the driver with the bottle. here's what he said after our affiliate kns showed him the security tape. >> it's like two different memories. it's like watching that, is that real and what i saw, is that real? i don't know. >> okay. he was arrested for public intoxication. he says he was on pain meds. the driver was suspended for two days for leaving the bus. after you see the tape you're like, do over. all right. it is time for our salute to the troops. shout out to sergeant charles aldrich today n afghanistan on his first deployment. his wife jody says he is her best friend and closest confidant. >> hi, robin, i'm jody aldridge. chucky, i love you so much, so proud of you for your service and i can't believe you're away from us and i know how hard it is being away from dustin in his first year. we'll send you tons of picture and prays for you daily. happy anniversary and be safe and come home. >> thank you so much. if you have somebody in the service, go to a chemical that the government says might not be healthy for you is probably in your toothpaste this morning n your bath soap this morning, in what else, jennifer westhoven? good morning. >> deodorant, socks, toys. if you buy anti-bacterial workout clothes. >> everything we probably have on at this moment. >> they said it's in three out of four of us in a test, it's in your number one. >> really? >> it's in your urine, yeah. >> your stream. >> so it's very widespread. this is like a ubiquitous chemical. >> number one. >> i didn't know what to call it. the fda is taking a closer look at this, it's called trichlosan and banned and restricted in europe. it's no more effective at killing bacteria than soap and water. it has some concerns, too, in animals, triclosan was rinkd to hormone changes, something we've been think being as society. >> i've always remarked that it seems like young people, they're maturing faster than we ever did and some people blame additives like that. >> some people think maybe that's part of it but it only happened in animal tests. we don't know if it's happened in people. also this concern has come up, too, if you start putting this in everything bacteria gets smart, they evolve and they end up basically developing a res t resistance to it so you develop a stronger, bad bug out there. the other side, the soap and detergent association defended the safety of triclosan and said it's been in use for 30 years. cyclists have been almost untouched by the texting and talking bans for good reason. who would do that? the heat is getting turned up on texting while riding. what? and a couple of old pros are giving tiger a run forev the grn jacket at the masters. ♪ in the yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine ♪ you know, the u.s. navy is banning smoking inside submarines. it is one of the most popular stories on right now. navy officials say they don't want non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke. they're going to have nicotine patches and goum help tum to he quit. the new rule starts by the end of the year. am i the only one going you were allowed to smoke in the sub before? rescuers are back inside the upper big branch mine looking for possible survivors of monday's explosion. we're expecting new details in their progress in about ten minutes. we'll watch for that. stay with us here for all of the latest. some high school students are learning some difficult design skills, sewing prom dresses from scratch. >> it's so overwhelming but at the end you're so proud of yourself. >> a new for new 30 minutes, why this project is turning out to be a bigger success than the teachers and the students ever expected. they're not making the dresses for themselves. it's really heartwarming who they're making it for. after the first round at the masters, two golfers playing the tourney when tiger was 8 years old are leading the way. joe carter is in with more. >> good morning, robin. tiger played very well yesterday, but fred couples who is 50 years old and tom watson who is 60 years old, they both played better. fred couples 50 years young is the oldest player ever to lead at the masters. he was playing in tennis shoes and no socks, and shot his best round of the tournament and he's played there 26 times. >> no socks! >> no socks. just one shot back, tom watson, he's 60 years old, his son caddied for him. his son got engaged earlier in the week and watched his dad shoot his best opening round since 1984 at the masters. so one day in, and already a lot of great storylines to tell. butler head coach brad stevens is going to be a bulldog for a very, very long time. he signed a 12-year contract extension just days after taking his team to the national championship game. >> you know what? i love this man. i love that, because i'm sure someone would have scooped him up, paid him probably a lot more but he's staying with his own program. >> the offers are out there. the school's not saying for how much money the contract is worth but it must be good, robin, considering the offer david letterman made him earlier this week. >> i'll give you a year of my pay if you'd take the head coaching position at boll state. when i first saw you i said to myself -- >> letterman went to bol state. >> obviously is hoarse. >> he really wants him to coach vol state up the road 45 minutes. he gives him a hard time about his age. we'll go over that later. he's only 33 but gets a lot of slack for his age. >> 12-year extension? >> 12-year extension. >> wow! that's longevity, baby. you may think you know a lot about your credit score but a lot of people are being duped. how you can tell your real score from the fake info.  breaking news out of west virginia. rescuers are trying to get four miners, get two-to-them. they've not been heard from since a deadly explosion on monday. a news conference should be starting any minute now. we're monitoring the podium. we're going to bring it to you live as it happens. astronauts are spending their morning working on a space station, make that on a space walk outside the international space station. this, too, is live this morning. they disconnected an old tank on the station's cooling system. two more space walks are planned so they can hook up a new system. you're watching that from space. an air force crash in afghanistan killed three service members and one civilian employee. a aircraft went down late last night. the taliban claims they shot down the aircraft. nato will only say the crash is under investigation. check of some of our headlines this morning. good morning. it is 30 minutes past the hour. i'm robin meade. we're now waiting on a news conference to start about the search for four missing miners. we can see that the cameras are in position, nobody's up there talking yet. searchers went back into the mine earlier this morning. that's after yesterday's heartbreaking decision to suspend the search because the air underground was just too dangerous. so we will keep watching for the start of that news conference and take you there as it does begin. former alaska governor sarah palin will speak to thousands of republicans in new orleans today. she's one of several possible presidential hopefuls speaking at the southern republican leadership conference. former house speaker newt gingrich opened the conference yesterday by calling president obama the most radical president in american history. tiger woods is back and may be better than ever. rafer is in augusta following tiger all week today and waker -- that was my waker, that was my combination of rafer and tiger. tiger was welcome on the ground. >> reporter: like brangelina. >> good morning. >> reporter: there was more security following tiger than ever before. there was more security at the tournament than ever before but they couldn't protect the skies. there were sky hecklers if you will when tiger first teed off this airplane, did you mean bootyism as opposed to buddhism, and then later as he was playing, another plane pulled another sign that says, sex addict? yeah, right, sure, me too. somebody paid a lot of money. >> do we know who do z this in. >> somebody paid a lot of money to have these signs anonymously race through the sky while he was playing. you'd figure at least after that there'd be a something dot-com. the fans did not share the same sentiment. here is how they responded when tiger walked up to the 1st tee. >> tiger woods. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: tiger said it was the warmest reception he had ever been given and he clearly fed off of it. you know when i watched him practice, i thought this guy looked special, like there was a fire in his eye and boy did he prove me right with the way that he played. shot the best he's ever played on the first day of this tournament. this is the 16th time he has been here. this man is clearly out to prove something. four times he shot a 4 under 68. four times he shot a 70. three out of the four times he went on to win this tournament. if i were a betting man i'd be picking this guy to win this thing but it is early. >> best first round. thank you very much. appreciate it. a dentist accused of using paper clips in his patient's mouths went before a judge yesterday. michael claire pleaded not guilty. prosecutors, though, say that he used paper clips for root canals but billed medicaid for more expensive stainless steel devices back in 2002. he's also accused of prescribing drugs for co-workers who in turn gave them back to him. >> golly. >> he's a butte. >> what do you use for anesthesia, a hammer? bam! okay, he's not out yet. okay, now you're out! >> allegedly. >> allegedly. >> a paper clip, how easy is it to snap the paper clip n their mouths. >> i didn't know phil mickelson had his pilot's license. i kid again. i kid again. if you're going to beat this guy, get in his head, it's tough to do. big cold front, a season changer moving through the east coast. two days ago temperatures in the low 90s from new york to boston. today you'll struggle to hit the 60-degree mark. behind it lake-effect snow falling across the u.p. of michigan. more in a second. i want to show you the strong thunderstorms now rocketing off the outer banks, north carolina. earlier this morning had a tornado warning north of the outer banks offshore. a couple of embedded thunderstorms are possible when you get towards jersey, new york city for the morning and later today around new england. we're seeing the snow pile up here. u.p. of michigan some areas have seen as much as eight inches of snow yesterday morning still coming down. it's not heavy, still out there, something we're watching. more rain around new york, gets into connecticut and hartford. rain just outside of boston, but that's going to fill in for you later today. look at the sweeping temperature changes right now. still 55 in philly. 52 degrees in washington. 38 degrees when you get to pittsburgh. there's your cold air coming in. the cold front across florida and it heads down to miami. live to miami, you're going to see showers and thunderstorms today but it does look pretty nice so far. nice little tropical morning for you but again temperatures into the 80s. cold front to your north, that means storms later today. more on that in a half hour. >> pretty picture. good morning to our friends in miami. hundreds of workers walked off the job. they're not angry about their pay. they're angry that they cannot drink while they're at work anymore. >> join the club. live to west virginia, they've decided to pull out the rescuers inside a mine again. >> they made some decisions, everyone's in agreement on the decisions. again the federal and state authorities who make those decisions i think have worked well together and come to conclusion that there's some things that they must do from a safety standpoint. so with that being said, i will let kevin explain to you, the families, we just came back from the families. one chamber has been checked, the chamber by the, chamber by our, right here, that has a visual, it was not deployed. it was intact, and not deployed, so we know that there was nobody in that chamber, so we have that one more chamber left to check, and that's the concern and concentrated effort everybody has right now. with that i'll let kevin go ahead and give you a more detailed explanation. >> thank you. thank you, governor. last evening, as we came down and briefed you, the rescue teams went underground about a quarter till 1:00 in the morning, and the intent of their work, where it was so visit both underground refuse chambers, well, they proceeded into the mine. they got to the first rescue chamber as the governor said, located close to where the long wall face was and it was not deployed. in that area, where the rescue chamber was, there were 900 parts per million right at the chamber. they then broke the plane and went towards what is head gate 22 and when they broke the plane, and went in these four connecting entries, we have smoke in all four of those entries, and the smoke is traveling from this side toward the long wall face, indicating that we have a fire somewhere. so it was at that time that a decision was made to evacuate the rescuers, and to begin the inerting process that we talked about last evening. we have the nitrogen set up, ready to go at bore hole number one, that's the location in the back of head gate 22, where we have been pulling, where we have a fan that had been set up and pulling samples from. as soon as the rescue teams get outside -- >> the news this morning is that this search has once again been suspended because of the air quality inside. you heard them say basically that hope hinges on one safety chamber that they have left to check. they checked one. they didn't find it was deployed or anybody was inside. so there was an explosion monday, 25 miners were killed. they have yet to locate four missing miners. the families obviously hope that maybe they can find them, maybe they're in these refuge chambers. they have one left to check but had to turn back because they had smoke in the tunnels. they're basically saying there's a fire somewhere. they have to come back in, pump some nitrogen in to equalize the air and obviously deal with the fire that they have somewhere before they are able to send rescuers back in. meanwhile today, four of the dead miners' funerals happened today. the anguish these families are going through while they wait day upon day. we' we'll monitor that conference and keep it checked and bring you any new information from that. did you know that every time you use your credit card a little bit of your privacy disappears. yeah, the credit card companies are keeping a close eye on what you're buying to determine what your credit risk is. jennifer westhoven is looking out for you. they're trying to tell me what i'm going to do before i do it. >> they even have the quote in this article i looked at, they said sometimes we know you better than you know yourself based on what you buy. that's kind of fascinating but scary, too. i mean, visa apparently can predict how likely you are to get a divorce. >> what? >> and they don't say how they predict that but they say, well, it's interesting to them because people who go through divorce a lot more likely to miss payments and end up in financial trouble. another company says they know their best customers, the customers who are going to pay them back, people who buy carbon monoxide detectors, people who buy those felt pads for the bottom of your furniture so it doesn't scratch the floor. >> what about those? >> that means you're a good customer. if you buy that you're probably somebody who thinks about your floor and long-term value of your home. i don't know. i don't know the why. i'm just telling you that it correlates >> and birdseed. >> and premium birdseed. so i mean, you know that's amazing. >> let's buy the things >> no comment from the credit card companies and this dame from "the daily beast" and from a book. >> birdseed? >> felt bottoms for the bottom of your furniture. >> and good motor oil? >> bad motor oil means you're a bad person but we didn't get to that because we ran out of time. cor ban monoxide detectors. >> what else you got? all right, what do you get for free at work, maybe you get coffee, maybe you can use the refrigerator? in denmark at the brewery workers walked off the job because they were told they can't drink beer on the job. this is what caused them to rally and walk off the on. we refuse to work out our beer. >> they were allowed to drink whenever they wanted before. >> they can still drink it on lunch breaks but not when they're actually working. i think that's wild. >> the point is that they were allowed to before. >> i can't believe they were allowed to and they think that's clearly unreasonable. >> you think that's ridiculous. you're talking about a brewery, machinery, and an assembly line. all right, jen, thank you. 16-year-old ma kenzie berra lives with an agonizing and uncurable disease but spends her time easing the pain of other children sharing her secret for relief, that's reading and that makes her our hero of the week. >> i was in the fifth grade when i hurt my knee. >> ready? >> yeah, i'm ready. >> the doctor diagnosed me with reflex dystrophy. it's like a bomb goes off in my knee. the only thing able to get my mind off the pain was reading. my pediatrician told me about a home for abused children, any child being in horrible pain like this, they need something, and something that i knew that helped me was books. okay this is called "screaming millie." but the people in these shelters are just like you and me. they need things to get their mind off of whatever they're going through. i put flyers in mailboxes, and i set up a website. thank you so much for donating. my original goal was to get 300 bucks. before i know it, i had 3,000 books. my total right now is 38,000 books and i've delivered books to libraries and reading rooms and 27 different shelters in six states. take as many books as you want. if one child finds a love of reading through books, i've given them, that will help them in school and just turn their life around entirely. i really think that reading can do that for someone. >> what a great young woman. she's donated nearly 40,000 books to shelters in six states. if you would like to nominate someone that you think is doing extraordinary work go to and click on "heroes." there's a live press conference going on right now about the rescue or attempted rescue of four miners missing in a mine in west virginia. here's the news. there has been another setback in that attempt to find the four trapped miners in west virginia. officials think that there's an underground fire somewhere in those mining tunnels pause they detected smoke when they were down there. we learned that about five minutes ago. the rescue teams had to be pulled out because of that smoke. the smoke was coming out all four bore holes. these holes that they bore down and tried to pump oxygen in and bad air out. they continue to hope they're going to be able to get back down there and check one of these refuge chambers, because they already checked one, they didn't find anybody inside, it wasn't deployed. now they'll learn this afternoon before they think they'll be able to send somebody back in. they still hope that the one chamber they have left to check might hold somebody. we'll keep you posted on that. some teens who could not afford a prom dress will be getting one for free thanks to some fellow students. it is a project at a vegas high school, young designers make a dress from scratch, and then donate them to needy students. and they're learning a very big lesson. >> an english teacher, math teacher, science teacher, they don't get this opportunity. i'm going to have 20 kids i'm going to have 20 kids showing off 8 projects to the whole community, and i couldn't be happier. >> students will model their own designs at the mall tomorrow. very nice job. ♪ i'm here for the party >> i didn't like golf until tiger came along. watched it all my life with my dad, and when tiger plays, i love watching him. so yeah, he's brought the driven and drive back to golf for me. >> yeah, that's one of the many fans glad to see tiger woods back at the masters. "hln" is the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger's return. rafer's reporting live from augusta national all day. actually, all week. so after day one at the masters, the talk isn't just about tiger. too much older golfers are showing him how it's done. joe carter is here with more. although tiger did have his best first round at the masters. >> he had a great first round, but two guys that are much older than tiger played much better than tiger. tom watson is one of those guys. he's 60 years old and is just one shot off the lead. now, whether or not he wins this tournament, it's already been a very memorable week for watson. his son, who is caddieing for him, proposed to his girlfriend sunday on the 13th hole. she said yes. >> oh, that's cool. >> watson must have been inspired. he followed that by shooting his best round at the masters in 26 years yesterday. 50-year-old fred couples, even better. going into today, robin, he is the oldest player ever to lead at the masters. he's playing in tennis shoes and no socks and ripping it up. we'll be right back. dddddd good morning. it is friday morning. i see that you're up early. and that makes me happy to see you. i'm robin meade. here's what's going on now. breaking news. rescuers have been evacuated again from a west virginia coal mine. the search for survivors has been suspended, we have learned, because of a fire underground. i mean, problems on top of problems. tiger woods is back, and he's playing incredibly well. plus, we've learned something pretty interesting about the controversial nike ad that some people say is brilliant and other people go, huh? hi, rafer. >> reporter: hi, guys. yeah, robin, how you doing? it is the best round ever that tiger woods ever posted, but some new news about a nike ad that has some thinking, yeah, this may have been a big contrived. >> all right, thank you. and that hundreds of people just walked off their jobs in protest. why they can't drink beer all day anymore. you mean they used to be allowed to drink beer on the job? yeah. first, though, breaking news. we've just learned that rescuers have been evacuated from a west virginia coal mine for the second straight day. the problem is that there is smoke in the tunnel. so, obviously, there's a fire somewhere. officials say it is just too dangerous to search right now. one rescue chamber was checked. they were able to get to that. and they said it was empty. it wasn't even deployed. the families of the missing miners have been told about this. and just moments ago, the governor of west virginia, joe manchin, announced the decision. >> we just came back from the families. one chamber has been checked. the chamber by our -- right here, that has a visual, it was not deployed. it was intact and not deployed, so we know that there was nobody in that chamber. so we have that one more chamber left to check. >> so the hope hinges on that one more chamber here, but they've been pulled out. they have to go back in. but right now it's not safe. we'll bring you all the updates we can as we're watching what's happening live. well, the funerals will be held today for four of the 25 miners killed in monday's explosion. carl acord worked in the mine for 34 years. he had two sons and two grandsons. family members say the day before the explosion, he told his family that he was worried about going to work. miner josh napper also died in the blast. his family says that he wrote letters to his girlfriend and baby daughter just before he left for work on monday. >> if anything happens to me, i'll be looking down from heaven at you all. i love you. take care of my baby. tell her that daddy loves her. she's beautiful. she's funny. and just take care of my baby girl. >> that's incredible. we're staying on top of the story. any new developments as they happen during the show, stay with "hln" for continuing coverage of the tragedy at the west virginia mine. right now also happening live, astronauts from the space shuttle "discover y"are on a spacewalk. they picked up a science experiment that's been running outside the station and are going to bring that back to earth. that's kind of recently new tape there. we watch for that to happen live and i'll bring you that when it does. after all the buildup to his return, tiger woods took his first swings at the masters, and rafer is there. after a layoff of 144 days, rafer, he did not look rusty at all. he looked really good. >> reporter: robin, you're absolutely right. regardless of how one may feel about tiger or golf, this is nothing short of amazing. five months off, a major sex scandal that cost him millions and possibly his family, and he played the best the first day of the masters than he ever has in 16 appearances. here was how the crowd reacted to him as he walked up to the first tee. and he seemed to feed off of that. tiger said it was the warmest reception he had ever gotten out here, and he played extremely aggressively. i mean, i saw him practice. i thought he looked good, but he looked even better than i had expected. now, tiger also said going in he was going to be less demonstrative, less expressive, we were going to see a calmer tiger. and for the most part we did until right here, vintage tiger throwing his club to the ground in disgust. but his play was also vintage as well. so maybe he needed to do that to keep his competitive edge. but the crowds, while they were mostly supportive, there were a few hecklers, but those were in the sky. i'll get into that in the next half hour. >> interesting. yeah, it's a piece of tape you have to see. so what do the everyday golfers think about the new tiger ad? here's what some of them are saying. maybe. no? >> reporter: maybe. no? well, why don't we talk about that tiger ad, robin. >> yeah. >> reporter: because, you know, this caused a big to-do, a big controversy. now we're finding out that his father was not actually talking to tiger in the ad but talking about his mom. we asked tiger about the ad in the press conference. this is what he had to say when he was -- when he addressed that. >> well, i think it's very apropos. i think that's what my dad would say. it's amazing how it -- how my dad can speak to me from different ways, even when he's long gone. he's still helping me. and i think any son who has lost a father and has meant so much in their life, i think they would understand the spot. >> reporter: but according to abc news, his father was not speaking to him in that ad. he was talking about his mom, and they spliced tiger's name, when he said tiger, i want to know what your thinking was, that was edited together. so a lot of people felt this ad was already very contrived. now they're going to think it's really contrived. but robin, some thought it was still moving and poignant. >> and it wasn't even about him. that's amazing. so what do the everyday golfers think about the new tiger ad? well, here is what some of your fellow viewers are saying. >> i was taken aback by just the style of the ad, you know, being totally different than anything we've ever seen from tiger, nike or anything. >> the first time i saw it, i was kind of surprised that he already had an ad out, you know, despite all the turmoil that's been in his life. >> yeah. rafer's going to continue to track tiger as he gets ready for round two in just a few hours. all right. get this. the diplomat who was accused of a shoe bomb scare on a flight is expected to be sent home to qatar. well, that is from media reports. he apparently will not be charged for allegedly smoking in the bathroom on a flight and then talking about lighting his shoe on fire. officials say that he was not a threat. his embassy says he was actually going on a routine visit to a convicted terrorist from qatar who's being held in colorado. a dentist accused of using paper clips in his patients' mouths went before a judge yesterday. michael clare pleaded not guilty. prosecutors say that he used paper clips for root canals but billed medicaid for more expensive stainless steel devices back in 2002. paper clips! he's also accused of prescribing drugs for coworkers who then, in turn, allegedly gave them back to him. i think about a paper clip and how easy it is to just snap it. how would that even work in a root canal? >> how fragile. >> the poor people. >> bottom rung of dental coverage. >> good morning. >> let me show you video from yesterday, michigan towards wisconsin. you had heavy snow coming down out of green bay. we saw about six inches of snow. this is what it looked like yesterday. we're talking the week right after easter. this is a late-season snowstorm for this area. usually you're talking about snow in the continental u.s., you're talking about the rocky mountains. but this was eastern wisconsin. green bay. so what about some of the numbers from yesterday afternoon? well, green bay picked up about 5.8 inches. even up around the u.p. of michigan, eight inches of snow. the snow continues now, but it's a lake-effect variety as that cold air slides over lake superior, michigan, down through upper parts of michigan, too. the lake-effect snow. behind that cold front, here's the high-pressure region, and it is cold. skies have cleared. winds have calmed down. frost advisories all around the region around northern parts of arkansas, missouri. temperatures right around freezing. yeah, real cold start. look at the rain ahead of that cold front. it's been heavy at times clearing out of eastern parts of north carolina. but the lake-effect snow is still out there. no warnings out of this. in fact, it's not piling up to too much at all. but the flurries there for the morning should be there for most of the day. get over to the east. you can see the rain clearing away from new york getting in towards boston later this afternoon. here comes your cold front, though. look at the temperatures switch around. 36 degrees in detroit. it's 38 degrees currently in cleveland. still 55 in philadelphia. 50 degrees in washington. even portland, looking at about 45 degrees. so the cold front has not steered through yet. down to the south, central florida, showers, thunderstorms, it's all possible from tampa to miami. we'll talk about that in a half hour, robin. >> all of a sudden it's cold for a lot of our viewers. >> yeah, a huge turnaround. it was 92 in central park the other day, now today only 58. there's growing concern over a chemical meant to protect you from bacteria, but it's showing up in stuff you're probably using right now. soap, deodorant, you name it. we're looking out for you. and then police say that a grown woman assaulted a 3-year-old on a plane. you won't believe what witnesses think set her off. it is time right now to salute our troops. we're giving a shout-out to sergeant charles aldridge today. he's in afghanistan. this is his first deployment. his wife jody says he is her best friend and closest confidante. >> hi, robin. i wanted to shout out to my husband charlie or better known as chucky. i love you so much. i am so proud of you for your service. and i can't believe that you're away from us, and i know how hard it is being away from dustin his first year. we will send you tons of pictures, and we're praying for you daily. i love you so much, baby. happy birthday. and happy anniversary and be safe over there and come home. >> happy birthday and happy anniversary. wow. if you have somebody in the service, go to a chemical that the government says might not be healthy for you is probably in everything you're touching today, your toothpaste, the soap, deodorant, you name it. jennifer westhoven is looking out for you. good morning. >> good morning. thanks, robin. and this chemical is so common that three out of four of us, it's in your pee in a survey. i'm just letting you know, it is out there. you should see the look on bob's face right now. the fda says it is taking a closer look at this chemical that's in many common household products. it is banned for restricted in europe. the fda says first of all, triclosan is no more effective at killing bacteria than washing your hands. and they say they have some concerns about it. in some tests in animals, triclosan was linked to changes. also when you use this, the bacteria can develop resistance, meaning it ends up creating stronger bad bacteria. the soap and detergent soeshs has repeatedly defended it, saying it's been around for 30 years, but just something to think about there. a very common chemical, the fda says they're looking into it. all right. in the latest month, people weren't just looking in the window, they were buying last month. that is good news in a bad economy. the biggest jump in shopping in about ten years with retail sales up about 9%. some people are even buying full price out there. department stores did the best. and that's both, you know, discount, kohl's, tjx as well as fancy. you see nordstrom there. a lot of teen spending that helped aeropostale. let's get to something affecting you which is what's it going to be like if you are traveling? >> getaway friday so far is pretty good. no delays so far but you're going to get them. here's what it looks like in midtown manhattan. if you see gray skies now, that extends all the way out to queens. jfk and laguardia, even newark, showers off and on for the morning. then later this afternoon showers go away. wind picks up. i think new york gets hammered with delays. probably an hour on top of that typical delay on a friday. other than that, new york city, boston, you have the rain for most of the morning into early afternoon. fog, too. about a half-hour delay there. philadelphia, it's going to be morning rain followed up by afternoon wind but short delays. d.c. metros, atlanta, wind. and miami storms. full details on the radar in about a half hour. cyclists have been almost untouched by talking and texting bans, but now the heat's getting turned up on them while they're texting while riding. plus see how a couple of pros are giving tiger a run for that green jacket at the masters. ♪ everybody knows that smoking ain't allowed in school ♪ the u.s. navy is banning smoking inside submarines. it is one of the most popular stories on right now. navy officials say that they don't want nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke. they're going to have nicotine patches and gum to help sailors quit. some commanders can still chew to let sailors smoke on deck. the new rule starts by the end of the year. so after round one at the masters, two golfers who were actually playing the tourney when tiger was just 8, they are leading the way. joe carter is here with much more on that. so not that tiger's playing badly, it's his best first round ever at the masters, but these two could school him. >> you're absolutely right, robin. tiger played very well yesterday, but fred couples, who is 50 years old, and tom watson, who is 60 years old, they both played better. fred couples, 50 years young, is the oldest player ever to lead at the masters. he's doing this in tennis shoes and no socks. >> he's going to get a blister. >> couples shot his best round at the tournament yesterday. and he's played in this tournament 26 times. >> are you sure those are tennis shoes? >> well, they're, like -- >> they look like white-soled boat shoes. >> okay, boat shoe, that's fair. just one shot back of him is tom watson who is 60 years old. his son caddied for him yesterday and watched his dad shoot his best opening round since 1984 at the masters. so two quote, unquote, older gentlemen are playing very well at the masters. butler head coach brad stevens is going to be a butler bulldog for a very, very long time. he signed a 12-year contract extension. talk about security, huh? 12 years. his team, of course, played for a national championship on monday. the school's not saying how much the contract is worth, but it must be good considering the offer david letterman made for him. >> i'll give you a year of my pay if you take the head coaching position at ball state. when i first saw you, i say they got a guy who signed up to play basketball at butler, and the guy said yeah, i'll play for butler if my younger brother can coach. >> he gets a hard time. he's 33 years old, and they give him a hard time about his age. obviously he's done a lot in those three years at butler winning 89 games. >> talk about longevity. a 12-year contract? >> how about that for security. that's great. >> i like it, too, because someone could have scooped him up for a lot more money, i would suppose. you may think it goes without saying, but california's ban on texting while driving may be on riding your bike as well. a ban on texting while cycle, i would hope so, or talking without a headset. the first offense could cost you 100 bucks. the second offense, they would pay about double the fine and get a point on your driving record. how would you text and cycle at the same time? unicycle? a woman's body was found at a sewer at a resort in cancun, and now somebody connected to the show "survivor" is under investigation. for the second straight day, rescuers had to pull out of a west virginia mine where four miners are still missing. they ran into smoke so ys there's fire and it's too dangerous to go in. they're going to drill a hole near the last rescue chamber they need to check and might put a camera underground to see if anybody is inside that chamber. the families of three police officers shot to death in a coffee shop last december say that a washington state county owes them $134 million. their lawsuit claims that the county jail did not heed warnings that should have kept the gunman, maurice clemens, locked up. a crash in afghanistan killed three service members and one civilian employee. several other people were injured when the aircraft went down late last night. the taliban claims it shot it down. nato will only say that the crash is under investigation. that's a quick check of some of our headlines. but there's a lot of news happening today. i'm sure you're busy as well on this friday. morning, sunshine. i'm robin meade. so our breaking news story today, we've just heard more about heartbreaking news out of west virginia that searchers have been evacuated out of a coal mine for a second day in a row. this time it's because there's smoke underground. obviously that means there's a fire in there somewhere. they did check one of the rescue chambers. unfortunately it's empty. it was never deployed. nobody's in there. the governor says they'll have to lower a camera into the tunnel to try to see what is going on. are there survivors? >> we just got to help the families right now. we've all got to be together and help the families get through this. it's tough, but until we have that visual on that chamber, that changes. that's a game changer there. i mean, we're still hoping. we still hold out that that's been deployed and the thing's intact and we have a miracle on our hands. >> well, 25 people died in monday's explosion that we know of. we heard from one of the survivors, miner stanley stewart says he lost lifelong friends. >> everything that's happened, my buddies would be in my mind, and i just feel that it could happen again. and i would just -- i don't know that i can handle it. and i've been able to handle anything that ever came my way my whole life. this one -- this one has just got me right now. >> yeah. stay with us. we're following this developing story this morning. we're watching to see if they're going to go back in, will they put a camera in, and what have they found? stay with us. a woman is accused of assaulting a 3-year-old boy because he may have kicked the back of her seat on a plane. police tell our phoenix affiliate that it happened before the southwest flight left the gate last month. witnesses say the woman may have been drunk. >> the young lady became very upset. she turned around in her seat, reached back, actually grabbed the 3-year-old, lifting him off the seat and stating something to the effect of "you're not going to be kicking my seat all the way to las vegas." and then according to witnesses, she actually slammed the child back down on to the seat. >> witnesses say that flight attendants then sat that woman somewhere else. but she came back yelling and throwing trash at the little boy and his mom. well, the mom says that she w t wants to press charges. detectives say southwest is helping with their investigation. but if this happened before it left the gate, why was she allowed to fly, then? just asking. tiger woods is back maybe as strong as ever. rafer is in augusta where he's been all week. and tiger was welcome on the ground. he's going to show you that tape. but he'll also show you that the reception was totally different in the air. hi, rafer. >> reporter: yeah, good morning, robin. we thought anyway there would be some kind of a sideshow when tiger woods teed off. there was more security following him than ever before. there was more security at this tournament than ever before. but they were not able to patrol the sky. when tiger first teed off, this airplane flew above with this banner, "tiger, did you mean bootyi bootyism jud bootyi bootyism?" we have no idea who paid for this plane. totally anonymous, thought it might have been a website like that does not exist. later in the day this other plane overhead that said "sex addict? yeah, right. sure. me too!" but the people on the course did not share the same sentiment. as a matter of fact, they were pretty upset when they saw these airplanes in the skies, thought they were a waste of money. here is their response when tiger woods was introduced on the 1st tee. >> on the tee, tiger woods! [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: tiger said it was the warmest reception he had ever been given in his entire career, and that is saying something. and he seemed to feed off of it. he played the best he ever has on the first day of this tournament. and this is his 16th time here. and tiger commented how appreciative he was of the fans. >> the reception was incredible all day. from the time i went to the putting green to putt, the range and back to the putting green off to the 1st tee and pretty much all day, it was incredible. >> reporter: robin, i watched him practice for three days. and as those crowds were demonstrative and gregarious, he seemed to feed off of it. he seemed to feed off of it in his play. if i were a betting man, i would take this man to win this tournament. it would be one of the most amazing comebacks in sports history regardless of how you feel about him. robin? >> it is incredible concentration, that's for sure. by the way, just want to point out that bootyism is urban dictionary's word of the day. because it's getting so much attention. rafer, thank you. it took a harness, tractor and a lot of elbow grease to free a cow that got stuck in a storm drain. here's the tape. crews in utah even had to dig up part of the road yesterday. animal control thinks the poor little thing -- well, it's a big thing -- wandered into the drain days ago. oh, that's so sad. a couple taking a walk saw the cow's head poking out. not exactly what you'd expect. he got out okay, though. >> yeah, no worse for the wear. 36 minutes past the hour. i wish you could see, like, the responses from bob as, like, rafer's giving us a report about, you know, the comeback. >> i just want to know if he has a pocket version of his urban dictionary that he goes through. urban dictionary defines bootyism as -- it's hysterical. he's doing great. >> he is. i love watching him. >> morning. this weather brought to you by zyrtec. let me show you what's going on right now because we have a changing cold front breezing through the northeast right now and the rest of the east coast. look at the clouds. most of the rain, all the severe weather now is offshore from income north carolina but rain towards new york. behind it, a much cooler start. we have frost advisories for northern sections of arkansas, most of missouri including st. louis and parts of illinois. all the blue shaded areas under a frost advisory for this morning and a freeze warning for the north carolina mountains. that is for overnight tonight through tomorrow morning. now, when this cold front went by that same area, we had five reports of tornadoes. two in alabama, one in the panhandle of florida and one near clemson. you have that two in the anderson area, so five. look at the rain stretching in towards new york and lake-effect snow behind that. really piled up. u.p. of michigan, eight inches of snow in some spots. even green bay picked up about six inches. over to the east, you see the rain coming in around new york. down to the south, temperatures still hanging on. about 50 degrees in washington. 38 degrees in cleveland. but it's a cooler start across the southeast. a good day in georgia. the masters forecast for you today looking at about 71 today. up to 76 by sunday. go a little farther south from here, that cold front still hanging up across central florida. miami, you'll get showers and thunderstorms but on the hot side. you're on the warm side of the cold front. you're below it. high today 88 degrees. showers and thunderstorms for the afternoon. so watch for that. right now it's about 73. nice morning for you in miami. full details on that in about a half hour. look at that shot. >> that's pretty. good morning to our friends there watching. hundreds of workers walked off the job. they're upset. not about their pay. they're angry because they can't imbibe on the job anymore. you don't know me. >> i'm telling you, join the club. ♪ i'm halfway gone ♪ and i'm on my way ♪ and i feel it ♪ feel it hey, get this. a tv producer's under investigation because his wife's body was found at a resort in cancun. here is bruce bursford on extra's website. he's worked on "survivor" and "pimp my ride." a family friend tells cnn they were at the resort working on their marriage. police say the initial investigation finds that the woman was strangled. her husband told police that she never returned from shopping. we've not heard directly from him. some teens who could not afford a prom dress are going to be getting one for free. thanks to other students. it is a project at a vegas high school. young designers make a dress from scratch and then donate them to needy students and their teacher is so excited and proud. >> an english teacher, math teacher, science teacher, they don't get this opportunity. i'm going to have 20 kids showing off 8 projects to the whole community, and i couldn't be happier. >> yeah, students are going to model their own designs at the mall tomorrow. looks good, though, doesn't it? every time you use your credit card, did you know that a little piece of your privacy disappears? yeah. the credit card companies are keeping a close eye on what you buy to determine your credit risk. in other words, jennifer westhoven, they're telling me what i'm going to do before i do it. >> and they even -- this was like a fascinating and frightening, like, woo, article. they said based on what you buy, we know you better than you know yourself. >> they even think they know if you're going to have marital problems. >> they do. visa apparently has a whole how likely are you to get a divorce. and they keep track of that. by the way, they didn't say how i don't know what you would do to get on that list, but they say they're interested in that because it makes a big impact on their customers. people going through divorce end up a lot more likely to miss payments. so very interesting. here are some of the things that one company said if you buy these, then you're on their good customer list basically. they get the idea that you're probably not going to be somebody who misses a payment. people who buy carbon monoxide detectors, people who buy felt pads for the bottom of, like, your dining room chairs so you don't scratch the floor, and premium birdseed. okay. >> so in other words, people who worry about the little things. >> people -- yeah, exactly. >> yeah. >> i thought that was very interesting. those people end up being very likely to pay. this was all in the daily beast from a book called "super crunchers" about how companies are getting incred reply personal with your data. also in canada, if people went to this one certain bar, they were very likely to be a bad customer. >> one bar had all the bad customers? >> i don't know if it was a peeler, which is where you peel your clothes off -- >> oh. i'm, like, what's a peeler? a peeler. well, let's just say they probably want cash and not credit at that bar. >> i guess so. >> all right. >> now, where you work, is there some perk that you get at work that you really love? maybe it's free coffee or you can use the refrigerator for lunch or something. i don't know. well, in denmark at the carlsberg brewery, workers walked off the job when they learned they could lose a perk, free beer while working. they're allowed to have beer while they're working. >> on the job. >> they were. >> operating what looks to be, like, a factory line. >> yeah. they left. they said no. and by the way, they're still allowed to drink it on their lunch breaks which i don't think you're supposed to do here, but even their truck drivers can have three beers a day. >> oh, my gosh. >> the company says, well, don't worry because we have these alcohol ignition locks so they don't drive drunk. >> do you know what those are? >> i didn't know what those were. it's a breathalyzer, right? >> i've heard of people having those on their car when they are trouble drinkers. >> and if it beeps, you can't drive. i just think that's wild. >> that's their company policy. i guess it's a big cultural difference, i would imagine. >> also i read, robin, that 150 years ago they let you drink as much beer as you wanted all day. >> this company? >> on the job. yes, this brewery. >> some job. i didn't put the sticker over the label on there wheright. okay, jen, thank you. all right. we do have a lot more news coming up. after we discuss this story. tiger, what did today mean? what did it mean to you? >> it meant i'm two shots off the lead. that's what it means. >> nothing beyond that? >> i'm here to play a golf tournament. >> yeah, he is back. tiger woods started his comeback with a strong first round at the masters. "hln" is the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger woods' return to the game. rafer's reporting live from augusta national all day today. but all the talk isn't just about tiger. two older golfers are maybe showing him how it's done. joe carter with more on that angle. good morning. >> good morning, robin. we're talking about tom watson and fred couples. tom watson, 60 years old. he's just one shot off the lead. watson won his first masters in 1977. tiger, just a toddler back then. whether he wins this tournament or not, it's already been a variable -- very memorable week for watson. his son is caddieing for him. and his son proposed to his girlfriend sunday on the 13th hole. she said yes. and the father, he followed that by shooting his best round at the masters in 26 years yesterday. fred couples, he's 50 years old. and he's playing even better, going into today, he is the oldest player ever to lead at the masters. he's playing in what i think looks like tennis shoes and no socks. robin thinks they look like boat shoes. we could meet in the middle. they're keds. how's that? >> he's going to get a blister. >> he just shot his best round in 26 years at the masters. he's doing great. well, tmz is reporting that another death threat has been made against espn reporter and "dancing with the stars" contestant ari erin andrews. >> this is ridiculous. >> it's more and more. the e-mail was sent to "the dan patrick show." the man said he would like to see her, quote, dance her way through a hail of gunfire. >> do they think it's the same guy? >> yeah. >> the same guy writing e-mail after e-mail? >> yeah, they do, newport news guy. no arrests have been made. >> joe, thank you so much. >> you bet. we could all use a money coach at some point, right? denise asked for her advice from clark howard. here's what he said. >> hi, clark. this is denise. and i need your help. i've worked at the same job for 30 years at a las vegas casino. and i worked really hard to establish good credit. this year my w-2 did not arrive in the mail. i went to my employer, and they didn't have it returned to them. and they sent me to the post office. i went to the post office, and went to the post office and i went to the post office and they have no where it is. i am really concerned now that all my information has been stolen and someone has it. my question is, how can i protect myself against identity theft? money coach, can you help me? >> denise, i'm really sorry about the wayward w2 and you're right to be concerned. as far as identity theft the criminal has a lot of he or she might need if it has fallen into the wrong hands to steal identity and create all kind of mischief. there are a couple things i want you to do. one, i would like you to go to and pull copies of all three of your credit reports to make sure that any new accounts that are mystery accounts are opened. this is something i'd like you to do even if you didn't have a concern like denise, consider freezing your credit. if you freeze your credit, even if a criminal gets all your scoop or information, they can't do anything with it. i got a great credit freeze guide on my website. >> all right, clark howard show airs on saturday and sundays on hln. good morning, it's friday. it's been a long week for you, probably. i'm robin meade, i know you're rushing around let me get you informed for the day. for a second time rescuers had to abandon their search for four miners missing since monday's deadly explosion. if tiger woods was nervous about his return to golf, he's not showing it. we learned some pretty interesting details about that controversial new nike ad about tiger woods. we have an update on a story involving a dentist accused of doing root canals with pap paperclips. first, rescuers in west virginia are running out of options as they try to find four missing miners. they went in earlier this morning and got to one of the refuge deep in the mine, but, unfortunately, the chamber was empty and they went to check the last chamber, but they ran into a problem. >> we have smoke in all four of those entries and the smoke is traveling from this side towards the long wall indicating that we have a fire somewhere. so, it was at that time that a decision was made to evacuate the rescuers. >> well, the next rescue effort could be to drop a camera down a vent hole to see if anyone is in that last refuge chamber. we'll stay on top of the story for you. stay with hln for continuing coverage. astronauts from the space shuttle "discovery" spent the morning outside the international space station. they disconnected an old tank on the station's cooling system. they'll get a new one hooked up during their next spacewalk and they picked a science experiment running outside the station and they'll bring that back to earth. after all the build up to his return, tiger woods took his first swings and rafer has been in augusta. 144 days away from golf and tiger was looking good still. >> robin, not only did he not look rusty, he looked better than anybody had expected. in 16 appearances at this tournament tiger has played the best he has ever played on the first day of this tournament after a five-month layoff and a sex scandal. here is how tiger was received when he walked up to the first tee. and he seemed to feed off of that energy. tiger played incredibly aggressive. he said it was the warmest reception he had ever been given in his entire career which he shot a 4 under 68 which means he is two shots back from the lead and in a good position to win this thing. a couple times he did show in his emotions but vintage tiger in terms of his play. the other thing people are talking about is this ad which features his father talking to him. it turns out, according to abc news, his father isn't talking to him but about his mother. here is tiger's response when we asked him about this nike ad. >> i think it is a very apropos. i think that is what my dad would say. it's amazing how my dad can speak to me from different ways even when he's long gone. he's still helping me and i think any son who has lost a father and who meant so much in their life, i think they would understand the spot. >> but, unfortunately, that response may not hold up. abc news is reporting that tiger's father was talking about his mother and they spliced him saying tiger's name next to that audio to make it seem like he was addressing tiger. some people thought it was contrite before and. >> his dad wasn't even talking about tiger. stay with hln for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger's return to golf. rafer will tell you about tiger's reception at the masters, good on the ground, but not all was warm and fuzzy. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he won't go to president obama's nuclear security summit in washington next week. netanyahu believes that some nations are planning to use that summit as a form to bash israel. now, yesterday president obama and the russian president signed a new nuclear arms treaty. israel has never officially acknowledged that it has nuclear weapons. there will not be a public mu memorial service for the lat corey haim. feldman says that haim's mother, judy, is in tremendous grief and a public event would be too much for her to bear. there will be a small, private dinner with a few close friends, instead. all of a sudden for many of you and many of your fellow viewers you wake up and you go strutting outside in your short sleeves and you're like, that's not what i expected. >> great way to put it. just somewhat to wet your beak across the northeast and 92 two days ago in central park, today, 55. you see it on the radar picture. the only thing we have to worry about across the entire continental u.s. is the cold front breezing through the mid-atlantic and down through florida and getting off the northeast coast, as well. behind it high pressure and it's beautiful but it's cold. dry conditions and no wind and very light cloud cover. areas shaded in blue and temperatures below freezing almost the entire state of missouri right now. here's the rain. heavy stuff by far pulling away by boston and long island and northern sections of mississippi into the u.p., too. rain coming out of new york and stretching and most of the rain cleared past manhattan and riding right down the l.i.e. and gets out towards cape cod and eastern maine by later this afternoon. right around central massachusetts into parts of vermont and new hampshire. connecticut getting rain, too. down to the south, here's your cold front right down through orlando. couple showers and thunderstorms down towards your north. not that bad. masters forecast 71 degrees, a little bit of a breeze. tomorrow beautiful and sunday even nicer, 76 and really nice. ireport of the day out of decatur, georgia. pollen just blowing up in her neighborhood. look at this. >> just blowing off like it's a dusty, old piece of furniture. >> the pine tree stuff is hard to affect people but you know the rest of the trees are blooming and people are suspectable to it, just like me. >> i want to talk to the folks who maybe haven't spent any time in the southeast region. it is a strange, strange pollen. you put -- you put your window down in the car and within a half hour it is coated with yellow green stuff. >> you're leaving footprints on the streets. absolutely amazing. the diplomat was accused of a shoe bomb scare might be homeward bound now. you might be surprised to learn why he was in the united states to begin with. it is time right now for salute to the troops. we're giving a shout out to sergeant charles aldridge today. he is in afghanistan. his wife, jody, says he is her close friend and closest confidaunt. >> hi, robin. i just want to shot out to my husband charles, better known as chucky. i'm so proud of your service and i can't believe you are away from us. we will send you tons of pictures and i love you so much, baby. happy birthday and happy anniversary and be safe over there and come home. >> you have a really encouraging voice. that's a nice message. you know the diplomat who was accused of a shoe bomb scare was expected to be sent home to qatar. the department in qatar's government agreed it is fwhes thing for him to go home. he smoked in the bathroom on a flight to denver and then talked about lighting his shoe on fire. officials say he was not a threat. >> you know -- >> but my question is who do you think you are that you get to go smoke in the bathroom and no one else can. you know there is a rule against it. >> you look up the word diplomatic and that's how you should act. >> this guy was going on a visit to colorado to visit a convicted terrorist from his home country so it was like a routine type of job for him, but, still. >> it's not the job that he was doing, it's what he did while he was doing it. a chemical that the government says that might not be healthy for you is probably in everything you're touching this morning your toothpaste, deodorant, your soap. what gives, jennifer? >> it's something i never heard of it. it's in so many places and you may not know that. the fda to get a closer look at it, antibacterial and common in so many household products that it is in three out of four of us when they do tests. it's in our urine. this chemical is banned or restricted in europe. the fda say it's not any more efebtive at killing bacteria than water is. there are also some concerns about it. one of the concerns is that in animals it was linked to some hormone changes and that's something we're looking at as a society lately. is that causing people to mature early. something we're not sure about. haven't seen it in people yet. also when you use antibacterials in it maybe the bad back teria could develop a resistance. they have repeatedly defended triclosan and said we have been using it for 30 years. >> 30 years it's been around. warmer weather means fewer clothes, maybe you're breaking out your bathing suit. if you're trying to lose a few extra pounds i recently sat down with fitness expert jorge cruz who says it's all about cutting back on your sugar. jorge's point is it's the sugar that puts into us that makes the belly fat. you don't just mean the spoonfuls of. >> most americans are doing over 186 grams of sugar a day and when that happens you have high insulin and lock in belly fat and we have bad examples we have to avoid this year and great examples that will release belly fat. this is regular milk and regular soy milk. both of these on average have 14 grams of sugar. it's natural sugar and great for growing kids and if you're a kid and want to reduce belly fat, try almond milk. you get your calcium and protein without the sugar. the average new coffee drink has about 29 grams of sugar, the same as a soda. >> black coffee. >> the average glass of fruit has 30 to 29 grams of sugar. i would swap it out for something like a tea that has fruit infused it so you get the sweet without the sugar. >> all right, thank you. you know, who knew that you were allowed to smoke in subs before now. well rsh the u.s. navy is putting a ban in place that is similar to maybe the one you have in your workplace. see how a couple of old pros are giving a tiger a run for the green jacket at the masters. get this, the u.s. navy is banning smoking inside submarines. one of the most popular stories on right now. navy officials say they don't want nonsmokers exposed to second-hand smoke and have nicotine patches and gum to help the sailors quit. commanders can still choose to let sailors smoke on deck. oh, my goodness, a dentist accused of using paperclips in his patients' mouths. he said he used paperclips for root canals and billed medicaid for more expensive stainless steel devices back in 2002. after round one at the masters, two golfers who were actually playing the game when tiger was just 8 are leading the way. so, here's joe carter on how they're kind of schooling everybody. >> fred couples is 50 years old, tom watson is 60 years old and both of them are playing better than tiger, who played the best opening round he ever played, ever played at the mazers. >> three people with pretty good games going right now. >> good games going into the second round. good story lines and i'll tell you, fred couples at 50 years young. he is the oldest player ever to lead at the masters. seems strange, right? only 50. playing in tennis shoes and no socks, couples shot his best round at the tournament and he played there 26 times. now, one shot behind him is tom watson. tom watson 60 years old and his son caddied for him and watched his dad shoot his best opening round since 1984 at the masters. incredible. butler head coach brad stevens, he's going to be a bulldog for a very long time. >> i like this story. >> he signed a 12-year contract extension, robin. 12 years. >> you know what, i think that says a lot about him because i'm sure so many schools wanted to scoop him up and say, we'll pay you more. >> he is only 33 so he'll be there until he's 45 and he just took his team to the national championship game on monday. the school is not saying how much the contract is actually worth. but i'm sure it's worth a pretty penny because he made $750,000 this year. so i'm sure that contract is a lot better. >> i wonder how it compares, still, to the bigger schools. i like that about him. i like that he's staying around. cool. because, bob, which team was it like in football, i think it was cincinnati. they made it to, you know, one of the big bowl games and then before they actually played in the bowl game their coach was scooped up or left. >> was that cinci? >> yeah, he went to notre dame. >> before he played in the bowl game. >> just jets. yeah, that's nice. good morning, robin. let me show you what's going on. one cold front that concerns me a little bit so far i haven't seen a delay, but new york city metros calling for an hour or more. the wind will get out of the northwest later this afternoon to 30 miles per hour possibility. boston the rain and the fog hanging early morning to the afternoon and other than that, looking at philadelphia and the wind will pick back up and d.c. metros, atlanta, 30 minutes. let me take you back a couple minutes ago to st. louis. frost advisory for the town. beautiful shot of the sun coming up underneath the arch. >> beautiful. >> only about 65, that's the high. frost advisory earlier this morning. we have a rejected version of the new tiger woods' ad.  teams in west virginia are looking at new options as they try to find four missing miners. rescuers had to pull out of is the mine this morning because a fire in the mine made it too dangerous to stay in there. they may use a camera trying to check on the last rescue chamber where miners could be waiting for rescue. in 30 minutes the brother of figure skater nancy kerrigan will be aarraigned for manslaughter in the death of their dad. mark kerrigan fought with his 70-year-old dad and that the man died from his injuries. kerrigan family said they'll fight their ruling that it was a homicide. a usair force crash in afghanistan killed three service members and one civilian employee. the aircraft went down late last night. the taliban claims they shot it down. nato will only say that the crash is under investigation. just checking on a few of our top stories. let me check on you because you're big news to us. i'm robin meade. funerals are coming today for four of the 25 miners killed in monday's horrific explosion. carl acord worked in the mine for 34 years and he had two sons and two grandsons and the day before the explosion he told his family he was worried about going to work. josh napper died in the blast and he wrote letters to his girlfriend and baby daughter on monday, the day that it happened. >> if anything happens to me i'll be looking down from heaven on you all. i love you, take care of my baby. tell her that daddy loves her, she's beautiful, she's funny and just take care of my baby girl. >> it's amazing to me that he wrote that the day that that accident happened. we're staying on top of the story of the search and whether it will resume soon. the families of three police officers shot to death in a coffee shop last december said that a washington state county owes them $134 million. their lawsuit claims that the pierce county jail did not heed warnings that should have kept the gunman maurice clemens locked up. a police department spokesperson says the lawsuits will distract from its attempt to build a criminal case against associates. >> clemens was in jail and being held on bail and nobody let him go. in fact, we put him in multiple times. to sue us personally the agency has done so much for the families and will continue to do so much for the families. it's shocking. a lot of us are pretty upset over it. >> last week the fourth officer's family filed a suit for helping him around the time of the shootings. tiger woods is back, maybe it's better than ever. rafer is in augusta live this week, he's been there all week and tiger was welcomed on the ground, but you're going to talk about how the reception from the air was completely different. see the crowds behind you, it's looking nice. >> yeah, robin, it is. like you said, we've been here five days and 14 hours a day, it has been awesome. the feeling here. just a feeling of serenity. let's pan off and show you as the people are coming in here and getting excited for day two. tiger was well received from the fans but from the air, didn't see this one coming. an airplane pulling the sign saying tiger, did you mean bootism. and then also the airplane that says sex addict, yeah, right, sure, me, too. >> we don't have any idea who did this? >> no, these were totally anonymous. we looked, no website exists of that. people on the course did not share the same sentiment as people on that airplane. here's the reception on the first tee. tiger says, he says it was the warmest he has ever received in his entire career, robin. that is saying something and then he fed off of it. when he came out here he played better than anyone expected. a lot of that had to do with the crowd and here's him talking about that reception. >> reception is incredible all day, from the time i went to the putting green to putt and the range and back to the putting green off to the first tee and then pretty much all day. it was just, it was incredible. >> now, at 10:35 tiger woods will tee off right behind me. this is the first fairway and as we can expect, this will be just be lined with people, probably three, four deep. we are about 125 yards from where he tees off and it will be mobbed with people following him and we'll follow him and be here all day live. my money is on this guy winning this tournament. an amazing comeback story regardless of how you feel about him. >> i wonder about the weather today, bob, what is it going to be? >> 71 and sunny. >> real nice right now. >> all right, rafer, thank you. you know, i should warn you right off the top here that this next sound bite may be offensive, it comes from a controversial candidate for the u.s. senate in missouri who is running ads attacking jews and minorities. radio stations are required to run glenn miller's ads under federal laws that say candidates have to have reasonable acstees t to the media. >> hey, white man, google the next 100 million and in 1960 white people were 90% of the u.s. population and today truth be told we're less than half. another 100 foreign are on the way. >> several media outlets tried to reach miller for comment but were unable to. whether glenn miller is a legitimate candidate. >> he was, he was a member of the white or founded the white patriots party back in the '80s he went to federal prison for three years for promoting some race war and for possessing hand grenades. he ran for congress in 2006 in southwest missouri and ran some, i guess i'm hearing ads are even worse than the ones they have now and he got a grand total of 3 3 votes. >> grand total. get the latest on any developments on that story with prime news with mike galanos. he has fought world war ii, he has been a prisoner of war and now a 96-year-old man has a much different challenge. he took the plunge off this bridge in south africa. he is trying for a spot in the guinness book. right now they listed the world's oldest bungee jumper at 83. >> if i live that long, i'm doing the same thing. >> you are? >> all my teeth will fly out of my pockets. all that stuff. look at this guy. >> i like his adventurous spirit. >> me, too, i think that's great. >> i like the young guys who are like, do it, do it. >> notice they're not strapped in there. anyway, robin, let me show you snowfall totals from yesterday. a late season snow storm we had it across the great lakes and u.p. of michigan, too. eight inches of snow and green bay, wisconsin, 5.8 inches of snow. that was the total from yesterday and let me show you video from that region. i show you this video now because it does not look like mid-april, it looks more like december. this is what it looked like in green bay yesterday morning at this time as the rain was coming down. just about half foot of snow fell right around there. that's still there on the ground right now. temperatures not much above freezing. more pictures and shows you where the cold air is located and arkansas and missouri and cold temperatures are here because of this high pressure just dominating the region but that cold front is now pushing over towards the east and behind it frost advisories and all the spots put in blue. ahead of it, all heavy thunderstorms and just off the coast of north carolina. most of the rain off the coast of the mid-atlantic and still pulling in towards rhode island and massachusetts and connecticut. lake-effect snow, upper parts of michigan, you can so it right there. ready to rotate in to boston later this morning. as for the rest of the area, look at that cold front right on down into florida. that's what we have here and also the masters see what it looks like today, 71 degrees, looking pretty good. but where's the best weather in the nation today? my pick, dallas, texas. big, heavy guy like me, i don't care for the 90s, how about 73 degrees and mostly sunny today. enjoy, you have the best weather, according to me, in the country. do you agree with me, yeah. if you don't, tell me why your weather's better. >> if you don't agree with me -- >> tell me why. you know, i don't like to sweat and when it's above 75 i perspire. >> my opinion is, bob, you can always take off enough clothes and you can't always put more on. a bus driver gets to keep his job despite punching a passenger. punching a passenger. transit police in san antonio, texas, say the passenger was intoxicated. did you see him trying to hit the driver with a bottle and a paper bag, but the passenger denied it. >> i didn't throw anything. that's for sure. i didn't. provoke him in any way. i wasn't even looking at him. >> but then our affiliate showed the passenger that video so we're going to watch that next. >> you don't know me. back to the bus passenger who got punched by the driver. remember, he denied trying to hit the driver with a bottle but then he's like, redo after he saw the tape the affiliate showed him. >> looks like two different memories. like watching that is that real and what i saw, is that real? i don't know. >> he was arrested for public intoxication. oh, he says he was on pain meds, okay. the driver was suspended for two days for leaving the bus. a tv producer is under investigation after his wife's body was found at a resort in cancun. well, here is bruce redmond on a website. a family friend tells cnn they were working on their marriage at the resort. the initial investigation found that she was strangled. her husband said she never came back from shopping and we have not heard it directly from him. did you know that every time you use your credit card a little bit of your privacy disappears. the credit card companies are keeping a close eye on what you buy to determine your credit risk. in other words, jennifer westhoven, they're telling me what i'm going to do before i do it. >> yeah. they're saying, frankly, we know you better than you know yourself, based on what you buy. >> kind of spooky, but give me some examples. >> they're just looking at the math. look, this seems to work. so, fascinating, scary. visa says they can apparently predict how likely you are to get a divorce. really? they're not peeking inside your marriage, they're looking at what you buy and when people go through divorce they're more likely to pay us back and turn into tough customers. another company says here's how they know who is on their angel list. if you buy these things you're more likely to buy them back. >> if you stress about the little things or if you're my mother. i got that for christmas once, a carbon monoxide detector. >> we didn't get a comment from the credit card companies. but it was amazing one in canada said if you go to a certain bar you're likely to be a lousy customer. >> must be a good bar. what do you get for free at work? maybe it's coffee or use the refrigerator for lunch. workers are walking off the job when they found out they'd be stripped of this perk. beer, beer on the job. they want the right to drink on the job. they've been able to drink on the job, basically, since the brewery founded and now they're only allowed to drink on their lunch breaks and they said we're not having it. >> so maybe, i don't know, is it a cultural thing because we would go, drinking on the job, are you nuts? they're like, we'll strike, if you don't let me drink. >> i just think of all the things to strike over. that might be spoiled in my book. >> all right, thank you. hey, look, ma, no hands. cyclists have almost been untouched by the talking and texting bands but now the heat is getting turned up about texting while you're bike riding. >> he's got his stuff together and, you know, he'll show up this week. >> i'm rooting for him. >> he'll be playing the same way tiger always plays. everything that happens on the street stays in the street. it's total folks and total control. >> after one day at the masters, all the talk isn't just about tiger, although he's doing great. two older golfers, though, might be showing him how it's done. tiger did have his best first round, but not as good as these two. >> not as good as fred couples and tom watson, both of which are older than tiger woods. he won the masters back in 1977, his first masters win, tiger just a little toddler back then. watson starts today just one shot off the lead. whether or not he wins the tournament, it's already been a memorable for him. he shot his best opening round in 26 years yesterday and his son caddying for him proposed to his girlfriend on the 13th hole and she said yes. fred couples is 50 years old and even better than watson and in the lead and the oldest player ever to lead at the masters and he's playing in tennis shoes and no socks and it's working for him. it's working. >> i like the no socks part. that has to hurt. >> little humid yesterday, little rainy. he shot his best round ever at the masters and he's played there 26 times. he's on fire and in the lead. tmz reporting is another death threat has been made against espn reporter and dancing with the stars contestant erin andrews. the man who wrote the e-mail said "he would like to see her dance her way through a hail of gunfire." >> they think it is the same person continually sending these. >> they think it is a man from virginia. despite all these e-mails, they have been coming and that's because tmz is reporting that the fbi believes these emails fall under free speech. we have not confirmed that but that's what they're reporting. >> what? that's pretty scary. thanks very much. this just in this morning. the congressman whose last-minute vote helped pass the health care bill is retiring. several sources say that bart stupak will officially announce his decision today. now, the nine-term democrat is expected to say that he's leaving because he accomplished what he went to washington to do back in 1992. but that is to pass health care reform, but he's also been the target of several tea party protests in his state this week. so bart stupak is retiring. you may think that it goes without saying, but california's ban on texting while you're driving may soon extend to texting while you're biking. how do you do that anyway? a proposed law would ban cyclists from texting or talking without a head set. now, a first offense could cost $100. under the same bill drivers would also have to pay double the current fine and then get a point on their driving record as well. a truck driver was faced with jumping off of an overpass or being trapped in a burning truck. you will not believe his story or his decision.  good morning, sunshine. how are you? it's friday, so maybe that makes you feel a little bit better, even though you're up very early. i'm robin meade. here's what's happening today in this hour. rescuers may try something new to reach any possible survivors at a west virginia mine. the crews were evacuated yet again this morning because of a fire underground this time. tiger woods is back. he is playing incredibly well. plus we've learned something pretty interesting about a controversial tynike ad. >> good morning, robin. tiger woods posted a personal best here, surprised a lot of people. what nike did with that ad surprised people as well. the buzz from augusta. we're here live. >> thank you. first, rescuers in west virginia are looking at new options as they search for four missing miners. this morning rescuers had to evacuate the mine shaft for a second straight day. they got to one of the refuge chambers, as it's called, earlier this morning but it was empty. the rescuers were going to check the last one but had to back off because fire in the mine made things too dangerous. now, they may have to take a different route. >> most important is the borehole that's going in close to the refuge chamber that we could not visit, it's down approximately 400 feet and the intent is to drill feverishly and get that in as soon as we can and the estimated time is somewhere around noon. now, when that borehole goes in, the thing that we want to do is deploy the camera, stick it down the borehole and see if that chamber has been deployed. >> funerals are going to be held today for four of the 25 miners killed in monday's explosion. you know, we've just learned that the company that owns the mine, massey energy, is paying for all of the funerals. carl accord worked in the mines for 34 years. he had two sons and two grandsons. family members say that the day before the explosion he told his family that he was worried about going to work. miner josh napper also died in the blast and his family says he wrote letters to his girlfriend and baby daughter the day of the blast, the day, before he left for work on that day. >> if anything happens to me, i'll be looking down from heaven at you all. i love you. take care of my baby. tell her that daddy loves her. she's beautiful. she's funny. and just take care of my baby girl. >> you know, we're staying on top of this story for you. stay with hln for continuing coverage of the rescue, what they hope they're going to attempt to be a rescue as they decide what they're going to do even though there's a fire underground apparently. african-american babies are reportedly more than twice as likely to die from sudden infant death syndrome or sids as are white babies. the way that they sleep may be to blame. a new study of 2300 mostly african-american moms found that their concern about their baby's comfort or choking kept them from placing the child in a safe position like on their back. after all the buildup to his return, tiger woods took his first swings and rafer is on the first fairway at augusta national golf club. so 144 days of a layoff and still looking pretty sharp, isn't he? >> reporter: robin, everybody should take five months off of work and then come back apparently because, you know what, nobody really expected it, robin. we expected some rust. but for him to perform this well made a lot of people's jaws drop. people are just now coming in. as you can see behind me, they're coming out to see the golfers. it's a beautiful, beautiful shot. it figures to be another large crowd following tiger when he does tee off. here's how they reacted when he walked up to the first tee yesterday. [ applause ] >> reporter: and that was just him walking up to the tee and he really seemed to feed off of that. he played very aggressively and just -- i mean his shots were just vintage tiger, but what's also vintage tiger was his emotions. tiger said he was going to be a little less demonstrative, a little more subdued, and we didn't really see -- we saw a little bit of that but once or twice we saw him kind of lose his temper, but i guess that's what it takes to keep his exit i've edge. robin, he played the best he's ever played in this tournament for the first day in the 16 years he's been here. there were a couple of hecklers, they were up in the sky. we'll talk about that in the next half hour. >> all right, we'll stay tuned for that. now, the new nike ad some say is either brilliant or just strange, we've learned new information that his late father wasn't even talking about or to tiger. >> reporter: and we're still talking about that a day later, robin. apparently that ad, according to abc news, that track was lifted from a documentary tiger's dad talking about his mom. we asked tiger about the ad after he played last night in a press conference. here he is talking about it. >> well, i think it's very apropos. that's i think what my dad would say. it's amazing how it -- how my dad can speak to me from different ways even when he's long gone. he's still helping me. and i think any son who has lost a father and who meant so much in their life, i think they would understand the spot. >> reporter: so tiger will take another step to put that behind him when he tees off today at 10:35. this is the first fairway behind me. it figures to be once again wall-to-wall people. he tees off with k.j. choi and matt kuchar who played really well despite being under the microscope of playing in his group. it figures to be another exciting day out here and we'll be here live. >> rafer, thank you so much. now, behind the scenes, i'm going to talk like rafer when they're golfing. behind the scenes earlier today, rafer was kind of shaking and was complaining it was very cold out there so a lot of you as you go outside strutting around in short-sleeve shirts, you're going to sense a change too. >> you talk about a big-time cooldown, 92 degrees just two days ago in new york city. today i think they'll struggle to get to 55. if you're traveling to the big apple for the weekend, yeah, morning rain showers basically gone. low clouds are around. that's a look at central park. look at the trees starting to blossom right there, very nice. i tell you, though, temperatures much cooler than where they were two days ago. 55 today, back to the 60s for the weekend. most of the heavy rain is steering away from manhattan. it's getting into long island and eventually gets light scattered showers around boston, so you have that to deal with for the morning. look what else is falling, talking about snow in the upper part of michigan. lake-effect snow. cold air mass in place over the relatively warmer water still up there. look at the rain also being pushed out ahead of that cold front. get away from here and the cold front drags down through florida. couple of showers and thunderstorms are a possibility there. look at the temperature change. 71 in orlando below the front. above it it's only 49 in atlanta and 49 in memphis. pacific northwest, storm beginning to die out. winter storm warnings for the central cascades of washington state that only last for the next about eight hours or so. we'll talk about that, robin, in just a little bit. >> all right, thank you. you know, you already have enough anxiety before you head to the dentist's office. this will make it even worse. a dentist is accused of doing root canals with paper clips. paper clips. we always salute our troops, it's our honor. today we'll give a shoutout to sergeant charles aldridge. he's in afghanistan. it's his first deployment. and his wife, jody, says that he's her best friend, her closest confidant. >> hi, robin. my name is jody aldridge and i just wanted to shout out to my husband, charlie or better known as chucky. chucky, i love you so much. i am so proud of you for your service and i can't believe that you're away from us. i know how hard it is being away from dustin his first year. we will send you tons of pictures and we are praying for you daily. i love you so much, baby. happy birthday and happy birthday anniversary and be safe over there and come home. >> sweet. a very nice message, thank you. if you have somebody in the service, go to to salute them. you may have wondered how are u.s. astronauts going to get to and from the international space station once the shuttle fleet is retired. one possibility is commercial space taxi. now, president obama's proposed budget for nasa includes nearly $6 billion to develop the space taxis instead of extending the shuttle program. two private cargo companies will help supply the station. you know, a chemical that the government says might not be healthy for you is probably in everything you're touching this morning. your toothpaste, your soap, your deodorant. jennifer westhoven is looking out for you on this one. >> that's right. i never even heard of it until looking at some of these stories where the fda says they're going to take a closer look at it. it's an anti-bacterial that's in so many household products, just like robin said. in three out of four of us it tests in our urine in some surveys. in europe, it's banned or restricted. the fda says, first of all, it doesn't do a better job than soap and water when it comes to anti-bacteria but they had some concerns too. one is that in tests in animals, some of the animals ended up having hormone problems and that's something that we've kind of been wondering about as a society lately. our kids seem to be having some hormone problems. also there's the bad bacteria, shall we say, can develop resistance so we end up creating super bugs by using this all the time. but it's something that can be in deodorant, if you buy anti-bacterial clothing, it can be in socks. the soap and detergent association says, hey, it's been safe and we've been use it for about 30 years. people weren't just looking in the window in the latest month, they were buying. for the economy, that's some good news. it was the biggest jump in shopping in about ten years. retail sales up 9% from last year. people are with even buying at full price. haven't seen that for a while. and department stores did pretty well and that is both on the high end, shall we say, nordstrom's and in the discount stores like kohl's and t.j. maxx. madonna redmond is on a mission. we met her two years ago right here in one of the toughest neighborhoods in chicago. it's the last place you expect to find a garden. that's exactly what she showed me. >> what are we growing in here? >> any number of things. those are collard greens. >> redmond led an effort to start what she calls urban farm sites. why? because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find any fresh produce in the neighborhood. >> if you wanted to, you could buy illegal drugs. you can get access to a variety of illegal drugs. if you wanted to buy a gun, you could buy a gun in this neighborhood. but if you wanted to find an organic tomato in this community, if you didn't come to our urban farm site, you wouldn't be able to buy one. >> with few grocery stores nearby, most people do their shopping at convenience stores like this one, except they're full of chips, sugary drinks and candy. according to a new study, shopping at these convenience stores is part of what's making our kids fat. researchers talked to more than 800 kids outside convenience stores and found that on average they were eating 356 empty calories at every stop. >> what are you buying in there? >> chips. >> chips. >> chips? >> candy. >> let me see. >> but in lorin come minority communities, like this one where high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity run rampant, redmond says we can't afford to ignore the issue. >> there has to be an insistence that healthy living and a healthy lifestyle is a must. >> so two years after we first met her, la donna is adding store owner to her list of professions. >> our project really tries to bring healthy lifestyles to the hip-hop generation. >> all in the hopes that she can change the tide in the ever-growing storm of obesity. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. i kid you not when i say that a dentist accused of using paper clips in his patients' mouths went before a judge yesterday. michael claire pleaded not guilty. the prosecutors say, though, that he used paper clips for root canals but billed medicaid for more expensive stainless steel devices back in 2002. he's also accused of prescribing drugs for co-workers who then in turn gave the drugs back to him, allegedly. the diplomat who was accused of a shoe bomb scare is expected to be sent home to qatar. he was accused of smoking in the bathroom on a flight and talking about lighting his shoe on fire. now his embassy says that he was actually going to denver for a routine visit with a convicted terrorist from qatar. after round one of the masters, two golfers who are playing the tourney when tiger woods was only eight, they are the ones leading the way. here's joe carter with more on that. good story lines. >> great story lines. and tiger played great golf but fred couples and tom watson played much better golf. fred couples, 50 years young, is the oldest player ever to lead at the masters. he's playing in tennis shoes and no socks actually. he shot his best round ever at the tournament. he's played this tournament 26 times. now, just one shot behind him is tom watson, who's 60 years old. there must be something in the water there, i don't know what it is. but his son, caddying for him, watched his dad shoot his best opening round since 1984 at the masters. his son, by the way, proposed to his girlfriend on sunday and she said yes. that's a nice week for them. butler got a great head coach, his name is brad stevens, and he's going to be there for a long, long time. he just signed a 12-year contract extension which says i'm not going any, where i'm a bulldog for a long time. >> that's a long contract. >> he just took his team to a national championship on monday. the school is not saying how much the contract is worth but i would imagine it's got to be a pretty good penny to keep him there 12 years. check out this story, this little guy he's got mad basketball skills. >> oh, look at him! >> the "chicago tribune" put this on youtube. his name is jalen fleming. at five feet tall he's already being watched by pro and college scouts. the scouts are saying for his age, he's 10 years old by the way, he's the best they have ever seen. >> we had heard this story before but this is the first time i've seen the video. now i see why he's getting so much attention. >> he practices all day and his father and him are real strong faith, real strong in their religion, and he just plays basketball all day and loves it. the u.s. navy is banning smoking inside submarines which leads me to say you mean you could smoke inside submarines before? but it is one of the most popular stories on right now. navy officials don't want non-smokers exposed to secondhand smoke. they'll have nicotine patches and gum around to help the sailors quit. the commanders can choose to let the sailors smoke on deck. the new rule starts by the end of the year. look ma, no hands. is biking and texting really so prevalent that we need a new law against that? looks like apparently so. dddd the new york stock exchange, here we go, it's open for business. stocks are set for some gains this morning. we are going to check in and see how trading is going in a minute here. first, though, teams in west virginia are looking at what their options are as they try to find four missing miners. the rescuers had to pull out of the mine this morning because a fire was in the mine and that made it too dangerous, obviously, to go in. now, they may use a camera to check on the last refuge chamber where miners could be waiting for rescue. right now the brother of figure skater nancy kerrigan is scheduled to be arraigned for manslaughter in the death of their father. authorities in massachusetts say that mark kerrigan fought with his 70-year-old dad and he died from his injuries. the kerrigan family has said they're going to fight the ruling that it was a homicide. astronauts from the shuttle "discovery" spent the morning outsigh the international space station. they finished up their first space walk earlier. they disconnected an old tank on the station's cooling system. they're going to get a new one hooked up during their next two space walks. good friday morning to you. i see you're up early, especially our west coasters there. 31 minutes past the hour, i'm robin meade. this is a breaking story today. the west virginia governor, joe manchin, says that the bodies of several miners have been found on those vehicles that carry men underground and then back out. i think they're called man trips. they were not wearing respirators, which suggests that monday's blast caught them by surprise. according to the associated press. now, rescuers have been evacuated from the mine even though they need a rescue gear. this is the second day that's happened. officials say it's too dangerous in the search. one rescue chamber has been checked and, unfortunately, it was empty, it was not deployed. the governor talked about telling the families about their decision to pull out. >> the bottom line is this, we told them that the first chamber was checked, the one on the long wall. it was not deployed. they understand without a chamber deployed and nobody there that that changes the game. they have got one opportunity. we all have one opportunity, a sliver of hope, a miracle, if you will. if the other chamber has been deployed, then we have a chance. >> we learned just in the last 30 minutes that the company that owns the mine says it's paying for the funerals of the 25 miners who died in the explosion monday. stay with "morning express" for updates throughout the morning. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he won't go to president obama's nuclear security summit that's in washington next week. israel is sending a lower level official. but netanyahu's decision comes days before the summit. yesterday president obama said that the russian president signed a new nuclear arms treaty. israel has never officially acknowledged that it has nuclear weapons. tiger woods is back. is he better than ever? rafer is in augusta talking to us live where he's been all week here. and tiger was welcome on the ground but maybe a little differently from the air? >> reporter: yeah, robin. we knew there was going to be mixed reaction. we didn't know it was going to be mixed elementally. they describe this place as heaven on earth. take a look at it behind me. just look at this beautiful, beautiful scenery. you see all these people coming in, some of whom paid about $5,000 to be here. speaking of paying, somebody paid a lot of money to heckle tiger woods yesterday. as he was teeing off on his first tee, a couple of airplanes in the sky, the first one that said "tiger did you mean bootyism," obviously a play on his newfound faith in buddhism. and another said "sex addict? yeah, right. sure, me too!" . we have no idea who paid for these banners, robin. i thought bootyism was part of a website but nothing that we've been able to find. the people here on the grounds did not share the same sentiment. here's how woods was greeted when they introduced him on the first tee. >> on the tee, tiger woods. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: and he seemed to feed off of that energy, robin. he played the best he's ever played on the first day at this tournament in 16 appearances. a lot of people expected him to be rusty. i mean that is a truly amazing thing, to be off for five months and to come out and do it. but he said the crowd had a lot to do with it and he appreciated the energy that they gave him. >> the reception was incredible all day. from the time i went to the putting green to putt, the range and back to the putting green, off to the first tee and then pretty much all day, it was incredible. >> reporter: and it was incredible the way he performed, robin. today he's going to hopefully follow it up at 10:35 in the morning. he will tee off right behind me here, this is the first fairway. we will be live just before it happens. i guarantee you, when it happens, this will be filled with people, probably about four deep, as they follow him all around the course. robin. >> how are his fellow players dealing with the attention? we talked that one guy hadn't been on this tournament for like eight years and all of a sudden he's like, yeah, i got cameras all around me. >> reporter: and you know what, robin, that story getting lost in the shuffle. they played amazing. these two guys playing with tiger were just as sharp. there's a lot of people in contention here at this tournament, not just him. but my money is on him winning the thing. >> all right, rafer, thank you. workers just walked off the job. they are striking after they were told that they cannot drink on the job any more. this is at the karlsburg crew rein denmark. it used to be they could drink on the job, beer. they can still drink beer during lunch breaks just not on the line. even the truck drivers did you know can have three beers a day. the trucks have alcohol ignition locks to prevent them from driving drunk. would you like to see an assembly line like that? >> it would be great. they enacted the same law here. what do you mean i've got to do the weather now. okay, robin, what's your favorite kind of cloud? you don't know me. that's why we have the same laws around here. that's what happens. >> good morning, bob. >> good morning. let me show you some snowfall totals from yesterday afternoon. we're talking about late season snowfall last night. the cold air just coming crashing down changing all the rain yesterday to snow in the morning. look at some of this, right around green bay. 5.8 inches of snow. we have some video coming out of that region from yesterday morning at this time. it was coming down pretty quickly, almost a half a foot for late in the season. that's green bay, wisconsin. some areas around the u.p. of michigan around 8 inches of snow. that actual storm system has pushed to the east but i want to show you the map right now. the cold front, season changer, just mid to low 90s across the northeast just two days ago. today struggling to get back into the 50s. that's the way it goes. up to the north we have the rain off the shore from jersey pulling away from new york into long island. scattered showers from boston to maine, you'll see that most of the morning into the afternoon. lake-effect snow still hammering away at northern parts of michigan. i don't see any advisories, but you could see a quick 1, 1 1/2 inches out of that. you're going to get it across portland, maine, too. here's the cold front, showers and thunderstorms are a possibility and you can see why. look at the difference in temperatures. 49 currently in atlanta, 71 degrees in orlando as that cold air comes driving down, you're going to watch that develop a couple of thunderstorms this afternoon, so spots like orlando for the morning, tampa too might get a couple of thunderstorms popping up. miami later today gets some of that action. look at the storm fading away from montana. we do have the snow mainly in the highest elevations around the cascades of washington state. so winter storm warnings are still up there. an additional 2 to 4 inches of snow. interesting, know though, by this afternoon warm air gets in there and the snow level rises to 1500. a bus driver gets to keep his job despite punching a passenger. here's the security video. transit police in san antonio, texas, say the passenger was intoxicated and, boom, you can see him trying to hit the driver with a bottle they say in a paper bag. but the passenger denied it. >> i didn't throw anything. that's for sure. i didn't provoke him in any way. i wasn't even looking at him. >> but then the affiliate showed the passenger the video. you've got to see the response. >> again, i told you, you don't know me. i'll throw anything i want. so back to the bus passenger who got punched by the driver. now, he denied trying to hit the driver with a bottle, but here's what he said after our affiliate, kens, showed him the same security video you just saw. >> it's like two different memories. it's like watching that, is that real, and what i saw, is that real? i don't know. >> yeah. he was arrested for public intoxication. he says that he was on pain meds. the driver was suspended for two days for leaving the bus. you know what, bob cannot even hear that story without giggling. >> that excuse doesn't work for my son. it's going to work for that guy in his 40s? come on. i've got two different memories there. one of them -- i don't know. son, go in time-out. >> your grandmother may not know what twitter is but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't listen to her advice. natasha is working on that in the next hour. >> you know that old saying that wisdom comes with age? now there's some hard science to back that up and there's one thing in particular that older people really seem to handle better. plus tiger's big return to golf went awfully well for him but can he keep it up? rafer is following all that action at augusta. a tv producer is under investigation after his wife's body was found in a resort in cancun. here is bruce redmond on "extra's" website. he worked on "survivor" and "pimp my ride." a family friend says they were in cancun working on their marriage. the initial investigation found that she had been strangled. an hln law enforcement analyst talked to prime news about police in mexico. >> you know, certain different parts of mexico, they do a good job. here they do. in cancun, it's very reputable. will they find out exactly what the kauds and manner of death are in this case? they should. it will probably take a few days. will the u.s. state department get involved? absolutely, because it's a death of an american in a foreign country. >> her husband told police that she never returned from shopping. we have not heard directly from him yet. this just in, figure skater nancy kerrigan's brother has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter in the death of their father. 45-year-old mark kerrigan entered his plea just a few minutes ago in massachusetts. authorities say mark kerrigan fought with his 70-year-old dad and the dad died from his injuries. the kerrigan family has said they are going to fight the ruling that it was a homicide. you know, there's been so much news going on, i forgot to tell you you know it's a friday. is it your getaway day friday? here's bob with the travel. >> exactly, robin. usually you were talking about major volume coming up across, like new york city metro. we'll have the volume delays but we're also going to get the wind and light rain for the morning too. here's what we have for the day. i still have not seen a 38 yet. that's great news first part of the morning. newark, jfk, la guardia, be prepared for volume plus wind delays. boston, it's rain showers in the morning, wind in the afternoon. atlanta winds to about 25, 30 miles per hour. short delays. then miami, thunderstorms this afternoon. you could get about a half hour delay out of that. that's it, though, robin. pretty good day. new this morning, the congressman whose last-minute vote helped pass the health care bill is retiring. several democratic sources tell cnn bart stupak will officially announce his decision today. the nine-term democrat from michigan is expected to say that he's leaving because of health care reform being passed. but he's also been the target of several tea party protests in his state this week. police say that a grown woman assaulted a 3-year-old boy on a plane. you won't believe what witnesses think set the woman off. so a woman is accused of assaulting a 3-year-old boy because he may have kicked her seat on the plane. well, police tell our phoenix affiliate, ktvk, that it happened before the southwest flight left the gate last month. witnesses say the woman may have been drunk. >> the young lady became very upset. she turned around in her seat, reached back, actually grabbed the 3-year-old, lifted him off the seat and stating something to the effect you're not going to be kicking my seat all the way to las vegas. according to witnesses, she actually slammed the child back down onto the seat. >> flight attendants sat the woman somewhere else but she came back yelling and throwing trash at the little boy and his mom. the mom says she wants to press charges. detectives say southwest is helping with their investigation. i guess my question is, if it happened before they left the gate, why was she allowed to fly? >> why would they let them go. good question. another death threat, believe it or not, has been made against espn reporter aern andrews according to tmz. these e-mails are not being sent directly to erin andrews, they're being sent through the dan patrick radio show. the man who wrote the e-mails said he would like to see her, quote, dance her way through a hail of gunfire. now, e-mails like that have been coming to the dan patrick show since september. law enforcement sources told tmz the fbi has not made an arrest because it believes the e-mails are protected under free speech. hln has not been able to confirm that. well, after one day at the masters, all the talk isn't just about tiger woods. tom watson, he's 60 years old, he won his first masters in 1977 when tiger was a toddler. well, watson just one shot off the lead. whether or not he wins this tournament, it's already been a memorable one for him. he shot his best opening round in 26 years yesterday. his son, who's caddying for him this week, proposed to his girlfriend on sunday and she said yes. 50-year-old fred couples, even better than watson yesterday. he's the oldest player ever to lead at the masters. playing what looks like tennis shoes and no socks. couples shot his best round ever at the tournament and he's been there 26 times. >> you love that, he has no socks on. >> he has no socks. i'm assuming those shoes have got to be thrown away after a round of golf with no socks. that's gross. that's sports, back to you. >> sorry about that, i didn't know you were done. all right, thank you. well, it's really astonishing. the man hasn't competed in 144 days. he has had all kinds of trouble brewing at home. a worldwide scandal. he comes out here and if he makes a few more putts he really could be leading the tournament. >> so he is back. tiger woods started his comeback with a strong first round at the masters. hln is the place to be for the most comprehensive coverage of tiger's return. to be. rafer is reporting live from augusta national all day, all week. some teens who could not afford a prom dress are going to be getting one for free thanks to their fellow students. this is a project at the vegas high school. young designers make a dress from scratch and donate them to needy students. they are learning a big lesson. >> an english, teacher, math teacher, science teacher, don't get this opportunity. i have 20 kids showing off eight projects to the whole community and i couldn't be happier. >> such a good idea. they look gd good. the students will model their own designs at the mall. it took a harness and tractor and lot of elbow grease to rescue a could you who got stuck in a storm drain. crews had to dig up part of the road yesterday. animal control thinks the cow wondered in the drain days ago. a couple taking a walk saw a cow's head poking out. the diplomat accused of shoe bomb scare may be heading home now. you might be surprised to why he was on the flight to dep ver.

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