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The latest from Steve Harrigan following developments in lafayette, louisiana. Sir . Neil, a steady rain here in lafayette. The wind could be several hours off. As far as that goes, the situation here, you really are putting your finger on it when you say this place has been hit twice in six weeks. Almost the exact same path. More than 10,000 people really still in hotels from that storm, laura. Six weeks ago. Still tarps on buildings, still debris lining the road. You can see the traffic jams during the day. People trying to get out on i10. You can see these people, older people with pets. Its women with small children. Its a tough thing to do to try to get out of a hurricane. Its on the way. Some people in Cameron Parrish are going to try to ride it out. 100 people there will try to ride it out. The roads will get flooded and rescue will be difficult. Aid is pouring in. Several hundred electric workers ready from duke power. Urban search and rescue teams, more than 500 team members. Herely skilled in rescuing people from collapsed buildings and also from flood water. National guard, too. They have helicopters, boats, high water vehicles. Its going to be an incredibly dangerous and difficult 24 hours. Neil, back to you. Neil Steve Harrigan, thanks very much. Rick reichmuth with us right now. I misspoke. A category two storm. What is the latest youre hear something. It was category three and now down to a category two. Continues to weaken here. The water in the northern gulf is cooler. Temperatures are like to the 77, 78 degrees. So that isnt Strong Enough to really sustained a strong hurricane. Youre seeing that in the last few hours before the center makes landfall. Also starting to see storm shear that is breaking down, a little bit on the western side. Theyre all good things. What is about to happen in towards the state of louisiana because you want to see a weakening storm and thats what we have on hand here. Take a look at this. This year so far, weve had nine named storms make landfall. Four of those hurricanes. Five of them as tropical storms. This will be our fifth hurricane and tenth storm of the year, which is incredible. This is what the radar image looks like. Weve seen winds gusting up to 70 miles an hour. Right now we have 56 in galveston. 51 in lake charles. 51 in lake charles, one of the most populated. One thing well see tonight and into tomorrow, tornado concerns. You can see the yellow. Tornado watches in effect. Its very far away from the center of the storm. Includes parts of mississippi, new orleans. Well watch that throughout the evening. The official track continues to pull off to the north and the northeast. Well see a narrow sliver. Lot of areas, 48 inches of rain. A couple of spots. 1215 inches of rain across parts of the central appalachians and the Tennessee River valley as well by the time we get to later tomorrow and sunday. A lot ahead still here to go, neil. Right now were about to see our tenth landfalling storm of the 2020 hurricane season. Unreal. Neil unreal is right. Thanks very much. Rick reichmuth for all of that. How do you prepare in harms way here . We have josh here from the lafayette louisiana mayor. Thanks for taking the time. How do things look by you . Neil, its an honor to be here with you. We take this very seriously. We have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I listened to your previous guest. Were thankful for the cooler waters. We hope the storm continues to weaken. We cant prepare on hope. We have to prepare as if the worst thing is coming to us. So to all of our responders working very hard, we worked the last couple days reaching up to the storm to make sure that our utility systems are working, roads are clear and First Responders will get to people in need. Neil i think we lost our connection to the mayor. Can you hear me now . I sure can, neil. Can you hear me . Neil yes. I apologize for that. One of the things i was going to ask you, for your neck of the woods, it was five or six weeks ago you had to deal with laura on the exact same track. That was a doozy. How are your folks holding up . What are you telling them . To evacuate, hunker down . What . Being hit with laura six weeks ago adds obstacles. Our parrish was on the eastern part of hurricane laura. We did feel the effects. We didnt get the brunt like our neighbors in Cameron Parrish. Our relief efforts are with them. Were approaching this storm just like we did with hurricane laura as a regional approach. Our residents here in Lafayette Parrish and arcadia region, were very used to these storms. Not necessarily used to them coming backtobacktoback like this hurricane season, but we have a voluntary evacuation in place. Thats been in place for a couple days now here in our parrish. Surrounding paur risches had a few mandatory evacuation orders in place. For everyone out there locally, still time to secure your belongings outside. If theres anything out there that could potential become debris, we want to make sure that we hunker that down and secure those. Theres a lot of people here that just put up halloween decorations. If you forgot that because we dont ordinarily prepare for hurricanes during halloween. That could turn into deadly debris. We want to make sure that were proactive. Neil thanks, mayor. Very much to you and your family all of your constituents. On the hurricane, again, expected to hit land tonight, well be monitoring the fallout from this tomorrow morning at 10 00 a. M. On fox news as we look at the real fallout from this as well as the political fallout. The political storm over stimulus. Our next story right now is what has happened to that. It was considered dead and gone. The president just ripped it up and said well continue this after the election. Then an enormous pivot and now everybody is scrambling with a more generous package. The two sides are not that far apart. The very latest from blake burman at the white house. Hey, blake. Hi, neil. A lot going on. The headline today, the white house has increased their offer. I was told roughly 1. 8 trillion. Tyler goodspeed, the acting ch here saying its closer to 1. 9 trillion. So you sort of get the range that the white house is in right now. That means the white house has moved up a couple hundred billion from 1. 6 trillion as to where they were before this. Larry kudlow broke the news earlier today on fox business in an interview live with stuart varney. He said there was a meeting with President Trump and mark meadows and the treasury secretary and Steve Mnuchin in which the president gave the green light to the new plan from the white house, this afternoon, mnuchin held a phone call with the speaker of the house, nancy pelosi, in which they discussed the details of the new white house offer. The goal posts moving for President Trump as that phone call was occurring between pelosi and mnuchin, the president was on the phone with Rush Limbaugh for a couple hours. The president was saying he wants it to go higher than that 1. 8, 1. 9 trillion. Listen here. I would like to see a bigger stimulus package that the democrats or the republicans are offering. Im going to be exact opposite now. Im telling you this now. Im telling you i dont tell anybody else. Maybe it hurts or hurts. I would like to see a bigger package. I want money going to people. Democrats right now are at 2. 2 trillion. After the phone call, Nancy Pelosis deputy chief of staff suggested or seemed to suggest that the white house offer is insufficient. Heres part of the tweet out of pelosis office. Of special concern, the absence agreement to crush the virus. For this and other provisions, were waiting for language from the administration on the overall amount. Paired with that with what kind out of kentucky from mitch mcconnell, he said that the differences right now between both sides are vast and he also predicted in his belief that he does not believe theres going to be a deal between now and election day. Bottom line here, the white house moving up their number. Still a long way to go, neil. Neil blake burman, thanks very much. The whole idea of stimulus might be dicey. I dont know if well get it. One thing that is not dicey or problematic that amy barrett confirmation hearings will start monday. Whether theyre concluded by election day and shes voted to become the next justice on the United States Supreme Court that we dont know. I have a hunch that maybe ted cruz has an idea or two. He will join me after this. Its an important time to save. With priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. He calls on the nations antop health experts. S, working together, for all americans, is what joe does. When writing his healthcare plan, joe biden worked with both doctors and patients to make healthcare affordable by lowering premiums, reducing drug costs, and protecting people with preexisting conditions. Joe listened to both Small Business owners and workers to create his economic plan that cuts taxes for middle class families, creates 18 million new jobs in his first term, and raises wages by as much as 15,000 a year. Joe bidens plans will help working families immediately by making the super rich finally pay their fair share. For joe, its never been about ego. Its always been about the work he can do for working families. Its what hes always done. Joe biden brings everyone to the table and gets it done. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. Its made for him a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we also made usaa for military spouses and their kids become a member. Get an insurance quote today. The issue is the American People should speak. You should go out and vote. Youre in voting now. Vote and let your senators know how strongly you feel. Vote now. Make sure you let people know. Im not going to answer the question. What are you and joe biden, if somehow you win this election, youre going to pack the Supreme Court. Joe and i are very clear. The American People are voting right now. It should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body. You know my opinion on Court Packing when the election is over. Theyre both good at not answering the question. Neil will you or will you not do what your colleagues are doing considering democrats take control of the senate and try to pack the court . Make sure amy barrett nomination never happens again and by the way, what about the filibuster . A nonanswer still gets to the core of the problem. Theyre not growing to provide it until after the election if it comes to that. Anyway, mike emanuel has been following this. Its already built up its own dra drama. Mike . This is a critical time in the campaign. Confirmation hearings are expected to dominate News Coverage next week. Democrats acknowledge they could stall a bit but dont think they can stop her confirmation unless theres some shocking development. Many on the Progressive Left are pushing Democrat Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to get rid of the Senate Filibuster and pack the Supreme Court with more justices. Biden is not answering the question. So President Trump is drawing this conclusion. I think what he said was so disrespectful to the process and to the people. What he said then was disgraceful. What that means really is that theyre going to do it. A key member of the House Judiciary Committee says bidens nonanswer means hes going to do it. Hes telling the American People he will pack the court. Read my lips clearly. Joe biden will pack the court if Amy Comey Barrett is a evidence pro. Lets make it clear. Hes trying to be too cute by half. This is clear. Theyre trying to run a campaign of being fake while the American People understand its the progressive wing that is pushing them where they need to go. If confirmed, a Justice Barrett would make it a 63 conservative majority. The liberal base is feeling a lot of heartburn. Neil . Neil thanks, mike emanuel on that. Well talk about perfect timing. The book is released in the middle of this. Im talking about texas senator cruzs book one vote away. You must have written this knowing this would transpire. Thanks for being here. Thanks, neil. The timing was serendipity. I sat in my living room and wrote this this summer. Obviously i didnt know there was going to be a Supreme Court vacancy in october. I did know there would be a president ial election in november. In my view, the single most important issue on the ballot is the judiciary and the Supreme Court. What this book does, one vote away it lays out the constitutional liberties. Theres different chapters and tells war stories. Brings the reader in behind the scenes on the big lands mark cases, many of which i help eed litigate. A lot of people know the Supreme Court is important. But they dont necessarily understand whats going on and what its about. Neil you get to the notion that so many crucial decisions out there, onevote decisions. Im wondering here because you expressed your doubts in the past and relayed them to judges gorsuch and kavanaugh. How can we be so sure that in amy barrett we have a true conservative . You telegraphed your concerns about the justices and their conservative bona fide. But how here can we know for sure with amy barrett . So the last chapter of the book is entirely focussed on Supreme Court nominations on getting them right and wrong. Democrats are very good at this. They get 100 of their nominees to vote how they wants to in every case. Republicans are terrible at this. We bat less than 500. Many of the worst judicial activists were put on the bench by republicans like david sutter. Harry blackman. All of those were republican appointees. What i examined what worked and what didnt. There was a pattern. If you look at those justices that stayed faithful to their oath, people like antonin scalia, clarence thomas, sam alito, my former boss, chief justice rehnquist, they all have served in the executive. They all had defended conservative principles and defended the constitution. Heres the one thing. They all faced withering press criticism. They were pounded and stayed strong. Thats what im interested in. Neil you think judge barrett is up to that criticism and will deliver the goods that maybe some other justices you pointed out have not . So look, i hope so. She has an impeccable academic credential. Shes been an academic, a court of appeals judge. Id like to see a longer record as a proven constitutionalist on the court but i think all of the indicia are encouraging about judge barrett right now. Neil all right. Now, the nonanswer that we get from the democratic ticket, joe biden, Kamala Harris, as to whether they would agree with some of their cohorts to pack the court in light of this. What do you think . I think theres a reason theyre refusing to answer it. The answer is unequivocally yes, yes, yes. I talked yesterday to both the president and the Vice President. I congratulated the Vice President on a fantastic debate two days ago where he put the question not once but twice. He put it four times to Kamala Harris. She consistently refused to answer it just like joe biden did the week before. The reason is simple. Their hard left base wants to do this. If they win, they will pack the Supreme Court which will destroy its independent and will make it a Political Institution worse than it is now. They recognize its a wildly unpopular decision so they dont want to admit it to the American People. I have to say, theres Something Weird about joe biden standing up and saying im not going to tell the voters before you vote whether im willing to destroy one of the pillars of the constitution and bill of rights, one of the pillars of our society. Theres something fundamentally dishonest about that. Neil or could be sitting on the lead and dont want to reason anything. Their lead in the polls is so substantial that you said earlier, senator, that the gop could face a bloodbath of watergate proportions on election day if voters are not feeling optimistic about the economy. Do you see that changing in the next three weeks or so . What i said earlier is that the election is incredibly volatile. One scenario is possible that theres a bloodbath. The republicans could win and keep the senate and take the house. Neil you think the president could win by a big margin even when you look polls are always suspect as you remind me, but the trend is not his friends. Its widening. Not only nationally but the battle grounds states. I think the hard left will show up no mat or what. They hate the president. The big question is everyone else showing up to vote. Thats why i wrote this book one votes away. Maybe youre not thrilled with donald trump. You might not like what he says or tweets and youre trying to think gosh, do i vote or not . This book is designed to make the case to you that if you care about your fundamental liberties, if you want to preserve your right to free speech and the second amendment, there are four votes that have been on the Supreme Court to take those rights away and if joe biden wins, we are facing a loss of our fundamental liber liberti liberties. This book will help you understand just how close the court is to destroying those rights. Ill tell you, neil, its amazing. The book is the number 1 best seller on amazon in the country. And i think that is because people want to understand what is going on with the court, what are the stakes in this election. What are the stakes in the confirmation battle over judge barrett. Neil you also get into a lot of interesting behindthescenes stuff there that makes stuff were seeing today pale by comparison. The reason i mentioned polls, the president said something revealing today. Maybe tweeting more to the point on Nancy Pelosis efforts to look at the transfer power in the 25th amendment. Thats her way to help Kamala Harris. Saying has he given up on this thing thinking biden and harris are going to win and democrats are going to prepare for a possible transfer of power to greet the skids for a possible president harris. Do you believe the president is losing faith he can pull this reelection off . I dont sense that at all. As i talked to him yesterday and three days ago when he got home from the hospital. He sounded strong, he sounded in good spirits. I think hes prepared to fight. I think a lot of folks are trying to write off the election. They did that four years ago also. Neil youre right about that. And the pelosi thing is just a political stunt on her part. Since the day the democrats got the majority in the house, their only priority has been attacking the president and impeaching the president and trying to destroy the president. The is a political stunt to do that. Neil and i didnt mention your dustup with mark cuban. The mavericks owner. You called him out or seemed like you called him out when you look at the nba finals and the bad ratings they were having and saying a lot of this social justice messaging might have been a ratings downer. He said a u. S. Senator with three nba teams in the state and employing thousands of people and hes rooting for their business to do poorly. He called you full of you know what. What do you say . You know, to quote the bar d barred. Mark cuban gets up sets and yells and screams and hurls expletives when hes actually when he knows hes in the wrong. In this instance, i love the nba. Im a diehard Houston Rockets fan. Ive been my entire life. It break any heart to see the nba i think theyre doing enormous damage to their business by just insulting many of their fans, by turning basketball games nobody wants to turn on a sports game and hear this lefty political lecture, which is self righteous and doesnt address the issues. If they wanted to do something on racial inequality, it would be great to see them step in and raise money for scholarships for low income kids to have school choice. But they wouldnt do that. Instead neil if you guys talked after all the online back and forth, bury the hatchet or style quite sharp and still very much a hatchet . To be honest, i dont know mark cuban personally. Never met him. He tweets nasty things at me. My initial comment about the nba generally. Its sad to see the damage doing. The viewership is down 50 . Cuban has sort of made a pattern of wanting to attack and throw bombs at me. Thats fine. You know, i get it. Its a political league. Its not good for the viewers and its not goods for the league. I think sports should be fun to watch and much of their political commentary is very superficial and uninformed. Thats part of why you dont necessarily tune in to see a basketball owner or whoever lecturing you on politics. You want a discussion about police reform, you want have a discussion about racial justice, im happy to have a long substantive one. Thats not what mark cuban is looking at. Hes just throwing bombs. Frankly hes very sensitive because the nba is simultaneously so in bed with the Chinese Government that theyre unable to say a word about china but glad to criticize and attack neil well see. Could be a long playoff season. It never ends. That could be a separate issue. Senator ted cruz, very good having you. Be well. Be safe. Thank you again. We have a lot more coming up including the president , whats he going to do, getting back out on the stump. Were going to hear theres an inperson event at the white house tomorrow. Were getting drabs on this. What the nation is in store for after this. Indistinct talking on tv ] hey. You fell asleep with your sign again. You fell asleep with your sign again. No, i didnt. Okay. Switch to progressive and you can save hundreds. You know, like the sign says. I remember herwho was because she had a bracelet that had the names of her children. She asked me, doctor, am i going to be okay . and i could not give her the answer that i wanted to give her. There is no excuse for why we dont have this under control at this point. Joe biden listens to medical experts. He actually has a plan that does the things that we should have been doing many months ago. And joe biden is not going to let his ego get in the way of fighting the disease. 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This is the feeling of total protection now that we protect your identity, and mobile phone, as well as auto home and life youve never been in better hands allstate click or call for a quote today neil all we know is the law and order event at the white house. The president will be with a lot of people. His first inperson event there since dealing with the covid19 virus. A little more than a week ago. Now to dr. Nicole, author of make america healthy again. Is it wise for him to do so soon . Is that a good idea, doctor . Neil, we dont have a lot of details. They say people will be gathering on the south lawn. The president will gather the crowds from the balcony. Lets talk about his covid19 diagnosis. The cdc guidelines say you can end isolation when you have a positive test and when you were at minimum ten days since symptom on set and your symptoms are improving, not necessarily gone. A lot of the covid systems can longer like cough, shortness of breath and a brain fog. So right now i believe it was reported that the president was experiencing congestion and fatigue on october 1, thursday. So that would make tomorrow ten days since symptom on set. The last i heard, the fever was spiking the following friday. I dont know if he has had a fever since then. He took took drugs to help suppress the fever. Im curious to see if he was spiking the fever since he started the trial. The president has reported that his symptoms have improved and his words, hes feeling great. That being said, possibly tomorrow may be the end of his isolation. Another way that you can end isolation sooner is having two negative covid tests sequentially greater than 24 hours a part. A negative test is not necessary for someone to end isolation. Particles can be detected in someone up to 30 days after infection. Doesnt mean theyre contagious but still harboring the virus. Neil hes been on heavy duty drugs and steroids. Its done the trick. Does it affect his Decision Making capabilities . A lot of people were shocked in the middle of the progress on the stimulus nixed it and did a 180. Struck people as just odd. Does anything he takes now or did, could it affect compulsive behavior . Well, i will tell you, neil, i think the president s behaviors have been criticized his entire four years because people find him to be impulsive. Thats why some people like him. The regeneron antibodies and remdesivir doesnt report sides effects of such. And theres some antivirals that can raise your Blood Pressure and tends to be very low on the risk profile. I wouldnt want to point fingers at a medication that may be influencing his behaviors. Thats for his doctors to decide if anything is having a side effect if him. Neil yeah, i mean, sugar doughnuts do it for me. Thats a separate issue when we have our next visit. Dr. Nicole sapphire, thanks very much. With have more coming up. 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With more farmfresh taste, more vitamins, and 25 less saturated fat . Only egglands best. Better taste, better nutrition, better eggs. Neil all right. When even Mainstream Media is saying its frustrating not to hear joe biden or Kamala Harris answer yes or no whether they agree with progressives in their party that want to pack the court, if republicans succeed in getting just amy barrett to the Supreme Court, Jason Nichols is here, democratic strategist and a smart one. Jason, ill ask you, just up front be, what is the problem with just answering that question . Is it fear of ticking off the extreme progressive part of the party or just sitting on a lead and playing it carefully or both . What is it . Well, i think some of it is sitting on the lead and playing carefully. I also think that we havent seen the whole process of what will happen with Amy Coney Barrett particularly with the recent diagnosis of half of the white house and particularly the president. People in Congress Like tillis and lee, we dont foe whats going on. Nobody knows. So its not time to make these kinds of projections yet when we dont have the answers to what is going on immediately. So i think theyre holding off neil if youre demanding of the president , just to be fair about it, how you feel about white supremacists, they demanded him to answer it and now demanding healthcare portions and everybody wants an answer. Why doesnt it go the other way . Maybe im concerned about why the ticket is concerned about nonlooking like theyre too in bed with the progressives. Some of the progressives have upped the ante calling for free public healthcare, full student debt cancellation, reallocate Police Funding without calling it defunding the police. The ticket has not responded to that. Are they under increasing pressure to espoused views like that . I dont think so. Joe biden one thing republicans are correct about, joe biden has been joe biden for 47 years in government. Hes more joe manchin than he is ilhan and omar. Hes more john tester or mark warner than he is Rasheeda Talib or aoc. He agrees with free covid testing, a ban on evictions. Theres certain things theyre not going to get. Youre not going to get universal free healthcare and medicare for all. The voters rejected that in the Democratic Party when they rejected Bernie Sanders. Im more on that side of the neil jason, would they subscribe to that or is that something theyre more empowered to do if they run the table of election day . Take the white house and keep the house, even take the senate. Then they have a lot more umph to do whatever they want to do, right . I think youre going to get some progressive base. I think youll see joe biden is willing to bring everyone to the table. He knows what got him elected. Its people who were in democrat, Old School Democrats in western pennsylvania, Old School Democrats in ohio, the moderate wing of the party. Those are be team that hes going to most cater to. That is who he is. He hasnt changed who he is in 47 years. I dont expect him to change or become Bernie Sanders overnight. Bernie sanders got defeated by joe biden. As much as i love Bernie Sanders, he lost and youre not going to get defunding the police when you have as the president the person who is the architect of the cops program, which threw money at police programs. So i dont think that joe biden is going to change. Hes going to listen to progressives. Hes going to see where theres agreement. Going to reject some of those things. Neil all right. Weve got to know which ones. Jason, always good having you. Thanks very much. Jason nichols, democratic strategist. Were keeping track of hurricane delta and the curious path that could take it to next week at this time, rains in the ohio valley to the midatlantic. Well explain after this. Rtymutm to customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need . Really . I didnt aah ok. Im on vibrate. Aaah only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Knowinits hard. Re is hard. Eliminate who you are not first, and youre going to find yourself where you need to be. The race is never over. The journey has no port. The adventure never ends, because we are always on the way. Neil all right. Here we go again. For residents of louisiana, this is the third time in six weeks that they have been dealing with a major storm, a hurricane. This is a doozy. Hurricane delta is a category two storm. A lot of wind and soaking rain that could send surges up to 12 feet. The latest from phil keating in jennings, louisiana. Whats the latest there . Very rainy, a lot of wind. Comes in waves as the bans came up the shore and into the state of louisiana. Its still a category two. Winds have dropped down about five miles an hour. So its 105 miles per hour. Still, a category two can be deadly. Twice as destructive. Thats why people are order mandatory evacuated from this area. Fema tweeted out these two photos today. Showing its arsenal of relief trucks. A bunch of 18 wheelers, a bunch of votes all to deliver 1. 6 million mres, 1. 5 million liters of water as well. All of this is anticipated for after the storm. Remember, just six weeks ago, deadly and destructive cat 4 hurricane laura carved almost the same path as what is forecast tonight. Extremely bad luck. Check out the newest tool for the fox news hurricane arsenal. Its called the fox storm cam, which is a big hard plastic waterproof box. A bunch of technology inside. The camera that can shoot out of a peep hole. This can be placed anywhere. This is a live look in lake arthur. Broadcasting the scene there. If the hurricane was a category four and too dangerous for crews, this will always be able to provide you the viewer with the latest technology. Pretty cool stuff, neil. Neil very cool. You wont like the idea that they have to put you in that thing just in case. Phil, be safe, my friend. Keep at it. Phil keating in the middle of louisiana. Remarkable technology. Remarkable election year, right . North carolina one of those pivotal mustwin states for both sides. You know, its not just the battle on the top of the ticket. For senator tom tillis, its a doordie moment as well. He got a bit of a reprieve this week. Were on it after this. Its either the assurance of a 165point certification process. Or it isnt. Its either testing an array of advanced safety systems. Or it isnt. Its either the peace of mind of a standard unlimited mileage warranty. Or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned. Or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event. Now through november 2nd. Shop online and build your deal today. He calls on the nations antop health experts. S, working together, for all americans, is what joe does. When writing his healthcare plan, joe biden worked with both doctors and patients to make healthcare affordable by lowering premiums, reducing drug costs, and protecting people with preexisting conditions. Joe listened to both Small Business owners and workers to create his economic plan that cuts taxes for middle class families, creates 18 million new jobs in his first term, and raises wages by as much as 15,000 a year. Joe bidens plans will help working families immediately by making the super rich finally pay their fair share. For joe, its never been about ego. Its always been about the work he can do for working families. Its what hes always done. Joe biden brings everyone to the table and gets it done. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. Keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. 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Following the cdc protocol, i expect to be back in Judiciary Committee the first part of the week. Neil all right. Will that mean youll be there for day one of the hearings or day two . No. Day one, its opening statements. Ill dial in as i have and Many Democrats have. Theyre criticizing it for opening statements. Looks like im more likely to travel in my pickup truck on tuesday. Neil lets talk about what the president s plans are. Hes handled this remarkably well physically. A lot of folks are worried it might be risky for him and the people for whom he comes in contact monday depending what the arrangements are in florida. Youre dealing with this. How would you advise him . I think you follow the doctors advice. I have not seen any doctor. Ive been on the phone with some. My symptoms have been manageable at home. No symptoms. The president will listen to his doctors for his own personal safety and the people and him and he will act accordingly. Neil lets talk about your race, senator. Youre one of the vulnerable republicans up for reelection. And then the news of your opponent that was leading by six to eight points and then Cal Cunningham had to apologize for an affair. The text of which were released out and the rest is history. Theres not been polls since then. Many argue now that your seat is looking secure. Do you think your seat is looking secure . Neil, i thought my seat was looking secure on friday afternoon before the revelations came out. Cal cunningham has premised his campaign on truth and honor. What hes done has not been honest with the voters of North Carolina. Hes covered up an affair that included a veteran, a veteran of the armys wife. Hes now tried to admit to it but not completely. I really feel sorry for his family, what theyre going through right now. When you premise your entire campaign on truth and honor and what you were is untruthful and dishonorable, the people of North Carolina need to understand that. Cal cunningham will say anything to get elected. He has said anything to get elected. He lost in 2010. He changed his positions on things. So i dont think we can trust him. I think this is a very important thing for the people of North Carolina to understand before their cast their ballots. We did reach out to Kyle Cunningham and yet to hear back. The big issue in North Carolina and a tough one for the president , theyre not feeling this commission boom that he talks about, maybe that you talk about. Real quickly, are you worried about that . Theres a disconnect here. I think there may be. People know the economy we had before covid hit our shores. I believe the voters of North Carolina rely on republicans to recover and economy that have been destroyed by democrat leadership for nearly 20 years. I think the voters at the end of the day and that clarity of moment that they have when they cast their ballot, they will vote for President Trump and vote for tom tillis. Neil well see what happens. Look at your health. Get well, get better. Very good seeing you again. You look fine. Tom tillis republican of North Carolina on the senate Judiciary Committee. Now the five. Dana hello. Im dana perino with katie pavlich, greg gutfeld, jesse watters. This is the five in new york city. President trump is ready to rally. His campaign a understand knowing they will hold a make America Great Campaign Rally monday night at 7 00 p. M. The president will have his first inperson event. Tomorrow night he will do Something Else on law and order. President trump saying today hes feeling much better. I feel better now

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