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Or longer. Im neil cavuto, and this is your world where were learning that the president of the United States is back in the oval office and getting a briefing on a lot of stuff. A 180 for the market sensing there is a different vibe in town. The president in the oval office for the First Time Since returning from Walter Reed Military Center for a briefing on the hurricane that is soon going to slam into the gulf coast. Another one yet again its going to happen and what could potentially happen with the Coronavirus Relief bill, president saying yesterday the negotiations have been suspended until after the election, now the president coming back and urging nancy pelosi if not to do something comprehensive did is piece by piece starting with payments to individuals. The president saying if i am sent a standalone bill, they will go out immediately. I am ready to sign now. Are you listening, nancy . As it turns out, nancy pelosi was listening and said this about this idea. All he has ever wanted in the negotiation was to send out a check with his name printed on it. Forget about the virus. Forget about our heroes. Forget about our children and their need to go to School Safely and the rest, so hes just again rebounding from a terrible mistake that he made yesterday and the republicans in congress are going down the drain with him on that. John pelosi claimed the president did not inform her he was going to suspend the talks. She learned about it yesterday when he tweeted about it. There is money left over from the first big Coronavirus Relief bill, about 146 billion worth that could be turned toward things like paycheck protection, relief for the airlines, and other items but that would require legislation from congress. Mark meadows saying this, this morning. The stimulus negotiations are off. Obviously, were looking at the potential for standalone bills. There is about 10 things that we agree on,willing to look at tho on a piecebypiece basis, then were willing to look at it. John the dow looking at this and going yes, we may get a deal. But here is the thing, neil. They tried to do something similar a month ago in a skinny relief bill and nancy pelosi said no, shes not going below 2. 2 trillion and that it needs to be ia comprehensive relief package, so i dont know why she would suddenly capitulated and say youre right, lets do this piece by piece. This may be Wishful Thinking on the part of the white house. Well see. Neil the market is known for being manic. John roberts. I want to go to jaqqui heinrich. Were less than five hours away right now. What can you tell us . Neil, senator Kamala Harris has been reportedly doing debate prep with south bend mayor pete posing as Vice President pence who is also from indiana and the Campaign Said this morning they dont expect that pence is going to try to interrupt like the first debate but they expect him to lie and focus lie and take the focus off the administration. He was a talk show host. We are not coming in underestimating him. Look no further than the mike pence r. N. C. Speech but just because mike pence can deliver online doesnt make it true. Itsades to win a debate if you dont care about telling the truth. The Campaign Said harris a prosecutor is a natural fact checker but her bigger issuing will be the recession and the pandemic under the Trump Administration and because that was already the aim of her preparation prominent democrats doenth think she will have to adjust her attack lines very much even with the president facing coronavirus. Bernie sanders expects harris will focus on the agenda which was not laid out by President Trump in the first debate. You look at the first debate in terms of tone. Obviously the president S Performance was widely panned including by many republicans who felt that his constant interrupting and distractions in fact hurt his ability to make his case for a second term and senator harris is a very accomplished debater. We debated her a number of times. During the first debate, President Trump tried to bait joe biden into angering the left of the party. You saw biden distance himself from progressive policies. Weaver said it didnt have an impact with progressives. They are united against President Trump. On the other end they expect potentially mike pence will take the opposite approach and paint harris and the democratic ticket as part of the radical left. Neil. Neil Jacqui Heinrich in Salt Lake City for the big event. Groundrules. The candidates will be separated by 12 feet, double the normal distance of six feet recommended in this covid age, plexiglas between them. We havent had a chance to see how that helps or hurts puwell find out. Then there is the issue of them sitting down. For most of the Vice President ial debates in receipt years, the 2008 contest featuring sarah palin against joe biden featuring sarah palin, they were standing. It brings the level of attention down, talking to each other more directly and sometimes you get a sound and substantive debate like what happened 20 years ago this month when my next guest, Joe Lieberman sat down at a table to have a very good view of various philosophies without hitting each other, interrupting each other, shouting at each other or throwing food at each other. Maybe because they didnt have food. I expect they wouldnt have taken the bait. Joe lieberman joins me now. Very good to have you. I think it makes a difference, sitting down. I think it makes a big difference. You wouldnt think so but i think it does. I think it tends to encourage less fist cuffs and more discussion like youre less fisticuffs and more discussion like youre sitting in a living room but tonight for this sake of the country be different than the first trumpbiden debate which was chaotic, embarrassing and i think bad for the country. I think these two can have a good debate tonight in which they will differ but theyll do it in a way thats mutually respectful. I think the country really needs that right now. Strategically, at this moment, the trumppence ticket seems to be going down a bit in the polling so the pressure is on the Vice President to sort of rebuild the support for the president and him, and hes a skilled debater and, of course, Kamala Harris senator harris will not let him rebuild that support and to make her case, and Vice President biden is against the current administration, i think its going to be a really good debate and do good people on the stage sitting down. And two good people on the stage sitting down. Neil since the president ial candidates are not spring chickens, well leave it at that, the attention will be focused on these two as one of them could be a future president. We could be looking at the next battle four years from now but its going to get more scrutiny than even yours did som dock c what do you think of that, with dick cheney . Do you think that has changed the equation . I think that will be in peoples minds. These are the two oldest candidates to run for president in history, we had one who had an illness earlier in his life, President Trump just got covid, so i think people will evaluate these two people, mike pence and Kamala Harris as look, lets hope and pray that whoever gets elected president lives out the time of their service but even if thats the case as we hope, the two Vice President ial candidates are naturals to be the head of the ticket next time, certainly the one thats on the ticket that gets elected so i think there will be a separate view of this, also there is a certain number of people out there, neil, who are not quite sure who to vote for yet, believe it or not and the Vice President ial performances tonight may help them decide. Neil yeah, you could be right about that. There was talk today joe biden the first time said i want to make sure the president is testing negatively on the coronavirus, more like saying if it isnt were not having a debate. How likely do you think Something Like that is . Well, the president will continue to be tested. He will be under pressure to reveal it as we get closer to the next president ial debate. I think its going to happen. I dont think Vice President biden may ask for some separation thats greater between the two of them but that debate will happen and it should happen because the country is about to make a really important decision at a very neil i wonder, senator, whether you could still have it but virtually. There is precedent for that in the third nixon debate i believe that you know, kennedy at the time was at the abc studios in new york. Richard nixon at the abc studios in l. A. And i know that was the third debate. The further one, they were both together again. By that time, the third debate makes the biggest impression and thats where john kennedy took what was a bit of a gap behind richard nixon, moved out front and never looked back but i wonder if that is a model the candidates could use if it came to that. Its definitely a model and look, it was unusual at that point but today, everybody is doing everything virtually and at a distance. Neil true. I think it might be a way to go if there are any concerns because both of them have to agree to do it that way. Also, frankly, i think a debate that where theyre separated and on screens, distant but talking to each other is also more likely to be a substantive debate and at least not a chaotic, im going to interrupt you every moment and im going to fight back at your interruptions debate, again, i say that debate hurt the country. It hurt our image in the world for the sake of our country, i hope tonight is a lot different and the next two president ial debates are a lot better than that first one. Neil yeah, dont get me started, senator. The lincolndouglas debates. I remember covering those. What a nightmare. Yeah. Neil [laughing] i looked for you in the crowd that day but i couldnt find you. Neil i was way, way back. Its good seeing you. Happy memories of 20 years ago. It was a great debate. Im proud i was part of it and i think it was a winwin neil im not blowing you smoke but it was solid and substantive which these things can be. Joe lieberman. Be well. Neil thank you, sir, very, very much. Former Vice President ial candidate 20 years ago this month. He was at that table on that stage with dick cheney and it was substantive. I dont know if that goes tease days but well see. In the meantime just to remind you well cover this not only on fox but on fox business and it kicks off at 8 00 p. M. , it will continue with the debate itself and afterward onestop shop there where you can get foreign Market Reaction and our own futures trading reaction. This is something we have done since we first on the air for fox looking at the business implications. If you think our country is into this, you should see how Foreign Countries react after this. My body is truly powerful. I have the power to lower my a1c. Because my body can still make its own insulin. And trulicity activates my body to release it, lowering my blood sugar from the first dose. Onceweekly trulicity responds when my body needs it, 24 7. Trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. Its not insulin. It isnt for people with type 1 diabetes. Dont take trulicity if youre allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. 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Thats a bi i expect frank lunt z has ideas. In terms of intensity, those who care about covid care more about covid care about the economy than those who care about the economy care about the economy, second the economy is an outgrowth of covid so that people lost their jobs dont blame the economy. They blame covid. People who looking for work. People who have had their hours cut. People who are economically challenged. They see covid as the cause. Theyre looking for that kind of solution. Second, trump has the advantage on the economy but he keeps talking about the stock market, and the work that we have done. Jobs. How many jobs exist . How many jobs have been lost . The issue of jobs outranks every other economic issue. Donald trump has the advantage on the economy over joe biden by a small margin. Thats not enough. You know why . Because he talks about everything else. This president does not have the discipline, does not have the focus on those things the voters might vote for him over and never got a chance to hear the difference because of his behavior in the last president ial debate so neil, youre correct in your assertion but the president is not getting the advantage on the economy because voters dont understand what hes done or what he will do and its because of how he presentses in answers. Neil does that put pressure on mike pence to try to make things right tonight . How much does the needle move based on what the number two guys are saying . Frank its got a tremendous potential because of the point you made earlier this these are the oldest president ial candidates but mike pence we went through this back in 2016 and you are a historian. Everyone assumed that pence is going to lose that debate. That tim kaine was the better debater. More articulate. Pence did well because kaine came after him and pence did not behave that way. If you look at the numbers, mike pence righted the trump ship after Donald Trumps first debate performance which in his mind was pretty positive, in everybody elses mind wasnt that successful. I think pence has a lot of pressure on him tonight to do exactly the same thing, but you know what . I actually think the more pressure is on Kamala Harris. She took joe biden down and shes going to have to have an explanation better than its a debate for why she challenged him so hard and did so much damage to his candidacy. I think shes got to figure out how to modulate herself to demonstrate that she is different. That she is preferable. But that shes not angry. That shes not so so partisan in her approach that she turns off undecided voters. Actually, neil, the truth is they both are under pressure tonight. Neil thats probably the case. Frank, joe biken wants to make sure the president is cleared of this neil frank, joe biden wants to make sure the president it is cleared of this covid19 asks diagnosis. The if this is pushed back does this risk no more president ial debates or do you skip to the third one . What is the risk for either candidate if there are no more president ial debates . Frank ill be blunt with you. If there are no more president ial debates then joe biden is the next president of the United States and i have no hesitation in saying that. I know there will be eruptions all over 1600 pennsylvania avenue. Donald trump needs those debates to bring the answers that he has and the challenges that joe biden has to the American People. Without that, joe biden can coast. Doesnt need to go to events. And he wins on the current polling numbers. Trump needs to debate. However, i have faith in the president ial commission. That they will do the right thing and the people on that commission put their country ahead of their party and thats brilliant. Not many people do that any more. The leadership there knows what needs to be done. Knows the changes in the debate moderation needs to be implemented so the American People get a chance to hear from both candidates and decide, side by side, who is better and who is worse. It would be the worst thing for donald trump to,a lou these debates to get cancelled. Neil frank luntz. Were not there. I posit that if theyre delayed and get too close, but well see. Frank luntz. We told you at the outset stocks soaring on the possibility that stimulus could be resumed right now but there is no way of knowing. What we do know is that the Supreme Court confirmation hearings are still very much on for judge barrett. What weigh we also know is that more than a week ahead of the fact its already nasty. Very, very nasty. How to build unlimited right. 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Common side effects include headache and tiredness. Ask your doctor today, if epclusa is your kind of cure. Neil forget about the political storm in Salt Lake City. Have you seen the one thats brewing in the gulf of mexico now because right now were looking at a storm, hurricane delta that could be a category 4 and hit land at a 5. Neil confirmation hearings for judge barrett. Mike. Judge Amy Coney Barrett heads spoken with dianne feinstein. Rhode island senator Sheldon Whitehouse expressed his concerns about undoing the Affordable Care act and roe v. Wade. Chris coons spoke to judge barrett and said he did not ask her about her membership in religious groups. Some democrats have questioned her involvement in a small Christian Group called people of praise. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is firing back saying the ongoing attacks by Senate Democrats and the media on judge 3w5e6r9s faith of are a disgrace. Today a leading Senate Democrat admitted there is little they can do to stop barretts confirmation. Were in a spot now with the number of votes we have, 12 republicans and 10 democrats on the Senate Judiciary committee that unless there is a change of heart among the republican senators. Democrats have called for delaying barretts confirmation hearings. Majority leader mcconnell says the process will go forward. We can operate successfully in a covid environment. You do not shut down the Fire Department because one of the firemen was sick one day. Her confirmation is a top priority for leader mcconnell and, of course, President Trump. Neil. Neil thank you very much. What appears to be justice long in coming for those charged with beheading at least four americans during the isis rampage in the middle east. Two suspects making their First Court Appearance in virginia. Gillian turner has more. Gillian. Two of the most dangerous and deranged isis terrorists today have arrived on u. S. Soil facing multiple charges including hostage taking resulting in death. The two men have been transferred from military country into the u. S. Criminal Justice System and at this hour they are appearing in court in alexandria, virginia. Todays announcement is a reminder of the threat we continue to face from radical islamic terrorism. These terrorists despise the freedoms and the way of life we cherish and are hell bent on imposing their ideologies on a world that continues to reject them. If you have american blood in your veins or if you have american blood on your hands, you will face american justice. The two men, alexandra cofi are part of a group dubbed the beatles by former hostages because they are british. They were involved in kidnapping and killing 27 people. Among them u. S. Aid worker Kayla Mueller who was kidnapped and then tortured before her death in captivity in twifrn. Also an american aid worker and james foley and Steven Sotloff were beheaded in gruesome videos streamed online sparking outrage and horror across the world. Forced witnessing of murders. Mock executions. Shocks by electric taser. Beatings. Amongst other brutal acts. The families of americans murdered by isis have been pushing for a long time for the beatles to be returned to the face and face prosecution here because it is believed they would face longer sentences on trial here than if done in the u. K. Another new tidbit were learning this hour, neil, is that the Vice President has invited Kayla Muellers parents to attend tonights debate as one of his guests. They have accepted. Theyre going to be there. This after they spoke movingly during the r. N. C. Last month. Neil. Neil thank you very much for that. Were focused on the Vice President ial debate tonight and probably whats going to happen with control of the white house but a real struggle going on for control of the United States senate. The sands are shifting dramatically. Whats at stake and who is at stake in the battle youre not watching but you probably should. After this. When joe biden wants an update on the virus, he calls on the nations top health experts. Working together, for all americans, is what joe does. When writing his healthcare plan, joe biden worked with both doctors and patients to make healthcare affordable by lowering premiums, reducing drug costs, and protecting people with preexisting conditions. Joe listened to both Small Business owners and workers to create his economic plan that cuts taxes for middle class families, creates 18 million new jobs in his first term, and raises wages by as much as 15,000 a year. Joe bidens plans will help working families immediately by making the super rich finally pay their fair share. For joe, its never been about ego. Its always been about the work he can do for working families. Its what hes always done. Joe biden brings everyone to the table and gets it done. Im joe biden, and i approve this message. Its a dark, lonely place. This is art inspired by real stories of People Living with bipolar depression. Emptiness. A hopeless struggle. The lows of bipolar depression can disrupt your life and be hard to manage. Latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. Latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms, and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. Now im feeling connected. Empowered. Latuda is not for everyone. Call your doctor about unusual mood changes, behaviors or suicidal thoughts. Antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. 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To get control the dems need to flip four seats if the president is reelected, three seats if joe biden wins. Lets look at the map. The states that were watching. Arizona, North Carolina, colorado and maine leaning toward the democrats. Tossups right now in iowa and montana. Some polls show that Lindsey Grahams seat in North Carolina is a tossup too. Lets look at North Carolina. An interesting one. Right now republican tom tillis is under fire for testing positive for covid 19 as a member of the president s inner circle. Hes trailing in the polls by an average of 5. 4 points. Democrat Cal Cunningham married but had an affair. Well see how that sits with voters. In maine were looking at susan collins. Republican, shes behind the democrat by an average of 3. 7 points. Collins has a reputation of being more of a moderate. Coronavirus cost states a lot of money. They need to figure out how theyre going to raise revenue. Were watching illinois because in that state the constitution calls for a flat tax rate of 4. 95 . Voters are asked to approve an amendment that would make it more progressive. If you make over a million in that state it would jump to 7. 9 . Colorado in play. Residential property taxes are limited by the gallagher amendment. Voters will decide if it should be repealed. That would mean paying higher rates. If youre in california sorry about that about proposition 13 from the 1970s, residential and commercial real estate owners pay tax based on what they originally paid for the property with increased capped at 2 . Lawmakers want the cap removed for businesses. Finally i want to look at alaska. Home to big oil. The question there. Should these companies be paying more in taxes . Voters are going to decide that as well, neil. Neil jangy de angelis with more on that. Were tracking hurricane delta. Had a direct hit on the yucatan peninsula in mexico. Soon to be back to a category 4 storm. Hurricane watch in effect for louisiana. The governor has declared a state of emergency. As has the governor of alabama. Theyre not taking chaon this 25th named storm of the season. Weve never seen so many. We live in uncertain times. However, there is one thing you can be certain of. The men and woman of the United States postal service. We are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. And also deliver the peace of mind knowing that whats important to youlike your ballotis on its way. Every day, all across america, we deliver for you. And we always will. Because it strengthens prop 13 for seniors, disabled veterans, wildfire victims, and family farmers. Prop 19 also protects the right of parents to pass on the family home to their children at the current property tax rate. You worked hard for your house and you should be able to give it to your children without a tax penalty. Thats why taxpayer advocates, firefighters, veterans, and Small Business owners are voting yes on prop 19. Neil well be monitoring louisiana governor edwards. Hes going to be having a briefing on this approaching storm, hurricane delta expected to restrengthen to maybe a category 4 storm. Every possibility it could hit land as a category 5 as incredible as that seems. Rick reichmuth has more. Rig, what can you tell us . Rick this active season, were not done yet although we are on the downhill slide. Hurricane watch already in effect for southeastern parts of texas across the louisiana coastline toward plaquemines parish. A hurricane making landfall sometime friday evening. Cut across areas of cancun, Playa Del Carmen and back over the water which is not incredibly warm, were not talking about water that is well above average but its warm enough to sustain a hurricane. This is a future radar. One of our modeling radars of what it looks like the radar will look like probably getting well organized again and the storm as it moves into the gulf will become a larger storm. When it made impact in yucatan, Hurricane Force winds only extending out 30 miles from the center of that very small eye. This will likely be a much larger storm. That means the impact will be felt across a broader area. Primarily louisiana. A little bit of texas. This is the water temperature. Certainly enough to sustain a major hurricane but notice it does cool down a little bit right as you get in toward the coast. The last few hours before it makes landfall, waters be could be dropping and that could be a saving grace. A lot of oil platforms. This is where the industry is. Where its going to be coming across probably as a cat 2, cat 3 storm. Well watch that closely. This is the official track of the National Hurricane center. They forecast it to come on shore as a category 3. Back in august we had a category 4 storm hitting almost the exact same area of louisiana. Huge impact across the lake charles area of louisiana. This one very close to the same area. People still trying to recover from that storm, and having another storm come right behind that certainly not good news. Were going to get a lot of rain out of this. Primarily louisiana, arkansas, mississippi. Let me end our typical season. September 10 is the peak. You get the idea. We are on the downhill slide of the season which is very good news. We cant get out of this soon enough. Give it a couple more weeks and hopefully we will get things calmed down for the re dasht for the remainder of the year. Neil. Neil the Vice President toured the debate facility heading back to his hotel. They are ready for this debate that is now about four hours away. 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I think its a missed opportunity. You should ask them why they dont want to put food on the table. Rent in the pockets of the American People. Crush the virus. Support our heroes and the rest. Our bill is scientifically, institutionally, academically documented to meet the needs of the American People. There has been chatter about doing some standalone bills for the airlines or reupping extra unemployment benefits. Pelosi has rejected most standalone bills. There is no agreement here. Keep in mind that this negotiation has not really moved at all since may. They reengaged in october because it was a dire situation. The layoffs were starting to filter in. The election will be the deciding factor. Breaking news at this hour. Amy Coney Barrett is on capitol hill now touring the hearing room where her confirmation hearing will start next monday. Neil i think youre going to be live tweeting through this tonight, the big debate . Thats right, live blogging alongside chris stirewalt. The bottom of your screen there is a q. R. Code you can scan. You can ask us questions. Discussions. Debate history and trivia. Join the fun. It will be an interesting discussion. Neil chad getting on the idea that maybe, maybe some targeted covid relief is coming thats better than noochlth there is a group on cap thats better than nothing. A group of problem solvers on capitol hill, 25 republicans, 25 democrats. You can imagine a good many of them in both parties were startled when the president essentially tweeted out thats it, folks, were done, kaput. The caucus cochairs of this problem solvers group. Welcome to both of you. I will begin with you, congressman on whether this is better than nothing. The idea that the president might entertain i dont know if they call it skinny virus relief bill but one that might include pandemic relief checks for folks or rescue to the airline industry, leave it at that for now. How do you feel do you feel about that . I think you need to take it as a comprehensive approach. Doing this piecemeal is difficult. You risk leaving a lot of people out. Weve got Small Businesses hurting. Small towns hurting. A lot of families who really need help. I think the way this has come together and the way we get it done is by bringing the pieces together and were seclose, i think weve got to get back to the table. Its what tom and i have been pushing forward as well as the Problem Solvers Caucus to reengage for the administration to come back and well sit back together and i think the key is to get this done. Weve got far too many people hurting now. Neil congressman reed, were you surprised was it a lightning bolt out of the blue when the president said its over, its done, lets wait until after the election . I have been hearing a lot of positive information. We have been working, josh and i and the Problem Solvers Caucus for eight weeks and we were happy that the negotiators were back in the room and hearing that they were getting closer. The bottom line is i think there may have been some miscommunication here too, neil, what im hearing, some of the folks in the senate i talked to, senators themselves under the impression this was a 2. 2 trillion offer that pelosi put down as her last and best offer and i think what may be on the table is a 1. 7 trillion deal, if were talking about a 1. 7 deal, our Problem Solvers Caucus is at 1. 5, senators say if thats where the deal is at there seems to be an appetite to embrace it and get this deal done. I hope these folks get back in the room. The speaker. The president. As well as Mitch Mcconnell and the senators get if the room to clarify any miscommunication and put their last, best offers on the table because theyre close in the final package. Neil i didnt know they were this close. Congressman, assuming hes right, and youre both smart gentlemen so hes right, im wondering if for 200 billion it could bea i deal closer to what we were hearing originally considered pandemic relief, unemployment relief that would renew again i guess it depends whether its 300, 400 or the old 600 but that an old Coronavirus Relief measure fairly sweeping could still be had . Do you agree with that . Yeah, i think from what i understand, and i agree with tom, is that were actually very close and all the parties secretary gregory and of course the speaker were in the room really close to getting there not wanting to quit on the American People and whats really important, neil, is less about the at programs were doi handing out stimulus checks and p. P. E. And helping people with unemployment and restaurant workers, get the testing lined up especially as we head into flu season, what tom points out often people speak past each other. Get back in the room. Getting people to hear the framework for how we restart negotiations and we cant just walk away the idea that we wait months now to help people is unconscionable. Its unacceptable. Lets get people back into the room. Neil whats inspiring about both of you guys, you have been told this before, the whole point of the Problem Solvers Caucus, 50 men and women strong, evenly divided, republicans and democrats is that you can get stuff done so you put the extreme you know, nonsense out and you try to cobble together something that would be mutually acceptable. We used to do this all the time but now you have to have a caucus to harken back to that. Do you think after this election regardless of who wins we can return to that kind of stuff . Ill begin with you on this, congressman reed. I absolutely agree with you, neil, we need to get back to that and be proud republicans and proud democrats like i know josh is and the members of the problem caucus on the other side but respect each other. Listen to each other. Work with each other. At the end of the day we shouldnt always be about who is going to win the political battle but how do we Work Together to win for the American People and thats what were all about in the Problem Solvers Caucus and when josh and i have a disagreement we work it out. We stay in the room to find out where were coming from. Listen to each other. Respect each other. Trust each other. So you dont miscommunicate and you find the Common Ground you can agree i know josh isnt giving up on this deal. We are very close. They just need to get back in the room and finish this off for the American People. Neil, i think neil congressman . Youre spot on about putting country first. We spend too much time screaming and yelling and not enough time actually working together. I think the country wants more civility. They want things to get done. The key is to keep moving the country forward. What were facing with this covid crisis and the economic crisis and the health crisis, weve got to stay in the room and get it done. Neil gentlemen, you lift my spirits. Hope springs eternal that two sides can talk to one rpth. You disagree but you dont have to be disagreeable. You dont have to take cheap shots. I hope you will cobble together something. John kennedy said at core we all breathe the same air. Hope springs eternal. Lets hope we keep to that tonight in the Vice President ial debate. Well follow it on fox business at 8 00 p. M. Right through and after the debate looking at Market Reaction. Foreign and here. I am greg gutfeld and there is a bear on the set. Bret baier. The five. Wow. Kamala harris kicked pences butt. Just reading what the media already wrote about tonight. What should you expect . Two different visions. One positive and one apocalyptic. Pence could point to an economy bouncing back from a nose dive necessary to flatten the curve and save lives. Current

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