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I am neil cavuto. You are watching your world. Lets get the latest on the reopenings happening across the country. Hey, mike. Hello there, neil. You are going to see a lot of efforts that are reopening starting today, and theyre going to come with restrictions attached. 50 capacity in restaurants. You hear the term social distancing. Terms we have become very familiar with. Life picture in louisiana. Big openings in the big easy. Retail is open. The bars are open if they are serving food. So our churches. Both of them at 25 capacity. So you can go to the bar and confess what youve done in the same night. I was pretty concerned with the final 22 counties in the hawkeye state. Libraries, racetracks. What cannot open are things like bars, casinos, and theaters, where crowds would be larger than ten. There is a risk to saying lock down. We are seeing domestic and child abuse cases go up. Increases of mental illness. We have more and more islands that are experiencing food insecurity, so there is a social cost to also locking do down. All but five counties in oregon are lifting restrictions. Going the extra mile of open child care, summer school, summer camp for kids. Governor mike dewine has been assertive in saying that the Buckeye State will be back open. Restaurants and bars are open, but only for outside dining. Heres a nice little breath of fresh air. In delaware, the ice cream man is coming back up the street. Neil. Neil was a brilliant line. The bar and the church thing. You can drink and then confess your sins afterwards. I like it. Forgive me, father, for what i will probably do. Neil exactly. Get a little combine there. In chicago, let the grid reopening begin here. Obviously, its the president s plan that they want to see a lot more of this. And see the pace picked up. John roberts out the white house. This event is scheduled. Also talking about efforts to get the economy reopened a little bit more quickly. John, whats happening there . You know, neil, when you take a look at their retail sales, it is really not that much of a surprise. It beat expectations because it was 12. 3 . The actual number was down around 16. 4 , but when you consider 36 Million People have filed for Insurance Claim unempt claims, money doesnt go as far as it used to. The president continues to promote payroll tax cut in terms of stimulus, but the white house still not ready to sign off on that. The president today, when he was touting the possibility of a vaccine being produced by the end of the year, said you know, the vaccine is great, but you cant count on a vaccine. You still have to reopen the country even without a vaccine. Peter navarro there, saying on hannity last night that we need to get this underway quickly. Listen. Speak of their reality is that if we dont open this economy back up, we are not going to have an economy. Heres the other reality that the medical doctors havent been telling you. Yeah, the china virus kills directly, but if we keep our economy shut down, not only are we going to lose trillions of dollars, the shock to the economy kills as well. Again, hes got one of these kind of feelgood events about hard work and heroism. People going above and beyond during this coronavirus crisis. We are told that the president will have in his company at a York City Police officer, a nurse from West Virginia who has been offering her services in new york city, which has been self hardhit by the coronavirus. There will also be a landlord there. Couldnt find out the exact reason why, but i suspect, neil, it could have something to do with somebody for going red a little while. And a girl scout troop will be there as well. They have been involved in volunteering to help folks in their community. So little feelgood events coming from the white house and just a little bit. Neil. Neil so, where are yo you ad other reporters . I mean, are you behind like a rope line . How does that work . Right now, i am out on the north lawn. I am nowhere near that event is. If you look at the geography of it, this there will be a rope line right in front of that. The reporters in this case probably will be behind the riser, but often set up there in the rose garden, we do have seats. Those seeds are likely for the guests. So we will be in front or actually behind. Neil and i dont want to catch you off guard, but i was curious on fox business. When the president was announcing still other developments in the battle of the virus. Getting the various drugs to market a lot more quickly, but there was all of this i know that they have been in and around constitution avenue. What were they honking about . You know, neil, you can never catch us off guard here because we are like sponges. We are immersed in this. Everything comes to us through osmosis. For the last couple of weeks, and it has kind of happen sporadically, but two or three times today, a group of truckers and other people supporting truckers get out there on constitution avenue, and they stop their trucks, and they honk their horns. What they are doing is protesting continued shutdowns here in washington, d. C. , appear the same kind of thing that we have seen around michigan. Lansing, michigan. We see it and other cities around the country as well. People are just saying look, enough is enough. We know that the hospitals arent going to get overwhelmed, so lets continue with the push to get the country rolling again because the economic damage Peter Navarro was talking about lingering closures could be worse than what we have seen so far in terms of its overall impact on america. Neil well, there, you did it. You had no idea these questions were coming. Got anything else . Neil overwhelmingly so. Thank you very much, john roberts. [laughs] exactly. On we go. John roberts at the white house. Lets go right now to senator bob casey. From the beautiful state of pennsylvania. Senator, good to have you. I know youre looking at reopening in your state. There have been some protests around the efforts to do this very precisely. Some say a little too slowly. What do you think of the pace . How things are going right now . Folks getting frustrated. How do you feel . Well, neil, when it comes to the Public Health imperative, i have tried not to secondguess the white house on this. Most of these opening plans, depending on states, are grounded in the Public Health imperative. Or at least, it should be. We have kind of a stop light version of that, which is red, yellow, and then green. We now have read, of course, which means close. But we now have 37 counties in yellow, the intermediate phase. 12 more next week, so we will have basically 49 out of 67 counties in yellow intermediate phase as of a week from now. So, thats moving in the right direction. There are a lot of people in our state that want to be fully opened up right now. I think the governor is trying to strike that balance to keep the Public Health imperative on the table even as we are trying to open the state. Thats his call. I think the most important thing we can do at the federal level is get our local communities the resources that they need. Neil in the meantime, senator, i dont know where you stand on this plan more stimulus, whatever you want to say. Republican said it is dead on arrival, but there was some common interest in providing some help for the states, but with republicans interested and tying it to some Liability Protection for businesses that open up, then all of a sudden, a worker gets the coronavirus and sues them. How do you feel about that . I think the house put on the table a bill that should be embraced by people in both parties. I dont know. I think the senate version, when we get to consideration, will probably have a different look to it. But in terms of the major priorities like helping state and local governments in substantial ways, so you are not laying off at the local level firefighters and police officers, not cutting education or human services. Thats good. I think the help for medicaid to stabilize the states, republican and Democratic Leaders a lot of good provisions to deal with both the jobs and Economic Crises as well as the Public Health crisis. But unfortunately, i think leader mcconnell is in the wrong place. Hes saying we dont need to do anything until june. I think there has to be a much more of a sense of urgency appeared in the senate, we shouldnt be spending three weeks, as we wed by the end of next week. Basically, working on covid19. We should be voting on even if someone wants to have a lot of amendment votes, voting on covid19 bills that deals with the crisis as well as helping Small Businesses that helps our workers and their families. Neil well, dont you want to see first it is doing the trick. Are you convinced now that it is not and we have to do a lot more . No, look. I think that the investment and a lot of the programs have been creative in terms of helping the unemployed. A brandnew program, Paycheck Protection Program for small business. Thats new. Thats gotten now almost 700 billion. They may need more. But i think what we should try to do is we ought to be able to do two things at once. We ought to be able to consider and debate and vote on new legislation and still do the oversight i think it could be very important to make sure that the federal government does what we have legislative. Neil senator casey, thank you very much for taking the time. Good luck to you, your staff, your constituents. Senator bob casey. Beautiful state of pennsylvania. It is a beautiful day. Better than it could have been, pointing out the retail numbers that we got today and some awful news on the factory floor of production. Consumer Sentiment Survey that is going nowhere fast. The fact of the matter is we still lost about 2 on the week, but this is a market that is looking way past the economic data. More to the prospects down the road. At the effort to find, you know, something to treat this. Something may be like a vaccine to cure this by the end of the year. Will we see the light at the end of the tunnel . Stay with us. Our customers a portion of their personal auto premiums. Learn more at libertymutual. Com covid19. [ piano playing ] my agerelated macular degenso today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision. Because he said a multi vitamin alone may not be enough. And its my vision, my morning walk, my sunday drive, my grandsons beautiful face. Only preservision areds2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the National Eye Institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. Its how i see my life. Because its my vision. Preservision. Well, you see here. Theres a photo of you and theres a photo of your mommy and then theres a picture of me. But before our story it goes way, way, way back with your great, great, great grandparents. See this handsome man, his name is william. William fell in love with rose and they had a kid. His name was charles and charles met martha. Isnt she pretty . Yeah. Neil all right. Tonight is the night that sees a house vote on the measure. Debating it right now. Again, they have to practice distancing. I suspect with or without, it would be quite populated. Having said that, even democratic senator casey said it would be on uphill battle. Probably putting it mildly. The republican senate. Although there might be ideas in there that even the president likes, including the idea of handing out more 1200 checks to americans. Something that president is open to . I dont know whether my next guest is, but hes a key player in all of this. Kevin brady. He made those big tax codes have been. Without them, they never would have happened. Kevin brady, good to see you. Is the president for more tax cuts . We hear it out of white house, larry kudlow talking about Corporate Tax cuts. Businesses that do business abroad to entice them to come back. Where are you on all this . I think some of those ideas really have merit. Especially lessons learned. Too much of our medical supplies are in unreliable supply chains. Countries like china. Sort of accelerating their return to those production lines. Pretty smart to do. We have proposed a package to the white house to do exactly that. I think compared to just another round of stimulus checks, i think the payroll tax completely, 6 for workers, or 7 is the best of those options. 7 pay raise. With unemployment now so generous, we really need to make work more competitive against it. Certainly keeps inflation down. Just a better option then many of them out there, but i still think the focus should be how do we make sure these 36 Million People are not permanently unemployed . Economic focus would be how do you help businesses rebuild that workforce quickly . How do you help them remake their workplace so that it is safe . Reconfiguring the plans, the office, the restaurants. I think that could actually drive it sooner. Neil you know whats interesting . You read something on the payroll taxes i have never thought about. I know you are generally a fan of that, but if you are looking at generous unemployment revisions that would reward workers more than they would if they just went back to their old job, this would be a way of countering that, and in this latest democratic proposal, you know that they want to keep those generous provisions going through at least january, south you might be onto something there. When you have talked with your colleagues, what did they say . Even though we havent been a big fan of it in the past, circumstances have changed now. Unemployment really, if you look at this new bill as well, if you get paid as much or more not to work and your Health Benefits are just as good, when would you ever return . The problem not only is that, prolonging the session and slow growth, but when those government benefits run out, and they well, you know, that job you had may well have disappeared. So yeah, youve got to make work fast. That is what we do with tax reform. One of our highest priorities here. Neil the president seemed open to handing out more checks. Like that 1200 same in his tracks i went out to families. More whiz kids, up to three kids. How do you feel about revisiting . Well, i think the certainly has an option. I know the president wants to continue, as chairman powell has said, to provide stimulus to the economy. You know, it is an option. I think i am fairly lukewarm to that. I think again, if we were to really focus on that return to work for our businesses, i think we get up and running faster than any other option we have. Again, my problem with this bill is that it does nothing to get people back to work. In fact, it really delays that from happening. I think it is antigrowth. Neil all right, congressman, we will see what happens on the front. We want to take you to the white house right now. The president kicking this off. Helping out fellow americans. These are friendly truckers, they are on our side. It is almost a celebration in a way. Please sit down, please. The first lady and i are thrilled to welcome you this afternoon for our second event, recognizing extraordinary americans who have responded to the invisible enemy. We know what the invisible enemy is. We learned a lot. With exceptional bravery and commitment and love, and we appreciate it very much. Fantastic job. In the midst of this pandemic, and our has been united in grief and in prayer for the precious lives that have been lost. We have also come together in awe and admiration for the heroism and patriotism that we are witnessing all across our country. Here with us today is amy ford, a nurse of 17 years from williamson, West Virginia. Great stage. Where is amy . Hi amy. Weeks ago, after telling her children she loved him, amy got on a plane for the first time in her life and travel to new york to help. For the past 42 days, she has been working 12hour shifts in the intensive care units of Kings County Hospital Center in brooklyn. I know it well. I know that building well. Ive posted many, many times. And amy has been serving the coronavirus patients aroundtheclock. She once held the hand of an elderly patient all night long just so the woman would not feel alone. Boy, thats something. Amy, thats incredible. I want to thank you for what youve done. What a great story. Ive heard about the story. Please, come up and say a few words. Thats great. Hello. I want to thank you for having me here today. Being able to serve our country as a Frontline Worker during this pandemic has truly been an honor. Like you said, ive been an rn for 27 years. Under normal circumstances, i would have an idea of a treatment plan. It but, i was not afforded that at the beginning of this pandemic. These were not normal circumstances. There were times of trial and error, and a lot of prayer. I had to adapt to a new way of nursing. One where treatment was still unknown. Families had to trust my word, and i had to prove that my word was trustworthy. One where i could only provide comfort by holding up patients and because i could no longer give comfort with numbers and statistics and success rates. Those were unavailable in the beginning. I provided comfort through facetime calls, during a phone next to a patient zero, hoping that by hearing their loved ones voices, they would be comforted as well. This experience has been one of the most emotionally challenging things that i have ever been through. But it has made me a better person in the end. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. We are beginning to see progre progress, and we are beginning to see success. This virus may have unusually caught our great nation off guard, but it will overcome us, and we will prevail. Thank you. President trump amy, did you ever catch the virus . Now. President trump so with all of those long hours with a very, very sick people, you never caught the virus. What do you attribute this to . Praying. President trump so you have had good protection. You feel that if you have the protection, you wont catch it. You feel that. That is fantastic. Good. Wow. Me personally, i have not hd any shortage of ppe. President trump and your coworkers . Not the hospital i met. President trump so you all have very good equipment as the expression goes. Thats great. [applause] great story. Also with us, the cofounder of a small custom business. Bow ties in charleston, South Carolina. Great place. Dan is also with his team, they have shifted to producing protective masks for medical workers, and hes on a completely free of charge. Thats fantastic. As ben says, we push the gas pedal down, and we havent let up. So, they have donated more than 2,000 masks, and ben has also been able to keep all 48 of his employees on the payroll thanks to the Paycheck Protection Program. Great, ben. Can you come up and say a few words . I know its you by that time. I assume thats the man im talking about. You, ben. Thank you so much, mr. President. It is truly an honor to be here. The protection of the entire brackish and the leadership of this country that we are being recognized here today. I am humbled to be in the started today was such an Amazing Group of individuals making such a difference during these unprecedented times. Congratulations to you all, and thanks so much for all yall are doing. I have no doubt that the United States will come out stronger with family, friends, community, and this nation because we all know we are all in this together, and only together, we will be able to curve coronavirus. President trump thank you very much. Fantastic. And i like that high very much, by the way. Today, we also honor Sergeant Spencer garrett, an officer with the new york pd. New yorks finest. Thats for sure, right . Who contracted the coronavirus after four weeks of fighting a painful battle against the vir virus, spencer recovered and immediately returned to the front lines. Grateful for all of the support of his family, friends, colleagues, all of the people, and the work hes done, Sergeant Garrett wanted to provide that same protection to others. I know that so many of the people, the members of new yorks finest, we love them. Say hello to them, okay . With the aid of his union, he has made it his mission to support these fellow new yorkers, so if you would, i would love to have you come on up and say a few words. Thank you. Good afternoon. First, i would like to start by thanking President Trump and the first lady for their unwavering support of the nypd. Thank you. I thank you for your leadership during these uncertain times. On march 29th, i tested positive for covid19. Breaking the news to my parents, janet and james, my brothers, and to my daughter, was downright scary. I saw this year in their eyes. I looked at my daughter, and i assured her that he wasnt going anywhere. After a vigorous onemonth site, i returned to duty in late april. I felt compelled to help the residents of the Housing Development patrol in new york. We are all in this fight together. Almost 6,000 uniformed and civilian members of the nypd contracted covid19. Unfortunately, some of them didnt make it home to their loved ones. Handing out n95 masks and engaging an important dialogue, support and access to ppe, it close to home for me. I am honored to be an nypd sergeant, and most of all, i am honored to be an american. God bless First Responders and everyone around the country. Thank you. President trump so, how was that . You went through that process, and it took quite a while. It took almost four weeks, sir. President trump what was it . Complications . It took a little extra care. My daughter, she helps me out a lot. Shes my hero. President trump thats fantastic. Youre my hero. Say hello to everyone. I will. [applause] President Trump we are also joined by three terrific girl scouts. The girl scout troop 744 from maryland along with their troop leader, megan langley. Thank you very much. Thats great. These amazing 10yearolds have donated 100 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies to local firefighters, doctors, and nurses and have spent approximately 200 personalized cards to workers all over, and they are going to do a lot more appear they are ambitious to do a lot more. Neil we are monitoring the president. Interrupting this because we have the department of Homeland Security right now. You might have seen that this big event. What the president indicated was his goal was to have it by the end of the year. Very aggressive. The administration is being very aggressive on reports that china is trying to hack into these Research Efforts and steal this. The acting secretary with us now. Todd wolf. Thank you for taking the time. I know you are looking at getting on top of this. What do we know about what chinese hackers might be doing to try to steal this . Well, thanks, neil, for having me on. Whatever cybersecurity has done this week is to put on an advisory, making sure that individuals, when it comes to covid19 research understand that we have some bad actors. China specifically. Some nontraditional actors that are targeting our intellectual property when it comes to their research. Targeting individuals such as our own researchers. So we wanted to maintain some awareness on this so that our u. S. Communitybased researchers could understand what is going on. Our Health Care Industry could understand was going on. Very similar to what we did back a couple months ago, again with dhs. We put out an alert with their u. K. Counterparts where we set we may have malicious cyber actors again targeting international organizations. I think what we have seen, neil, is that we see more targeting other Health Care Industry. Specifically when it comes to china. This isnt a surprise. We know that china for a very long time has been very bad actors in cyberspace, so this is a news to us, but we need to stay on it. We need to stay engaged with our other partners to make sure that our private sector partners in the Health Care Industry and others are aware of this and have their shields up as well. Neil so i take it what you are saying is to advance their own possible remedy, vaccines. Anything that might deal with this and find a cure for this. Yes. Thats exactly right. I think what they are targeting again is not only the intellectual property that we are creating here. Again, we talk about covid19 research, but again, targeting our personnel to steal that information so that they can be at the cutting edge of their research, and we need to make sure that thats protective, and thats part of what we do from a cyber perspective at the department of Homeland Security. Again, working with our partners at the fbi to prosecute when appropriate. Neil now, and the administration, you have been involved in restricting immigration. Has this elevated to the point of targeting Chinese Students who want to study here, be here . Even on twoyear plans where they are learning just beyond College Material and stuff, it seems to go a little wider . It does, and again, from a department perspective, there are a number of visas that Chinese Students and researchers and others utilize. Taking a look at how we address the fraud that we all now is in that system. And i think it takes on special importance here as we come out of this pandemic. As we look to restart the economy, making sure that we have Jobs Available to americans, to integrate them back into the workforce, so we are happy to bring the best on the brightest into the u. S. , but we need to make sure that we reserve those jobs at least initially so that we can have u. S. Workers regain their livelihood and participate, so there are some student visas that we are taking a look at. We know that there is fraud and abuse in the program, and it is time that we look at that. Neil what about Chinese Students who just come to study here . Are you cracking down on that . Those that are already here to study . Classes are virtual everywhere. But do you want to tamp this down, come the fall . Well, we are certainly taking a look at that, and there are a number of individuals here and overseas looking to come in as well. And i think again from dhs perspective, making sure that we can ensure that they are coming here to the u. S. For the right reasons, they are here to study. They are not here to do other nefarious things. So we are doing that again in partnership with other Law Enforcement agencies inside the u. S. Government, and i think thats important. I will also say that the Department Took some action earlier this week looking at chinese journalist that are again coming here under a certain visa. Throughout the duration of their stay, so in many cases, that was years and years and years, utilizing the visa for other purposes. Perhaps doing other things that were not correct. So what we did is we tamp down on that and said you can stay here for 90 days at a time. You can come back, get that reassess, but you will have to do an interview with dhs, and we are going to ask some hard questions, so this is an overall effort to know that we are looking closely at these individuals, not giving them blanket visas for years at a time. Again, that is to make sure that we protect the american people. Neil watching very closely, thank you very much. Joining us out of washington. The chinese have responded to a number of these charges, including the idea that they are hacking or spying or trying to get some of these cures. They say it is bogus. Thats what they say. But we have an intelligent saying that that is exactly what they are doing. Stay with us. Payment relief options to eligible members so they can pay for things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Discover all the ways were helping members today. Or credit card bills. Special delivery show me what youre made of. So we showed it our people, sourcing and distributing more fresh food than anyone. We showed it our drivers helping grocers restock their shelves. We showed it how were donating millions of meals to those in need. We showed it how we helped thousands of restaurants convert to takeout and pop up markets. And how were encouraging all americans to take out to give back. Adversity came to town. So we looked it right in the eye. And it wont be us. That blinks first. Has stood strong through every dark hour and bright dawn our country has endured. It has seen the break in the clouds before anyone else. For the past 168 years, weve also stood by you, helping you weather storms like this one, to protect your loved ones. And well do it for 168 more. Neil all right. Start your engines. Nascar is back this weekend. This as we are hearing Major League Baseball contemplating coming back in july. Other sports getting ready for the fall like the National Football league. But nascar first out of the gate. Giving us a preview of what we can expect this weekend. The nascar Vice President of racing operations. John, good to have you. What can we as viewers expect . You can expect some great racing on the racetrack. It is going to be a phenomenal broadcast. An event unlike nascar has ever done before. We will operate differently and do everything we can to do this without fans. It is important to us that our fans are safe, and also important that we are mindful of the community that we go into to race, so this will be essential personnel only. We know we have a responsibility to get it right as we come back, but we are grateful to be one of the first major sports to come back. Neil now, how long do you suspect i guess it depends, but how long do you suspect it will be like this . Limited capacity. Only the most vital people. How long do you think that goes on . You know, thats a great question. We work closely with the federal, state, and local Public Health officials. We follow the cdc guidelines. We look to them to let us know when it is safe to occur. I think nobody can predict the next 30 days or the next 60 days. This has been a very fluid time for everyone in america right now. So we feel grateful that we have put a protocol together through working with state and local Public Health officials. And working with many other doctors with and sold with. Coming up with a good plan where we think that we can safely go in and race. We are the company that puts race cars on the track four days a week. At 200 Miles Per Hour. You have to have a special culture of discipline. We think it is that same discipline that allows us to put cars on a track at 200 Miles Per Hour that will allow us to execute this we can safely. We want our friends, our competitors, everyone in our industry to be saved. But we also want everyone in South Carolina to know that we have done this in a responsible way and that everyone is safe. Neil you know, it has been a long time. How do they feel . Well, the drivers have been fantastic. They have really worked with us in every way, and this is very different for them too. We are unloading. There is no qualifying. There is no practice, and they havent driven cars in a few months, so it is going to be really fun to watch. Neil all right. Well, we look forward to that. Be well, be safe yourself, john. Thank you very much. Thanks, neil. Already. Be well. In the meantime here, a lot of people want to know when you do get back to work, do you know that they will have looking at testing us, to see if we have a High Temperature or any of that. A company that is very far ahead of that process, what we have to look forward to. Chris joins us right now. The Global Business Development Director coming to us via skype. Chris, you make a lot of these measures that can test people, right . So how do they work . What do you do . Fox news headquarters in manhattan, what are you able to test for . Thanks for asking. Thermal cameras, great frontline screening tools for detecting elevated skin temperature, and when used properly, its a good correlation of core body temperature, which we need to those that appear to be warmer or have an elevated body temperature that is higher than people that have recently been screened. So it is a great frontline screening tool that still allows for fast input and effective safety protocol. Neil cell, obviously, thermal camera that would be able to tell if you have a body temperature, and then, where they take a separate temperature reading, if you flag people outside the building as someone who shouldnt be flagged . As i frontline screening tool, yeah, someone having elevated screening temperature, the best practices to do secondary screening if possible. Using typical medical grade temperature measurement devices like an oral thermometer. Neil so, you know, you come in. Youve done something to get your cameras attention, then you get in there, and wait a minute, how does that process go . Yeah, there is really three key aspects to using our tools effectively. One of them is to have the camera that is stable over time and has a performance level, accuracy, resolution, to get an accurate reading. We also know from research that the best point to measure is actually the inner corner of your eye. The tear ducts. And that has the best correlation to body temperature. We screened one individual at a time. You would think that that would take a while, but the manufacturing facility, we found that screening times can be as short as five seconds per pers person. Neil how long, you said . Im sorry. Five seconds. After ten seconds per person. Neil wow. Can you get a full positive, though . All of a sudden, it looks like you might have a higher, elevated temperature, but it turns out you dont. Yeah, so what we look for is elevated skin temperature, which could be indicative of a fever, but to be sure that they dont detect that, and the reason that we recommend looking at the tear duct is that Research Shows us that that is the best indicator and less impacted by environmental factors that might give you false positives. For example, if you are just looking at for head temperatures, thats problematic. If you are coming from outdoors, its been a warm day, your forehead will be warmer, which means you may not have an elevated core body temperature, so we really focus on that because we find it is the most accurate in detecting actual elevated body temperature and less impacted by environmental factors that you mentioned. Neil i take nothing away from your grade technology, but it does kind of freaked me out on a privacy level. Kind of like 2001 a space odyssey. When you get that reaction, i guess it is the times in which we live. Well, not necessarily so. Privacy is a concern for both employees and we have heard that to be sure, thermal technology, we are just measuring the heat that naturally emits from objects, including the body. Also, what we find neil but they may be like thats the guy who does the thermal imaging thing. Watch this guy. He tests high. We actually dont capture any data or record any data at all. We are just comparing that to the average of the last several persons who have been screened. We cant detect who you are. I wouldnt be able to tell that you were neil. I just see that temperature reading and that i am making a decision based on that. Neil i have an excessively large head. Alarms would go off. They would say that guy again. I am only joshing here. This is the time where we think about this stuff. Best of luck. A fascinating technology. With three energy packed proteins feels like. Meat cheese and nuts p3. Because 3 is better than 1 were returning 2 billion dollars to our auto policyholders through may 31st. 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The Trump Administration wants to require that a lot of essential drugs get made here and only here. Senator, from the beautiful state of tennessee. First of all, how are things going in your state . How is that a progression to life as a kind of was [buzzer] i tell you, it is just going fantastic. Doing a great job. Our General Assembly is going to go back next week and finish up the budget. I have been doing zoom and skype calls. I am hearing from across the state, retail, restaurant, office buildings, they are opening up. And i have had one lady even tell me about all the great sales that were going on in the stories. It sounds like people are ready to get out and get back to making some money. Neil all right. You must have bumped into my wife then, senator. Let me ask a little bit about what the administration is worried about with china, that so many other drugs are made over there. I think larry kudlow mentioned it. Cutting tax rates for a lot of companies that do business abroad. I assume he was really talking about china to incentivize them to come back here. Make more stuff here. Kevin brady was open to that idea on the house ways and means committee. What do you think . I think its a great idea. As you know, my bill, which senator menendez and ive filed before all of this got really started is to return our pharmaceutical Manufacturing Industry and those active pharmaceutical ingredients that are so vitally important to all of our medicines and finished products. To return to the u. S. And to incentivize it. Ive been very pleased with what i have heard out of the white house and their reception to our legislation that would incentivize tax rates. Of course. That is going to be important to building the facility is. It is terribly expensive. Youre talking about hundreds of millions of dollars, so some grants are low interest loans will also figure into that, but the thing is, neil, this is a National Security issue. We need to bring this back. We are focused on training the necessary workforce, and we even have a 100 million grant tool in our legislation to help with educating the necessary workforce to handle all of this pharmaceutical manufacturing and the advanced manufacturing that is necessary for the medical devices. It and this may be an opportunity for us, so we are quite focused on returning the supply chain for our Critical Infrastructure and are necessary pharmaceuticals to the u. S. Neil all right, senator blackburn, very good to see you. Good health to you and to your constituents. The well, senator. You too. Neil all right, what a host of others are mentioning. Maybe incentivizing more companies to do business abroad, particularly in china where we have the disproportionate dependency on all these drugs. 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I am Jesse Watters juan williams, dana perino, greg gutfeld, and kennedy. Its 5 00 in new york city and this is the five. President trump keeping up the pressure on former obama officials who unmasked michael flynn. Trump now demanding the public seek key documents he says disappeared with speeds meeting with fbi agents in january 2017. People like joe biden are desperate to change the subject

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