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The United States indicates that the constitution clearly says that he does. Some of those governors indicating today, he doesnt have a quite right. Welcome everybody, im neil cavuto and this is your world. First, what the governors have to say about all this and some of that case volume in their states tends to receive a little bit off highs not too long ago. Hospitalizations looking good. And again, that bad use. You hear so much about in so many of these states improving. Capacity improving. David lee miller in new york with the latest. David lee. Nothing like this has ever happened before. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo says that new york is going to be working closely with five other states in the region to try to come up with a plan to restart the economy in light of the coronavirus. During an unprecedented news conference, he was joined with the governors of new jersey, rhode island, pennsylvania, and delaware. This is not a time for partisan politics. Each state working with the individual governors chief of staff will help to come up with a plan that can be coordinated by all six states. The states want clarity from the federal government. In a challenge that the president has authority to decide when states should return to business as normal. Pencipennsylvania governor agre. Ability to close the state down, i think we have the primary responsibility for opening back up. He says he wants recommendations as soon as possible from the five other states that wants clarification, whatever the plan, and it has to be a smart one. Regional solution was the best way forward. It throws out a lot of the old rules and old ways of doing business. And the state boundaries mean very little to this virus. He gave a mixed message on the states battle for the virus suggesting that the worst is over and backtracked to say that the curve will not flatten if people grow complacent. On easter sunday, 671 new yorkers died from the virus. He called that terrible news, but news from the previous state was even more terrible. There were 758 deaths. If you look at those statistics, it looks like the fatalities are trending down at least for now. The question, is the worst over . The answer is still not clear, neil. Neil so david lee, from the governors and the socalled ornate a response, did any of them touch on an idea on our mutual day to which they would start unwinding these home sheltering provisions . Right now, they are scheduled to sort of pass at the end of this month sort of like a looseygoosey deadline. What have you heard . I didnt hear a specific day mention from any of the governors. I took away from it that Governor Cuomo wants the recommendations in his words as soon as possible. Here is want this to drag on for weeks but in terms of time frame, i think its too early for them to formulate one. They certainly would want to have a plan in place as soon as possible for when things are actually going to open up. There is still a great deal of uncertainty. Neil to put it mildly. David lee, thank you very, very much. This will no doubt, about the Health Care Task force briefing in less than an hour now of what the president makes a call in these governors have to honor it or do they have the constitutional right to ignore it and do their own thing . What are you hearing . I think thats going to be a number of questions that comes up in the coronavirus briefing. We typically see these things delayed by half an hour to an hour. It will get to some of the other questions in a moment. The president in a tweet earlier today saying adam its fake news that is the governors. Its absolutely the president s right to do this and for many good reasons. Having said that, i will continue to coordinate with the governors. I will work with them, and there will be an announcement shortly on when to start reopening the country. A person that we often go to for some pretty learned facts on this is Jonathan Turley, thurber fastenetheprofessor. He has persuasive authority. He said to adjust to the governors that they reopen the states, but he does not have command authority. So, the president saying today that its up to him to do it, but the constitution is interpreted by Jonathan Turley saying, no, its up to the governors to do it come about the president can suggest strongly that they go ahead and do it. Another question likely to come up is yesterday at the president including a tweet. There you see him at the daily coronavirus briefing. He said in his sunday show yesterday in response to a question that if they had of been more ndimensional and earlier, perhaps lives could have been saved. Had was part of a long statement in which he also issued a number of caveats and conditions under which that may have happened. People are taking what fauci say maybe there is some rift between the president and fauci and how much longer will he continue in his position on the Coronavirus Task force . He is not a political appointee. The white house dissuading anyone from thinking that there is a rift saying that he is a valued advisor to the president , that any talk to the contrary is just more madeup ridiculous statements by people who want to create a rift between the president. The last thing we expect to hear from the president today is perhaps more on his new counsel to reopen america. We know that the chief of staff is going to be leading that. Ivanka trump will be on it as well as a number of different secretaries. Peter navarro and others. There will be allowed to to chew over today, neil, when that gets underway. Neil i can understand that you cover this closely and you understand this far more than i. The president really tweeted this critic of dr. Fauci, the president did that. It included the hashtag at the very bottom. The bulk of the tweet was about things that fauci had said earlier in the air compared to be what was said now and the fact that the chinese werent really forthcoming about what was going on and the prominent spirit they are saying that the president doesnt endorse everything or anything that is in a retweet. I think they are trying to tamp down this idea that the president may be looking at fauci with the sidelong glance saying, do we really want him here . It appears that president does want here. There are some people who are lined with a president that think that the president should fire fauci. If he were to do that, youll probably hear a cry from both sides of the aisle. Neil was there any lingering friction over dr. Faucis comments . I guess that we had started these distancing measures earlier, things would have been different. Apple is not a direct slap at the president. Any fallout from that . There hasnt been a direct fallout from that. That will be another question. And again, people are taking a small part of that answer. He said something to the effect of, had we had a greater degree of medical intervention, could we have saved lives . Potentially. He went on to say, we didnt know the full extent of it. You dont know what wouldve happened. It is armchair quarterbacking to a degree. Fauci likes to keep his eye on the ball going forward. Again, it was a small section of his quotes. If you look at the whole thing or context, it certainly doesnt rise to the level of confrontation that some people are making it out to. Neil all right, that stuck out as a handle on it. Thank you so much. Lets get the read from the chief medical officer Emergency Room Physician of dixie Reed Medical Center i. On this issue, what we could have and should have been able to Pay Attention to, leaving the politics out of it, if distancing measures had have been in effect, i dont think fauci was giving anything that was stunning that others didnt know after the president that maybe this could have been mitigated. Your thoughts on that . Yeah, i think you are right. It is easy to look back and say, could we have done better . This is an unprecedented event. Nobody really in the world in our lifetime has done anything like this. They could have distanced a little bit earlier. I dont think that knowing what we know now we would have done anything different back then. Neil right. One of the ideas that has come up in his court knitted a press conference was mainly governor governors they would have a coordinated response. Is it the danger from you as a medical professional for the contrary not to move in one lockstep . Or is it better and not as adversely impacted by the virus to maybe unwind from these because i locked down revisions in the rollout . What you think . I do think though rollout is smart. When we look at the economy back on track and that people back out and into the world back into their normal life, i think there are a few ways we can do that, and they are all equally important. We need to be looking at the declining new cases. We need to look at the declining death rates. Those can be geographic as well. We need to be starting on these antibodies just to find out who is infected and who has been affected and has immunity. We need to continue to have those new tests to see whos gaining the disease rapidly. Also, i think we need to be using some technology to be able to send patients home, the new ones as we are able to isolate and self quarantine new individuals in new cases and send those patients home with a device like we do already to be able to monitor their vital signs and take care of those patients away from the public in isolation. They can do that individually rather than collectively. Thats how we can move the economy forward. Isolating and quarantining the whole economy, we can isolate and quarantine individuals. Neil it real quickly, i wont play the entire sound bite for you. The Minneapolis Federal reserve had said, we should be prepared for 18 months. Bumpy rides and flareups here. He was speaking just about for the economy, but some of the bumps on the virus itself. Do you agree to that . Its funny. We looked back at what we were first told about the virus, and its coming out. We were told 18 months. We think we see this flattening has really helped. I think there are areas that we are going to have early back out to the public. I think theyre going to be areas in the country that are going to see some reemergence within the next 18 months. We will have to look at whats happening this fall when cold and flu season comes back again. I was going to be prepared for that . Were not going to have a vaccine for sure thats widely spread across the country and available to individuals. But we are going to see hiccups and bumps for 18 months for su sure. Neil thank you very much. Just getting to the bottom of all of this, i know you have very little time for things like sleep. Either way, the doctor touched on this and we will as well. What are the issues that have to be addressed or show a trend and we get people to say, all right, we could slowly unwind this. Well look at that a lot more or get the read on what stimulus is being provided now to add onto the stimulus we already have. Democratic senator isnt impressed at all. After this. Neil its called a paycheck protective program, and its been a huge hit in terms of demand from Small Businesses and others that will love the idea that getting a loan from the government turns out not to be a loan, it becomes a grant if your project the workers. Youve heard that some republicans theyve kept safe workers at 17 million americans who already filed employment claims and theres no way to verify that. Thats why they are pushing for another 250 billion for this program to keep it coming and keep those jobs safe. Mike emanuel has more from capitol hill. Money is getting out the door to Small Businesses. The Small Business Administration Reporting this afternoon that more than 141 applications have been approved for at least 228 billion. Thats happening at more than 4500 lending institutions. Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell tried to add another 250 billion to the package at that thursday, but that was blocked. G. O. P. Says Small Business is the area that needs more funding now. Senate democratic leader Chuck Schumer saying today at the same time, strong Additional Support for hungry families and children related to snap that is the Food Stamps Program is needed. We cannot abandon those to put food on the table. Most congressional sources Say Something must get done later this week. That leaves little time for negotiation. Neil thank you very, very months. Where are you on this . I know many of your colleagues in the Democratic Party are against it doing this just on its own. Iin a house you are looking to add provisions. But you have a problem with the measure itself. Could you explain . Its get to be with you. Its important that we ask. I hope we can act this week, and we need to get together as we did on the cares act. 960 vote in the senate. Thats what we need to do again. The unanimous consent request did not provide any Additional Resources for the emergency grant and loan program under the Small Business administration. That is already run out of money. Sell more of millions Small Businesses are being cut back on their requests of an average of 200,000 emergency loan to only 15,000. The Grant Program is also oversubscribed. We need money and that paycheck protection program. We need money in the emergency grant and loan program. We need to get that going. I talked to Governor Hogan of my estate. State and local governments are in need of resources. Funds need to be more flexible for the states in order to operate their governments. If there additional things need to include. We can get it done this week. Im convinced that we can reach a bipartisan agreement, as we should and make sure that every Small Business that is eligible for these funds are able to get it. Neil you know, senator, it looks like the stimulus relief packages, whatever you want to call them. They come out pretty frequently. If you miss this train, there will be another train with still more stimulus and relief coming. So as far as republicans are telling it and others are saying in such high demand and its quickly evaporating, why not for this include this . And your point, some other things that you want to see and maybe your colleagues want to see can come up in, you know, a package that could be part of next week or the week after that at the rate you guys are going. In truth, the program that ran out of money was the emergency loan and grant progr program. And that was very popular. Several million applications. And they were cut back dramatically almost by 85 . So thats the program that needs to be funded now. It should have been funded last week. The emergency 10,000 Grant Program also gets money out the door faster than the other programs. That needs more money in it. Im agreeing with you. We want to make sure that the funds are there. No one is to deny that paycheck protection loan because of lack of money. If there is still processing. As you pointed out, we might be over 200 billion, but we still have a hundred billion dollars remaining in that account. As i tell you, i support and democrats support every eligible Small Business that is eligible for the paycheck protection program, being able to get that loan, and it being fully funded and forgiven if they use it for the appropriate expenses. Neil all right, senator. We will watch it very, very closely. In the back and forth about something thats going to happen in less than three weeks time. All of this quarantining our homes for 94 of us is up for renewal. Do we renew and extend or do it in stages . The president says thats his call. The governor saying thats our call. The battle is long. What does the constitution say . We are on that after this. I can save you. 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Who has the power over changing the rules over social distancing and staying in our homes and borderline lockdown provisions for 90 of americans released to the end of this month . The constitution says unequivocally, he does, the president of the United States. Some governors disagree saying the governors have power for maintaining public order and safety. The president obviously disagrees with that. We thought we would go to a constitutional expert. I may be splitting the hairs on this. Professor, thank you for joining us. He was right on this . Speak to President Trump is absolutely positively wrong, its black letter law that the president does decide when this country reopens. It is the governors. He simply doesnt have the ability to dictate to those terms. He can be very influential in terms of trying to browbeat others to open up, but constitutionally, he has zero powers. Neil in his tweeting, he seemed fairly unequivocal about it. I would imagine he passed that off volumes or constitutional experts like yourself. What do you think . Speak to either this is a classic example of the president shooting from the hip, or he has received very, very poor direction in counsel from some of his attorneys. Im sorry, neil. Im a fan of the guy. He simply wrong if he thinks he determines this. It is the governors. I will go one step further. The mayors of these various cities have more power than President Trump does to reopen this country and businesses for business. Its not the president s call. Neil you know, i dont want to get into the weeds here and youre so good at this stuff, professor. Another role is that of congress that has the financial clout and wherewithal and some of the funding goes to states that states to an end run to make life difficult. They have a role. Is it more pronounced with the president . How would you explain it . Thats a really, really good point. When i say that he doesnt have the power to reopen this country for business, he does have extraordinary power in the context of, he has the pulpit. He has a weapon in twitter that no president has ever had before. He can use that. He can hammer, he can twist, he can intimidate people to do what he wants. What he cant do is, he cant issue a president ial edict to open this country again. He also has the power of the purse which is extraordinary. In illinois, he gave us 15 million to convert Mccormick Place into a field hospital. Thats power and he has it. He just cant dictate the terms of when this country we opens businesswise. Neil to be consistence, hes given the governors the power to stay open or not or have these sub provisions are not based on what they see. He was a sympathetic among some of the later governors to oppose these restrictions. Its got to work the other way around, right . Speak to would think so. This power can go one way or another, but is not unilateral power. The power rests in the hands of the states. The constitution is crystal clear. Without cases going back to 1824 where the Supreme Court has interpreted the power to be able to close, reopen, to all these things that are taking place right now. We havent had this issue in such a long time, but its black letter constitutional law that he doesnt have the say are the power to dictate these terms. Neil all right, thank you very, very much. Always learn a lot talking to you. This is what we want to balance off a number of officials. Dealing with a number of separate urgent issues as we speak. She is coming up. Youre watching your world. And date night essentials here. Get free delivery when you order now through outback. Com outback steakhouse. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. 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Neil right now close to a dozen of different vaccines and special treatments being considered for the coronavirus. Some in the clinical advanced stages right now but likely not available at the end of this year atte the soonest spirit why is that . After this. Because the best people to fight for our communities are those within them. So, if youve just bought a volkswagen or were thinking of buying sometime soon, were here to help with the Community Driven promise. Many of lifes moments in thare being put on hold. Are staying at home, at carvana, we understand that, for some, getting a car just cant wait. To help, were giving our customers up to 90 days to make their first payment. Shop online from the comfort of your couch, and get your car with touchless delivery to keep you safe. And for even Greater Peace of mind, all carvana cars come with a sevenday return policy. So if you need to keep moving, were here for you. At carvana the safer way to buy a car. Neil although there was a great deal of focus on those five or six northeastern governors who were talking about coordinated plans on how to eventually work on dealing with this virus may be coming out of some restrictions on travel over this virus, across the other side of the country, california Governor Newsom outline what had been a big improvement and a number of cases there and the number of action he used to address that. Much like whats happening in the northeast where you are now, western states, oregon, washington, california have struck this pact to Work Together to make this opening. Original opening of the economy. All three states appear to be on the downside of their respective curves, meaning the number of new cases is dropping. Gavin newsom says he will lay out more of their reopening plan tomorrow at a news conference. He doesnt appear to be in a big rush. Watch. Its a vaccine prospect for every governor across this country including the president himself to figure out a way of doing this where we dont invite a second wave, where we dont let down our guard and ill put ourselves in a position where we regret moving too quickly. He talks a lot about the science, but the science has been all over the place. The models have been consistently wrong. The California Health department will specify what information is being inputted into the models to get these sometimes wild projections. One California Health official says theres a better than 50 chance that we will run out of icu beds at the end of april. Another official says the supply of beds is adequate. It all depends on who you listen to. Back to you. Neil thank you very, very much. And south dakota right now dealing with a weird coronavirus fallout here. A couple hundred workers right now ada pork Processing Plant in sioux falls has forced the plants but to all but shut down. Whats crucial about this plant, pork that we get in this country, the governor of that fine state joins us right now. The governor, very good to have you as always. What is the latest from this plant and how things stand now . Space to the plant is taking a pause allowing its employees time to heal and take it back up and running using some mitigation efforts to protect their employees and make sure they are still a big part of our National Security thats providing a safe and effective food supply for this country. Neil did they fight you on this 14day suspension of activity that they had recommended . There are reports there were disagreements back and forth. Could you enlighten us . We are having some conversations with them. I talked with their ceo this morning. We are working through some of the processes and steps to get them back up and running. Its critically important that they be a part of continuing to supply our food chain. They are very important to the people of this country come out to south dakota, to our economy. We are working through those efforts to making sure their employees are safe and also getting them to full production so they can do what they do be best. Neil do we know much, governor, about how it is not that high a number of workers can be infected to mark well, this is by far the hottest spot that weve got in south dakota. The vast majority of our new cases the last three or four days are coming from this situation here. But we are dealing with it and aggressively testing in that area. That is why we are identifying more positive cases they are. We are putting a lot of efforts into this to protect the community. We expect good results. We expected this to happen. Ive told the people of south dakota for months now that we would continue to see increasing covid19 positive cases. There will be days that i stand in front of them telling them that we have thousands of cases and that we need to keep perspective. It gets alarming when you start seeing a hot spot like this, but thats even more important that we stay calm. We look at the science, it would look at the facts on the ground, and we make wise decisions. We cant do a kneejerk reaction that make us feel good. We need to make decisions that actually do good. Thats what ive been doing from the very beginning here and south dakota. Neil are you worried about the food from that plant . A lot of americans hearing this and saying that workers afflicted with this virus maybe the foo foods they are touching and dealing with are bad are already out there. No, that is absolutely not true that the food could be contaminated. The virus doesnt travel through food. We believe that 99 of what is going on today wasnt happening inside the facility. It was more at home where these employees were going home and spreading some of the virus because a lot of these folks that work at these plants work in the same humanities, the same buildings, and sometimes in the same apartments. Im fully confident that when this plant comes back online to full capacity that there will be mitigation efforts and place that not only will the food be secure like it always has been about these employees will be in a safe working conditions as well. Neil the big news certainly for you and your state is you are the first state to start critical trials. Im wondering what brought you to the level of giving it a test, see how it goes, update me. Im a lot better being on offense than i am on defense. When covid19 started to hit our country, i started to think of ways that we could Work Together to be aggressive to fight this. Today we announced that we are partnering with all three of our Major Health Care systems in the state for the first statewide state back Clinical Trial using it to be able to make sure that we are protecting our citizens and treating them. Those at high risk our Health Care Providers and other patients in the state. We are set up right now to trade up to 100,000 people in this state of south dakota and we will be the first statewide and state backed and endorsed Clinical Trial using it in this form. Neil namely known for its use in fighting malaria and all that. Are there any warnings or any to those that go through this Testing Process that they are giving . How do you handle that part . That this is an official trial. It is not only used to help treat patients and south dakota, it will be used for research against this disease in the future. He will be dealing with this virus for a long period of time. It will benefit the entire country and the world. Every single participant that will get this treatment in our state will be voluntary. It will be a discussion between them and their doctor, and they will decide if its right for them to participate. This is going to be very different as well and the number of people that could be involved. It will start with a minimum of 2,000 people, but could we have the capacity to include up to 100,000 people. Thats a very different scale, level, and diversity that another research is offering today. The fact that we have an entire state participating is unprecedented. Neil youre the first to try it and do it in the first governor in her state. Keep us posted, governor. A real pleasure having you. Thank you again. We will. Thank you, neil. Neil we have a lot more to give you an update. Someone has died of the coronavirus here. Side push to get the guy who once ran that vessel back on that vessel. Stay with us. Managing type 2 diabetes . Dimitris on it. Eating right. And getting those steps in . 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The navy has not released his name pending next of kin notification. He was part of the sailors who have been removed from the roosevelt. Alarm bells suggesting 90 of the roosevelt sailors should move ashore. 585 sailors from the ship have now tested positive. The navy Just Announced the u. S. Is trim and strike group en route home after a five month deployment to the middle east with state and atlantic for at least three more weeks to protect the crew from covid19 and to serve as a ready force now that one of the nations aircraft carriers battles the coronavirus, the navy does not have enough testing to prevent similar outbreaks onboard other ships ships that are preparing to deploy. The investigation into the roosevelts handling of the outbreak is complete and in the hands of the navys top officer who has not ruled out the possibility of reinstating the captain. Neil that is an alarming job in cases and a reminder about the inverse of social distancing. Very hard to socially distance onboard a ship. That is what the navy had to find out unfortunately. Neil yeah, and a hard way. Great reporting as always, my friend. Well keep you posted on that. Maybe revisit the captain. Maybe bring him back. Some are pushing for just that. A little more after this. Well, we used to. New ortho home defense max indoor insect barrier kills and prevents bugs for up to a year without odor stains or fuss. Get everything you need for spring at ortho. Com order today did you know Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance tada so you only pay for what you need . I should get a quote. Do it. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Neil all right, there are a lot of interesting vaccines and treatments coming up right now for dealing with the coronavirus. What is kind of interesting is just keeping track of all of them. You have the experimental covid19 drug that is showing promise. You also have a pharmaceutical working with beijing in the Intuitive Technology and a phase two tram drug of their own. I could go on and on. The bottom line here is there are a lot of possible vaccines and treatments out there. The former fda associate commissioner, center for medicine in the public interest. Very good to have you. Why do you make of these various treatments that are out there . Im optimistic. I think the big story out here is you have pharmaceutical companies with regulators around the world. Lots of shots on goal here on the existing and new therapeutics and vaccines. As the way to get it done. Everyone realizes in a crisis the value everybody brings to the table. Its a question of alliances for the public health. Im pretty optimistic. Neil how does that normally work, commissioner . We have so Many Companies competing on the same front or working coronation with each other on this. Vaccines could take years. Theres a push to try to get some out and rushed to Clinical Trials so that maybe we have something by the end of this year. How optimistics are those assumptions to you . For a vaccines for covid, looking for ten months to a year. Weve also got to figure that once we have a vaccine or two or three thats approved, how do we handle the manufacturing . How do we prioritize who gets vaccinated first . Health care workers, police officers, people stalking our supermarket shelves. A lot of questions that have to be answered. Neil you know, commissioner, if memory serves me right, the vaccine wasnt available until well past the end or the worst of the crisis. How did that and the deaths and the problems around it the incident correct themselves without an available vaccine . I think the major difference is the difference between containment and mitigation. We werent able to contain covid19. We were able to contain sars. We are mitigating the damage that covid is having across the nation. Sars was a u. S. Canadahong kong issue. The value of the defense against vaccines that vaccines brings against viruses is the ability to survive. Keep the virus out of harms way by mitigating it and containing it to a few countries. With covid19, we are having to commit mitigation strategies into place, social distancing and sheltering in place. We can keep these symptoms less severe and shorten the duration of the disease which make sure that hospitals dont get crowded or people take care of themselves at home. The fdas job is to make sure that they expedite these programs rather than bashing them. That is a regulatory finesse that i think the fda is doing a very good job with right now. Neil what do you make of the use of this drug to address this fullscale statewide test they have going on in south dakota that it might show promise . What are your thoughts . The solid size of those studies are going to show us is essential. The anecdote is in data. We are collecting a real science, the solid randomized control and random trials from a scientific basis. On a parallel track, also allowing physicians to use these tools in the hospital on their own discretion. Parallel track concept started in the 80s with hiv aids. There are people in the government right now that recognize on the one hand the importance of sound science but we need to get these drugs into patients as of doctors discretion under the controllable physician. Neil we will watch it closely. Thank you for taking the time. The commissioner just mentioned dr. Fauci. Im sure his name might come up. Stick around after this. This is hal. This is hals heart. Its been broken. And put back together. This is also hals heart. And his relief, knowing hes covered by blue cross blue shield. And this is our promise, with over 80 years of healthcare expertise to be here for you now. And always. This is medicare from blue cross blue shield. This is the benefit of blue. This is medicare from blue cross blue shield. When you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Try pepto liquicaps for fast relief and ultracoating. Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea. Get powerful relief with pepto bismol liquicaps. Neil all right, very close to the top of the hour, the White House Press briefing, blake burman on what we might be hearing. Hi, neil, probably a couple of relationship questions between President Trump and dr. Fauci. It started when the president retweeted a posters comment that had the hashtag firefauci, leading many to wonder what the president meant by that. A saying that there is nothing to see there as saying in statement the Media Chatter is ridiculous. President trump is not firing dr. Fauci, goes on to say that dr. Fauci has been a trusted adviser to President Trump. We heard from the president that he thinks essentially it will be his call as to when the economy will reopen. As he sent out a tweet writing it is the decision of the president and for many good reasons with that being said, the administration and i are working closely with the governors and this will continue. Neil, earlier today we heard from andrew cuomo of new york saying that himself along with other governors will be coming together. The chief economist of the Health Industry as well to come up with jesse hello, everybody, i am Jesse Watters along with greg gutfeld, juan williams, dana perino, and bret baier. 5 00 in new york city, and to this is the five. A big debate raging over who has the authority to reopen the country. The white house Coronavirus Task force set to break america in just a moment. President trump tweeting earlier that he will make a decision on reopening the economy shortly. He is insisting that the decision rests in his handsnd

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