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Protests were breaking up. Half a century ago, this week, after the Democratic Convention was starting, and of the country seemed like it was erupting. Senator john mccain was a veteran of war when it looked like he was not going to be getting out anytime soon. The nation is remembering the former president ial candidate. Later, he rose to power at a time when everyone said this maverick had no chance to have any political life at all. That was then. The nation reflects now. We will talk to people who knew him well, including former president ial candidate bob dole. Former senator kelly iota, close friend and political ally of john mccain. Spent at least three years as a cellmate in vietnam. I capitol hill and what we can expect to come. Expected to be a very full week of tributes honoring senator john mccains lifetime. We do expect to hear from the Senate Chaplain and the majority, but minority leaders. Back into session for the week. We have heard from some of the Senate Colleagues traveling back from their home states, talking about mccains passion on a wide range of issues. A willingness to fight for his beliefs. Mccain will be the 30th person to lie in the Capitol Rotunda on friday, there will be a Funeral Service at the National Cathedral where we expect former president s george w. Bush and barack obama to be among the yule adjusts. The Burial Service will be sunday at his beloved United States Naval Academy in maryland. Neil thank you, very, very much. Much has been made of the life of john mccain. Former New Hampshire senator kelly otte on it senator, you are honestly very, very close. An alliance on a host of issues. Your thoughts on the special session today. First fall, he was such a very dear friend to me, a mento mentor. I traveled around the world with him. I served on the committee with him. My thoughts are, his legacy, tremendous courage, integrity, honor, country first, really someone who always spoke his mind, had the courage of his convictions. By the way, a wonderful sense of humor and a great guy to be around. I do remember that sense of humor. You are absolutely right about that. Mitch mcconnell is speaking on the senator s behalf. It is a patriotic service. It came to an end. We expected for some time that we would bear farewell to our colleague, senator john mccain senator john mccain. John took full advantage of the months since his diagnosis. His hard work continued. But, happy reminiscing, fond farewells, final reflections with family. I was privileged to spend a small share of that time with john. We sat on his back porch in sedona under the desert sky. John did things his way. For his colleagues here, his confirmed the sad but obvious truth and with the senate will not be the same without john mccain. It is fair to say that the passion that john brought to his work was unsurpassed. In more than 30 years as a senator, he never failed to marshall a razor sharp wit, a big heart, and of course, a fiery spirit. When john saw an issue the same way you did give me you that you had just found your most forward ally. You would thank your lucky stars. Because, when you found yourself on the other side of the table, as i think all of us learned, you are in for another kind of unforgettable spirits. Serving alongside john was never dull affair. I found myself on both sides of that table over the years. We stood shoulder to shoulder on some of the most important issues to each of us. And we also disagreed entirely on huge subject that help define each of our careers. John treated every day, every issue with the intensity and seriousness that the legislative process deserves. He would fight like mad to bring the country closer to his version of the common good. But when the days disputes were over, that very same man was one of our most powerful reminders that so much more unites us than divides us. We should be able to differ completely on policy and still estate united on love for our country. John, himself, once put it, we have nothing to fear for each other. We are arguing over the means to secure our freedom and support the general welfare. It should remain an argument among friends who share an unforced likable belief and the goodness of each other. John and i sure had those fights, and we sure had that friendship. Im glad that we never found ourselves in opposite dugouts. You see, john and i spent neighbors in the russell building. When softball season came around, we would take the field together as one united team. As a seriously wounded war hero, add a childhood polio survival, john and i did not have the makings of an elite doubleplay duo. I took the mound once or twice, but we mostly offered moral support. Moral support. Really, that is what john mccain gave this body. And this country. For so long. His memory will continue to give us. While john continued to serve for senator in arizona, he was americas hero all along. Just this month, congress finalized a major bill for our armed forces that were named after john. This might seem like a small detail, but really it was a fitting capstone for a career so thoroughly defined by service and, and service for the ranks of those who wear our nations uniform. Generations of mccains have served with distinction in our great navy. John described his scottish heritage in one memoir, the mccains were bred to fight. And fight, they have. One by one, mccains had entered the academys gates, one by one, they marched past a centuries old battle flag, bearing the phrase, dont give up the ship. While Honorable Service was in his dna, johns story was never simple. He had come to explain with some relish, his major distinctives were mostly the weakness of his grades, and the length of his disciplinary record. The first miracle and johns military career was that he somehow made it through school. But, he prevailed, and bigger tests soon came. He stared death in the face aboard the uss borstal. Again, when he was shot down, and battered, and broken at the hand of our nations enemies im a 5. 5 years in captivity. Merciless beatings. He would not renounce. That stubborn, rebellious streak went from a stumbling block to a saving grace. Stubborn and in virtue sustained john. He declined Early Release in solidarity with his brothers. He never gave up the ship. We all know this story. But while john did not shy from sharing his experiences, he insisted that he was no hero and no saint. He measured his life in simpler terms. When asked about the diagnosis last year, how he would like to be remembered, here is what he said, he served his country, and not always right, made a lot of mistakes, made a lot of errors, but served his country. And i hope, honorably. He will certainly get that wish. For many, the service and sacrifice that john rendered overseas would have been more than enough, more than a lifetime, already. But somehow, senator john mccain was convinced that he still owed his country more. In 1983, he arrived in congress. John knew exactly what it meant to swear, support, and defend the constitution of the United States. When he was sworn in in the senate, he was no stranger to protecting the constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. He had accomplished to be sure. But while johns constituents are lucky to have him as a senator in arizona, john remembered that he had the title United States senator. He was working with the poa affairs. He normalized relations with vietnam. He led congressional delegations on overseas travel that were famously grueling. As grueling as they were educational. John was seemingly immune to jet lag. He was never more excited than when he had an opportunity to share American Values abroad. Of course, he was singularly devoted to the men and women of our armed forces. From countless visits with deployed units in afghanistan, to Committee Meetings in this body, john honored their sacrifices in a way that only he could. He never forgot that notwithstanding the grandeur of our military might and technical prowess, our Armed Services are made up of people. Of our constituents, of volunteers, of the brave. Johns favorite novel was ernest hemingways, for whom the bell tolls. Im sure we will hear it quoted quite a bit in the days ahead. The lead character is an american named Robert Jordan who risked everything in the spanish civil war. He is a little bit brash, may be a little bit hotheaded. In fact, he is a dynamite specialist. His specialty, literally, is blowing things up. It goes down fighting, right down to the books final pages. Im sure some of us can imagine why john might identify with this guy. Honestly, i rediscovered something john wrote a few years ago about this book. He noted that his literary hero was not some contrived character here contrived from casting. The book is full of complexities. The character has two face all of the messiness of life and war. His idealism is challenged. But, he realized the challenges dont mean that the sacrifices are outdated. They dont make love of because our country into something quite or naive. The only make favoritism, service and hope much more noble and necessary. It takes one type of heroism to undergo unimaginable pain and suffering as a p. O. W. , but persist in loyalty. It takes another kind of heroism to sustain that fashion for decades more. With the arrows of compromises, politics, defeats, and yes, consider it a joy and an honor to serve. If you few have either kind of. John mccain had both. Fortunately, all of that came with a worldclass sense of humor. As we all know, john really hated to lose. The line he used after his president ial Campaign Still makes me laugh. He said, i was coping with the feet. John said, i was sleeping like a baby. I would wake up every two hours and cry. It is hard to describe this largerthanlife figure than quoting what seems like cliches. You have all heard our entire lives that warns of patriotism and selfsacrifice. But we cannot take that culture of commitment for granted. Because just like our Nation Security and our american liberty, the notion that some causes are greater than ourselves only survives because Service Members and statesmen like john mccain will fight, and even die to defend it. The bond between john and his country was so deep. Of course, other bonds ran deeper still. While johns colleagues grief our own loss, we also send our love and support to those who know him even better. Those who call this man their husbands, their son, their father, and grandfather. We stand with johns loving wif wife. We stand with doug, andy, sidney, megan, jack, jim, and bridget. We stand with his mother, roberta. And with all of johns devoted friends and loyal staff. Thank you for lending him to us longer than we had our right. Thank you for supporting him while he supported us. So, john mccain has fought his last battles and cast his final vote. But, the nation that he loved is still not done with him yet. This week will be dedicated to remembering him. On friday, he will lie in state in the capital like other american heroes before him. As the days turn to weeks, i know we are all eager to come together and collaborate on ways that we can continue to honor his memory. Generation after generation of americans will hear about the pilot who barely scraped through annapolis, but then defended our nation in the skies. Witness to our highest values even through terrible torture. Captured the countrys imagination through National Campaigns that spotlighted many of our highest values. And mccain is so integral to our senate where advances its a great debates. America will miss her devoted son, her starwood champion, her elder statesman. I will miss one of the very finest gentlemen of whom ive had the honor to serve. We will not forget him. I consider it a privilege to return some of the love that john poured out for this countr country. It is our honor as americans to say that the late great john mccain the third, what we have already heard from his creator. Well done, good and faithful servant, well done. You fought the good fight, you finished the race. You kept the faith, and you have never gave up the ship. Neil the report of Mitch Mcconnell and remembering his colleague and friend, john mccain. You might notice the flag at halfstaff. Despite difference on policy and politics, i respect senator john mccain and sign a proclamation to sign the flag of the United States at halfstaff until the day. Ive asked Vice President honoring senator mccain at the request of the mccain family. They also authorize military transportation of senator mccains remains to washington, d. C. Military pallbearers and support. Transport during the service to the United States Naval Academy. Finally, general john kelly, and john bolton to represent my administration at his services. Chuck schumer is remembering his colleague as well. The benefit of a few days time. Senator mccain and i did not get along very well at first. He was close to my mentor in ted kennedy, but not so with me. I never served with senator mccain on any committee. When you get to know the senators up close, before our friendship, my closest brush with him was over comments he made during a debate he made on defense policy when he said long islands was regrettably part of the United States. I blasted johns majority of chemical which of course, wanted him to reply from the senate floor i am sorry that there is at least one of my colleagues that cannot take a joke. I apologize if i have offended him and hope that someday, he will have a sense of humor. Like many, i was a victim of senator mccains assertive quit. Things began to defrost we worked together during the game of 14 to avoid a change in rules during the bush administration. A real tight and lasting friendship emerged from our collaboration on Immigration Reform. We worked in close quarters for nearly a year. Hour after hour, day after day, week after week, finetuning the only pace of major Immigration Reform to pass in decades. We visited the southern border together to assess the gaps in our security up close. We were doing what the senate was supposed to do. Grappling with the biggest challenges, working in a bipartisan way to find solutions. Overcoming obstacles that have so long baffled Immigration Reform and continue to stymie progress today. We could not have done it without john mccain. In recent days, many have reflected on his president ial campaigns and military service, rightly so. But, he was also a natural legislator. Able to see common ground. Sense where to go, knew when to give a little, knew when not to. He had deep principal, but he also knew how to craft a product that could actually pass. And the bill did in the senate with large numbers of supporters from both parties. Had we passed Immigration Reform then, had the house done with this and it did under johns leadership, we would not be quarreling about leadership now, and a country would be better, stronger, and in a more unified place. We became so close over that year that john mccain started treating my staff like they were his own, and me, the same. We spoke so frequently, i knew john mccains cell number by heart. I mistakenly repeated it in an interview when the reporter asked me how close we were. They had to edit it out to protect johns privacy. I can truly say that the time that we spent authoring and passing Immigration Reform was some of the proudest days in politics for me and the rest of the gang of 8. In no small part because of the success was shared with one great leader, one great legislative leader, john mccain. You know, he was so many things to something people. A fierce friend to those who were lucky enough to earn his friendship. You had to earn his ranch appeared a real thorn in his side who earned his scorn. Many know that. He was an unofficial ambassador for the United States. A comfort to our allies, and unabashed champion for western values. He was unafraid to take on president s, he was unafraid to take on his own party, he was equally parts and in furious, foul mouth and statesmanlike. He could put temper in temperament. He was a brave and honest man. He was a patriot. He was all of those things throughout his life. Usually more than one at once. Until his very last days. Remarking on the character of america, senator mccain said that we live in night big, boisterous, brawling, daring, brave, good, and magnificent country. Truer words could not be said about the man himself. Big, boisterous, brawling, intemperate, restless, striving, daring, brave, good, and magnificent. As you go through life, you meet a few truly great people. John mccain was one of them. His dedication to his country and to the men and women who serve and protect it was unsurpassed. Even in his last weeks, he was calling me every few days to make sure that the Defense Authorization bill was done, and done right here it not for, not for his glory, but because he cared about men and women who cared about our armed forces so deeply. His life in american heroism personified. But most of all, he was a truth teller. Perhaps, it is a reflection of our politics, that a man could be so wellregarded for simply telling the truth as he saw it. Or maybe, recognizing the demands and failings of our politics is more reflection on the man. Four decades of public life could not warp or dim his fidelity to the unvarnished truth. I will miss him dearly. In the past year of his illness, during moments of doubt about the direction of our country, i found myself thinking about what john mccain would do or what he would say if he were here. Truth be told, there is nothing that i could say that could possibly add or detract from senator mccains illustrious career. There is nothing any of us have done that compares to the sacrifice that he made in the cellblock half a mile away and half a lifetime ago. A sacrifice he made over, and over again. The country he loved and the principles he advanced. So, the generations will study his example, i propose that we renamed the Russell Senate Office Building. After john mccain. It would be a fitting tribute to a man who considers his service here in the senate headquartered in the russell building where his beloved Armed Service Committee Also resides. The most significant of his distinguished career. A man whose name will be replaced, richard russell, a towering figure in the senate of his day was nonetheless it is time that we recognize that as times change, so do our heroes. So i will be introducing a resolution to change the name of the russell building to the mccain building. I hope that my colleagues will cosponsor and support the resolution. But, it need not be the only way that we honor senator mccain. We can honor him by trying to carry out the principles he lived by. We can try as he did to put country before party. We can try, as he always did, to speak truth to power. And we can try, as he summoned us to try to restore the senate to its rightful place in our national and political life. Up until the very end, john mccain still believed the senate was capable of solving our countrys greatest challenges. He believed that our arcane rules and procedures, designed to frustrate one party rule were an antidote to the whole organization of our politics. At the very least, he believed in the senates ability to make progress. To set aside for a moment, our party affiliations, political interests, and personal ambitions in the service of a larger cause. Because that is what he did. And for all his cynicism, he still believed the senate could reach that higher calling. Deep in the middle of his final speech on the senate floor where these words. I hope we can again rely on humility, on need to cooperate, on our dependence on each other, learn how to trust each other again, and by doing so, better serve the people who elected us. If we are to truly honor the life and the service of john mccain, let us do that. Let us do that. I yield to the floor. Neil all right, Chuck Schumer offering a surprise at the end of his remarks. Recommending to his republicans and democratic colleagues that the Office Building named after the georgia senator be renamed the john mccain Senate Office building. Senator saying that this would be well advised i now, things could change, our heroes could change. Paraphrasing here. The fabless ms. Were also considered segregation and impacted minorities. He said that the message from john mccain is that this is the building that houses the Armed Services committee which was near and dear to the late senator john mccain. Nowhere get on republicans that they would agree on such name change. Former New Hampshire senator, i wonder what she things of that. Thank you so much, senator in light of all the speeches. What he think of senator schumer is supposing questioning . First of all, i really could relate to the stories about john and his incredible spirit. His fighter spirit and sense of humor. I would say, about this proposal, first of all, i would love to honor john in any way possible. But, i would like to know, obviously, what the family thinks about this. This is a time of morning, right now. As someone who knew john well, he was not someone who was about having buildings named after him. He was a really humble guy in many ways. I think i would want to know what the mccain family thinks. I think we should honor his legacy in any way possible. But this week really focused on giving the family time to mourn. And the people of this country to remember a true american her hero. Neil hearkening back to your friendship with the senator and the tight bond that you achieved on key issues in New Hampshire when he was running for president. In 2008, it looked like he was down for the count and he might not do well, but he had more energy than all of those other candidates that were running at the time, and ultimately scored the nomination, ultimately losing the election to barack obama. John mccain had more energy than anyone i ever met in my life. He woke up every day ready to fight, tireless. As leader mcconnell talked about, when you travel with them, we called him the bataan death march, because he got up early, really early. You never learned more or had a better experience than traveling with him to wartorn places or working with him, because no one could work harder than him. Neil thinking about a time that he reminds people about both sides, and even those within the front of their own party could talk to one another, caudal legislation, they might not get everything that they wanted, but the other side didnt get everything that they wanted, but they got something together. We got a big old action box of stuff to get done, but it got done. Both the left and the right, where are the new john mccains . Yeah, neil, i think that is such an important question. You nailed it. A big part of his legacy. He was a bipartisan chappie. He was a principal guy. He was a conservative. There were things that he believed in. He was never going to violate. He was also focused on solving problems for the american people. I dont know. There is no one that i can say right now that certainly he has a unique place in the senate. We need more of that if we are going to solve the nations problems. Neil senator, thank you very much. I hate getting together on moments like this, but i appreciate you. I know, i know. Neil thank you for your service to this country. Talk about sacrifice and what you have endured. Not many have been in that position. Say for this next fellow who was a cellmate of the late senator for three years in vietnam as a prisoner. He joins us now out of denver. Orson, very good to have you. Thank you for taking the time. Thank you, speak 25. I might add that she is spot on. She is a great lady. Neil she speaks her mind. You are a unique breed. You went through, what the senator went through. The grit and humor and both of your cases. I know that you kidded each other. I was always seeing that and reading that. You are able to keep that frame of mind and what had to be hellacious circumstances. Come neil, if you are not laughing, you would be crying. We did not want to cry in front of our fighter pilots. John did have an extraordinary sense of humor and a gregarious nature. It made him a great inspiration for morale. He was always quick to make a sarcastic remark. If you were his friends, he really had to get used to his sense of humor, because either that or lacquer yourself down with some strong skinned strengthener. He could ruffle your feathers. But, he had a great sense of humor. He was an extremely intelligent person. A person nobody loved the men and women of our military more than senator john mccain. I suspect that the feeling was mutual. Talking to the colleagues over the course of the day, he really kidded himself about being such a poor student and said that the miracle was that there were five people who were below him in the class. But he was actually smart as a whip. He gave himself a trip for that. Well, he had a natural instinct for humor. And it would be done in very subtle ways, and sometimes it was some what to a sledgehammer. He was loved by all of us. John was an extraordinary inspiration. In prison, he suffered greatly as you know from his shootdown. He was a dear friend to both of us. He said that when john was more or less dumped in a room with a full body cast, he was not sure that he would survive. He talked about johns courage and his insistence that this was not going to be the place. He was getting out of here with all of us. And as you well know, he turned down an opportunity to get out early with those injuries. He is quite a hero in my book. Neil orson, i appreciate you taking the time. You are a different breed, the both of you. Thank you, very, very much. Nice to be with you, neil. Neil speaking of a whole different breed, world war ii, you talk about getting banged up in war and fighting for this country, the former republican president ial nominee, senator bob dole joins us on the phone. Senator, thank you for taking the time. Neil, thank you for having m me. Neil with mixed emotions on a day like this, we remember service to the country, but guys like me who have not been through what you have been through, what senator mccain had been through, what Orson Swindle has been through. You cannot relate to that sacrifice that you would kidded about it, i know senator mccain would kid about it. Very rarely did you guys even want to talk about it. Why . I dont know why. It is a tough thing that happened to each of us. And, i determined that it did not do anything good to talk about it. It did not change your injuries. But, i think we kept it to ourselves, and that was the proper thing to do. Neil that is the difference between you and me, senator. I would be hawking it everywhere. Senator, you are better men than me. How that changes your perspective on war and defense and all of this. If anything, you were reticent to commit and make sure that we had a game plan for any military action, senator mccain, much the same, that we had to have a plan, a strategy. He was very critical of what was going on in afghanistan. I know senator mccain was, if you dont come up with a policy speaking to folks on this administration, we will have to come up with one for you. In other words, he did not suffer fools gladly in either party. No, no, john when he came to senate, i was a republican leader. We had to have a few stents where we had to calm john down because he was per curiel. And a wonderful guy and a good friend and my hero. Along with my other icon senator who died two weeks ago. Two great men. Our liaison, and was an inspiration and very helpful to me as a republican leader. And of course, mccain and i were the only two republican war casualties. We had a special bond. I wore a p. O. W. Bracelet for years. He is a good friend. And he will be long remembered. They are talking about renaming the russell building. The mccain building. Neil why did you think, senator . There is some criticism of President Trump that he was late coming out with a statement of report and remembering the senator. Quite the opposite, he issued a statement, despite our differences, senator Mccain Service to the country. Anything and everything will be done for the mccain family. But this was a tense relationship, wasnt it . Very tense. It was tense on each side. So, i wasnt there when many of the differences happen. But they havent. Neil are you glad to have seen what you have seen . The flag returning to halfstaff at the white house and support for the late senator . Im not saying that bygones or bygones, senator, but this seems fitting now . I think so. John mccain was forgiving person in many ways some things, he just would not yield on. But, i think he, my friend, senator who died three weeks ago, our two of the greatest senators that we had. When i was the leader. Because black , the senators relationships and john mccain being john mccain. Neil senator bob dole, thank you for taking the time. Continue in good health, sir. Thank you, neil. Neil will have a lot more right after this. David. Whats going on . Oh hey thats it . Yeah. Thats it . Everybody two seconds dear sebastian, after careful consideration of your application, it is with great pleasure that we offer our congratulations on your acceptance. Through the Tuition Assistance program, every day mcdonalds helps more people go to college. Its part of our commitment to being americas best first job. Its absolute confidence in 30,00or it isnt. Arts, its inspected by mercedesbenz factorytrained technicians, or it isnt. Its backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isnt. For those who never settle, its either mercedesbenz certified preowned, or it isnt. The mercedesbenz certified preowned sales event, now through august 31st. Only at your authorized mercedesbenz dealer. What you get if you win with this kind of campaign . I thought about that a lot when i was running into thousand eight. If you run this and gutter campaign, what happens when it is time to govern again . Neil all right, that was in 2012. The debates between mitt romney, i believe at the time and barack obama, and of course, the former nominees saying that the democrats are running a very negative campaign. The president went on to get elective anyway. A former economic director for john mccains president ial campaign. I know there has to be mixed emotions for you. You have been through and seen so much with this senator and the financial meltdown. Dealing with that with him for years prior. You could speak to his temperament under pressure and under a president ial campaign. Give me that aspect of it, if you dont mind. Neil, there is an unspoken sermon. Johns was on a powerful sermo. I checked to see senator dole and Orson Swindle who was a fantastic human being. Johns conduct and that campaign was phenomenal. He had a choice to make on whether he would attack and go negative on what turned out to be the first africanamerican president pete he said no, that is not how history will remember us. We will conduct ourselves with anna. I never saw john mccain lose his temper over how you did your job. If you relate, any of those things that are the human nature. They did not bother him. It was a matter of honor. Neil you did see him lose his temper. You saw him lose his temper on other issues. Yes, his tempers are volcanic and on the record. It is what caused it. If you made a human error and you are trying, that did not bother him. If you went back on your word, if you had crossed principle, if you had this honored the greater cause, he was going to be mad about it. There was were great lessons to teach. Neil i think he said later that once that happens, it would have been very hard for him to get elected, no matter what. I am looking at the market now. A huge run up today, scoring a potential trade with mexico that could lead other trade deals. Very different environment. This president versus what you are going through back then. They had acrimonious relationships, donald trump and john mccain. The president making good some mccain supporters say, doing the right thing by putting out a very gracious statement on the senators behalf. I think the president is the United States is recognizing the service of an individual who is dedicated not to the conservative cause, the republican party, both of which he loves, but to the United States. A shining city on the hill. Recognition is appropriate. I am pleased to see it. Neil thank you very, very much. Folks will be weighing in on what john mccain meant to this country, including a special guest, jimmy carter, joining me to discuss, obviously the message of john mccain, as well as the economy, then and now. How things have changed in washington. And how, sadly, some things had not change. Again, jimmy carter tomorrow. So you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop, 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes. Start them off right, with the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Now save 150 on this dell notebook at office depot officemax. I decided that i wanted to go for Electrical Engineering and you need to go to college for that. If i didnt have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. Which is the main reason i left the military. Everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. And i get to do that. I get to provide that for them. Neil you know, senator john mccain was a frequent guest of hours over the years. You have probably seen a lot of tributes. But what stood out to me on his appearances with me, was his humor, his wits. Was anything but dull. That is as close as i will ever be to our presidency. I feel like the fifth husband. Pretty cheap job, didnt we . Four years ago, an airplane, now, ive got my bags, ive got group d on southwest. Now, you can finally board. I get the middle seat. Lets make the most of these new methods of communicating including twittering, which i do all the time. Believe it or not, i have such adult life, i want you all the time. Neil i will run with it, senator. To go twice in one day. You cant get anybody else to come on. Neil [laughs] twice, and one day. Neil it is an honor, senator. Everybody tune in at 1 00 a. M. , im going to be back. I am really at the one standing up to president obama. These people are essentially the lapdogs to president obama, and i think they are sensitive to that. What you think about that . They said yes, mccain and graham are a couple of lapdogs, a couple of doberman pinschers. The g. O. P. Of old has grown stale and moss covered. I dont think we need to name any names. I need to get back to moss. Neil you know, it is interesting though, senator. In a race where they are very touchy about mentioning race as an issue, feminism as an issue, age is okay. What he think about that . [laughs] i am outraged, neil. It should be never mentioned. Neil it is incredible that a politician of his stature and mature in us in age, is a traitor to his politics. Thanks for bringing up my age. Neil all right, are guest acting as referee, moderator. Did it make a difference to you whether you are sitting up or standing down . Out rather be standing up. The john, ten days ago, are you afraid i couldnt hear . I think schaefer is experienced, since he is my age. Neil [laughs] he and i were together in the spanishamerican war. Did they think we could beat the british when they helped us in the evolution your work . Neil you are there. It was actually the spanishamerican. Neil [laughs] thats where i got my start. I have never seen anything as disgraceful and outrageous, and despicable as the last demonstration that just took place. You know, you are going to have to shut up, or i will have you arrested. Get out of here, you lowlife scum. [applause] neil, what they always do, or quite often, they come or they stand up and they yell. They are taken from the hearing. That is a Standard Practice of this outfit. Never, have i seen them physically, run up to him and literally threaten him physically. Dangling handcuffs over his head. Neil do you have any regret on how blunt you were . Calling them scum courts mark no, because they are that. Nice to see you again, neil. I see that you brought your son. Marvels, like his mother. I did see that you are not judged as the man alive and kim jong un was. You look much alike. Neil senator, and now you have shared it. If i were running, and i thank god that i am not, if i were running, i would say, look, those questions deserve to be answered. How you do those things that you say and such broad terms. Neil i think that part of you itches to be heard. That is the part of me that wants you know the story about the horse that showed up out of retirement ready to pull the wagon again. There is one on this one that is here to blow research. If this health care thing continues, i may support the first year mark in my life. Neil terrible, this is the Early Bird Special for a lot of folks. He was wearing a violation of the endangered species act. We could reach an agreement. The Approval Rating would go from ten or 11 , below journalists. Of all things. Neil [laughs] i feel like i am the most fortunate man that i have ever heard of. I went through such a great deal of experience is then. I have been able to serve the country, nonstop, sense. Ive been the nominee of the republican party. You know, it always intrigues me a little bit, neil, when i say mccain is angry. I get angry when i see injustice. I get angry when i see things like this court, that i hope we are going to talk about. But look, i am so happy to be in the arena, and i am so happy to be able to serve. I cannot tell you how grateful i am to have been able to serve this country, and maybe not always the best, but i am sure that i have tried. I have enjoyed every minute of it. High, im greg gutfeld with tammy bruce, juan williams, Brian Kilmeade and dana perino, the five. Life is all about holes. You spend your life trying to fit into one without the last thing you should want to because when you die, trust me, you will fit. No matter how round of a pig you are, eventually you go nicely into a rectangular hole. Its your job to do what john mccain dead, never willingly fit, never lie down and buy it, make a fuss and

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