Followed. It will amount to a declaration of complication war and it will warn a response with economic means, political means and, if necessary, other means. Our american friends should understanding that now, that threat follows this weeks announced u. S. Sanctions on moscow for its use of a nerve agent to target a former russian spy on british soil. Those sanctions, by the way, which could ratchet up even more in 90 days just the latest blow to the russian economy and, in particular, its currency. I dont have to tell you this, you know. This but for the folks at home who are unaware, the president s Dollar Diplomacy sent the ruble plummeting. Their currency is down 7 for the week. Its worst week in over three years. It is absolutely cratering. As for the state department. Here is what Heather Nauert had to say. She said Secretary Pompeo spoke with russian counter part sergey lavrov. Secretary pompeo reiterated the u. S. Seeks an improved the 10year Treasury Yield settled lowest level since mid july. With those levels the yield curve is narrowing. That means banks make less money when they lend. Not surprisingly bank stocks were one of the groups that weighed in in on stocks. In u. K. And europe, stocks down across the board. European banking stocks down on concerns about lenders exposure to debts in turkey the turkish lehr are a hit a record low vest success the u. S. Dollar. President trump authorized a doubling metals tariff on turkey quoting the president s Tweet Tariffs on loom aluminu our relations with turkey are not good at this time. There is an added diplomatic layer to the tension that turkish delegates returned from d. C. With no apparent progress on releasing an american pastor who was detained in turkey in 2016. Turkish authorities accuse Pastor Brunson of supporting a failed coup attempt against tuckerys president erdogan and his government earlier that year. The pastor has denied the charges but still being held in turkey. Also another diplomatic issue has turkeys plan to acquire Russian Missile defense system. The Trump Administration has objected that that situation. Unclear if turkey will change its mind. President erdogan has spoken with russian president putin and discussed strengthening economic ties between the two countries. Trish, a lot for investors to digest today and this week. Back to you. Trish for sure. Thank you so much, deed draft todays sell off warranted or is this overblown . Lets ask our guests. Kevin, what say you . The thing with turkey is clearly a Garden Variety Currency Crisis rooted in a country that was driving growth and spending beyond its needs. So it had been needing to import capital for years and i dont believe its a systemic problem. Is the eu going to break up. German branches holding a lot of greece. German banks learned their lesson. Spanish banks own about 30 billion of turkish debt followed by france 13 billion and italy. I dont believe the Contagion Effect with greece is something that the market should worry about. I think its a bit overdone. Trish i think you are right its a bit overdone. The market is worried to sell off rather significantly with nothing thats motivated the selloff here in this country. So, kevin, back to you for a moment, i mean is, this just sort of one and done its friday in the summer and people are kind of looking for a reason to sell or is this something that you think is going to be a problem as we go into next week and the rest of the summer . Well, you cant item. Youve seen this in the past in other emerging market economies. That has often necessitated a bailout of some kind. We have to see what happens here. But, the reality is, their debt is an asset to somebody else. If their debt becomes impaired, then those other assets held on someone elses Balance Sheet become problematic as well. So, we have been overweight. U. S. Equities here in the United States. U. S. Assets because we think that growth is better here. And underweight overseas and especially emerging markets. Trish you look at the kohls of our debt in terms of what we are paying for Interest Rates it keeps moving down. Its good to see both of you. Thank you so much. Meanwhile russia slamming any additional sanctions by the u. S. S. As an act of economic war. And vowing to fight back not just economically and politically but by, quote other means. What exactly does that mean other means . How serious a threat should that be . How should we take it Rebeccah Heinrichs is with the Hudson Institute and joins me now. Good to see you. Good to see you, too. Trish other means. What are we supposed to think that. The russians threaten. This is what they do. We shouldnt not take it seriously. So, you know, any time this is a Nuclear Power we should take it, you know, a little bit seriously. This is kind of what they do. They threaten aggression. Back in march the United States kicked out those 60 russian spies out of the u. S. So this is sort of this is ratcheting up our response to the russians use to a Weapons Grade Nerve Agent on u. K. Soil to try to as iassassinate this former spy. So this is just a consequence of their actions. Trish rebecca, what i love about this is we have so much economic power. And we can use it i would much rather see us use our economic power than any kind of military power. That should be last resort. Right . You use everything you can economically speaking to try and to try to influence these actors. And we know, i mean, given russias economy right now, walk us through it. They cant withstand a lot of these sanctions from us. Can they . The ruble is falling in value they have a weak economy. The Trump Administration knows. This thats something that is incredibly unique about the Trump Administration its perfectly willing to use the full weight of the American Economy. To strengthen the American Economy and we would it in Foreign Policy and use all these diplomatic levers and tools to implement american Foreign Policy, everything short of Military Force but, also, you know, having this sort of foreboding credible Military Force should everything fail. Its actually having great effect. This is an administration thats been incredibly tough towards russia and the russians understand strength and resolve afternoon thats what they are getting from the Trump Administration. Trish interesting because the left keep criticizing this administration saying its too soft on russia. If you look at the actual policies and if you drill down on that what you see they are anything but soft. Thats right. Because President Trump has a different rhetoric that he uses towards adversaries but its not just russia. The president s opponents like to pick on russia. He is the same way towards committee jinping and kim jong un and other authorities because he tries to have a good personal relationship with them to see if he can have a diplomatic break through while not relenting at all as a matter of policy. Trish really, really interesting and very different from anything we have seen from previous president s, i think. His rhetoric when we see him in the room with these leaders is quite charming and he has that Charm Offensive going on. And, yet, the policies themselves are pretty challenging for these leaders. For example, what we are seeing in russia u is it going to get us anywhere . Is it going to change the situation in a material way . Rebecca . I think out important thing here is that we cant let the russians get away with just impunity on using Chemical Weapons. We have these banned. We have seen the russians give cover towards assad using Chemical Weapons in syria. Then this Weapons Grade Nerve Agent in the u. K. This has got to stop. The big thing here is to compel the russians to understand this is not going to be something that we tolerate. So you just continue to show resolve. Continue to show where the United States is not willing to budge. Then can you play ball with the russians in other areas where there might be some overlapping. The russians, again, they understand strength and we have a better relationship with them if they understand where the resolve and hard lines are. Trish sounds like a strategy. Rebeccah heinrichs, thank you very much. Thanks. Trish nfl Players Kneeling Again and President Trump is needling. He said they should stand proudly for the National Anthem or lose their pay. How is the league going to handle this . How should they . Burgess owens has some ideas. He is next. He challenged her to a debate to hash out the issues. Now democratic socialist alexandria ocasiocortez is comparing his offer to catcalling. What is ben shapiro saying . You will find out because is he here. Is he only here. We will see you right after this. Business news and analysis. For two times faster absorption so you can have worry free nights, and wake up feeling fresh and free for a free sample visit tena. Us and its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you trish might be preseason football some nfl players are in full game mode when it comes to protesting the National Anthem and President Trump is already tackling the issue. Lets go right now to Fox News Channel Trace Gallagher who has the latest for us. Hey, trace. Hey, trish. There were a dozen games last night. Three involved National Protests including jacksonville jaguar players staying in the locker room. Then the tampa bay bucks game robert quinn raised a fist like he did last season and Dolphin Receivers Albert Wilson and kenny stils each took a knee. Being a part of this protest hasnt been easy. You know, i thought i was going to be by myself out there. And today i had an angel with me with albert being out there. And, you know, im grateful that he sees whats happening and he wants to stand up and do something about it as well. And for the steelers eagles game the Eagles Malcolm jenkins and raised their fist. Jenkins says he is trying to get the conversation going and not waiting to see what the league does. You may recall back in the spring the nfl said players who kneel or sit during the anthem would be fine. When the union balked at that the nfl suspended the rule. Now it appears the league is leaning back in that direction saying and im quoting all player and nonpersonnel nonplayer personnel on the field at the time are expected to stands during the presentation of the flag and performance of the anthem. Personnel who do not wish to do so can choose to remain in the locker room. And the president , as you noted certainly hasnt changed his stance tweeting, quoting again be happy, be cool. A Football Game that fans are paying so much money to watch and enjoy is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway. Find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be suspended without pay. And the regular season is one month away. Trish . Trish thanks so much, trace. I want to get right to my next guest former nfl player Burgess Owens right now. The author of the new book why i stand. Sir, good to have you here. What do you think about this right now . Hi, trish. Trish what does the nfl need to be doing in your view. Trish, the focus right now is on these players. I think we need to go further than that. We have an organization that the last three years now should have gotten this right. Keep in mind they lost over 20 of viewership over the last two years. Capped out at 13 billion. Lost tv revenue. They cant sit down and figure out a way to make sure that the employees, people that work for them protect and respect their brand. There is something more to this than meets the eye. This is what i want people to understand. At the same time you have a Commissioner Being paid 40 million per year. Only 10 of that by the way is guaranteed. The rest is based on incentives. Projecting here capped out here 13 billion. Projecting 9 years from now to be 25 billion Around The World. With foreign nfl players in china and france and mexico. This is not by accident. These guys understanding theyre leftist globalist and thats all i need to say about that. Trish Leftist Globalists. Come on. They have benefited from the opportunity that they have been given. They are talented athletes. They have worked hard at their athletic craft. They have excelled at it. They are making a lot of money and they are Leftist Globalists . No, no. Not the owners. The players. Trish im talking about the players. No. The players basically young men who have been brought up in these socialist environments. They have never pledge the flag. Never said a prayer. 70 of these young men dont have fathers unlike the generation i grew up in. They will be used and abused and discarded. They will lose their careers. Have their brand to follow later on is these owners that understand this game. They understand the profitability they have Around The World. They want to make as much as they can. They dont mind using black players to get there. Trish i had not thought about it that way, mr. Owens. Thats an interesting viewpoint on it to me, Roger Goodell, like ought to be thinking about ratings. Ought to be thinking about ticket sales in the u. S. It is an american sport. And the majority of his profit was are still from the United States of america. And if you have got americans saying i dont want to watch this anymore. Im turning it off because i dont feel like these guys out there on the field have any appreciation for this great country we live in, then thats going to hurt your business. Well, you would think so. But, understand, goodell is not like the goodell in the past or al davis. Its not about america. Its about how much profit globally. They see themselves as the new soccer league. A world sport. Not an american sport. Trish is it that popular overseas . When you are talking about 25 billion in profits over next seven to nine years they see a way of getting there we have to understanding thats just the way these people think. Trish let me ask you this, are they afraid Roger Goodell and Team Owners Afraid of players walking off the field and thats part of what is motivating their lack of willingness to clamp down on this . Trish, if you think at the nba they feel the exact same way. They dont do it because they have rules and regulations and they know the consequences. The nfl this is the wild, wild west. Let these guys and kids, not kids, younger men do whatever they want to do because they are not putting in place parameters. Trish i have to leave it there. Alexandria ocasiocortez accusing conservative ben shapiro of catcalling after he challenges her to a Debate Tweeting i dont know a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions. We couldnt get her but we certainly did get ben. For some reason, they feel entitled to one. Whoa. We called alexandria ocasiocortez and asked her to come on the show she is yet to respond. You know who did respond no other than ben shapiro for his first interview since that tweet. Ben, its good to see you. First of all, quickly. Trish she is making news with you here. Quick comment. First of all, how dare you cat call alexandria ocasiocortez by inviting her on your show. How dare you, thats sexism in action there. Trish apparently. What do you think of that though . To use that term, which, you know, to remind everyone, a woman walking down the street and someone, you know, whistles or something. Thats catcalling. How is what you did asking her to have an intellectual debate on the actual issues, how is that in any way relevant or similar to a cat call . Catcalling must be very weird in queens. I dont know construction worker Standing On Street Corners Shouting to women hey baby you want to have hour long discussion about Trade Policies economic Vest Success Neo marks ix economics. It gets strange in her district apparently. Some folks on the left jumping to sort of intersectional defense in which anybody who requests a discussion or debate must be evil by their very nature. Right . Im a man, therefore im catcalling her even though as an orthodox jew i have never cat called a woman in my entire life. Its catcalling i guess because if i suggest that i want to have a conversation, im demanding a response. Well, every request is a request. All she had though say here is nah. That would be fine. She has got that prerogative. But sheet goes around talking about how trish serve a victim. We need to take as much money we can from everybody else to redistribute it. Thats what socialism is about. So she just playing that victim card . No question. And the fact that she feels the necessary toy go to this particular card, right . To play the im a female and therefore im being their life. Instead, it turned into her invoking victim status which rallies the base. There is no question folks in the media are very excited about it leftist response to her tweet. Alexandria ocasiocortez responds to everybody on the left wants to responds to those on the right. Wondering why many people are turning away from the intersection than ever . Trish one of the things that made us great is appreciation for intellectual diversity. Being able to have civil debates. Being able to share ideas. Thats how we evolve and get better. When one side isnt even willing to have the conversation, where does that leave us as a country . That is a serious problem. Whats absurd is there is a bunch of folks on the left responded to this entire controversy mainstream commentator why dont have you me on your show and im like okay. They will dont know how to respond to that because im happy to have conversations with folks on the left. I have conversations with folks on the left all the time. The left doesnt want to open the Overton Window enough to have conversations with anybody on the right. Trish they automatically assume they are right. You are wrong. They dont want to be proven otherwise with any kind of factual knowledge. I mean, look, you know, i think if you go out and you ask anyone and you know this, americans believe in opportunity, right, and prosperity. Its just in our d. N. A. Its part of what this country was founded on. Do you have Around The World and whether you are talking about venezuela or cuba or denmark where they charge well over 50 in taxes at the federal rate so everybody is working for the government where you pay 180 tax on a car which is more than the cost of a car or did you go to college and get a spip pen, they plan on five years but everybody is taking six plus years because you are being paid to go to a free college. It shows you when you look at their debt levels even in denmark it just doesnt work. Does it . I mean, this is the serious problem with a lot of Socialist Philosophy is that theyre constantly shifting the goal post. Their Education System is good or Healthcare System is good. Or is it that all of these systems are built to top a capital et fast maybe these countries are prosperous in the first place. These are conversations that should be had but alexandria ocasiocortez is not interested in having them. Trish let me ask you about the harassment of conservative commentator Candace Owens and charlie kirk. I feel luck i didnt even coach at restaurants where most of the people around me are members of my community because i would like to be able to get through a meal in peace apparently charlie and candace cannot. Trish you know, ben, i will tell you one thing, had you debated her, my money is on you. It would have been fun. Oh well. Trish thank you so much. Thank you for being here first. Forget peter strzok and his involvement in the russia probe. Why this is the guy how republicans are zeroing in on right now. So is my next guest Judicial Watch president tom fitton pursuing the Justice Department for more information and he is here next. U in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in Clinical Trials to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Aah . I would have said you were crazy. But so began the year of me. I discovered the true meaning of paperless discounts. And the indescribable rush of saving drivers an average of 620. Why does fear feel so good . I fell in love three times once with a woman, once with a country, and finally. With myself. So, do you have anything to declare or not . Isnt that what im doing . So, do you have anything to declare or not . This ijust listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. 98 are still on the road after 10 years. 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Visit cancercenter. Com breast Appointments Available now. Trish hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh he will appear Judiciary Committee tuesday september 4th. The hearing expected to last the entire week. We have more after this. Napoleon is duping us all around louisiana. Youre a nincompoop phone ping gentlemen, i have just received word the louisiana purchase, is complete instant Purchase Notifications from capital one. So you wont miss a purchase large, small, or very large. Technology this helpful. Could make history. Whats in your wallet . Trish peter strzok now the house Judiciary Committee wants to question former Deputy Attorney general bruce ohr and others in the russia probe. Subpoenas could come as early as today. My next guest is suing for Documents Involvingor and others. Tom fitton the president of Judicial Watch joins me now. Tom, good to see you. Hey, trish, how are you . Trish what do you think might be there . What is your concern surrounding oar. Ohrs conversations with j ps hired by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National committee who Quote Investigate Trump they came up with the dossier authored by Christopher Steele. Ohrs problem was he involved himself in that investigation and his wife was hired by fusion gps. Nellie ohr. So we have been asking for documents and having to sue repeatedly on these very issues. And we just had to file yet another lawsuit to get this basic information about what ohr was up to with fusion gps and steele. Have you got to include peter strzok who had this antitrump agenda that included having an Insurance Policy wanting to stop trump. You have bruce ohr whose wife worked at fusion gps the Clinton Campaign vendor. You had Christopher Steele who another Judicial Watch lawsuit showed the fbi deemed not to be a suitable confidential human source. But who, according to documents leaked to congress this week show that ohr was meeting with repeatedly to launder his information back into the fbi. Its a wholly created mess the way steele was handled. Ohr is at the center of it. Strzok, ohr. Congress is on the right track and finally asking these people questions. Its been too long. Trish it certainly seems pretty incestuous here. Thats the right word. Trish given the fbi, given fusion gps and then you get over to the british spy who went and solicited information from his russian contacts. Let me ask you something, tom, do you think there is any chance that Vladimir Putin might have known this was all going on . I mean, if you want to use the greatest thing in our society against us, which is the openness of our society. Maybe youre able to do that in a way that really undermines our faith in our institutions. Well, it looks like steele may have been using russia linked sources to drum up this salacious and unverified dossier targeting trump. And why were the russians trying to make trump look bad . Were they trying to hold something over trump in order to get him to do things . Why wasnt trump warned about this prior to his being elected to the presidency . You know, look at the way they treated President Trump with dianne feinstein. Trish thats a really good comparison, right . They went and warned her and told her hey, we think you may have a spy among your Staff Members and she was able to deal with that as opposed to this situation. And the government just starts spying on the campaign. Certainly not the same kind of treatment. Let me ask you, this tom. The Clinton Campaign was the vehicle for the russians to intimidate trump and try to make trump miserable. Trish what are you trying to get from the doj . What specific documents are you looking for. We are looking for communications between ohr, his wife, fusion gps and Christopher Steele. And have you got to ask all different offices in the Justice Department if you are pursuing one topic have you file multiple Freedom Of Information acts and lawsuits. The problem with this Justice Department is you cant get any answers, you cant get any documents without a lawsuit. And we have had to file more lawsuits against this Justice Department, i think, than any previous Justice Department that we have been dealing with. Trish have you been very busy filing away. Keep it up because americans need information. Thank you tom fitton, good to see you. You are welcome. Trish democrats may be fighting for control of congress in november. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi facing a big fight of her own. Well have more on that next. But its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. Its the Ford Summer Sales event and now is the best time to buy. 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They dont want to be associated with her, Whats Going On . We are seeing a lot of democrats, trish, trying to distance themselves. They are waffling when theyre asked whether or not they would support another bid for the speakership by pelosi if democrats took back the house this fall. I think a lot of the reason for this is that they see nancy pelosi widely as this beltway elitist. Somebody who has been in washington for decades and though she might have the Fundraising Expertise and the political experience, she would be almost 80 years old as a speaker of the house. Trish all right. Im going to leave age out of it for a second. Because, you know, look, my fatherinlaw is 92 and he is still in great shape. Lets just leave age out of it that aside, what is it about her ideas that feel old for the party . I think, you know, the age thing is important. A lot of what we are hearing from these democrats, particularly the 5140 have signed on to this movement to sort of distance themselves from nancy pelosi and say that they wouldnt support her, if she decided to run for speaker is that they want fresh blood. They want people who are in touch with young democrats. The young progressives who are sort of running for congress right now. People like alexandria ocasiocortez and thats one of the reasons why this is so sort of concerning for a lot of moderate voters, independent voters and even blue. Trish dont have to go that way gabby, right . Have you folks like tim ryan out in the middle of the country that would like to give nancy pelosi a run for her money. He represents the new blue collar roots. Still a capitalist we are talking capitalism vs. Socialism. Who would have thought. They could be seeking out people like that. Why do you have to go so far left . I think thats the direction this party is moving in right now. Certainly tim ryan is somebody who would likely launch a bid for the speakership if the democrats take back control. Is he somebody who has expressed an interest in doing so. He would be the most or one of the most viable candidates for that position. And probably one of the wisest choices for democrats at this point in time. But, we have seen the democrats move so far to the left, just in the first year and a half of this presidency that it is very likely they could also put up a candidate for the speakership or House Minority leader depending on election outcome this fall that would be very progressive, that would be somebody who is endorsed impeachment efforts, that would be somebody who has endorsed abolishing ice. That is not outside the realm of possibility with the current democratic party. Trish yeah, except once again they would be committing political suicide because the i think the majority of americans push comes to shove would not go for that anyway, gabby, good to see you. Thank you very much. Thanks, trish. Trish kanye west getting grilled by jimmy kimmel last night all because he supports President Trump. Do you think he is a good president . Yes. Were you ever concerned about her being alone in the oval office with President Trump . You so famously and so powerfully said george bush doesnt care about black people make me wonder what makes you think that donald trump does. They wont hike your ratest foover one mistake. See, Liberty Mutual doesnt hold grudges. For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty and its also a story mail aabout people and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you Phone Ringing a Phones Offers big button,ecialized phones. And volumeenhanced phones. , get details on this state program. Call or visit call or visit everyone around me tried to pick my candidate for me. Umhuh. And then told me every time i said i liked trump that i couldnt say it out loud or my career would be over, i would get kicked out of the black community. You cant bully me. Liberals cant bully me. News cant bully me. The Hip Hop Community cant bully me because at that point if im afraid to be me im no longer ye. Trish kanye west defending his support for President Trump in an interview with jimmy kimmel last night. The media now slamming the rapper for what he did and did not say is any of this fair we are asking racial equality spokesperson nigel ennis and robin bureau. Starting with you, niger, what do you make of this . You are not allowed to support trump by the way . Im sorry . Trish he is note allowed to support trump because is he africanamerican . Oh, trish, there is an intellectual tyranny in hollywood, the Hip Hop Community, within black america, hispanic america, even among some called feminists if you get off of the plantation that you are supposed to be on because of Identity Politics or identity industry, then you have hell to pay. Let me give you a really frightening example. Louis farrakhan who is not i have not been the biggest fan of his over the years there is no question is he an extremely influential powerful historic figure Louis Farrakhan flirted with the possibility of voting for donald trump and kicking open the door for noi folk to vote for donald trump. He got so much pressure put on him that within a few days he had to distract the world with antisemitic greatest hits. If you can intimidate Louis Farrakhan or give Louis Farrakhan pause, can you imagine what goes on for the Rank And File black or hispanic or woman that wants to support donald trump openly . Trish yeah, you know, kanye west is lucky in that he is not Rank And File. What he says has a pretty big impact and there are so many members of the Africanamerican Community right now, robin that are saying look, you know, this is great. Our community has better access to jobs right now. The economy is doing better. Black unemployment lowest level its been in recent history. Same with unemployment levels for women, for hispanics. Minority communities in a better economy are seeing much more opportunity. Does this make the left nervous . You know, not really, this is continuing a trend that started in 2010. Which coincidently which is when the aca went into effect. Npr actually did a good study where they fact checked this and they showed that it is basically a Straight Line of continuing the employment for the black community. Trish i get it the jobs we are seeing right now is all because of oklahoma. Is that what you are going to tell me . Im saying its continuing the trend that started in 2010. And its been a steady trend. It didnt have a big bump when donald trump took office. I dont know trish niger . 2010 is also the beginning of the tea party actually not the beginning but its when the tea party reached its full zenith and the house of representatives was taken back by the republicans and nearly took the United States senate as well. We can go to any particular year and actually, i would actually argue the fact very serious phenomenon was the fact that republicans had more power in 2010 and come 2011, they were more of a check on Obama Manifesting ultimately his far left agenda. And i do believe that that had an impact probably positive impact on an economy that could have been much worse than it was during those last few years of the obama years. Trish let me get back to the issue at hand here. Robin, why is it that a Black American Cannot Come Out and say without getting ridiculed. Without getting Tarred And Feathered so to speak by other members of the left . Why cant an africanamerican say i support this president . I like his policies . How come . Nothing is stopping him from doing that this is kanye being kanye. Im glad he is being his authentic self. Im glad he is very happy for Kim Getting Clemens for alice johnson. That was wonderful. Trish you heard what he said. They told him it was going to ruin his career. Why . He also said though that he loves donald trump the same way i loves his brother who is incarcerated for murder who did bad things. Trish all right. You are pivoting here. You are going off on a tangent because the question im just trying to answer and it keeps coming up over and over and over again. Niger, i will let you take a stab at this one. The left is so intolerant of anybodys opinions or views its my way or the highway. I think real diversity includes that diversity of thought and you are welcome to your own opinion. But why cant someone like kanye west do that without risking his career . You know, its so interesting. A good buddy of mine deroy murdock, a Fox News Contributor always would say how is it that if you say that all blacks lookalike thats racist but if you order, demand or assume that all blacks think alike,thats somehow not racist. Trish all right. Wow. Well be right back. Thanks so much, guys. Thank you. Thank you. No matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Before you can achieve a higher standard of craftsmanship, you need a higher standard of craftsman. 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