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Business news and analysis. For, and the russians provided. So it seems in all fairness if youre looking at the Trump Campaign, youd want to be looking at the other side too if you want to know what russia is up to. Why dont they . Trish, in all fairness, what youve seen the special counsel do is follow the facts where they lead. You have publicly indictments, evidence that the Russian Intelligence Services tried to infiltrate the Democratic Campaign to release emails to help the Trump Campaign. Fbi agents have corroborated, brought it to a grand jury. I dont think you can criticize that piece of this investigation. Why are they not looking to the hillary side . If youre going to talk about collusion and believe that somehow that russian Attorney Meeting at trump tower with jr. Equating to collusion, why wouldnt it be by the way, they werent paying for anything in that meeting. That meeting happened out in the open for everyone to see. There were security cameras, security guard, an email trail. If im Vladimir Putin, i like the idea of Planting Bread Crumbs along the way that the media and the left will field. But the dossier is not being looked at . Thats a great speech. But i trust our authorities to connect the dots. Despite the clear bias by so many involved in the inveri vev investigative process . The dossier has information which is true or correct. When i was a prosecutor, i cared less about who brought it to me than if it was true or false. I can tell you as a journalist, i care very much about the authenticity of the information that comes to me. Its the first darn question i would be asking if i were there, part of the fbi or muellers team. Why would you trust how would that get you a fisa warrant, a bunch of garbage or hearsay that the russians are providing for Opposition Research . Ive worked on fisa warrants. Theyre incredibly long and detailed. Theres independent and impartial judges that look over it. There was probable cause. Thats what that part of the investigation looked at and went forward. The question you have, Shouldnt An Investigation be partial and shouldnt it look at the entire scope of wrong doing. That is absolutely important. It doesnt mean when theres wrong doing we should ignore it. You think it was wrong does that meeting with the russian lawyer prove something to you . Donald trump jr. Lied about it. Theres reporting that President Trump lied about it. I get concerned more about people lying in general. The president of the United States shouldnt be lying to anybody. As a defense counsel, prosecutor, i tell folks not to live. Theres a problem now. This is what im worried about right now. Vladimir putin is a smart guy. He operated in the kgb. He knows how to plan things and he knows how to use the openness of our society against United States. And he knows how to use state media. The media has fallen for it, the left has fallen for it. If we want fairness, investigate it all. I want to know everything that happened. Thanks very much. Thank you. The president putting the spotlight back on the Mueller Probe instead of the economy and the jobs. Is that a mistake . Jointing me now, ashley pratt. Kathy arue and shelby holiday. You have a great economy to brag about right now, shelby. You know the economist on earlier telling me he thinks this is going to be a stellar jobs number friday and we could be heading to the lowest Unemployment Levels ever in this country. Gdp, 4. 1 . Should the president stick to that instead of the other stuff . I think republicans want him to stick to that. What were hearing is talk about more tariffs, an escalate of the trade war and possibly shutting down the government. Theyre not usually seen as positives for the economy. I will give trump the benefit of the doubt. He is making head way in getting trade concessions. Hes talking about the Trade Balance lately. He does touch on the economy. He wants the media to cover it more often but creates distractions that are not related to the economy. So ashley, we doesnt he . Im not sure. Ive yet to figure out his strategy. Somehow he was elected and it worked for him. He seems to thrive in these situations. The media jumps to it. He switches to someone else. Why are we talking about this now . It might not be something that comes up in november. You have to think based on political strategy alone, this doesnt make much sense. It gives Talking Points to democrats come november or the midterms or his reelection in 2020 and to go after him and say Obstruction Of Justice when it comes to ask sessions to stop the Mueller Probe. Let it play out. As many republicans do, i wish this would no longer continue and that he could just sometimes just be quiet and not send out that tweet and its something that still seems to be working to his advantage despite the amount of times that people counsel him not to do it. If it keeps working, right . Why stop, kathy . Im not sure what his rationale is. Does he no what hes doing . It is working. Nobody likes shutdown politics. Thats what hes saying when the government will shut down. Its not good for any party, the democrats or the gop. So i dont understand why hes threatening to shut down the government at a time like this when unemployment next are looking so great and the economy is doing so well. Why does he do these things . I wonder, shelby, at the wall street journal, who has covered business and ceos like me and i wondered to a certain exte exten extent, is this for the Negotiation Process and Mitch Mcconnell and we better do something . Senator shelby saying yesterday, theres nothing like fear as a motivator. Is this what is driving this and the president wanting to see something done so he presents worst Case Scenario . It is possible. He is dead set on getting the border wall. He wants the funding. The irony, congress is taking steps to funding the border wall. Theyre further ahead than they usually are. Congress is looking good when it comes to funding and theyre starting to give the president what he wants. So thats what is so frustrating to republicans and also democrats when he goes on twitter and talks about shutting down the government when he makes these speeches at rallies. Doesnt add up with reality. A lot of frustration on capitol hill. Thanks so much to all of you. President trump continuing his road show touting the economy and gop candidates in key races across the country, including governor georgia gubernatorial candidate brian kemp. Hes here. We need more republicans, we need more votes. The other day we endorsed a great gentleman from georgia. He was probably five points down. He won the election by 40 points. Trish that was President Trump talking about brian kemp, the republican candidate for governor of georgia. Now a tight race with democrat rival stacy abrams. Its part of a new push by the president to get out the develop for gop candidates. Joining us right now, georgia republican, brian kemp. We called stacy abrams as well but she was unavailable. Great to be with you. Everybody is all in on this race. Were hopefully wanting to get them back to georgia. Hopefully the Vice President will be back. Were on the ground working hard. Were back at work now pushing hard to get the vote out. Tremendous excitement that im seeing on the ground that quite honestly ive not seen in a long time in georgia. Trish what is fuelling that . I think just having a nominee on the republican side that was, you know, kind of a comefrombehind kid, if you will. I ran a campaign that was based on putting georgia first ahead of the special interests, the status quo, the politically correct. Those that are hear illegally people are ready for that. Theyre tired of special interests. Thats what the president ran on. Thats what i ran on, Putting Georgians first. Trish you think about the issues that resonate most in georgia. Theyre National Issues as well. Whether its the economy, whether its immigration. What are voters telling you is most important to them . Well, ive traveled all 159 counties in the state in my role as secretary of state. Ive been in the private sector, a Small Business guy in construction and agriculture. When i go across the state, people are really asking the question, who is up there fighting for us . Who is fighting for as at the state capitol, for the working georgian, the georgian family. Trish its the economy. Its the economy and keeping our family safe. We have a Drug Cartel Problem here. Thats one reasons been so strong on tracking and deporting illegals, going after street gangs. Line up with the president on that one. You think about gangs like m. S. 13, drugs, Sex Trafficking Epidemics in our state. Im going to keep our families safe. Im a father of three teens. Thats something that my wife and i are concerned about. Ive also been hard working in georgia. While the economy is great, theres still parts of the state, the smalley guys, Little Lady Working Georgian out there that needs the help and thats why ive gone after cutting Government Regulations and making us number 1 for Small Business in the country. Trish and the Small Business is the engine of the country. What is about your opponent that distinguishes you the most in the conservatives say the fact that shes liberal. Walk me through the biggest difference in policy. Well, its even worse than that. Its really a radical liberal. Stacy abrams, you know, very articulate, very smart. She just has radical views on wanting to grow government, raising taxes, you know, trying to have the Big Government policies that didnt work in the barack obama administration. Theyre bad for georgia. Throwing more government money after these programs is not the solution we need. We need to open up private sector markets. We need to empower small business people, georgians and entrepreneurs. We need high Speed Internet in our state. We need somebody that knows the state that will push those things and move our whole state forward versus trying to please people in new york and california. Trish Let Me Go Big Picture with you. This is a problem right now within the Democratic Party overall. Historically the kind of represented more Working Class and theyve gotten away from that, whether its with Hillary Clinton, whether its with Elizabeth Warren or you opponent there. You also have Bernie Sanders that has captivated a big part of the party. What does this mean for republicans . Not just your race by the midterms. Are the democrats too far from center right now . Well, i think they are. When you think about some of the people that have been elected around the country that have gotten National Exposure that have a socialist agenda, that is way too far. Its not going to play in georgia. Trish i have to leave it there. Were up against a hard break. Thanks for joining us. Back with more next. Omar, look. [ Thunder Rumbles ] omar, check this out. Uh, yeah, i was calling to see if you do laser hair removal. For men. Notice that my hips are off the ground. [ Engine Revving ] and then, im Gonna Pike My hips back into downward dog. [ rhythmic tapping ] hey, the rain stopped. A bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. Tell me about that dental procedure again i can still taste it in my mouth progressive helps keep you out there. New laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. And its also a story mail aabout people save 200 on this dell laptop and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Trish facebook, tritter and alphabet executives are facing questions on election security. Facebook said they shut down 32 fake accounts and pages that could be linked to russia. I want to go to a former cia op mike baker. Mike, walk me through the history russia has had with disinformation. Theyre now ability to use it in more clever ways given the internet. Isnt this something that they have always done . Yeah, theyve done this in a very organized fashion, devoting resources to it for over 75 years now. Anybody that has been following this over a period of time isnt surprised. You know, its not as if they decided they would jump in to the 2016 election and begin meddling. Obviously technology has provided more efficiencies. Theyve been very good at adapting or adopting those technologies. Overall, the concept has always been the same. Chip away at our belief in the u. S. And around the west in democracy, create chaos, create instability. You know, get infighting and look, frankly they were successful as a result of what they did in the 2016 election. Look at us. Were throwing Hand Grenades and nobody is in the middle. Trish exactly. The Mainstream Media is helping them. So given your background at the cia and given your background on intelligence, tell me what you know about Vladimir Putin and his Sophistication Level when it comes to intelligence and assuming that hes pretty sophisticated, would he have had one of his ops go starting into trump tower with an email record to try to sit down and offer intel on the on Hillary Clinton to donald trump workers . Is that how its done . Youll do whatever you think you can get away with and whatever you have the resources to engage it. Trish Isnt It Obvious . Obviously they were trying to manipulate the election. That was discoverable. That was easy to find out. Now the media is going on and on about this meeting. I wonder if putin might have had her deliberately go in there. If hes a sophisticated person, i dont think thats how you would run an intel op. I dont want to give him credit for being sophisticated. He has the advantage of essentially running a regime, right in so you will do from an operational perspective, i cant speak to exactly what he did. That is all speculation. Nobody knows how this played out. I can tell you from an operational perspective, you do everything that you can fit in your playbook. Some is sophisticated and some is not elegant. Youre going to attack from every angle. The fact that were talking about this is surprising. Look, hes now created this lack of trust that americans have, half the country, anyway that dont believe donald trump should be president. That said, how do we stop this from happening again, how do we stop their influence and i dont think we can rely on the Tech Companies to do it for us. Right. A, we have to start from the realization that were not going to stop them. Theyve been engaging in this for generations. What we have to do, look to minimize, disrupt and prevent. The fact that we engaged in this public conversation, thats step one. For the general public, the voters out there, from all weeks of life and both sides of the spectrum, they have to be aware that this exists. Thats a good thing. You have to then hope that the voter is an educated voter. By that, i mean theyre going to think about the things that they read on twitter and facebook and theyre going to do selfevaluation. To some fact checking. Then we have an improvement in the way the Tech Companies are talking amongst themselves and more importantly, were getting twoway engagement, which is critical between the Tech Companies and law enforcement. The fbi, dhs and others that over the years has been a oneway flow of information to the government. Without the government then stepping in saying, we have to share some of our knowledge and what we know with the companies. Theyre doing that now. Thats critical. Trish ill tell you, its important to tell you that the companies have allegiance to us and not their customers. There was a situation where intel informed the Chinese Government about an issue that they had that would comprise security for their customers. The Chinese Government knew before the u. S. Did. We need to government need to ensure that that doesnt happen again. All of these companies are remembering their allegiance to us first. Thanks, mike. Thank you. Trish a union slamming the governor of oregon for the abolish ice movement. Shes here next. Let your perfect drive come together at the Lincoln Summer Invitation sales event. Get 0 apr on select 2018 lincoln models plus 1,000 bonus cash. But i am a simple farmer. Bas my life is here. [telephone ring] ahoyhoy. Alexander graham bell here. No, no, my number is one, you must want two two, i say like my father before. [telephone ring] like my father before. Ahoyhoy as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. Terror and lawlessness. The mayor calling accusations inaccurate and inflammatory. The president of the national ice council, chris crane, joins me now. Let me ask you, chris first of all, ill say we did reach out to the mayor to join us. We have not heard back. What is your reaction to what you guys are saying . Its a little disbelief. But a little political spin coming from the mayor right now. Hes trying to make the case there was no need for police protection. We just have a handful of employees in the building surrounded by hundreds of protesters. They blocked the entrances and exits. The folks were trapped in the building. When they tried to leave, protesters surround their cars, damaged their cars. Threatened lives. Its been a desperate situation for them. Protesters followed them home, followed them when they picked up their kids at day care. Repeatedly threatening their lives. This is not a normal protest where people are trying to express their free speech. This was siege of an ice facility. People dont know this. This isnt getting covered in the Mainstream Media. We lost that building for ten days, almost two weeks the protesters took control of the building. These were not normal protesters. Theyre antifa and others. Absolutely unacceptable. Trish why do you think theyre reluctant to give the employees the protection they need . Its about politics. He disagrees with the president s policies on immigration. I have to mention theyre that the protesters are there allegedly to protest ices separation of families when in fact it was the Border Patrol that was given the direction to separate the families down on the border, not our ice employees. Certainly not ice employees in portland, oregon, 1,000 miles away from the order. Its none nonsensical. Weve asked to meet with him. Like you, were not hearing back from the mayor at this point. Were hoping moving forward he will provide employees protections that the other set sens have and we can move passed this. Trish are you fearful . Are the ice employees fearful . People saying look, i didnt sign up for this . I dont think our folks are saying they didnt sign up for it. Theyre looking for Stronger Leadership from dhs and ice on these matters. They want to proper equipment and training to deal with this event. Were not going to let people like this scaring us out of doing our jobs to include the mayor of portland. Yeah, theres cause for concern when people are following you back to your home and threatening you and your family, trapping you in a building and youre all alone and theres no police there to respond and help. Yeah, its a situation of concern. Trish chris crane, thanks so much. Thank you. Trish day two of the trial for Paul Manafort. Testimony today focusing on manaforts lavish lifestyle. Peter doocy has the latest. Hi, peter. Trish, the Manafort Team is trying to make the case that Paul Manafort funded a lavish lifestyle that was funded by International Transfers paid by ukrainian politicians that were clients of his. When the mueller team tried to use photos of fancy clothes, the judge said that could prejudice the jury and the judge added during a discussion about highend retailers that if it doesnt come from mens warehouse, he doesnt know anything about it. The judge stressed as he did yesterday, its not illegal to have a lot of money and throw it around. The photos at issue that were not allowed to be put into evidence were all taken during an fbi raid on manaforts condo not far from here in virginia. It was reported it was a noknock raid where agents busted in. Today the seizing agent testified they did Knock Three Times wand nobody answered so they used a key to get in. The fbi agent added under Cross Examination he was not surprised. Nobody answered at 6 00 a. M. Manafort was standing there when they entered. The mueller team did make a big announcement today that could have a profound impact on their case. Star witness rick gates, former Manafort Deputy and business man of the Trump Campaign might not testify. The mueller team say they evaluate every single witness, including one that could be their star, who is also the one that the Manafort Team says cant be trusted. Trish . Trish thanks, peter. Do President Trump and republicans just get another wave of momentum for another round of tax cuts . New numbers that could be making their case. Were on it for you. And point, click, repeat. A lot. Why americans are spending more of their time on screen team. See you here. Your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. Trish more good news on jobs. Adp reporting 219,000 new private sector jobs in july. That is more than expected. All coming ahead of the governments Big Jobs Report which is out this friday morning. More good news on the economy give the white house and republicans more juice to push a second round of tax cuts . Lets ask market watcher, gary, scott and deidra. Gary, what are you hearing about this . Potential tax cuts 2. 0 in the works . That is potential. Investors are saying this is not the best idea. Theres a lot of people looking to wage growth. Remember the last time we saw a figure that economists deemed hot in february, that really sent a lot of volatility in the markets. The conclusion and the question comes, what is the fed going to do . If we see wage growth, means raising rates. Looks good. Looks strong. A lot of people im saying are just hold the course. Stay the course. Trish scott, deidra brings up something important. We would love to see wage raises. I could use a raise. Trish look at the inflation weve had. We havent seen enough inflation in actual wages. So does that at some point start to happen . Is the job market that tight . It should. Another conundrum, with the great Profit Growth weve seen at these Great American companies,some of that is great to trickle down to mr. And mrs. Worker. We need to see more training, better education and we need to see the higher end jobs get filled. What well see is the next leg up in wage growth. What is that . About 3 year over years by our research. That is better than where we came from and a good trajectory Going Forward to 2019. Trish ill take that over no wage growth for sure, which is what weve seen a lot of. Gary, does the fed stay the course here . Today they did. They didnt raise rates. They said theyre committed to the two Interest Rate hikes later on this year. Theyll throw a couple more this year as long as the economy is sound and the markets are cooperating. Keep in mind the bigger story on policy. Europe and japan are still printing money. And things are down in china. Good for the market as weve seen. And with our economy right now trish im going to jump in. You get easy money from the likes of china. Doesnt that create a stronger dollar here . Does it make it that much harder for us to sell things over seas . Thats the right point especially to make today. We saw the dollar rising earlier today. Weve heard from the Trump Administration that they double the muscle of the tariffs. You brought us the headlines going from 10 to 25 . More than double. One of the justifications at least if were talking about ideas is that the chinese luann has dropped 6 . That makes it easier for china to sell whatever they want to sell in any other country. Trish you think that is the motivation there . Are the chinese devaluing their currency so their products are more affordable . The motivation is they have problems. They have a ton of debt and its affecting the economy over there. I think thats more to do with it than anything. Im not so worried about our dollars. Our dollar is strong because we are. Were the envy of the world and we havent seen that in a long time. Its good to be a part of. Trish yeah, if you want to take that overseas vacation. Nice to have a stronger dollar. Oh, yeah. Trish what are you looking at for friday . Friday were thinking about 225 with revisions to the prior two months, which is big, boys and girls. That shows you the trends are intact. 3. 0 . Book it. Thanks, guys. Its not that great. I get it. Trish listen, exactly. Everything is relative, right . Scott, good to see you. Gary, deidra, thank you. Think youre drowning in the screens here . Wait until you hear touch time were spending on them after this. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They took care of everything a to z. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. And accessoriesphones for your mobile phone. Like this device to increase volume on your cell phone. Phone Ringing get details on this State Program Call or visit trish a new nielson report showing that americans are watching and listening to more than 11 hours of media a day. My god, right . The same report saying millennials are Spending Half of their time on digital platforms. Is it too much . Id say so. 11 hours. Joining me right now, Mike Gunzelman and cat is here, too. Its a lot, right . 11 hours. Good to see you in person. We always communicate in person. I agree that were spending too much time on the phones. An average person swipes their phone 2,000 times a day. Thats wild. That is crazy. Trish have you ever can you go without your phone . I cant go for longer until this segment is over. I love my phone. Were best friends forever. I can talk to friends on my phone. I can be on twitter, watch teen mom ii on my phone. I can do all of these things that are better than a conversation. People say cat, get off your phone. Ill be like you should try to be more interesting. Maybe i will. Trish i hear that. Do you ever worry because youre spending so much time on your phone that youre not connecting as much facetoface . You have that concern . Yes. Im a difficult person to have a facetoface conversation with as mike knows. Im like yeah, okay. Cool. Because my phone and i are so close that its hard for me to get close to another person. I might be like a Wonderful Fisher woman or something and not know it. Im not getting out on the river because im too busy on my phone. Its interesting. The younger kids, thats where the problem might come. In i have a 3yearold niece and shes on the i pad all the time. Doesnt know the alphabet is but knows where the Youtube Button is. That is detrimental to kids growing up. I love social media and all of that. But from a growing up standpoint and kids that could hurt. Trish i agree. Theres some Silver Lining to this. Facebook and instagram, theyre now going to let you know how much time you spend on their platform. That could make me hate my life. Really . Eight hours. Trish but its important for parents. We got our children and i have three of them, ipads this summer because they needed it for academic reasons, prepare for the new school, blah, blah, blah. Somehow theres a bunch of games on there. And they like have netflix on it. They know how to operate these things instinctively. What we have had to do is actually take them away. Because what was so disappointing is exactly what you say. Were on them and they werent talking to each other, they werent outside playing. I said enough. Kids dont know how to play. When we were kids, its play. Are fun. Im a fan of word cookies. Whatever that meant, we would do too big of a fan. I paid money for more coins when i ran out of coins. Spent money. I did. They dinner, somebody brings up politics. Here we go. To escape that trish go to your phone. Yeah. Guy there and i get political all the time. I cant escape it. Its a mess. I hate people in real life and online. Trish i can remember when i phone. We didnt have cell phones. It was a few years before we had cell phones. You had to call a girl up for a date. I used to practice what i would say. I would write down lines and topics to talk about. Because i would be so nervous to call her. Now trish you see what youre missing, kat . I prefer texting. The phone, you have to worry about awkward silences. If youre texting, you can say i was napping. And yes, i knew that. Trish thanks so much, kat. Mike, thanks. More after this. So you have, your headphones, chair, new laptop with 24 7 tech support. Yep, thanks guys. I think he might need some support. Yes start them off right. With the School Supplies they need at low prices all summer long. Save 200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. Save 200 on this dell laptop no mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Its a hightech revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed. It intelligently senses your movement and automatically adjusts on each side to keep you both comfortable. And snoring . How smart is that . Smarter sleep. To help you lose your dad bod, train for that marathon, and wake up with the patience of a saint. The new sleep number 360 smart bed, from 999. Smarter sleep will change your life. 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