To explode his device. The suspect is it former delivery cab driver from brooklyn, came to this country from bangladesh. His name is akayed ullah. He arrived in the United States seven years ago on a socalled chain immigration visa, a visa that President Trump wants to end because it allows family members to enter the country. Ullah after the bomb, burns on his arms and stomach from the pipe bomb that was attached to his body to velcro and subtype. Three passerbys also wounded. One woman was temporarily deaf and dizzy. The smoke and haze, they call the device unsophisticated and small, but say ullah made it in electronic score, the shop he works at. The Police Commissioner, james oneill. He had burns and wounds to his body. The investigation indicates this mail was wearing and it provides, lowtech device attached to his body. He intentionally detonated that device. The fbi searched his neighborhood in brooklyn and that of his parents nearby. Ullah admitted making the bomb, but followed isis videos on the internet and tutorials on bomb making from isis sites in order to pull this off. Bill de blasio said they new york city subway is the lifeblood of the city, and it strikes at the heart of new yor new york. Let us be clear, new yorkers, our lives revolve around the subway. When we hear of an attack in the subway, is incredibly unsettlin unsettling. Lets be also clear, this was an attempted terrorist attack. Thank god the perpetrator did not achieve his ultimate goals. 2010, here in times square, it does attempted terrorist attack that also fizzled thankfully. Ullah is expected to have terrorism charges in court. The same federal courthouse which six weeks ago terry suspect appeared. As you mate recalled, carrying out the isis inspired terrorist attack in the bike lane by driving the home depot pickup truck, killing eight people. Neil eric shawn, thank you very much. What are investigators focusing on right now . Form fbi fbi assistant director. Ron, what do you think . Speak i think they will be starting with people in the links of a chain migration that eric mentioned. That is a starting point. They certainly will be conducting a detailed search of his house of a social media, social network. Phone contacts the holdings overseas to see what the other three other agencies may have about this person. Very disturbing and concerning that someone of this nature, even this lowtech of a device gets into the heart of manhattan and able to explode a. Neil what is interesting coming he bundled that, but he could have done a lot of damage. I know it is already a sigh of relief that this is been stopped, but by the grace of god, a couple of turns of advents, it couldve been a different outcome. Very true. Even crudely crafted device that may have not detonated as he intended, and typically terrorists are looking to load these things up with scrap metal. We are looking at detonating something with significant power in a confined space with a lot of people and the ideal target, certainly ideal for a terrorist target in new york city he came out injured and not so much for everybody else is really miraculous. Neil what do you think in terms of help he may have had . It looks like he was not a particularly good craftsman and this was the first device he built. It certainly Law Enforcement will be looking for evidence that he built others and may have taken them someplace to detonate them. He was not a very good craftsman, and as i said, these devices can turn deadly. We saw that with the body builder a few decades ago. Who had a fire and destination prematurely and injured him. These things can go off, black powder as the explosion, those things are sensitive to pressure and friction, i looked like he was not very rehearsed. Probably did not have a lot of help. Sounds like radicalized or learned on the internet. That is a good thing for other people that were in the subway tunnel today. Neil when they talk about randall radicalized on the internet, weve talked about this and get together talk while these attacks, does that mean that he was radicalized on his own and was reading things on the own and became more aggressive . It can be a combination of things. Videos are available, although some of the firms are doing better and better at pulling those sorts of graphic terrorinspired videos down as soon as they are identified. They are there are online magazines that are terror magazines that you can locate pieces or potentially a whole m, you can learn and read about the destruction, read about the ideology, and it can be a combination of that. It can certainly be people in the neighborhood, people associated, and certainly the internet is a driver of these things. Neil thank you so much, ron hosko. Former fbi assistant director. This is the second time in many months that we have seen targeting the big apple. The passage New York Times card today and the truck attack in Lower Manhattan on halloween. The Governor Andrew Cuomo saint, new york is a major target and always will be this is new york. The reality is we are a target by many, who would like to make a statement against democracy, against freedom. We have a statue of liberty and our harbor, and that makes us an international target. Neil i have the pleasure like it or not, the city and many others are targets for those who wish us ill. Here we go again. This could have been a whole lot worse, but it is a reminder that bad guys like going after big cities, the big apple, chief among them. Absolutely. This is concerning, but is not surprising. This attack should not be surprising for a number reasons for number one, new york city. That has always been on the terrorist watch list in terms of targets. Number two, transportation hub. We saw this happen in the crosswords of the times square area and Port Authority underground. Unknown type of target. Number three, devin calling for these types of attacks and we have seen this over the past year. I guess also number four, the fact that there is an online seems to be, he was probably part of a larger coordinated team with highlevel training, but probably came across a material online in some way or contacted with terrorists and found materials online. All for those show why this is concerning, but not surprising. Neil obviously, we have enough intelligence to determine that there was chatter, noise about something in new york. Something at christmas time, something during the holidays. We knew enough about an intention. It is hard to go from there, because it is a big city. A lot of chatter, right . Obviously, around the holiday time we have strategic warnings. The state department before the Worldwide Travel alert had a holiday alert a month ago. We saw last year in germany Christmas Market bombing. More increase perimeters in washington. I just drove past the market square, and these are areas of concern. Again, that is a strategic warning. Not a tactful warning with specific intelligence on a specific time or place. Millions of people in the morning commuting in new york city. It is very difficult unless an individual is on a watch list or science to pick up on and lead up to an attack. I will say, the previous guest mentioned, a lot of the content while the Tech Companies taken down some, its a lot online. As an exbattlefield. Our organization has been trying to Pressure Companies to get this radicalization material off the internet. Youtube recently took down videos that were instrumental in many of these radicalization cases. There is still a wide array of materials to look on and radicalize them from the comfort of their own home or iphone. Neil tara maller, incorporated u. Former cia analyst the immigration plan with extreme beddings, woodhead had exchanged neck change any of us connect more after this. If his policy had been in place, the attack would not be allowed to come into the country this is electricity. This is a power plant. This is tim barckholtz. Thats me this is something he is researching at exxonmobil using fuel cells to capture Carbon Emissions at power plants. This is the potential. Reducing co2 emissions by up to 90 . While also producing more power. This could be big. Energy lives here. Looking for a hotel that fits. Whoooo. Your budget . Tripadvisor now searches over. 200 sites to find you the. Hotel you want at the lowest price. Grazi, gino find a price that fits. Tripadvisor. Looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. Neil the white house is not wasting time calling for Immigration Reform in the wake of todays terror attack. Could anything been done in those prior crackdowns on legal immigrants and regular immigrants insight into the system here had change what happened . Fox news alice kevin corke. The white house once again with the call for chain migration. With todays bombing in the city benefited from exactly that. Let me sort of explain this so the folks at home who do not follow the inside baseball terminology, chain migration, it is a process that allows immigrants to sponsor the migration of extended family members. A mom, dad, grandparent, cousin, et cetera. The 27yearold in custody following the attack is from bangladesh, had lived in the u. S. Since 2011, according to department of homeland security, benefited from the type of chain migration that the president and several key lawmakers want to end. Is a growing threat against people inspired by isis who had been radicalized on line . The present is concerned that congress, particular democrats have failed to take action in places where we feel we could have prevented this. Specifically the president s policy has called for an end to chain migration, if that had been in place, that would have prevented this individual from coming to the United States. The president is aggressively going to continue to push forward responsible Immigration Reform. And any chain migration will certainly be a part of that process. Wasting no time. 70 of immigrants in 2005, 2015 benefited from chain migration, thus the push by the white house to curb the practice but i should also point this out. You would find this interesting. Hundred 40,000 nationals from bangladesh have immigrated to this country between 2005 and 2015. From perspective, that is almost equal to the entire population of the city of syracuse, new york. A lot of people thats a great deal of intention from the white house moving forward. Neil thank you. The suspect was as kevin pointed out, does he have legal rights . Defense attorney coming up. Yes, he does have legal rights. The constitution by being here in the United States. I heard senator Lindsey Graham earlier this morning ask that this guy be treated as an enemy combatant peered i have to tell you. I agree with senator graham. My rationale for that agreement is simply this. When somebody commits a terrorist act, where they are trying to kill us in this country. I think the Intelligence Community should have that person tried to get all of the information that they can prior to them lawyering up and having constitutional safeguards. Neil i do worry about the lawyering up. Theres a brief period, where you may have a shot at getting something from that. Do suspect the authorities have or know . In this instance, it seems that this guy was very talkative and giving the authority quite a bit of information. Again, that is probably voluntarily and prior to him speaking to a lawyer, because if he came to me, and advised him of his miranda rights, i would tell them to shut up and not say anything if i was going to be his lawyer. Again, that is a catch22 in this country right now. Neil switching gears, do you think he had helped . It is hard to say at this time, because he was such an amateur about the manner in which he made this bomb the way he carried this bomb and the manner in which it appeared to have exploded. But i can tell you, neil, that is certainly something that the authorities are clearly following up on at this stage in the investigation. Neil what happens when these things i often say is more coincidental then we have a report that isis is on the run or in trouble in iraq, getting shut down in iraq or syria and all these other countries and lo and behold, a lone wolf inspired by isis, radicalized by and to isis pulls on Something Like this. That cannot be accidental. It cannot be accidental and it is not accidental. These guys are enabling you, social media sites, and isis in these other groups know how to influence individuals who are here already in the United States and how to radicalize them here to do the harm that they do. It is sort of like a needle in the haystack. You cannot get all of these guys, the Intelligence Community clearly has some of these guys on the radar screen, but is very difficult getting someone who radicalize us, wakes up and says, im going to make a bomb, and im going to go out and kill americans. Neil amazing. Thank you very much. By the way, politics now, were just getting word that Charles Barkley of auburn basketball legend will be campaigning for doug jones, and alabama tonight. Obviously, the pressure and the big names are on. The closing arguments for alabama voters with the big election tomorrow. More after this. Neil down to the final hours in the Alabama Senate campaign. Roy moore and doug jones trying to get a boost from big names in the respective parties. Hilary vaughn, in the matter mf alabama. They tell me theyve never seen an election like this, they expect 20 of voters to hit the polls tomorrow. Across alabama are raining with the big names in both parties sending out robocalls, barack obama, former Vice President joe biden, and President Trump also getting called to rally their support from both parties. The latest fox news poll, jones is ten points ahead of moore. States are really high for moore tonight as he faces a conservative base for a final time before polls open tomorrow. He is holding a drain the swamp rally at the barn behind me here in midland city. He will have a full bench of conservatives firebrands behind him including steve bannon. A source tells fox news, one of the guests will be sheriff david clark, and a source close to steve bannon what their strategy is here tonight, steve and the gang will lay out the case why doug jones is a radical leftist democrat, trying to take down President Trump. Democrat jones and pack of lunatic leftists like corey booker are trying to desperately invade alabama to push trump out of office. Jones today jumping on unconfirmed reports that moore was out of the state over the weekend attending the army navy game. That has not been confirmed, but jones nevertheless taken the opportunity to attack his opponent. Roy moore was not even in the state of alabama over the weekend. You all have covered out dominic politics for a long time. What have you heard of a candidate for statewide office leaving the state connect moore did not have any campaign events, but while jones is getting more face time with voters, moore says jones is pretending to be a candidate that he is not. I think he is viciously attacking me, because he knows his values, standards are not what the alabama people find dear to them. He is basically painting himself as a moderate when in fact he is a very liberal democrat. There is still a chance that some conservative voters here can choose to write in a candidate instead of backing moore if they are still not sold that he is the right guy for the job. We have talked to Many Republican voters throughout the state as he went on our road trip around town over the weekend and a lot of people said, they still have not made their mind up yet, neil. Neil hilary vaughn, thank you very much. The polls can be all over the map, but one stood out, the fox news poll, jones leading moore by 10 points. Frank, always good to have you. I dont think ive ever seen such disparity in polls, sometimes coming out the very same day. What is going on . I told people, do not pay attention, because you do not know what will happen. Lets say that you are right, 20 turnout, who turns out determines who wins. I do not see the same kind of excitement in the Africanamerican Community between 95 and 97 . I do see tremendous excitement with conservatives trying to state a message in favor of moore, and against the democratics and elitists in washington, d. C. That said, i cannot call it, and ive never been afraid to call election up to this point, because i do not know the makeup of the actual electric tomorrow. Neil it is about jazzing your base, i guess. Charles barkley, the basketball great will be there. The president has been robo calling on behalf of roy moore. These outside players, and as big and important they are with the president and Charles Barkley, can they bring out the votes . I do not believe Charles Barkley will come up very well respected in the state for his commentary and athletic prowess. I have a chance to talk to more voters done there. You can see it on you too if you type in my knee. Listening to what the voters had to say, their priority was sending someone who is not undermined that trump agenda. Alabama is one of President Trumps strongest states, and to send someone they believe was a true conservative, who is prepared to fight for conservative values. There is a tremendous amount of aggression, neil. It is outright passion and anger against both sides. I have to wonder how long it will take for the state to heal itself after the election. It really is tearing itself apart. Neil neil at the issue r democrats, they quietly hope that moore will when met, i will always be an albatross around the neck of republicans. What you make a back . Nobody ever hopes to lose an election coming to matter what they say. That is political posturing. They want to send a message across the bow, and democratic alabama senator, bell scare people in washington, d. C. Conversely, if you elect judge moore, you will have weeks and months of controversy right here in washington an investigation and whether he get seated. Its one of the reasons voters are paying more attention to this election than any obvious special election in modern time. Everybody has an opinion, everybody is emotional about it, and nobody wants to hear from the other side. The division that i speak up in alabama, it is taking place all across america. Neil a microcosm of what we have seen already peered thank you very much. Type in his name, you see a lot of good stuff. That election, it could move markets as well. A lot to do with the makeup of the united state senate, which is why on fox business we are on it as long as it takes when the polls close, and we had the final results, we are there. Here is what we have. Instant market and financial reaction around the globe. That is why getting the general news and Business News combined, all for you. More news hi. So i just got off the phone with our allstate agent, and i know that we have accident forgiveness. So the incredibly minor accident that i had tonight four weeks without the car. Okay, yup. Good night. With accident forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Mom stuffynosecold nosleep mouthbreather just put on a breathe right strip it instantly opens your nose. Up to 38 more than Cold Medicine alone go to breatheright. Com today to request a free sample. Neil we are closing in and they have to get home before rush hour in new york city and a leather like other big cities. After todays attack, what does it mean . Back in 60. Neil timing is everything, so when the terror attack in new york city, iraqi Prime Minister declaring victory against isis in his territory over the weekend, nobody really disputes the fact that isis is losing ground and influence. The thing is, it doesnt stop attacks or loan attacks. In fact, they accelerate. That is not just a coincidence. Middle east analyst. What you make of this . I think i noticed at least, it no are we highfiving having isis on the run, which we should. Its a great victory as it is for soldiers, but there is still merit and danger by orchestrating or at least galvanizing these attacks . Is seen from the onset, they are compensated with spectacular attack or some sort of Quentin Tarantino execution video. Now we are seeing them take credit for people like ullah here, who has an unsophisticated weapon and has a failed attack in regards to producing casualties. And they are looking to take credit for everything. They built a brand to take credit for everything. Neil how are they radicalizing . With new york today, if he had no help, or was not executed as a clearly dead, that he may have stumbled. There is plenty of others waiting at the gate to do the same, right . There waiting for plenty of others to do the same. They inundate the web and jihadist sites with recommendations on how to conduct an attack or training on how to conduct an attack. Neil and his city and train, how you go about doing a . Ive seen it spelled out to the t. They hope somebody buys. This is a case where isis is grasping at straws to straws, claiming responsibility. A failed attack when it comes to a terrorist attack. Anna explosive device. There was no speech 25, premature, it should be valuable information out of him as well. Neil allowed times, they morph into a new entity. Just like al qaeda, you have the splintering groups, boca or, isis, what happens now whether you deem them on the run or not. More sinister or want . We have not killed or captured top isis leadership, just taken territory away. Isis and mosul will morph into the al qaeda model where they recruit, intimidate, assassinate, and read to stabilize Northern Iraq and syria. You are still seen isis being able to conduct these attacks, but they morph into a isis 2. 0 or they go into the al qaeda model, the easiest model to survive in. You simply have sales, conduct attacks, recruit, and you become very strategic in your operations. Neil michael, very nice seeing you again. Stocks were up today. A lot had to do with the fact that it was related, but a lot of it has to do it seems like more more of a sure thing, and the key senate and house meeting right now to bridge the difference. This is as the president has it address on wednesday. What is his final stand, his final call after this e. Im here to fix the elevator. Nothings wrong with the elevator. Right. But you want to fix it. Right. So who sent you . New guy. What new guy . Watson. My analysis of sensor and Maintenance Data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. There you go. You still need a pass. Neil the president is planning to address the nation about the attacks in closing arguments on wednesday. Sometime wednesday afternoon. As the same time this Conference Committee made up of house members and Senate Members ashes out the differences, merging a final report. The hope is to get it to the president s desk before christmas. Claimants to finance Committee Member come up to me. Thank you. Is good to be back, neil. I think it looks good to get it back to christmas. We have worked, but we are working hard on it. On the phone all weekend long. Trying to get this wrapped up. I am optimistic. Neil are you worried about this alabama race, senator . With a democratic pickup, your margin shrinks more, 5149. That would be true if thats the way it turns out. I think we have a very good shot of getting it to the present desk before the signature is sworn in. Neil is ethical the goal is to get it publicly. I hope we can do it next week. Neil i do not want to do get too far, but if roy moore wins, do you think he should be seated in the United States senate . I dont think we have a choice in that matter, neil. I think the constitution is very clear. If he is seated and that is properly authenticated and certified to the officials in alabama, i think were obligated to seat him. I think at that point, it is probably going to be a matter for the Ethics Committee to investigate the charges against him. Even though they would be decade old charges, whether you agree with them or not. On the tax thing, the latest wrinkle seems to be when to implement the Corporate Tax cuts, senator, and whether you are open to time. I think the senate has a date, the house at 2018. There is talk of raising the 20 , 22 to win over some of the colleagues in the house and the senate. What do you think . Lets go back to both the house and the senate. They both have a 20 C Corporation rate. The difference is whether that takes effect on january 1st or january 18 or cold months later. At the end of the day, were not too far apart. The house and senate during the goal at being at 20 . If we can do that, and we might be able to do that. I am not i do not think it is a matter to handed down as to what the correct date is. I am open to that discussion or having that discussion. I would point out, at any case, the provision that allows full deduction for Capital Expenditures. That definitely kicks in i january 1st, 2018 under any scenario. The fact is, you might get a bigger boost of Economic Activity if you delayed the lower corporate rate, because then Capital Expenditure could be deducted against the 35 rate rather than a 25 rate. Either way, the economy is going to respond very positively to what we are doing. Neil there is talk about an increase in the deductions for state and local taxes beyond 10,000 threshold. How do you feel about that . My own preference, i think it is a bad idea to focus to subsidize people who live in high tax areas, and thats what happens when you had the deductibility of lower and higher taxes. We understand there are a number of in high Tax Jurisdiction that are involved. Thats a goal with what we want to land on. Neil with more time, you seen it with the wall street journal report but a hundred pounds plus percent amenities, and then you have individuals with the high tax states that could end up paying more, making significant remark. When people get a wind of this, they will have a little bit of sticker shock, and it is one of those, be careful what you wish for, you may get it. What do you say . Very few people that are going to have a tax increase. The story about the 100 marginal rate is very, very selective and unusual circumstance and only apply to a small group. I hope we can fix that, because that is not a desirable feature. The basic take away, vast majority of american taxpayers are going to pay less in federal taxes, and were going to encourage a tremendous wave of new investment and business expansion, both of those things are really good for the people that i represent. Neil think you for the time, we appreciate it. It terror attack near times square, how security is getting stepped up ahead of the holiday season. Just in case. You cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. Neil they want to keep extra security across the big apple on this day. Right now a former fbi special agent on how they do that. I was thinking of you, because knowing what is going on now and the concerns everywhere but any problems that might pop up, people get leary. They give very, very leery and nervous. Absolutely. Especially on the eve of christmas and the holiday season. To have an attack on new york city, which is one of the most touristdriven cities during the holidays. It is unnerving, but the nypd and the fbi have it while underhand with the prelighting anything christmas and the holidays and the end of the ceremony at times greater will go on without a hitch. Neil people get nervous, they figure, i do not know if i want to go with things that are going on. I would tell them, listen. If they want to change our way of life, but we need to continue our way of life by going shopping or seeing a show, we will visit new york and go about our everyday lives. Do what you have to do. Neil i know that, and it is good advice and know what you are saying, but help us out, manny. You have eyes on the back your head. What you look for when youre walking with your family or loved ones or friends, what you look for . Be alert and be vigilant. Look for things that are out of the ordinary, look for things that you know we all have a sick sense. You do not have to have superior training to know something is awkward or out of the ordinary. You see someone walking down the street with an oily jacket or wire sticking out from under his coat, then you know that that is not the way things are. Advise a plea Police Officer ws going on. This is going to continue to happen in different ways. Last month we saw a terrorist attack with a rented vehicle. This month, we see something within explosive device. What we know, theyre out to get us. New york is the capital of the world. So is the capital of terrorism for any want to beat terrace. We need to be vigilant, alert, and we want to help the police and be the extra eyes and ears on the street and our jobs, schools, and even amongst our families. We have a responsibility to report to them anybody that is acting suspiciously, or perhaps be radicalized, acting or talking about violence or hurting people. Let them do an investigation and perhaps stop the next attack. Neil to the truth be told, he could have done a great deal of harm. We are very lucky this time around. Obviously, this person is not sophisticated. The issue is, these materials, you can find them everywhere over the counter and information to build the bond are similar to this one is available online. They should be banned there should be a law in place to take down these websites, take down these forms of internet information and internet propaganda, where young people are being inspired internationally and in the United States as well to become a radicalized and go out on the street and do these horrible attacks. There has to be a better way that a country such of our own, which is so technically savvy, to find a way to take this propaganda off the hands of potential recruit hes. Neil thank you very much, manny. Manny gomez. We did get a statement from President Trump, that the mass murder in new york city, second one and two months, the urgent need of congress to enact legislative report form the neglect reform including the dealt america show stand firm against terrorism and extremism and assure our great institutions can address all evil acts of terror. More after this [vo] when it comes to investing, looking from a fresh perspective can make all the difference. It can provide what we call an unlock a realization that often reveals a better path forward. At wells fargo, its our expertise in finding this kind of insight that has lead us to become one of the largest investment and Wealth Management firms in the country. Discover how we can help find your unlock. You or joints. Something for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Neil the commute is on. And ready when it started this morning. Back with us right now. What are you saying . It is interesting, neil. This area where i am outside of the bus charge was an active, bustling crime scene earlier this morning. Fashion lengths everywhere. Subway service disrupted. But by this afternoon into the evening commute, amazing how new york city has returned to normal, the streets are open to traffic slowly hoping that it usually would. The subways and buses are moving as well. And a Police Presence as there is at this time of year, but the Police Commissioner said that the old saying, see something, say something. That really still applies. There are 6 Million People that ride the train everyday. Its going to take everybody to have your eyes open. Pay attention to what is going on. If you see something that makes you uncomfortable, make that phone call or talk to a cop. Give us a chance to investigate. On the state level, neil, after this mornings attempted terror attack, the governor of new york put out a statement that we should look for advanced security at certain locations. He mentioned bridges and tunnels, airports as well as transit hubs like this one. The Port Authority of the busiest bus terminal in the entire country. Back to you. Neil you realize how lucky people were in new york today. If this guy had more of his act together, more ready, it couldve been a very different story. I think that everybody realizes that. There is no doubt about it. Three injuries, and they are all very, very minor. Neil thank you, very much. Different from when it first opened up. Bottom line, the markets have a funny way of sort of taking grasp of the situation and in this case dismissing it. Records for the dow today, market seem to be focused on tax cuts. Again, it was sort of the luck of the events that did not go nearly as catastrophically as they could have. Lucky day. We just breathe a sigh of relief and hope that it stays that way. Again, we will be monitoring during this and the alabama election tomorrow with political and financial fallout from all of the above. Now the five. Jesse hello, everybody. Im Jesse Watters along with kimberly guilfoyle, dana perino, greg gutfeld, this is the five the five. Terror has struck again in new york city. Just six weeks after that truck attack in Lower Manhattan. This time a man with a pipe bomb strapped to them set off the device in a subway tunnel near times square and the height of the morning rush. Three people were hurt along with the suspect who is in custody. Here were authorities right after the incident. This was an attempted terrorist attack. Thank god the perpetrator did

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