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Will true scots have their minds made up . Decides to stay or go. We say no. We say no. We say no. This is big, this is now and this is not remotely funny. English colonel telling me to lose weight. Oh, im a heart case, he says. Well, listen up, i ate a baby oh, ay, baby, the other white meat. Baby, its whats for dinner this is our way of bringing this International Story home to you. Welcome, everybody, im neil cavu cavuto. By this time tomorrow we should know whether scotland will be part of the United Kingdom or not. For now it is simply too close the call. And it could come down to about 350,000 undecided voters, but no matter which side youre on and emotions are certainly running high. They thought it would be an easy pushover. They probably could terrify us. The scots arent easily scared. I think it would be a disaster for scotland. You need to stand on your own two feet. Let the world see what we can actually do. The english and the scots, we agree to hate each other, but if anybody attacks us, we fight together. Thats about the future of scotland and the next generations. This is a race thats so defining, so close and getting to be so big, were all over every single facet of it. And the box Business Network going live at 5 00 a. M. If the scots do bolt, is it going to give all of us a jolt . Now ahead of my very special coverage hours from now, a preview now, first of all, with amy kellogg with the very latest on how those yes vote fears could translate into a run on scottish banks. Weve got allen smith, a member of the Scottish National party who says the time for independence is now. Then, of course, the scot, you know him, the former Vice President of the United States, dan quayle, our first big guest on the impact all of this could have on businesses here. We begin with amy with the latest from scotland. Amy. Reporter hi, neil. The more you talk to scots on the street, the less your gut really feels how this is going to go. As you mentioned, it is really on a night that at times its getting ugly. Family and friends are fighting amongst each other over what is the best way to go. There are some peculiaritiepecu should say, about this particular referendum. First of all, its only people who actually live in scotland who can vote. So you could be a fifth generation kiltwearing, haggiseating whiskey barron born in a castle but you dont get to vote. You could be temporarily posted in edinburgh and you can vote. 16yearolds can vote. That was presumably the Scottish National party believing that they would be bravehearts all saying yes, we want our independence. Turns out the really young people are tending towards no. Lots of promises are being made about a sort of socialist utopia if scotland goes its own way, but a lot of the naysayers are saying theres no information about how this will all work. The bottom line, a lot of this is driven by emotion. And heres what some scots we spoke to on the street today had to say. Theres too much uncertainty. Alex simon hasnt given this proper reasoning. Its all promises and no substance. Historical things and i think its about as a team we all pull together. We should definitely take orders because we dont get many chances to do things like this, for freedom. Reporter now britains banks have sent millions of bank notes to scotland just in case theres a yes vote and panic and run on the atm machines. The top banks in scotland have said theyll move their headquarters to london if theres an independent scotland. From Deutsche Bank in germany to Allen Greenspan in the United States, there have been warnings, neil, as you know, about the effects on the economy worldwide. The implications of a yes vote. But again theres so much thats unknown. Its unknown whether scotland will be able to get into the eu again if it applies for that and to nato. So very much is yet to be understood and in the meantime, the emotions are flying and it is hard to believe that there are 6 to 20 of people, neil, who dont even know which way theyre going to vote tomorrow morning. That is amazing. One of the reasons why i will rise 5 00 a. M. Bright and early eastern time to gauge where this could go because it could redraw the entire map of europe. Wall street is concerned about a sudden shakeup in western economies, it had a funny way of showing it. The dow sprinting to a record today 17156. 92. A lot of that was buoyed by the Federal Reserve and prodovish comments about the Interest Rate not going up soon. But a lot of sanguine reaction going on that scotland will not leave her majestys kingdom. Former Vice President of the United States, dan quayle on the fallout if just the opposite occurs. Mr. Vice president , you have scottish blood in you. I do have a little scottish blood. I like the way you speak a little scottish. I wont try to do it. A lot of austin powers movies. You think the president has already indicated he hopes the United Kingdom sticks together. Our official policy that that should be the case. Most Global Leaders say the same thing. What do they fear . I think they fear if scotland does vote for independence, which i hope they dont and i dont thing that they will, theyre going to go right up to the abyss and sblook it alook i vote no. The reason is it will start a domino effect. Who is next, wales, cat loan ya. Catalonia and spain, thats been bubbling for a while. Well, yeah. Well revisit quebec again. So i dont think its going to happen. A couple things. I do not believe that these referendums on something this important should be decided with 51 . Lets just say it passes. That means 49 or say its 5050 are absolutely opposed to it. To do something this important it should have at least 60 . That means the country wants to go in this direction. Simple majority doesnt work. What is your fear . We hear it will cause a complete run on the euro, the currency will feel it. The brits could feel it. It might lead to camerons resignation. I understand and hear a lot of that, but maybe none of that happens. Forget about the political ramifications whether cameron would stay or go, it wouldnt be a good thing for his administration to preside over this. But you have this earlier with the run on the banks. What are you going to do about the currency . Well, the scots want to stick with the pound. Thats a lot easier said than done, right . Londons not going to allow that if they leave. And the way i understand it, theres actually an 18month transition period. Thats right. And my guess if it does pass, i dont think it will, but it might. Theres a lot of libertarians out there and they have the Scottish Parliament in 1998, so this is sort of the next step. Once you get to parliament, then you get to ful but that 18month transition period, within that period of time theyll figure out how to say no. Who would take advantage of the vacuum . Is there a fear that russia tries to meddle in Scottish Affairs or what . Theres just chaos. Theres chaos with the European Union because people feel that if, in fact, that the scottish members of parliament are no longer moefbs parliament and the tories will have a very Strong Majority and the majority in the tory party would like to get out of here. Not like scotlands going to get congress, right . I dont know about that. Im just talking about whats going to happen with the uk. The uk will be more inclined to withdraw from the European Union. I dont think that thats a good thing for england, i dont think its a good thing for the European Union. It just has this domino effect. How did it get here . Look, its emotion. If you are up there in scotland. This is really emotional. And whats interesting in the few soundbites you had, the proindependence people are very emotional. We want our freedom, we want our liberty. Were all bravehearts. Fine, thats emotion. People on the other side saying, folks, this is a disaster. I mean, it is a disaster. I dont know how much of a disaster it would be if they do it, but listen, take a step back. And if you listen to the two sides. Ones on reason, heres whats going to happen. You have nobody of real credibility outside of scotland and most of the people inside of scotland are opposed to it. No one from the outside is saying this is a good thing. So you need to listen to collective wisdom in this case and the fact that collective wisdom says you were coming here and i think we had 40 more countries added to the United Nations since 1980. A lot of them come courtesy of the breakup of the old soviet union, i understand that. But its hardly out of character for the world to witness these, some peacefully, others certainly whats going on in the ukraine, not nearly that. But then when you think of czechoslovakia breaking away, the check republic, it went fine. What make us fear this . But thats all new, first of all, youre talking about the United Kingdom. But theyve been shrinking for a long time. Yeah, theyve been shrinking for a long time but not with scotland. Scotland has always been sort of as a challenge for them. They gave them in parliament in 1988. They have more independence, cameron and the other two parties are up there promising certain things will be done, and if they vote no, i dont know how much its going to be. But i do think it would be very severely damaging to the scottish people. And theres geopolitical ramifications because this will snowball and where will it end . The Czech Republic after the fall of the soviet union. Understood. You have two distinct countries. Youve been to scotland and england. They speak the same language. The golf courses doesnt go away, the oil doesnt go away. Youre the expert. That woule make dire calls on something that wont be. You wont know until you do it. I do think it would be dire. I do thing it would be semidisastrous. Theres all sorts of things, pernicious things that would happen. You just had it on your clip there. I mean, just take the run on the banks. The scottish people, they love liberty, they love freedom, they like to be in the spirit of braveheart, but when they really think this thing through, i hope they dont do it. You know, it could be close. I think they have early voting over there. So the earl votes could have been cast before, you know it takes them a long time to count ballots. But if your reporters right that theres 16yearolds and the 18yearolds are favoring the no vote, that is a switch because the pro the yes campaign folks are the uns with that lowered the voting age thinking that they would vote yes. Interesting. I did not know that. Yes. Mr. Vice president , good to see you. Regards to your family and any of the scotch relative. Is the duchess going to be going dutch . Is james bond going to get his way, shaken and stirred. What about j. K. Rowling. Every almost single scot thats a brit is jumping all over this. Well be all over this starting at 5 00 a. M. Whose idea was it . 5 00 a. M. On the fox Business Network. Weve got some famous scots and brits of our own like actor brian cox who is leading the fight for independence. Andrew Lloyd Webbers daughter said that the kingdom should stay alive, to the Vice President s voice. John brown who says if divorce does happen, this ones going to be nastnasty, this one will be expensive. Theyre factoring in this not happening, scotland and Great Britain remaining together. If that doesnt happen, then katie, bar the door. Its the kind of coverage you can only get on fox business, and it all kicks off at five five five a. M. I need my beauty sleep. But im doing this for you because i think you deserve it. We fear that isis is already here. Does this new york arrest prove it . Hey, jake come on over here for a sec. Why you wanna touch my dart so bad . [ highpitched ] whys he wanna touch it . Who said i wanted to touch it . Jake, you know theyve got affordable leasing programs yeah, i know. I was just. Just think, jake, you could get your own and you could touch it whenever you wanted you could touch it all the time all the time i dont want to touch your dart. I know youre mad, jake, but youve got to get your own im not mad. I know youre mad, jake but youve got to get your own i know youre mad, jake im getting mad, but wasnt. But ya gotta get your own this could be scary because its happening in our own backyard. A man is arrested on charges that he planned to help isis and murder military members returning from iraq. Forget another lone wolf. Former fbi agent Jonathan Gil Yum fears he could be part of a much, much larger pack. Hes warned about this for quite some time. Good to have you back. Good to be here. What do we know about this guy first off . A lot is being kept behind wrap bus the fact is he was up there, he was recruiting for people to support isis and basically to carry out a jihad. And i think, you know, one of the things you just used this term lone wolf. Loan wolf and alleged. Be use those terms a lot. The guy that shot the kid over in new jersey and actually killed two other people before that in seattle, theyre saying hes an alleged jihadist. But the fact is, neil, he said that he was killing on behalf of islam and the jihad thats going on over there because of the people that were killed by americans, by the military over there. That doesnt get reported. It doesnt get reported. Officials are not trying to make us afraid . Why . I think theyre aware that something could happen. And theyre wishing that it wont or theyre wanting it not to, but you know, i tell people all the time, it doesnt matter what we want. These individuals are going to bring the fight to us unless we bring the fight to them. It was proven before in 1915. That was the most modern caliphate. Over a Million People were killed. You think about it, were focused on bringing the fight to them, whether its going to be in syria or iraq. Another effort to take the passports of anyone who has joined isis and just revoke them. What about if theyre still here, like in this guys case . They are here. The way these cells work, they work in secret. This guy might not know that guy but then they carry out an attack, certain people carry out an attack. Imagine what happened in boston sustained. Its going to be a strain on Law Enforcement. National dpaguard would have tot into it. Civilians may have to if it was sustained long enough. That was two individuals that took up almost a week. How does isis win the moment . What is isis doing to recruit . My opinion on that is any religion, when you find religion, youre very charismatic about what you want to see. And these recruiters work in that area. Its a very hot area, you know, where theres people that are just energized for god and its easy pickings. So what would you do to deal with this group . Thats here. Right. First, we need to start with i think theyre already in here. We need to secure the borders and make sure no more get in here. But we need to start being aware. One of the biggest things i preach about is awareness. People need to be aware. They need to ralz that Law Enforcement what do you look for . I know in new york thins are really abnormal. New yorkers are good at picking things that arent normal. Critical areas and critical times, right around the corner we have times square. Theres a critical area. There are times when you can go to times square where theres 50, 100,000 people. I wouldnt go there, thats a critical time. Go there later in the evening when theres not that many people. You have to look at critical times and critical areas because thats when theyll attack. You focus more on financial stuff in this show. Wall street better take a listen to this. Business owners better start listening. And ferguson, missouri, is a good example of when the police are occupied, the rest of the business can just go downhill. Good point. Jonathan, thanks, good seeing you again. Good to be here. Good warnings as well. Were giving our guys in the military pink forms. The Syrian Rebels try 100,000 buck apiece. 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How much money do you think youll need when you retire . Then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. I was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. Im going have to rethink this thing. Its hard to imagin how much well need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. If iwith somethingeady terrible to admit. Ement. I treated thousands of patients, risked their lives, while high on prescription drugs. I was an addict. Im recovered now, but an estimated 500,000 medical professionals are still out there, abusing drugs or alcohol. Police, airline pilots, bus drivers. Theyre randomly tested for drugs and alcohol. But not us doctors. You can change that vote yes on proposition 46. Your lives are in our hands. And serta mattress sets. Save up to 300 on Sealy Posturepedic even get 24 months interestfree financing on every tempurpedic. But dont drop the ball. Mattress discounters fall kickoff sale ends sunday. Mattress discounters thats right. Im probably drinking the red bull already. 5 00 a. M. Start for history that could be in the making. Ready to kick the uk to the curb or remain united or set the stage for breakups across the globe . Just for some perspective here. Imagine texas splitting off from the United States, as texans want to do. Theyll have to change their flag if that happen, maybe kick out their Prime Minister if that happens. The entire world watching. Folks like alan smith are praying the independence vote would end. Why do you want to break away from Great Britain . Well, its not so much a breaking away. A question about running our own affair. This is about democracy, freedom, scotland is one of the worlds oldest nations, weve been part of uk for a while, to be sure, but were a distinct enti entity, weve got our own identity. Weve got a very rich economy but too many of our people are struggling. I believe we could do better making our own affairs at home in scotland and speaking with our own voice in the wider world. Why do socalled fearmongers David Cameron and other local leaders who say be careful what you wish for because if you think times are tough now, theyll be a lot tougher on your own without the british backing you up militarily or economically. What do you say . Scotlands economics are very, very sound. Weve got 80 of the uks oil reserves, weve got vast amounts of renewables potential, weve got wind, hydro, biomass, all the future energies in spades but the future scottish economy will be better maximized by the people of scotland than the British Parliament having control over those where in the uk well always be minority of a state thats going in a different direction. A country of 5. 5 million will react differently to the way the uk does. There are a lot of things great about scotland things we need to fix as well. I believe well do better making those decisions with the full range of powers available to the Scottish Parliament. What dont you like about being part of england . Well, as part of the United Kingdom, were a minority of, i believe, a democracy that isnt serving the uk as well as a modern european style of democracy could do. The powers of westminster and the clues and the question are the powers of westminster gov n governs the United Kingdom. Its a pure form of and the fundamental reform we need to see. Perhaps wed be having a different discussion. Weve got our National Parliament here in edinburgh just about a mile or so over there and since its been reestablished has really bred into the psyche of the people of scotland, if we can run our health system, our law and order, fishery, agriculture, environment, why dont we trust ourselves to set our own taxes and to look after our own Economic Resources . Its about completing the powers of the Scottish Parliament within the European Union, taking our place alongside countries like ireland, denmark, sweden, finland, other smaller countries that will cooperate where the uk is going in a fundamentally different direction. Do you fear, as some brits fear, as some scots who dont want this to happen fear, that you lose some of your identity in the process and you lose some of the protections and Economic Security . I know you touched on it before and said that wont happen. But when so many in the world, including president obama tweeting that kind of warning to you and former president bill clinton saying that, the leaders of spain, france, what makes them all fear this . And what do they see that you dont . Well, i think the first question there is that independence and freedom and democracys working out pretty well for america. And were just following in your example. Scotland is one of the worlds oldest nations. Weve already got a very Strong Economy but a number of our people are struggling. Youre right, theres a very dynamic debate going on within scotland. But what were deciding here is who should be making decisions on the behalf of the people of scotland and where are they based. And in terms of our friends and neighbors in the United Kingdom, were always friends and neighbors, well always be colleagues, friends, family south of the border as we would call it. And thats always going to continue. The social union will always be sacrosanct. Were always be friends and neighbors, that doesnt mean we need to be run by the same government and parliament. Scotland is a minority within westminster is stifled and we can shine within the European Union as an independent state in our own right cooperating with our friends and neighbors and speaking with our own voice in the wider world. We shall see. Alan smith, thank you very much. In the meantime, switching a few thousand miles east. You want more trouble in the middle east . The senator who says train these guys. Why democrat joe manchin is very worried about that plan to arm Syrian Rebels. But i strongly believe that if our military arms and trains Syrian Rebels, well be involving ourselves in a ground conflict that we cannot resolve where potentially everyone involved is our enemy. Think things in the middle east are already bad, this senator says the president gets his way, it will get a lot worse. And hes a democrat. She first won over voters coming from the right. Why is he moving left . With Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. But parallel parking isnt one you do a lof them. Ings great. Youre either too far from the curb. Or too close to other cars. Its just a matter of time until you rip some guys bumper off. So, here are your choices take the bus. Or get Liberty Mutual insurance. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Call Liberty Mutual insurance. Arm the rebels and just regret it . Democratic senator joe manchin blasting the president s plan to train and arm Syrian Opposition forces. He says its not just very costly, its very risky. The West Virginia senator right now. Why, senator . Why is it costly and risky . Neil, basically i think we have 13 years of experience in that part of the world. If military might or money would change it, wed have done it by now. We spent eight years training, arming, feeding, clothing the iraqi 280person army. First time they were challenged we saw what happened. They turned tail and ran. Left their weapons. Weve had guarantee almost all the weapons we put over there somehow fall in the wrong hands and used against us. To say were going to go into syria now and saying that this is part of the plan that we have to arm, train and arm the Syrian Rebels, finding out who the Syrian Rebels are, are they the same people that weve been told may be part of the group that sold David Sotloff who was beheaded, horrifically, tragic, horrible actions . It doesnt make any sense to me. Until the neighbors in that part of the world, in that part of the region, until the saudis, the turks, the egyptians, the jordanians, all of them step up to clean up their neighborhood, their backyard, then they should take the ground game, if you will, well help them in support in the air game. Im fine with that, the air support. Im not fine with us getting drawn in. We might say well, just an advisory, just a training mission. Weve seen this picture unfold before. Do you think, though, that this can be done without boots on the ground, including our own . Well, its going to take boots. It doesnt take american boots. Lets just take for example the new Prime Minister of iraq today made a statement. I think you carried it. He made the statement basically saying, listen, the air support was terrific, we appreciate the air support for the americans, we dont need their boots or their forces here nor do we want them. They know that all we do is enrage and basically give the opposition more power and more ability to recruit. So why suck us into that . I see what youre saying, senator and ive heard that echoed before. Wouldnt we get that kind of ra rage no matter how were getting involved. Were actually kind of feeding isis nanarrative, look at the United States. Being the financial man that you are, we need to cut the flow of money off to isis any way, shape or form theyve got money come. I know they loot and pillar and steal and rob and do Everything Else and hold hostage. Weve got to stop that oil field money. Weve got to stop every penny we can going to them. Theyve already got all our money, senator. Lets say you were to stop them from getting any additional money, theyre already sitting on wads of it already. Theyre carrying around literally bags of cash just in case Something Like this were to pass. Theyre buying people, theyre buying them over there. Im basically saying that we give the support thats needed until that part of the world steps up to it, all we do is get brought into another long, long campaign. It hasnt proved satisfactory for us. It hasnt proved good for us. When you think that you have spent 20 billion arming and training the iraqi army, when you look at we spent over 1. 6 trillion to date and growing, we lost 7,000 lives and you want to get drawn back into that. Isis basically is a threat, can be an imminent threat to the United States. Theyre not at this point in time. Theyre more a threat to the people there. And i want to see what the coalition they put together. Theyve got to come to the table. Were going in there and doing this does not prove that were going to have anyone thats going to say, okay, listen, were going to side with the americans now. Were all islamists, were all muslims, islamic. Were going to side up with americas wishes to defeat isis. But wait a minute, isnt isis fighting the regime the same as we are and were all for a purpose there in syria. Does any of this make sense thinking theyre going to follow our desire and wishes . I guess if we pay them more and continue to pay them in a perpetual manner, maybe, we can buy loyalty. Im not willing to take that risk any more. Im willing to give the technical spurt that we have. Senator, you make a lot of good points. Thank you. Very good seeing you again. Senator manchin. Shes pulling ahead in iowa, is this any time for republicans to pull away from ads like this. When a pro at any 2014 pga tour event sinks a holeinone, quicken loans will pay your mortgage for an entire year. That is how its done. Truly amazing get in the holeinone sweepstakes. Enter today at pgatour. Com quickenloans and you could have your mortgage paid for an entire year. Create things that help people. Design safer cars. Faster computers. Smarter grids and smarter phones. 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Whoo fortyfour ladies, thats me whoo. Gonna get some cold cuts today im joni ernst. I grew up cast rating hogs on an iowa farm. So when i get to washington, ill know how to cut pork. Joni ernst, mother, soldier, conservative. That made me feel uncomfortable. That was then. Now, conservative darling jody ernst taking a difficult approach. Sitting at a Kitchen Table talking about much loved programs. Just dont change. The author of a great book roar which looks at how women are looking at a lot of these issue. As a woman f i can be so sexist, what do you think of that . Thats absolutely sad. Whether male or female weve proven the closer we move to the democrats the more the chance of losing. She won with a very conservative message, aggressive message. Now that shes backed off it, shes losing in the polls to a democrat opponent. This is the ageold saw politics, right . You move to the middle after you win, if youre a republican conservative battle, a democrat a liberal battle. You think that thats nonsense. Thats absolutely nonsense especially in the time that our country is very polarized and should be. Thats the reason weve lost two of the last president ial campaigns is we put somebody that was closer to the democrat than to what the base of the Republican Party is. We need to look at this and realize this going into 2016 that if we once again offer another moderate more than likely that is closer to the democrats than republicans were going to be in the same who do you like . What moderates are verboten . Im all for i want jeb bush, Chris Christie and i want even Mike Huckabee a little bit and i like mike. I want them all to fight it out. Ted cruz and scott walker. You dont want any moderates. Weve lost. You know, lets try something new. Lets get toer to side of the right. If the right loses, then we can all what about rand . Hes too much of an isolationist. I think he thinks that the world is nice and happy and sunshine and roses. And its not. We have people that want to attack us in the United States. Id rather fight them over there than bring them here. I had john mccain on yesterday. He doesnt know what pauls positions are because hes coming back from those libertarian views. We dont like flipfloppers in this country. John kerry lost because he flipflopped. Same thing with republicans. We dont like people that flipflop. We like somebody thats solid, stands up for their principles, something weve seen scott walker do, something weve seen ted cruz do. Women or republicans worry about how do we get them back in the fall. And these sort of polltested issues like you talk about abortion, all that. That will get women on our side. What do you say to that . That theyre sexist. Anybody who starts off a discussion talking about my uterus this is a family show. Thats sexist to say that. We in the Republican Party dont have a principle issue. What we have a problem with is a relationship and communication issue. So you think democrats just patronize you . I think they actually do. re. Single issue voters who have Comedy Central and where they get most of their news from, they can relate to them. Republicans can take our policies. You need to expensive that your gas is expensive in your suv driving to soccer practice because the president wont open the keystone pipeline. Talk milk, eggs and gas, and i promise you republicans will get a lot farther in 2016. Interesting read. Its sort of like how everyone should feel. Not a sexist type read of all of this. Roar is book. Good read. Meanwhile, did any of you see this . Hes all right. But an angry mob tossing a ukrainian politician into a dumpster. Is scotland going to do this . This is in the uk scotlands vote for independence with special reports. Neil cavuto brings you the story as it happens. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 Million People. 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Down in london pretty are pretty worried because they think that theyve been left out of the party and that things could be swinging towards independence up there, and if that happens, theyre worried the whole United Kingdom will split up, and they didnt have a say in it. Plus the fact there are 600,000 scots living in england and down south and didnt get permission to vote. So theyre pretty hacked off about that, too. I think on the whole theres a feeling here that its campaign by the nos campaign by the a wi targ target. Whats going to happen, according to the brits down here that it will be economic collapse. If we eget a vote for scotland to stay in the uk, it is going to to be similar concessions and the uk itself continues to kind of unravel. What do you think . I think youre absolutely right, that they want to keep them in the camp. Its been a complete change of heart, i think here, even from the big demo we had in trafalger squar square. We reporting, chris. Chris walker on what could be a very eventful day tomorrow. If scotland does indeed get its independence, it could be bad news for business here in the u. S. It could be bad for everybody. Divorce after 300 years isnt good for anybody. The problem youre going to have is the uncertainty its going to cause. And that uncertainty is something business never likes. Theres lots of implications for this that could have ramifications not only for u. S. Businesses but for european businesses as well. It would still be a big draw. Are they going to use the euro, are they going to use the pound . What currency . Britain is not going to say you cant use the pound. But theyve got a year and a half to sort of stettal settle. What happens if we have money in the scott banks . British banks have money to prepare for a possible run. How realistic is that . I think its pretty realistic, in terms of if the vote goes yes. Im not sure whats going to happen, but the ramifications for countries like heinz and other multinational countries, theres going to be some uncertainty across europe. The Multinational Companies pay a cost in terms of trading, in terms of the business they do over there and i think it just increases the likelihood people reduce employment, cut overheads over there in anticipation of some difficult times. You know the dow hit a record today, and if were just looking at some dire consequences, a funny way of saying it here. Do you think naively or ignorantly so . I think its trading on the fact that theres really no place else to go. Apparently staying low for a while. Exactly, so i think youve got lots of other things working for the u. S. Market and i dont think it will be impacted initially. But ultimately if this things continues to spread and the contagion widens. To your point earlier about how they bring on these type of votes, such as going on in spain right now, if we have at least a dozen cases where this could y buoy that kind of talk. It creates instability. Im sure we created instability when we broke away from england. Think got what happens if texas sus seeds from the union. Same kind of implications across the union in europe and theres no guarantee scotland will be granted immediately access to the European Union. Theres no guarantee theyll be given the euro, if they create their own kirncurrency, whos g to underwrite that currency . Theres a fine night limit to how much they can pull out in terms of that benefit. Its not a good thing for business. I cant speak to the scottish people, but its not a good thing for business. Bill johnson, always good seeing my friend, former heinze ceo. Do you think this was a fight . You aint seen nothing yet. And our fox business, and we are going to be all over it as the voters in scott land go to war at the polls. Were kicking things off at 5 00 a. M. We have got actor brian cox, why are you pushing for scotlands independence . Andrew lloyd webers the guy advised both president reagan and Margaret Thatcher on what a split over there would mean for us over here. Ill give you sort of a spoiler alert. Hes just as worried as bill just was. And we have andrew webster, hes a brit, but he will use a scottish accent and a british act sent. I understand that donald will be joining us with a scottish accent. Picture this, how would a surly guy with a scottish accent sound, and picture beetleguis on a bender. That will be tomorrow 5 00 a. M. , which is like now, which is like no sleep, which is like red bow. The kids went to take zznanas house. Like. For the whole weekend zzzquil, the nonhabit forming sleep aid, that helps you sleep easily, and wake refreshed. Because sleep is a beautiful thing. 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