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First, this. Forget the illegal kids showing up. Wait until you hear what theyre bringing with them . A new government report could make you sake. Claims many of these unaccompanied children are being treat for commune cable commune cable diseases and things are getting so bad one detention facility is on lockdown are a chickenpoxout break. Now growing fears these illnesses to spend to kids in this country when schools open in september. A Family Doctor says parents have a rope to be concerned. What is really important here is that families and children are really getting proper medical and health exams and getting treated in the case of chickenpox, a lot of it comes down to how well were able to identify what conditions were seeing, and then how well were able to treat them. In the case of chickenpox, giving the vaccine to prevent conditions. So, if its discovered that many have of these conditions we didnt know before, and people discover that too late and their care workers and those with Homeland Security are getting these, how bigs to this get . How much can this spread . Before people realize, we have to deal with it. Lets talk about chickenpox. Any Health Condition needs to be dealt with. When we talk about chickenpox, it is a highly infectious condition. Many of us remember chickenpox when we were a kid, causes a blistery, itchy rash, fever and fatigue and can be very serious and can be very, very infectious, and interestingly enough unone things that headaches it so difficult is people with chickenpox can transmit the virus before they get symptoms. Thes. So one tricky part is actually identifying conditions we may see, such as chickenpox, and then of course, giving proper treatment and management. Theyre all quite serious. Doctor, a month away from being signed up for school. A lot of kid will be enrolling throughout the country, and we have been hearing from towns and mayors and the school boards. Theyre getting nervous and saying maybe they shouldnt accept those kids go slow in enrolling those kids. Is that overreacting . Well, you know, ill tell you, i dont think its overreacting to pay close attention to the medical conditions that the people in our country and coming to our country are dealing with. I will never as a family physician say thats an overreaction. This is very, very important. Once again, when it comes to chickenpox we have a vaccine. This is what we need to focus on. Theres a vaccine that prevents chickenpox and the cdc when people receive both doeses its over 98 effective. What is the big picture sneer it means we all need to be diligent, vigilant, not just about symptom0s children but making sure year immunized and getting proper vaccines and kids are vaccinated and thats one of the takehome messages here. School is coming but thats why vaccinations are so, so important. Doctor, thank you. We appreciate that. Thank you so much. Well, theres this side of the story, too. Immigration officials opening a new do tension facility to detention facility to house minors. Some have platscreen tvs, casey is in dallas. These are not exactly suites like at the four seasons but they are going to be enjoying pretty nice amenities. To the video of this brand new, updated facility, and this is while it was empty. Touted as family friendly, a Charter School on site. All you can eat meals, access to medical and dental care, computer lab, even hair salon. The former kern county civil detension center which opened two years ago near assassin to house nonviolent immigrant men. Now the 32 million facility will start taking in as many as 532 children and their mothers from central america. Immigrations and customs enforcements pays 140 bucks a day per resident, with the average stay being roughly 23 days. In fact, the feds just did a complete renovation there. They wont talk about how much that cost but theyre happy to talk about what they think makes it so agrees. This is nothing like you have seen before. We pride ourselves in this location. We think it absolutely appropriate for adults with children. The majority of the people that will be accommodated here will be coming from Rio Grande Valley area, that are an preparedded by the u. S. Border patrol. Also part of the sprawling 29acre campus, two courtrooms, and then spots for teleconference hearings with san antonios immigration court, an say, has even been brought in to provide Legal Services for the residents. One stop shopping. Sounds like they have everything that they would need right there at their fingertips. Of course, we report and you decide if its a wise use of money. Casey, thank you very much. In dallas. Now to another health scare. The Ebola Outbreak in west africa, specially equipped plane expected to transport two americans suffering from the disease to the u. S. In a matter of days. It is raising a whole bunch of safety concerns. John roberts at Emory University hospital in atlanta where one victim is expected to be treated. Reporter its actually we know that both of them will be treated here of the next few days. Hospital officials here at Emory University hospital just wrapped up a press conference and did confirm that both of them were going to come here. We had believed that would happen. Heres what is going to happen. Either]wufx dr. Kent brantley or nurse nancy will board a phoenix air medevac ambulance tonight in maybe as early as tonight in liberia to be here tomorrow. They will land at Dobbins Air Force base and be transported in a special containment unit to be treated in the christian cat isolation corrupt in emory hospital. Codesigned by the center tore Disease Control. Theres concern among the public as to why we are bringing patients with ebola back to the United States. Even donald troh should be kept out of the country. But in the centers for Disease Control director says while playing down the risk to the public, said its not likely they had any choice but to allow them back in. These organizations and he made the decision to come back for care here. There are american citizens and as long as they can be treated in appropriate isolation, without risking others, it would be, i think, really ethically problematic as well as legally problematic to keep them out. uc now, dr. Frieden told me the bigger risk comes from somebody who boards a plane, like Patrick Sauer sawyer, in lie beera, came down with symptoms and died not long after he landed. Or if somebody were to board a plain in liberia and come here to the United States and get sick while theyre in the country, that could be a bigger5 issue. But dr. Frieden believes the isolation ability in the United States would stop the pred but a the best way to attack this is get into the countries where this is appearing, isolate them, using appropriate disinfecting and burial techniques to stop it where it is. Thank you very much. The u. N. Condemning us for supporting israels socalled iron dome. Is that just dumb . P÷unn   that mideast cease fire just ceased less than two hours after it started. Conor powell is in gaza city. That cease fire never even got started. It was supposed to go into effect at 8 00 a. M. Local time but before and after there was heavy shelling and rockets going out, never got started. But it is the failure is being felt here across gaza and has the potential to delay the entire conflict. Ask lated even further for the reason, as it was going into effect, hamas soldiers, hamas fighters, launched some type of eye tack op on israeli troops and during that attack two Israeli Soldierses were killed, one captured. The Israeli Military announcing it was a Second Lieutenant golden who was taken by hamas. Hamas political waning says they dont have him. The military wing not saying anything but it does appear that they are blaming hamas, the u. S. And u. N. Have both condemned hamas for this attack and for the capture. President obama earlier in the day essentially saying that hamas needs to release this israeli soldier as soon as possible, and the secretary of state kerry saying this was a gross violation and a unilateral violation of this cease fire. The u. N. Also condemning the attack and this kidnapping. It really does call into question where this conflict goes, going forward. The main problem is, if israel wants to try to get this soldier back, they may have to escalate, may have to expand their military operations here or may have to negotiate with hamas, and that really does open a whole nuther set of problems. The Israeli Military has been focusing and hinting theyre wrapping up their sort of military objectives of destroying all of these crossborder underground tunnels. Now with the capture of this israeli soldier, just opens another door of issues for the Israeli Military and also means well see continued fighting, and israeli tanks shelled the area where the missing soldier was taken, and 1500 palestinians have been killed in this, and now with the capture of this israeli soldier, that is set to increase, neil. Conor, you have been yeomans work this week under real duress conditions to put it mildly. Congress rushing to provide an additional 225 million for israel and its socalled iron dome. That dome is israels Defense System and has quite a number of lives by deflecting missiles. The United Nations is calling it a mistake. In other words, our aid to beef up the dome, a mistake. Mike huckabee says its the u. N. That is a mistake. First of all, the big mistake is that the u. S. Is still giving a dime to the United Nations. This organization has embarrassed itself to tell israel it should give the technology othe iron dome to hamas because they might want to use that technology to protect themselves against the rockets that are only being fired because they started firing rockets into civilian territories in israel. Israel isnt that stupid to let hamas have the iron dome is like putting Jeffrey Dahmer in charge of being a food critic for the new york times. Even some factors of israel are saying its response has been tipped. What do you say . Theyre wrong. What else is israel going to do . Theyre fighting for their existence. Theyre not trying to take the territory of gaza. They didnt draw first bloom. Theyre trying to defend their country and make sure their children dont have to rush to a bomb shelter every few minutes because hamas is indiscriminately firing their rockets at civilian targets. When israel hits civilian targets they regret it. When hamas hits civilian targets they celebrate it. This is not a good guy versus good guy. This is good guy, bad guy. Theres a clear difference here. Theres not symmetry, and the craziness of the u. N. , the person in charge of the socalled Human Rights Committee o the u. N. , made up of such wonderful examples of human right champions like north korea, china, and cuba, and saudi arabia, and theyre condemning israel. Thats real plus by israel theyre being condemned by the idiots at the u. N. The reason for israels response is the discovery of these tunnels and the network. Yet not a mention by the u. N. Not a mention by much of the press across the world. Nor a mention of the fact that in three of the sites they whined about, the israelis hit a school, those schools were housingp1j hamas rockets, and wt did they do . When the went through the rubble, they gave the rockets in the school back to hamas. Thats why really . Three different occasions. What the president should say is not only are we done with hamas but we are done with the u. N. Were not going waste another time of u. S. Taxpayer money on this ridiculous organization. Might be getting into this is the weekend. Im sure we will. Look forward to that. A hip guy, very nice guy, and he is if he runs for president he says he is telling me first. Absolutely. Okay, fine. Here at home, a different border fight ills putting mac on the attack. Senator john mccain is here. And i hope you dont mind working forever. The new jobs report is out and apparently so, too, is youre retirement. Fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief . Try dulcolax laxative tablets. Dulcolax is comfortcoated for gentle, overnight relief. Dulcolax. Predictable overnight relief you can count on. Television announcer mattress discounters 197 mattress sale 197 mattress sale is ending sunday. 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Yes, they are. 32. 4 million workers now, a new record in the United States of america, people 55 and older are working and the amount of those working 25 to 54, the Younger Generation, theyre losing jobs and we saw that in the report this morning. A complete shift in what were seeing with older versus younger americans. What is happening . Well, first off, okay, a lot of their 401ks were demolished because of the session. Some people want to keep working but you applaud that. Keep going, keep moving, your brain keeps going and you stay healthy. You can take a break. But these Older Workers are taking jobs that are lowpaying and thats parttime jobs. A lot of them are parttime or Service Sector jobs, think servers, working at the golf course, working at the retail store. Theyre lowpaying jobs and theyre taking them. So its a combination of maybe the want to keep working but more of a financial necessity for these folks and thats disconcerting and a sad side story on the numbers. A lot of people focus on the idea that all these months running, 200,000 plus payroll jobs gain, so in that sense, good. What do you think . I dont think this is good. I look at these numbers. Like you do every month to see what the real story is. The real stories is on the between 25 and 54 are losing jobs and that group still needs to get 2. 5 million jobs added overall to be at prerecession levels, and these are this is the economic stimulation we need. Those that are actually spending missouri, buying houses, have kids, buying things for the children, getting ipats. If theyre not doing those things, the economy suffers and thats why i had a tough time believing that gdp number we got this week. The four percent come on, really . I dont see the economy growing like that. The next quarter will show that. For someone so young youre very jaded, and 55 is the new 54. I heard that about 40. Here we go theyre flooding in, and this arizonan is speaking out. What are we presented here in the ute United States senate . I say shame on you. You. [ woman ] ive always tried to see things from the best angle i could. Its how i look at life. Especially now that i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. I was taking warfarin but wondered, could i focus on Something Better . My doctor told me about eliquis for three Important Reasons. One, in a Clinical Trial eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. Two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. And three, unlike warfarin theres no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. 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Show them theyre not alone and show off a pair of depend. Because wearing a different kind of underwear, is no big deal. Join us. Support the cause and get a free sample of depend at underwareness. Com more than three and a half years after his murder the family of brian terry about to see some justice . Just streited from mexico now to an Arizona Court where he will we be formally charged with first degree murder, were told within the hour. Dealing with this. Bob, very go to have you, im sure mixed feelings for you and the family today. Well, its a good day. Anytime we can get one of these bad guys into u. S. A. Courtroom, it is a positive, and we have been looking forward to getting this defendant back in the United States. Were very grateful for mexico, the government there, for getting this individual and do ited to the United States. It did take a long time as you and you family have been dealing with this for three and a half years. How was that explained to you . Well, these defendants were fugitives in mexico. We had to find them, we had to arrest them, we had to do this by working through the international system, with mexico, and once they were taken into custody, this is the second individual that has now been extradited. Its a long process. And we were told that from the very beginning. You know, i was thinking of what is happening with the u. S. Marine still holed in up in a mexican prison, that the wheels of mexican justice tend to spin quite slowly. What do you think of that . Well, youre right. Even in this country, sometimes the wheels ofity spin slowly as well, the wheels of justice spin slowly as well, and were seeing that in four and a half years since brian has been killed, we continue to hope that this case will be resolved in a timely manner. They the additional fugitives will be arrested and brought back to the United States. I always thought in your cousins case thats i dont meaned to be contracts a preview of coming attractions, a preview of the type of violence we knew what at the border but his tragic murder brought to life light. Do you think we as nation appreciate that and the border personnel we have there is well, tell you what. The u. S. Border patrol has a incredible job. We asked these young men and women that have become Border Patrol agents, to go out into a very, very violent environment. Brian was killed 18 miles inside of the u. S. Border by a rip crew carrying heavy weapons, ak47s and m14s 0, or m15s. I would have never guessed this level of danger would exited at this day and age inside the United States. Soldierly we learned this is obviously we learned this is the case and what operation fast furious led to was a clear and present danger to Law Enforcement and citizens on both sides of the border that exists today. Even today. Yes, bob, thank you very much. Very good seeing you. Thank you. Great to be here. Humanitarian crisis on our border. A humanitarian crisis of incredible proportion, where thousands of young people, being transported by county tease, young women raped, falling off trains, terrible things happening. And what are we presented in the United States senate . I say shame on you. I say shame on you. For not allowing those of us who represent the states that are most affected by this, to have an amendment, an amendment voted on. I mean, that is unbelievable to me. We put together and i say with Great Respect to the senator from maryland, saying that we dont legislate on appropriations. Excuse me. Excuse me. Wow. Dont get on his wrong side. Fired up by any chance that john mccain is backing down . Senator, still feel the same way . Absolutely. And the fact that we didnt act in the United States senate, at least the house acted today, if we had had amendments and debate and votes, we could have produced a product and gone to conference with the house and gotten a bill to the senate to the desk of the president of the United States. It is shameful that we now are going out of town, and leaving this humanitarian crisis alone, without the its suppose told be the worlds greatest deliberative property. I you believe that i have beachfront property for you in arizona. The point its we are supposed to, and most most of the time ive been in the senate, we bring an issue forward, debate, vote, amend, and then we would pass it on to the Husband House of representatives and then after conference to the desk of the president of the United States. We dont do that. Its not an accident. This is the least Productive Congress in history. You think im proud of that, neil . What happened here, senator . How did this fall apart . Even in the house they bickered back and forth how to handle and it then john boehner had to deal within his own ranks. What happened . Well, in the house side, im not exactly sure because i wasnt in on it, but apparently some of the members of the republican conference in the house wanted stiffer provisions than were originally proposed, and i think at least they sort some of that out. In the senate here, we viewed the critical item, the critical item if were going to stop this flood of children coming to our border, is to amend or repeal the law that was passed in 2008, which allows them to get to be here and go through the rigmarole of the judicial system and stay and all that, whereas they if it were amendment they would be treat as children who come from mexico are treated and that is theyre immediately returned. The only way this stops is if planeloads of children return to countries they came from. The parents who spent maybe a year salary paying coyotes, whoer the drug cartels to bring their children to the border of the United States of america. Thats the only with a it will stop. The president more or less said today in his press conference, you called his hand. This is from the president earlier. On the border supplemental im going to have to act alone because we dont have enough resources. We have already been very clear, we have run out of money. What do you think of that . Well, i think that if the president we would have money to spend if the president would enforce the law and not and also declaration he made some time ago, and that is that send a message that if you arrive here, you are returned at our border, youre sent home. I if you have a case for asylum or abuses or the danger which exists in those countries, well set up in our consulates and embassies, places for you to come and make a case, and if you make a compelling case, then as we have many times all over the world, well let you come and reside in our country. But not by coming up and showing up at our borders. Thats not the way. Senator, gosh rick perry with the governor rick perry send the National Guard to the texas border. Wants the white house to pay for that. And no luck yet. Knowing this white house, i think it will be hard to do. Id also point out that the guard presence does have a good effect when the coyotes see these guard people on the other side of the border. But the real answer, too neil, is to use the technology we developed in iraq and afghanistan. We have radar now, my friend, and drones, but particularly radar, that cannot only show people trying to cross our border but can show where they came from. We can have Situational Awareness of 100 across our border if we use the technology. Real quickly. Mitt romney has been polling well in new hampshire. Theres an underground Movement Among some to go for the hat trick. Worked for ronald reagan. What do you think of that . All i can say is that those are decisions that mitt romney and his family make. Im a great admirer of mitt romney, and by the way, im pale, rested and ready. You could both make a third run. Did you rule that out yourself . That will be a cold day in gila bend, my friend. Ill take that as a no. Thank you, sir. Thank you. Pretty got at making headlines, but helping her win the white house . Maybe not. How much do you like your boss . Enough to throw him a Retirement Party like this . Test test great rates for great rides. Geico motorcycle, see how much you could save. Explaining my moderate to severe so there i was again, chronic plaque psoas to another new stylist. It was a total earrassment. 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You should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. Make the most of every moment. Ask your dermatologist about humira, today. Clearer skin is possible. All these years later, day before the 9 11 attacks bill clintons own words coming back to haunt. Im just saying, very smart guy. Spent a lot of time thinking about him and nearly got him once. I nearly got him. And i could have killed him but i would have had to destroy a little town called kandahar in afghanistan and kill 200 innocent women and children. Then i would have been no better than him. And so i didnt do it. And we all know what happened the next day. Now, between that clinton tape and his clinton foundation, and the always interesting clinton private life, is bill going to prove hillarys real pill . Not an asset but as the more like a pain in the asset, depending how the media plays it. Well know, ya has a history of covering for hillary and separating him from bills sins. She is isolated from the sips of bill clinton and elevated because of his sin. It is a separation ben bill and Hillary Clinton and one she has to account for because she took credit in card for the bin laden raid. She was the one talking about how she was influential in assisting the president , making this decision about the bin laden raid. Okay. Well, what reporter is going to ask her your husband made the decision not to go after bin bin when he had the chance. Would you have made the same decision . Well debate ited a knaus yuck them but the luster she has gained being mrs. Bill clinton, and a lot of people look back those stewardship, the economy,7 and the markets loved him, big boom, a lot of jobs, impeachment notwithstanding, thats fine, and they miss that, and that has been the big draw. Do you think that fades . I think people like bill clinton. He continues to be a likeable guy. But on this issue of decides bin laden was in kandahar and did not want to kill him because of civilian casualties, Hillary Clinton is part of an administration that takes a different view. Killing civilians is part of killing terrorists. Does bill clinton think his wife is no better than Osama Bin Laden . What is what he its very easy now with the light of history to go back and hear the remarks that we were all a lot more innocent back then and there was criticism, what he could have and should have done but there were presentee of mistakes made. Sound like youre saying the media by and large likes her and probably shell get a pass, and this always happens. Hillary clinton, especially when it comes to bill clinton, is given a pass. Its seen at magical years and really nothing went wrong and the impeachment was a big joke. That is white washed over. But now as we find out about things that matter, what is her Foreign Policy . Its in some ways a lot different than bills and that could be a problem for her. Vince, good having you on again. Thank you. In the meantime, check this out. This ceo was given a Retirement Party to end all retirement parties. Which has me wondering, what would dionne do for me when i decide to retire . Virtually all your important legal matters in just minutes. Now its quicker and easier for you to start your business, protect your family, and launch your dreams. At legalzoom. Com we put the law on your side. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. R slow. The fastest printer. The fastest lunch. Turkey club. The fastest pencil sharpener. The fastest elevator. The fastest speed dial. The Fastest Office plant. So why wouldnt i choose the fastest wifi . I would. Switch to comcast Business Internet and get the fastest wifi included. Comcast business. Built for business. Celebrities are now feeling the heat after putting the heat of israel. Theyre all now backtracking from their original comments voicing support for gaza and how israel was taking advantage of them and was being awful to them. Generally what when these developments happen i say i dont care. Who cares. Then my much younger producers and staff remind me its a very good issue and just go with it. So its time to andits a very neil, and just go with it. Time to ask our generation hex panel what they think. We have got foxbusiness. Coms kate rogers and radio host of course you know him from imus in the morning and we works with mike le vin who im convinced he doesnt know his name, guns. What do you think of that, that this is celebrities backtracking because they got some heat . I think its so overblown how much we praise these celebriti s celebrities. You watch e or entertainment tonight, its like we live on every sing e l word they say. Do you . I personally dont, but i feel like our generation does. Why do you set the tone when rihanna comes on . Well, its rihanna. But the last thing i want to know is somebody like Kim Kardashian telling us about a topic she has no idea about or someone like Dwight Howard. The way i grew up, you dont listen to what jocks tell you because theyre jocks far reason. They dont know what theyre talking about, especially on an international issue. Like come on bo howard or Dwight Howard . Bo howard, sorry. Maybe its a good thing if they wring attention to it, but when they come out not knowing anything, especially with such a serious situation, they look ridiculous and stupid. I mean, come on. I dont mind them expressing their views. I dont they are. To be clear, the kardashians did not get involved yet. I know youre waiting on the edge of your seat for what kim thinks about this one. Maybe that could be pending. Well, maybe. Sosa lena gomez didnt say anything too harsh or critical of either side, just said please pay for peace. Im okay with generic statements. But pearl jams eddie came out and cursed. I dont think that helps they are side. Its a violent issue. They should just think before they sneak and know what theyre talking about. Start telling tv anchors to do that. Speak your mind. Say what you will. Why do people take it so seriously . Well, i think celebrities have to remember theyre hugely influential and theres a whole sector of Younger Generation who dont watch news, dont look at the news, and they get their news from people who make fun of the news or from the celebrities. So sometimes celebrities do some good stuff, put a spot light on stuff thats happening say in africa, with starvation, apartheid. Other times choose what they want to talk on. Thats the problem. Then a fan who loves them will totally subscribe to that and that will be their philosophy too. In the meantime, okcupid is under fire for admitting it purposely paired the wrong people together as a social experiment. Guns, story of your life, man. Im kidding. I just hear e that on imus and assume its the case. Amazing. I went to what i thought was stunning blond and she had an adams apple. Whatever happens in new york stays in new york. What do you think of that, that theyre being intrusive and a little too creepy . The adams apple. Nicole became nick when i showed up. Its a family e show. I hear you. But, i mean, you get what you get e. The fact that you go on these dating apps and websites. Are you okay with them messing and . At least youre not paying for it. Its okcupid. What are you going to do for okcupid . My roommate got paired up with somebody and said hello to her and pretended to go to the bathroom and never came back to the table. Leek thats like every date i went on except e in verse. Thats a horrible thing to happen. Sure. Kind of funny but horrible. So, i mean, but then on the flid side you hear people do get married off of them. Does it work, kate . Does it bother you on any sflefl. This is when my girlfriends get mad that the guy they met on tinder doesnt want to propose to them in a couple weeks. They find out the hard way. I think what guns said, you have to pay for the sites where people actually want to be serious and meet someone. You know, i think eharmony and stuff, you actually pay a membership fee. That shows a little more commitment on behalf of the people signing up. But, you know, its free. Youre signing up for it. You get what you get. I dont really have much of a problem. This is one i want to pick up with you, a little different. I wonder if these guys would do this for me. Take a look at this. Tell everybody hes the man, hes the man talk about a Retirement Party, the ultimate one for neta porter ceo mark seva. Would any of you go to these Great Lengths for your boss retirement . Neil i took this off the wall at home. I had this above my bed. I moved jesus over from cross on the side and i would do this for you. When are you retiring . That means your job will be open. Weve got all kinds of stuff here. Were going to love we love you here, but were going to love i also brought my own today. Oh my gosh. Bosses all around. Absolutely. And this is him without makeup, so dont say his name three times. Dont say his name three times. Bosses for all. All right. We brought kate a little you can wear little cute. It must Say Something about this guy that, look at that. That was a big outpouring of love. Thats what its like when you walk in the bidding every day. Pretty much. The guy really was good to his workers when it was a tough time at the company, he didnt fire people, tried to stand by them. They knew he had their back when somebody got sick. So it came back when he left, they were genuinely upset. I think this is fantastic and shows the power of a good boss. When people love you, they put more into the company. I think more leaders should take note of this. It was fantastic. He got that attention, though, simply for being a good guy to them. Yeah. A lot of times you personally call see that design . Imus calls me, thats exactly what happens to me. Calls to complain. Exactly. That wasnt funny. Not funny at all. I dont think were going to spend nearly that much. I may get you a cookie puss cake from carvel and maybe a kits kitchenette, we can get something from the dollar menu. Youre mocking me e. You found the only imus picture where hes smiling. That is true. That is true. Youre smiling in this one too. Okay. Fine. I hate you all. You know what happy friday. I would fire you all on my way out. All right. Thatll do it here. A lot more on this. A wonderful final day of employment here at fox. Well see you this weekend. Of course tonight a special cavuto, taking a look at these volatile markets and whether were getting thankless about it. Or if power could go anywhere . Or if light could seek out the dark . What would happen if that happens . Anything. Hello, everyone. Itis 5 00 in new york city, and this is the five. A ceasefire that was supposed to last three days in the middle east didnt even last three hours after hamas killed two Israeli Soldiers and captured a third. A short while ago, president obama held a News Conference and addressed the crisis. He says it will be difficult to put a deal back together, but the u. S. Will keep trying. I think its going to be very hard to put a ceasefire back together again. If the israelis and the International Community cant

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