Apple debuting new ipads for which folks will pay a premium to get. How is it the administration can compare its healthcare law to them. To anything apple does . Apple stuff is cool. This healthcare thing is not. When apple launches something new people stand in line to get it. When the government launches the healthcare thing, folks couldnt get online so they said the hell with it. Apple makes it simple. The government makes it tough. Apple has a rare screwup. Its fixes it, and fast. The governments a total skewup and just makes the problem worse. Apple creates stuff people dont even need but they want. The government creates stuff the people need but they do not want. Apple knows its customers. The government couldnt care less about its customers. Apple performs because it has to. It has plenty of competition. The government doesnt perform because it doesnt have to. It has got no competition. Apple keeps innovating. The governments long stopped trying. You can learn any apple devices courtesy of a tiny little pamphlet. This healthcare thing, try 2,000 plus pages. Apple designers show you whats in their stuff before you buy their stuff. Government designers say you first have to buy their stuff to realize, hey, you have just been stuffed. Apple knows that customer is king. The government seems to think it is king. Apples retina displays making it easier on your eyes. Reading the healthcare law makes you want to stick needles in your eyes. Apple makes life simpler, the government makes life harder. Could i go on about one being sleek and the other a slob, one getting the details ago and the other nothing right, about one making promises it can keep and the other making promises it cant remember, one delivering and another lying. A company that remembers this vision of its founder named jobs and the other, just getting to the monstrous law is a job. One is a piece of marketing pesk. The other just a piece of of work. That is what really irks me. Anybody comparing this rollout to anything apple rolls out, night and day. Darn near good and evil. One is an apple. The other, the pits. Again, thats just me. To former ceo john scully. John, obviously going back to your old haunt and releasing new products today, a lot of people glom on to the apple standard and being like apple. Very few companies, lit alone political institutions, certain live the United States government, are in position to imitate it and recall comparisons to it. What do you think . Well, i think this huge belly flop of the president s most Important Program is really a great lesson for all of us, of just how broken government is, and how government doesnt think about the customer. They think about the special interests and political infighting. The way you build great products you start with very clear thinking. When i worked with steve jobs it was about connecting the dots, seeing what should go together, and then simplifying. The government doesnt think that way. The architecture starts months ago, even over a year ago, of figuring out the things that are going to end up as part of the customer experience. When i heard the secretary of health say that we had a few glitches, and yet we have since read that they saw it didnt work several days before they released it, hightech Companies Like apple or amazon, they wouldnt release products that werent ready for prime time. So hopefully theres a lesson here for people in government to say, theres got be a better way to do things. If you dont do things from the customers standpoint youre never going to be age to compete in this world where the Consumer Experience is starting to Touch Everything that we do, including services from government. I always think of the apple products, too. People have a choice. You can buy apple products or not. Pay a premium or not. Thats your choice. This is being foisted on people. Theres no choice. Does it bug you in another sense that when the administration said apple had glitches and dealt with them and people were patient. I said, what glitches it had, it quickly addressed and they were nothing of the magnitude the government is talking and something that can dislodge an entire economy. Youre absolutely right to tell people they ought to call a call center, thats like going back the middle of 20th century. Thats really, i think, an admission by the profit the United States, of his most Important Program, to say, go call the call center because we cant even get a web site to work . You know, i know that there will be no heads that will roll. A lot of finger pointing but nothing will happen and well get back to government as urge. Wouldnt it be great if thats was true wakeup call and they say we have too look more like the private sector . It just doesnt work anymore, and sometimes you hit a Tipping Point where people say, ive had enough. Enough is enough. Just wonder, if you were obvious for the a big product rollout, you would be monitoring daybyday progress before a big product announcement. I dont know what was going on at the white house. I cant say for sure whether the president or his top folks did or did not or Kathleen Sebelius did or did not but it is quite clear that if anyone was monitoring this and paying attention to the tech guys saying week were nod ready, were having live ins and power failures, what would you have done in that event . I think in the private world of hightech, we would have postponed the introduction rather than introduce a product that clearly was crippled from the moment it came out to the public. Imagine taking your most Important Program and saying, im going to expose that to a complete belly flop, and its almost amazing. Its hard for anyone who has been Building Products and services for consumers, knowing the high bar you have to set in this day and age to even grasp what the president must have had in mind, if he even knew. Im sure if he knew it was so bad, he would have said time out. Thats even more damning if he didnt know about it. Right . It is. I expect people will try to find out what really happened, and this is a real case history. This ought to be a Harvard Business school case history how not to launch your most important product, your signature event. Very interesting. We thought wed talk to a guy who knew a thing or two about apple, ran the company, worked closely with steve jobs. Folks i dont mean to blister anyone. Im saying this comparison i hear to apple, night and day. I go to tell you, night and day. Just stop. Just stop. So much for fictioning the obama web care site to hear one former xerox worker tells us, its going to take a long time to fix this mess. Heres more. Its interesting, a lot of executives have been scratching their heads because this is an administration that was so internet savvy and so tech savvy, right . Raising a lot of money on the internet. So we wanted to get a dispassionate sense of what is going on, wanted to get a dispassionate viewpoint from a Top Executive at a company that does a lot of this work, and he was is a retired former chief engineer for the Business Operations group forks xerox, anthony federicca. He is speaking on his own. He is a 44 year veteran of this company. Hes like mr. I. T. He has 4 of his own pant goodpat tents, and he said a friend developed the mouse which microsoft copied. He had a lot to say about the healthcare web site. I dont see how thats going to get fixed anytime soon. Its got to take weeks to months. Software works when you test it. There was no rudimentary testing done because there are no available fixes for what appears to be a very large phone center. What he is saying, echoing what a lot of Silicon Valley execs were saying, stress testing on the fly. You go live with something. Something you stress test a system with 20 Million People logging on at once with two months to a deadline. They should have been doing a slow rollout, slow beta test, people can log on gradually in the months prior, not just at the twomonth deadline and he says he doesnt know a lot of the contractors that worked on the project. They had the years. In his mind, he is saying the status changes are run state exchanges are Running Company but the federal exchange is not. Its a little apples and oranges here, no fund intendeds with our prior segment but i find it ironic that the government metes out punishment to banks for not getting the job done or not seeing warning signs and not addressing problems, but it gets off free on any problems it has. Another point, another executive told me, what would steve jobs do in this scenario . He would not be happy at a launch like this and heads would roll. Thats a quit from one of the executives we talked to. Thank you. While were putting a lock on entitlements can can he stop checks going to folks locked up . Clients are always learning more to make their money do more. ann to help me plan my next move, i take scottrades free, inbranch seminars. Plus, their live webinars. I use daily market commentary to improve my strategy. And my local scottrade Office Guides my learning every step of the way. Because they know i dont trade like everybody. I trade like me. Im with scottrade. announcer ranked highest in Investor Satisfaction with selfdirected services by j. D. Power and associates. Staor like this. And hit the start button to flip back and forth. You can make the important things big, keep the small stuff small, and arrange it all around you. You can be all work with office, all play, or even both at the same time. You can do it all simpler and easier on your windows tablet, pc, or surface. Thats the new windows one experience for everything in your life. This takes a little gal. Food stamp recipients are selling their food stamps on craigslist. I kid you not. It gets worse. A new report saying that 1 million in disability benefits going to hundreds of prisoners. Add that to the more than 91 million bucks in payments to illegality immigrants and 31 million bucks in Social Security benefits going to dead people. What is this about . Shows we have a lot of waste, fraud and abuse going on here. Were 17 trillion in debt. You happen that even in times like these, when people are down on their luck, the government would try to, especially in times like these, make sure that if wore going to give out the money, theyre not going to prisoners in jail, but what we have seen here is that kind of almost what you were talking about with the government web site, the government cant do their Due Diligence and job to make sure the money theyre spending is being spent properly. I always argue theres a 10 waste rule in the contract, even the good contractors out there, in any estimate. But when the numbers get as big, thats a lot of money. Defenders of these various programs say, well in the scheme of thing, these are small numbers. But add them up . They add up to a lot of money and its our money. Right. The earned income tax program, which has given up to 13 bill in just one year improperly, thats more than 10 . Thats 20 to 25 . So thats much higher. I generally agree with the critics you mentioned. In the grandscheme of things, compared to what our longterm liabilities are in our entitlement program, somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 trillion, these are small pittance, but every little bit matters and the American People question what the government can do, and thats just not good. What i worry about, these are programs affecting anywhere from when it comes to foodrelated programs anywhere from 50 million to 100 million getting at least some food subsidy. So the potential is rampant for more abuse. You got to think about this healthcare law and being part of it, will be everybody in the country, whether they have coverage or not, there it gets owl of control exponentially. To end this big debt deal what the republicans got, was there would be a greater scrutiny over whether people are eligible for the subsidies and whatnot. But theres questions of whether what the government can do, if they cant run a lot of other things properly, whether they can actually make sure theyre not giving money to people who dont deserve it. Amazing. Thank you very much. Here we go again. Stocks jumping on the possibility of fed stimulation continuing. Essentially, frank, its weird because the markets are rejoicing that the nicotine is going to keep coming, right . Hi, neil. America has a drug problem. The street name is qe. The takes are Stock Traders and the pusher is the Federal Reserve and its a real problem. You can see everytime we gate weak data point like we did today, equity rallies, metals rally, buy bonds, sell dollars, the same thing over and over again. A bunch of addicts hooked on the federal activity. We should have explained; so obviously to feed the beast you need Economic Data that doesnt hint the beast is getting too active. So if we have a swell economy or sputtering economy, that actually in a twisted sense in this new world works the marks advantage, but thats twisted. That is twisted and thats the nature of the market we have now. Its been three years of this. This risk on trade on the bask of quantities tatetive ease quantitative easing and its the dual mandate, the second mandate, pushed by the congress that requires the feds to maintain full employment, the lowest rate of unemployment, and thats what is driving qe. We take away the mandate tomorrow and qe can be finished. On the corner of wall and broad, up 75 points, the the s. When you look at that 15,467, and its built on sort of government support, 85 billion a month of government support, thats what this is all about. Is that sustainable . Its not sustainable, and we have been in this scenario before where the notion is we can only go higher. We saw this in the 2000 to 2007. Of course what makes this it will be that much more when they realize what the government has to do there will be a correction and it will scare a lot of people. We have these models in the background that are moving things in a way we havent seen before in a situation like this. When the moment comes its going to accelerate even faster. A very good point. And its lightning fast. Yes. When you look at on the back of the nonfront payroll number, the in human had chance. Made no sense whatsoever. They just trade by algorithms. Theyre making a fortune. Thank you, frank. In the meantime, was it about money . Attention parents, a week after facebook eases up on the teen poll circumstance its reportedly easing up on the violent content policy, allowing gruesome photos on the site asns story. Is facebook right or wrong . One attorney says, wrong. Michelle says . Not so sure. Why not so sure . I dont think facebook actually ever said it was censoring everything. I always assumed everything was open on facebook. Thats why my children are not allowed to have account. Do they get on facebook . Of course not. This is a public forum for adults. This is where people got together and decided to revolt in the middle east. So why would i think this is a safe place for teenager to have any problem with the concept . Of course if do. Okay. What about you . I do have a problem with the con but i have a bigger problem who is advises facebook. By having a policy that people either can or cant post that information, facebook is admitting what we all already know, they have hand and a responsibility in what gets dissim nateed out there, and thats a dangerous thing. Facebook would have been smarter to say, were out of it. This is a forum and were not responsible for anything. Isnt that censorship . Facebook is a private intent so its not because censorship have to come from the government. Theyre censoring eye by weighing in on what can and cant be done theyre censoring it and assuming its own responsibility. Its not a good idea. Thats opening themselves up to liability and to have the public say that they have a moral responsibility. Its just not safe for them to do that. Now, facebook, when we asked for a comment, they didnt respond, but the other talk is theyre going to maybe provide another gate here, warning, telegraph you when this stuff is coming. I dont knoll how they do that. But other sites have this option of either adult content or controversial cob tent you have to sign in separately. Will that make much difference . There are things you can do right now, which is why i dont understand why these steps are being taken. You can hide posts or block friends that are keen on posting these kinds of things. I really think that it should remain user censored, as far as what youre willing to see. Facebook should not have a hand in this. If you access photos and you want to copy and paste them on there, you can still do that no matter where you get enemy from. You can, and facebook is acknowledging, look, we know were in everybodys living room, on everyones computer and phone, and we know whats going to happen it is that people who dont want to see gruesome photos will accidentally see them. So thats a problem. So while the policy may have come from a good place that facebook is trying to be responsible, ultimately theyre admitting what we all already know, which is that they are on the hook for some of this content. I knew this would be the case, people get purent interests and facebook all this is out there. Im signing up for facebook. Right . Right. People are going to be doing searches for beheading videos because facebook made it an issue. You can get that going outside facebook. You certainly can. But it bet you today theres going to be a million more hits because of this story alone, that facebook is kind of attracting interest, which is irresponsible. Its up to you the user to seek that out. So facebook should have always kept their hands off and never censored everything. Its a dumb move by admitting they can regulate and now pulling back the regulation. Theyre afraid. They got a lot of stuff from parents and others. By pulling back. Yes. Some tapings should be directed at the people posting, but by facebook getting involved and changing the policy, admit that i go do have hand in it, which any lawyer should not have advised them to do it. Have kept they ever hands off. Slurred stop talking. Well lawyers should stop talking. Well in the meantime, ahead of the trial on the terrorist linked to the 1998 attacks. Well be live at the courthouse next. Im a careful investor. When you do what io, you think about risk. 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Remember, all Medicare Supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesnt pay. And could save you in outofpocket medical costs. Call now to request your free decision guide. And learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now and down the road. I have a lifetime of experience. So i know how important that is. Better late than never. A Pretrial Hearing about to get underway in new york city for suspected senior al qaeda litter allibi, charmed in connection with the 1998 u. S. Bombings in east africa, that killed hundreds, including 12 americans. Heres the latest. Reporter this hearing is slated to get underway any moment from now. Under normal circumstances, this would be a routine hearing but theres nothing routine about this defendant. Al libi is accused of conducting surveillance on the u. S. Embassy before it was blown up in 1998, along with the u. S. Embassy in tanzania. Were going to learn if he is going to have new attorneys appointed. The attorneys who represented him at his arraignment have to step aside because of a conflict. The question now is, who will his new attorneys be . There is the possibility that they will be private attorneys, paid for by the taxpayer. Theres also some speculation, neil, that it could be a private attorney paid for by the libyan government. Again, we expect to learn more about this in the next few moments. Another thing to keep an eye on is allib byes appearance. His family says he is suffering from hepatitis. He is pleading not guilty and could spend the rest of his life behind bars if convicted. Is justice delayed, justice denied . The commander of the uss cole which came under attack. Commander, you and others advocated this is not the place for this go to be. He should be at gone Guantanamo Bay . For two ropes. First, Guantanamo Bay is a stateoftheart 300 million plus Intelligence Facility the american taxpayers have paid for and should be used to find out what intelligence he may still have about future operations, and secondly, we have the facility set up there for military commissions. That is where these terrorists need to be taken and need to be tried. The fact that he was taken out of libya, put on a navy ship, which essentially converted a 2 plus billion name as set into a prison ship until his health deteriorating, clearly we have an administering that is once againforegoing a National Asset in Guantanamo Bay for the sake of political posturing. Others argue that even assuming he was behind these attacks in 1998, he has since lost all al qaeda connections, were told. I could be very wrong, and so going to gitmo wouldnt get much information out of him. So go ahead and try him. Here in u. S. Soil. Answer al qaeda, always al qaeda. He is still going to have the connections back there, and even then, if he doesnt have the connections today, we need to learn what connections he did have, when did he have them, where did they go and track those people down as well. Anyone associated with these bombings, the United States has an obligation to the families and those killed and injured the attack find these people, hunt them down, cam tour them or kill them. We know that set up a change of Al Qaedalinked attacks not only in 1998 but the uss cole. You could go to the First World Trade Center and second world trade center. So a guy like you is interested in finding out about that pattern, and thats something that only gitmo can get you . Absolutely, neil. When you look at what that Intelligence Facility down there was designed to do, it was place where we were supposed to bring al qaeda terrorists so that we could figure out how they recruited, equipped, financed, trained, and conduct operations worldwide, because once you understand how an enemy conducts these terrorist operations, then and only then can you truly target them for defeat. Using a Drone Program on the face may appear effective but the reality is, unless you capture them and have a place to bring them, away from the battlefield to fine find out how theyll do operations well tonally be behind the power curve and what the information has done. This overreliance on the Drone Program and underreliance on intelligence gathering is going to hurt us in the long run. Thank you, commander. A private lawyer paid for by, well, us . As David Lee Miller reported allibi could get counsel from preapproved lawyers. Get who will get the bill . This is not so uncommon in everyday courtrooms people who cant bay for a lawyer are assigned one by the government. When you want to figure out how much this will cost, a lot of it has to do with what is happening today. The jung is going to ask the government, if we go to trial, how long is your case going to be . The case is a month, going to be one cost, if its four months, its other different cost. Are you seeking the Death Penalty or not . I dont believe they are seeking the Death Penalty here. But if they were, that lawyer gifts to get paid a little bit more. And theres usually more lawyers involved. But when you really do the breakdown, its the government costs that are astronomical here. Lefts take that aside. Also working our legal system, you, work through Legal Research and theres a possibility this guy was picked up october 5th october 5th outside tripoli, he was questioned vigorously, were told, on a ship, the uss antonio. People might say that wasnt at all proper so were going to throw the case out. Thats a possibility. But the person who we woo be doing that regarding the factses the jump. Judges make those decisions. The judges have made decisions like that in the past. Not in these kinds of cases, no. Not in the Southern District of new york. Even though a judge, federal judge just. Just know he is under pressure. 100 , and even though they have life tenure, what will happen here is the government heres the question, neil. This guy has hepatitis~c. You dont get great medical care in prison. So theyre going to know he is only going last ten years, 15 years in prison. Do they make a plea bargain with him to save us, you and i, millions and millions of dollars to 30 years in jail . 35 years in prison . No trial . It will be over in a couple of months, and inteds of it costing 15 mint maybe it only costs going to die anyway, why plea bargain. Well, thats up to his youre right. Thats the defendants prerogative. Usual live the governments position is there is no plea bar gap. Were going the whole way and that costs tens of millions of dollars. The its not going to go like that. I dont know which way its going to go. There are so many questions here. If he is really sick he may not be able to stand the rigors of a trial and his house of cards may crumble on their own. Were looking to see what his shape will be in the courtroom. People working behind the scenes laying it all out. Dot that mean the cheese is out . O why let erectile dysfunction get in your way . Talk to your doctor about viagra. Ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. Do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pai it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. Side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. To avoid longterm injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. Stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away, if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. This is the age of taking action. Viagra. Talk to your doctor. The white house compares apple to the healthcare web site. We said you have to be kidding, and you responded in force. In fact youre still responding. One writes i heard of comparing apples to oranges but never apples to lemons. Tyler tweets your analogy makes my day, an apple a day keeps the government away, paula says the American People want apple products because theyre great products and we have a choice about buying them or not. Now we know they knew. New report shows federal Health Officials win ahead with the obamacare web site launch despite failing tests tests andd flags days before the launch. Its much to launch Kathleen Sebelius right out of office. Steve disagrees. Youre saying, thats it, game over. If Kathleen Sebelius had any selfrespect or decency so would offer her resignation for the president instead of waiting for him to fire her. What else would you expect for a whom who has grown up with the silver spoon of government in her mouth, whether being a childhood of a governor or going to work for the Trial Lawyers Association and working in the state house and the kansas governor. This woman has suffered only taxpayer funded success which is completely different from private business success. If she had warned the president and if she was asurprised of the difficulties he would have delayed this . The ship was setting sail. At least he could have tried. Thats the bigger issue right now. This is what you get when you put a Community Organizer into office. He puts another Community Organizer in that has no idea at business. He should have called his buddies at apple and say, help me launch the biggest policy change. Instead he calls another person who has risen up the ranks of government. She was not governor. What do you think of that argument, steve, that someone should have done something, given the warnings that this was not ready for prime time . A lot of of people dont know this about he. I had a 15plus year career in the privity sectyear in itch t. Before i went interest political media. So youre geek. A former geek, and i have managed a numb of deployments miss. Anybody had one go quite this badly. I will say if she was in the private sector, in the same situation, she would be in the office with the cio and he would say we have a problem, can you fix this in time to accomplish what we need to accomplish . If she can, her job is okay. If not, chev is gone, and that would be the same situation. You think she should be gone. Were not at that point yet. If thats go i think we are. Its clear, millions apparently cant get even on to the site and those that do 400,000 have actually been able 20 million have tried. Thats the batting percentage. Well 20, mental have been on the web site, including me, 500 times plugging different numbers in. If goes bass november 15th or dem 1 income, she is in trouble. We dont punish anyone for misdeeds here. They resign with full pay or something. Its fairly clear, whether its Kathleen Sebelius or someone else, this is really bad, and really sloppy, but no one is being punished. And listen. We enough this was going to be failure from day one inch fact there were already sending warnings saying you have done no tests. What else do you expect . Look at the apple phone, the new ios system failed. Now you expect every citizen is supposed to get on the web site . Just to be fair, they have had three years to get this right. This is a big part of what you do. Like when you launch a network, youre ready to launch with not everything perfect but most of what you need to do done. Now, if the president was apprised, he should have done something. If he wasnt, that says something. I think that if this is resolved in the next couple of weeks, three months from now nobody will remember that. It wont be resolve in the next couple of weeks and if this were george bush you would have been all over this. Is dont think tis a face criticism of the administration of sebelius. Starts at the top. The guy at the top. The policies dont go into effect until next year. If people get a chance to sign up, if this is fixed, they get a chance to sign up before the deadline, before january 1st if i have pad ratings, im fired, im done. Exactly. See whoa have been fired from day one. Im beginning to think that the what am i talking about . All right. Thanks, guys. What this president said 50 years ago today that this president might want to remember today. Interesting. Talk about weird times. This president isnt calling Technology Part of it, but this is jfk 60 years ago today. In the last 100 years science has e emerged from a concern of government to an active partner. The instrumentality devised in recent times have given this partnership continuity and force. The question on all our minds today is how science can continue to the world in the years to come. To the kennedy half century, how jfk might be handling this problem the president is dealing with now. Maybe this president is, but he certa certainly would have at least aligned his technology ducks many order. That i can be sure of. Youre right. And look, i can tell you president kennedy would not have spent 500 million on a computer roll out that didnt work. I mean its quite amazing. Its a waste of money. Kennedy, even though he called himself a liberal, he was a conservative. He was very careful with dollars and cents. He was worried about a budget deficit and debt that would thrill us today, a few million dollars. If only we could go back. Something that did happen after he died. He did set in motion the very Space Program that many created the apples and likes we have today. But that has been dramatically downsi downsized. Im wondering whether that is part of the problem here. Were kind of losing that oomp. There certainly was a tremendous partnership that produced the first men on the moon. It excited the whole country and the world. It made the United States first among equals around the globe. I think one of the factors here is that kennedy took a very personal interest in the Space Program and the technologies as they were developing. He didnt just get briefed in the white house. He would go down to south florida for personal briefings from the scientists who were putting that together. He went to houston for the same reason. So a president has to be engaged. He has to be involved. That makes a difference. It inspires the people working under him. It also probably helps to prevent the kind of disaster we have seen with the rollout of obama care. Youre also willing to risk making big goals and potentially see them fail. You put a lot of money and commitment behind it. Were going to land a mab on man on the moon and we were struggling at that time. How much is just big vision and putting the right focus on that vision . I think a lot of it is president ial leadership. It really does come down to leadership and the ability of a president to inspire. A president has to be personally interested in something. It has to be communicated to all the bureaucrats. But thats not to say this president is interested in health care for everyone. Some saying he wasnt paying attention to the details of the website and others. Is that what was achilles heel . He would use it it at his legacy. If youre so invest ed in a program as obama is in this Affordable Care act, wouldnt you be very interested in how the country would regard the rollout . Wouldnt you be into at least some of the details . Yes, we dont want the president s drowning in details, but we do want them to care enough so that a rollout like this, which after all is critical, would be done well. And that clearly wasnt the case here. We know john kennedy was intimately involved in following each and every space mission. Larry, thank you very much. A great book. Hes a great guy. Thank you. Over the top stuff richard just said . Thats the problem. So ted cruz is a bull in a c china shop. Tea partiers are wrecking the shop. And not a word about richard and what he said. Later he gets a pass. But wait. Didnt he every bit as much threaten the left than cruz threatened the right . So cruz saying he wants to bring. Republicans to their senses is devisive, but trumpka saying they will face repercussions isnt wlk if one is a flame thrower, the other isnt . It if tea partiers are holding their party hostage, unions arent . Get real. Be fair. I dont care what your views are whether you like him or hate him, but if youre calling him a grenade, its fair to call rumpka an oozy. Why is one guy railing against the Government Spending, but the other guy rallying for Government Spending a sabt . Its like when the media reports are Holding Washington hostage trying to get their way on a budget, but democrats arent Holding Washington hostage trying to get their way on spending. They are both trying to get their way. One is stubborn and the other is not, thats fine. Its one thing to attack one side for saying something you dont like. But quite another to say nothing. That silence is deadly. That silence is sinister. And that silence, thats definite. Well have much more. Get ready to be taxed for every mile you drive. You get one of these fancy cars you plug in. These are the ones i cant fit in. You have 100 miles a gallon. In oregon they are going to tax you by the mile. So im guzzle iing by you in a truck at 2 feet a gallon, were both paying the same. Tonight at 8 00. See ya. Hello. Its 5 00 in new york city. This is the five. Uhoh, may be headed for ob. The queen of talk oprah is refusing to promote obama care because she feels burned by the white house. Its not just oprah grabbing the life vest and jumping overboard. Jon stewart giving the president the treatment he deserves. Apparently the Health Care Website has

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