And tried to get maked pictures of trump from overseas. Guy and how do you spell her name. Whats the nature of the compromise . Well there were picture of naked trump. So putin was made aware the availability of the compromise in material . Penchts yes, of course. Thank you very much. Well be back in touch with you through our staff to make arrangements to obtain these materials for our committee and for the fbi. [laughter] what a sicko. [laughter] and this is what we have. An anonymous cia whistleblower democrat colluded with russia hoaxers in congress, teeing up a secret impeachment trial that violates basic legal rights atrocious. How about you man up and win an election instead they know they cant. Theyre so socalled front runner hes in a free fall. Sleepy joe dropped second place. Because trump caught his family getting paid off when he was vp. Joe son hunt per got thrown out of navy and a genius in wall street in two day. What happened to hunter where the hell is he. You know nothing about energy and you know nothing about anything frankly. Hunter youre a loser why did you get 1. 5 billion dollars and your father was never considered smart. He was never considered a good senator. He was only a good Vice President because he understood how to kiss Barack Obamas ass. Thats true. And theyre always saying the same thing. President trump made a unsubstand claim about hunter biden and his father it is not crooked it is 100 true. So china gives his son 1. 5 how would you like joe biden to have negotiations with china, i dont think so. The bidens got rich. And that is substantiated. While america got robbed there you have it biden paid off by foreigners and in thes want to impeach trump for having foreign centers about biden family getting paid off you see how corrupt that is. By the way, obama . Poor nationals bribing family of his number two, how did he not know about that . Hes not out there defending joe now is he . I love for reportser to ask obama if he knew his vps female it was for sale. And while were at it, why did you have Foreign Countries plant dirt on political opponent and interfere in our election still waiting for bill barr to get to the bottom of that. But heres the bottom line, the left is guilty of corruption and collusion and blaming trump for it and bloody up before spying and naked quest for power. They have to impeach him because they cant beat him. And the do nothing in thes will do anything to regain control except work for you, the American People. Jobs, trades, infrastructure, drug prices, asylum loopholes do democrats care about that stuff . Trump is extending his hand to make a deal to make America Great again. And the democrats are just trying to chop it off. Remember that in november. Here with reaction white house senior policy advisor Steven Miller. All right miller what is your reaction to waters word . First of all, great to be with you jesse thank you for your insight powerful opening segment i want to say to you that the federal Civil Service has been if turned into a sword aimed at the heart of our incomes when you have it shall is a crucial crisis created by unelected Fourth Branch of government trying to take down a duly elected president concert with radical democrats like a. D. Ial shift and nancy pelosi. Now that we know that whistleblower is associated not only with james clap per but had worked for Vice President joe biden before according to the Washington Examiner, youre working in the white house right now are do you have your heads on a swivel, can you trust people . How do you survive in an environment like that . Well, first of alllet be very clear, the president is going to win. Hes going to defeat not only the radical democrats but the unelected permanent bureaucracy trying to thwart will of the American People. At the heart of this issue is a simple question. Which is that do we deserve to have a government that is e fro of corruption and responsive to voters and as you laid out, the corruption here is joe biden and hunter biden fleecing American People and joe biden was Vice President china was ripping off United States to the tune of trillions of dollars. At the exam same time as that was happening, hunter biden was raking in unpress dengtsed amounts of money from the government of china. That is the definition of corruption. And it is parking lot president s job as the head Law Enforcement officer in this country to ensure that we do not have corruption in this country or corruption in the countries that were doing business with to the greatest extent possible. And now you have in thes attacking this president for his stance against corruption and all of its forms so how can then joe biden now run for president and say im going to negotiate with the chinese. While my son is already been paid off by the chinese . Cant people see that because joe said already such a weak record on china. His whole senate career, and you know this summer he said, comien is not even a competitor. So how can he say that . Thats exactly right. Thats exactly right. Of course, joe biden, of course, is pin capable of leaving this country for many reasons but most significantly among them is the fact that as youve seen hes financially indebted to china and that is the fundamental Public Policy issue that were facing it is not a political issue but a National Security issue. That is a Public Policy issue, about whether or not you have a situation in which leaders in the if Obama Administration and previous administrations put themselves in a situation in which they were financially indebted to Foreign Countries and thats the issue now confronting American People. Tow think that aggressive posture that president is confronting constantly not only from the left but from the administrative state, by other people in the government, in washington, d. C. , is that hatred towards the president . Is that based on his policy direction . Is that based on his personality because aye never seen such disdain and frosty coming from a president s political opponent as ive seen right now. Yeah very important point. The disdain that is being directed at the president by disgrace members of Congress Like adam shift, and by members of the deep state, the permanent bureaucracy season driven by hatred of the American People and their hatred of our founding values and hatred of our constitution and thats what it comes down to. This president was elected on a pledge to drain the swamp. This is a swamp trying to fight back. Thats the . Erp of this whole issue. Do we drain the swamp . Or do we end up letting swamp to krupght and contort our political system . They are fighting against change this president is delivering. The change hes delivering on Foreign Policy on domestic policy and National Security policy thats what it comes down to whether we have real change this president campaigned on whether we let radical left wing in thes and their collaborators in the bureaucracy keep that change from happening. And then lastly real quick the president was in minnesota the other day and seeking to a very large crowd and usually the opposition hides in shadows but they were out on street and you can see type of crowds burning stolen maga hats throwing urine on Police Officers cursing out Police Officers when you see this, the face of the resistance, and ugliness like that, does that desire you or terrify you how does that make you feel . Well here in this white house when we see the face of that lawless constitutional resistance were more determined than ever and this president is more determined than pfer to uphold rule of law to win these battles to achieve these victories and to defend the constitution against unrelengted assault from democrats in congress and bureaucrats in the executive breampleg. Thats where this comes down to web and that image those mantle you see on this tv every american should ask themselves who do you want to governor and run this country . Every day hard working citizens or riots and protesters theyre out in the street. Thats the choice. Because in thes have is sided with the lawless riters and American People side with this president their constitution. All right Steven Miller thank you for joins waters world. Pnches thank you. Thank you. A new report from the Washington Examiner suggest that whistleblower cia guy may have worked for joe biden when he was vept and may have even accompanied him on the trips he made to ukraine. Unbelievable. Here with reaction fox news contradict tore john solomon and fox news legal analyst gregg jarret author of the if new book, witch hunt which im kurpghtly reading cover to cover. All right greg so this thing is totally compromised now shift is compromised whistleblowers compromised, i just dont see how we go from here now theres a clapper angle to the whistleblower tell me about this. Well, one of the advisors to the whistleblower used to work closely with none other than James Clapper who i identify in my book as the prodigious leak per in the witch hunt and russian hoax. So this thing you know, stinks like five day old day fish and fact of the matter is, a whistleblower is irrelevant in immaterial now that we have the transcript. I mean, you can have a hundred whistleblowers but opinion and interpretation doesnt matter what matters is the best evidence that transcript which shows no crime and no impeachment offense. And john you made news earlier this week about hunt per billedden paycheck was bigger than everybody thought it was out of ukraine whats the deal there . Listen, the fbi sees these records in 2016 because they investigated and the pus Justice Department prosecuted hunt per billedden Business Partner in the brief case it was unrelated to that and related to indian tribe scheme he was convicted and then the it shall judgment was set aside. But devin archer bank records which are also Hunter Biden Bank records show two of them were getting approximately 166,000 dollars a month coming from burisma 160 166,000. In fact i cant find a single transfer i have all of the bank records and numbers are much largerrer you have to ask a fale number a smaller number. Its king the with what weve seen in this case all along, bidens originally said theyve never talked about burisma together and hunter biden said i did and they have schismly not match the public record. Efntle we have the president sending this airtight letter to capitol hill this week saying how atrocious this whole scam has been in the house. They dont let you do anything. It is totally shut down the republicans so that say were not going to cooperate if you rig this against us do you think it thats a smart move strategically . Look that was a beautifully written letter from a legal stand point it was a brief sight the Supreme Court which is repeatedly said due process applying not just to congressional investigations, but any impeachment inquiry. And the fact of this is by unilateral decision from nancy pelosi to launch this inquiry, they are obliterating procedural protections of due process secret witnesses, testifying behind closed doors, the other side isnt even allowed to look at the evidence. Witnesses are being threatened with with on instruction of justice. Being told you may not have counsel. I mean, this Supreme Court justice is any justice no matter what will theyre inclination should be mortified by those due process violations. And john you know it looks more and more at this point like this is all a big coverup from what happened in last election and all of the signals are pointing towards yiewg ukraine we know numerous collusion instances between the democrats, and ukraine tell us more about that and why thats more significant . Pencht pretty solid on the record confirmed instances first is Ukrainian Embassy in washington confirm that a dnc contractor named alexander came to them in spring of 016 seeking dirt from ukraine on donald trump and ties to russia, and Paul Manafort thats the first one. Thats one right there. And Ukraine Embassy said we turned it down. Second is a a court ruling in ukraine in which parking lot court ruled last december, december 2018 that two government officials ukraine wrongly interfered by improperly releasing black ledger that smearedded. Manafort raised questions that caused him to resign from the Trump Campaign and then the third, is sworn testimony from nelly orb who acknowledges that some of the information she got on on Paul Manafort and drover working for Hillary Clinton opposition firm came from a ukrainian parliamentary e member so we have three its all right there accusing trump of what theyre guilty of qen that, it is a hoax. The president is right it is a hoax. You know it wasnt just a Hillary Clinton campaign and derks nc paying for russian disinformation that was in the dossier. But john is absolutely right, the Alexander Chalupa collusion with ukraine is right here in my book. John has if done even more evidence all right. You know theres such rank hypocrisy in this. Gentlemen thank you for the court still ahead, waters world hits streets to find out if people know what the democrats are even impeaching trump for. Oh wait until you hear this. We call it the mother standard of care. Its how we bring real hope to our Cancer Patients like viola. When she was diagnosed with breast cancer, her team at ctca created a Personalized Care plan that treated her cancer and strengthened her spirit. So viola could focus on her future. Their future. This is how we inspire hope. This is how we heal. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Appointments available now. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. 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The my account app makes todays Xfinity Customer Service simple, easy, awesome. Not my thing. Nba players regularly make comments Bashing Trump and policies like this. This whole race thing has taken over, and you know because one because i believe our president is kind of trying to divide us. Kind of read that he was using trying to divide and be divisive. Trying to combat terrorism. By bashing from coming into the country going against what our country is about. Embarrass m in the world, people have to be made to feel uncomfortable and especially white people because were comfortable. We still have no clue of what being born white means. When it comes to china, the players and coaches remain totally silent and if they dare comment like Houston Rockets gm supported hong kong protest, the nba is shuts you down. Commune fist country suspends broadcast of all a of the bred season games. Coaches bit their tongues after this and President Trump called them out. I watch this guy steve kerr he was like a little boy scared to answer the question he couldnt answer the question, and hell talk about the United States very badly. I watch popovich the same thing but dpght look quite as scared but they talk badly about the United States but when had it talks china they dont want to say anything bad i thought it was sad. Fox and Friends Weekend and ed henry all right boy what do you think about that hypocrisy . Completely outrageous this fires me up because i love politics and sports and it come together here you play these clips these guys are not just been antitrump but theyve been lecturing the president on principles. Freedom, human rightses and if they want to speak out this is is america. You can do that. There may be some trump allies who dont like it but this is America First amendment but then youre not consistent, and call out the communeist Chinese Government with prison camps all of the rest muslims prison camps for muslims come on and steve kerr when asked about this by the way, the reason why the president popped off rightly so is that he steve kerr basically said this is a complicated issue of china i want to read up on it. Read up on it you can ask literally anything about first time to educate themselves before they wanted to speak out and kerr double down earlier and he said this when i go over to china you know they dont ask me about people many this country going around a ar15 spraying down people at the mall bash his own country. Of course he does and when they travel to overseas they go to finest hotels from the hotels to the gym to the media promotion to speaker spot where they sell sneakers and they have no connection to what the real world looks like they have no idea how much oppression exist in these countries, however they dont want to know how wonderful they have it in this country heres the sin of this whole thing china is winning we think when they open up their markets they would open pup politic and people become more free there instead theyve exported their control because of their power on us. The communist are tell us what teds and were doing it for money. Fans with the free honk con stangdz told to take them down the a 76ers game last time i checked that was about freedom grad you brought that up because wheres kaepernick he was making a stink about American Shoe with the betty ross flag on it but were going to make shoes with slave lace boar in china. Thats where i want to call out people like lebron again i think if you want to speak out you want to talk about principles and freedom, great. Im right behind you. But then be king the about it and they wont deal with china why because lebron james makes millions of dollars off sneakers if theyre probably even made by chinese kids and factory, and under sweat shop conditions. Nothing. Nothing. Jason talked about this and how if nike is polling the strings at the chinese, watch. The Shoe Companies nike adidass they won american basketball from the High School Level all the way to the if pros. And the shoe company are are dependent on the china market. And thats where all of this is coming from. You see nba players connen stangtly over summer during offseason running to china to do the bidding of their Shoe Companieses and to sell their shoes in the china market and so the nba is really being exposeed as not nearly as much of a American Business as it is a Global Business with china perhaps having more influence over it than even america. Great point. Calling out right people nba has to decide whether theyre in more favor of patriotism but this is an american sport founded by james is right here. Yet what were doing is were, by wanting larger market and craving that additional profit, the nba one company in this country to stare down chinese of how popular that sport is thats true. Make us stand and adam silver has kind of tried to do that probably so weak he can never actually do it. But he knows advertise instinct is america is a free country owner gm player all have the right to speak and let one for once we lecture the chinese. To say if you dont us find a Better League and better players that you want to promote in china that people want to speak. Calling their bluff. To your point adam silver went after the state of North Carolina with the bathroom bill got involved and moved all star game federal charlotte took the money away from American Businesses who would have sold hot dog and soda in North Carolina all because of the bathroom bill. He said nothing. We should tell nba dont let transgender do the bathroom thing in beijing then theyll talk a tough. They dont know that big game it shall sunday all right. Vikings eagles your company team is coming to any team. Beat you in philly two years to go to the super bowl which we. Prefer to forget about that. Do a little vet. Wager all right. What do you want to do . I think it should be a jersey or food . We could dod food. Do the food thing cheese stick what have you done . Cheese curds cheese whatever twins against my yankees didnt go to well. Going with water. A week for you. Thanks guy how much do americans know about impeachment . Not much. But matt lauer accused of rape and did hillary kill the report on weinstein . Biopharmaceutical researchers. Pursuing lifechanging cures in a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. Because its not just about the next breakthrough. Its all the ones after that. Mom youve got to [ get yourself a new car. G ] i wish i could save faster. Youre making good choices. Youll get there. Were you going to tell me about this . I know i cant afford to go. I still have this car so you can afford to go. I am so proud of you. Thanks. Principal. We can help you plan for that. Start today at principal. Com. engines rev the only thing better than horsepower. Is more horsepower. engines rev if we were for everyone, wed be for no one. With dodge power dollars, more power means more cash allowance. Purchase now and get 10 per horsepower. Thats 7,970 on the srt challenger hellcat redeye. Burger i want a sugar cookie i want a bucket of chicken i want. Its the easiest, because its the cheesiest kraft. For the win win. Live from america news headquarters im aye sha President Trump just finishing up a speech at values vote summit dinner in nation capitol again slamming democrats claiming that, quote, left wing radicals are determined to shred constitution and saying that hes told his lawyers he wants to sue house speaker, nancy pelosi. And if House Intel Committee chairman adam shift and hear more from the president when he speaks exclusively in about 30 minutes and in other news at least one person was killed and two others missing in new orleans. After a large portion of a Hard Rock Hotel underconstruction collapses near the citys historic french quarter. Authorities say the area is still dangerous as a construction crane is looming over the site. Im aye sha now back to waters world. New book by ronan had pharaoh ties gracing matt lauer of raping coworker accuser brook nevilles said she drank six vodka shots with lauer and meredith at a holes bar then went to lougher room twice first to retrieve press credential he took as a joke and second time when he invited her back. It is then when she said he raped her. Nevilles saids it was non consensual i said multiple times that i didnt want to to to havl sex and i have previously admitted having encounter was, in fact, an assault categorially false ignores facts defies common sense we engage in variety of sexual acts and performed oral sex on each other and vaginal sex and we had anal sex both consensual brook did not do or say anything to object. She certainly did not cry. She was a fully enthusiastic and willing partner. Claims nba executives knew about other sexual encounters with lauer years before he was fired. What we show in this book with a paper trail with documents is that there were multiple secret slenlses and nondisclosure struck with women at nbc news. Two nondisclosure years before over a feared of six to seven years a feared in which any settlement multiple of those matt lou per accusers this was years before, this distinct was brook nevilles and firing. With me now Senior Advisor to 2020 campaign Katrina Pierson and town hall editor and katy. Katy, it is very hard to make sense of the story because theres two truths right theres only two people who know, and one says that she was intoxicated and she could not consent and verbally did not want to consent and lauer you heard his statement, and she said, he says affair continues so as a woman when you look at the story as you know it since theres no trial how do you make sense of it . I dont view situations as a woman i view them based on what facts are and consistent fact here is that there was a sexual act or multiple sexual acts as you have pointed out in your introduction the issue here is whether they were consensual and matt lauer say it was consensual this come says it was not. The book portrays bigger problem nbc not just with a one specific distinct but goes after the organization as a whole saying that they were paying off women for years before matt lou per caught publicly accused publicly of these kinds of assaults and behaviors and then therefore fired and so, i havent read book i dont know all of the details i think when things dont play out in a court of law it is difficult to find out where facts come down. She was, obviously, making a serious accusation and you know matt lauer not defending him but even if someone has been guilty of these other kiengdz of behaviors it doesnt mean that accusation is shouldnt be looked through thoroughly and found with evidence to be true or not. So it is a tough situation both for everyone involved for nbc as a network. So katrina we all remember what happened, with billy bush, remember nerks bc leaked the access Hollywood Tape and billy was pushed out. A lot of people believe matt lauer had a lot to do with pushing billy out there. So theres the politics of that, plus Hillary Clinton according to ronan pharaoh may have had one of her people helped killed by kind of not cooperating with a piece to make sure nbc was quiet with the weinstein deal. You know nbc has a relationship with clinton big boosters they give chelsea huge salary to do basically nothing. How tow look at the politics of nbc . E well we also know that Hillary Clinton had a relationship with Harvey Weinstein but this is a huge issue and despite what is is happening between matt lou per i dont drink but i know what six vodka shot can do to someones judgment. So thats going to be open to interpretation by i guess each individual since it is not going to court of law but the political complications are much bigger here. Simply because, i mean, were talking about and ronans book hes talking about things like people with power, espionage sabotage, and the will and intent to control the information that is reached out into the public to hide criminal acts. These are criminal acts that were talking about and if thats true, if what hes saying is true that is a huge problem but i will say jesse politically this is pretty much Standard Operating Procedure when it comes to the qhiet liberals that control the mainstream media, they want to project everything theyre doing to republicans specifically President Trump. And every time it backfires on them as as they deserve it. I like to stand on. Katy and katrina thank you guys very much. And weve been invited Ronan Farrell on waters world and see if he joins us donald goes off n minnesota hilarious imitation wait until you see who he mocked and americans tuning into the whistleblower . What do you think of when you look at his face . Hes ugly. Saturdays happen. Pain happens. Aleve it. Aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol. When pain happens, aleve it. All day strong. With tender crisp technology. The best of pressure cooking and air frying are now in one pot. And only the ninja foodi has tender crisp technology, so you can cook foods that are crispy on the outside and juicy on the inside. You may never need another appliance ever again. The ninja foodi Pressure Cooker. The Pressure Cooker that crisps. You dont need to go anywhere dad, this is your home. The best home to be in is your own. 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So hes either lying or delusional or both so maybe there needs to be a rematch, obviously, i can beat him again. Beat him again joining me now diamond and silk again. Crooked you know shes crooked not only crooked but delusional because she didnt beat hill the first time he won fair and square. And when we look at crooked hillary now dont start will be done but if you want to start it were going finish it. Hes going to win again. Thats why i dont to lock her up but run again. Before she can beat him again shes got the first win. Okay. Thats right. I dont know if she can it from liz warren feisty wont win a thing and Elizabeth Warren wont win the election. Absolutely not. You dont think nomination so going to lizzy or joe is has got it . Well, you know what im afraid when it comes to sleep you joe shes going to forget hes running for president he forgot it pee sleeps right through election so he doesnt show when trump was whaling on him it took him two week. Donald trump just probably ive never seen him this fired up before. He was in minneapolis, minnesota at a rally ripping on the lovers at least page and peter strzok lets see it. Peter strzok remember he and his lover lisa page shes going to win peter oh, i love you so much. I love you peter i love you too lisa about lisa i love you. Lisa, lisa god i love you lisa. And if she doesnt win lisa weve got it insurance policy lisa. Well get that son of a bitch out. It is funny but lets remember they were in ka hoots to make sure trump wasnt going to win. Sm it sure was and you know what, the president has every right to revisit this to see who perpetuated foolishness especially up under Obama Administration and some time you have to laugh to keep from cry so i love the way he played it and glad hes calling it out. These are two young africanamerican ladies confronting trudeau own black face. Why didnt you take it down . Oh. It was something i shouldnt have done because it hurt people and not something that that you should do. And that is something that i learned. I didnt know it back then but i know it now and im sorry i hurt people. Uhhuh yeah. And it was wrong thing to do. [laughter] thats so awkward i feel so so awkward for whole thing. But you know what annoys me because you push these two black children pup to ask is him that question. Yeah interviewer set the whole thing up. Sounds like a comedy show this girl here in the reds. Makes me feel fun comfortable heres what children are going to decide the election. The people will decide the election on whether hell be the next stop using children. Thats right. Thats right. All right. Ladies not children there they are chitchat tour on fire impeachment l ukraine whistleblowers americans paying attention to any of this . Stick around find out next. Jobs in the us. Its a competition for the talent. Employees need more than just a paycheck. 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Where you can save big on great gear from top brands like redhead, cabelas and black out. Bass pro shops and cabelas. Your adventure starts here. Nancy pelosi started this impeachment thing about two weeks ago. Youve got ukraine the whistleblower all over the news big time. But is it sinking in . Lets take a look. Tell me about ukraine. I have no idea. I dont know im not ukrainian. Im greek. Have you heard anything about ukraine recently . No. Should i have . Ukraine like a quarter of like like i dont know who robot thing. Like a crane. All over the place. Hes doing crazy things he should go back to the apprentice he was good at that. Have you heard about a whistleblower . Isnt trump the whistleblower . [laughter] what is a whistleblower . I dont know. My common sense says somebody blowing their whistle. Are you a whistleblower . I know how to whistle. What are you blowing the whistle on . What do you mean . Doesnt matter. Trump ittalking with the yieg crane president trying to get up dirt i guess on his democratic l joe biden. Sleepy joe biden we call had him one percent joe. Reminds me of the characters that came out against kavanaugh against trump theyve got some pup the head speaking for them. Who is this guy . I have no idea. I wish i didnt know either. No idea. What do you think of when you look at his pitch . Ugly. Dancing with the stars the other day . Adam shift. Adam sangd e p puppet head number one adam shift what does the president call him . Lots of things. Little adam shift. Pencil neck. Shifty shift colluded with the whistleblower. Whos the . Ukrainian girl . Cia. Do you trust the cia . I think theres people in the cia not happy with the Current Administration and they want to cause problem. What are they trying to impeach trump for . A lot a big fat bully. They want the power, the position, and ability to change america like he is. But theyve had their chance. What happens with impeachment . How does impeachment work . They kick you out say we dont want you anymore. The Vice President becomes president whos the Vice President . Biden . No, that was obama no hillary. Cory booker . Should trump be impeached . Absolutely not. No i dont. I like wheys doing so far actually. What are you going to vote for in next election . Biden. You know who i am. Youre handsome youre jesse waters. Because my parents love you. Your parents have great taste im waters and this is my world. Up next, waters world back outside with a columbus day quiz in tonights last call. Do you know what columbus did . Hes a sovereign something i dont know. I wish i could save faster. Youre making good choices. Youll get there. Were you going to tell me about this . I know i cant afford to go. I still have this car so you can afford to go. I am so proud of you. Thanks. Principal. We can help you plan for that. Start today at principal. Com. engines rev . 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Here vo automatically sort your expenses and save over 40 hours a month. Without you, we wouldnt have electricity. Our hobby would be going to bed early. vo you earned it, were here to make sure you get it. danny its time to get yours vo quickbooks. Backing you. Fine. No one leaves the table fine well sleep here. Its the easiest, because its the cheesiest kraft. For the win win. Theyre americas bpursuing lifechanging cures. In a country that fosters innovation here, they find breakthroughs. Like a way to fight cancer by arming a patients own tcells. Because its not just about the next breakthrough. Its all the ones after that. Jesse time for last call. Monday we celebrate columbus day. But there is a growing movement to ax the holiday. 69 of College Students would rather call it Indigenous Peoples day. Washington, d. C. Just passed emergency legislation to rename the holiday. You would think they would be focused on something there have been 130 murders in the city this year. I hit the streets to see how much people know about the famous explorer. Christopher columbus. Do you know what columbus did . He discovered something. Discovered the hudson river snpt. Jesse what was Christopher Columbus famous for. For discovering america. Jesse why do you put discovery in quotations. Because there were already People Living here. Jesse do you arbor animosity towards columbus . Not at all. We have to forgive to live. Jesse tell me how columbus got here. He came over on three ships. The may flower. Jesse that was the pilgrims. Can we edit the sound. The nina, the pinta. When columbus got here, where did he land . Manhattan. Jesse where did columbus land when he touched down. Boston. Jesse what year did columbus arrive. Columbus sailed the ocean blue in something 62. Jesse what year did he discover america. 1492. Jesse what was columbus looking for when he came here. Wasnt he looking to cross the world . What was columbus look for when he got here. Gold. Women . Jesse do you know who i am . Im watters and this is my world. Thats it for tonight. Follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. Justice with judge jeanine is next. Remember, im watters and this is my world. [ ] [ ] judge jeanine breaking tonight, my exclusive interview with President Trump just moments away. Hello and welcome to justice. Im judge jeanine pirro. Thank you for being with us and thank you for making justice number one again last weekend. Something tells me we are going to do it again tonight. In just a few minutes ill be joined by the president of the United States, donald j. Trump. But first joining me live, chairman of the House Freedom caucus and republican congressman from arizona, andy biggs. Thanks for being with us. I want

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