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A on instruction of justice offense. Mueller pouked president of the United States was not a trader after democrats for two years falsely accuse him of having a trader. But instead of being relieved their president wasnt a trader. Theyre angry of the president fighting back against false allegations donald trump did not obstruct justice. If anything he obstructed injustice. The president was framed no collusion. He beat the wrath. And now the angry left wants to impeach him for beating the wrath. Trump survived unprecedented political torture. Prosecutors, fbi agents, the department of justice all investigating and his associates based on what we now know was false information about collusion. His associates were spied on by their government like Great Britain were involved. The media was accusing him of treason, obama holdovers were criminally unmasking leaking against them, democrats were calling him mentally ill and trying to impeach him. His lawyers of democrat exhillary lawyers this shock would have crippled any other politician who had a normal pain threshold the fact that he fought back and survived demonstrates strong will and commitment to our country but demonstrates great instincts and passion of you, the American People, who saw through the fake news and followed the facts. And alet take a look at some of the facts. Starting with the ages allegation that there was some big coverup by attorney general bill barr. Heres the media looking ridiculous on thursday. About spying and remarks quite generous acknowledging his emotion so what do you say to those trying to protect the president . Actually a statement about his sincere beliefs are are recognized in the report. That there was substantial evidence for that. So im not sure what your basis are saying that im being generous to the president seemed like theres a lot of opportunity to go out of your way to acknowledge is there another president for it . No. But it is unusual. President is inaccurate description isnt it. Okay got her. I remember when had obama a. G. Loretta lynch met with bill clinton on tarmac while she was supposedly investigating his wife hillary i also are remember when obama erichold per was held in con tempght of congress to refuse to hand overment didses about fast and furious and actual scandal were americans died contrast this with barr who was completely transparent throughout this whole process. He barely redacted anything, letting some congressman see unredacted report, and testifying underoath next month and never invoked executive privilege and media all of a sudden calling would not be surprised if some headline writer somewhere came up with baghdad bill barr for what we saw today. Barr continues to show or for the president. His man he wanted somebody who is local and wanted a protector and fixer. Auditioned for this job he was chosen to present the president of the United States. He is basically a lackey and for the president of the United States of america, and thats all its going to be. Thats just pathetic hes not the president s lawyer hes the chief Law Enforcement officer of the federal government. That was a comparison heres how eric holder describes himself. Stay around for all four years well i dont know well see. You know, come on man. Come on. Come on man. We need you. I have to ask. Come on [laughter] attorney general please im happy still enjoying what im doing still work to be done. Identify got to say im still president wing man im here with my boy. Called him obama wing man. He was obamas boy and media thinks holder was independent but barr is in the tank . Come on. There was no coverup. Days after trump fired comey the white house was with subpoena preserve all relevant documents trump lawyer issued a document hold to higher white house staff. This is in stark contrast to what hillary did but her documents were being subpoenaed. She decided to destroy the evidence. Deleted 30,000 emails destroyed her server with acid and blackberries were smashed with hammers. Meanwhile, her closest associates they got immunity deals. Trump team never got immunity deals. Trump never even claimed executive privilege. 1. 4 million documents were turned over every witness provided testimony, they fully cooperated. This is supposed to be a coverup. This is obstruction . Get out of here. The president answered all of muellers questions in writing. By the way, trump said he couldnt remember only 36 times. For comparison james comey said i dont remember 24 had times answering questions from congress. Thought i would share that with you. Some other conclusions mueller came to one, trump didnt fire comey to obstruct the russia investigation he fired him for pr reasons. Perfectly legal. Because comeymy wouldnt say in public what he was telling trump in private. That the president wasnt personally under investigation. Two, trump tower meeting, the president never misled or obstructed special counsel investigation. All emailings and testimony was provided. Don jr. Demonstrates no criminal intengt. Interestingly, mueller left out the part about the russian lawyer meeting the dossier firm before and after the trump tower meeting the whole meeting was a setup, a sting barr is going to dig into that by the way. Three, mike flynn, there was no evidence that trump had advanced knowledge of flynns discussion of sanctions. Four, Michael Cohen there was no evidence that the president directed cohen to lie. So i guess another buzz feed bombshell goes up in smoke. Number five, finally on obstruction, not only did mueller not charge trump with obstruction, he actually writes that his efforts to influence the investigation were unsuccessful. By the way, was the president supposed to go just go along with being smeared by hillary dossier and walk into impeachment and perjury trap by mueller democratic for the prosecutors prosecutor job to charge or not charge. Donald trump is presumed innocent as an american. The burden of proof is not on him. So mueller invents a new legal phrase not, not not guilty of attempted obstruction what the hell is that framed for something i didnt do, and i fully cooperate while fighting back to prove my innocence thats a crime . These motives werent corrupt because he wasnt guilt of collusion as president says that is bs. If youre accused of something, you know you didnt do to. You fight back as hard as you can. The mueller pulls comey. They remember former fbi director didnt charge hillary. But held a press conference in excoriated her as dumb and reckless. Mueller did the same thing but much worse. This wasnt a fair investigation. This was a coverup. Of obamas abusive power and a the continuation of the insurance policy. It was a nasty screed this report, written by democratic prosecutors to keep the witch hunt alive. That was media learn anything . No. It really corroborated a lot of Good Journalism that weve done unbelievable stupidity now author vance on tucker other night and discussed why the socalled smartest people in america turn out to be so dumb. You think about the past 20 or so years of american history, about in the late 90s, everybody knew that free trade with china would make our country more process progs and would make chinese more democratic. In 2003, everybody knew that iraq had what wmd in 2007, everybody knew that our economy was solid and that there wasnt a financial crisis on horizon and in 2016 everybody knew that Hillary Clinton would beat donald trump in the election and problem is people dont know so i think it does suggest something much deeper and much more systemic about way elites create and a enforce conventional wisdom im wrong all of the time. Im sure that you make mistakes. And theres a difference between making mistakes and being wrong about something and then being wrong but offering no contrition no reflection why you were wrong an facing no consequences. Heres reaction Fox News Contributor dan bonn, are these people ever going to face any consequences there was no contrition are you asking for apology . Im demanding it. I want i want an a apology. Youve seen it on network this week i wanted it full blown apology from every collusion truther hoaxer out there. Who malign reputation of the president of the United States based on evidence that was antievidence. It was evidence of a noncrime. I want apology im not letting it go. I dont think youre going to get it. Because remember the can you having ton boys smeared them so theyre getting sued theyre not even apologized. Kavanaugh never got an a apology. But i dont think not going to let that go. I think we should one turntables which i think bill barr will do and investigating and spying scandal the real scandal it was a hoax only true for idiots if you were it was real for you. Now we investigate spying but again i think we demand actual apologies from them and put it on twitter. I want to see it. All right so you mention going after some of the investigators that started this thing and, i think, one of the things many of the thingses that theyre going to be looking into here, they have the Judicial Watch release. Theyre going to be suing and getting a lot of information. Criminal referrals or bar investigation, were going to piepgd out more about that. The horowitz and sessions set that thing in motion, the close door testimony released fisa applications game of eight material, the 302s and ukraine looks like ukraine was now colluding with the democrats. You address a lot of ohm questions. I have about three or four that we have to get to the bottom. Heres just a couple number one who was receive working guy the professor meets with papadopoulos alleged to tell about dirt on hillary which according to democrat narrative came from the russians. Now if not russian we have a big problem. Because who was that working for and doing right now as papadopoulos said on our network yesterday when he said that he was over in italy. Wasnt have reporter flown to italy to interview one guy that allegedly triggered this entire investigation . Well it is amazing how uncurious media is about the biggest scam is of our generation. They dont care about the truth they dont want to get to truth and one of the lawyers with no legal obligation to lie on his and a half has told media that ms. Hood is connected to friendly western intelligence which says that this could be one big setup and im curious why no one in media cares that and how disappear after the fbi interview. Let ask you a serious question just looking ahead if they have the i. G. Report that comes out and barr investigation and releasing some of these documents and everything starts to shift. And theres actual concrete evidence of mall malfeasance, dt on part of the obama officials will the media be able to put their partisan hats down for a second and actually follow the facts where they lead . No. You dont think so . No ill tell you why theres a tangible reason. I dislike liberal yods and anybody can say horrible. The evidence is everywhere but theres a real material reason and reason is a lot of media figures were coconspirators in this. You have people like corn who are actually sited in fisa documents in a court their material they were leaked to by conspirators in this but go back with a circular reason of idiots. So they feel complicit to protect their backside because they look like they were involved unwittingly in the abuse of power. What what who got the leak ae flynn name and the transcript of the recording on the call. Thats other thing theres a criminal leak investigation, the unmasking investigation has to happen there. All of those things happenedded in plain sight the media knows what they got and who they got it from. So why cant we go after the people that did that . And just to be clear im a free press guy if you didnt play active role in hacking into something and you just got the information fine. But people at the gate leaking absolutely. There has to be something there and violation of public trust. Whanch do you think about press now saying obstruction of justice, i mean imagine you get accused of something you didnt do it and you fight back and you get charged for fighting back thats what happened with the president. [laughter] the media is angry about the president being angry about being framed. Thats like hysterical when you think about it. But they cant wrap their head that he might have been framed theyre still believing in collusion. Listen to this sound from the press theyre still hanging on to this thing. Watch. The chapter on collusion shows significant contact between people on the Trump Campaign and with the russians. Basically a keystone cop aspect to Trump Campaign they wanted to conspire they just never found the right opportunity to do so. If there was active collusion proven, then i think what we have here is a case of passive collusion. [laughter] passive collusion. Thats like going in the bank to take money out calling it a passive bank robbery like you either rob a bank or you didnt no passive collusion. But thats clapper never had anything right hes got to be he works director of National Intelligence weve with ever had. Going to get a lawyer. He needs one. All right stand by been right all along there he is. Still ahead waters world in honor of 4 20 pot heads why not . But first a liberal media learned anything at all from the Mueller Report . Well see next. In a crossfit gym, were really engaged with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. Ordering custom ink tshirts has been a really smart decision for our business. [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products and free shipping. Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. Billions of problems. Morning breath . Garlic breath . Stinky breath . Theres a therabreath for you. 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After the release of the Mueller Report the left wing media begging democrats to push impeachment. So democrats have a choice ae they going to play it safe . Are they going to do what polls qowld would tell you will actually get donald trump removed from office a in election . Or will they begin the impeachment proceedings that this Mueller Report suggest donald trump deserves he is unfit to be president of the United States and anybody who suggest otherwise has not read the report. House majority leader, though, stan saying not so fast telling c energetic n, quote, based on what we have seen to date Going Forward on impeachment is not worthwhile at this point. Very frankly there is an election in 18 months and the American People will make a judgment. Joining me now house judiciary congressman Matt Gaetz Fox news sarah carter or congressman gates at least someone has some sense in Democratic Party but i dont think democrats are able to resist the urging by their socalled friends in the Mainstream Media and i think it is going to be disastrous for them. Well in the real problem is theres fund mental question of the Democratic Party about who is in charge. You have people like nancy pelosi and and jerry who run the Democratic Party but people inspire the base who run the party are aoc and Ariana Presley so youve got the real problem because the people who can set agency and set hearings arent really people who drive the energy of the Democratic Party. But you pointed out correctly there was a weird feedback loop between the media and the mueller team i mean Mueller Report sites media more than 125 times. I dont know how that is hard to investigate anything. And see spending time watching cnn reading new york times. [laughter] right but remember there was never any leaking. Other people this was all they are tied thats any favorite line from this whole thing they never leaked. But like volume one where they conclude that there was no criminal conspiracy with russia, the media is referenced at half the rate of volume two where they want to spin up obstruction theory where they have to rely heavily on public reporting rather than investigative report. When sarah fisa sited news media that had received this fake news from the people making the fisa application. [laughter] that is exactly. Well left wing or the mainstream or whatever we want to call it media, those who were reported, all of these erroneous lies should be ashamed of themselves and they should also be embarrassed. They were used they were stooges for people in the Obama Administration that leaked Disinformation Campaign that literally target ad the president of the United States so therm used to target the president target family, target the institution and by the way, jesse, target the American People. They should be ashamed that is not their job. Their job is to seek out the facts report those facts, even if they dont like President Trump. Not only were they stooges of the Obama Administration. They were stooges of russia they delivered exactly what russia wanted which was to sew discord and animosity and maybe everybody question integrity of our Democratic Institution and they were somewhat successful in doing that. Now, were talking about next steps congressman. Personally i dont think little Jerry Knadler has the intelligence, the charisma little l by little or the articulate enough to take this torch from mueller and run it across the impeachment finish line. He doesnt have the credibility. Hes not moderate enough. And i dont think he can sell a not, not guilty attempted obstruction charge the way you can sell collusion. Am i wrong . Youre absolutely right. And a who in america is going to believe these people . Adam shift and Jerry Knadler lying to country 22 months trying to believe them now and a solid 90s movies reference on five going after the president on obstruction in this case where he was largely setup with a phony investigation. Would be like charging dr. Richard with 42 counts of trespassing while trying to clear his good name in movie the fugitive so yeah i think the president acted appropriately to make analogies on five but ask that by dana im glad that someone thinks theyre good. All right. Sarah we talked about it at the top with dan about the next step. I dont think no matter what is released i dont think as a damming as it could be to Obama Administration i still dont think i could be wrong i still think that media is going to fairly accurately report instances of abusive power that happened in the last administration. I certainly hope youre wrong. And only reason why i say that is because listen jesse theyre going to be numerous investigations and i dont think theyll be able to walk away from it. Once the information comes out from Michael Horowitz report remember that a narrow scope investigation it is going to be the fbi and doj. Theyre going to be looking at fall within both the of the agencies in the department and then were going to have barrs investigation. And we also have huber so theres multiple investigations we dont even know and there may be already be a grand jury in panel in this investigation what weve seen is an extraordinary abusive power and i think American People are well aware of whats going on and i believe that at some point the media is going to have to take a step back and theyre going to have to assess what theyve done because weve seen the ratings drop on a lot of competitor stations enormously and people are going to stop reading those papers they dont feel that theyre being serviced. Well with the truth. So i think cnn lost like 3 or 40 of its prime time audience last week. Thats right. Congressman when you see Mainstream Media reporters running around you should whisper to them no collusion. [laughter] well, theyre not off a the hook one of the other nuggets that Inspector General is working on is the corruption are that existed between the media and members of the Mainstream Media were giving concert passes and athletic tickets and other incentives to people in the fbi to leak to them so well be seeing that even before we see the Inspector Generals report on how this fraudulent investigation begun and i think it really informs on what is so wrong here in washington where people can tell lie and then Mainstream Media will carry them into millions of living rooms around country without doing the type of fact findings that sarah carter does and that really illuminated a lot of abuses that have been laid bear for American People. You did a great job now that you mention it congressman i never got bribed with knicks tickets. You know, i never got any i never got any on the fbi so media was doing the bribing it was the fbi that was receiving the incentiveses so then you wonder where they giving truthful information not truthful information and then you have very media reports sited in the Mueller Report as if theyre the gospel when they clearly are not. All right. All right congressman sarah thank you guys very much happy easter weekend to both of you. Happy easter to you. Still ahead joe biden run aring for president diamond and silk theyre fired up about that. And later, waters world hits the streets to talk to pot heads. Stick around. sobbing speaking in Foreign Language im sorry i dont understand. Help i need somebody help not just anybody help you know i need someone if you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. Draw the line with roundup. The sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. Roundup brand. 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Only for a limited time. Life of americas news headquarters. Eight firefighters were injured on friday after an explosion in surprise, arizona. Authorities said multiple agencies with us getting a battery fire in a Storage Facility when the explosion happened. All eight firefighters taken to area hospitals. Three are still in hospital in serious injuries and no other injuries were reported in the cause of the exposure is still under investigation. Oversees a comedian who plays the ukrainian president on tv could be elected for real on sunday. Fortyone yearold Vladimir Zielinski leave the incumbent in the polls. He placed a president battling corruption on a popular show and polls indicate he could get more than twice as many votes in sundays runoff election. Now back to watters world. The evidence is pretty clear that there was collusion between the Trump Campaign and a the russians. Cold hard evidence. Plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy in plain sight. I dont know why people tiptoe around this look like it or could be it is obstruction of justice. Were now beyond obstruction of justice between whats being investigated. This is moving into perjury false statements, and even into potentially treason. Theres outright treason. I mean theres no question that what hes doing is giving aid and comfort to the if all this is to detray and aid and affect enemy i stand very much by that Trump Campaign claiming total exoneration for the president following the release of the Mueller Report and now theyre turning the table. Calling for the investigators to be investigated. Joining me now press secretary for the trump 2020 campaign caylee and the founder of turning point usa charlie so you guys caylee released a stick ad out there how do you see this playing in 2020 . Is this something that president is going to be aggressive about . Theres no doubt it be. Look, democrats lied in obama side we know those things to be true. That goes on Bumper Sticker. It should be on Bumper Sticker hes quick with that stuff. I have to compete on this one. But look democrats have a credibility problem here. They like American People for two years over and over. And then president obama spying on the Trump Administration that table have turned. We are focusing on it. Administration is focusing on it it is time to get to bottom of this. Right so charlie president is now going on offense, you know, rhetorically and with these investigations into the abuse of power. This is probably a new dynamic were seeing with a hot economy. You have Mueller Report behind you, the wall is being built brick by brick. Hes probably got his wind at his back about 45 generally approval rating. How do you see things . I see things theyre going amazingly for the president ill fell you by going back to Mueller Report you know i have one specific question for Robert Mueller. When did you know that there was no collusion . Because you did not write 400 pages in last three weeks and great one mark staid this on fox news recently, he said special counsel you know special counsel mueller when did you come to this conclusion if he came to it six months a year after he was appointed, he had a moral obligation to the u. S. Taxpayer to end investigation because what i believe firmly is they wanted to run up clock as long as they possibly could on this investigation to try to allow the democrats to take back house of representatives and it works so now you have the president who has been totally exonerated an economy on fire piece coming across world isis is destroyed. And all of a sudden the democrattings want to continue to focus on this. I thought they told us in 2017 we have to trust Robert Mueller findings now theres no collusion, no obstruction, of course, democrats are going to continue on horrible witch hunts. Does that cast any doubt on the Democratic Victory in the midterm elections in november . I mean, now you have nancy pelosi as the speaker. Is her speak orship illegitimate because these are the questions people were asking after 2016 election when theres suspiciouses when there was interference. This is nets now casting shadow over Democratic House majority. Sure, by Mainstream Media standards absolutely. You know, election interference has been going on for a very long time. We all know this to be true unacceptable but only time Mainstream Media care one is when President Trump came out of nowhere blind smarted them and outsmarted them youre right to turn that question back on nancy pelosi, youre exposing one of the many hypocrisy of the democrats here continue to lie theyll continue to investigate and well continue to win elections. Like in 2016 well do so again in 2020. One of the main reasons were in this is because Mainstream Media they didnt listen to anything outside of their comfort zone. Glenn was on tucker other night heres what he had to say. Watch. I mean this is one of the problems i think that allow media to just go so far off rail ares is that especially those two Cable Networks but also even newspapers pretty much prohibited from ever being heard so they constantly fed each other these conspiracy theories and told each other that they were on right track every time they advanced it further and never really had to confront anybody who questioned or challenged them in any way. So take a look at this visual presentation of a set on cnn as theyre digesting Mueller Report. I mean, its almost ten democrats who have the exact same opinion saying that exact same thing and a in is why were in the place were in because none of their conspiracy theories were ever challenged and i think thats really what is hurting this country at this point. Sure it is group think it is you can have no desengs you can have no debate or dialogue only dogma and that is the new Democrat Party is if you do not fall straight and lock the barrel that president is somehow turning his back on this country and if you dare disagree with us youre somehow you know bought and paid for by the right and all of a sudden youre not aloud on television i tell you you brought up a great point here that the democrats have gotten so far off the rails here. That American People 60, 70, 80 are saying wait a minute this took 30 million of taxpayer must be, they investigated everything. The president of the United States and white house did not use one ounce of executive privilege and they could have. And by the way, under Obama White House they used executive priser ledge nonstop in particular to protect then attorney general eric holder being investigated for the gun running scheme when mexican or cartel call fast and furious they use that for 20 emails i would like to know whats in those emails and idea of obstruction of justice. You know what real obstruction is emails smashing, cell phones real obstruction of justice is having your husband a forminger president meeting with attorney general Loretta Lynch on a tarmac in phoenix, arizona two dayses before you get acquitted for a matter. Thats obstruction of justice not the president tweeting for being wrongly afor set up what happens if mol or meets with melania or Something Like that on the tarmac . It just amazing you can acid wash your server imagine if kushner acid washed his information . It is just complete hypocrisy i dont know where we go from here caylee finish it off for us. That was a great picture jesse cnn i felt many of the same faces it was awesome to see. At least i have one william sitting nec to me to tell me i have to knock it off when i Say Something crazy. They dont have anybody over there like that. Youre not a monolift you have diversity at thought there thats great but so much wrong doing here and you look at the Mueller Report one last quick thought is, the spying or excuse me the interference that went on obamas watch made nothing about it. That russian interference barack obama let this happen but, of course, you wont hear that in Mainstream Media. Reporters over to hawaii to catch up see this they have a comment on no collusion. All right. Guys thank you very much. Happy easter weekend. Charlie may behave yourself. Thank you. Coming up diamond and silk weigh in on the Mueller Report. There they are. To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best to make you everybody else. 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Upload your logo or start your design today at customink. Com. This and even this. Hark, i deep clean messes like this. But i dont have to clean this, while i clean. [announcer] shark, the vacuum that deep cleans, now cleans itself. President trump taking a victory lap following a release of the Mueller Report. Taking to twitter with this little meme, obviously, it is inspired by game of thrones. Game over. Joining me now diamond and silk. Ladies did you read the 400 page Mueller Report or not . We didnt have to read 400 pages because we know there was no russian collusion been saying this ever since 2016 when the foolishness started. Listen, the president has been vindicated time to move our country forward. Sad just a shame that the left has pushed russia witch hunt collusion home. Push a lie on the American People for the past two year. Money going down drain for what, and shame on mueller because as soon as Rod Rosenstein said this was no american that colluded with russia that should have been end of this investigation but they kept the investigation going. Shame so people need to go down for all of this. Thats right. [laughter] okay. What would you guys say to mummer if you ran into him at a restaurant . He needs to go to jail and everybody that orchestrated this and participated in it needs to go it too. Taxpayer money has been wasted unfair to American People to try to go against will of the people undermine administration, city president to take him down it is wrong. Youre going to lock up mueller youre hard core. Diamond and silk everybody. All right so joe biden we hear now hes running this is official hes going to announce on wednesday. Are you guys going to protect yourself . [laughter] yes. But you know, i think he needs to run for for the president of jairtol not for the president of the United States every time i look at what they try to do too the sitting president my question to biden is what did you have to do with it how much information did you know because you were the Vice President . Thats what hes that is a great point. He was part of the administration. Right. Unless he has nothing to do with administration and he was just, you know, going skinny dipping the whole time like he said he was who knows. But it was a legitimate question i would ask him. I wouldnt get too close. You know, he might smell your hair had. You have to be careful all right. Remember last week took a shot at you guy personal shot. Weve invited him on waters world to explain himself. And because he insulted me too. I want him to make me feel uncomfortable. [laughter] im giving him a shot maybe hell come on next week i doubt it but he got back us to and says this, dl, wont have a statement. However, if he chooses to speak about the further, he will address it on his radio and or tv show. I mean, i dont know where you find the tv show or the radio show who knows. Any last words to dl . Go ahead. Whats wrong with dl is hes not man enough to come on to your show because he had dont now to coordinate to talk to real man or two women. So he has insecurity of himself. Coloring easter eggs all weekend. Enjoy. Up next, i hit streets in a classic waters world wait until you see this. Legal qeed in america. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Ready to treat differently with a pill . Otezla. Show more of you. Cannabis connoisseurs lighting up unofficial stoner holiday to mark occasion heres a look back at waters world Close Encounters with weed and a how users hope to make pot great again. Smoke a lot of little whats your schedule here . You know its a little bit man did you smoke before you got here . No comment. [laughter] now what is back there . Thats a gathering of probably 5,000 friends that i havent met yet. Drug dealer absolutely right. I grow weed. Im still selling it too. It looks like candy to me. Hard candy soft candy give me something gluten free trying to look good this summer. This is oregano you have a lot of illegal aliens watering plants here all day. No we do not. No we e do not. Smart answer do you guy high off your own absolutely. I personally love of it a glass of wine and of the day that puts me in a nice sleep a yay is a joint. Absolutely. You get that high already . [laughter] now were at Red Rock National park in amphitheater official part of our tour here, and i feel strangely calm what do you feel like right now . I feel very calm. Is that a joint, man. Dont have munchies. I dont. Have you noticed up tick in homelessness over last couple of years weve seen about 153 increase. They are here in denver area because of illegalization of marijuana. I moved here from california four months ago. Why move out here . Im a house maker. What do you do on daily basis . Wake up smoke a morning bowl go in library. Use a computer for a few hours. Facebook, of course. Homeless and you have a facebook page. Yeah i have to friend you. What are you doing right now . Medicating yourself . Whats your illness . So youre homeless . Now youre high. Whats your motto in life . I really dont have one. [laughter] tell me why you think cannabis can make America Great again. This huge potential for revenue especially from the level of taxation huge opportunity. Huge not only lucrative industry but trading job and in the industry grow organically and fast. Organically trump got what do you think he would do . A little more relaxed chill, hes so high energy. He needs to just bring it down and mellow himself out a little bit. High energy. Up next, last call my insurance rates are probably gonna double. But dad, youve got allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Are you in good hands . If you have a garden you know, weeds are lowdown little scoundrels. Draw the line with roundup. The sure shot wand extends with a protective shield to target weeds precisely and kill them right down to the root. Roundup brand. Trusted for over 40 years. And i dont add trup the years. S. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. Billions of problems. Dry mouth . Parched mouth . Cotton mouth . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath oral rinse and lozenges. Help relieve dry mouth using natural enzymes to soothe and moisturize. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. A cockroach can survive submergede guy. Underwater for 30 minutes. Wow. Yeah, wow. Not getting in today. Not on my watch. Pests never stop trying to get in. We never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. Im missing out on our family outings because i cant find a bladder leakage product that fits. Everything was too loose. But depend® fitflex feels tailored to me. With a range of sizes for all body types. Depend® fitflex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. Posing for a photo in the area known as devils peer. Watch this. She is standing there on the Cliff Berkley gigantic wave crashes against the walk. Washes her off her feet. Swept into the ocean with minor injuries but she is okay. Follow me on facebook and instagram and twitter. I have waters and this is my world. Jeanine hello welcome to justice with judge jeanine thank you for being with us tonight. And thank you for making last weeks justice number one in viewers all day all Night Saturday and sunday. We have a special show on tap tonight in the wake of the Mueller Report and with the trump derangement syndrome. Here to talk about it is trumps attorney Rudy Giuliani and kelly and conway what a show but first my open. Are you fed up yet mor

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