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Jesse Watters examines headlines pertaining to the 2016 election cycle with a rotating panel of guests and via onthestreet interviews. Money. So of course we have this project any, ocasiocortez house so economically and historically illiterate. Thank you for giving that overview in your opening points. Because you dont get that as at most of liberal universities. She is so clueless. This is someone who graduated from an Economics Degree from Boston University and doesnt even know what the Unemployment Rate is. Jesse charlie, did if you know ocasiocortez graduated with an Economics Degree . She must have missed a couple class. If socialist professors believe the nonsense they profess, why dont they teach for free . Why do the sell the books back entitlement. Simply the opportunity which we enjoy. I have been in this business for 25 years. I started three web ventures. Im a proud capitalist of quoteunquote color. The only color we care about is green. Not because we are greedy. But because we are trying to put find our table and other peoples tables. I have been able to employ dozens of people. All of this is based on Volunteer Associations of people mutually pursuing their selfinterests. That is the exceptionalism alexandria ocasiocortez has never experienced in her life. These are people who sign only the back of a paycheck. Not the front of a paycheck. Jesse you can voluntarily give more money to the government. Since Ronald Reagan election in 1980 and 1981, worldwide poverty has gone from 10 to 7 . Thats not because of the spread of socialism, thats because of the spread of free Market Capitalism. I Life Expectancy in 1900 was a little over 40 years. Now we are living late into our 80s. We have an Abundance Problem of the west. We throw away more food than we consume. You can look at Human Migratory patterns. No one every flees free Market Capital Tennessee Valley go back to marxism. They are leaving havana or miami, not miami for havana. Jesse when you hear people denigrate the American System Like Cortez does, when we talk about importing socialism into america, do you believe she thinks socialism can be implemented america and people can thrive . Or do you think they want to bring socialism here because they want to slow down america . I think they are as their ultimate goal trying to bring down everything that made this country great in the first place. You can only do that if you are untest are untethered from es and history. When you have socialists and try to argue with them about the real Dworld Pragmatic impact so, its not real yet. Jesse i want to show you guys something thats gone viral. This woman, i think her name is stuckey. She ising a young conservative woman. She interviewed ocasiocortez. Do you have any experience that qualifies you for this job . I was growing up during the clinton era, and basically when i was in middle school, 9 11 happened. Do you have any knowledge whatsoever about how our political system works . Hmm. Why should voters vote for you. You vote, its democratic. This has been enlightening. Jesse thats obviously a fake interview, but the left is going nuts and calling it fake news and they are very sensitive. I love allie. She did a great job. You look at her real interviews and they are not far off. She thinks the Unemployment Rate is dropping because people are taking two jobs. And israel is illegally occupying palestine. And socialism is working. Jesse maybe thats why people were confused on the left because it sounds like a regular interview numbers another one i want to play where he was campaigning with Bernie Sanders and she said she wanted to do this. Listen to this. Hello, everybody. Im so excited to be hopping on now on Senator Sanders account. We are here to flip a seat red in november. Go for it. I want to give a shoutout to allie. Insanity around the reaction to that shows the reaction to this thing. Them lot of techniques when Stephen Colbert uses them every week. But they cant stand the fact that consequence there are actually have fun bringing down these people and exposing them for how moronic they really are. The Bottom Line Point is just like with barack obama, they are propping up these empty vessels because its all they have. Its moral bankruptcy its his tore tick and economic bankruptcy and its going to fail. The Democratic Party slogan sounds like its ripped off from maduro and chavezs venezuela. The ms13 people they refuse to call animals and sympathy for isis are at alltime levels. The republican party, we are the party ape a hamlin con and they are the party karl marx. Jesse I Dont Think Cortez knows about socialism. Maybe she is watching and she can take to notes. Up next, Roseanne Barr and nancy pelosi. Wait until you hear what they had to say. [ ] i are you ready to take your wifi to the next level . And lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Im Homeland Security secretary kirstjen nielsen. Its popular to say isis is bad. But there is no better than ice is. It guarantees my ticket to heaven. Take it from me, no organization is better than ice is. Jesse Michelle Wolf comparing i. C. E. Officers 0 isis terrorists. Here is nornlings governor andrew cuomo. This administration is on a crusade to people they dont consider original americans. What they have done at the border is an example and what they have done in puerto rico, and they are on a jihad to deport as many people as they can who they believe are not in the United States legally. Tom, what is your emotional reaction when you hear comedians and politicians denigrate the men and women who protect our border . The comparison to Terrorist Organizations, does this comedian understand i. C. E. Investigates Terrorist Organizations . We have presence in 30 countries across the globe in what we call the visa security program. We have prevented 30,000 people from getting a visa to come to this country. She doesnt know the first thing about serving our nation. Jesse she is comparing the people protecting her from terrorists to terrorists. I want to show you video of the sketch we had. Charlie kirk was riding around with an i. C. E. Agent at the border. They were talking about the kid, the minors they briefly separated from their parents or socalled parents. Here is what he had to say. These kids are hardcore. They will take your lunch money. Immediately after we separated them, they established a hierarchy within the area they were separated in. There was one child, 8 years old, 9 years old, that was running the entire team and telling other kid what they needed to do, take their cookies and stuff like that. We had another separation where they were having sexual relationships through the chain link fence. Jesse this week the Trump Administration has reunited officially under a court order. Socalled families. The ones that were families. There were innocent children that were separated and that was a hard thing to watch and experience. But some of these people werent their parents. Other people were Human Smugglers and drug traffickers. Some of these minors, 15, 16, were hardcore people. Governor cuomo needs to understand the difference between Border Patrol and i. C. E. If you get arrested and get prosecuted for a crime just like any American Family you will get separated from your kids. Along long island new york last year, many of the ms13 kids we arrested entered this country as unaccompanied children. When you talk about separating children. The vast majority are between 1517. These are not toddlers we are talking about. Jesse people need to understand the realistic scenario. Its not a bunch of kids with popsicles coming across in strollers. This is a vicious and dangerous situation. You are trying to Human Dwrairn and protect the country. Nancy pelosi says the democrats are the ones really protecting the borders. Guess what shed called 9 11. When we had the 9 11 and the commission was formed and made the recommendations, they made recommendations to protect america. But the republicans would never take them up. I dont know whats more preposterous, calling 9 11 an incident or saying democrats are strong on Border Security. What color is the sky in her world. Does she support border wall . Let, talk about why families are separated . Because her and people like her caused the loopholes that allow the families to come across the border. There is nobody who has done more more Border Security and public safety than President Trump. I worked for six president s and i reek expect them all. But no none have done more than President Trump. Jesse President Trump needs a little help on capitol hill if he wants to get everything straightened out down there. The socalled tolerant left out of control. A black gay army veteran who has had enough of their Bullying Tactics has come out as a republican. Thats next. Sleep disturbances keep 1 in 3 adults up at night. Only remfresh uses ionpowered melatonin to deliver up to 7 hours of sleep support. Number 1 sleep doctor recommended remfresh your nightly sleep companion. Available in the Natural Sleep section at walmart. Veteran who used to be a democrat. He got so fed up with the bullying from liberals that he switched parties and became a republican. You group as a democrat. What made you switch parties . I think for me, i got so sick of the lies. What they were telling black people. When you are a black person you get messages from democrats saying you are a victim and you need us to succeed and you need us to achieve, you need this ever expanding Welfare State to make something of yourself. I got tired of it and sick of that message that it needed them, and i got sick of that message of victimhood that they continue to push to Black Americans for the last three decades of my life. Jesse i believe the reason the Democratic Party does that to people, they need strong party discipline. They cant allow their base whether its hispanics or blacks or young women or young millennials, they cant allow them to think outside the, box and entertain becoming a republican or even listen to republican ideas. They need those votes come november. They want to keep people in line. I think Democrats Use Identity Politics to keep people in line. Im black and buy gay, and i have seen them use the same tactics for black people as they do for gay people. Jesse was it harder to come out as a republican or gay american. I didnt lose friends when i came out as gay. I lost friends coming out as republican. People do not understand it. These are the left thats supposed to be so tolerant and inclusive. These are the people who were the first to shun me when i came out as conservative. Jesse one guy says look at all the approval you are greght white people. Is this why you do this . Black people need to stop saying what white people want to hear and come together and deal with our issues as a people, not sell out to the people who caused them harm in the first place. When you read Something Like that how does it make you feel . It doesnt make me feel great. I have been called everything but child of god. They call you a sellout and an uncle tom. But why cant i have different ideas. Why cant i be free thinking . Why cant i have a victor mentality. Why cant i have all these things that benefit me it dos didnt have anything to do with white people. There are different ideas im connecting to more. Jesse speaking of different ideas. We are going to play this. Its interesting to watch. Roseanne barr was on sean hannitys show. We remember what she said and how and why she was fired. This is the first tv interview she did since that firing and sheer ways she had to say. America is a place where i a loud mouthed old gorgeous jewish woman comedian am allowed freedom of speech. They were saying it was racial wit was political. I wish i word it bert. But im not going to let them tell me way meant. Im not a racist. The people who voted for trump arent racist and trump isnt a racist. When things are going too if right ill go a little left. When things are too far left i will go a little right. Most of people in america i think think like that. Jesse she never should have said what she said about valerie jarett. But what do you think about her explanation and asking for forgiveness. I completely accept it. I am one of the few black people who did not think she should have lost her job after those comments because i dont think they were racist. To me when you look at valley jarrett, its not too far out of the realm of possibility to think Valerie Jarrett is white. She is ambiguously ethnic. I dont think its necessarily racist. Do we give people an opportunity to apologize and be contrite . No, they didnt give her that turn the. They wanted to shut her down. What i think democrats do is they use accusations of racism and use those words to shut people down and get rid of those people. The same people that wanted roseanne fired are the same people rallying behind james gunn that made the horrible fed file joke on twitter. So the same people who rallied behind james gunn are the ones who wanted roseanne fired. Jessefired. And im the founder of ugmonk. Before shipstation it was crazy. 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I dont know that they want you to go, they are just letting you know about it. They areletting you know about potions and things that are antimale. This witch cam in particular i think is for women only. Jesse are you going to witch camp . I dont need to go. I am comfortable. Jesse there is a twospirit gathering in montana. I think its the native americans. Jesse is Elizabeth Warren going to be there . She could be because she is part native american, not indian. Jesse they also have things men cant go. In sweden only sis gender. Its how you identify yourself. As a man or not a man. Jesse lets talk about something thats even more fascinating. At the university of minnesota, they are considering new guide lines. If You Mispronoun someone and say he when they identify as a she. Or the other way around. Ze and zoe. It could bheen you want it to mean. Jesse what gender is zoe. You can make a gender out of thin air . You can choose your Gender Pronoun for yourself. Jesse how are you supposed to know what gender they want to be called. They know what the Student Population wants for a healthy environment. Its creating a comufnts respect and equality. Jesse you support this. They know their students best. So i support them supporting their students. Jesse we have the war on straws. The Santa Barbara city council is saying straws are bad because they are plastic. If you run a restaurant and hand out straws to your patrons and you do thats you can face fines and up to six months in jail for straws. Its bad for the environment its bad for everyone. This is helping everyone. Its for all of us. Jesse They Dont Lock Up Criminal Illegal Aliens in california. No one is illegal. Jesse when you come across the border illegally you are illegal. A person can be undocumented but not illegal. They are tackling other issues and taking care of all of us by taking care of the environment. Jesse i dont know if they have their priorities straight. They are helping all of us. How can the priorities be wrong. See this girl . Her boyfriend dumped her. Want to know why . He wanted to play more video games. He broke up with her because he wanted to play more video games. Diamond and silk next. And lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi. . A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most Wifi Coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Jesse a Georgia State lawmaker being forced to resign his Office Following a disturbing appearance on sacha cohens video. Because of who you are, you could be the victim of kidnapping by isis. In america there is one forbidden word. Its the n word. You have three seconds to attack. Go. [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] [bleep] the n word is looney. If your buttocks touch them it means you have become. Homosexual. If you want to win, you show some skin. U. S. A. , u. S. A. [bleep] you show me your weapon, go. Ill touch you and make you a homosexual right now, usa, usa. Jesse diamond and silk. You have to have a better b. S. Meter than that. I cant believe hes so naive to fall for that. There has to be a Code Of Conduct where you dont drop it with its hot more do you do derogatory actions. If he stepped down, other people should step down like the one running around saying we have to impeach 45. Jesse i had a buddy out in california, and he ran into Maxine Waters at a 100 a head brunch at the four seasons. And she admitted to him that donald trump because of the good economy would get reelected in 2020. Good for her. She knows it. Jesse we have Elizabeth Warren as the president likes to call her, pocahontas. She says the president is trying to turn races against each other. Donald trump identifies the real problem america. A lot of folks are hurting. Then he takes a turn and says its the fault of those people. People who dont look like. People who dont sounds like you. People who dont worship like you. Who arent the same color and dont speak the same language. Fill in the blanks. What he wants to do is put black working people against white working people. Jesse i dont see that. But i do see this. Illegal immigration has a negative impact on wages and drives down wages for regular hardworking americans black and white, and legal hispanics. Thats what the president is talking about, not trying to incite a race war. Thats what the president is talking about. But saying pocahontas dont even realizes what the president is doing is bringing our country together, following the law. Something they are not used to doing. She is a leftleaning liberal. A democrat. She dont have a message. They are a mess over there, so they will race bait to get a vote. Thats what they always do. We know what the president is doing and we are happy hes making this place greater than we have ever seen it before. We call them the gate keepers. The dog whistlers. They try to instill fear in people with it many them doing all the race baiting and being with divisive. Jesse i dont think people are even buying it anymore. There is a woman named jeannette garcia. She is a weather girl. And one of the most of famous in the entire world. Everybody wants to date her. She is an eligible bachelorette. She gets together with this guy, douglas martin. Hes a professional gamer. They are dating for a while and things are going great, and this guy douglas dumps this woman here because he wants to dedicate more time to playing video games full time. Can you guys believe it . Any time a man want to play a video game over you. That means hes not that into you. That rejection was probably for her protection. But what i can say is showing your goodies to everybody. Thats probably why people keep dropping you. Keep your goodies to yourself. You dont have to let the world see everything as a woman. Jesse he likes call of duty, the video game. Diamond and silk, check out the chitchat tour taking over the country. Up next, Late Night Hosts turn on james comey. Unbelievable. Watch this. President before you decided to open your mouth before the election. As far as im concerned the democrats can vote for a bong in the shape of Economy Guevarra and you have nothing to say about it. The idea of you playing advisor to the Democratic Party is like the iceberg trying to joint crew of the titanic. Jesse congratulations, james comey, everybody now hates you. We did a poll about my hair. Here are the results. The winner . What haircut . 34 didnt even notice the continues. Come on, yies, shorter on the side, pushed back. Anyway, thats all for us tonight. Justice with judge jeanine is next

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