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Agreed it was his job to protect the country from that menace. The trumphating fbi agent also says there is no way trump gets elected, but im afraid we cant take that risk. Its like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you are 40. This conversation occurred in the office of andrew mccabe, the fbis deputy director. This is smoke gun evidence that the fbi director believed it was their duty to protect the country from his presidency. Mule for fired this agent last summer but the damage was also done. This fbi agent also led the hillary investigation and helped comey comon exonerate her. He led the trump investigation for full year and interviewed nuke flynn without a lawyer present. But the scary part is we may have proof the investigation was what he pines to destroy his presidency for partisan political purposes and disenfranchise millions of american voters. If thats true, we have a coups on our had hands in america. They need to come clean on what they amendments by understand policy to protect the country from Donald Trumps presidency. The president spoke with the revelations. President trump its very sad when you look at those documents. How they have done that is disgraceful. When you look at what has gone on with the fbi and justice department, people are very, very angry. Jess center joining us now, kellyanne conway. What do you think they mean when they say they need to protect america from trump and have an insurance policy against his presidency. There is very little translation needed there. The fix was in from the beginning. We understand people have political views. But they are expressing theirs with such animus and venom towards the president of the United States, they cant be seen as objective, transparent or fair. This president as he made the comments you just showed on the south lawn, he was on his way to the fbi graduation at quantico, virginia. He respects and a. [applause] and supports the rank and file of the fbi. Jets if you have people plotting what appears to be some sort of such version campaign against the president or the president elect. Its fatal to the continuation of people arguing that matter is behind us and he won and hes president and the Mueller Investigation something different. Americans need to see the what says for what it is. I notice people trying to cover the greatest bombshell revelations about the bias against donald trump. They are saying the president is against the fbi and hes trying to shut down the investigation. Everybody is complying with the investigation, including the president who is not understood investigation, weird told. The idea that the we are told. The idea that people at the highest level stepped away from the Deputy Attorney general also until recently that were overtly biased against donald trump. None of us would know any of this had they had their way and Hillary Clinton had become president. Jesse we wouldnt know a lot of this because these texts were harbleds over under the threat of subpoena. They were keeping these texts secret until this summer. There is another thing going on here. They were desperately trying to discern who leaked the information about the tarmac meeting between lynch and clinton. That is something that has disturbed americans. Many people look back at that revelation and say thats what they hate about the insular nature of washington, d. C. They hate these special favors. Jesse they were more concerned about the tarmac meeting whether they needed to cover it up. Let me move on to the tax cut situation. Is this thing going to pass . I know its down to the wire. Why if you are a middle class family with a few kids, how does it help them . Ill give you the last couple seconds. We are so hopeful its going to pass. The president will sign this in time for christmas. This will help Middle America because the standard deduction is doubled for everyone. The married couple will go to if the first 28,000 at zero percent. Also they will get a reduction in the tax bracket itself, operate they pay on the taxable income. If that couple has children, they will get the childcare tax credit expand. If they have mortgage insurance, the deduction remains. If they give money to charity, that remains. The other thing is by reducing the corporate rate from the high of 35 in the developed world to 20 to the average of 23 . That makes us a competitive nation. Jesse some of the criticism is this favors corporations more than it favors individuals and families. What would you say to that . Thats coming from folks who didnt bother to read the details and predicted when donald trump was first elected there would be a stock market crash. It has gotten dozen of record highs. They predicted a global recession. We have the highest Consumer Confidence rate and lowest Unemployment Rate for hispanics ever under this president s watch and leadership. I would say to those democrats who couldnt even find it to vote for a massive tax cut to make us more competitive, they are missing the train. They are going to have to go home and explain to their job creators and job seekers why they couldnt see through petty partisan politics. Jesse i hope you guys have the votes on this, because i know Vice President pence, the latest trip to the middle east was delayed so he could cast the decider. It could come down to the vps vote. I want a lot of money in my pocket because i have a lot of christmas presents to buy. We had five families at the white house this week and each of them took to the podium unscripted and they told america how they plan to spend the extra money they will have in their pockets. Jesse there are a lot of great books out there. You can buy watters world paraphernalia. More evidence the fbi investigation into hillary was just as crooked as she was. Fbi director james comey drafted an exoneration letter for hillary before the bureau interviewed her. And guess who did the interview . Peter strzok. The trumphating fbi agent who was praising hillary while he was conduct the socalled investigation. Peter strzok himself edited out language that would have made hillary guilty of a crime. He twice changes how her actions were characterized. Comey wrote it was reasonably likely hillarys server was hacked and strzok softened it to its possible she was hacked. This was presiden the this is president obamas line as well. I personally believer she has not jeopardized the intelligence committee. Jesse that was a lie. She paid for fake dirt from russia to smear drum with, and hes the one being investigated for collusion . President trump they are spending millions and millions of dollars. There is absolutely no collusion. I didnt make a phone call to russia russia. Everybody knows it. That was a democrat hoax. But they found tremendous things on other side. When you look at the Hillary Clinton investigation i have been saying it for a long time. That was a rigged system, folks. That was a rigged system. Jesse here with reaction, former Deputy Assistant to the president and Fox News Contributor dr. Sebastian gorka. Its Crystal Clear this whole thing was cooked from the jump. What struck me was everybody has been saying for a long time, we are not sure if hillarys emails were hacked by her enemies. Now it look like hillary herself believed they were probably hacked. What we have is corrupt cops. Its very clear, this man peter strzok, the former director, james comey, and consider, andt wasnt just kid gloves strzok used in the server investigation. Think of what he did. The fbi destroyed the evidence. The laptops. They destroyed it, not hillary. The fbi did. Jesse you know who mueller the special counsel hired as the spes team to investigate trump, the i. T. Guy who destroyed hillarys devices with a hammer. You say they were motivated to down play the charges against hillary because they expected her to win so they would still have jobs . Is that what you are saying . They knew they were feathering their own nest for the future. When the New York Times told everyone hillary had a 92 chance of defeating donald trump. These bent, corrupt, politically motivated individuals who wear the fbi badge, they said we have to make sure hillary skates through, we have to cook the books and allow one of the suspects in the servergate to represent hillary at the interviews. We wont tape the interviews. Peter strzok cooks the books for comey and drafts that memo before we have the final decision, we are going to exonerate her. Thats what happens in a banana republic. Where is peter now . Jesse some h. R. Job at the fbi. He hasnt been suspended. They havent taken his badge, they havent taken his gun. Hes in the h. R. Department where he can hide all kinds of stuff. Jesse he has access to critical documents within the bureau. Is this a guy we are supposed to trust to have access to these documents . Im not so sure. I saw something the other day and i couldnt believe it. Its from the national review. What if america won a war and no one cared . They are talking about the allies who defeated an isis caliphate in iraq and a lot of syria. This has happened. Donald trump bombed the hell out of isis. They are running scared and scattered, and its not being reported. Imagine if obama and his military with his allies destroyed isis, they would have been having parades and specials all over television. Go back two years. We have been told by obama that this is a generational conflict. Our children, our grandchildren will be fighting those jihadis. Al qaeda established afill yats and a caliphate. It was making 2 million a day from kidnapping, oil sales, you name it. I guess the Trump Administration managed to crush a generation into a month. Jesse the war on terror is not over, but the entire battlefield has been eliminated in terms of the caliphate in iraq and syria. And i dont think donald trump has gotten any credit because he is the oneloosened the rules of engagement and put the heavy pressure on the enemy. Exactly what he said was going to happen happened. The stock market is through the roof. The isis caliphate is destroyed. Thats not a bad first year if you dont count anything else. Hes crushing it. This is the first Jihadi Organization since 1924 that succeeded to create a new one. When steve bannon and i were in the west wing, we had one objective above all else to make sure the physical caliphate is destroyed. Jesse, its already gone. Jesse thats good news. Merry christmas. Maybe thats the message well deliver to the jihadis. The truth about omorosa. Buy girls. We dont own you, goodbye, good riddance, goodbye. She said to me, i hope you finds some joy in your life. Today i have found it. She was he nasty to so many women, and so many women of color. She says she has a story to tell and im sure shell be selling that story. Jesse a lot of controversy over omarosa was physically escorted out by security. She said thats not true and actually played the race card. As the only africanamerican woman in this white house i have seen things that upset me and affected me deeply and emotionally and affected my community. Jesse she plans on writing a tellall about how she was treated as a black woman in the white house. Former press secretary sean spicer. What was the truth about that mole situation and what was your experience with her . Im not really privy what actually went down. I know she decided to move on and general kelly and her came to some kinds of agreement and it sounds like thats in the best interests of everybody involved. She worked for the office of public liaison and that didnt fall under my purview. My understanding was that office is tasked with doing outreach to the various communities and coalitions to help move the president s agenda along that are important to the american people. Jesse i took it as a threat when she said i have heard things and seen things and witnesses things in the Trump White House that made me very uncomfortable and soon im going to write a book about it. Is that how you perceived this . It did sound that way. If there was anything she felt was inappropriate, i hope she reported it to human resources. Its not appropriate on your way out the door to kick everyone and say im going to use the privilege and trust that was given me and write a tellall. Jesse im not sure how the media will handle this tellall. When the president brought her in, they mocked it. But when she was fired, then all of a sudden he lacks diversity. A new study said the last 3 months, 90 of the mainstream medias coverage of the nightly News Coverage of donald trump has been negative. I think thats too low. I want to see the 10 . Jesse where was that . City was 90 the first 100 days. At least they are consistently biased. Right. I dont think it should come as a shock. They have taken it to a new height with this president. There is a desire not to make sure credit is given when credit is due. You look at business growth, Economic Growth span jobs. Very little of any coverage to give him the credit thats due and the clue math meat instilled within the business communities. What went wrong as opposed to highlighting to any degree successes the president had. The initiatives that hes under taken. And i think frankly people this is why there is a lack of trust in the media. This is why i talked about writing a book about my experiences. There always narrative that doesnt match the reality of what is happening. Jess rrp we were talking about it with gorka before you. He defeated isis in the middle east, no more caliphate. And the stock market is at an alltime high. You are writing this book about your experience and that will be out in the summer. Can you points me to to examples about when you were at the white house as a press secretary and you are interacting with these people off camera, what was the sense that you government them personally about how they felt personally about the president of the United States . There is no question that a number of these individuals personally dont like him, dont like his style, dont like that he defeated Hillary Clinton. Jesse is it a style thing or all politics . Because he does have a unique style. I think its a little bit of everything. There is a liberal bias they have. With this president in particular he dont view them with the same level of entitlement i think they deserve. Thats one of the big differences we see in the press corps more and more. This level of entitlement and not having to apologize for being wrong or calling out each other. Jesse he doesnt fawn over them the way typical tol politicians do. He challenges them when he feels they need to be challenged and thats what creates so much tension because they have been getting a free ride for so many years. I know you have a lot of writing to do, but Merry Christmas. Later the bros will be will be on watters world. If. With most Airline Credit cards, you only earn double miles when you buy stuff from that airline. Is this where you typically shop . Is this where anyone typically shops . Its time to switch to the capital one venture card. With venture, you earn unlimited double miles on every purchase, everywhere, every day. Not just airline purchases. Seriously. Double miles. Everywhere whats in your wallet . And her new mobile wedding business. Tte at first, getting paid was tough. Until she got quickbooks. Now she sends invoices, sees when theyve been viewed andtadahpaid twice as fast for free. Visit quickbooksdotcom. Gaza. Im mollie line, now back to watters world. Jesse eating meat creates toxic masculinity according to a professor. And it reenforced gender stereo types. But it tastes so good. Why is eating meat bad . I think at the beginning you said eating meat creates toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is already there. Jesse does eating meat make it worse . Its one of the ways to reinforce social structures including patriarchy. Jesse how does it enforce social structures. How does eating meat make the genders unequal . Eating meat holds a lot of symbolism. It is too much to explain in four minutes. But it has to do with the fact our individual level decisions. The things we decide to do as individuals, what we consume, what we put on our bodies, the things we buy and put in our household are fundamentally political acts. The personal is political. Jesse im having a steak right now because im starving. I wish i could have half of that. But im a vegan. Chiles one of my favorite things. Jesse its medium rare. Is this bad that i am eating meat . If you go hunting thats a totally different story, the blood is on your hands. And right now the bliesd on somebody elses hands and thats not fair. Jesse what if they want to hunt or raise cattle. Totally. But the idea of killing or taking a life, we should deeply consider as human beings. People say you should judge a society by the way it treats their animals. It would be great if we had universal healthcare for animals. That could be expensive. Do you care more about people or animals . I care about our world. And i think in order for us to achieve a more Sustainable Future particularly what happened with Climate Change we need to figure out how the 7. 6 billion of us on this planet can be Good Neighbors and we are bad at being Good Neighbors. Jesse why should i be a Good Neighbor to a squirrel. You dont have to worry too much about the squirrel right now. The squirrel is part of nature. If you keep killing nature, what is going to happen to us. Me, too. Its not like something is going to be perfect. Jesse what if you are just angry and the animals are there for town is joy for dinner or lunch or breakfast. Did god tell you that . Jesse why would they taste so good . Sugar tastes good and it causes diabetes. You clearly have some things around who you are that protect you. And Financial Resources to like do things like buy expensive steaks, so thats part of the problem. Some people are taking up more than their fair share. Jesse the rich people are stealing all the steaks from the poor people. Jesse im going to take this steak and gift to a homeless fern. I will take your book and i will eat this steak. You might not be able to drink liquor on a plane anymore. Jesse people cant hold their liquor, and when they fly, this is what happens. This guy is crazy. Go get help. Jesse then the flight attendants have to act like bouncers. You have got to take a seat right now. No, i am not. Sit down, sit down. You dont put your hands on a flight attendant. Jesse are the airlines about to ban booze . Passenger shaming. Have you ever seen anything like this . Is this getting worse . Is booze to blame . Booze is definitely a portion of what we can blame that behavior on, and yes i have seen it. I was a flight attendants for 7 years and why it happens. Jesse what was the nastiest thing you witnessed as a flight attendant. Probably the person who caught their hair on fire while smoking crack cocaine in the lavatory. That actually happened. Jesse was that marion barry . God rest his soul. But that was ridiculous. Do they need to go that far to ban booze . Or i just comes with the territory. I dont think they need to take any measures. Social media and viral videos tend to make things seem worse than they are. There were mits of passengers and tens of millions of flights. And flying sucks. You have to deal with the tsa, you have to deal with the airport you sit in a seat that costs you more and more, and you are surrounded by someone with a screaming baby or who coughs and sneezes the whole time and gets you sick. I think taking away alcohol for people on long flights is cruel and unusual punishment. Jesse the statistics bears out the amount of these crazy incident has gone up. I dont know if people are drinking more. The left will probably blame that on donald trump being president. What are Airline Attendants supposed to do when the passengers have had 6 or 7 cocktails and they start standing up acting crazy. You shouldnt get to the point of serving someone 7 cocktails. The faa regulation, you cant board while intoxicated. Jesse sometimes its hard for people to tell if im intoxicated while boarding an airplane. When you are at 35,000 feet, we dont want somebody becoming whenling rant or angry. Then the flight attendants are the only ones there. Its not like we can call a manager. Jesse one of the flight attendants had to tackle the guy and he said put your hands down, im a flight attendant. He sounded like a Police Officer. Are they deputized to take physical action . Im also a former Police Officer as well as a former flight attendant. They are trains and there is a large security issue. Safety of the passengers is what its about and comfort does come after that. Jesse let me ask you, katie, you remember the movie bridesmaids when she took a pill and had too much wine. Whiskey. And she barges into first class and starts singing and harassing people. Have you ever witnessed that . And how as a passenger would you handle that . I have never experienced anything like that. I do travel a lot. I was just back and forth to l. A. I see more incidences of medical emergencies than somebody having one too many. Jesse we got to go. I wish you guys a Merry Christmas and dont drink too much on the flights. Still ahead. House party bros fighting city hall. House parties were the bedrock of my development as a young man in and clemente. My name is chad kroeger. Im an activist and house party enthusiast. I have been in deep despair knowing hollywood is trying to outlaw house parties in the Hollywood Hills. House parties were the bedrock of my development in san clemente. His parents were in tahoe so we tore that weekend up. It was epic and i was super stoked. My newfound confidence gave meet courage to ask out the most of popular girl in school. She rejected me and i had to go with Stacy Mcmillan but i didnt care because i was so amped on chugging with my boys. Thats what house parties do. Thank you, l. A. s version of bill and ted please come forward. We wont went to this party at been jis and it looked like the was going to be a serious flop. The guy to girl ratio was awful. Jesse guys, what is l. A. Trying to do . Are they trying to crack down on house parties . They want to crack down on house parties in the Hollywood Hills because i guess people are raging a little bit too hard and they want to put the crackdown. We came in to step in and let our voices be heard and say we love raging, we love house parties and want to keep them around. Ask. Jesse you are like the paul revere of house parties. Have people rallied behind you guys . Absolutely. Totally the support has been tremendous. I think one thing we try to unify people to get behind this cause and it seemed to have really worked. We are stoked on that. Jesse has the l. A. City council said anything or done anything . Are they taking you seriously or do you think they think you guys are a joke . They take us seriously. I think they are stoked to see us, stoked to see our passion for raging. I think initially they wanted to dismiss us. But then when they saw you a passionate and thorough our arguments were, they realized we were kinds of like not to be bragging, but a force to be reckon. With for sure. Jesse you guys are a force, thats for sure. When you do party, whats the regular saturday night, what does that look like for you guise . It usually starts with a group text to all the boys saying we are ranging tonight. We pick up at least six, 30 racks. And we determine how exact lire we are going to go about. There are stages to it. You get the entire crew together and you decide what is going to be the tempo for the rest of the night. We have properly warmed up, we go always as a unit to a party or bar and occasionally a club, but then we try to rave and make good memories we can hold on to. Form good memory with the the squad. Jesse are you passionate about anything else or just the house party scene . We love house parties. Also our passion about paul walker. Thats kind of our hero. We petitions to build a statue for him. We think having passion kinds of enlarges me as a person. So chad and i are into surfing and weightlifting and dancing and kickin it. Jesse you guys look good. You definitely have gone the your point across. Be honest, this is a stunt, you guys are comedians . No, its not a stunt. We are passionate about getting out there and keeping house parties is a major staple in the american society. We are funny, but we are funny in the service of a greater goal which is uniting people. Jesse i think you guys have united america. If you need any help with the house party petition, let me know. Rage with us, dude. Jesse a woman accused of Sexual Harassment in the workplace next. Jesse its a womans call. A female democrat dropped out of a congressional race over calls of Sexual Harassment. She is accused of retaliating against a male subordinate after he rejected her. So the Metoo Movement has come full circle. Be sure to follow me on instagram, facebook and twitter. And remember im watters and this is my world. [ ] judge jeanine a lawyer for the Trump Transition Team is accusing mueller a and his team of inappropriately obtaining documents as parts of its russia probe. We are learning a lot about a letter sent to lawmakers from the Trump Transition Team that alleges unlawful conduct by the staff at the General Services administration in handing over transition documents to the special counselss office. Congressman desantis and jim jordan with standing by to react

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