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0 to deliver toys to children in remote arctic villages to support toys for tots.ver to many oysf them dressed as santa claus, hopped on snowmobilesur and headed to the villages. tomorrow on "special report". we may get a supreme courtes decision on title 40 to ending as the migrant surge at i the southern border continues and hits monstrous levels. thanks for invitin onight. g us into your home tonight. that's it for this special report from richardson washington. >> good evening and welcome to a special edition of tuckern carlson. tonight, one without a necktie . we hope you had a wonderful" christmaonies. we're about to hit two hundred and thirty interviews for tucker carlson today on ourtoda long over on fox nation. h ifou you haven't and watchingn those, we don't judge you, but we want to show you what you've been missing. >> what you've they are long.. they go places we didn't expect in every single one of them wasu with a genuinely interesting person who'sininterest got somee to say. tim and we wanted to give them more time to say isat. of the as we said, they're an hourpeope long with some of the most compelling people in america. newsmakers, authors, lawmakers,, people were having thoughts. we've nevehavingr thought of be. you may have seen a few minutes and on previouse shows, but tonight we'refoa fe focusing on just a few people. those would includ people.e the comedian j.p. sears, mike tyson, . and a man who treats people as their che physician of lif called christopher curre, the first one to take a look back at one of our favoritersato conversations with , sadly, someone who was passed. that would be theonee actresass kirstie alley, who died this fall of cancer last year. she was on our set and we had a remarkable conversation. >> here's part of it. for our viewers who know you well, this is to remind them of why they like you so much. >> here it is . jerome's hospital high slowed down the first stage oe f laborb killing our jessica. >> the midtown traffic. we'r i'm working at home.ave i did a little horrible part, but isn't it too good for me?e. well, i knew i was going to have to take care of the dog, but i didn't know itlae was going to be in a place tha k was huge w and kind of like i a mausoleum in a stuck way out in the middle of the moors.of there are no laws in massachusetts. i thin moorsk they had them flo. or something. oh, you mean that total woman>>u b.s.? i find tha tt completely t repulsive. well, thathat to explains all tl beating down your door, doesn't it? >> and the emmdown yy goesou toe alley. jim would walk. yes, you did.u noen kirstie alley, you said, i hope it's a clip where i won. >> not one of the ones where. i lost irreverently, evidently telywon. >> so i just i mean, i just got to ask you the obviousob question. as som someone who's been in ths business for so long and been so successful in it, and then you find yourself here talking to me, obviously great reputational ris k. d how i did that, what how did ple you get here? >> how did you get that o a plae where you were saying things that you clearly believeu liev r that aren't popular? >> well, maybe m i'vaybee done t my whole life. just about different things that you know well, i thought politically that's popular. well, kind of, because people will say to me on twitter, oh, you're just o doing that to show offff.ah, th >>at and i'm like, yeah, that's not how it works in hollywood. you know, i have been i justst don't have much on the whole subject of politics because most of my life voted democrat. lif some of my life i didn't you know, i didn't i had never seen such insane reactions in my life. and i wasn't there. i wasn't 'twhen it was blackballing in nineteen forty seven . bu t if this is the first time in hollywood, because i never had any proble m with hollywood. ,i love my job, i loved everything but this is how ityer started about four years ago. i was doing a project. i won't say what it was and a couple of the producers let me four years y. >> so you haven't been likeve a political person? no, not no, not really.eally. you know, i , i was more anenvio environmentanml person or ann animal's right person or a human rights person, but i wasn'tri person. very political .ik i don't feel like it's my groupu anymore. and that's sad because i feel like my group is tolerant for real. my group for is a pro human rig, pro religious rights pro .feel k >> i feel like that is my group pro people, pro people and not not this not pretending like wee tolerant. you can't you can't say you're tolerant person if you only are tullar. onl hey tolera you agree with . of course i think that's the opposite. e so i feel like i sort of livea a in a strange environment. i'm a resident of florida nowr:w for different reasons. l how long were you in los angeles? i was in i los was since nineteen seventy nine . oh yeah. and i'm not one of those people like oh la la la la. >> i love los angeles.e yeah, i love it. i love the vibe. you know, i've always lived sort of close to paramount studios and that's the first studio tharst i worked in when i did star trek and that's where we shot cheers. whand the last show i shot wasam scream queens that we shot and paramount studios. s and every time i drive intudi there, i'm like, i'm like,oser i'm everything. i mean, that's wha it i'm realls impressed with myself. i drive in a terrible entrance. yeah. and the guards there. oh, hi, krista.e. i'm like , a high. and because people seem to reveal cocky, that's when i feel cocky.ocky i when i drive through those, if you never seen the paramount gates, they're huge.gate they're old fashioned. yeah. hug impressive. they're hollywoo yeah. en i so when i drive in there, i'm everything to myself, even it's the best way to be.ucker: well, usuall ty when i go in there i go lik ie you really ar itmething that you get to work here. it's likike christmae s is a camaraderie with your peers. of course they actually would call me out, then they would insult my work or something directly to you directly on their like, you know,kto? so-and-so is much funnier thanrl likeand blah, blah, blah, like a personal attack. and like i said, i , i justse ae feel like there's people that y, a couple. t thl >> but the one that they weren way bigger stars than i am the producer director that way. bigger stars that i am thatd than that called me out and ith? was like, why are you doing this? who are you talkinwhdienceg? r: who's your audience?re who are you talking to ? are you trying to get everyone to hate me? apparently. bue?t and when i when i see people when i see their political tweetsi , i thi probably as a whole that the hollywood community, they're good people and they do have strong political views. >> yes. they they have strong human rights and just, you know, civil rights and they have strong views. and i don think that they can have an effect on the rest ofth the world in a good way. not alwaysf , but in a good way. so i understand people's views i . when i would k see people thatid i knew or people i've praise ad a lot like on twitter and going, oh, my god, i saws mo you in this movie.u you were so brilliant.o brillian this year that they like allthat that and they're over there talking about maybe this time work for this person. you know, we're democrats, we're doing this. we're blah, blah, blahis, blah,. blah. and i would look at it like,that oh, well, that m makes sense.t i get it, okay, blah, blah. but it's not like, oh, my god, now i'm going to torture or i'm going to stop following youo because you you are toopassio passionate aboutna your . know >> that seems yourou know people in your world, your business, who have roughly the same views you do or dissident views who are afraid to say so. >> i probably i would say that nhe majority of my friends i the majority of people that i know and it's just in losos ag angeles arele democrats.ey yeah. and they're going to votehe across the board. they're no bt goinoardg to chane ever. they're never going to go.r. oh i'm going. soat is not that's the way they are. so the majority, my friend, because the majority of my friends in los angeles are a probably actorres, people i'vers worked with , directors, producers and things like that. so i expect that, . that. >> so why didn't you do that? i that's the easier thing to do. >> i didn't do it. i guess thist time, because i'e seen things going so haywire.ed you know, i was raised that i was just talking to someone who works with you here and i'm from kansas. i raisewad prettyprac practical. yeah.ti gues i guess you would call it. yeah. pretty, you know, just not morals. >> shoved down my throat. but, you know, just my dad says, you know, if you lie, you're going to have a horrible life. you know, you might get awayt ay with it. with ityou're going to have a e life. so at some point makele a decision to stop lying. and i think, well, kind of stupid, you know, like it says things like that. how old were you when youker: h realized that was true? ow for me? it was when he told me that he a because he said he was the biggest liar in the world till he was thirteen, he said i would lie about everything. thene as i realized, i couldn't remember all my lies. i was having a horrible life. . was terrible he goes, i just stop lying.bly i and my life turned good.ed soonge i probably lied longer tn him. i wasn't lying about everything, but i probably lied till i would tell lies. >> tell us about eighteen, i'd say. and then you ane up. i gave it up.l when hgie told me i thought, i'l give it a try. mymy life's not going so good, i i'm going to give a . >> younot just decide to work and lie about what you w thought i was going to lie about>>.g to well, like doing things justliki normal things. like if i go out and i sayi ,gor where weree we you? i'm over here. i'm lying.i' right, rightm . and i'm thinking, well, doesn't really lie about this stuff. mayb thought, well, maybe i'll adopt this because he seems like a pretty happy guy. but i was raised with some really nice morals. en i was also really lucky becauser i was raised i wasn't raised by people who were prejudiced. so people i didn't have that. e i didn't have some off i the prejudice that i would be accused of if i waswa voting for trump, let's say. right. i don't even know where that comes from, but i wasn't raised. like that. i've never been like that. so i guess now wheni star i started thinking, i justwatchi started watching certain things in the worldngcertai, like i wad simple things. i'm i'm not a rocket scientist. so i was like, i want people to have jobs. i want people to have, you gas know, i'd like gas to cost lesse money. i'd like people to have goods an schools. and just really common sensejust kind of things.wa so when i would listen, whento i was listening to trump say hea what he was going to do, i thought, well, you're saying you're going to do what i think we should do. he's not likike mr. drug drug. you know what i mean? yeah, he's not mr. pharmaceutical. he's not. and i have- my own viewsou on what's going on inr our country. fenthow many artists we've lost to fentanyl and other drugs sitting right in front of i'd l our faces. so i felt like i likike to givee this guy a chance. >> so his firmness, drugs,hurtin drugs, kill people.g they're obviously hurtinghe the country. he said out loud. >> he said the city, you know, like, why is everybody doing drugs now? >> why is everybody on pharmaceuticals? let's it's such a greata question. >> why why are wgrt e all suddel mentally ill? ? we aren't.not. and if we it's not that i don't agree that everything and this h is he may say this or he may not.n't want i don't want to put words in his mouth, but it's not simple . it's not like depressiont doesn't exist. it doesn't it's not likeexisik post-partum doesn't exist. it's not like anxiety doesn'tou exist. it's what do you d do about it? that's right. soy in my universe, it's what do y you do about it? >>it jp sears is one ofe funn the funniest people on the internet. you may have seen themie peopl inteon youtube. sma he's brave. even he's really, really smart. and even better for a full hour. >> he joins us straight ahead. twenty , twenty to a heck of a year to leak the book, the trial. and up until i was hitting you, the far. and that's just the beginning. relive the highs and lows. you're unlike any other. in a special edition of who can forget 2020 two streaming new year's eve on fox nation, aquarius. and don't miss a whole new season. who can forget streaming now? 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