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0 a raid on morillo, it's more important than ever to feature a here's the truth about joe biden from left boy. mike huckabee's team wants to give your family to the kids guide to president trump gift bundle for three . this important bring it to your kids. the impact that president had on the united states and why he could become president again. this free gift to your family tree trunk got that's pretty trump guy .com. good evening and welcome to tucker carlson. imagine the pandemonium at soul cycle studios acrosss the northeast this morning when tony fauci announced his retirement ugly doesn't begin to describe it. if you can,chaos in the organic chagga aisle at whole foods in brookline television, the panic and hysteria that must have broken out an espresso bars and edgartown in aspen and santa monica in bethesda s is thousands of mass ladies in lululemon discovered all at oncend that the one religious leader, they still revered their own even tiniergi version of the dalai lama had decided to retreat forever from public f life. itro was, ladies and gentlemen, the equivalent of a targeted e nuclear device detonated over the most emotionally vulnerableu elements of our most privileged population. you can picturete the carnageng a wailing, the swooning, manicured hands clutched, of, then fumbling for xanax and expensive handbags. not since the orangeman seized the white house in a russian coup. e have more . forty six year old cornell educated lawyers with week husbandd wept shamelessly in public. there's not enough rosie in napa to quell that pain. and it wasn't supposed to be this way. it neverto is supposed to be ths way. just t a month ago, saint toni suggested to his followers he'd be around another two years at least livingt a public expense as the highest paid federal employee till the end of joe biden's first but hopefully not last term. and you know, that many, many more spread's and teen vogue, many more interviewswsnt, and y more tips. unmasking is three enough and of course, more vital guidance on how tot celebrate the holidays with relatives we banned from thanksgiving this year. dr. fauci will now. oh, bute. not anymore. that's all gone. he's sitting masted. brian stelteruc house watching chris hayes tonight because this morning tony fauci announced his abdication, quote, i willl be leaving these positions. it was always more than one . i'll be leaving these positions in decembers this year to pursue my next chapter of my career. heye said the next chapter of his career, he's only eighty one . some of us had hoped he'd be around another forty years, but he's leaving so soon. too soon. why? what's going on here? you hate to think politics could affect twenty fauci judgment as a scientist they never have before. but is it possible this thoroughly nonpartisan man of medicine has thought about whate might happen in november when the republican congress takes over? does he believe that could be bad news for him? well, yes, this possible he believes that because on some level even tony fauci knows k that tony fauci is in factno a dangerous fraud. a man who has done things that in most countries at most times in history would be understood perfectly clearly to be very serious crimes. so it's possible that tony fauci might want to resign before he has to explain all of that to a new congress. he might want to get out of town now or move to, say, cambridge, find a safe place to hide before the reckoning. just a thought because honestly, there's a lot to answer for. in just the last two years, falsies recommended treatmentsdu and preventative measures for covid that not only didn't work, but thattan he knew didn't work. he admitted to the new york times that he lied about herde immunity in order to sell more vaccines also didn't work, which weren't even actually vaccines, but it did hurt a lot of people, tens of thousands. then he lied about masks publicly. you should wear one . if you're riding a bike, you're getting too much life enhancing oxygen. what you really need is more carbon dioxide. be more like a treat. that's what he was saying in public. butt in private he wrote that quote, the typical mask you buy at a drugstore is not really effective at keeping out a virus. oh, n so he knew as your kids were suffocating during gym wearing a mask, tony fauci knew they didn't. and then there's this maybe his most notable crime. he didn't simply downplay and obfuscate the origins of the pandemic, apparently in conjunction the chinese government. she covered up evidence that he tony fauci helped create that virus inel the first place. here's tony fauci last july testifying under oath beforee the congress, dr. vouchering, knowing that is a crime to lie to congress. do you wish toes retract your statement may 11th where you claimed that the nih never funded gain of function research and we were on senate approval? i have never lied before n the congress and i do notev retract that statement. this paper that you were referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain of function. so what was. let me finish. like an animal virus and youin increaseis ability to human. but you're saying that's not going to follow. that is and senator paul , you do not know what you are talking aboute ,quitena frankly. oh, dr. fauci needs an actual doctor who's not a b.s. artist who ask simple questions and demands straightforward answers. tony fauci was lying in that clip. he knew heto was lying. is thehe intercept of all places recently reported, quote, scientists working under 2014, an aids grant to the eco health alliance to study batti coronavirus combinesir the genetic material from a parent coronavirus known as wivb one with other viruses . oh the remanufacturing more powerful viruses tony fauci he oversaw that. then the intercept spoke to several virologists and found that quote seven said that the work appears to meet nih criteria for gain of function research. okay, f a gain of function research that was going on not allowed in this country. so they were offshoringes. in their various labs, including one owned by the chinese governmentrius. a lot of biolabs in ukraine. what was going on there? oh, shut in up. g don'toi ask foden really? well, at some point somebody is going to ignore the threatsat and just go and ask the question why dot. we have al these biolabs in ukraine of all places? it's not like ukraine is ais hotbed of pharmaceutical research. what is that? we don't know. but at some point people are going to find out. now, the intercept spoke to a brolgas called vincent relaxium . yeah, professor of microbiology and immunology at columbia. quote, there is no question, he said, from the weight loss ofo the mice in the study, it's a gain of functionn tony faucimi is wrongce, saying it's not, end quote. and of course, fauci would haves known that he was w quote, wron. there was he was lying when he said it wasn't a function. it was this is all becoming much clear . the interception, in case you haven't heard of it,uc is not a right wing publication, is a left wing publication. so at some all of this is going to become public and it seems to be accelerating the wonderful news then late last year and it's just admitted it. init a letter to the house oversight committee, an nih official called lawrence tabak wrote that a quote, limited experiment had been conductedon in orderdu to test if, quote, spiked proteins naturally occurring. that virus is coronavirus is circulating in china where capable of bindingng to the humn e to receptor in a mouse model frankenstein stuff. what the were they doing thisst ? oh,he and they destroyed the united states in the process. no one's apologized. no one's been charged. no one'sas ever really admitted it. but we know thatut tony faucii knew perfectly well this was going on because he's the one who authorized the grants. . and as the pandemic spread around the world, virologist frantically told tony fauci in real time that gain function research funded in part by the u.s. government was probably involvedgaed in early 2020 and anderson embryologists scripts institute way california wrote this to fauci quote, some of the features potentially look engineered fea david baltimore, meanwhile, announced he had found the quote, smoking gun forhe the origin of the virus, what " he called a powerful challenge to the idea of a natural origin for sars to tony fauci. we saw that assessment also right the very beginning. so in response, fauci called an urgent meeting and told his deputies to read up again afunction function research, a paper authored by scientists conducting bat experiments inh, wukong at the chinese a military lab there. knew at the very beginninge and a lot of people knew and they all lied to t us and they're still lying too and not one person has been - held accountable. but in public, fouchier refused to talk about data functional research. instead, he called for the arrestk of his most prominent critics, says he's not a stalinist or anything. watch thissthos. senator cruz told the attorney general you should be prosecuted. i havee to laugh at that. i should be prosecuted. what happened on january 6th,pe senator ? i shouldne know a sitting us senator should be prosecuted for asking questions i don't care to answer because they would reveal criminal behavior. and by the way,es january 6, because ted cruz was inside the capitol setting things on fire. oh, no, he wasn't. that was one of the many very obvious displays of hard edged partizanship from a guy who's supposed to be a public health official, just flat out partisan when tony fauci is willing to attack hiscs critics, his political opponents like that and then lie about the origins of corona. o it raises a lot of questionsf and one of them is what else is tony fauci lying about? we should know you might rememberer it back in 2020ac tony fauci declared that ramdisk severe drug made by the pharma giant giulia's would be the solution to kovatchevt over this. he said and we're quoting thiswi will be the standard of care. now when tony fauci says that the guy in charge of our koveni response is not a small thing. but when tony fauci said that, he said that knowing that the food and drugth administration did not hold a single advisory meeting on that front rim disappear, but for the low price of just 48 thousand dollars a dose, fauci promised that rhum dose, he promised that i disappear to shorten your hospital stay if you were ever to get covered, like if your mask slipped fort a second. so after months the truthas became impossible to hide as itn has with the vaccine from desapio doesn't work as advertised. even the whl is now recommending against it. is a conditional recommendation against the use of rent-a-center as the world health organization. this means that there is not enough evidence to support tewes. oh really?" but what happened in the meantimeme will tony fauci his friends of gilead, which you've been a struggling company, according to in ton of money. they all did so to tony fauci his friends at pfizer and moderna s fauci made the rounds, talking up the only solution to the crisis that he helped create, which was of course the vaccine, which isn'tt actually a vaccine watch for yet again another boost in this case, a fourth dose boost for an individual receiving the amerine and then the issue of vaccines actually , at least with regard to sars-cov-2 can do better than nature. when people are vaccinated, they can feel safe that they are notnate going tot get infected. want to make sure people keep their masks on . i think the idea of taking my mind is really not something we should even be considering. it is , as we've said, appen pandemic and an outbreak of the unvaccinated. you know, it really is anci indictment not simply of tony faucina obviously dishonest and implicated in what appear to be crimes. when i law enforcement agency, they do appear to be crimes, but it's an indictment of our system and the rest of certainly us in the media thaten a guy in charge of america's covid response could say so many things seriously. back to back one after the other, week after week, month after month, year after t yearo, that turned out to be false. and he still hasned the job. but how does that happen? it's like the withdrawal from afghanistan. no one responsible for that was ever punished. they were elevated. that's a dysfunctional system n that needs to be fixed immediately. it's not a partisan point. obvious point. but on the question of the so-called vaccine, which is not a vaccine, by the way, you've. up the smallpox vaccined you got the polio vaccine-- is the most vaccine. did you give those diseases of mumps today? did va you get smallpox last week? you have polio? no, because of vaccines. but you probably got covid after you got the shot. tony fauci p did. so we had to sort of change the line because he had covid he's got pincushions in so many shots, he got covid. so maybe the covid vaccine doesn't actually preventci infection. bigger investment doesn't actually work. okay, a but tony fauci i thinkrk it's just a one. point. a one point really only . and thatis is you need to give more power to the biden administration. his patrons. here's tony fauci this slidere explained that his one regret during the pandemic is not eliminate every single last civil liberty in the countryvi on behalf of joe bidenl . watch this if you dare. we know now two and a half years later that anywhere from 50 to 60% of the transmission occur from someone without symptoms, either someone who never will get symptoms oreo someone who is in the pre n symptomatic stage. had we known that, then the insidious nature of spread in the community would have been much more of an alarm and they would have been much,mo much more stringent restrictions, much more stringent restrictions, not sigmund freud. but if you don't know the nd pleasure f he and restrictions your blind to the obvious. but all of it is fake, totally fake. it's been studied. researchers at johns hopkins admitting that lockdown's didn't actually work. they did ruin people's livesth for no reason. at didwhatsoever. in late 2020, a group of epidemiologists tried to warn the public about this because they saw it coming and they wrote something called the great barington declaration . here's that tony fauci his boss, the thoroughly discredited, in fact repulsive francis collins, the guy allcan evangelicals get the vaccine because it's c- god's will , that guy. here's how he responded, collins wrote to fauci in an email october 2020 quote, see great barington declaration dog. this proposal seems to be getting a lot20 of attention, even a kosygin cheer for nobel prize winner mike leavitt at stanford. there needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premisess. why? why not assess its premises? scientists disagree with you.nt shouldn't you figure out why they disagree? no, just ginned up the lie g machine. nbc news, cnn,en "new york time" and crushed them. shut them down, throw them off social media. get a tech oligarchs to make sure no one can hear what they're saying. that's literally what they did.l that's how scientists act. that's a dictator's act. and in fact, tony fauci himself made the argument again today tony fauci science and cornets and tony fauci and he must never be challenged to if they get up and criticize science. nobody'sis s going to know what they're talking about. but if they get up are and realy aimed bullets at tony fauci, well, people could recognize there's a person there. so it's easy to criticize, but they're really criticizing sciencear because i represent science. so if you are trying to get atg me as a public health official and a scientist, you're really attacking not only dr. anthony fauci, you're attacking science, but i'm the bad guy to an entire subset of people because i represent something that is uncomfortable for them. it's called the truth. okay, first of all, the only people who refer to themselvesn in public, not ironically in the third person are fidelel castrope and mental patients. okay, so that should have been a tipoff right there. i am science. i am the state. the state is me. settle down megalomania man. this is nuts. and yet it's not fauci who's been damaged by this kind of behavior serially over years. it's anyone who criticized the bush administration arrested one of tony fauci top critics, peter navarro. tratthey called him out of reagn airport in lagniappe merrick garlandn also ruined the lives of several trump associates for the alleged crime of lying to federal officials. recently, biden's doj has been busy raiding the home ofn the former president for retaining classified documents, including a letter from barack obama. okay, so that's how they're treated the same time people like tony fauci who apparently engineered the single most devastating event in modern american historyy and then liedu about it getst to retire as a hero again, just like the bureaucrats, the pentagon who engineered humiliating credibility, destroying withdrawal from afghanistan. it got american lives killed. no punishment. tony fauci gets to collect his enormous government retirement and he'll be lecturing you from the stage at cnn very, very f soon. soro what exactly republicans ae going to do about this whenn and if they take power in january ? what else is tony fauci lied about? dr. scott atlus worked with tony fauci fauci in the white house. he's a senior fellow in health care policyy at stanfordns university's hoover institution. he joins us tonight. dr. u pardon pardon the overheated assessment, but his very frustrating to watch someone who at the very least has been wrong and whose wrong statements have tremendo consequences, never even being asked about itse. yes. well, i'll say his legacy is presiding over the greatest debacle in public health history because his recommendations were implemented in those implementations of the locked down and the school closurest that he recommended along with his underling. dr. burke's failed. they failed by the data to stopo the spread of the infection. they failed to stop the known vulnerable to die from dying and they inflicted enormous . rms they spared the affluent and the elite atno the sacrifice of the poor, minorities and ourn children. the sinfulur and long lasting damage to our children is one of his legacies. because those policies of masking, isolating and quarantining healthy children introducedd massive fear in them, damaged them really to make them think that their vectors of disease and everyone is a danger for them. we haven't even seenon i the tif the iceberg of that damage, but we've already seen skyring marketing, self-harm visits by teenagers, suicidal ideation ,mental illness, skyrocketing child abuse going unreporteddsu massive surges in childhood s obesity, a public healthur problem, serious learning losses, particularly among the poor and low income families, again sparing the affluent. in presided over the nih is total failure to conduct the necessary clinical trials on already approved low cost drugs, along with his friend and associate francis, as you mentioned now the second big category of his damage, his legacy really is the extraordinary distrust now inc the public of our public healtho agencies. i mean, this is critical and very harmful tois the future crises, but also to the institutions themselves that we need to trust as people. his erratic proclamations usuallyth with no scientific evidence whatsoever. i saw thatat personally, his use of fear, intentionally fear tosa sway the public. he explicitly stated in the task force his own email, as you pointed out, to suffocate the free exchange of ideas. this is antithetical to science and the unacceptable centralization of power of a 40 year s bureaucrat instead of being just issuing recommendations. you know, the bottom line is the element we we woke up now to need needing to w eliminatee the power of a corrupt central bureaucrat and restore medical ethics back in the public health. thisur is his legacy. exactly. and thank you for making that point. and you make t it with greatert credibility than really anybody else. the institutions themselves that we need wit have been gravy damaged. and i appreciate your saying that dr. scott was thank you.. thank you so we've been covering the increase in crime around the country. it's not fake ve. nott some russian op designed to hurt the democratic party. it's real and measurable. in a moment, we'll show you some of the horrifying footage from new york . but f in one city, crime is at its lowest level in decades. how is that happening? h lowest level since the 1930s, 90 years. miami, florida. we're going talk to the mayor of that city to ask how would you do that? >> we'll be right back . it started in 1972. and as a young angler with a passion for fishing opened his first tackle shop in his father's liquor store. his goal sort of fellow anglers can provide great value for over 50 years, johnnie morris's dream has grown to serve conservation and all who love the great outdoors. it's moving in the roots of that pushouts friendly, passionate house, helping you build lasting memories. bass, pro shops and karvelas put it america's best outdoor retailer. we found a dead one rothenburg and gamblers will need it and another over the past 40 years, more than 10,000 animals have been killed in various ways. the mammary glands the brain was gone, poured out like that just this phrase overwhelmed law enforcement. there's no evidence to point to one thing or another to go replicate that and not leave evidence. i don't think that would be possible because the helicopters were it could be bacteriological weapons testing, lots of speculation. everything is coming in and the cases are the greatest unsolved serial crimes. we need to tip up the case ourselves. original cattle mutilations streaming now on fox nation. sign up at fox station .com. good morning, ladies and gentlemen. this is your governor speaking today, training, evolution, dog fighting, taking on the corporate media. the rules of engagement are as follows. number one , don't fire unless fired upon. but when they fire, you fire back with overwhelming force. does it say that in the bill that i'm asking you to tell me what's in the bill number two, never, ever backed down from a fight. if i could complete the question. so you give a speech or ask the question number three , don't accept their nearest wrong. it's a fake narrative. i just disabused you of the narrative. you don't care about the fact it's why people don't trust people. like you said, some narrative. all right, ladies and gentlemen, like we need a small business plan that i got this loan. fulgoni there's a better way to get a fast small business loan. go to .com and if approved, get your funds as the same day your loan product has funding. exercise your brain with cody cross. enjoy showing your knowledge of many things that cody cross crossword puzzles and exercise . your brain is the same size plate. cody for free . test your knowledge tomorrow. be like in the media. never workplaces that

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Miami ,Florida ,United States ,New York ,Arkansas ,Afghanistan ,Texas ,Washington ,China ,Akis ,Komi ,Russia ,California ,Togo ,Sri Lanka ,Ukraine ,Netherlands ,Sacramento ,Pennsylvania ,Cambridge ,Cambridgeshire ,United Kingdom ,Chicago ,Illinois ,America ,Chinese ,Russian ,American ,Tony Fauci ,Anthony Fauci ,Santa Monica ,Dalai Lama ,George Floyd ,Joe Biden ,Latoya Cantrell ,Paul Vance ,Johnnie Morris ,Al Capone ,Mike Leavitt ,Mike Huckabee ,Tucker Carlson ,Sean Hannity ,Peter Navarro ,Ted Cruz ,Amos Miller ,Sigmund Freud ,Mike Lindell ,President ,Kids ,Raid ,Truth ,Kids Guide To ,Family ,Left Boy ,Amorillo ,Impact ,Team ,Three ,Family Tree Trunk ,Gift ,Pretty Trump Guy Com ,Retirement Ugly Doesn T Begin ,He Tony Fauci ,Pandemonium ,Evening ,Soul Cycle Studios ,Bethesda S Is Thousands Of Mass Ladies ,Chaos ,Brookline Television ,Foods ,Edgartown ,Espresso Bars ,Aspen ,Hysteria ,Aisle ,Leader ,Version ,Public F ,Oncend ,Lululemon ,One ,Life ,Hands ,Population ,Elements ,Device ,Equivalent ,Ladies And Gentlemen ,Itro ,The Swooning ,Carnageng A Wailing ,Public ,Handbags ,White House ,Coup ,Husbandd ,Lawyers ,Old Cornell ,Orangeman ,Forty Six ,Way ,Thisis Can T ,Toni ,Spain ,Public Expense ,End ,Employee ,Anapa ,Ths ,Followers ,It Neverto ,Two ,Course ,Tot ,Many ,More ,Spread ,Unmasking ,Term ,Tips ,Teen Vogue ,Interviewswsnt ,Dr ,House ,Relatives ,Holidays ,Sitting Masted ,Abute ,Chris Hayes ,Brian Stelteruc ,Positions ,Theye ,Chapter ,Career ,Abdication ,Eighty One ,Some ,Scientist ,Politics ,What S Going On ,Judgment ,Forty ,Twenty ,Oman ,Level ,News ,Medicine ,Whate ,Republican Congress ,Things ,Crimes ,History ,Times ,Countries ,Fraud ,Factno ,Wall ,Lot ,Place ,Beforee The Congress ,Safe ,Town ,Thought ,Reckoning ,Treatmentsdu ,Falsies ,Vaccines ,Covid ,New York Times ,Measures ,Which Weren T ,Didn T Work ,Thattan ,Order ,Immunity ,Herde ,People ,Masks ,Treat ,Bike ,Oxygen ,Carbon Dioxide ,Tens Of Thousands ,To Fauci Quote ,Mask ,Virus ,Drugstore ,Butt ,Evidence ,Crime ,Government ,Pandemic ,Origins ,Conjunction ,May 11th ,Vouchering ,Oath ,Toes ,Virus Inel ,11 ,Gain ,Function ,Research ,Paper ,Nih ,Approval ,Senate ,Before N The Congress ,Animal Virus ,Chain ,Staff ,Human ,Ability ,Youin Increaseis ,Doctor ,Questions ,Artist ,Quitena Frankly ,Baboute ,B S ,Scientists ,Places ,Thehe Intercept ,Answers ,Clip ,Aids Grant ,Cheto ,Eco Health Alliance ,2014 ,Coronavirus ,Intercept ,Viruses ,Material ,Wivb One ,Remanufacturing ,Batti Coronavirus Combinesir ,Parent ,Work ,Nih Criteria ,Quote Seven ,Gain Of Function Research ,Efa ,Seven ,Country ,Somebody ,Biolabs ,Governmentrius ,Labs ,G Don Toi ,Cup ,Offshoringes ,Ask Foden ,Question Why Dot ,Threatsat ,Ais Hotbed Of Pharmaceutical Research ,Vincent Relaxium ,Question ,Tony Faucimi ,Mice ,Study ,Professor ,Immunology ,End Quote ,Brolgas ,Microbiology ,Weight Loss Ofo ,Functionn ,Wrongce ,Columbia ,Publication ,Wasn T A Function ,Wing ,Haves ,Interception ,He Was W Quote ,Case You Haven T ,Wron ,Uc ,Letter ,Experiment ,Conductedon ,House Oversight Committee ,An Nih Official ,Minit ,Lawrence Tabak ,Frankenstein Stuff ,Proteins ,Bindingng ,Humn E ,Orderdu To Test If ,Tony Faucii ,Process ,No One ,Migrants ,Apologized ,Ethisst ,Thatut ,World ,Part ,Gain Function Research ,Virologist ,Anderson Embryologists Scripts Institute Way California ,2020 ,Idea ,Origin ,Features ,Challenge ,David Baltimore ,Smoking Gun Forhe ,Rfea ,Afunction Function Research ,Response ,Assessment ,Meeting ,Sars ,Deputies ,Person ,Fouchier ,Accountable ,Military Lab ,Wukong ,Bat Experiments Inh ,Anything ,Critics ,Data ,Attorney General ,Arrestk ,Stalinist ,Watch Thissthos ,Senator ,Care ,January 6th ,6 ,Capitol Setting Things On Fire ,Behavior ,The Way ,Displays ,Yes ,January 6 ,Health ,Guy ,Partizanship ,Official ,Opponents ,Thiscs ,Drug ,Questionsf ,O ,Corona ,The Pharma Giant Giulia ,2020ac ,Thing ,Food ,Solution ,Charge ,Drugth ,Thiswi ,Standard Of Care ,Kovatchevt ,Koveni ,Price ,Administration ,Dose ,Rhum Dose ,Hospital Stay ,Advisory ,Front Rim ,48 Thousand ,48 Thousand Dollars ,Vaccine ,Use ,Recommendation ,Truthas ,A Center ,Brent ,Desapio Doesn T Work ,World Health Organization ,Itn ,Fort A Second ,Twhl ,Money ,Friends Of Gilead ,Company ,Ton ,Meantimeme ,Support Tewes ,Friends ,Moderna S Fauci ,Crisis ,Rounds ,Create ,Pfizer ,Case ,Individual ,Nature ,Issue ,Amerine ,Boost ,Dose Boost ,Sars Cov 2 ,2 ,Something ,Mind ,Appen ,Indictment ,Law Enforcement Agency ,Tony Faucina ,Unvaccinated ,Outbreak ,Wanci ,System ,T Yearo ,Job ,Brest ,Mother ,Media Thaten ,Point ,Withdrawal ,Dysfunctional System N ,Obvious Point ,Tony Fauci P ,Smallpox ,Polio Vaccine ,Mumps ,Diseases ,Shot ,Bigger Investment Doesn T ,Covid Vaccine Doesn T ,Line ,Shots ,Pincushions ,Preventci Infection ,Biden Administration ,Power ,Thatis ,Patrons ,Regret ,Slidere ,Anywhere ,Behalf ,Countryvi ,Joe Bidenl ,Liberty ,Someone ,Symptoms ,Transmission ,Pre N Symptomatic Stage ,50 ,60 ,Community ,Restrictions ,Alarm ,Imo ,Researchers ,Obvious ,Blind ,Nd Pleasure F ,Johns Hopkins ,Reason ,Group ,Didn T ,Livesth ,Great Barington Declaration ,Lockdown ,Didwhatsoever ,Epidemiologists ,Fact ,October 2020 Quote ,Francis Collins ,To Fauci ,Great Barington Declaration Dog ,Boss ,God S Will ,Guy Allcan Evangelicals ,October 2020 ,Attention ,Published ,Kosygin Cheer ,Proposal ,Premises ,At Stanford ,Premisess ,Nobel Prize ,Shouldn T ,Social Media ,Nbc News ,Figure ,Cnn ,Want ,Lie G Machine ,Science ,Cornets ,Argument ,Tech Oligarchs ,Dictator S Act ,Nobody Sis S ,Bullets ,Eatg ,Bad Guy ,Themselvesn In Public ,Subset ,The Truth ,Estate ,Patients ,Nuts ,Tipoff ,Settle Down Megalomania Man ,Fidelel Castrope ,Anyone ,Kind ,Lives ,Behavior Serially ,Bush ,Tratthey ,Reagn Airport In Lagniappe Merrick Garlandn ,Documents ,Trump ,Officials ,Raiding ,Associates ,Doj ,Home Ofn ,Barack Obama ,Single ,Bureaucrats ,Event ,Hero ,American Historyy ,Pentagon Who ,It Getst ,Credibility ,Retirement ,Stage ,Punishment ,Republicans Ae ,Scott Atlus ,Policyy ,Whenn ,Senior Fellow ,Health Care ,Soro What ,Stanfordns University ,Statements ,Hoover Institution ,Au Pardon ,Legacy ,Consequences ,Debacle ,Itse ,Recommendations ,Underling ,Infection ,Implementations ,School Closurest ,Burke ,Children ,Affluent ,Poor ,Vulnerable ,Sacrifice ,Minorities ,Elite ,Arms ,Sinfulur ,Tourn ,Policies ,Damage ,Fear ,Masking ,Legacies ,We Haven T ,Everyone ,Child Abuse ,Danger ,Teenagers ,Disease ,Vectors ,Iceberg ,Tif ,Marketing ,Suicidal Ideation ,Skyring ,Mental Illness ,Childhood S Obesity ,Families ,Failure ,Public Healthur ,Income ,Learning Losses ,Surges ,Friend ,Francis Suarez ,Drugs ,Trials ,Category ,Cost ,Institutions ,Stois ,Agencies ,Crises ,Shealtho ,Extraordinary Distrust Now Inc The Public ,Proclamations ,Task Force ,Femail ,Usuallyth ,Thatat ,Tosa Sway The Public ,Ideas ,Year S Bureaucrat ,Centralization ,Exchange ,40 ,Thisur ,Bottom Line ,Element ,Central Bureaucrat ,Eliminatee ,Restore Medical Ethics ,Wit ,Gravy ,Increase ,Eve ,Top ,Emeasurable ,Footage ,Democratic Party ,City ,Happening ,Mayor ,F ,Talk ,90 ,1930 ,Angler ,Passion ,Fishing ,1972 ,Father ,Shop ,Liquor Store ,Dream ,Conservation ,Anglers ,Tackle ,Goal ,Friendly ,Value ,The Great Outdoors ,The Roots ,Rothenburg ,Memories ,Shops ,Passionate House ,Gamblers ,Bass ,It America S Best Outdoor Retailer ,Karvelas ,Ways ,Brain ,Animals ,Phrase ,Mammary Glands ,10000 ,Law Enforcement ,Another ,Helicopters ,Everything ,Cases ,Weapons Testing ,Speculation ,Lots ,Governor ,Com ,Fox Nation ,Fox Station ,Cattle ,Number One ,Media ,Bill ,Training ,Dog Fighting ,Force ,Revolution ,Don T Fire ,Rules Of Engagement ,Number ,Fight ,Speech ,Bill Number Two ,Don T ,Narrative ,Right ,People Don T Trust ,Wrong ,Loan ,Business Plan ,Small Business Loan ,Fulgoni ,Funds ,Approved ,Knowledge ,Product ,Funding ,Go To Com ,Puzzles ,Exercise ,Cody Cross ,Cody Cross Crossword ,Workplaces ,Size Plate ,

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