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boutcher is only one unfortunately only one of many examples of what they occupiers have been doing on our land for the past 41 days. russia shows leadership feels like colonizer in ancient times they need our wealth. our people in russia wants to turn ukraine into silent . and hello everyone. i'm frank gallagher in los angeles with our continuing live coverage of the crisis in eastern europe. it is 10:00 p.m. here on the west coast, eight o'clock wednesday morning in kyiv. the battle for ukraine's independence now in day forty two and president zolensky warning time is running out for his people, slamming the un for what he calls a broken system with no power to stop the war. he made his point with these horrific images describing them as the worst war crimes since world war two. zolensky grave prediction that boucher is only the beginning invokes chilling concerns about the one hundred thousand civilians still trapped in the port city of mariupol. could they be next ? we begin our breaking news coverage of the war in ukraine with fox news correspondent and co-anchor griff jenkins. he's live for us in the western ukrainian city of lviv. griff, good morning, chris . good morning in mariupol may be next . i'll get to that in just a moment. but first, president zelinski also issued a stark warning before the u.n. security council in that speech saying that more words like boots are coming if the world doesn't act. and he demanded, of course, more weapons. but he demanded that putin's army be accountable like the were after world war two. here's more vigilance here at the russian military and those who gave them orders must be brought to justice immediately and for war crimes in ukraine and anyone who has given criminal orders and carried out them by killing our people will be brought before the tribunal . this is another gruesome discovery in buka. we need to warn you these images are graphic and disturbing. six charred bodies piled together, one small enough trace to be a child. it's not clear who they were or what happened, but visibly upset ukrainian interior minister on the ground in buka had just three words for vladimir putin. >> go to . >> this as the pentagon announces an additional one hundred million dollars in security assistance for ukraine. that means more javelin anti-tank missiles are on the way. it brings a total of assistance to two point four billion so far since the administration has taken over in the state department today says they are investigating reports of an attack in the luhansk region involving chemicals. russian missiles struck a storage tank filled with nitric acid. a senior defense official telling fox news it's unclear if the strike was part of a strategy to weaponize the stored chemicals if it is indeed deemed a chemical weapons event. president biden has previously stated the u.s. would respond now back to mariupol, the, the british intelligence report that we get every morning. trace says that there is heavy fighting in russian strikes in the encircled city of mariupol and it continues to be cut off from civilization. no food, no water, no electricity, no communication to get out. and they have the humanitarian situation is getting worse as russian forces continue to block efforts to create that humanitarian corridor. we're waiting to hear more from ukrainian officials if anyone can get out trace you crtv jenkins, laforce, back to you in moments. grif, thank you . meantime, the white house mulling new financial penalties for russia in the wake of atrocities. but so far the white house has stopped short of calling it. but one former defense secretary says it's just a matter of time before they label it as such. fox news white house correspondent peter doocy has more on that . >> he's a pariah in the world. economic sanctions haven't stopped putin so far, but more sanctions are on the way even at the white house admits they'll take time to work out. how much time do you think that the ukrainian sanctions are just one component of the tools that we have at our disposal. what we are doing and we're already seeing effectively happen is the financial system in russia is near the brink of collapse. the biden administration is accusing putin of unimaginable cruelty. what we've seen in in ghouta is not the random act of a rogue unit. it's a deliberate campaign to kill the torture to to commit atrocities. but there still hesitating to use the word for now with respect to specifically, that is a formal legal determination. it takes a great deal of evidence. a former obama era defense secretary thinks it's only a matter of time before they do what he says is important. he's already said these are war crimes,. i think as most people know, there's a technicality to is a or not. i suspect president biden will say that he didn't want to say anything on the topic today or what i one and he did as part of a new push to expand obamacare ahead of the midterms . the stage in the east room was worthy of a double take. we just had lunch together and we weren't sure who is supposed to sit where. white house officials insist that even though this is obama's first trip to the white house in more than five years, he remains close with the president. vice president biden, vice president i was joe , there were lots of jokes like that as democrats try to tell a news story. we didn't hear anything today about ukraine or inflation or immigration from forty four or from forty six . but we did hear a lot of talk about the good old days when barack obama was president at the white house. peter doocy, fox news. peter fenn, prediction from one of our nation's top military leaders, general mark milley, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, thinks the war in ukraine is likely to drag on for years to come. speaking before the house armed services committee tuesday, milley told lawmakers that russia's invasion could not have been prevented by sanctions as the biden administration had hoped. he believes only the presence of us forces in ukraine could have deterred vladimir putin. >> watch. i think that with respect to the russian invasion of ukraine, it's been a long standing objective of putin and candidly short of the commitment of u.s. military forces into ukraine proper, i'm not sure he was deterrable with us now. retired lieutenant colonel bob, he's a former black helicopter pilot and squadron leader and co-founder of restore liberty. colonel, it's always great to have you, but you talk about two different tales. i mean, we for months heard that these sanctions were to quote deter and prevent and now you have the chairman of the joint chiefs saying no, the only way we could have prevented vladimir putin from invading was to use russian troops. >> your thoughts. thanks for having me back on. i think that is a consistent theme of messaging issues within this administration. we've heard issues about chemical strikes and what our response to that would be and not being able to really answer it that sanctions would deter. and now we're saying sanctions are more like a punishment than we talked about regime change or maybe not regime change. then we'll send migs. we won't send migs. i think that is just another example of the inability to get a consistent message across which should be an easy message to develop across the senior leadership of military advisors and the commander in chief. >> yeah, we saw the same pattern in afghanistan and we've seen the same pattern at the border with the inflation crisis. i want you to listen to national security adviser jake sullivan and then i'll get your response on the other side. it may not be just a matter of a few more weeks before all is said and done that first quote unquote phase of the conflict that the russians put it was measured in weeks. this next phase could be measured in months or longer months or longer, says sullivan. and you have general milley saying this war could go on for years. what does the united states and nato do, colonel? they just sit back and watch russia. >> russia just decimate ukraine ? well, i think we should also put ourselves in the shoes of the russian planners and military planners. one of the things we've learned in discussions with, with people that in sources that we have on both sides of this conflict is that there are those in the russian military who took part in the planning for this effort to specifically said that if they didn't castra kiv in the first 10 days after they moved across the border that this conflict was not going to be near as long as they thought it would probably colonie sometime in june or july due to a collapsing russian economy that they anticipated that . so although we could see months, maybe there are arguments for that . i have a really hard time accepting that we could define this in terms of years maybe in recovery, but not in terms of conflict. meantime, you have a lot of experts, including generals who have been talking more about about a nuclear war right, about a nuclear conflict as if the odds right are the longer this thing goes that nuclear weapons maybe only a matter of time. your final thoughts on that, colonel? well, i'm always concerned about the, the conversations that we have about nuclear weapons and nuclear conflict as for trying to push that as an inevitability and it certainly is not. however, this is ultimately putin's decision. and if he decides to go that route and i would argue that this conflict has significantly changed and frankly the world has significantly changed in a way that nobody can anticipate at this point. >> i got to go very quickly here, colonel, but i want to it is vladimir putin gaining more favorability in russia because russian believe that it's them against the world. i have a hard time believing that and i think when the casualties start moving back to russia from ukraine even more that he's going to lose some of that traction. the goodwill he's gained is lost in many forms. it depends on how effective his propaganda systems are in russia painting what he wants the russians to hear. >> yeah. colonel bob, always good to hear you. thank you , sir. thank you , sir. >> while the pentagon is touting a new certainly has the potential for what our military calls next generation capability, it is a hypersonic missile. the air force says air force says it recently completed a second successful test during that test. the missile reached a cruise speed greater than mock five . it hit altitudes above sixty five thousand feet and it flew for more than three hundred nautical miles. the announcement puts the u.s. on par with russian claims of its own hypersonic missile. such a weapon may have been used to strike a munitions warehouse in ukraine in the past several weeks. meantime, another fox news alert. >> this time at least one person has been killed during a flurry of violent storms that ripped across the southern us on tuesday. the storm's on tornadoes, rain, hail, heavy winds for several hours on end. more than 50000 homes and businesses from texas to south carolina without power. a man in eastern texas died when a tree fell on his home and the danger is far from over . forecasters now warn the threat of more severe weather will move further north on wednesday. more than 10 million people in metro areas including atlanta, birmingham, chattanooga and tennessee will be at risk. keep your weathertech and a growing number of democrats voicing opposition over president biden's move to end title 40 to the pandemic public health order set to expire on may twenty third senator john tester of montana releasing this statement on twitter, quoting now i'm strongly opposed to the administration's decision to let title 40 to expire next month, which will only add to the strain on our broken immigration system. i am urging secretary baucus to provide a comprehensive plan to address the increased security needed when title forty two expires. the senator also sent a letter to my caucus warning that ending this policy without sufficient preparation risks undermining our national security. other democrats voicing concern include senators joe manchin, kirsten sinema, mark kelly and maga hats. well, there is some good news for those of you who might battle with federal student loans. the biden administration is expected to extend the current pandemic payment pause on those loans that at least through the end of august the pause had been set to expire next month. democrats, in fact, now urging the president to not only extend the pause through twenty twenty two but also cancel some debt through executive action. a recent letter from prominent democrat states that most borrowers are not financially ready to shoulder the loans while facing skyrocketing costs for food and gas payment pause is saving borrowers about four hundred dollars each month. well, the president of ukraine signaling that he is losing patience with the united nation. we'll have more on his call for reform next . very check us out with on deck. we could get a small business loan fat and start hiring more help right away or loan ketanji or small. there's a better way to get a fast small business loan on deck. the online lender that makes it easy to choose your loan and if approved get funds as soon as the same day your loan is on deck. halogens droplets to dust, dangers to your breathing get money your missed ultra pure steam inhaler it turns destroyed just your effective speed happy sinuses, good breathing again. my puer must do it. publisher's clearing house winners are real. no but you better hurry if you want to be april 30 you could win seven grand a week. for a look now at t.s.a. that's are you in it to win seven grand a week for life and turn out that it's possible to the rescue you have to move fast or back together. one foot in one was going to have to get her down the hard way from nine one one little side one he goes up like 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