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The nonmandate from a totally nonrepresentative election to completely destroy the biggest city in our country. Thats not democracy as we were taught it. Yet, increasingly, it is how things work here. George soros understands that. Soros has an eye for vulnerability. He became extraordinarily rich by finding ways to exploit the weaknesses in systems that he did not himself build. In the early 1990s, soros became a billionaire by shorting the british pound, crushing the bank of england in the process. He went on to repeat those tactics and other financial crises in countries around the world. And then george soros turned his attention to the United States, when he decided he would fundamentally change our socie society. Soros began funding politicians and political initiatives that had very little popular support. But because so few were paying attention to what he was doing, he often got his way. On those rare occasions when soros was criticized for doing this, for subverting our democracy, he and his allies in the news media screamed bigotry. He was yet another oppressed billionaire victim of discrimination. And mostly, that tactic works because it always works. So he kept doing it. If you are wondering why so many people are being robbed and rapean endkilled in american cit now, george soros is part of the reason for that. Soros has funded the campaigns of District Attorneys around the country. Philadelphia, st. Louis, chicago, boston. Traditionally, a prosecutors job is to enforce the law. But soros wanted rigid ideologues who would refuse to do that. And instead let murderers and rapists go free while allowing our society itself to degrade and collapse. In los angeles, soros won his biggest victory so far. In the most recent election, soros backed a candidate for District Attorney called george gascoigne. Soros spent more than 2 million on his campaign. The 90yearold hungarian was gascoigne single biggest donor by far. In the end, gascoigne won. What happened next was the entire point of the exercise. Gascoigne stop enforcing the law in los angeles. Yesterday, we learned he is now moving to dismiss all sentencing enhancements against an alleged double murder rare. A who was accused of murdering the los angeles sheriffs deputy, shooting him in the back of the head last year. That would make, if this change goes through, that man, the man suspected of a double murder including of a police officer, eligible for parole. And that is the point of it. The details in the story are important, so we are going to begin tonight with the man who broke the story. From los angeles, fox news bilbo lujan joins us now. Thank you for. Giving the background, if you would, for our viewers who are not familiar with that . Yes, tucker, it is a particularly heinous case and ruffling a lot of feathers in l. A. Because as you mentioned, not just talking about an accused cop killer, we are talking about an accused double murderer who could potentially be getting out of prison early because of george gascoignes new reform. Rewind the clock to june of last year, l. A. County sheriff deputy was just standing in line at a jackinthebox waiting for his food when police say some nut job from utah, a guy allegedly by the name of brett nelson just walks in, shoots him in the back of the head, executio execution. The deputy would later die in a hospital started by his family. Just one hour before that shooting, police say the exact same suspect shot at a group of skateboarders in downtown l. A. And killed one of them, a russian national, a professional skatskateboarder. Arrested and charged with the murders, but what i found out yesterday and confirmed with the d. A. s office, under George Gascons new directives, they want to get rid of the gun enhancement causing Great Bodily Injury and the circumstance of multiple murders, just those things alone would potentially put this guy away for life with parole. If you were to be convicted. Of a judge signs off on getting rid of these enhancements, life with parole is off the table. The Death Penalty is already off the table because mr. Gascon got rid of it, and if these enhancements are stripped, this suspect, this double murder suspect, could potentially get out of prison some day a certain amount of years. We do not know what those years yet are. As you can imagine, that deputys family is furious. I understand youre going to speak to her shortly, i interviewed her last night. She went as far as calling George Gascon someone like a devil. She is irate, she is furious, she says he never reached out to the family and that her brother is the victim, not the man accused of shooting him. I reached out to mr. Gascons office for a statement on this case, and they essentially told me in a nutshell, these enhancements are primarily fueling what they say is a mass incarceration problem, and he campaigned on moving away from that. He is delivering on his promises of radically changing the system here in l. A. , and went on to say that years, decades down the road, if a judge or the parole board determines th the suspectn be rehabilitated, they believe it makes more sense to let him back out in public, so it is not a cost on the taxpayers, which i think that is a tough pill for a lot of people to swallow here when youre talking but it accused cop killer or it. Ultimately, it will be a judge who besides this, there will be hearing on january 11th, pretrial hearing, and the deputys family will get a chance to make a statement that it will be up to the judge to decide if he sides with mr. Gascon and drop the enhancements or side with the family and keep them. Tucker, we will send it back to you. Tucker bill, i appreciate it. Thank you for breaking the story. Any moment, as you heard, we will speak to christina solano, a sister of the slain officer, joseph solano. Before we do, some context. What is happening in this case is not unusual. And it wont be going forward. George gascon has promised to stop seeking enhancements in every case that comes before his office. In all of los angeles, the second biggest city. In a functioning society, prosecutors are allowed, if they wish, to seek longer prison terms for criminals who inflict great bodily harm, for example, on their victims, or those who carry out gang assassinations and public. George gascon is getting rid of those penalties come along with cash bail and the Death Penalty. Now, why is he doing this . Its very simple. George gascon, like the billionaires remain his current job possible, is removed enough, personally, from the consequences of crime that he can identify, powerfully identified with the criminals, rather than with their many victims. We criminalize behavior, largely associated with poverty. Loitering, drinking in public, public intoxication, possession of drugs and paraphernalia and more. Tucker so, poverty causes crime. Thats an idea that has no support, whatsoever, in actual social science. There is no evidence for that, at all. But it is the kind of thing that halfwits learned in college, repeat, and when they get power, turn into policy. The irony as we know exactly what policies like gascon is imposing on los angeles will do and who they will hurt. They will affect people who live in the neighborhoods with the most crime, and the poorest neighborhoods. We know that will happen because it has happened before, and George Gascon did it. George gascon was the District Attorney and sentences go for eight years, 20112019. Over his tenure, the city of San Francisco recorded the third highest rate of Violent Crime in all of california. In franciscos rate of property crimes increased by 37 . 2017, the city of San Francisco, which is not a big place, reported 31,000 car burglaries, the worst year in the history of the city. So, heres what George Gascons legacy looked like four normal people, in this case, for Business Owners in San Francisco. The walgreens in San Francisco will close its doors for good november 11th. Customers say the store is known for being a notoriously easy place to shoplift. I further walgreens is real easy to steal from. Why is that . Because they dont chase you. And neighbors agree shoplifting has been an ongoing problem at this location and may be a major factor in why it will soon be closed. Customers say the shelves are bare, the company not even bothering to restock. The story is wiped out. I watch guys come in and grab boxes full of honey buns and watcwalk out. The guys inside, they can do anything about it. Tucker completely wiped out. So bam, no more drug store. If you cant walk to go buy things. The fabric starts to unravel. Thats what george soros is funding. Thats the point of funding it. They cant do anything about it. The Business Owners say. He is talking about the police. So what good is calling the police when they dont even take a report when they arrive . Under George Gascons tenure in San Francisco, rest flat wind, and you can see why, no point arresting people. On this between ones orders, prosecutors filed criminal charges in only about 50 of felony cases, over eight years, from 20112019. 50 of felony cases. In misdemeanor cases, it dropped to 40 . So, with nothing to do, prosecutors left gascons office in huge numbers. In his final term, a total of 61 San Francisco prosecutors out of 140, left their posts. Almost half resigned. Now, these numbers have been public for years, but you dont need the statistics. Its obvious to anybody who lives in San Francisco and got the city is being destroyed and George Gascon is one of the main reasons for that. Its so obvious that the mayor of San Francisco, london breed, no conservative, declined to endorse George Gus Cohen in his race this year. San Francisco City attorney also declined. Another word, even some of the worst, least able, most Media Politicians in the United States look to George Gascon and said he is too much for us, a threat to the people he represents. George soros looked at him and said, thats the man i want to fund. Thats the country i want america to become close to what people of los angeles are fully aware of this. They know now what George Gascon is planning for their city, but they know theres nothing they can do to stop it. The mother of a murder victim, her son was killed by a minor. She says a new d. A. George gascon is sending the wrong message if he stops charging juveniles as adults. Learning that, oh, i can go out and kill somebody, and the law is just going to slap me on the wrist and put me in time out like i am three years old, then released me back into the streets, so i can kill again. Tucker her child was murdered. Does George Gascon care . Of course not. Does george soros care . Well come he sent 2. 2 million to George Gus Cohen. That answers the question. The grieving mother, she cannot raise money for the Democratic Party or blm. No one cares what she thinks. We think it is important to hear directly from the people whose lives are affected, overturned, in some cases ended, by George Gascon and george soros, who funds him. We are going to bring attention to that right now. Christina solano is the sister of the officer we told you about, joseph solano, who was murdered, and we are happy to have her on tonight. Christina, thank you so much for coming on. Thank you for having me. Tucker i cant imagine how you feel watching this unfold. Yeah. Tucker what does this mean for your family, watching George Gascon discussed measures to make it possible for an accused murderer to get out on parole . Its its unbelievable. I just cant believe that this is happening. When we were told last week, you know, that george was i mean, gascon was going to, you know, take away the life sentencing and no Death Penalty, we were in shock. We were like, this cant be. We just want to get the word out there about people need to know what he is out all about. This is unbelievable, and hearing some of the other peoples cases, what he is doing with their cases, its just its so upsetting. And this guy needs to be in jail for life. So i just dont understand it. Tucker i mean, we are talking about your brother. Did George Gascon call you to talk this through before deciding are you kidding me . No, he has never called me. Not at all. After the last hearing from my. The d. A. Had let us know they took off the life sentencing and no Death Penalty. So, thats off. And then, they are thinking about taking off the gun enhancements on top of that, but that is not, you know, done yet. But we, you know, we are here to fight it. Next january 11th, we are going to go there and talk to the judge and see if we can get the sentencing back to where it should be. Tucker why do you think gascon is doing this . And why do you think george soros is paying for it . I have no idea why he would be doing Something Like this. This is just its craziness. I mean, to let the murderers out of jail early, i mean, they, i mean, these are, like, Violent Crimes. He killed two people. My brother and another gentleman. And he gets to go free in 1520 years . I mean, come on. This is ridiculous. I cant even believe it. It is just disgusting. So i mean, it is so upsetting, i cant sleep about it. Its just come i cant even think that this guy could be out in 1520 years and he is still going to be in his 40s. And my brother was an innocent person. He was a loving human being, that he came behind him and shot him in the back of the head. I mean, its just it is so unbelievable, tucker. I am so, like, in shock about this whole thing. I dont understand who this guy isnt what he is all about. Tucker so you gave an interview yesterday to bill melugin, who we just talked to, fox 5 in los angeles, got some attention. Did any elected official who supports George Gascon in los angeles call you yesterday . Not one. Not one, tucker. Not one person. So, i mean, if he is really for the, you know, us, he should be coming out and talking to us, not for the murderers. I mean, our family is devastated. I lost my dad, my mom, and my brother all last year, and we havent heard anything, so its disturbing. Its completely disturbing. Tucker george soros should call you. He is revered as a hero by many. Listing of solano, great to see you tonight. Thank you so much, tucker. Tucker believe it or not, and it is hard to believe now, joe biden was not always a fan of big tech. We have some new Financial Filings in tonight that might explain what changed. We will show you what they are, next. Do you know how it feels to live with schizophrenia . I am a good parent. Jared . Im hearing the most awful things, people shouting at me. Its ok. When you live with schizophrenia like us, it can feel like youre living in a different world. You should definitely talk to your doctor and ask about fanapt. Ok. Fanapt is approved for the treatment of schizophrenia in adults. In clinical trials, fanapt significantly improved symptoms of schizophrenia compared to placebo. Cynthia, are you ok . I feel like everyones out to get me. Fanapt may change your heart rhythm which could elevate risk of sudden death. Your doctor will consider this when deciding among treatments and may prescribe another medication first or may instruct you to take a smaller dosage of fanapt. Remember youre not alone, there is help. Call 8557 fanapt no, i have never been a fan of facebook, as you probably know. Ive never been a big zuckerberg fan. I think he is a real problem. Tucker bu uh huh. All the conservators meet on facebook and talk about that was joe biden last year. He is helping facebook now. Things have changed a lot since then. Bidens Transition Team has started hiring top officials and lobbyists from Silicon Valley. Why . Lets see, facebook and twitter and google, so also censored stories about the biden Family Business deals with businesses connected to the Chinese Communist party. Dozens of executives at facebook, which biden is not a fan, and twitter, started spending being on twitter in th. For example, aaron egan donated more than 95,000 to democrats this year. Twitter senior director of Product Management donated to joe biden, and there are many more come of course. In total, the contributions, the pattern of money moving from Silicon Valley into the coffers of the Democratic Party in joe biden, what do they tell us . Candace owens is one of our alltime favorites and were happy to have her on tonight to unravel this mystery. Candace me look at these numbers on the behavior of the party from an end what do you conclud . I concluded that this is the least shocking story of 2020, for any american that has been paying attention to what we have been seeing this year in terms of what is really just mass censorship. Here is what is really rich, tucker. Do you remember when the leftist media hacks were trying to convince us that the big scary evil g. O. P. Plots to suppress and people waiting in line to vote, casting the ballot in geoa picture of a perfectly average in line and said the g. O. P. Is suppressing votes, this is a form of voter suppression. Every time you see Something Like this, a ridiculous story, you know the job of a really good media hack is to make sure americans are looking the wrong way when real crimes and real issues are actually peeping up. One such issue is the way facebook and twitter virtually intervened on this election cycle. They did this quite openly via factcheckers that popped up out of nowhere, factcheckers pulling out stories like the hunter biden story, suppressing it saying this in context, we dont have the information, joe biden has not confirmed his son is guilty, therefore the story is somehow untrue. We always knew these factcheckers are not checking facts, they were suppressing information, and that is a form of voter suppression. Tucker well, of course it is. Of course nothing is being done about it to this day. But the clarity of the payoff here, i mean, even as joe biden is criticizing facebook really didnt mean it facebooks employees are sending him money, facebooks owners are working around the clock to get him elected, spending a lot of hundreds of millions of dollars. I mean, they are basically buying the biden people. Thats exactly right. Thats exactly right. The American People know this. And the question is what is going to actually be done about this. Obviously, there exists some relationship behind the scenes, and they feel comfortable and very biden and harris administration. They did not have that level of comfort. Trump was talking about revoking their protections under section 230. Which they spread. By the way, i am not against facebook having opinions as long as they are willing to admit that they are, in fact, a publisher. You are a publisher. You are pulling out information you dont like because you are a publisher. They shouldnt report no protections under 230, that is what trump is trying to do. Under a biden administration, they will be perfectly protected to continue censoring any information that they dont li like. Tucker can you imagine, in 1980, if General Motors and General Electric and ibm got together and said we run this country, we are picking the president this year. I think the media would Say Something about it, right . You think so, but the media today, this is not something that people trust. You are seeing this. Its broken down. They no longer represent the thoughts and opinions of the people. They are bought out by corporations, and they are there to make sure the corporate narrative is protected. They are bought out by politicians. They are there to make sure politicians are protected. This goes on behind the scenes, numeric and people know this. It is unfortunate we have seen this in this regard, it feels like it a sped up over this last year. We have never, ever seen this level of censorship in america. Tucker a praetorian guard for the powerful, i agree. Candace owens, great to see you tonight. So, the Coronavirus Vaccine is coming, imminently. So, if you take it, youd probably be required to take it, whether you want to are not, but when you do, you still need to wear a mask and stay inside all day . Public Health Experts have finally answered that question. He has a their answer and a very strong reaction to it next. Tucker well, you probably thought, because you are not a licensed epidemiologist, if youve got the Coronavirus Vaccine you could live like a normal human being again. But no, we have that news for you, science denier. The people in charge are not going to give up the power they now have that easily. That was the message they gave very clearly from mvc medical expert, by the way, the same title is dr. Joe biden. You should not be participating in things like traveling in an outofcontrol pandemic are liberated from masks. Everything still applies until all of us get a two dose regimen, really, really critical, dont let your guard down just because you got vaccinated. Tucker uhhuh. Just because you take the rushed vaccination you are required to take, dont think you are liberated from masks. You will never be liberated from masks, plebe. That is the whole point. Submit and obey indefinitely. It sounds dark, but over the summer, a guy called dave presciently predicted this very thing would happen. What the [bleep] is going on . Why did this become flatten the curve, flatten the curve, flatten the curve to we have to find a cure or everybody is going to die . Find a cure . Who says were going to find a cure. People have been mentally preparing, doing what you asked, doing exactly what you said, now youre changing the rules. Tucker wow. Dave does not work at the cdc and no dave, having predicted this exact same thing, when he said that, i thought, i dont know, that is kind of dark, but you are right. Yeah, i wont call it a victory lap, at this point. You know, nobody i dont really care who you are, nobody should be happy right now. My latest rant is really that new york announced no more indoor dining, they are shutting that down indefinitely. As a Small Business guy, i feel bad for all of these people who are not being given the chance, restaurants, bars, to earn a living, and i dont know what politicians expect these people to do. My heart truly breaks for them. I spoke to them, they just want to work. You see a staff of percent of bars and restaurants are never n new york city. There is no clear answer of what is going on with corona, but the solution of just saying, nobody can basically go to restaurants and bars, that doesnt sit well with me. It does not sit well with any of the owners. They want to plan. They have done everything government officials have asked them to do along with flatten the curve. Restaurants, you have to wear the masks, less tables, 6 feet of separation, outside structures built on their own diets, restarted, trying to pay their employees, sorry, you cant do indoor dining. What if we have a blizzard tomorrow new york city . You can earn a living . There has to be a way, there has to be a solution. There is no stimulus and by the way, a lot of people dont want a government paycheck. They want the opportunity to earn a living. And that is the part that is crazy, and that is the part like, stop everything. And its not democrat, not republican, because both of them owned businesses, restaurants, bar. You have to figure out a way to let these people survive. I get corona, but this destroys livelihoods that are taken decades to build. I dont know how this isnt something that everyone sits around at the table every single day until you figure out a solution that lets these people live. I do not understand that. Tucker i mean, after a while, people are going to get the message, dont bother trying to start a Small Business, just go work in an amazon warehouse. It is bad for society. What can we do about it . Weve been looking at that a lot. Donate money, Different Solutions we are looking at right now, whether it be helping with the rent, whether it be you donate money for them to make meals for may be people who are hungry, so they can make, you know, basic meals like chicken and rice, spend the money that way. We are battling it all and ways we can help, try to raise a lot of money and give it to the Restaurant Owners. Again, i keep looking at it, maybe it hits home because of barstool and the way i grew it, but these familyrun businesses that have been, you know, decades, been run for decades, just been wiped out, and the answer seems to be, sorry, we had a pandemic. I get it, you need circumstances, but there is no the only people who are working to create plans seem to be the people affected, and a lot of the politicians who preached one thing and on another, dont go on vacation, dont go to eat at french laundry, a lot of these people, they havent come up with solutions. It is the restaurant and bar owners and the people put out of business you see them all over the place, work with us. We are trying to come up with solutions, nobody is helping them. Tucker if you figure out a way to help, i hope youll come back and tell us what it is. Absolutely. Tucker dave portnoy, thank you. So, new york city has become something of a case study in what happens when you impose completely incoherent, scientifically unsupported restrictions because of coronavirus. This week, and we are nine months into the pandemic, by the way, the city suddenly decided to ban indoor dining, which you just heard. An attorney on Staten Island, one of americas most popular lawyers and plans to file a lawsuit tomorrow against that band. Thanks for joining us tonight. What is the basis of the suit . Thanks, tucker, thank you for having us tonight. I appreciate with a guy of barstool sports said. As far as they lawsuit, we are filing, my partners and die, are filing a suit in federal Court Tomorrow asking for an immediate injunction enjoining the city and state from imposing a ban on indoor dining. We are requesting that for immediate action by the judge, and hopefully heard very quick quickly. Tucker i mean, it does seem like Staten Island is bearing a lot of the burden here in these restrictions. Staten island was the only borough out of five in new york that did not vote for new bill de blasio. He lost Staten Island. Could you see a connection between the two . Tucker, how can you not see a connection. We have the strongest republic and based on the south shore of Staten Island, and the line for the orange zone was drawn right across the island, and just coincidentally, the Republican Base was the one put in the orange zone, so you cant serve the burger at max, but you can serve the burger somewhere else. Tucker youve got to be noticing the disparity in the way the law is enforced. So, crime is rising to historic levels in the city of new york. People are dying, literally, and no one shows up to stop the crimes. If you dare serve a cheeseburger in the wrong zone, the sheriff is there instantly. I mean, am i imagining that . Tucker, the hypocrisy is appalling. Its absolutely appalling. People tore apart the city for days on end without an arrest, without the sheriff intervening there. People were spitting in Police Officers faces, nobody did anything. But the Restaurant Owners on Staten Island, who are friends of mine, good, hardworking americans, people i grew up with, literally across the street, all they want to do is feed their family, and serve their community, and they are being destroyed by these arbitrary, capricious regulations. Its sad, how they become the face and the scapegoat for the whole coven virus lockdown. Its really upsetting. Tucker plenty of disfavored group. Lou gelormino great to see you. Can i say one last thing . Tucker of course. Just like joe biden, i too have a doctorate degree. A juris doctorate, so the next time i come on, would you please call me dr. Lu. Tucker [laughs] you will always be dr. Lu to me, doctor. Thank you, tucker. Tucker thank you. We told you in the past we are committed to reporting stories no one else will come in tonight come a genuinely interesting point. A previously unreported but legitimate study has been confirmed tonight. We are also learning more about a highspeed underwater ufos, objects that appear to deny the known laws of physics. We will tell you where they were spotted and what the pentagon appears to be doing about it. That straight ahead. The holidays are a time for giving. To your friends. Your family. To your teachers. In that spirit of giving, chevys proud to give our employee discount to everyone. The chevy price you pay,. Is what we pay. Not a cent more. Because giving,. And giving back, is what the holidays are all about. Use the chevy employee discount for everyone to get a total value of over eight thousand four hundred dollars on this silverado. Get the chevy employee discount for everyone today. Tucker a new report from american intelligence confirms something that has been rumored for a while. Late last year, the u. S. Navy f18 fighter jet took a very clear photograph on a personal phone of a triangle shaped unidentified aerial phenomenon. That vehicle, whatever it was, appeared to be operating on a propulsion system that generated no visible exhaust. I dont see how that could happen. It places the uso near an Aircraft Carrier that should not be surprising because a string of uso sightings have been seen at Nuclear Reactors and warheads. That report goes into some detail of underwater ufos, which behave in ways that science cant explain. Tom rogan has been following all of this quite carefully for some time. Happy to have him on tonight. Tom, thanks for coming on. First, tell us about the siting in late 2019. Yeah, good to be with you, tucker, and thanks for covering this, because not enough journalists i think do. The late 2019 incident essentially involved a u. S. Carrier strike group, as the incident in 2004 and 2015, preparing to go abroad and do the missions the navy are assigned, and the pilots are flying off the coast come off the atlantic seaboard, and c, essentially a black triangle, white, sort of indicator lights on peripheral tips, coming out of the water very quickly, and then accelerating at extremely high speeds, at about a 90degree angle, and one of the pilots took a photo, a very good photo, im told, by multiple sources, on his iphone, and myself and to really lead the charge in this investigation have sort of tied it down. So i think the real point of note on this is this phenomenon, whatever it is, continues to occur. Tucker it came out of the water, so expand on that a little bit. There have been come over the years, a number of reports of unidentified underwater vehicles moving in ways that dont make any sense at all. Tell us what you know about that. Yeah, this is one of the reasons the navy is very sensitive about this topic, because it essentially does not want either china or russia in particular to figure out whatever these vehicles are, bee intelligently controlled, figure out how they do what they do, because they moved hundreds of knots under the water, or at least they can come and they maneuver in ways that would essentially render a submarine or an Aircraft Carrier, or any, quite frankly, military warship, extremely vulnerable. And the capabilities, because of what we understand, in terms of friction under the water, these things manifest, and then, what they do in the air, as well, this is some special stuff, whatever it is. Tucker well, a bullet doesnt travels hundreds of knots an hour underwater for long. I mean, i dont think any human made object ever has. Never imagine Something Like that. So what could be the explanation . Its very interesting, the russians have a new system called canyon, which is an underwater drone system that travels very fast, but nowhere near as fast as of these things, and its nuclear powered, and so its a very different propulsion system. And i think that is the exigent point, that what these things can do in air, underwater, and space, at least in low orbit, are beyond any capability that we can identify with a known nation, either deliberate, platform, something military is showing, or in development. Tucker right, or is even been conceived of, lets be honest. This is really out of the realm. Tom, great to see you tonight. Thank you for that report. Well, the Emmy Award Winning governor of new york andrew cuomo wants you to to know that you should believe all women, except when accusing him of Sexual Harassment. Now we know more about what andrew cuomo thinks about this one unique woman who you should not believe. We have the details, straight ahead. Tucker so, even before the governor of new york andrew cuomo had won an emmy, he had a natural knack for something the acting coach is referred to as dramatic irony. For example, here he was just two years ago condemning the sitting president for not taking Sexual Harassment seriously enough. He turned a blind eye to the Metoo Movement, which was a moment of a social revolution, with thousands of women took the courage and put themselves out there, and talked about things that embarrass them, that make them feel bad about themselves, and all they got was a deaf ear from President Trump and washington, but new york passed a stronger Sexual Harassment law in the United States of america. Tucker the Metoo Movement was a social revoluti revolution. Blood, like all revolutions, some were exempt from its requirements. On sunday, something very interesting happened in the city with a stronger Sexual Harassment laws are made on states of america. In that very city, a former eight to the menu just come andrew cuomo, and ada called lindsey boylan, accused andrew cuomo of Sexual Harassment in some detail. She put it on twitter, and everyone saw it, so know what happened next, Nothing Happened next, the network newscasters sunday night on monday morning did not cover that. We cannot find any evidence that cnn or nbc, purported news networks, mentioned it did it all. There was a brief mention in a cut in today. The newsletter you find littered around the lobbies of hotels, usa today, explains the media back out in tweets. The eight has not provided any validating evidence for the accusations or specify details on the harassment. So, that is the new standard, at least when it applies to andrew cuomo. The question is, how long has it been a standard, and to whom else does it apply . Steve krakauer is the founder and editor of the fourth watch podcast and joins us tonight. I kind of get this, steve krakauer. She does not have photographic evidence, therefore only reports on it. How long has this been the standard . Well, yeah, this is a clear thats the real issue here, the hypocritical level standard. You want a media that is curious, thats aggressive, and certainly, so far, as you mentioned, nothing from cnn or msnbc, nothing from the broadcast networks for the most part. We have not seen a lot of curiosity about the story so far about media darling governor andrew cuomo, but i would say its actually the sort of hypocritical corrective, because yeah, she has she has tweeted a few things and has talked about it, and we want a price that is going to go after it, but she has turned down an interview from every press outlet so far. She has, you know, not presented any corroboration, okay, so lets see this story out fearful a problem, though, is that it is not the editorial standard, sort of a real nice, journalistic, editorial, you know, for caution that is taken when it comes to stories like brett kavanaugh, for example, with the instance that there was even an iota of an allegation, became this national story, without any real the same sort of corroboration they were looking for. So that is the problem. The pendulum is swinging now, maybe in the right direction, but the standard is not evenly applied. Tucker really quick, it is not like there is a lack of new. Just in the last week, cuomo has been mentioned in many news reports as a contender for attorney general of the United States, so how can you ignore it . Yeah, well, it seems like that is i do wonder if this is sort of preempting that potential news story there. I do think, obviously, its a sticky situation. I mean, the governors brother is hosting a show on cnn tucker oh. In prime time, so it gets complicated, as we saw both during the covid crisis that has continued and the way he was covered there, and certainly with this or any other story that may emerge. I think the media should continue digging on it. I think they are right to exercise caution, but i really hope they learn and exercise that sort of caution when it is not the democratic governor of new york. Tucker one correction, hosting a show is not quite right. Take a 42 minute break is the more know mike better way to describe it. We are out of time. Sean hannity takes over. Tucker thank you, tucker. Welcome to ossoff. The very frail, weak, cognitivelys troubling managed to actually leave his basement bunker today. By the way, how nice that we have this all squared up here. Is this all what i am seeing . [laughs] all right, there we go. It actually works. Tuckers cohosting. Anyway, it is called tv, it is live. The campaign in georgias allimportant Senate Runoff seat, but the most popular politician, apparently in the history of mankind, that guy, or so we are told. He held a rally today. One itsybitsy little teensyweensy

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