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Yet. It remains. And there is a reason for that. Americans care about thanksgiving, and i have for a very long time. Back in 1939, Franklin Roosevelt move the holiday a week earlier, he said it was an effort to boost the economy during thee great depression, but it seemed to many americans, weird and undignified, and they mocked him for it. They called thanksgiving franksgiving. Congress heard what they were saying it eventually moved thanksgiving back where it belongs and where it is now. We have been celebrating thanksgiving on the fourth thursday of november ever since then. In a time of political upheaval and this certainly is one you will notice no politician tried to move thanksgiving or call its juneteenth. We should be grateful for that, it is an enduring american tradition. At the same time, though, we have to tell you the obvious. We are witnessing fundamental changes in the way this country works. Changes that Congress Wont be able to undo simply by voting. It is not just because the coronavirus came here from wuhan, china, and upended everything, although it did. It is because our Political Class has deliberately decided to use this pandemic as a way to gain political power for themselves. We are not speculating about that. Its not a conspiracy theory. They have said so, out loud, over and over and over again. We should not be intimidated when people say, oh, you can use this covert crisis, a catalyst for a solution to climate change. We have to recognize the necessity of this moment. If theres any Silver Lining in the midst of this terrible, terrible, and unprecedented moment in American History in terms of the economy, in terms of the pandemic, it is that maybe we thought rethinking ofndamental tenets of how our society works. Never let a crisis go to waste, as the old saying goes. Tucker this would be a terrible crisis to waste, says Hillary Clinton. If you wonder why biden kept Hillary Clinton on the campaignl trail this fall, that is why. She doesnt care anymore, so she can say what everyone else in the Democratic Party knows but is not dumb enough to say out loud. As long as Public Health bureaucrats are throwing around oxymoronic doublespeak like social distancing and flatten the curve, politicians have the cover they need to empower themselves and their friends. Thats exactly what they have been doing. Its wound up in the form of tyranny. Some of the tyranny has been petty. Its hard to forget, for example, a Nassau County executive told residents dont even think of touching another persons tennis balls on the court. Singles only, no doubles, only every other court, you have to have a court between players, between sets of people playing. Every player, unless they are from the same household, has to bring their own tennis balls. So that you dont touch other peoples tennis balls. Tucker you do not touch other peoples tennis balls. The famous tennis balls conference, your grandkids will watch that kind of thing and laugh. This has happened all over the country for months. It became a kind of arms race for the moronic and once the meal moment,nd and there were many, an illinois governor explained to reporters that henceforth, only two people would be allowed on a boat in whis state, no exceptions. It is restricted to two people per boat. It is not, you cant have five people or ten people in a boat. If it is a family of four or five, husband, wife, and kids, they are going to have to take two them at a time . They would. Tucker only two people in a boat, and no tennis balls kind of hilarious. Obviously, it is authoritarian. But a lot less threatening than some forms of authoritarianism because it is out in the open. We can laugh at it. Es n much has been happening quiet, and you are not supposed to notice as it does. And joe biden, for example, named ron klain to be his chief of staff, the media played it totally straight, he was picked because he is one of bidens most trusted campaign advisors. Who writes this crap . They went through his whole resume, from birth to present, but they left something out, and did it on purpose. Ron klain was appointed in 2016 to the executive council, something called technet. Do you know that is . Oh, you dont, then you dont work in Silicon Valley. If youid did, you would know tht technet is the trade group that represents big tech in washington, they are lobbyists, now they have their man in the white house. That seems like a story. But the Corporate Media did not report it. They didnt want you to know, so they didnt say anything. They also didnt mention that according to emails uncovered by wikileaks in 2015, ron klain wrote this, its been a little hard for me to play such a role in the biden demise, and i am definitely dead toin them, but m glad to be on team hillary, and im glad she had a great debate last night. Wait a minute. Werent we just told by cnn and the other reporters that joe biden picked this guy because they are very close, old friends . Why is this old friend writing keep played a role in bidens demise and he is not dead to them . Why do joe biden really pick ron klain . Thats a real question. If we had a functioning media in this country, we might know the answer. But if there is one bright spot to joe bidens candidacy, its that he sometimes cant help himself. He says the quiet part out loud, and you can hear it. That happened back in may when he issued a request to Silicon Valley. Censor the president of the United States and people who agree with him, and do it now. This president spends a lot of time, especially this past weekend, tweeting some pretty outlandish comments, retreating others. Yeah. Should twitter do something and take action . I think they should, i think they should say when things are patently not true, they should say so. Tucker we know what happened after that, twitter started slapping warning labels on the president s tweets almost immediately after joe biden called for it. Huh, weird. Almost like it was coordinated. Just a month later, in june, the president dared to want rioters and anarchists that they cannot set up a lawless commune on the streets of the nations capital. He tweeted this, there will never be an autonomous zone in washington, d. C. , as long as i am your president. If they try it, they will be met with serious force. Twitter then did what joe biden ordered, they hid that post from you. They said it was abusive. To defend the capital city f of the United States fromo occupation by people claiming they are another country. Thats abusive. So, Silicon Valley did everything it could to help joe biden become president , making sure that voters saw what he wanted them to see, and nothing else. In return, joe biden is looking out for Silicon Valley. Its an arrangement of four years in the making, and it is about to pay dividends for some of the richest people in the world. In the near term, the implications for our democracy are very clear. Section 230 reform is not going to happen. The multibillion Dollar Companies enjoyed legal immunity as content platforms can continue to pretend they arentf publishing anything. If only we had that freedom here at fox news. It doesnt matter if they continue i to write bogus fact checks and censor posts, censor and tire newspapers, as they did this year. Donald trump was standing in their way, joe biden will not stand in their way. Just the opposite. That is a problem that cant be solved easily. You can move to parler, weat ha, by the way, and we are happy about it, but it doesnt solve the wholeby problem. I cannot be solved by deleting twitter and facebook from your phone. Those sites arent simply hostile to anyone outside the academic left, they are also meeting places for the thugs who plan punishment for their politicalgs enemies. That is happening now, it could get worse. Earlier this month, for example, former Pete Buttigieg staffer set up something called the trump accountability project, thats an effort to make Trump Administration officials unemployable in this country. Weve never seen anything like that in this country before. Of course, cnn anchors and celebrated it. Sandy cortez celebrated it, too. She is a sitting member of congress. Is anyone archiving these trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future . Thats not scary or anything. This isnt anything new, its been happening for a while, but it has been happening for a while. Jen rubin announced trumps advisor should never be welcome in polite company. What we should be doing isco shunning these people. Shunning, shaming these people as a statement of moral indignation, that these people are not fit for polite society. I think it is absolutely abhorrent that any institution of higher learning, any news organization, or any Entertainment Organization that news outlet, would hire these people. It is not only that trump hasrto lose, all his enablers have to lose. We have to collectively, in essence, burned down the republican party. Tucker burn it down says jen rubin. Do a study, i has anyone ever bn won over by that person . As anybody watched that person on television and said, whatever she is on, i want to be on to it . Probably not. When she says we need to bring on the party, of course, we need to burn on the country. And anyone else who disagreesco with her. That hasnt happened yet, despite what has happened this year, and it has been a very long year for a lot of people, we can be grateful for that. It is still america. Victor davis hanson is a senior fellow at the hoover institute, and were happy to have them on and tonight. Good to see you, professor. What should be thankful for this thanksgiving . Well, we have a great country, and we have a great constitution, so far, the left hasnt been able to alter that fact. I think what you are referring to is sometime in the 21st century, we had these perfect storms of globalized capital pouring into our two coast, 50 Million People that were not born in the United Statesre residing here, many of them under the idea of the melting pot is through and the salad bowl or identity politics arrived. Pinnacles of social media, facebook, twitter, put that all together and we created this bicoastal elite, tucker, and they have this agenda, the new green deal, medicare for everybody, open borders, transnationalism, transgenderism, and nobody likes it. And we know that nobody likes it because when they are running in georgia, they dont run on it, they run as i made good old boy from georgia if you are a leftwinger, and then when they won the house in 2018, they did by saying we are chamber of commerce candidates, moderate democrats. Joe biden stayed in his basement, not because he was uncomfortable, but because he was afraid they would catch him on fracking or something, so the people still are in the majority, and they dont like this, and the problem we are seeing is so far, theyve been treated to a monastery of the mind, and by that i mean academy awards, turn it off. Emmys, havent watched in years. Nfl, nba, pollsters, never talk to. They are sort of retreating into their own isolated, but they are coming out of that, and they r t angry enough, as we saw on the house races, they start to be heard. T what im kind of worried about is, usually when we have these cultural, political differences, they transcend geography, the Roosevelt Coalition of new england and the old south, or the dewey republicans of the 50s with eisenhower, the mid atlantic states, the farm states. What we have right now is a geographical difference. We have two coasts and a red interior. People are selfselecting, and they are not having any commonality. When you play jennifer rubin, she has no idea what people think of what she just said and what that people think of what she just set our 5155 of the people, so we are creating two different nations, not just ideologically and culturally, but geographically, and we know how that went in 1860, so it is something to watch out for. The people havent spoken out yet. Y we get little tremors, but the earthquake hasnt come, and if they keep pushing it, im really afraid that things are not going to be good. Tucker i i fear that, too. But in the meantime, it is thanksgiving, and we do have much to be thankful for, as you just said. D victor davis hanson, thank you so much. We do. Tucker amen. Thank you. Tucker so, a year ago, it was hard to tell what was going to happen in the election. Looked like donald trump was going to have a pretty easy path. That has changed. So, what happened . And what can republicans learn from what happened . As thats next. Ocean spray works with nature every day to keep you healthy tucker by now, youve probably seen all of the exit polls and voter analysis you want to see, ready for the rest of your life, but it is still worth knowing what happened on november 3rd, and if you want to know, its important to take a step back and remember what was happening in america a few months ago. At the time, many of us didnt want to think about it, but back in june, donald trump began chasing a very real and to some unexpected possibility he could lose. How did that happen . Its worth knowing. By the time, we explained why we thought the republican partys chances were diminishing andla what all of us could learn from it going forward. Here is what we said, at the time. Not many people are saying it out loud, on the right, but the fact is that President Trump could well lose this election. In fact, unless fundamental facts change soon, it could be tough for him to be reelected. The president does lose, that would mean that just a few months from now, joe biden would become the president. The unitedst States Government would fall under control of the radicals, who control joe biden, and they will remake the country. Now, we are fully of air that virtually nobody watching the show tonight wants to hear that, but its true, and key people around the president no. They have seen the numbers, they are concerned. At some point in the future, historians will marvel at the fact that the president lost ground during a pandemic, and during mass riots. Alone among national leaders, donald trump warned china and the perils of globalization. Everything about thena wuhan coronavirus proved donald trump right. China really is our main global adversary. The Chinese Government really does want to take over thehe world. Meanwhile, the fact we sent our Manufacturing Base abroad really has weakened us. Badly. The most powerful nation on earth no longer makes antibiotics. Maybe we are not as powerful as we think. All of that is now very obvious after the pandemic, but donald trump called it. You would think voters would reward him for that. You would think the riots would have increased their support for him. An awful lot of people voted for donald trump precisely to avoid a moment like the one we aree fw in. None of this arrive suddenly. Se we saw it coming. Social cohesion in america has been eroding for decades. People sense that. It madeec them nervous. It should make them nervous. Donald trump seem like insurance against the consequences of that. The court appeal of trump was if things ever started to fall apart, he would defend you. Yes, he was loud and crude, most bodyguards are. Only a man like donald trump was tough enough to fight the creeping authoritarianism of the igeducation cartel and corporate america. If trump got elected, you could say what you really believed. The basic promise of america could be restored. You could live with dignity. Under donald trump, you wouldnt be forced to mouth the lyrics to some repulsive little orthodoxy you hate, you could declare out loud that all lives matter, because our lives do matter. God made us all. And if you cantli say that, whats the point of having here . Donald trump never quite articulated any of this in a precise way. He is not an intellectual or an ideologue. Felt thatious he strongly. Trumps gut level in instincts were on order and stability, they still are, yet when widespread looting and disorder arrived, the president did not act, he said little, did last. Some voters felt undefended, others turned against him. Why did this happen . Well, there are many reasons. Trump was exhausted, for one thing, after three years of defending himself against russiagate, the most elaborate and effective hoax in American History. His staff did not do very much to help. P. Ste some of them were actively disloyal, most were just confused. They definitely were not prepared for chinese viruses or burning cities. We had ministrations main problems were conceptual. Few seemed to understand what was really happening. Their first mistake was forgetting the primary rule of washington. In an election year, everything that happens is about the election. There areth no exceptions to tht rule. Is a political city. It is run by politicians. If the chinese navy sailed up the potomac in the fall of an election year, the first thing most people in d. C. Would wonder is, how is that going to affect turnout . That is whooi they are. Its how they think. Only theen naive were surprised when democratic governors immediately used the coronavirus quarantines to punish people who didnt vote for them. Christian churches and Small Businesses were locked down. Weed shops and abortion clinics stayed open. Most trump voters seemsay not to notice, they accepted the restrictions without question. This was a health crisis, and they wanted to do the right thing. Ce so they obeyed, they cowered in their homes, and that is exactly where Democratic Leaders wanted them. Cut off from one another, alone. The few conservatives who tried to organize resistance to lockdowns were indicted or threatened with arrest. None of this had to do with Public Health, of course, it was electoral politics, an especially brutal form of it. Republican leaders, meanwhile, were markedly slow to catch on to what was happening. Some of them arent very bright, but most just couldnt imagine anyone acting with that level of cynicism and ruthlessness. Their good faith made them vulnerable to their opponent oolies. They were used. In the days after george floyd died, and these same trends accelerated dramatically. It all happened so fast that it seemed like chaos at the time, but it wasnt chaos. It was designed just beneath the surface. Consider the targets the mob chose law enforcement, obviously, but not all law enforcement. Local Police Departments must be eliminated,en they said, but the fbi is just fine, and that was telling. Then they claimed capitalism was the enemy, but only certain kinds of capitalism. The mob burned independent businesses to the ground by the score, but did not say a word about the digital competitors, google, apple, amazon. All of those companies were funding the destruction. Then the mob told us that traditional christianity was racist, desecrated churches in the name of avenging slavery. Yet, they did not touch a single mosque, despite the fact that historians say t mohammed owned slaves. Is all of this progressed, democrats continued lecturing about gun control, as they always do, but they ignored the rifles of their own supporters in downtown seattle. The real threat they told us was rural americans with their ar15s. Better get the fbi on that. Arrest more farmers in other words, would look like protests were in fact highly effective attacks on Donald Trumps power base. Few in washington clearly appreciated this, at least on the right. Ifn they had, they would have told the country what was really happening. This isy not about george floyd, its not about Police Brutality, its a power grab by violent extremists. But they didnt understand that. Weeks into the rioting, social media accounts of the white house were Still Producing hamhanded posts about juneteenth. O no one was convinced by them, no one was reassured. Instead,ur many voters were becoming increasingly agitated by the lawlessness they saw around them. Who is good to protect us from this . They wondered. It is not a local problem. This is a national crisis. The riots are designedot to produce a national result, the destruction of our system of government and the removal of donald trump. People expect a president to respond to a moment like this and fix it, they have a right to expect that. Ru the president runs the country. If the rioters were saudi nationals, it would be very clear there was nothing local about what we were watching. We would understand immediately, the president would give a prime timemm address, the feds would be hunting them down and arresting them. If the rioters they would be in prison facing life. Why is in the Justice Department respond in like this . Ri thats not clear. Some blame the white house counsels office, saying it is populated by bush pardons since. We do not know if it is true, there is an easy solution ignore p their counsel, send thm to be basement with a card catalog and Readers Digest from the 70s. If they were wise, they wouldnt be lawyers. Career doj and prosecutors dragging their feet. Attorney general bill barr says he is overseeing 500 separate investigations into rioters. Good for him. Presumably one of them is the destruction of the albert pike statue in washington that took place last friday. It was on live television. So far, no one has been arrested for it. It would change the course of this countrys future if the Justice Department rounded up the leaders of antifa tomorrow, along withh every Single Person caught on camera torching a building, destroying a monument, defacing a church, and put them all in shackles. T and frog marched them in front of cameras like ms13 and call them what they actually are domestic terrorists. Not protesters, not civil rights activist, not cnn contributors, but domestic terrorists. That would be their new, governmentapproved title. Once they are charged, it is official, in fact, they are literally, as a factual matter, accused terrorists, and that would change minds right away. The people destroying this country are criminals. If you are brave enough to call them down, so naturally, their popularity grows. Everyone supports protesters. This is america. We believe in protests. But watch what happens when you start calling them what they really are. Most people dont like terrorists. Terrorists will never be popular, even among democraticr, voters. So charge them for the crimes theyve committed and callmm thm what they are. Right now, the opposite is happening. The terrorists are more popular than the president of the United States, and not just more popular than donald trump, personally, but more popular than the system he represents and administers. And its obvious why. Our system is weak. It refuses to defend itself. Mayors let new countries spout in the middle of their cities. All leaders act like laws are irrelevant. Everyone watches this happen. It is a potentially fatal problem. M. S weak institutions die, citizens develop contempt for them, and then they get overthrown, the same is true, by the way, for heads of state, you refuse to fight for the system, you are done. Spent an hour on google and see if you find a single leader in the history of the world who stayed in power after failing to quell ale rebellion. You cant. The saddest part of all of this is our system is very much worth saving. It administers justice more fairly than any system in the world. We want to keep that system, we have too use that system, and that means enforcing americas loss with certainty. Enforcing them right now, at the moment of greatest peril. If we dont do it now, we never will do it. Ignore a law long enough, and it becomes unenforceable. You would be shocked if you got pulled over for doing 58 in a 55mileanhour zone, obviously. Antifas leaders would be shocked if they were arrested for destroying a statue of abraham lincoln. Just a month ago, destroying statues with a felony. Now, it is allowed. What will we allow a month from now . What will we allow by november . Things change fast, and that includes social standards, they change quickly, too. A few weeks ago, defunding the fleece sounded like a crackpot idea. Now it is happening. Millions of americans support it. Many republican officeholders havent bought very deeply about why this is. Even now, you will see them green at the latest insanity from the, left. Can you believe this . Theyve gone too far this time, theyll say. There is meant to be a backlash really . When will that backlash arrive . Because the opposite seems to be happening. What seemed awful the other day is normal now. It turns out that if you dont bother to explain precisely why certain ideas are bad, if you dont vigorously defend your own worldview, then you lose. Bad ideas spread. They quickly congeal into conventional wisdom, and then you are done. This is especially true right now, when everything in American Life is up for grabs. The lockdowns shuffled the deck completely. Four months ago, you assume you were going to spend the next 20 years going to an office somewhere. Now you are working from your couch, started to consider may be moving to bozeman, and why wouldnt you . And while were at it, what else should we do differently . Normal people are starting to think like this. Ls once big things start changing, they tend to change more quickln than we expect. All of this means this is precisely the time right nown tonight to defend the institutions that we desperately need to keep in this country. Those institutions include the nuclear family, our freedom of speech, small, independent businesses, absoluteam colorblindness under the law,ll the noble tradition of nonviolent protest. Those are the thingsbl that make us proud to be americans. Those are the things that make america a place worth living in. We need to defend these things with everything we have. All of us must defend them, including the president. That is his hope of reelection. For the rest of us, its our only hope as a country. Tucker well, defending the country means also planning for the next major pandemic. La its going to happen in a globalized world. That is inevitable. When it does, people are not going to cower in their homes on thanksgiving day for years, that is not a solution. So have we made any progress on useful policies . Things like controlling our border and our ability to manufacture vital drugs over the past eight months . Well tell you next. Live from americas news headquarters, im ashley strohmier. President trump and president elect joe biden both staying close to home this thanksgiving amid another surge in coronavirus cases. Biden celebrated the holiday in a delaware seaside town with his wife, daughter, and her husband. I dont want to talk about 2024 yet. Just a long way to go. So for the Trump Campaign has failed to produce evidence of alleged mass voter fraud. Macys things giving day parade with several changes due to the coronavirus pandemic. The usual crowds were kept away and it comes as the nation is battling another surge of covid19 infections. Im ashley strohmier. Now back to Tucker Carlson tonight. Its a special. Tucker well, back in march, the government told us about a plan called 15 days to slow the spread. 15 days became eight months to show slow the spread, and we are still counting. Inst many states, as of tonight, governors are telling you not to celebrate thanksgiving with your family. So the one obvious answer we can draw from this as we never want to go through it again. This is a disaster. How do we prevent it . That is a question as relevant now as it was back inn march whn we made our best effort to answer it. Heres what we said at the time. Anyone who thinks this is the last Global Pandemic america will face lacks sufficient imagination. There is no question this will happen again. In a world connected by jet travel, that is guaranteed. So, as we suffer through this virus, maybe we should learn something useful for the next time. Going forward, our leaders ought to be certain we have enough medicine and tests and hospital beds, at the least, in case something awful happens unexpectedly, because it will. There should be a plan to respond quickly, in ways ap that ensure the public the people in charge and what they are doing. Those of the obvious lessons from the epidemic now in progress, but there is more to learn. Here are a few other things to think about. First, borders matter. It turns out that immigration isnt something boutique political issue that on the activist need to care about. The question of who lives in your country is the most basic issue than any nation faces, ever. Immediately after the coronavirus began to spread globally,ha sane countries stard to secure their borders. They wanted to know exactly who was coming in and out and wanted to control it. That was the first thing they did. W in israel, where leaders care deeply about their country, border controls were swift and highly aggressive. The israelis p did not want a Single Person who was even potentially infected to cross into israel, and good for them. Unfortunately, nothing like that could ever happen here in the u. S. Democrats would denounce it instantly as racist and xenophobic maybe nancy pelosi will give us a stern lecture about how immoral israel is. Wellecre be waiting for that speech, probably forever. Next, gun control takes on new significant when things fall apart. F doesnt take much for law and order to collapse. Civilization itself can evaporate quickly, and over the centuries, it often has. On some level, all of us know this. A we are animals with a collective memory of prior chaos embedded in ouris genes. At times like this, we are reminded how precarious any society is. Given that, youve got to wonder about our leaders demands that we disarm. Anyone who increases the threat to you and your family, and at the same time tries to prevent you from t defending yourself, s your enemy. By definition. Its scary, when you think about that in the context of what is happening now, and apparently a lot of people have thought about it. Ammunition sales jumped by hundreds of percents this week. If americans really believed their leaders would protect them when it came down to it, that wouldnt be happening. Speaking of our leaders, who is really in charge of this country . We thinkwe we know the answer, e people on the ballot at election time. If yout want to know who is actually in control of anything, ask yourself who can make you beg for mercy . If one of your kids had a bad infection, you would do anything for antibiotics. But our leaders dont control those drugs. China does. The chinese manufacture our entire supply of antibiotics, not to mention countless other goods your family literally could not live without. The worst news, the chinese hate us and have threatened to withhold lifesaving medicine from us. Our most powerful enemy in the world has the power of life and death over our country. We should o not let a single day pass before fixing this. We should also recognize that not all of our opponents are foreign. In the next few months, american hospitals are likely to overflow with the desperately ill. Its possible many who need immediately care will be turned away to suffer and die, that is a horrifying prospect. So, does this seem like the right time to open our entire Health Care System to the rest of the world for free . What would happen to sick people in america if we did that . It sounds like a form of sabotage. Yet thats exactly what every democrat who ran for president proposed inat public. Even now, as we face an unprecedented strain on our Health Care System thanks to coronavirus, they have not change their view on that. What are they thinking . Well, they are not thinking. They are believing. Believing fervently in the cult of identity politics. Joe biden released his plan for coronavirus today. The first bullet point for claims this, acts of racism and xenophobia against the asian and Pacific Islander Community Must not be tolerated. That is number one on bidens list. Is racism against the Pacific Islander community really our countrys most urgent problem right now . No, it is not. It is not even in the top 500 problems. You are not going to the angry mobs lynching people in the streets because of coronavirus. You never will see that. It wont happen here. This is not that kind of country. N america is a welcoming place filled with unusually kind and open hearted people. The merchants of wokeness cannot see that. They refused to see it. As a matter of faith, they believe all bad things emanate from america and will always put america last, it is their creed. Bidens plan goes on to demand that we change the Trump Administration socalled public charge rule, which would allow more immigrants to move into this country at taxpayer expense in use our Health Care System, in the middle of a terrible epidemic. How does that help . It doesnt help, it hurts, that is the point of it. People like this are dangerous. They are the t reason things are falling apart. Suddenly, they seem to run everything, but they are not in the majority in this country, and we should remember that. Most americans are not cult members, they are not ideological, they are sensible. They understand what our leaders need to do. They need to treat us as we would treat our own children. If there is a threat to your kids, you do not pause to think of an excuse or pretend it is not happening. You act. You do whatever is necessary to protect them, period. If you die trying, it is a life well spent. If youre forced to choose between your own children and the kids next door, you understand that is not really a choice. You have only one duty to the lives in your care, your people, the ones who depend on you. In the end, that is what it means to lead a family. It means no less than to lead a country. To tucker well, there are many more lessons that all of us have learned since this spring, things we could not have imagined when we first aired that segment. Alex berenson is here to discuss where we go next. Well be right back. Tucker well, if youre celebrating thanksgiving tonight with other living human beings, youre a crazy person. We assume your other hobbies or free solo rock climbing, skydiving without a parachute. Youre into risks. In fact, you are a lawbreaker that needs to be disciplined. That is what political leaders are telling us. H that is where we are in this country right now. How did we get here . And how are we ever going to get back what we thought was normal . Alex berenson has thought more about this than any person in the United States. He is the author of unreported truths about covid19 and lockdowns, and we are happy to have them on tonight. Alex, good to see you. That is the question we talk a lot about this, you are a main source of Scientific Data on this pandemic, but i have never asked you how do we get back to normal . How do we . To how do we that is a great question. I want to respond to one point that you made a bit earlier about, you know, what we knew in march and what we didnt know, because it got me thinking. Can we please have an independent investigation, a truly independent International Investigation into the origin of sarscov2 . We are almost a year in and we have no plausible animal host, and we have guesses, but no one ever found the animal host, no has found a closely related animal virus. For the original sars, already had found those things by this point. It is time to find out where this really came from. E by the way, that is not necessarily to punish the chinese, but there has been an argument about what is called b gain of function research for viruses, essentially trying to make viruses more dangerous, been going on for 15 years, we are better than weve ever been at being able to manipulate these viruses, and we do decide, not just in the United States, because china has the ability to do this, European Countries have the ability to do this, whether or not we are going to permit this as a world. Because this virus is very close to really, really having destructible and terrible effects. If it were a little bit morelo dangerous, you know, if it killed even ten times or five times the number of people its likely to kill, i cant imagine what wed be like as a society, much less if it were a lot more dangerous, so lets figure out where this came from and lets make someieot reasonable decisis about whether we are going to allowed gain of function Research Going forward, worldwide. Okay . Once his accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. Once is enough for this. Tucker thats such a good point and im glad you raised that, we need to know. Give us the briefestee somatic outline of what we ought to do next to get back to normal. What should we do next to get back to normal . First of all, we have this vaccine coming. It would be really, really nice if we had more safety data on it before we pushed it out. Thats not going to happen, but lets make smart decisions about who we are going to prioritize. And that really obviously should be the elderly and the very sick, but really the elderly because the risk is so agestratified,er the risk is so stratified by age here. I think if we just encourage people over 70, 65, 70, to get the vaccine, it probably wont be that hard, we will be a long way toward getting back to normal. That is assuming the vaccine is as safe as it seems to be, based on the data we have now. Tucker so, older people get the vaccine, start there. That seems really wise to me. And i hope you will come back so we can have a much longer conversation about the origin of the virus, think that really matters. We need transparency. Amen. Lon thanks, tucker. Tucker well, 2020 was the year democratic voters decided to tear down, all the statues. Did not matter who the statue was. It couldea have been a statue of Teddy Roosevelt, one of the greatest americans in history, or a spanish missionary. Our politician sat back and allowed that to happen. Why did they . Thatsrsi next. Tucker anything older than last wednesday and this country is under attack. Thanksgiving itself is being erased. We saw that over the summer when blm and unemployed grad students did their best to take down statues no matter who it portrayed, including monuments to former president s, even the spanish missionary and saint, junipero serra. This show is taking a look at why this is happening and how it will get worse if politicians refuse to protect the nation. City officials announced a plan to remove a statue of Teddy Roosevelt outside the museum of natural history. The bronze statue has stood in the Theodore Roosevelt rotunda facing central park since before the second world war. Soon, it e will be gone. The people who erected that statue 80 years ago would be confused by this, no doubt. They did not consider Teddy Roosevelt a controversial figure. In fact, roosevelt was the most popular president in American History. Personally, roosevelt was a famously decent man, he invited his friend booker t. Washington to dinner. No africanamerican had never eaten in the white house, democrats roared with rage at the idea. For the crime of having a meal nno o black man, they attacked Teddy Roosevelt and his wife for the rest of their lives. Roosevelt never filed, he gave the finger to the mob, and continue cheerfully on. Teddy roosevelt was a hero to millions of americans. He still is. That is precisely why they are tearing down the statue. They t know that if they can foe you to watch as they topple your heroes, they have won. There is nothing they cant do next. They can decide how you raise your children, how you vote, what you are allowed to believe. Once they have humiliated you, they can control you, and that is why across the country, mobs are tearing down americas monuments. In the cities of richmond and st. Paul, minnesota, they have torn down statues of christopher columbus. They did theit same thing in boston. Bostons mayor now says it is time to tear down aa statue of abraham lincoln, the man who freed the slaves. In dallas, they put on a texas ranger statue s in the airport after more than 50 years. In michigan, toppled a statue of the former mayor, and did the same thing in philadelphia. Nashville, a former u. S. Senator. Same in oregon, Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were torn down. In san francisco, they demolished statues. A pedestal of the key monument, they spraypainted kill the colonizers and kill whiteys. Just in case you missed the point. Of the things these americans have in common, none of pulling statues had to do with the civil war, at least not the first civil war, the one that took place 150 years ago. Democrats understand that very well and support all of it. In every place where the mobgo monuments, democrats have backed them as they did it. At the same time, and you should know this, so have many republicans. Elected republicans are in no hurry to stop the disorder. They appear to believe what we are seeing is a version of the rodney king riots. They upset, but theyllha calm down soon. We can get back to Capital Gains taxes. They are wrong. This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a serious and highly organized political movement. It is not superficial. It is deep and profound. It has vast ambitions. Even now, so many continue to pretend it is about Police Brutality and the death of a man called george floyd in minneapolis. C we still imagine we can fix it by regulating choke hold or deescalation training. We are too goodhearted to understand what is really happening. Our decency is the mobsho main weapon against us. We have no idea what were up against. Just this afternoon around lunchtime, an activist called shaun king issued the following. Demand on twitter all murals and stained glass windows of white jesus and his european mother should all come down. They are gross form of White Supremacy created as tools of oppression, racist propaganda. They should all come down. Before you dismiss that idea as absurd, the rantings of some crank on social media, keep in mind that shaun king is the most famous black lives matter leader in this country. Black lives matter is now more popular than either Major Political party. So dont be surprised when theyu come for your church. Why wouldnt they. No one is stopping them. That is it for us tonight, we will see you, 8 00 p. M. Eastern, every night. Happy thanksgiving to you, and whatever you do, give thanks. You have a lot to be thankful for. We will see you tomorrow. Nk sean welcome to this special edition of hannity, and happy thanksgiving. Tonight for the hour, we will bring you some of our biggest moments and most important monologues from the past couple of months. First up, democrats, the mob, the media attacking President Trump from day one, but now those same trump haters, they have done a 180 and are now pushing for unity. Okay. Here is my monologue exposing that hypocrisy. I want to start with this tonight, and i want to start by saying this, because this is important. The double standard that we are watching with the mob and the media is beyond disgusting, repulsive,

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