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Single person in all the news media immediately dismissed it as an embarrassing clown show as well as a threat to the republic. The very same people who support Vladimir Putins agents controlled the u. S. Government called it a conspiracy theory. Of course they did. We will have more on that any minute. First and more important, there is another way to look at what we saw this afternoon and you dont have to be partisan or a interested in the election to understand it. A lot of americans believe this election was rigged. They are not saying that because they are crazy. They are not just saying it because they are mad. They mean it. And that is a potentially fatal problem for this country. Elections are nearly central to democracy, elections are democracy. Voting is the way the public expresses its will. It is all peoplec have. If elections dont work, our entire system doesnt d work. Everything in this country depends on fair elections. And its obvious even now that we dont have them. When access to basic information is restricted in weaponized by a partisan billionaire class, and it is, you cant have a fair election. By definition, it is not possible. Google and facebook are far greater threats to our system in russia is ever been, and we need to fix that immediately. In the meantime, though, the voting itself, the topic of todays press conference, lets assess with the president s lawt today. Their allegations matter regardless of what the eventual outcome is. Rudy giuliani began by saying the democrats stole the election, and they did it with a coordinated fraud and a number of states. Giuliani did not conclusively prove that, as every newsreader on television probably informed you, but he did raise legitimate questions, and in some cases pointed to what appeared to be real wrongdoing. At one point, giuliani held up an affidavit from a worker from the city of detroit called jesse jacob. The affidavit alleges fraud in detroits polling places. Here iss part of giulianis explanation. She was assigned to voting duties in september, and she was trained by the city of detroit in the state of michigan. She was basically trained to cheat. She said, i was instructed by my supervisor to adjust the mailing date of these absentee ballot packages to be dated earlier then when they were actually sent in. The supervisor made that announcement forn. All workers o engage in that fraudulent practice. That is not me saying that. That is this american citizen saying that under oath. Tucker the city of detroit has denied that specific allegation, surprisingly ord no, but when Rudy Giuliani said is correct this is a sworn statement of an american citizen, fairly eyewitness, made under oath under the penalty of perjury, so you, cannot dismiss it out of hand. Jacobs goes on to say her supervisor told her not to check votephoto i. D. S of voters, she w City Employees coaching who to vote for as well aso voting more than once. Is any of that provable . Is a true . We should find out, not because michigand is a swing state, votr fraud is a direct attack on our democracy. But the media dont want to do. They are not interested. Will watch coverage after the press conference, you saw credentialed reporters, some of who we know and like, with no mention of the contents of what they described as what he says or sworn affidavits. What he says . Why dont you check . Giuliani says this affidavit from detroit has been made public, but they cant be bothered to check. He said they launched newne editorials about how crazy Rudy Giuliani is, as if tr job is to rebut Rudy Giuliani, but thatia is not their job. Their job is to explain what just happened, preferably with some details some viewers at home to make up theirr mind. They didnt do that. Behavior like this doesnt help anyone. It diminishes the news medias tiny remaining respect. In some cases, informing the public is last on their list of concerns. Watch one of the most reckless people on television go back to the putin route and accused giuliani yet again of being a puppet of russia. A reminder, Rudy Giuliani, the helm of donald trump selection delegitimization effort, was singled out by u. S. Intelligence agencies last year as the target of a likely russian disinformation effort. Earlier today, he held a wild News Conference filled with falsehoods on voter fraud. Tucker russian disinformation. Sometimes you wonder if theres anything that democrats dont like in america, from acid reflux to termite damage, that they wont blame on russia. At some point, maybe five years from now when we all wake up from the stupor, a lot of people are going to be deeply embarrassed by things like that, so be sure to save it. There was nothing russian about a lot of what giuliani said today. He claimed voters in philadelphia and pittsburgh were allowed to change their ballots fact, cure the ballots, as it is known, by the democratic secretary of state, and republican counties wereet not. That is checkable. Hes had thousands of republican voting inspectors in pennsylvania werent allowed near mailin ballots and have signed affidavits saying so. Anotherff concrete, checkable claim. Giuliani said mailing votes are easier to falsify and harder to verify than traditional voting. That is clearly true. Everyone knows it is true, and it is a major problem. Pretending otherwise is a lie. And then giuliani got to the way votes are counted. In this country, the process is mostly electronic. Giuliani suggested electronic vote counting is an invitation to fraud, and he is right, that is why canada, for example, doesnt do it. All of. Which brings us to the bombshell at the center of todays press conference, that was delivered by former prosecutor Sidney Powell, who has also served as general Michael Flynns lawyer. Gave the following story this election was stolen by aa collection manipulated software to flip votes from trump to joe biden. In other words, rigged software stole about 7 million votes in this a election. Here is some of what powell said today about the software. D one of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. It can run an algorithm that probablyha ran all over the country to take a certain percentage of votes from President Trump to biden, which we might not have overcome unless the votes are President Trump hadve not been o overwhelming that it broke the algorithm that had been plugged into the system, and that is what caused them to have to shut down in the states they shut down in. Tucker that was a few hours ago, but Sidney Powell has been saying signaling things for days. On sunday night, we texted her after watching one of her segments. What powell is describing would amount to the single greatest crime in American History. Millions of votes stolen in a day. Democracy destroyed. Themo end of our centuries old system of selfgovernment. Not a smalll thing. Now, to be perfectly clear, we did not dismiss any of it. We dont dismiss anything anymore, particularly when it is related to technology. We talked to too many Silicon Valley whistleblowers, weve seen too much. After four years, this may be the single most openminded show on television. On we literally do a ufo segment, not because we are crazy, or even interested in the subject, but because there is evidence ufos are real and everyone lies about it. There is evidence that a lot of ththings responsible people useo dismiss out of hand as ridiculous are in fact real, and we dont care who mocks it. The louder the Yale Political Science Department and the Atlantic Staff scream conspiracy theory, that is usually a sign you are over the target. A lot of people with impressive sounding credentials in this country are frauds and have noe idea what they are doing. They are children posing as authorities and when they buy they blame you for it. We see that every day, a central theme of the show and will continue toce be. Thats a long way of saying we took Sidney Powell seriously. Weve always respected her work. We simply wanted to see the details. Could you not want to see them . So we invited Sidney Powell on this show. We wouldve given her the whole hour, we would have given her the entire week, actually, and listened quietly the whole time in rapt attention. That is a big story. But she never sent us anyt evidence, despite a lot of requests, polite requests. Not a page. When we kept pressing, she got angry and told us to stopd contacting her. When we checked with others or on the Trump Campaign, people with positions of authority, they told us powell has never given them any evidence, either. Nor did she provide any today at the press conference. Powell did say electronic voting is dangerous, and she is right, we are with her there, but she never demonstrated a single actual vote was moved illegitimately by software from one candidate to another. Not once. Why are we telling you this . We are telling you this because its true. And in the end, thats all that matters the truth. It is our only hope, its our best defense. And its how we are different from them. We care whats true, and we know you care, too. That is why we told you. Maybe Sidney Powell will come forwardl soon with details on exactly how this happened and precisely who did it. Maybe she will. We are certainly hope hopeful that she will. What happened with the vote counting this month and at the polling places in t detroit, the polling places in philadelphia, and so much else, actually matters. It matters no matter who you voted for. It matters whether or not you think this election is already over. Until we knowio the answers to those questions conclusively and we can agree on them, this country will not be united. Greg gutfeld is thehe host of e greg gutfeld show, and we are happy to have him on tonight. A weirdly incurious media todaye about some of these allegations. Some of them werent proven, thats true. Some of them seem like pretty goodm leads. Why is no one following up . Yeah, in fact, even if this stuff washes out, i dont see the problem and actually letting the process unfold. I mean, we were kind of at the mercy of a four year process, and we were pretty patient, so if we gave you for years to undermine the democracy, i. E. An elected president , maybe give us four weeks, and i think that is what this story is really about four voters. It is not just about voter fraud. It is about the trust in a system that was undermined by the democrats and the media for four years. They have a collusion hoax that they basically pummeled us with every day. Then theyed damned a candidate s a version of darth vader and hitler in one package, and we forget, the suspicion he would manipulate the election using the postal service, which kind of disappeared. No matter what, people have a right this is what bugste me. People have a right to be suspicious right now, because they have been treated like crap for four years. Dont ridicule the viewer, dont look down upon them, because you think that this is absurd, and stupid, all right . Because you have to get in the e she was first and realize that they thought what you are doing for four years was a damn wasteu made their lives miserable, so m small enough to admit that i want to make your life miserable for a couple of weeks, just a couple of weeks, thats all. Lets do this, see how it goes, because this, my friend, was a different election. Le this wasnt bushgore, romneyobama, this wasnt even reagan and that other guy. It wasnt democrats versus republicans. This was a movement versus a resistance to a movement, and what was part of that resistance, you have media, you have tech platforms, the entertainment industry, the elite class, academia, all working together as part of a resistance against a movement, against 70 plus million people, and you think that maybe we might think he would throw an election because you hate this guy so much, you think hes hitler hell, you we got rid of qaddafi for less, because we think trump is worse than hitler, why wouldnt we . By god, weve undermined elections in other countries for less, so why cant we be a little skeptical . And the fact is, everybody hated this guy for four years, why wouldnt they do it . Thats my thing. You nailed it, right . Its almost kind of right now, lets see how this process goes, lets see what the evidence is, but im not going to take anybody seriously about being impatient over this. Tucker why wouldnt people whoo are smart enough to have paying jobs in the news media, not that it takes a super hike like you anything, why wouldnte center of their jobs credibility . So if you think the country is too volatile i think all of us to think that, i certainly think it is t way too volatile, its unhealthy why wouldnt you do all you can to assuage peoples fears by giving them facts, as credibly as you possibly could . I dont see dont see anybody trying to do that. No, and i guess maybe they feel they dont have to, because they all instead of speaking truth to power, they are speaking truth to the bubble. It is not like their peers are expecting them to do it. Now, the viewers would expect you to do it. Like, you know, maybe do a special on what is Election Fraud . Does it exist . Where has it happened before . I and what can we look forward to in the future if we have mailin ballots or electronic ballots . That is something that reporters and investigators investigative journalist can do, but no one is putting jo they are going to go into hibernation again, tucker, for four years. They did a lot of work writing those trump jokes, and now they dont want to do the work. All they want to do is say, hey, comeo on, its joe. Everything is going to be fine. Now i can finally get to sleep, no more trump tweets, i can finally sleep. Never mind that there are no body bags coming home from foreign wars, we had a tremendous economy, low unemployment. He created, invented the moon shot for vaccines, which years from now will be looked back upon is probably one of the biggest modern achievements. All things are happening, but that is all canceled out because i was up at night, you know, anxious over these tweets. So thats where we the media the media allowed trump to get to them emotionally, and im saying that as part of the media. I let him get to me emotionally early on, when he was running. I was, like, i couldnt believe this guy, and then i learned to separate the deeds in the words, and once you do that, you see something pretty special, a phenomenon. Tucker thats right. Greg gutfeld, great to see you. Think you for that. Great to see you, tucker. Tucker so come all this stuff is going on, and behind it, a lot of other things are going on. They arent covering it all. For example, joe biden has been making some high level hires that may change the way we enforce the law for a long time. Can you walk to the end of your block without fear and getting killed . That hangs in the balance. Here to explain how Police Departments should respond, next. Picking your Health Insurance coverage isnt something you want to play games with. Hope you got dental. And thats why i love healthmarkets, your insurance marketplace. They guarantee you wont find a lower price anywhere for the plans they offer, so youre not just picking by chance. No copay . Sweet. With Health Insurance plans constantly changing, having the wrong fit could mean missing benefits or costing you thousands. Healthmarkets fitscore instantly ranks plans both on and off the Government Exchange to find one that best fits your insurance needs. In minutes, you can find out if your current plan is the right fit, or if theres another one that can get you more coverage or help save you money. And best of all, their services are completely free. 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For this free service, go to healthmarkets. Com or call right now. Call or click now to enroll or see how your plan compares. Call the number on your screen, or visit healthmarkets. Com tucker you dont hear tooea much about minneapolis anymore, thats kind of weird. Just a few months ago, it fell like every reporter in the country was there with the story of the century. A man called george floyd, convicted felon, had died, and the worlds fortune 500 Companies Found a culprit, it was it not a blocked artery, it was systemic racism, so naturally minneapolis burned four days. Democrats called for defunding the police. Than the media moved on. He now we know why they moved on and have never really returned. Defunding the police has been a disaster for every person in minneapolis. According to the Minneapolis Police office, 100 cops have already left the force of this year, more than double the usual number. Meanwhile, murders in minneapolis are up 50 . 500 people have been shot in minneapolis so far in 2020, the highest number in ali decade. Those numbers tell you a lot of things, including light o democrats have lost house seats across the country, and particularly in western minnesota come along with six state senate races there. People want security, it turns out. They wanted above all and will vote for any Political Party they think will provide it. Thats why Richard Nixon won the single biggest landslide in American History in 1972. 49 states. It wasnt because of his personality. Nixon won because he promised what his opponent refused to promise law and order. Not repression, not fascism, law and order. Simple concepts upon which all human civilization is built. Local politicians in minneapolis didnt understand that concept. It was too sophisticated for them, so this summer i we were treated to interviews like this one, which feel more like Performance Art and was accidentally broadcast on television. Watch this. Do you understand, the word dismantle or police free makes some people nervous, for instance, what if, in the middle of the night, my home is broken into. Who do i call . Yes, i mean, i hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors, and i know and myself, too, that comes from a place of privilege, because for those of us for whom the system is working, i think we need to step back and imagine what it would feel like to already live in that reality, were calling the police may mean more harm is done. Tucker so only people with a certain sort of frivolous, overpriced education talk that way, as you well know. More toca the point, as a practical matter, if you want people to flee your city, that is exactly what you say. We. Know that for certain. 50 years ago, half of brooklyn moved togo long island in a yea, because crime rose, and normal people split. Crime is the only thing, not global warming, not systemic racism, not any other problem we face, its the only thing that will make people leave the neighborhoods they grew up income of the neighborhoods they raised their children in, with her friends and churches are, theyll leave if their lives are threatened. Period. And normal people are leaving. Its happening again all over new york. First came the pandemic, and hundreds of thousands of new yorkers reportedly fled the city temporarily. Now, even more are leaving. This time permanently. Saying they dont feel safe in the city anymore. Hair stylist jody usher she was harassed twice on her commute, so she moved her family to florida. Others are following amid spikes in gun violence. Shootings up 177 this july compared to last july. Then, public displays of junkies shooting up in midtown, people who work in the area say they called police, but their calls went unanswered. Tucker yeah, i wonder why people are leaving. Maybe if the tax rates. Right, no, its the junkies and the mothers. That is the one thing people will not put up with. So if you watch that video you might ink the Democratic Party is inept, they dont understand their job is to keep people safe, but its not just them. Hate to tell you this, but its true, on monday, Republican House minority leaderse Kevin Mccarthy of california admitted his party has no idea what p is going on in this i country, none. Heres what mccarthy wrote in a tweet, 12 democrat incumbents lost their reelection to the house. Every one of the most to a republican woman, minority, and or veteran. The Republican Party is stronger because of our diversity. Nothing against adversity, but we need to find the person who decided that p tweet was a good idea and fire him immediately. If the Republican Party becomes the party of identity, any identity, that party will fail, and it will deserve to fail. The Republican Party at its core exists to defend the founding promise life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. Order is a prerequisite for all of those things. Re the republicans that Kevin Mccarthy was talking about, who won because of their diversity, their great strength . They understood that. Carlos gimenez picked up a seat in florida, thats how. Michelle steel, who we talked to yesterday, managed win in california. Thats how. She beat an incumbent, by the way. Flipped a blue district in new york. She marched with Police Officers when democrats abandoned the police. This is not complicated. In the state of indiana, victoria sparks defeated her opponent the very same way, running ads like this one. Liberal Christina Hale stands with radicals that want fewer cops on our streets. Hail is bankrolled by groups who want to defund our police. She even marched with dangerous extremists. How did hale describe their radical antipolice agenda . Productive. Christina hale, too liberal, too extreme, she wont keep us safe. Tucker what is the last line of that spot . She want to keep us safe. Done its done. If someone is not going to keep you safe, g doesnt matter if it is her dad or your congressmen, you are not for thatr person. It is super simple. This is human nature 101, and by thee way, they are not keeping you safe, they are working against your safety. Oregon just decriminalized george soros is funding people what is the Republican Party doing about this . Not a lot, they are tweeting about the chromosomes of their members. Two joe bidens picks for senior advisors are for mandatory gun buybacks. People are buying guns larger numbers, because theyy are afraid, and theyre trying to take them away. They are letting gun criminals out of jail but disarming lawabiding americans. Chew on that for an afternoon and see what you conclude. Jennifer Omalley Dillon said she wanted to confiscate 15 or 16 million firearms. Another Incoming White House advisor, Cedric Richman, uttered one of the most chilling quotes youll ever hear from a politician commit we are quoting, if its a mandatory buyback, i think you mayay run into complications, but it sounds like something i can support. Gun confiscation . Some lawabiding gun owners might get shot, but at the end of the day, Cedric Richman can live with that. Who is allowing this to go unchecked . Gun criminals are getting out of jail. Democrats are letting them out. On the other side of their mouth, they are telling you they are worried about gun violence, and you, who have never committed a crime, must give your gun, which you use to defend yourself from the people they ared leading out of jail fr gun crimes, in order to reduce gun violence. This is insane. Almost no republicans understand it. The governor of florida, ron desantis, understands it. One of the reasons people are moving to florida. Desantis is pushing for legislation that allows storeowners to shoot looters and would also make s it a felony to block traffic during protest, so ambulances can get by. Remember ambulances . Yeah, they were one of the many casualties of blm this summer. Of the Republican Party wants to keep existing, he needs that kind of legislation. Tweets like the one we read we dont want to be mean, but that doesnt keep us safe. Our Constitutional Rights keep us safe, and if desantis keeps talking like this, hes got a future. In the meantime, Heather Macdonald thought more about the subject than anyone in america, he fell at the manhattan institute, and were happy to have her on. Heather, thank you for coming on. Without scaring us too much, give us some sort of sense what might be coming from the procrime left. Well, the biden criminal justice plan reads like a black lives matter wishlist come among its most notable features, to revive the obama era practice of slapping crippling, costly consent decrees on Police Departments without any credible evidence they are engaged in civil rightsed violations. It is going to expand to the obama era practice of consent decrees by going after prosecutorial officers. If they actually prosecute crime. T what is the agenda here, in bidens own words, it is to eliminate socalled Racial Disparities in the Law Enforcement system. Well, sadly, the only way you can eliminate Racial Disparities in Law Enforcement is to eliminate Law Enforcement itse itself. The police cannot go where people are most being victimized by mindless driveby shootings and homicides without having a disparatede impact. Blacks died of homicide in this country between the ages of 10 and 43 at 13 times the rate of whites. Thats a disparity that you would think black livesri matter activists and biden and Kamala Harris would care about. They dont say a word about it. Why do blacks died of homicide at 13 times the rate of whites . They are not being killed by the cops, they are not being killed by whites, they are being killed by other blacks. Lack homicide rates are equally disparate. The solution is to rebuild the black family, but short of that, we need the police. And when the police back off, as youve brought up, in minneapolis and across the country, crime is going up. It is spreading. Republicans have to start telling the truth about crime, and above all, Police Chiefs have to, because this narrative that policing is racist merely by going m after criminals is going to send this country into an anarchy thats going to be very hard to pull back from. Tucker couldnt agree more. Defund the police is the most decadent slogan ive ever heard, and ive heard a lot. Heather macdonald, well see you again. Thanks for coming on. Thanks, tucker. Tucker news out o out of Marthas Vineyard from a wellknown netflix producer called rock obama sat in a studio and talked about himself 29 hours straight. Possibly a world record. Adam corolla did not listen to all of it, but he has thought what you can do with 29 hours, and hell tell us after the break. Tucker well, political intolerance is not the rule in schools, but some examples of ic still manage to get our attention and shock us a little bit. Rick leventhal has one for us tonight. Rick . Latoya county, one of the most prestigious private schools in the san diego era, 37,000 tuition for high school. Students are allowed to wear hats on w campus and no rules against political attire, in the parent student handbook, but make America Great again hats, not okay. The head ofbu school, dr. Gary cohn, sent an email to parents to let them know there beno no oncampus classes a week after thanksgiving, and also added, we had a student where a maga hat today, i have talked with that student, who now understands why that hat is offensive to our community. He will not wear it again. In addition, his mom said he was embarrassed by his actions. She will fulfill her roll as a parent. We will continue to grow as a community that sees and values the dignity of all people. I called and asked why he thinks the hat is offensive to c his community and what way it violated School Policy and why an email to all parents was necessary, he didnt pick up,ar but i left a message, and tucker, havent heard back from him yet. Tucker amazing. I actually did not see that story coming, ive been writing all afternoon. Actually went to that school. It was less expensive and more tolerant when i was there, sad to hear it. Rick leventhal, thanks so much. News we didnt know before. Tucker i didnt know either come amazing. Well, if you had a few days of uninterrupted free time to do literally whatever you wanted, how would you spend it . We are not life coaches, just talk show host, but we have a humble suggestion. You might want to consider listening to barack obama talk about himself in his secondac autobiography for 29 hours straight. That sounds a little crazy, but listen to this sample from this new audiobook, and try to ask yourself, are you not irresistibly attracted to that idea . Here it is. O th she generally avoided talking to me about the horse race aspects of the campaign, which is why i was surprised when in bed later that night, she turned to me and said, youre going to win, arent you . A lot can still happen, but yeah. Theres a pretty good chance i will. I looked at my wife. Her face was pensive, as if she were working out a puzzle in her mind. Finally, she nodded to herself and returned my gaze. Youre going to win, she said softly. And kissed me on the cheek, turned off the bedside lamp, and pulled the covers over her shoulders. Tucker [laughs] wasnt he supposed to be a great writer . Is a great writer, really . Too many adverbs, too stilted, reads like a pg13 version of a Stacey Abrams o softcore novel, which we strongly prefer. Adam corolla is the host of the adam corolla show it has ideas about how you might spend 29f hours of free time. Hey, adam, how would you spend 29 hours not that you ever havent . First off, let me tell you how big this book is. I downloaded it today, and my phone got heavier. Tucker [laughs] just with the ones and zeros . Thats great. Yes. I think its 19 at amazon, but shipping is 1700. Tucker [laughs] white look, hes not that much older than either one he was president , illr give him that, for two terms, but two autobiographies before you are 60 . I think we can say he doesnt have a selfesteem problem. No, you know, as i was sort of thinking about this subject, i thought it interesting, so our current president , everyone accuses of being an insane narcissist. Everyone thinks hes in egomaniac narcissist, but the reality is, obama is a figurerc narcissist plan trump. Trump comes in a narcissist package. Trump comes in a narcissist package, you can see from outer space, and obama is kind of like a Stealth Fighter jet, but he is much more of a narcissist than trump is, and i know a lot of people would go how is that possible . It is. I believe if you took those guys and you squeeze them and got every drop of narcissism out of them, that obamas beaker would be much more full of narcissism than trump. Tucker [laughs] a disgusting image. Its interesting, i wonder, and the 29 hours, did he acknowledge his mismanagement, the division he caused in the country over eight years, paved the way for trump . Does he ever take credit for that, i wonder . I dont know, i was only able to listen to the first 17 hours on the toilet thiste morning, si havent gotten to the rest of the book. Tucker [laughs] okay. Are you clearing your schedule . Yes, i am. The thing about obama is nobody is better at saying nothing man obama. If there was a hall of fame for people that delivered no message, but in a fantastic package, i think thats obama. Tucker i think thats right. There was anger at the center of that. We are just starting to figure out obama. Its taking a while. Hes not stupid, ill say that. Adam carolla, thank you. Thanks, tucker. Tucker kind of an amazing story, new york city shocked everyone, including the governor of new york, apparently, by shutting down all Public Schools this week. Now, no one was happy about that, except for the Teachers Unions. They planned it. No work, full pay . Will tell you how they did it, just ahead. Tucker so, new york city, the Largest School district in the country, shutdown at schools this week with less than 24 hours notice. They did that even though new york Public Schools have tested over 140,000 students and staff, and as of monday, they had a positive rate of 0. 2 . This is a bizarre story that affects a huge amount of people in the worstst way. So whats going on here . Why did they do it . It turns out, Teachers Unions engineered it, and they are not just doing that in new york. The Senior Editor of the postmillennium, and she joins us now to explain. Thanks for coming on. This is one of those stories that hasnt got enough attention but it really hurts people. Please tell us how it h happene. So, yeah, in new york city theyha shut down the schools wih less than 24 hours notice, and i had to tell my kid he couldnt go to school the next day. He only open going to school two days a week anyway, and when i told him, hes like, this really sucks. T whats going on basically is the powerful Teachers Unions in this country are holding our kids education hostage to theirs mental is interests and demanding 175 million, everything from raises to social justice curriculums, and they are refusing to go back to work. Tucker in new york, the Teachers Union apparently just endorsed the black lives matter platform, including dismantling the nuclear family. Its also perverse and sick and dark. Its hard to think let me ask a macro question. Apple and liberals seemed to describe after the superman movie came out they were susceptible to Teachers Unions d reduced their influence. Speak i dont think they are interested in reducing their pos are in school. The Public Schools are closed, and the difference is the Teachers Unions. Now that we have biden and Kamala Harris looking to take over the white house, the Teachers Unions are coming toou collect. They have endorsed biden for a longng time, and they released their list of demands today. They call it a playbook, but what he really has is a bunch of money thats being demanded from anfederal government, a bunch of oversight for curriculums and all kinds of other things that they want to enforce at local levels to deny parents control, they want to take away charter schools, take away private schools. They want the only option to be public schooling, and they know if they have any competition, they are just not going to measure up, and thats, you know, thats why they want to do it. Best is a power thing, and we seen this before with unions. The Teachers Union is the largest unit in the country, with about 3 million members, and already weve seen that either the head of the usc or the head of the nea is going to be the department of education, and then what happens to all of the kids who actually need an education . Tucker if you are the governor of california andnd sending your children to private schools because you know it is better foro k them to be in clas and you are shutting down or allowing the unions to shutdown the Public Schools, i think you have to answer for that on some moral level, and i think that is reallyat wrong, dont you . I think so as well. Yeah, i called around yesterday. My son is in fifth grade, you know, i called around yesterday to see what was going on with the private schools, the ones that cost 50,000 a year. They are y all open. A couple when i called to ask if they are t open, they were like yeah, who are you . I want to know, why is my kid not getting educated. Tucker the good news from your perspective a lot of those 50,000 a year schools are really bad. [laughs] trust me. Libby, great to see you, thanks for coming on. Thanks so much. Tucker Senate Republicans released a a report today about communication between joe bidens son and the communist party of china. Other media organizations buried the story. We are not going to bury it. We will tell you what is in that report, something very interesting, next. Do you have a Life Insurance policy you no longer need . Now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. We thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. But we quickly realized that we needed a way to supplement our income. If you have one hundred thousand dollars or more of Life Insurance you may qualify to sell your policy. Dont cancel or let your policy lapse without finding out what its worth. Visit conventrydirect. Com to find out if you policy qualifies. Or call the number on your screen. Coventry direct, redefining insurance. Tucker the social Media Companies tried to bury the story for weeks but it is not going away because it failed. Yesterday, Senate Republicans released a report on Hunter Bidens connection to chinese tycoon linkedye to the communist government of that country. According to a report, bidens Business Partner made 2 millioo in wire transfers in 2017. What does this amount to, exactly . Sean davis, the cofounder of the federalist as follow the story from day one. What can we take from this report, what can we know . I think you hit the most fascinating and interesting aspect of it, which is a Hunter Bidens Business Partner, who was also the spouse of joe bidens former top aide in the white house, got himself two 3 million wire transfers from a communist chinese linked energy company, and this was done in 2017, and youll probably recall, having bent and consumer of the news the past couple of years, all of the accusations of collusion and treason, because donald trump jr. Had a 20minute meeting with the russians, it was with a client of a Clinton Campaign contractor, so if a 20minute meeting is necessary and sufficient for a multiyear investigation, i think it is time to have a pretty big investigation about the millions of dollars funneled to hunter biden and his friends. Tucker the partner who got this money wired to him newwav joe biden, we put a picture on the air of them playing golf together, he was at the meeting between biden and Tony Bobulinski in los angeles. Ho this is someone who is not separated by degrees of separation from joe biden. Presumably, he was getting his money because of his connections to biden. Is there any other reason . Is he an Energy Expert . Not that i can tell. Hunter biden is not an expert in the International Commodities or energy market. Anyone with common sense can see what is going on here, they were using joe bidens name, the biden family name, as bait for getting access and money from these people who wanted g their hooks in the u. S. Government, and it worked for them. Tucker it is not a small thing, since i mean, china t and the United States will intersect in really profound ways over the next four years, without question. Right, and you really have to wonder, again, looking at bidens china policy, he certainly thinks china is a friend off ours. You have to wonder, given all the chinese money going to hunter biden and his friends, whether a that has an impact on the biden for policy with americas number one geopolitical flow in the world right now. Tucker exactly right. The virus mysteriously emerges from central china, totally rearranges the entire western economy, and biden and friends First Response is dont call it chinese, thats racism i mean, i dont know. Maybe some affect . Yeah, its like, leave china alone, not like they control a whole bunch of money, antagonistic toward our foes, dumping products out of business. You have to wonder what the chinese have on the bidens at this point. Tucker wheres all of the fentanyl coming that is killing hundreds of thousands of americans . Thank you for coming on. We appreciate you watching tonight, thanks for trusting us. We appreciate it. Sean hannity from new york this evening. Sean hi tucker ladies and gentlemen, sean hannity. [laughs] sean i lost you for a second. What happened . All right, tucker, thank you. Welcome to hannity. Tonight, the Trump Campaign vowing to investigate by the way, one in every american want to have faith and confidence in the election. The american people, sworn affidavits, so every legal vote can be counted in a fair, verifiable way, and we need a system we can all have confidence in, dont we . Yeah, its worth it. Coming up, we are going to have more on the recount developments. In wisconsin, Reince Priebus has an update, Ronna Mcdaniel is here, Kayleigh Mcenany is here, as election regularities continue to pile up. Rudy giuliani will be here for an exclusive interview tonight. I want eve

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