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Phrase. Two of the most Popular Democratic candidates, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, both have endorsed it. What exactly is medicare for all . Its worth finding out. Its not a tweak to some regulation, its not even obamacare, which once upon a time, democrats defended and republicans denounced as socialism. Medicare for all is actual socialism, for real socialism. Health care spending amounts to about one fifth of the american economy. Elizabeth warren demands total control of it immediately. If it becomes law, it would amount to the largest expansion of the federal government since the Second World War by far. So, its worth asking how this would work and who would pay for it. Elizabeth warren has been asked that question many times, and every time, she has refused to answer. Reporter will he raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it, yes or no . Sen. Warren the cost will go up for the wealthy and for big corporations, and for hardworking middleclass families costs will go down. Hardworking middleclass families are going to see the costs go down. Will the taxes go up . Sen. Warren i listen to the answers if you times before. Will middleclass taxes go up, will private insurance be eliminated . Sen. Warren what families have to deal with is cost, total costs. How much are your costs going to go down . Reporter i have a different question, how much of the taxes are going up . Sen. Warren its how much families are paying reporter mike i know the argument, but why not paint are you paying more in taxes . B2 its a question about where people are going to come out economically. Look, i said, i said tucker she will not answer, she wont explain but how hard shes been pressed and as you saw, her strident democratic partisans have pressed her. Warren refuses, she will not explain what it would cost or who would pay for it. Tonight, a credible estimate. According to a study by the urban institute, ingest the first ten years, the medicare for all plan would cost an additional 34 trillion. That sounds like a lot, how much is it . Cured some perspective. The Congressional Budget Office anticipates if the whole United States will collect just 46 trillion in taxes over the same period. In other words, Elizabeth Warrens Health Care Plan alone will consume the overwhelming majority of the tax dollars in the United States. Thats before we spend a single dollar on, i dont know, social security, education, national defense, and everything else. Its demented. You should know that urban institute has no motive to attack Elizabeth Warren, its not a right wing think tank. Its a leftwing think tank. They probably didnt account for the cost of one Pledge Health care to every illegal alien who sneaks into the country. Think about it this way, 3. 4 trillion a year, thats the estimated cost. Divide that by 320 million americans and you get more than 10,000 per person. Not per taxpayer, per person. That means every child, every retiree, every prison inmate. Everybody. That would be the largest tax assessed in American History by far. Nothing even comes close. That would change everything. A lot of people would just leave the country and not come back. How do you pay for medicare for all . Its not a minor detail we can settle later. Its a single most important question about the program. Why do you think we dont have it already . Because we cant afford it. Elizabeth warren pretends thats irrelevant. To her, maybe it is irrelevant. At some point in the last couple of years, warren stopped functioning as a conventional senator, and became a messianic figure, from whether thing is Constitutional Order the majority of americans want to. Warren hasnt seen the future, and in the future, she has complete and unquestionable control of america. Shes the most powerful person in the world. Shes repeating the phrase to herself, the most powerful person in the world. Its intoxicating. Clearly. Francis is a anchor in one of the smartest people on fox joining us tonight to assess the plan. Youve taken a close look at medicare for all. What does it look like . Melissa okay, the part thats not in dispute as you just said is the cost. Bernie sanders, Elizabeth Warren, they all say between 3 trillion and trillion dollars per year. The reason why they wont tell you whos taxes are going to go up is because there is literally not enough money. If you look at the government tax receipts from the irs, if you confiscated every dollar for that everyone who makes over 200,000 a year, you give them a 1 tax, you took away every cent they made an ostensibly you sent them to an island and left them there to die because you skated all their money, that would still not do it. That would be 2. 7 trillion. If you took everything, every single cent, you are still not paying for it. Slap on top of that, what if you took every cent of every corporation made after they paid taxes and everything else, were they say theyre going to take a little bit of your profit, take all of it thats 0. 5 trillion. You are still not there we have taken every dollar, and even the irss numbers this is models, and you are guessing, this is only one year because youre confiscating everybodys money and after you took away some of the profits, they would all cease to exist. There is literally no math that makes this possible that you could pay for this. Thats why i think its so immoral for these two politicians to go out and make this promise on their campaign when she says your cost will go down. I guess because you will be died. I dont know, you want to take all your money and leave the country i dont know what instance your profits will go down tucker i just want to make sure im hearing this correctly, when its a crazy idea, another one of these candidates can move have collected tens of millions of dollars in Campaign Contributions and leading the democratic field, another one neither one has bothered to game it out or explain how theyre going to pay for this . Have they tried . These are numbers that you get from the cdo, irs. You can see exactly how much money is available. This is not tax or view. This is im going to take everything, and thats that. Theres no way to pay for it, i guess the only logical answer is that it ends up being medicaid for all or something much smaller where you arent getting anything. But, they are pouring a bunch money into it and its just another one of those situations where the math doesnt even come close to working. Theres no model with of obamacare, they said we are going to bend the cost, and it will go down. Theyre not trying that. The number is so huge, theres no way to get even close to there. Its absolutely staggering because what are they going to do . God forbid, one of them won, then what . You cant make it happen at all tucker tells you every thing about how much the party change. When they tried to get obamacare, they had rahm emanuel, with a calculator pretending they did add it up. They did at least go through the motions. Here, theyre not even trying. The three the closest thing, Bernie Sanders said its going to be 50 trillion. Thats the number hes putting everything the local and federal government spent, which by the way, they would outlaw Health Insurance this is not if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. They are saying we are sure taking away your health care. You cant buy Health Insurance. Theres nothing you can do. What would really happen is that evil with money would go buy surgery and buy health care from somewhere else to save their life, and everybody else would be stuck with nothing. I mean, medicare is nice because people get out four times as much in monetary terms of what they put in. Thats why people are happy with it, because they are getting so much out because we have a small fraction of people on it. Tucker exactly, exactly. Melissa you cant put everybody on it. Tucker how many people would leave the country if this happened . Melissa francis, thank you for that. Melissa my pleasure. Its sad, but my pleasure. Tucker this week, the dna test video. It may have been the single most attacked campaign video, and she made herself. Sen. Warren if you, the president likes to call my mom a liar. One of the facts in . The facts say that you have absolutely no native American History in your pedigree. Sen. Warren im only my Family History is my Family History. Tucker [laughs] hard to believe thats real, but it is. Warren has scrubbed the video from her twitter page like it never happened. Dont worry, we saved it. The whole thing is on our Facebook Page where it will remain forever. Check it out after the show. Horns pony native american heritage, one of the many lies she told. Our guest is a professor of law. So much for coming on. This seems to be a theme, and im not saying this for partisan reasons, that Elizabeth Warren lies about her biography. Yes, and thats i think a narrative that is developing about her, which is going to be extremely politically damaging, if she were to be the nominee and get into a general election. We all know about the native american problem, and i dont think people fully understand how deceptive and manipulative it was for a decade for employment purposes only, she claimed to be native american, and then she pretends like she didnt think that would help her somehow. Even when she was disclosed in by the Boston Herald and her senate campaign, she spent almost seven years defending being native american. She blamed her parents for telling her stories, she blamed her for saying that she had high 2012 she blamed her aunt for saying that she had a high cheekbones like all the indians do in her words, if any other candidate had said that, that would be disqualifying. Tucker maybe a bigger problem even than that. Professor, just today a mom in california reported to federal prison or crime in part was lying about her sons race in order to get him in to college. Here, you have Elizabeth Warren, who lied about her race to seek employment advantage, thats not a crime . Bill i dont know if its a crime or not, but one thing she never disclosed his or her full personnel employment files. It would be very interesting to see what forms she signed, for eeoc, equal opportunity, whether she misrepresented herself as native american. Theres every reason to believe she did not meet the Legal Definition but we dont know what she signed. She told many other stories as well. She portrayed herself as someone having been a lawyer fighting for the little guy, but covered on your show before, in fact, she represented that large corporations against the little guy. She has a long history. She had recently a story that she has been telling on the campaign trail that she was fired for being pregnant. Then, facts came out that showed that wasnt true, and blamed their right wing smear campaign, but in fact, that was disclosed and discovered by a socialist bernie supporter. Tucker [laughs] bill the facts arent leftwing or right wing, they are the facts and facts are, shes not made of american, she wasnt fired for being pregnant, and she tells the me to story thats been down. That was by the boston globe which is virtually her house organ. Tucker thank you for joining us, professor. Before tonights rally, the president and house speaker, nancy pelosi, spent days in a war of words of personal online. Two our news correspondent Trace Gallagher sets up the story. Trace. The impeachment history has not helped the relationship between how Speaker Pelosi and President Trump, they talked about the decision to pull troops out of syria was destined to get contentious. It did. Each accused melting down. Nervous nancys unhinged one of meltdown, and nancy pelosi used this as her cover photo on twitter. Today, at the Democratic National Committee Leadership forum pelosi said this again. Sen. Warren at the beginning of our country, thomas paine said this is a dark day for the revelation. The times have found us. We think the times has found us now. Trace i say again because its he cited the same thomas paine, the same phrase repeatedly for the past couple months including the day that she announced to the inquiry. The revolutionary war era author keeps coming up, because apparently, pelosi is suggesting democrats are fighting reestablish our democracy or something. Tucker thank you. Senator john kennedy is a republican representing the press. He joins us tonight. Where are we in this battle of sorts, revolutionary war battle between the president and speaker . In terms of the war of words, you and i both know President Trump, hes not a turn the other cheek kind of guy. I think he believes if you turn the other cheek you just get it in the neck. Speaker pelosi knows that. Ive talked to people who are in the meeting, she baited him, he took the bait. If you ask my opinion, and he hasnt, i would tell him ignore her. When you argue with a fool it just proves there are two. Now, i dont expect the president to do that. The president , was happy to visit with him last friday. Hes angry, and heres why hes angry. He is being charged, at least i think he will be charged with a high crime or a high misdemeanor. Anybody who knows a loud look from a j. Crew catalog knows that it requires intent. This whole case is going to come down to intent. I believe, whether others believe it or not, i believe that he believes that Ukraine Ukrainian government may have interfered in the 2016 election. I believe that he believes that the bidens may have been involved in propriety in ukraine, and that he believes thats appropriate exercise of his foreign affair powers to withhold federal taxpayer money until he is certain that the impropriety has been investigated and that any ukrainian officials that were involved are no longer in the government. There is precedent for this. Some of my friends on the Mainstream Media laugh at me when i say this, but Thomas Jefferson prosecuted ehrenberg, had him prosecuted, and investigated him , a political rival, aaron burr, for treason. He did not prosecute aaron burr because he was a political rival, he prosecuted him because thought he committed treason and he happened to be a political rival. It all comes down to intent and based on my conversations with the president , he honestly believes thats the investigation needs to go forward to. The second point i would make. Ukrainian government not the ukrainian people, the Ukrainian Government is historically and organically corrupt. Trace yeah, we say okay, you investigated your Vice President. Can you show me the reports . No. Can i see the evidence . No. Why are the allegations unfounded . Im not saying they are founded. Why are they unfounded . Because its been reported. Who reported it . You go to them and they say, well, we havent seen it. They reported it. Number two, my final point, lets suppose the ukrainians did have the reports. Who in gods name are you going to believe . Help that president s own skate turns out better. The people who preceded him, to me, they seem as crooked as a barrel of snakes. I dont understand the policies. Tucker and the fact that theres been no vote on it. Kind of shocking. Senator, thank you so much for that assessment. We promised last night, we ran out of time, so the interview with dennis rodman, and whats going on between china and the mba. It was a better way to get endorsements and president obama served as the closest friends for where a black face. President obama revealed the answer. Plus, dallas, the president will be speaking. That will be in just a few minutes. We will bring it to you. When you move homes, you move more than just yourself. Thats why xfinity has made taking your internet and tv with you a breeze. Really . Yup. You can transfer your Service Online in about a minute. You can do that . Yeah. And with twohour Service Appointment windows, its all on your schedule. Awesome. So while moving may still come with its share of headaches. No kidding. Were doing all we can to make moving simple, easy, awesome. Go to xfinity. Com moving to get started. Tucker president speaking very soon, we will monitor it when he does. In the meantime, president obama delivered a big political endorsement today. No, it was not for his lifelong friend, sidekick of 8th years, joe biden, who is running for president. Instead, barack obama meddled in a foreign election and gave an endorsement to a president who hasnt worn justin trudeau, who has worn blackface maybe ten times, we dont know, hes been doing it for a long time. Obama endorsed him anyway. Thats going to be a little sad if youre joe biden. Eight years he served as his Vice President , the boring appearances and speeches he didnt want to do and now obama is endorsing Prime Minister he cant even get a call anymore. Have you heard from president obama this week . No, i have not. [laughs] you guys dont talk about this kind of stuff . We dont talk about this kind of stuff. The one it just breaks your heart. Does it break the heart of our guest tonight . Lets ask. I do feel sorry for joe bid joe biden. If you look at from Justin Trudeaus point of view, when that fellow down in virginia when he wore blackface just the once, 40 years ago, joe biden, nancy pelosi, every major democrats, hillary called for him to resign immediately. Justin trudeau has warn blackface multiple times in the 21st century. He cant say how many times hes warned blackface. And, americas first black president has just endorsed canadas first blackface Prime Minister. We are told they are like somebody on the radio and canada today, very close, its like his brother from another mother. In just in case, its like his brother from another mammy. Hes basically the worlds wokest mammy singer, and barack obama has decided that it something and hes entirely cool with. Its something in virginia but if you do it north of the 49th parallel, barack obama will endorse you. Tucker of all the world leaders, you have to endorse the blackface. Its the weirdest thing ive ever seen. We know he has warned white face at least three times, just justin coming pretty sure he was in that for the last g7 summit. Tucker [laughs] mark actually, no american president has done this. Last time anybody talked about it was in 1911. Sir Wilfrid Laurier asked president taft if he wouldnt put in a word for him. President taft thought about it and prepared some remarks and then pulled out at the last minutes. This is actually unprecedented this is actually unprecedented interference. If canadians were like americans, we would be having a free investigation to get to the bottom of this foreign interference in a canadian election. Tucker the great mark steyn. Thank you. Good to see you. In this country, lebron james pushes left wing politics, the nba touts itself as a socially conscious sports league, but neither one dares criticize a masters in china and they dont want anybody else doing either, because they dont want to lose money. Since robin has won 15 nba championships, but after leaving the nba, he became an informal diplomat. Hes befriended north koreas dictator. I spoke with robin, heres how it went. So, when you see lebron james and not just lebron james, but nba players and coaches unwilling to tell the truth about the chinese dictatorship, whats your response to that . Dennis i look at it as far as i think that, nba is a great sport around the world. I think the nba players have an obligation to do one thing. Its to play sports. I think when you put politics with sports, it doesnt mix. And i with you there. Dennis i think that the fact is, when you put politics in sports, it seems to have a different twist on the game of the sports world, and basketball is a very, very universal sport. It speaks volumes around the world. The players in the nba had no informants about whats going on in china and hong kong. I think they was informed, or it wasnt known to them what was taking place right now. Tucker i get it, but they have google and some of these guys lebron james is smart. No one think hes dumb. Lebron james has spent years critiquing american politics. He said no problem attacking the government dear, but anybody who attacks the government there should be punished . He said that. That seems like a double standard. Three let me say that, the culture in china and hong kong, in china, a very, very great country, i think the American People its a force of culture and china of Hong Kong Hong kong. Its difficult to change the culture overnight. They have a certain way of living, a certain way of thinking. If the nba players, and a sports, if anything to do with sports, if they understand the culture of the Asian Community and asian countries, and understand that they are very, they are very loyal people. They say yes, they mean yes. If they mean something thats very on the context they take it in the wrong they take it in a different direction. Tucker okay, but what if you had a country that was taking people muslims in this case, and putting them in concentration camps or a country that was executing anybody who disagreed with the government and selling their organs. Would it be okay, if youre an american to say i know its a different culture but its kind of disgusting. Dennis i think its disgusting, but to the people in washington, the politicians, i think its a , sports is sports. I think people sports are sports, thats not the concern. You can voice your opinion in america, but once you start going across over to asia, china, singapore, beijing, those countries over there, its a different way of living over there. You have to be very careful what you say. They take it the wrong way. Tucker i know that, for the chinese, but here in america, we are protected by this umbrella called the constitution, the bill of rights and we can say whatever we want to. One lebron james goes into a meeting and says anybody who criticizes china ought to be punished, what do you think of that . Dennis politicians should understand the fact that, dont involve athletes in politics. I think lebron james is a very smart individual. I think hes very caring about the people around the world, and especially his charity, but i think, youve got to understand that we dont know too much about politics. I dont want to know too much about politics. [laughs] tucker then should lebron james continue to comment on american politics . Dennis you know what, one of the great things about living in america, weve got the freedom of speech. Tucker except for when we criticize china , and then lebron says you have to be punished for that. Dennis we have no right as an American People to criticize china or any country in the world in that sense because, you know what, china is one of the countries where they really praised American People. They love American People. Hong kong love American People. China, i mean, singapore, beijing, shanghai. Every asian country loves American People especially sports. Sports athletes understand that because they are very loyal to people. I think lebron james understands you know what, what the politics be politics, let basketball players be basketball players. Tucker i hope he would live by that standard here, too. Im not sure i understood a lot of that, but i appreciate it. Its great to see you. Thank you. Thank you. Send us a text if you understood any of that. Ukraine controversy has moved rapidly with the beginning, with a lot of accusations thrown around, and not many fact. What do we know about the biden family, but respond, and ukraine . Our investigation of that next. Also, donald trump about the step on stage in dallas, texas. I will be any minute. We will be covering it when he does. Tucker we are still monitoring dallas, texas, the president will begin to speak at any moment. Go there when he does. We just spoke with Mark Zuckerberg in the interview, zuckerberg had a number of interesting things to to say about tech ship, and recent democratic demands for more. Here it is. Kemal harris has said that thinks that twitter should shut down President Trumps account. Do you think thats a ridiculous idea . Mark my belief is that in a democracy, i dont think we watch private companies censoring politicians. I generally believe that as a principal, people should decide what is credible and what they want to believe and who they want to vote for. I dont think that should be something to accompany as any other company to do. Tucker good for him. Thats interesting. The whole interview was interesting. It airs tomorrow at 2 00 p. M. Eastern. You should set your watch for it, p. M. Eastern. With the president speaking and dallas, he sure did have a lot to say about the impeachment efforts being marshaled against him as well as ukraine and the biden family. In just a few weeks, ukraines story has become very complex even though people follow it fulltime. What do we know for certain . Theres only one person we know that can untangle that, our chief intelligence correspondent catherine heritage. Catherine thank you, tucker. With direct knowledge of the congressional testimony, this persons being a bus to get it for. Thats what Ukraine Energy firm was bringing hunter biden to a congressional investigator because he would looking to spruce up his image by having a prominent name people on his board. On tuesday, hunter biden went and told his side of the story to abc news that his last name likely played a role in securing the ukraine position. Payment the Obama Administration policy the criticism to follow on board. He said that he wasnt unqualified to sit on the board. Volker said he didnt know that the biden name came up during the call between the president s and the ukrainian leader until the transcript was released last month, and his read of the call was that the president wanted an investigation into bidens actions to stop the prosecutors investigation. There was a Heated Exchange with democratic chairman adam schiff after volker said the ukrainians likely learned of the temporary hold on military aid from a political news story in late august, adding that they had already got a meeting with the Senior Administration official in that context, i think the ukrainians felt like things are going to the right direction. They had not done anything on the biden investigation. Tucker they are not done anything on the biden investigation. Catherine heritage, the clearest explainer of the facts. Thank you very much. The president was to will start speaking any moment live in dallas. For now, a poll finds that only 40 of Americans Trust the news media and its a massive drop when a majority trusted their own press. Walter huston is a newspaper publisher. We spoke with him about this trend, and how to fix it. You believe, and you make a great case for, that in order to be really informed, to have a functioning democracy, you have to have a thriving print media. Americans say that they have lost a lot of faith in that medium. Why do you think that is . Walter well, i think there is the perception that there is too much bias in the media and theres not enough separation between news and opinion. I see it myself. About two years ago, i heard some journalists saying things like dont believe in the equivalency of giving both sides. Thats what i learned in journalism. Youre always supposed to give both sides. In statements like i am here to figure out what the truth is and share that with you. Thats not what we understand and our role is not to combined the truth, our role is to gather all the facts and give those to the readers. You just described was what i think was tucker that is you just described what i think was universal orthodoxy just 30 years ago and you been running papers for a long time. No one questions what you just said but now would you just said is a minority view. What changed, do you think . Im not sure how it changed, i think it changed slowly over time read we are trying to take a step to move it back in the right direction again, and oh two and a half years ago, i wrote a six paragraph short paragraphs a statement of core values. We run that in all ten of our daily newspapers every day on page two because we want the public to know what our journalistic standards are, and want everyone who works for us to know what our journalistic standards are. We want to the public to hold us accountable. Tucker so, recently, youve seen and you see it a lot, news paper reporters, not columnist or opinion people, just daily beat reporters writing books in which they express in some cases, aggressively partisan opinions. Should not be allowed . Walter no, we dont allow that. We would not allow reporters to write books about subjects that they cover. Not anything that is controversial. We had reporters that might write a book on hiking trails on arkansas or food might write a book about recipes, i dont think that endangers our credibility at all. We would not let a reporter write a book about something they cover. Tucker when you go, you cant resist asking you, when you go to conferences with other Newspaper Publishers and you know them all, what do they say about your standards and your approach to news . You know, they generally agree with it and its a matter of fact, you know, Newspaper Group in kansas and the family thats on the manhattan for over thats owned the manhattan mercury for years, they own 10 million newspapers, they adopted our statement of core values identically. More importantly, the university of North Carolina Chapel Hill Journalism School has now adopted our statement of core value. I hope this spreads, and more and more news organizations adopted and not just newspapers, i would like to see broadcast and cable and other news organizations to let the public know what your values really are. Tucker right, and a clear line between news and opinion. I think we have that here. Thanks so much. I know our viewers will look up your statement of principles online and they are worth reading. Thank you for joining us. Fox news alert the president making his way to the podium in dallas, texas. Whats he going to say . What should he say . Mark steyn joins us to answer the question. Mark, youre the president. A lot of things going on, what he focused on . Mark i think i put impeachment behind me. I think things have changed since a week ago and hes looking pretty safe and adam schiff back door behind the scenes impeachment hasnt gotten anywhere, and talked up the economy. May draw a contrast between him and Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders level craziness. Tucker such a good point. I hope he follows your vice. Mark steyn. President of the United States, dallas, texas. President trump thank you. [cheers and applause] thank you very much, hello, dallas, great to be with you tonight. [cheers and applause] thank you. [cheers and applause] i am thrilled to be here. Deep in the heart of texas. [cheers and applause] where we just opened a beautiful new Louis Vuitton plant. But, im with the loving patriots of the lone star state. I love them. [cheers and applause] there has never been a better time to be proud texan. Theres never been a better time to be a proud american. There never has. [cheers and applause] there never has. [cheers and applause] so, i came from a small town, alvarado, texas, where we celebrated the incredible revival of American Manufacturing and we opened up some beautiful places. I will tell you, this place is doing great. We created in a very short period of time, annexed in 1,000 an extra 1,000 jobs for texas. Since my election, we have created 775,000 new jobs across your state, including 70,000 Texas Manufacturing jobs. They said those jobs had disappeared, didnt they . Hey, man, our country is once again living by two simple rules. Buy american, and hire americans buy american, and higher american. [cheers and applause] the economy is booming, our people are prospering. Our country is thriving and our nation is stronger than ever before. [cheers and applause] but, the more america achieves, the more hateful and enraged these crazy democrats become. [boos] crazy. They are crazy. [boos] they are crazy. The stake in this fight the survival of american democracy itself, dont kid yourself, thats what they want. They are destroying this country, but we will never let it happen, not even close. [cheers and applause] for three straight years, radical democrats have been trying to overthrow the results of a great, great election maybe, maybe the greatest election in the history of our country. [cheers and applause] they want to oppose the extreme agenda, they cannot pass it and they cannot win at the ballot box and are not going to win there not even they will not come close in 2020. They know. Theyre not going to win it. They say lets see, whats another idea . What should whats another idea . How should we wi win this election . You know, i really dont believe anymore that they love our country. I dont believe it. [s chanting four more [ [s chanting] crazy nancy, think of that. Crazy nancy, she is crazy. [boos] and shifty schiff, how about this guy . [boos] how about this guy . [boos] he makes up my conversation which was perfect. He makes up my conversation. He sees what i said. It doesnt play well because it was perfect. He made of a totally false conversation with the ukrainian president. [boos] we caught him cold. Everybody knew it anyway. We did one thing, you always have to do the unexpected. They never thought i would release the conversation with the ukrainian president. [cheers and applause] i want to get him before congress and i want to see what he has to say. They say he has immunity, why would you have immunity for outright fraud . Why do you have immunity . Why . Hes a fraud. We are fighting a campaign against leftists, socialists, globalists who want to return to reckless wars, open borders, rampant crime, and totally disastrous one way trade deals. Were changing that one around we are changing that one around very quickly. They believe americas the worlds a piggy bank and you should subsidize the economy and defense of every other nation of the world but our own. Its not happening anymore. [boos] our political opposition made its fortune selling out our nation and its citizens, and you know thats whats been happening, and thats why was so important and thats why 2020, i can never say its more important. You know, its like the roots, you plants of the tree and its got to catch. Give that extra time, we will have more tax cuts, we will have even i tell you what, we have rebuild our military. What we have done has never been done before. [cheers and applause] the donothing democrats have betrayed our country and that great betrayal is over. We are finally again and we have been doing it now for almost three years. Can you believe we have been doing this . Can you believe it . Ive been a politician for three years, i cant believe that. [laughter] i never thought i would be called a politician i dont like it, but it is what it is. But we are finally again putting america first. [cheers and applause] they radical democrats want to destroy america as we know it. They want to indoctrinate our children and teach them that america is a sinful, wicked nation. You see that happening all the time. I know it from personal experience. What they want to teach their kids, not good. They come home. Mommy, daddy this is what i learned. And you were going no, dont tell me. [laughter] lets get them into another school, fast. They want to disown lawabiding citizens, take your guns away. [boos] install far left judges to shred our constitution. Its not happening. They want to tear down symbols of faith and drive christians and religious believers from the public square. They want to silence your voices on social media and they want the government to censor, muzzle, and shut down conservative voices. You know that. [boos] if they didnt hate our country, they wouldnt be doing this to our country. They wouldnt be doing it because they know better. They know better. As an example, we are building a great wall along the southern border. [cheering] and its going up rapidly. Its going up. [chanting build the wall ] President Trump almost five years ago, almost every one of them wanted to build the wall. Will and then they stopped the funding. They made it almost impossible. Few people would have been able to do what we did, but we got it from here and we got it from there and we got it from all over the place. We are building that sucker right now and its having a tremendous effect. Not easy. Highest level. Everything we said it would be. Its moving rapidly. Although the fake news back there, they dont want to talk about it. [boos] President Trump they dont want to talk about it. [boos] President Trump look at all those cameras. Do you believe it . Look at all those red lights. Dont worry. I wont say anything bad about your network because a lot of times i get ready to do a number on these phony networks and you know, you see the red lights go off, off, off, off. [laughter] they dont want their viewers to see it. But thats okay. Im not going to say it tonight. Im going to say, you legitimate media. I dont actually mean that. [laughter] but you look that, look at those cameras. That like the Academy Awards used to be before it failed. Do you know why it failed . Do you know why it failed . Because they came after us. [cheers and applause] thats why it failed. It failed because they had stupid people saying horrible things about us. Stupid. Stupid people. They are stupid people. And their ratings have dropped like a rocket, and i love seeing it. I tell you. I love it. [cheers and applause] but no matter how hard they try, they will fail because the people of texas and the people of america will Never Surrender our freedom to those people right there. [cheers and applause] President Trump we will stand strong for family, faith, god, and for country. [cheers and applause] last week, a very dumb democratic candidate for president. Thats the end of him in this state, pledged to revoke the taxexempt status of many churches and religious charities. And by the way, that was after a few weeks ago he said excuse me. We are going to take your guns away. That doesnt work well. [boos] and i called him. Remember the flailing arms . Nobody noticed it. I noticed it. [laughter] the flailer. He was flailing all over the place. I said why is this guy hot . John cornyn is going to win so easily. Just like ted cruz won. Hes going to end no matter what happens. [cheers and applause] but john cornyn is not talking about beto anymore because beto in a few short weeks got rid of guns and got rid of religion. Those are two not good things in texas to get rid of, and i will never allow the federal government to be used for religious beliefs. [cheers and applause] i will never allow the irs to be used as a political weapon except in the case of myself where they use it against me. The radical left tolerates no dissent. It permits no opposition. It accepts no compromise. These people are crazy. And it has absolutely no respect for the will of the American People. First it was the russia hoax. [boos] then it was the smearing which continues. That disgraceful, disgusting smearing of a fine man, justice kavanaugh. Tucker these people are crazy. Its the end of our hour. Would love to sit right here and finish watching the speech. Well be back tomorrow. The great sean hannity takes over from new york city. As the president of the president of the United States continue speaking at a rally in dallas, texas. Have a great night. President trump we never lose. [cheers and applause] the great sean hannity takes over from here. As the president of the president of the United States continue speaking at a rally in dallas, texas. Have a great night. President trump we never lose. Sean welcome to hannity. You can see the massive crowd inside and outside the arena. Three stories high. My opening monologue on the democrats secret soviet style impeachment coup attempt. Thats coming up or lets go back to dallas and the president s rally. I think the crowd outside is as big as the one inside

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