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Committed to something called diversity. A concept that nobodys willing to explain but that nonetheless we must celebrate enthusiastically and perpetually. Listen to nancy pelosi explain. Biodiversity, that is our strength. Diversity is our strength. Our diversity is our strength. I always say that diversity is our strength. And i stated to the caucus, our diversity is our restraint. The fact is, our diversity is our strength. Tucker okay. Got it . Diversity is our strength. They made up her crystal clear. What is still unclear is what exactly diversity is paired what is it . Well, for one thing, diversity is the reason that allison child but was forced to resign her dog job in hers grace period until 24 hours ago, she was the executive director of the Democratic Congressional campaign and yesterday she quit in tears. She asked her colleagues to forgive her as she packed her things. What did she do wrong . Well, nothing, actually. She didnt hurt anyone. She didnt hurt anyone. Insane thing awful to her she didnt mismanage the office paired nobody claims did. Jazz was only faded but was having the wrong skin color. On sunday, two Congressional Democrats demanded that she be fired from her job and replaced by a person of the different hue. On a more Competent Person come didnt mention that. I was so would relevant. But just a different colored person. Thats all that mattered to them. So they forced a person out of her job for having the wrong jeans. Apparently none of this set off any alarm bells over a Democratic Party hq. Apparently nobody could think of any other time in history where Something Like this had happened. It didnt seem ominous to them were creepy or racist. It just seems like diversity, which we must celebrate because it is our strength. That actually happened. The Democratic Party has gone insane. You may think you already knew that but even if you think you knew it, its hard to appreciate just how real it is. Just how crazy the party has begun. The party of ordinary americans has become a poisonous identity colt obsessed with questions of racial purity. Its terrifying, but its entirely real. How real is it . Well, ill sharpton is now a hero on the left. That kind of sums it up. For 40 years, sharp and chaste hustle after another, raised him, at the informant, shakedown artists, if you told al sharp in 1995 that someday he would be the moral conscience of the Democratic Party, he would he wouldve laughed in her face. Annette, come here we are and here he is. This is a race baiting at its best. This is donald trump playing the race card and it is a shame and it is a sham. He is playing the race baiting crowd. He is playing a race divisive card. He should not continue to try and sell this racist behavior to try and make the country more divided for his own political gain. Tucker there you have appeared al sharpton, the men who once attacked and crackers as parasites, bemoaning our divided nation. Hilarious. The leading democrats dont appear to get the joke. Just today, poor old joe biden tweeted this quote. The reverend al is a champion in the fight for civil rights. Sure. If the fight for civil rights is a euphemism for buying more 10,000 suits in which case, al sharpton is a legitimate hero in that fight. The democratic candidate seem to think he really is. Watch them kiss his ring added an event this spring. That had it, who is are truly right now the steward of the Ongoing Movement for civil rights justice in our country, and thats the reverend ill sharpton. Being on the forefront in the fight against racism and for social justice, al, thank you so much for all that you are doing. I know that wherever sharpton is, and this is not the place for talk. This is the place for action. People like reverend sharpton, who have never stopped fighting for social justice. Rev, i cannot thank you enough for your years of friendship, your years of leadership. I want to say to reverend al sharpton, thank you. For leading. Thank you for speaking out. Thank you for showing us away. Tucker there you have it. The modern Democratic Party so distorted by race guilt that al sharpton seems like a moral leader. This is nuts. Its also a recipe for an electoral wipeout. There is a lot about the Democratic Party and their economic platform that ordinary voters might like but this kind of garbage . Its a deal killer. Not just for a conservative white voters, no normal person of any account will vote stuff like this. Former chicago mayor does understand that. This become a manual published a memo aimed at the partys president ial candidate. He begged them to return to reality immediately. Heres part of it. Quotes before our party promises the Health Care Coverage to undocumented immigrants, lets help them more than 30 million americans who are a single illness away from financial ruin before we start worrying about whether the Boston Marathon bomber can vote, lets stop things that are actually trying to curtail Voting Rights of citizens. And before we promised a guaranteed minimum income to healthy adults who prefer to stay home and play video games, lets increase the minimum wage end of the earned income tax credit to the benefit of the millions of people who still work hard and live near poverty. There were many times, for example, american taxpayers have spent the last 20 years both in blood and treasure building roads, schools, and hospitals in iraq and afghanistan peered alle while, and american wages continue to stagnate. People are tired of being treated as chums. Its time to adjust and invest in america again. The moment memo was full of good advice. It was invited by everything obviously but a least he focuses on the right things but most americans actually arent obsessed with race. They dont want to memorize 60 new genders. There arent 60 new genders. There are two genders and everyone knows it. They dont think its their duty to give american sufficient citizenship to everyone on the planet along with health care. Come on. Instead they have a more basic hope. They want to feel that the country they were born and it is their home. They want leadership to put their interest first. The leaders who actually care about their wellbeing. And yet, weirdly, for decades, washington has refused to supply leaders like that. Thats why donald trump one and 2016. Thats why he very easily could win again in 2020 because in the end, americans will always pick a flawed leader over a leader who openly hates them. Every single time. Miranda is a former dnc can indication structure. Thanks a lot for coming on. So, i just if im over at Democratic Party hq and i get the ware that someone has to be fired from her job because of her race, ending into my cell, wait a second. Racial purity . She is a professional. I have the highest respect for her. I think shes going to be back and do great things. This was more about cheri bustos then her leadership because since she took over, theres been no effort at bringing in diversity among senior staff so what theyve created a sort of a junior level where they have tried to put in some diversity to appease people but they havent brought people into Senior Leadership roles at the Congressional Campaign committee who are diverse and that has been an ongoing problem. Below, tucker hold on to what youre saying that that my characterization is incorrect. Is not about leadership. Its not about allison jazz little or her skin color. Its more about a primary event that has been underway. Tucker no one was attacking her or the job she did. She was told by two members of congress that she was the wrong color and she had to resign. This was a broader question, not about allison. Tucker it may not have been about her personally but it was about her skin color. Again, it continued to be a strong democrat end and operatives that does very good things. Tucker is it okay to tell someone to resign because they are the wrong color . What country is that . Is that okay with you . Of course not. But the problem here was the lack of diversity of the top of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee which i think needs to be dealt with a constructive way because to win across country, to retain control of the house, democrats are going to have to win in districts that are very white in districts that are very diverse, just as we did in 2018. Tucker firing people for their skin color, and a functional country, the gog, the Civil Rights Division would be on them so fast because its illegal illegal to do what they did. I just want to know if you think that all sharpton is illegitimate civil rights hero as the democratic candidate appeared to believe he is . I think he has done a lot to bring attention to important civil rights issues throughout his career in editing actually has been a very strong voice for a Diverse Coalition of americans over the last many years comest particularly since he ran for president in 2004. Ive personally been impressed with the way that he became more of a National Voice for sensible discussion on somebody different issues. Having been previously more of a new york centered operatives eq became more of a National Figure on civil rights. Tucker so when he and dawn on mom that ended up killing someone and burn down stores because, there were white interlopers and running the store, is that the kind of diversity that the Democratic Party stands for . Hes not been doing that since he became a National Figure. Hes become a book much more broader ways to bring people together on the national stage. I think the bigger conversation about race and adversity in the Democratic Party is an important one because only have donald trump trying to divide us based on race, when he pushes od a conversation on the democratic side that brings everyone together. Tucker you need al sharpton that attacks the and the white interlopers. I get it. Okay. Its an important discussion. I wouldnt put them in the sandbox for below, i think that it is important for democrats to do a better job here because one of the challenges that democrats have had traditionally, tucker, is that when they have hired minorities in previous cycles, they hire them often for roles that limit them to just a minority rule so hiring hispanics, for example, in the senate, will you hire an hispanic person just to talk to hispanics, not for a broader role to it so i do think the democrats need to be pressured by the black and hispanic caucuses to have diversity of the top announcers to bring in minorities to talk to other minorities and across the board because thats what happened in 2018. Tucker i get it. I get it. Okay. Louise, great to see it. Thank you. Kevin carr is a radio host and he has a very long memory. He remembers when al sharpton was not necessarily a moral hero. How long ago was that, by the way . It seems like just yesterday that sharpton was an fbi informant encouraging acts of violence against people. When did this change take place . I observed with interest Bernie Sanders kissing his ring which was in his back pocket at the time. Bernie sanders is jewish, originally from brooklyn. At one point in another racially inflammatory statement, al sharpton referred to that his citic and Crown Heights as diamond merchants. I young jewish student ended up stabbed to death. He called aristotle and socrates greek home loans. I mean, he got his start with the first of the modern racial hoaxes, this girl, teenage girl, stayed out past her curfew and decided to tell her angry father that she had been abducted and sexually assaulted by a white mob, including a young assistant district attorney. It was a giant story in new york and it was a total racial hoax and there was two people involved. Sharpton, and a black lawyer by the name of the sea byrne and mason he ended up getting disbarred but tucker, as you well know, a man of god is protected by the first amendment. They couldnt just bar al sharpton and he just went on his merry way and thats when he had his radio show with the white interlopers were marked. Six people ended up dead on the hundred 25th street on but harlan. None of them, who were white, by the way. And he used to run around new york in the end the lord jumpsuit, he weighed 400 pounds and he always spoke through a blow horn end, you know, as you say, he was a character in tom wolfs famous novel, the bonfire of vanities. He was the race hustler. He was reverend bacon. He was into steam control. If there was a pressure building up in the community, you could apply the valve through reverend bacon. And the most famous incident of steam control with all sharpton was, remember when comcast was trying to buy nbc . For billions of dollars . And al sharpton said it was bad for the community and, you know, remember that . He filed all of these complaints. The one its kind of funny how that works. Is not amazing . He dropped all of his complaint complaints. Ryan roberts, the white and, i guess you could call him, they were out to buy nbc and he ends up with his own show and it was. Remember that . Tucker i never even occurred meet occurred to me. A long career in cable news, and everything considered holding a protest outside corporate hq. I might try the next time. He had quite a career. Well, al sharpton on mls msnbc come he prompted the teleprompter one. Tucker is really an almost endless source of amusement. Hes a classic celebrity. Famous for being famous. Thanks. Tucker we have a fox news alert page nine. A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by the dnc against members of the term 2016 campaign team. Lawsuit accused matt paul manafort, roger stone, donald trump jr. , and others of breaking the law by attempting to hack dnc emails or spreading them after they were stolen but a federal judge said the claim was quotes, entirely divorced from factual reality. The dead judge went on to say that no points did the gnc allege any facts to show that af the defendant participated in that information. The president just tweeted minutes ago that that was really big stuff and yet under complete and total vindication and exoneration. Quote. We will keep you uptodate. Well, billions of federal dollars has gone to improving the city of baltimore. They dont seem to have helped so much. Where does the money go . We will speak to an Office Holder after the break. Going to go down. Youre my sidekick. Aint nobodys sidekick. Hey boys. The fate of the world is in your hands and you cant even get along. Pretty disappointed right now. You want a sidekick . Im gonna find you one. See that guy over there . Hes too big. Look at you two. Bickering like a couple of old ladies. Woo tucker no matter how much twitter complains about it, the president of the city of baltimore is basically accurate. Essentially baltimore is dangerous and many of its residents are poor. Why is that though . Thats the real question. Its not entirely because the city has no money. The city of baltimore has received 2. 3 billion in federal assistance. It doesnt seem to do much, though. Where does on money go . One answer might be corruption. Two of the citys mayors and the passing decades have had to resign following corruption scandals. Robert stokes has seen a lot of this. Hes in baltimore for the councilman and hes happy to join us tonight. Thanks for coming on. So, this is not an attack on baltimore. I live near baltimore. Ive always felt sorry for baltimore. But you have to kind of wonder what did happen to the 2. 3 billion the feds in baltimore of the last ten years question margus hunt evident when you drive through. Stick a wall, maxing out hero talk about what happened to the money, food and do what. Im here to talk about how hard Baltimore City residents take care of these neighborhoods, clean outcome of those kinds of things, and talk about 400 years of Structural Racism, not just in baltimore, all over the country, for black people. Pursuant okay. Thats okay. Thats an interesting topic but it doesnt quite get to the key question which is, why have two mayors resign . What happened to the money . Why is the murder rate higher than almost every country on the planet . What is the core problem in baltimore, do you think . The murder rate comes from 400 years of Structural Racism which leads to poverty, which leads to inadequate education, which leads to crime and now, mental health. For 400 years. So the money that we do get from the federal government is just not going to reduce crime or peoples need for adequate housing or apprenticeships to give minimum wage. Its tough when its been there for 400 years. Tucker okay. It does seem like the wind Marilyn Mosby, the prosecutor, stopped prosecuting some crime and instead started going after Police Officers in the city of baltimore, the murder weight went out. So racism may or may not be a factor but this is a black run city and the murder rate went up when crime, when the Police Stopped addressing crime in the way they had. You dont think thats a factor . Yes but the murder rate went up, again, because of Structural Racism, again. Im going to keep saying it. 400 years. It leads to crime and poverty and education and Marilyn Mosby talked about marijuana laws. We had a post apartment had that had some issues and problems so commissioner harrison is working on that, put some structures in place and Holding People accountable. Tucker so a 400 years of Structural Racism is the cause of the murder rate and the poverty and the filth on the street and a crumbling buildings, i mean, theres not really you said the federal money doesnt make a dent in it. Which you are basically saying is there is no solution. There is a solution for the solution is to work with the federal government to give us immediate money for infrastructure, for housing, for those persons who are working for more technology for our police department. Tucker baltimore has more abandoned buildings than anywhere on the eastern seaboard. Youve got more housing then you know to do it. They are knocking down housing because you dont have enough people. Why would you need more housing . More housing because you have Affordable Housing but you have people that cannot afford homeownership had we need people that have some wealth and if you can afford a house because you are making 32,000 on a family of four tucker but the houses are free. They are knocking houses down. You have too many houses but you are saying the federal government needs to buy more houses for you . No, he said the federal government needs a to give us more money to create more housing opportunities and we have some of the houses that are actually in the neighborhood, the ones are knocking down, because the structure is gone. Its not worse at the rehab. Its damaging and the structure is gone. And we need to create new housing. Tucker okay. I appreciate you coming on today. Those dont seem Like Solutions to me but it was nice to hear you explain them. Thanks. A year ago, the president s remarks about baltimore would be the conventional wisdom basically but now, these comments, we are told, is not simply a bad president s, he is literally just like hitler. President trump chose the word infested. Infested. Infested. Its a word, its vermin. You go back and we need goebbels and all that stuff, its all about the and in that case, its use of the word vermin, investor, and hes obsessed with this thing about cities. This is the playbook, right . You dehumanize people, you say there infested, gives you a reason to come i dont know, exterminate them. Or Something Like that. Tucker bruce is the president of independent womens voice and the host of get to members on fox nation. Hey, tammy. None of these people sound interested in whats happening in baltimore. They literally could care less about maltz baltimore. They are totally happy with the status quo in baltimore. The murder rate, the fact that kids learn nothing in schools. We just interviewed a city councilman from baltimore who had no idea. It was idiotic what he said. Is there anybody who actually cares enough to think through a light, how can you fix this once Great American city question mike there is no reason we should have a city like baltimore and the united states. Because i was the Great American city with americans living in a very Good American spirit in you come a part of the reason why the city has declined so drastically is both the interview you had with a gentleman but then also the media, the media also doesnt care about him baltimore. There they are still foaming at the mouth over donald trump who is the only guy who seems interested in making a difference and is capable of doing so and he is called hitler 25 times a day and hes the the one guy who says way, this is unacceptable. You know what the racism is . They say that they are talking about vermin and its attack on the city, the attack on the city is ignoring this condition. This passive racism of everyone of all colors who just to look away because it is the status quo and some people somewhere are making money, a lot of people have powers. They want to be in power and anything that rocks the boat is disturbing and that is the president s crime. In this case, you got the media. If the media actually it was interested in baltimore, they would go there. We have Lawrence Jones of fox nation and of course, fox news, going there and interviewing people on the streets and i agree with the president and they are shocked at the decline of this amazing powerful American City because politicians come of the Democratic Party, of course, liberal policies, but also the republicans, not just for baltimore, but detroit and flint and chicago and new york and los angeles and san francisco, city after city that the republicans have abandoned because they dont feel like explaining the conservative ideals of people who come i dont know, maybe they think wont understand it. Americans, regardless of the amount of melatonin in their skin, one freedom, they want to future for their families, and they have been abandoned by both parties. Incomes President Trump saying wait, why is this going on over there . And oh, my gosh, we cant have that. This is the first step. Finally, some attention. People talking about an infestation of actual rats. Of american citizens who probably mostly are democrats who deserve better and who have been abandoned by their own people because you want people to just be living paycheck to paycheck because otherwise, they might actually want something more from government. Tucker they keep voting the same people into office who are. By the republicans dont your right. They get lied to but then also whos the alternative . The republicans arent running anybody. Let the republicans begin to offer an alternative. Sue on the less whole deal is the other side is racist so you have to vote for us. Despite the fact that there are some of the worst leaders ever. Its a lie. Good see you tonight. Programming outcome of the 2020 field of Democratic Candidates is on another channel right now at a debate. We are going to be keeping track of that so you dont have to. If there is news, or we need to hold someone to account, you will see it right here, right away. So again, we are watching so you dont have to. Democrats are sure the solution to all violence is to make americans less free. With their plan even work . How is knife control working in the u. K. . We will tell you, after the break. Was diagnosed with breast cancer, there was no hesitation, i went straight to ctca. After my mastectomy, it was maddening because i felt part of my identity was being taken away. When youre able to restore what cancers taken away, you see that transformation firsthand knowing that she had options that she could choose, helped restore hope. My team made me feel like a whole person again. Cancer Treatment Centers of america. Appointments available now. Tucker following the horrifying mass shooting on friday. Democrats now made their routine calls to fix violence by making you less free. Permanently getting rid of Constitutional Rights in order to fix societal problems is always a bad idea but with the democratic plan even work . In the u. K. For example, heavy gun restrictions failed to stop crime. Now the country is trying to implicate knife control. It is not working. Knife crime is up to 80 compared to last year. That should tell you something important. Ryan joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. So we always want to take policy prescription seriously because who knows, they could become law some point. What are they prescribing and wouldnt have the effect they claim the what . No. If you are talking about Democratic Candidates prescribing gun control, absolutely not. There is theres a myriad of reasons why. One of the reasons it is, i mean how many laws did the shooter in california break . Murder, assault, vandalism, trespassing, possessing that firearm in california . I cant even count them on one hand. None of those laws did anything to prevent that shooting so just the six i thought of right now, didnt do anything to prevent the shooting peered why do they think the seventh law would do anything to stop it . Tucker thats a great question. They have to know that. They have to know that nothing they are proposing would stop a determined shooter. So why are they continuing to demand it . They want guns gone. Youve asked me before why i think that these guncontrol measures, and ive changed my mind as time goes on but i used to say you know what, they are just misguided. They want to thank same thing you and i want to they want kids safe, they want people safe, and they just dont understand that banning guns is going to have nothing to do to solve the problem and everything to do with infringing on peoples rights and we just need to educate them and as time has gone on, i have been more and more convinced that they dont care that its going to do nothing to stop mass shootings. I can prove it. In this skill right in california shooting, this horrible event, we already saw the call for gun control from every antigunner out there. I already called for gun control without first even knowing what gun the shooter had, how he got the gun, any of the details of the event, which means they were calling for gun control well before they knew the efficacy of their current laws or even what their proposal would even solve. So that right there was a clear sign to me that they dont care anymore for they are calling for gun control with a zero respect for what it would do to solve anything. They just want the guns gone. Steve wants to what you are saying is, this is an attack on the autonomy of american citizens . They dont think your average person ought to be able to have guns because thats just too much personal freedom . The autonomy, youre right peered more broadly, the safety, the livelihood. The problem is, you know this, tucker. Every single one of these shootings, maybe a couple happen, but the vast majority of them happen in gun free zones. Back from louise cafeteria in texas from high schools to movie theaters to shopping malls to this garlic festival, they all have something in common and that is that they are stripping the ability of the everyday american to defend themselves. Thats exactly what happens. We know its what happens. People cannot defend themselves when you take guns away and another people, we call them criminals, those that dont obey laws and minor with the law is, the criminals, the ones that wont be affected by those gun laws, they take advantage of that. Why else would they only attacked these gun free zones . Tucker excellent point good to see you. Thank you for that. America and their Higher Education system isnt fundamentally a scampi and how rotten is it . Some parents are giving up their children to help them afford a college education. A remarkable story, up next. 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Preservision tucker every year, Higher Education, particularly in the liberal arts in this country, gets less useful, more expensive, and more prone to exploiting normal people. To get ahead in this totally rigged system, parents have paid bribes, cheated on tests, faced racial heritage, now some parents are going a step further, they are literally giving him custody of their children to give them an advantage in College Admissions. With more on this amazing story, john . That he may be at the latest chapter in the National Debate over the furnace of College Admission and it appears to be another example of wealthier parents gaming the system. But this time, its not about those parents paying for access but trying to save themselves money by pretending their children are poor. The wall street journal with the first report that the Education Department is now looking into the scam in which parents transfer legal guardianship of their children to relatives or friends thus enabling the kids to claim financial aid. The wsj reports the case of one chicago area woman who said she and her husband lived in a home valued at 1. 2 million. They had a Household Income of more than 250,000 but have put little aside for their 17yearold daughters education. So they transferred guardianship to the womans business partner. As a result, the teenager only had to declare 4,200 and income from a summer job and ended up getting a 27,000 merit scholarship and 20,000 in needbased aid. The case is being investigated are all in illinois and the university of illinois says it is looking into the practice saying its cold, takes array resources from middle and low income students and adding, this is legal, but we question the ethics. Some College Consultant companies are allegedly advising parents on how to take advantage of this apparent loophole. And while all the cases so far uncovered our illinoisbased, it seems if its happening there, its likely happening right across the country. Tucker . Tucker thanks for that. Parents continue to take drastic measures to help their parents get their college because no matter how bad the scam gets, college does still matter. Americas elite universities have become the gatekeeper is deciding who has access to our elite institutions, our highest paying jobs, they claim its a meritocracy but thats a crock and Chelsea Clinton knows its fake. I mean, keep in mind, its not a real meritocracy. But its made harvard and schools like it very rich. Almost 40 billion for stanford or yell, currently go completely untaxed. In a recent speech, he said that harvard and similar schools ought to lose their taxexempt status. We spoke to him shortly after that speech. Heres the conversation. Why do they enjoy taxexempt status . Well, i think it used to be that education was seen as something charitable. He used to happen all at a religious basis. It was going to be exempt of churches. I think there was a history to this where these were seen as fundamentally charitable institutions and they were educating and doing a public service. I think whats change, what is very different that you alluded to in your intro, is that today, its not a pause in some imparting knowledge and you are growing. It is a zerosum tournament where if you get into a tall college, one is very reclusive tournament. If you dont, you go to a lesser college, the diploma is often nothing more than a dunce hat in disguise or Something Like that. And so, the way to think of it of the elite colleges were educating people, and giving them a great education, they should be just doubling or tripling the enrollment. Oh and what sort of business is doing something great for its customers and doesnt increase the number of its customers . Thats a really weird business. The closest analogy that i can come up with is that its Something Like the studio 54 night club. You incredibly long line outside, only a few people get in and the value comes from being exclusionary. They are not exclusive. They are exclusionary and thats where the value comes from. If you think of it as the stanford or yale or harvard eat studio 54 nightclub that you are running comments perhaps good for the prestige and the status of the students. Maybe its better for their morals but it certainly doesnt deserve a Tax Exemption. Why do you think that thats not something ive heard articulated by anyone else but such is my point. Why do they do you think they keep their role limited . Well, the more its limited, the more special it is to go there. The alumni like, its more prestigious, and, if youre not actually teaching people, if youre not adding any value, then you have to do all the selecting up front. But if you let in way too many people, it might turn out that youre not actually educating people and they are no better off than they were before. If you select people who are incredibly talented upfront or well get through the gates of front, then, you can do that on a smaller scale. So i think, yeah. I think it tells that they are not educating peers. Tucker it certainly is good what would happen if you what were the actual effect be if you yanked their Tax Exemption . I dont know if it would be that big in the short run but i think we need to have a broader debate about College Grade we have this runaway student debt problem, its now 1. 6 billion today, students can pay off their debt if they go to a lesser college, especially, you cant go bankrupt if you havent paid off your college debt by the time youre 65. Your souls route Social Security wages are going to get garnish. So there is a big problem with student debt and if we pretend that all the colleges are like stanford or harvard, repeating into the bubble, they think thats important for the integrity of the system as a whole to undescribed the elite colleges for what they are. Exclusionary institutions were a few people when a tournament but they are not representative of the health of the whole university. Tucker do you find it interesting that the very people who claim to be concerned about income inequality never say word of one about the role of these institutions and perpetuating that inequality . Why is that . Well, its always i think in the uppermiddleclass elite, leftist center, u. S. Context, some of the most important to mention of your identity is what college he went to and so to challenge that would be threatening your identity on the very core of it. See you are saying that all of the americans being held captive right. Or how they appear to their baby boomer peers. All sorts of versions of that. Tucker this is sort of a broad question but has there ever been a less Competent Group that you are more aware of . Well, thats pretty sweet thing but i think its been a very problematic group in the industry of the united states. Ill leave it at that. Your hyperbolic. Tucker i am. I can control it. Great to see you. By controlling what you are able to see online, google controls what you are able to think. So what would happen if google or took orders directly from an msnbc host . You dont have to guess. Thats up next. Do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging . Prevagen is the number one pharmacistrecommended memory support brand. You can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Tucker its ominous enough that google uses its power of the internet to control how people think. Now it turns out, the companys ideology is being influenced by, and we are not making this up, chris hayes on msnbc. Google may be the only entity in the world influence by chris hayes. According to a new report from breitbart, google altered searches on youtube, suppressed certain ideas, due to hayes complaints. In the fall of 2018, chris hayes attacked google on twitter because if you searched Federal Reserve money jacumba produced several was videos critical to the Federal Reserve. Well, somebody on google took note, soon, Federal Reserve went on youtubes internal blacklist, along with other terms like abortion. So the search algorithm would give priority start to certain google approved news outlets that chris hayes favored because again, you are not allowed to criticize the Federal Reserve bank, according to chris hayes. Alan mccrory as as a reporter breitbart. He broke this story to us. So, did i oversimplify that . Is it google is taking his cues from chris hayes . Does absolutely crushed good weve known for a long while now that google wants to control what everyone things. We now know, thanks to this story and others like it, that leftwing media pundits controllable google thanks. And its an insane standard they have there. It takes just two or three tweets from a journalist like chris hayes to get the most influential video hosting platform on the entire internet controlled by by the most powerful company in the world to change its search results. And, you know, youtube says they are using this to crack down on conspiracy theory. Thats where they like to use to disguise things they dont like. But, even if we give them that and say thats true, and i see no reason to give them the reason benefit of the doubt on that. Imagine what that says about their users. They are basically saying the users are and they can tell the difference between what age legitimate news and conspiracy areas. They cant tell fact from fiction. It just makes to the broader problem of an elite that treats ordinary people with absolute contempt and thinks they are total. Its not even a left right divide. Its any challenge to the status quo. Whether its the Federal Reserve, or vaccines, dont want you to think outside the lines on the question at all. Why is youtube, google, and chris hayes, why are they suddenly guardians of the status quo . Well, its a total reversal on what the internet was supposed to be. It was supposed to mean and ends to gatekeepers. Its old motto was broadcast platform. It where ordinary people out of the way students are comments involving into this platform that, you know, is run by chris hayes, lou run by leftwing journalist, who get to decide what you can see and ultimately, what you can think. This isnt the only search results theyve done this on. Back in january, breitbart recruited that they did exactly the same thing in search results for abortion. Another mainstream clinical debate in american politics. And again, it it was exactly the same thing. Leftwing journalists complaining to google and within a few hours, they have gone into their search results and removed all pro laser videos from the top ten results. Its amazing. So the unhappy people become the most powerful. Theres got to be a word for that. Thanks so much for joining us tonight. We are out of time. Back tomorrow, 8 00 p. M. , the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, smugness, groupthink, guess whos next . It you know the answer. Sean hannity takes it away. Sean i dont like liars pomposity, or groupthink. To heck with them all to tucker, gray chauffeured welcome to this hannity here tonight, all across this country, liberal cities run by liberal democrats. Again, all across the country. They are deteriorating right before our eyes and the president is doing the country a favor because now we are paying attention. The human tragedy is catastrophic. The far left politicians in charge, they are failing at a miserable level. Their constituents, a spectacular level. Whats happening in baltimore, detroit, san francisco, los angeles, so many other great metropolitan areas, nothing short of a national dis

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