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For the president to get a political within. We have a president that will go on tv and lie and lie more. This is a manufactured crisis. How he manufactures crises like immigrants seeking legal refuge. That was then. Even now alexandria ocasiocortez featured in that little montage is having a televised meltdown because of the socalled manufactured crisis. Theres abuse in these facilities. This is abuse. This is done on their best behavior. They put them in rooms with no running water. These women were being told by cbp officers to drink out of the toilet. Now theyre Drinking Water out of the toilet. And that was them knowing a congressional visit was coming. So how is that manufactured crisis going, aoc . A new poll finds that cnn did this poll, that the jig is up. 2 3s of americans agree theres a crisis at the border. So democrats have a new line. The crisis that america is dealing with now, its detaining illegals rather than letting them go in without asking any questions. As we speak, theres expecting mothers, nursing moms, elderly folks, vulnerable populations being held in detention unnecessarily doing permanent damage to children. More has treated migrants more inhumanely than the Trump Administration. Theres no shocking the conscious of trump voters. He has cultivated a roman coliseum within the republican party. Where they just want to see him hurt those people. They want to see them suffer. A lot of those pictures that you see as examples are from 2014. None of this is new. Just ask last year, obama dhs secretary, the former Homeland Security jeh johnson admitted the Obama Administration did the same thing. These pictures that were putting up from 2014 show pictures unaccompanied minors in jail situations. As you look back on that, did you handle it so well . I freely admit it was controversial. We believed it was necessary. I still believe its necessary to remain a certain capability for families. He had no choice. Now it doesnt matter if obama did it. Forget about that. Even if his hhs secretary admits it. It was good policy. Now its a crime against humanity under President Trump. Democrats are making it clear the only option is shutting down the camps and creating an open border with mexico. Clearly something is broken here. What is the solution . The solution is to talk about discontinuing, completely abolishing the camps. Great. All of this overlap to the partys other obsession in the 2019 race, and that is race. Race alone is to blame for everything that is bad at the border. I think its a moneymaking scheme instead of them processing the children out, theyre processing children in. So that they can use our government money to expand this facility. I said to one of the workers that are all white men, no hispanic member, no hispanic women, everyone running this institution are white men. And this place needs to be shut down. Shut down. Theyre making profit, greed. Exactly. Everyone is making so much money with the illegals at the border. Its amazing how much money is flowing there. Ive been there twice in four months. If she cant find anyone of hispanic dissent, shes not looking close enough. Dan bongino. This is beyond unacceptable. Brian, i have a lot of contacts down there, i receive a lot of emails from listeners from my show that are cbp officials and officers, people on the ground. Theyre horrified whats going on. They feel like they cant win. The democrats have zero credibility on this. Nothing they said in that opening you just did, nothing the only person that said anything true was jeh johnson. Everything else is a lie. Frederica wilson insisting theres no hispanic Border Patrol agents. Has she looked around . Has she looked at the numbers . When they go on the air, they have zero credibility. Heres the problem, brian. As your open indicated, they laugh this off forever. This is just trump making political hay out of nothing. Now when its epidemic points, they still vilify trump. They say this isover crowding. This is horrible. Why is it overcrowded . Because theres an incentive for people to keep coming in to facilities that cant handle this. Are they being deliberately stupid or lying to the American People . Ill tell you for a fact, you know that sometimes people want to get stories out within the government or within a school and theyll say you have to go cover the stories. They have assets to shoot the material that shows the overcrowding. You show up at the rio grande valley. Its full of opportunities. They cant get them up fast enough. Theres no room to put these people. They cant get aid. When they go to get more beds, we get democratic lawmakers supporting those walking out because the bed company was going to sell to Homeland Security. Come on yes. Brian, yes. They are they have not nobody in Border Patrol has been hiding this problem. They have been screaming to the media and anyone that will listen, republican, democrat, conservati conservative, liberal. Theres a meltdown for over a year now. Now all of a sudden as you just nailed, we tried to fix the problem. Lets buy beds. Nobody wants to see kids sleeping on the floor, period. Lets fix it. How you get kids off the floor . You put them in beds. What do these guys do . The ladies . The liberals . They protest the sale of beds. Another one. We get 4 billion aid package, humanitarian aid. You have not all but large swaths of the Democrat Party fighting against the aid package. How do you take these people seriously . Im talking to common sense americans right now that are sane human beings. How do you take these people serious anymore . They just want to hurt others for political points. Aoc voted against the package. 98 democrats did. When they went to the bipartisan deal in the senate, they felt as though the rug was pulled out by nancy pelosi who actually makes more sense than her 98 left wing colleagues. Dan, we have to end there it there. You have to stand up for the Border Patrol. Theyre doing the best they can. Theyre not the villains in this and neither is the president. Thanks, dan. Absolutely. Have a sensational fourth. And robert is here a civil rights attorney. Do you really point the fingers at this administration . What the administration should have done in february last year when there was a reform deal on the table, they walked away from that deal. Democrats have been trying to push for reform since the schumer compromise. Because they allowed the red call elements, the freedom caucus, to hijack the conversation on immigration. This is why we have the situation now. Donald trump should do the same thing with the mexican government, create an agreement and fix the problem longterm. Short term, four things that dont look democrat or republican that they can do that Lindsey Graham talked with nancy pelosi about. The flores rule, the kids and families to stay past 20 days. Allowing immediate did importantation if you come and dont apply for asylum in your own country, youre disqualified. The president should have taken that deal. 20 billion for the wall . I would have loved for him to take it. He didnt. Having said that, the crisis has been ignored by democrats. You have to admit that. Its not been ignored by democrats. What are they doing . You said that president obama was dealing with the same issues and created the camps. Now youre blaming him for not addressing the issue. Weve been going stop gap. Ill stop you there. Youre being very reasonable. Youre right. Jeh johnson said on the fox and friends couch, i said i told him what i need. They wrote a check. They didnt question if i had political motives. When President Trump says i have a problem, he couldnt get a vote until july 1. He was asking since may. Prior to that in january, to puts it in the budget. These are just facts. Its not my opinion. What do you say to that . The reason for that is democrats can have no faith in the negotiating process. Its xs and 0s. He walked away from the deal in february. Its xs and 0s. One is in writing here, one was a verbal. They couldnt pass it. They couldnt get a vote on it. I want you to hear what jeh johnson told us earlier about this very issue. Tuesday, there were 4,000 apprehensions, one day alone. Were on base this month for 100,000 apprehensions. The highest we saw on my watch was may 2014, 65,000, this is a crisis. When i was down there in may, 135,000 came in may. Total of 690,000 by the end of june. Jeh johnson said that was too much to handle then. He was asking congress to do something a month ago. They havent. Where do we go from here . Where you go is after the fourth of july holiday, President Trump should convene a Bipartisan Group of legislators and order to create and hammer out a comprehensive deal. I dont think they will do it. Weve been trying to do this piecemeal for 40 years. They wont do it for 2020. If they come up with four things on asylum, they would stop it. Combine it with the heat, they could get on top it. We have to stop vilifying and saying youre pointing figures and fix it. The American People are tired of it. They label immigration as the number 1 issue. Democrats and republicans, dont look for the win, look for the answer. Thanks. Thanks, brian. Coming up, a former state Department Official has testified under east that he warned officials that Hillary Clinton had 30,000 emails without following archive standards. That same official believes there was interference with the request regarding benghazi emails. Tom fenton brought this out. He will explain. Tom fenton, what did you find out . This is courtordered testified in the clinton email. They wanted to know what was going on with the Hillary Clinton email system. This former records official at the state Department Said i warned them. We knew something was up. And then it comes out she has the 60,000 records and is culling the records. He wanted to know what was the standard that is nongovernmental employee was using to tell us what government records were. And obviously they werent using any standard. They deleted 33,000 records. By the way, the lawyer that deleted that we found out got immunity from the justice department. Turned out the records they did delete included classified information and plenty of government records. To frame this out, someone watching this right now said we heard this story before, you havent. John hackett put his hand on the oath and said this is the story that i know of it in court depositions under east of senior obama officials, they believed there was interference with the freedom of information act request. Went on to say they were freaked out when they saw her holding a blackberry that they knew nothing about. They said who is she writing with on this blackberry . He went around the Office Asking questions. They were asking someone to figure out if she had an email account. They knew the answer to what the honest guy was asking. Yeah, of course she had an email account. Were not going to tell anyone about it. We forced the hand in our foya case. It goes back to benghazi. They get her emails. He testifies that there was interference in the way they labelled the material. That there was material that was classified or arguably classified that they didnt want to label as classified. What that meant was in the end potentially classified material was put out in the Public Domain and on secure systems because to add more classified material to email associated Hillary Clintons email server, obviously that increases her potential criminal liability and bad news for the obama state department. It was coverup on top of coverup. Theres more than enough information here for the attorney general of the United States to not only look at Hillary Clinton but frankly how the state department was run to protect her during the campaign. Somewhere in south carolina, trey gowdy is screaming into his Steering Wheel saying i wonder what emails i didnt get. What part of the investigation i dont know. Hillary clinton was in command. Again, took you guys, Judicial Watch to get the freedom of information act to get this information from honest people. Seems like john hackett wanted to tell the story but nobody listened. Thats right. Thanks. Coming up straight ahead, one day before the fourth of july an allout attack on american herita heritage. I wish i was kidding. That story next. Well take a wide shot. Stick around. Compare comcast business to your current provider. My Current Service provider does not provide half of what you provide. And to know that i could save money . Id be thrilled. This sounds like a whole business package, which would be incredible. So what are you guys waiting for . Lets do it. laughs comcast business gives you a full suite of products with great performance and value. Get fast, reliable internet on the nations largest gigspeed network for less than at t. Thats 120 dollars less a year. Better, faster. I mean sign me up. Comcast business. Beyond fast. Brian here we go. Its fourth of july. Nobody in america thought that betsy ross flag was anything but a historic artifact. Go to the smithsonian to see it. Now an out of work football player, the left is mobilizing to condemn it as racist. Nike cancelled a sneaker with a flag on its heel. It was a betsy ross. Georgetown professor mark dyson bizar bizarrely compared our first flag with a swastika. The flag is being used by those that want to pummel African Americans, latinas. So why not choose a flag that is representative of everybody . What about the argument that some have made this is peace to run amuck . Words matter. Why dont we wear a swastika for july 4 . I dont know. It makes a difference. Brian so 13 stars and 13 stripes is like a swastika. Julian castro joined in. To him, the flag is a painful symbol of hate. I was glad to see that. I hope they didnt do it to do it. They understand the signal. Theres a lot of things in our history that are painful. The book is called the burning of the white house. Jason is here. Ill start with you. Now the 13 colonies and 13 stars by betsy ross is racist. Why . I dont know. Its a completely gross understanding of the original meaning of the flag. Congress resolved on june 14, 1777 that the flag of the 13 United States will be 13 stripes and a union of 13 stars. The whole point is that that flag represents unity. The bringing together of 13 starts under the united of america. Thats what it means. Its simple. It doesnt mean all of these things that people are attributing to it. It means 13 states and the unity of that. That is what the precious about the founding of our country. Its betsy ross, an anti slavery quicker and the symbol of equality. Is that offensive to you, jason hill . Its not offensive. What were seeing here is a part of the fascist left and using offensiveness as a criterium for erasing history. If we go this route, well lose our western civilization. You cannot erase history and you cannot judge historical figures why present standards. This white supremist groups that are using the flag for their organization, we cant stop people from using logos that belong to other things. I have to tell you, somebody named. Barack obama that also didnt have a problem with this flag. I dont know if you have a monitor. There is in the background Barack Obamas inauguration address. Is barack obama not being culturally sensitive, jane . No. That just shows you that this is for the modern concoction. When you look at the original meaning and how our current flag has 37 more stars. Our current flag is this flag with more stars. It means the same thing. It mean unity. The colors have meaning. Vigilance, perseverance and justice is what blue means. When we denigrate this flag, we denigrate the African Americans that lived for liberty and put their lives on the line berning the american revolution. Were forgetting those people. They saluted that flag. We dont need to forget their stories. Thats what i think is important to remember. Brian most of our Founding Fathers outside john adams had slaves. I wish they didnt. Its one of americas original sin. I get it. Nobody makes excuses for it. Thomas jefferson is one of the greatest in history. Now his hometown is obliterating his legacy. Charlottesville, virginia, home to the university of virginia when he founded has decided to stop celebrating jeffersons birthday as a holiday. Instead, the city will celebrate a new holiday. Is that something that you can get behind, jason . No. This is a great man that helped found this country. Im a teacher of western philosophy. I have to tell you that if we start by retroactively looking at the sins of great figures that have made enormous contributions to western philosophy, well be left with a decimated history. This man owns slaved, was a birth defect in the formation of this country. But we have to remember some of the people biggest in their times bequeathed the legacy of tradition, that gave us the vocabulary to free ourselves from those bonds. Thomas jefferson was one such man as well as the rest of the Founding Fathers themselves. Brian jane, final thought. He was born in a world that had slaves and a plantation that used them. Final thought . George washington on july 4th, 1790, reflected that we should cherish the blessings that are in front of us. We celebrate the unity of our country on july fourth and cherish the blessings. Thats what we need to look at the good and stop hyper focusing on the bad. Right. If you want to smash america, smash its foundation. If you want perfect people, there was one. We nailed him to across. Remember that. Jane and jason, thanks so much. Thank you. Coming up, its patriotic. Plenty of president s have done it before. So why is the president s july fourth parade which includes military hard work making so many people angry . That story next. Brian tomorrow President Trump will hold a military parade through the streets of washington d. C. He was inspired by similar parades in france. But politicians say President Trump wants to be a wanttobe dictator. This was about bolstering himself up, looking like a dictator from another nation. This is what third world dictators do. We hope we never see the spectacle of our military force being on display as a show of force to our own people. Instead of addressing veteran homelessness, hes boosting his ego with a parade that is about him. Its not who we are as americans. We dont thump our chest and put tanks in the street. This is dangerous. Fundamentally unamerican. Its always a threat when your roll out your military. Its to whom is a threat. I suspect the threat to his fellow americans. I hate to say that. Donald trump styles himself a tyrant. Brian exactly. Exactly like that horrible tyrant called president dwight d. Eisenhower. This other person called john f. Kennedy. He was a terrible man. He had a fleet week with military flyovers that go about every holiday, memorial day or veterans day. What is the big deal about this . Jonathan harris is a Democratic Political commentator. What is the big deal . You know, first, theres what anybody would agree to, the cost. Its at least looking like its going to cost 2. 5 million. A concern about it damaging the National Mall and our roads. Anybody can look back and think its inappropriate. Were at a point that were talking about migrant detention facilities, concentration camps being overwhelmed. If they dont have the budget to handle it, we have 2 million to trout out tanks in the streets in theres no benefit to doing this. This is a concern for people. Its a president that wants to put his own stamp on celebrating the country. If he damages the roads, you have a point. The 2. 3 million is Parks Department money that is programmed to this event. You know people will be coming to washington d. C. I watch the blue angels. We see military flyovers on sporting events. He wants his own stamp on it for america. I feel like why i think anyone of the few things that we can all agree with right now is we live in one of the most divided times in our country. Why take a day that is not usually partisan a day that we come together to celebrate america, not left and right america, just america. Why take it and make it something partisan. If theres a question about whether or not its partisan, trump is handing out vip tickets to republican groups that supported him. Its a waist of our resources and co opting a not partisan type of holiday and turning to it somebody that he will make a speech. Nobody has done that since 96 sin. When bush did, this veterans criticized this and said it was a reelection attempt. Brian and to your point. Some generals dont feel like we should be doing it. I get it. I called the white house. The interest is republicans that want to go its not a hard ticket to get for democrats, either. If its a military parade to show off a small portion and i guess portion of the 770 billion worth of military hardware that we actually fund, i can see this being a positive. I guess well see how it goes. The president s speech is still being written. If its a bipartisan speech, talking about the country, no damage to the streets, lets keep an open mind to it might not be bad but just different. Thank you. Im sure tuckler have you back. Ive been on back. And he likes you. Thanks for joining me. Lets see what harry carr things. You pro military parade or not . I live in suburban boston. 24 hours from now, there will be two military jets screaming over my house every independence day. Theyre on the way to the Charles River nor the boston pops concert. Like you said, a thousand flyovers a year. When they have the super bowl in the domed stadium, they still have the flyovers. The rose ball, the allstar games. Nothing new here. This is the meltdown of the left. Every day another even more ridiculous demonstration of trump dearrangement syndrome. You mentioned kennedy. They had persian missiles on pennsylvania avenue. You know, thats what they could have used i dont think they had them on pennsylvania avenue but thats what they used to deliver nuclear weapons. I mean,where was the outrage in this is ridiculous. What about mike dukakas . The governor of massachusetts. He was in michigan. He drove a tank. Made himself a laughingstock. But you know, nobody said it was a military authoritarian gesture on his part. Brian what is amazing, our regame analysis is like the postgame analysis. We concluded in many circles that its partisan, that its donald trump saying look at me. That its going to destroy the streets. I heard this already. Its not happened yesterday. Can we be open to saying maybe it will work . I want to take it to middle america. Take the president , take the military hard work, air force one, the blue angels and bring it to a city and a town that doesnt normally get to see it. Washington is overwhelmed with this stuff. Final thoughts . Yeah, the way the story is being covered in places like the washington post, the new york times, theyre doing this deep research on how many miles they have to bring the abrams tanks. I never knew that the abrams tanks weighed 60 tons. Theyre marshalling these military forces. This is ridiculous. They do this every year. In boston, they turn around the old ironsides, the u. S. S. Constitution. Is that off the table now . They cant turn it around because it might trigger some millennials . Did you dress this nice for your radio show or just for me . For you. Youre the hardest man in show business. I watched you 12 hours ago. You had your radio show. You work harder than me some nights. And wear the same thing all day. You dressed up for us. Tuckers audience thanks you. Have a great fourth. My pleasure. Happy independence day. Brian you got it. Boston is a great place to celebrate it. Across the country, antifa is stifling free speech. Is it time for the Trump Administration to treat them like a terrorist group . Thats next. If you love patriotism and tired of politics, go to my tour streaming on fox nation. It be in fort myers florida on the 19th and 20. In orlando, yes, im driving. Take a few weeks off and go to charlotte, North Carolina august 9, august 10 in birmingham. I want to see you in person and have a chance to see you face to face from the stage. Back in a moment. When youre not able to smile, you become closed off. I felt withdrawn, alone. Having to live with bad teeth for so long was extremely depressing. Now, i know how happy i am. There was all the feeling good about myself that i missed. I wish that i had gone to aspen dental on day one and not waited three years. At aspen dental, were all about yes. Like yes to flexible hours and payment options. Yes to free exams and xrays for new patients without insurance. And yes, whenever youre ready to get started, we are too. Call now at 1800aspendental. Brian president bush liked to say that alquaida hates us for our freedom. Theres another group like that called antifa. Every day in american streets, at our universities and online, antifa uses intimidation threats and violence to target freedom of speech, Freedom Assembly and freedom of thought here in this country. Theyre a tearist group. One that is rewarted by the elite class. Twitter and facebook, they ban alex jones and others but let antifa harass with impunity. Why is that . Chris cuomo compared them to dday soldiers. Don lemon loves them. [bleep], [bleep]. [bleep]. [bleep]. [bleep]. Says it in the name. Antifa, antifascism. You know, theres no organization that is perfect. Theres some violence. No one condones the violence. Theres Different Reasons for antifa and neonazis to be there. One, racist, fascists. Theres a distinction. No group is perfect. That is an understatement. Is it time to classify antifa as a terror group . Bernie is here helping to put together an anti terror task force. Commissioner, how do you label this group . First of all, this is an extremely Violent Group that goes out and threatens, intimidates, attacks with extreme violence for political reasons. If you look up terrorism, the definition of terrorism, thats what terrorism is. When somebody threats, imposes threats and violence for political reasons. I think, i said this in the past and some people would disagree, i think they should be designated as a Domestic Terror Group like the black Liberation Party and the black Panther Party and the jackson unit back in the 70s and 80s, 60s. Just like they were. And i think thats how youll have to deal with them because the locals, the local state, police entities now are not doing that. I watch this demonstration in portland. I was appalled that the police wasnt more active, preemptive, proactive. Some of the beat downs this Young Journalist was beaten, severely beaten, not just smacked around, severely beaten with substantial injuries. This stuff is growing. Its in portland, california, its in a lot of these states where you have democratic leadership and democratic mayors. Brian they started in the 70s, antifascists. They want to push back. Now theyre antitrump and anticonservative. That was a journalists. I thought we were worried about journalists. What about the fists . Its only antijournalists when its thats okay when theyre conservative. If theyre conservatives, no holds are barred. They get to do what they want. I think its got to stop. I think these police departments, they know when theyre coming out. They know when the demonstrations will be. They have a basic idea of how many people will be there. Under rudy guliani when i was police commissioner, this would be all hands on deck to make sure this didnt happen. Brian and your police force would have known how to stop it. Now mayors under fire. Final thought on this, commissioner. You know, youre worried about these guys assembling. Social media has to clamp down. What are they waiting for . I dont know. They knock people off the air, the conservatives just for a comment. I watch these beatdowns, dozens of videos on anticonservative sites the last four or five days. Just outrageous. I dont know what to do. Brian you have to stand up for yourself and im glad this journalists whose brain is bleeding, he got beat to a pulp. Thanks for joining me today. Thank you, brian. Brian you got it. 14 minutes before the top of the hour. Millions of americans are flying to visit loved ones over the holiday weekend. There could be a security risk. Every day food catering trucks enter the airport without being investigated. Heres Hillary Vaughn with more. The tsa says trucks are driving through the gates without being checked. Robert mcclain tells fox news that the tsa and Airport Police are giving out special exemptions to food trucks serving planes headed to the middle east. Mcclain says he was blocked from searching a food truck in a random search operation because it was specially blessed. A Police Officer said that the specially blessed Airline Meals in these trucks have already been searched by an offsite private Security Company. Regional air marshall in charge, collide porter in a mediation meeting i had with him, he said the reason why we dont break these seals and do open and look checks is because the public has religious rights under the first amendment. The tsa and senate Homeland Security committee are all investigating the matter. The former air marshall testified that he was told by tsa leadership to stand down. Follow the local Airport Police authority and to not open or look in the cargo hold of the food truck. The tsa says they cant comment on the case because its an Ongoing Investigation but claimed theres never any random searches of food trucks entering the airport secure area. Saying in a Statement Given to fox news the tsa farms out its foot security to air carriers, including airlines like etian, saudi airlines, and emirates and trust them to hire a private Security Company to make sure explosives dont end up on board. Under tsa regulations, Security Companies hired by the Foreign Airlines are required to check everything. Its security theater. Were spending all of this manpower, hours patting down children, elderly, veterans in wheelchairs, but the airport workers motivated by greed can smuggle whatever they need past security. We obtained internal documents detailing tsa protocol for foreign air carriers and only requires contractors to check half of the trays in each catering card giving terrorist as 50 50 chance that they wont get caught, a minimum of 50 of the trays in each cart must be pulled from the cart and inspected for tampering. But many times they dont even do the bear minimum. Documents show catering facilities failed tsa audits because the employees were not following security protocol. The tsa inspects 212 catering sites. 150 of them failed to pass. 90 of them that failed failed because people not doing their jobs. Tsa sources were unable to confirm any one successfully exploiting tricks to get items on commercial aviation in the u. S. Two senior inspectors say catering facilities are a hot bed for insider threats. No known catering facilities conduct searching of employees or property before entering the facility. Once arrived at the airport, the tsa does not doublecheck etch other their food will be airborne. Its a security loop hole big enough to drive a truck through. Brian and this is important around the holidays. They like to go us around holidays that matter to us. Thanks for working for us. Have a great fourth. You too, brian. Brian hollywood just cant let russia go. Now theyre holding fake auditions for a fake movie about the Mueller Report. Thats next. My reputation was trashed online, i felt completely helpless. My entire career and business were in jeopardy. I called reputation defender. They were able to restore my good name. If youre under attack, i recommend calling reputation defender. And consider joining their groundbreaking campaign to give every american the right to remove old, inaccurate search results by going to righttobeforgotten. Org. If you have search results that are wrong or unfair, call reputation defender at 18778668555. Brian the Mueller Report has been finished for about four months, and a matter of Public Record for about four years it seems. Found no evidence that trump colluded with russia in 2016. But dont let that get in the way. Thats why he is still president right now. Dont let that get in the way. In hollywood cannot accept that that never gets out of the way. Constructing a new alternative universe to live in. It is a new video for tom steyers proimpeachment group, several celebrities in a few different states are pretending to audition in a role for an upcoming mueller movie that will never happen. Watch. To speak of the president stated i need loyalty. I expect loyalty. I need loyalty. I expect loyalty. What . Okay. Can you imagine if this is from the real report . It is. Really . Seriously. [bleep]. That is the real Mueller Report . He told the fbi director that he needed loyalty. Get the [bleep] out. Brian creating the mega comedy tour around the country, michael, what is going on with your people, these are the hollywood people that you hang out with. They have lost their minds. They have lost their minds. You are witnessing what the left does best. Two good things. One is organized fiction, two is waste money. So this is actually both. We have Debra Messing pretending that she has never heard of the Mueller Report. This is the Mueller Report, what in the sam hill . Come on, honey, she tweets more than the president. She tweets like she has stock in twitter. It is outrageous. Brian they thought the Mueller Report would finally free them from donald trump. It is out. It did not. He will come to town on the 17th. In a couple of weeks. So we will have another page, another chapter, but maybe you can explain this to me, john lithgow and others who were auditioning, doing this fake audition, what do they plan on accomplishing . Is this therapy we are witnessing . I think they are trying to get every little piece of emotion out of this. They want to continue to scare america. Thats what it is all about. It is a fake audition for a fake movie based on a report that was based on a fake dossier, it is the fake trifecta. So all they can try to do is scare people and lithgow did his best. He was putting a spin on it. The line was answer the phone, and lithgow was like answer the phone like it was third rock from the sun. I want to do my own version of this. I want to do dramatic readings of the clinton impeachment testimony. That would be great. You could get Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the president , you know, i did not have relations with that woman. I did not do it. You have to believe me. Brian so my goal. It would be great. Brian you would not do that, i know you are kidding, because you have a life, a career, and a family. He would not be obsessed with somebody you have never met. But you came out and had the courage to come out. You told the world that you voted for donald trump. How has your life changed since . Thankfully my circle of friends, they are good people. Even my liberal friends, they have not totally freaked out. It is the weirdos from Like High School and college on facebook who are like, they are just in shock. People who are antitrump are just getting like a free gym membership. They watch these programs in their heart rate goes up so fast. Its like they are getting a workout. They need to relax. Brian i dont want to bring business into the world of acting and art, but there are more movies being done, more investment happening, more opportunities because the economy is thriving. You might not want to give him credit, but you might not want to turn the page in a year, because we know what we left we know it could be straightahead. Michael, i will watch you want to work, follow you around like a crazy fan boy as you go on your maga tour, thank you for being here and almost resting up for me. [laughs] Brian Michael loftus, thanks. Thats about it for us tonight unless i missed a block or my watch is off. That is a per show. You can watch us every night. And this is what tucker says every night. It is a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Also dont forget to dvr the show, because he gets paid for everyone that is dvred. I have to get his agent. He will be back tomorrow. But if you want more of me, watch fox and friends everything the day. Lets go to Gregg Jarrett who went to school to be a lawyer. Dont hold that against me, we all sin, brian. Brian no, you know everything. Welcome to the special edition of hannity, trump versus the resistance. Im Gregg Jarrett in for sean. President trump will kick off in the historic fourth of July Celebration honoring our country beginning at 6 30 p. M. , you can watch it all right here on the fox news channel. There will be a military air show. And an epic 35 minute fireworks display, all planned and the president is calling it a show of the lifetime. In the mainstream media, not happy about it

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