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Foreign wars and they argued unrestricted trade hurt american workers. By the way, quite a few of them, democrats were prolife too. Senator harry reid among them. Thats not surprising. Democrats said they cared most about the vulnerable in our society. Even bill clinton who vetoed partial abortion ban he wanted to keep abortion rare. He said that a lot. Try that in todays Democratic Party. Lots of luck. Modern democratic activists celebrate abortion as a positive good. Shout your abortion, they proclaim. They put it on tshirts. Abortion isnt bad. We need more of it. Governor andrew cuomo signed a bill making that possible. Its called the Reproductive Health act. The law legalizes abortion right to the moment of birth for any reason. To most people, aborting a child moments before delivery might seem uncomfortably like killing. A lot of prochoice people feel that way. Its a concern. Cuomos law addresses that concern. Law declares children who have not been yet born are not in fact human. So dont worry about it. Cuomo eliminated the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan with pink rights to celebrate the bill signing. He described it is a profound moral victory. The National Press didnt spend time covering this. No matter how much you might like roe v. Wade, maybe you love it, theres still something pretty ghoulish about celebrating third term abortion. Maybe thats why only a tiny percentage of American Voters supported read around 13 . A small percentage. Nobody really wants to hear the details about any of this so nobody asks. Thats why the video we are about to show you, which is not gory, dont worry, but it is remarkable. In it a virginia democratic lawmaker explains in detail a bill she has introduced that will remove all restrictions on lateterm abortions. She was asked what would that mean exactly and she tells the truth. Watch this. Where its obvious that a woman is about to give birth, she has physical signs that she is about to give birth, with that be still point at which she could request an abortion if she were so certified . Shes dilating. Mr. Chairman, that would be a decision that the doctor, the physician, and the woman i understand that, im asking if the bill would allow that. My bill would allow that, yes. Tucker so abortion at the point of dilation. If youre confused about what that means, ask anyone who has given birth. And then think about it for a second. If theres a lot going on, obviously but just think about for one second. You may be prochoice, are you okay with that . Virginias governor is okay with that. He thought about it. Hes been in office a little over a year. Hes often described, always described as moderate and thats Pretty Amazing given his reaction to her lateterm abortion bill. If this is from today, watch this. Its done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that is nonviable, so in this particular example, if a mother is in labor i can tell you exactly what would happen, the infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if thats what the mother and the families desired and then a discussion will ensue between the physicians in the mother. Tucker a discussion about killing the infant . The infant. He is direct enough to call the infant what an infant is. But again, the infant would be delivered and resuscitated if thats what the mother desires. In other words, the governor has just told us in public on camera that its okay to kill a child after the trial has been born. That used to be called infanticide, not rhetorically, but literally infanticide, taking the life of a child who is breathing. The governor seemed to say that, did he misspeak . You would help, but no, he didnt. He is a physician, a pediatric neurologist in fact. Hes not some clueless claimant who mangled a talking point. This is what he thinks, this is what his party thinks. No one ever says it but this is true. This is the new moderate prochoice position. You should know that. Lisa boothe is a senior fellow at the independent womans voice and she joins us tonight. Thanks very much. If this is one of those trends that is kind of escaped unnoticed. Its not just in the two states we highlighted, virginia and new york, there are also bills in vermont and rhode island and probably much of other states who allow this. Tell us what you found out about this legislation. I think its pretty terrifying, gone are the days of president clinton saying it should be safe, legal and rare and negative people like governor ralph martin, who is supposed to be a moderate openly advocating for infanticide. And what we are seeing with this trend is democrats embracing abortion up until the moment of birth and what i think is so interesting about this is democrats are now embracing the physician that is wildly out of touch with the majority of americans. You look at the poll done in january and 75 of americans only supported abortions for three months and below, including 61 of democrats 61 of people who were prochoice, only supported that. And the reason being is because you look at abortion at the third trimester, its barbaric. If they are talking about injecting a baby that is viable at this point outside of the mothers womb in the head, torso or heart and forcing his child into a full lethal cardiac arrest. If the mother is then going to carry this dead child in her womb for two to three days and have a stillborn baby. So that is why you have the majority of americans that oppose this kind of thing. Tucker its just so interesting that this is happening and its coordinated by abortion providers who obviously are major donors to the Democratic Party but its happening in exactly the same moment at the party is working itself into a frenzy of moral concern about people who are in our country illegally, about climate change. The message is this is a party that really cares and yet here you have a sitting democratic governor saying you get to kill the kid, the child if you want. Has anybody said anything about this on the democratic side . I have not heard much from the left on this outside of endorsing it like governing andrew cuomo obviously did when he signed the act into law in new york city, but youre right, the left tells us that a wall is immoral but this is somehow moral . And i really think the democrats need to check themselves because they are so wildly out of sync with the American People and remember Hillary Clinton had even supported repealing the act which is decades old law that the majority of americans support as well which would allow for the funding the taxpayer funding of abortion. So democrats are now becoming way out of sync with americans and i think republicans should raise the alarm on this, get loud and so should President Trump because democrats are out of sync with americans on this. Tucker it seems that way. Lisa boothe, thanks very much, great to see you. Monica klein is a founding partner, thanks a lot for coming up. Im sure you describe yourself at prochoice, im sure a lot of people watching right now think of themselves as prochoice for so im not attacking for that but i wonder what you think of what the governor of virginia just said when he described the child as an infant is born, theres a point where the mother and the physician can decide whether to kill the infant or not. What do you of that . I understand that you want to go back to a time where roe v. Wade was illegal, where women were having a back alley abortions and they were using coat hangers to have abortions, which is actually whats barbaric. Tucker im giving her time to make a real argument. Im not arguing for the repeal of roe v. Wade. That is exactly what youre essentially saying. Tucker its not what im arguing and please dont be tiresome. If the governor of virginia, a rising star Democratic Party just said this, this pending legislation that mirrors it and im asking what you think of it, thats it. Im not here to debate roe v. Wade. Right now we Productive Health care is under attack by the Republican Party. 72 of americans support the right to choose and yet we have trump and predator kavanaugh trying to repeal roe v. Wade and trying to take away control of our own bodies. This isnt about babies, this isnt about health care, this is what you attempting to control womens bodies. Tucker please dont be a robot, you are smarter than that. This is the governor of virginia, i just want to know what you think of it, does that bother you . It just happen. It bothers me that you are attempting to control womens bodies. If thats what youre doing. The Republican Party right now is working overtime to repeal roe v. Wade as a take away choice in every state. Tucker i wonder if you think youre convincing of her body or if your unwillingness to address what just happened today on tape that we just played is a sign that you cant defend this and if you cant defend it, i wonder why that is. Have you paused to ask yourself is unamerican, as a person, as a woman, what do i think of that . As a woman what do i think of a . If you ask yourself why you spend so much time talking about this rather than thinking about why your party is trying to repeal roe v. Wade and control womens bodies . Right now there are seven states where theres only one abortion clinic. There are four states with bands if roe v. Wade is repealed women cannot get we Productive Health care. This is but a womans right to choose and he was a man should not have a single say in that. Tucker wow, do you think that you are making a case that most people agree with . That its okay to abort a child in the third trimester for note you keep trying to put words in my mouth and keep trying to say that the Democratic Party is hurting children but your party is the one that is tearing families apart at the border and allowing children to die in federal custody. So whose party is actually harming children . Tucker wow, let me just ask you one quick question. Go ahead, tucker. Tucker i think less of you after having this conversation. I already think less of you so dont worry. Tucker is an honest question, have you thought about it, do you have a real answer to what the governor of virginia said or are you going to throw yet another talking point at me . Have you actually thought about it . Will you answer that question at all . I have thought about it and im telling you that your party is attempting to change the conversation about roe v. Wade and take control of womens bodies. Im sorry that is a man we are focused on is controlling womens bodies but we will not allow you to do that. Tucker this is a child who has been born, this is not a womans body, this is an independent person. You pretend that you have over children we are completely fine with ice tearing families apart and children dying in federal custody. Thank you, i appreciate it. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo identifies as catholic, we just described the law he signed and celebrated. What they think you should do with your body, they want to dictate through the law. If you said what if she was more important to you right now, choice or taxes, choice or economic development, i dont know what people would say. We have it extreme, conservative agenda in washington. Kavanaugh is going to reverse roe v. Wade. I have no doubt. This is still a democracy and new yorkers want to protect a womans right to choose tucker the applause really says it all. Father Johnson Morris is a catholic priest, administers to a parish in the bronx in new york and he resistant to grandfather morris, thanks very much for coming on. Im sad tonight. Tucker i am too actually. I think its a appliqued issue and i certainly know a lot of people who disagree with me on it in general terms, but you think you live in a country where when a politician stands up and says when a child is born if you the right to kill that child if you so desire there would be a chorus a bipartisan cordis of people saying you dont have the right to kill people just because theyre inconvenient but there isnt that course, no one is saying anything, i wonder why . Your last guest i think gave us the most convincing explanation. If they dont want to take on the issue. And you showed a video earlier of the governor of virginia saying this is a pediatrician who says this is whats going to happen. If a woman has dilated, about to give birth, we will, in this case, we will make sure and i dont think you brought this part out, but it was unbelievable to me, we are going to make sure, first of all, he doesnt say the word baby, is comfortable. And then we will resuscitate the baby if the mother wants us to. But first we are going to make it comfortable. Then we will resuscitate if the mother wants us to and then we will enter into discussion about what to do next. This is not this is not a crazy activist group, this is the governor of virginia and its exactly what the governor of new york thinks right now. Thats what were dealing with. The world has gone crazy. Tucker so where is the Catholic Church another Catholic Church as an institution and i should just say clearly are not a catholic. But the Catholic Church from my understanding is totally opposed to this. And yet it offers communion to politicians who support and abet it, who increased the incidence of it, why is that . The Catholic Church would say anybody would agree with this, including Governor Cuomo and anybody else, they should not receive communion themselves. They should say the whole question has been about excommunication, for example, of Governor Cuomo. Excommunicate asian. Most evangelicals , most christians, not catholic christians, what is even excommunication . It has to do with you are no longer part of the communion of the church. Anyone with right reason would say if i believe in this crazy stuff that we just talked about then i am not in communion with the Catholic Church. I should not even be going to communion, right . So the Catholic Church has to decide are we going to publicly they were now excommunicated . If thats going to be helpful for the soul of that person, lets go for it. If its going to be does that make sense . Tucker yes, and its certainly not my fight. Let me just ask, give give it to me quickly, whats the case that you would make, a lot of people have kind of internalize the libertarian argument, its your body, you can do what you want, its an appealing argument for those of us who distrust government, which a response to that . Im glad you brought that up because your previous guests just said this has to do with a womans body. In the example that she had just been given, the baby had already been born. Tucker appointed at all. The umbilical cord had already been caught. Is that still her body . So it doesnt make sense logically. But i think it doesnt make sense even when the baby is inside the body and any mother who has a baby was kicking her in her stomach day in and day out and moving, knows that another human being. I think one really important thing that nobody has been talking about in the new york state is that what theyve also done is they got rid of in all other state laws the idea that there is personhood of the unborn. Let me just say that again, they have said that we are going to get rid of the status of person of the unborn. So lets say a woman is beat up and shes eight months pregnant. Up until now, that would have been murder of the child as well. And thats no longer the case according to this. Tucker its not. Lets just call it what it is, this is a death cult, obviously. I think Cardinal Dolan said ghoulish, which have to do with the goal log, which to do with the love of death. And thats exactly what this is. Tucker thank you. Im sorry. Be what i think people should know this. Yes. Tucker well, the new agenda on the left has an awful lot of free stuff. Some of it for noncitizens. The free stuff for americans most people are for, why are we giving it to people who arent from here and dont hold citizenship . Good question. After the break. This isnt just any moving day. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Tucker Democratic Party supports expanding the american welfare state, Free Health Care, free college tuition, lots of other free things. The case they make is that this is a rich country and the welfare state is popular. And they are right, it is popular, actually. Look at the polling on the subject. But theres beenad a change. Traditionally the welfare state was for a countrys own citizens. Todays democrats are fighting hard to expand it for those whoo are in this country illegally, for noncitizens who shouldnt even be here. For example, in new York Lawmakers just passed a bill to provide taxpayer financed tuition to illegal immigrants. New York State Assembly woman joins us tonight. Thanks very much for coming on. So in a state like yours where theres a lot of poverty and a lot of homelessness and a lot of broken infrastructure, your subways for example are appalling, no offense. How can lawmakers justify giving free things to people who dont even have a right to be here in the first place . Thats absolutely outrageous. If you are a family with a Household Income of 81,000 you qualify for absolutely no Tuition Assistance. If youou are a graduate studentn the state of new york you qualify for absolutely noo assistance. Yet this bill would allow who are here illegally and actually residing in the state of new york for just 30 days and they take the ged, they then qualify for Tuition Assistance program that so many middleclass citizens and legal residents who are struggling to get by on average 40,000 in debt after college, they are receiving it. Tucker i so the message is really, really clear from lawmakers to the citizenry, to the population, we dont care about you, your interests are relevant to us. Our people getting that message . I understand what theyre lawmakers are saying to them . Yes, its a slap in the face and i believe new yorkers are learning real quick about what the shift in the state senate sdemocrats are starting to do. New york city for example, the property taxes have gone up 44 over the last five years and we are seeing the mayor give Free Health Care to individuals who are here illegally, 300,000 of them as you mentioned, we have 76,000 homeless here in the ofe new york. Tucker so has there been any backlash . As you know france right now is almost paralyzed from a middleclass backlash against policies like this, are you seeing anybody in a state of new york say you know what, this is intolerable, we are fighting back or are they all moving to florida . I hear it all the time as a legislator and its very frustrating to me because i love the debate against the dream act, the Tuition Assistance bill that we just talked about and for last eight years. And now this year year we saw passed because the democrats took over the state senate. Here are all the time for my neighbors, for my family, people want to leave the state because they cant afford to live here, its a high tax state and we are not benefiting from it because of the city and state high taxation. Thats the reality of it, so what did they do . They continue to tax us more and to make matters worse, the mimiddle class isnt even receiving the same benefit so i think thats whats really frustrating for those i represent and people across the state of new york. Tucker taxi more to pay for people who have no right to be here inre the first place. It just couldnt be clearer what they are saying to you. Have fun in florida, i hope you get there soon. Thank you very much. Uc thank you. Tucker in his inauguration speech California Governor Gavin Newsom pledged to be a defender of sensory loss. He spoke like a religious profit while doing so, watch this. A house stronger than the coming storms had open to the world. Hows that provides shelter to all who needed an sanctuary to all who seek it. We will not have one house for the rich and one for the poor or one for the nativeborn and one for the rest. We will build one house for one california. Tucker may be the thickest person in american politics but his policies are real. He now wants to use 20 million of taxpayer funds to create an immigration Rapid Response team that would aid migrants arriving at californias border. Lives in california, host of popular radio show there and he joins us tonight to respond. Ethan, great to see you. I dont know if youre going to say this but i will just say it before you even do, i think theres a huge level of public support for a deeper safety net. Maybe we can afford it, maybe we cant, but the public wants at at all the bowling shows it. Why not respond to american citizens with the following bargain . Yes we are goinges to raise taxs on some people, we will give yoe more of what you want but we are only going to give it to american citizens because thats our job, to represent american citizens. Youre not an american citizen, you dont get any free stuff. Were not going to tuck them in a class to pay for people who shouldnt be here in the first place, why not make that the deal . In this specific instance he actually is protecting the 20 million that youre talking about, he is helping americans citizens because of happening as we have a crisis at our border. Its affecting our border communities and its because of thein failure in washington, d. , to ever get around to addressing the issue and implementing functioning stuff that you would i have talked about. This 20 million out of a 140 billion state budget, the fifth biggest economy in the world is to help with a crisis on the ground of people in need. Theseke are people who are desperate. Tucker thats one way to describe it. But i would describe it a very different way but let me just broaden the conversation and tell you what you already know, there are all kinds of programs in california that shovel taxpayer money into the pockets of noncitizens, some of them here illegally. Why not and all of that . If youre not a u. S. Citizen you cant benefit from taxpayer dollars. To look after its own citizens of all nationalities, religions, races, whatever but all american citizens and nobody else, why not put that on the ballot and make that proposition . What you think that would pass by, in the 100 range . When i do that . A long time ago when it was more republican state it did past and it was ruled unconstitutional by a federal judge so we can do that. Furthermore tucker hold on, just explain to me i think we both agree that the point of the government we elect the government, we give a portion of our celebratory c government to look out for us, american citizens. Thats why citizenship is meaningful. One judge didnt like it, bringing to the Supreme Court for it. The case whats the case against it that you should take my money by force and give it to someone whos not even allowed to be here in the first place . Why is that justifiable . Because we are also taking their money. They are working in our economy, they are contributing to californias gigantic, fifth biggest in the world, economy. They are paying taxes, contributing to our economy in many different forms. Im sure there are a handful who are. Tucker there working for tysons chicken or some big employer that wants to pay people less so they hire people from the third world to exploit them. I get it, i understand what they are doing it. Im not benefiting from tysons chicken or walmart or whatever, any of these big creepy companies that dont like my values. If a they have nothing to do wih me, im an american citizen. Why am i paying for somebody who is violating my laws in my country . I dont getd it. They are paying. The pay sales taxes, they are paying property taxes, they are renting facilities too reside i, they are buying food, there working and when theyre working off and they are the employment taxes. They are contributing. Tucker so i have the obligation to send the money . Who were you sending money . For you sending money to . Tucker im sending money to the state and federal government within reach handles it, not to the american middle class, they are not eligible for any of these assistance programs as you well know, they go to people who shouldnt be here in the first place. We just interviewed an Assembly Person from new york state, anyone making that much combined, not much in new york is not eligible for Tuition Assistance but an illegal alien is. The kind of told you everything, doesnt it . I cant speak to new york but i sure can speak to california. California has very generous programs to help people in thee middle class in this state to attend schools and as a matter of fact there was just a deal announced with our brandnew Governor Newsom who i think is doing a tremendous job so far to actually hold tuition study. They are not going to raise tuition in this state. Tucker wouldnt be a little more affordable if we just took care of our people, the citizens . And we balance our budget and we have a surplus and no more debt, then maybe we can handsome out to other countries but maybe we take care of our people first, wouldnt that be a good place to start . We got to go back to 1986, they are our people now. Some of them have resided since the reagan amnesty. I had a driver just the other week, i was talking to this guy, his family came right after the reagan amnesty tucker get citizenship. The children a are u. S. Citizenship. Tucker there is equal as you c and me, american citizensi dont discriminate against them if youre not a citizen why are you taking benefits that we are paying for . Again, contributed to our economy. Their entire family, the whole structure is part of our community, they are contributing. We have specific issues with cartels and gangs and stuff like that, you what i actually probably in agreement. Tucker poverty and homelessness of our people that we are ignoring so that we can help people who shouldnt even be there. We are not ignoring them in california. We are taking a really aggressive stance on the issues right now. Tucker i hope youll come back and tell us how you are solving the worst homelessness crisis in the history of the country. Thank you very much, good to see you. Evidence continues to pile up of serious political bias at the department of justice, the fbi, the most powerful lawenforcement agency in the world. Devon nunez joins us after the break. Tucker evidence continues to emerge that the fbi may have become overtly political in its investigation of the term campaign. In 2016 senior fbi official met with Christopher Steele, the author of the now Infamous Trump dossier. Two years after it wouldve been helpful to know this it has come out that he shared intel from the dossier with colleagues in the fbi, colleagues were now part of the mueller investigation. All kind of amazing and unsettling. Congressman devin nunes represents california, the Intelligence Committee, following this since theanh. Beginning. Thanks very much. Grew to be with you. Tucker this is very complex and we havent covered it every single night but in the simple terms what does this tell us . It tells us that definitelyef the fbi knew that the information was coming from the clinton campaign, the dirt, the trump dossier as you said in thm opening, that was coming from the clinton campaign. If they lied the fisa court. We now know that for sure. Tucker we would know a lot more if the spying authorization from the application were made public, the president pledged that he would do that. He was stopped by his attorneys. Do you think at some point he will override their judgment and release those documents . What ive recommended to my friends and colleagues and people over the white house is they need some kind of Transparency Office because the government has gotten so big, you got so many of these different agencies that there needs to be someone in the white house or the president of the United States, whos the boss, who can make that decision and make it quickly because like youea said, this is two years, e should y have known about this t least a year ago if not more. Tucker we saw on friday morning roger stone with the alleged crime of lying wasge surrounded by armed fbi agents with automatic rifles and arrested and it reminded all of us that wind to a federal agent is a crime and lying under oath is a crime. Been a lot of lying in congress, as you well know. In order for those wires to be prosecuted they need to be referred to the doj by the congress. Is that going to happen, can you imagine peter strzok for example or jim comey . So we are going to make several referrals, and dont forget, one of theru frustrating things is that chuck grassley, senator grassley actually made a referral on Christopher Steele. Thee british agent who wrote who worked for theor clinton campaign, he was referred, nothing is happening too him. So i think until there is a new ag that gets in their and starts to clean this place up i think its goingng to be tough for the American People to have confidence in was happening. Tucker i agree with that completely and very quickly, why . Am i missing something . So chuck grassley, one of the senior senators chairman of the judiciary. Its quite clear that Christopher Steele wasnt telling the truth. Tucker quite clear and its just languishing at the department of justice somewhere . We havent heard anything that it is. So we are working a lot of people think that just because republicans are out of power that we are not conducting an investigation. We still are now whether or not people are going to come in an interview with us we dont have devils, we dont have the subpoena power but we will still be trying to interview people and weak will still be making criminal referrals. Tucker congressman devin nunes of california, thank you very much. Wegreat to see you. A Television Actor was hospitalized in chicago you may have read. He says he was the victim of a racist attack. Dont have all the evidence, we are agnostic on a lot of this but some politicians weighed in immediately describing it as a modernday winching. Police in chicago are trying to find out more about what happened. Following this, joins us tonight. T. Hey, matt. This evening Chicago Police tell fox newss they have pulled hundreds of hours of Surveillance Video for more than 12 different cameras in the area where this alleged attack happened and so far nothing shows the alleged assault and no assailant has been seen on video. What Chicago Police do say is that tonight they have identified two persons of interest on the Surveillance Video and they plan on releasing photos of those persons sometimc soon. Chicago police tonight also addressing media report that the actor suffered so mike suffered a fractured rib during this assault. Police told him they do not have imitation of him suffering a fractured rib. Police faith if they have happened they just cant confirm the injury. Police and what they do have confirmed so far is that based on the actors digital footprint he did apparently visit a Subway Restaurant around 2 00 a. M. And when investigators interviewed him and his residence he did have a small white rope around his neck, which the actor claims his attackers tied arounde him. The alleged attack that could allow about two a crime sparked a lot of support and response from entertainers and politicians. Kamala harris weeded out in part this was an attempted modernday lynching, no one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or the color of their skin. We must confront the state. If new jersey senator cory booker also called this a modernday lynching and tweeted in part to those in congress who dont feel the urgency to pass our antilynching bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime, i urge you to Pay Attention and democratic congresswoman from chicago bobby ross released a statement writing in part this is a hate crime and simple. Im even more disturbed by the manner in which the crime was carried out, particularly the media reports of the attempted lynchings which hearkens back to some of thes dark states in our history. He is also a musician, schedule performance in West Hollywood this weekend which he apparently is going to carry onar with. Tucker matt finn, thank you for that. Appreciate it. Up next and exclusively on this program the Border Patrol has made one of the largest drug bustts in history. Enough functional to kill 50 million people. Theres no crisis on our border, just remember that. We have the facts after the break. Tucker the u. S. Border patrol has made the biggest fentanyl bust in history, an enormous amount, enough fentanyl kill, they estimate, 57 million people. Te, thats more than the combined populations of the states of illinois, new york and pennsylvania. Thats a lot. Fox correspondent Hillary Vaughn has the latest on this story. We got our hands on an internal memo from u. S. Customs and Border Patrol the details this bust,t, the biggest fentanl seizure in u. S. History. According to the memo, four days ago in arizona at the port of entry officers stoppedrs a tractortrailer crossing the u. S. Mexico border into the u. S. Within a fentanyl to kill 57 million people. Its plenty a fatal dose to wipe out the entire populations of texas, arizona and new york state combined. If t they found it under the flr of the trailer, 114 kilograms of fentanyl. According to the dea, just 2 milligrams is considered a lethal dose. They also grabbed 179 kilograms of methamphetamine at 1 kilogram of fentanyl in pill form. The street value for the fentanyl alone over 102 million. The officers arrested the smuggler, a Mexican National who attempted to drive the drugs across the border. The suspect was a part of the dhss trusted Traveler Program called fast, that stands for free and secure trade for commercial vehicles. It started after 9 11, kind of like tsa precheck but for Truck Drivers crossing the border. A complete background checks and meet other requirements to get expedited screening. The drivers past pass has been revoked and they plan to announce all of this in a press Conference Tomorrow and will also have a follow up the historic hall. Tucker. Tucker amazing story, thank you very much for that report. Theres an awful lot of outrage in this country all of a sudden and would like to keep track of this because its interesting and i told you a lot about where we are going. People are outraged about virtually everything. Sometimes they get pretty creative about getting outraged. Heres one interesting example, a restaurant patron in phoenix, arizona, recently complained to management about agr photograph that was hanging in the restaurant of coal miners drinking after work. The patron argued that because some people might think the coal miners who were covered in coal dust were instead in blackface, it was offensive and it should taken down. What to make of this . We decidewn to ask robert, the president of the Woodson Center and he joins us now. Thanks very much for coming on. What does this story tell us . Tells us that race grievance is just triumphing throughout country. That i am upset as a civil rights person that we would spend so much time being concerned about a picture hanging of a white man and coal dust and somehow thats offensive. It deflects attention away from her Critical Issues facing black americans. Tucker exactly. We have more blacks killinge other blacks in one year and we did in the 70 years of lynching lynchings. A 9 11 every six months of blacks killing blacks and they are going to tell me our problem is a picture hanging. Tucker so is it possible that lets say you are in charge of a society or a big city and your policies werent helping at all, people were still dying young, shooting each other, for example. Maybe you would encourage people to be mad about irrelevant things like coal dust pictures so they wouldnt be mad at you for mismanaging their lives. Thats true. Because many of those killings that are occurring in cities run by black democrats over the past 40 years. So if politics and race where the issue, the question is why are not blacks succeeding . If we look in other words, at a time when whites were at their worst and blacks were at their best between 1920 and 1940 during segregation, the education gap in the south was three years, five years for blacks, eight years for whites. Within 20 years we closed that gap within six months because we established schools, 5,000 the ceo of sears partnered with bookerre t. Washington, he invested 450 million 4 million. At the black community matched that and build 5,000 schools and so thats why we did that. There were five high schools in every major city. Baltimore, new yorkew and atlana where the class sizes were 50 plus. We had tattered schoolbooks, the buildings were torn down, but the test scores of those blacks in thoseho high schools exceeded all of the teste scores of whits and those same c cities. Even though we were spending less. So the issue that we ought to be talking about is why we are to be talking about black resilience and that is how did we achieve in the face of oppression, legal segregation and wire we failing now post civil rights in cities Education Systems run by their own people . Tucker is a great question, no one even seems to care about the schools anymore. I know you do, thank you for that. Super interesting. China is clearly the top cyber threat to this country. What can be done about that . First acknowledging a problem but senator marco rubio of florida says he has a plan after that and he joins us to explain. Tucker official washington ha tucker official washington has spent more than two years in utter hysteria over the threat that macedonian facebook users might pose to american democracy. But take a deep breath and ask yourself, is macedonia really the top cyber threat to the United States . Is russia . No, of course not. When actual experts on the subject testify, they always have the same thing. China is the top cyber threat to the United States. The director of national intelligence, dan coats, testified as much to congress this week. Senator marco rubio of florida was at that hearing and says he plans to combat chinese buying of the United States. Senator rubio joins us tonight. Summarize for our viewers, if you are, quickly, what senator coats said at this hearing. They all agreed that china is the most comprehensive intelligence threat to the United States has ever faced, and because its a commercial threat, they steal our products and reverse engineer them, and sell them at lower prices, subsidized by their government so they can bring our businesses out, they steal our research from universities, they do that by either hacking them and stealing sometimes they just hire the researcher and have her bring the research with them. Sometimes they embed students and our system, and they take that information and steal it back with them. They steal our military secrets, and they also run the supply chain. They are embedded in commercial parts of our communication system. For example, they make a router, surveillance camera, and can embed themselves into our system that way, especially with defense, and commerce. They steal business, defense, and in Center Armrest threat. Sean its terrifying. What can we do about it . Tucker first of all, we have to admit it exists. For a long time, china was viewed as a benign threat, a country the conventional wisdom in washington was, dont worry about china, they are developing country. Once they become like us, once they become as rich as we are, then theyll become just like us. H well, it hasnt worked out that way. At least people have woken up. You already see things happening. Thear Justice Department going after huawei. Every day you see more of this happening. Use the other countries doing it, poland, numerous countries are taking the threat seriously as well because huawei has already embedded in here. They are so much more to do. We still struggle, for example, with academia. I cant tell you how many universities in florida that ive talked to inside, the confucius institute, they use the agents of influence to shape the narrative and potentially identify americans who come in 20 years from now, could be a mayor, congressman, a leader of a major a corporation, and start to recruit them to the chinese. How many schools focus on that . Weve got them kicked out every school but one in florida but more universitiesa. Are breaking up that threat. It is still an enormous challenge to convince academics that this is a threat. Tucker considering these schools, almost every last one of them, rely on tax dollars, either. Through guaranteed Student Loans or direct through grants to operate, doesnt the congress have some leverage on thiswe question . We do. Eventually it may get to that point. What we are hoping to do in these defense briefings, another member of the Intelligence Committee have been hosting these closed meetings with leaders of business, academia, even the press. A walking them through threats that china poses. I can tell you two, three years ago, ath huge challenge. The business community, they saw china as a huge market that wanted to sell things that make things cheap. People are starting to wake up to this threat. We have a long ways to go. Sean my last question, is it a partisan question . Are there senators on the other side, democrats, who understand the threat and are willing to address that in the straightforward way that you are . Absolutely. Mark warner is a vice chairman of intelligence. Hes been with the leaders. This is not we have not turned this one into a partisan issue yet, and that is a good thing. I think the challenge really becomes from the procorporatist, probusiness im probusiness, but not to the expense of national security. Some idea that ultimately open trade, more commerce, and engagement, selling things over there or making things over there is more important in our national security, that is where i think thee challenge is more embedded. That is changing a little bit, as i said. We still have some challenges. Tucker thank you for this. Senator rubio, i appreciate it. Thanks a lot. Tucker well, we are out of time. What a roller coaster of a show. [laughs] is pretty unbelievable. But it always is. We are at an unbelievable moment. Pay close attention and learn something. We are. Well be back tomorrow. 8 00 p. M. They show that is the sworn enemy of sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Hopefully cheerfully. Good night from washington. I sean hannity is live for us in new york. Sean great show as always. Great to see you. A big, incredible news nine. Not all of it great. If you value human life, children, babies, basic human decency come i want you to listen up because tonights watch on the radical left is more important than anything we have talked about lately because we now have people in this country, democrats, people on the left, those people that claim to have a monopoly of compassion. They label conservatives, oh, as racist, sexist, heartless, misogynist, hateful, they want to dirty air and water and theyt want to throw granny over the cliff. We hear that every two and four years. As we speak, we have, in this, multiple states, legislators,

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