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Soil automatically becomes a u. S. Citizen. Context is irrelevant. It doesnt matter if your parents were tourists or illegal aliens or foreign saboteurs, if their plane was forced down to refuel and you emerged. It doesnt matter. If you were born on our property you are a citizen. In a recent interview with axios President Trump suggested this is not a great deal for america. He pledged to change it with an executive order. It seems likely that would abolish birth tourism, thatsit where people travel to the unit state solely for the purpose of having kids and winning citizenship as long as the many benefits that follow from that. Nobody else in washington is waiting for details. They hate it already. The very same people who spent decades trying to got the got the bill of rights are now lecturing the rest of us thatt the idea is, brace herself, unconstitutional. Paul ryan for example, the outgoing speaker of the house. He announced his opposition to this immediately. The very idea, he said, is ridiculous, listen. You obviously cannot do that. You cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order. Tucker obviously, obviously. Not the phrasing. Obviously. Thats what people say when they dont feel like making a rational case for their positions, usually because they cant. Is it really obvious that the constitution requires us to give citizenship to the children of illegal aliens . Paul ryan has no idea, he just t doesnt want to have a conversation about it. He wants you to be quiet. In fact, as a legal matter it is an open question. The Supreme Court has never ruled on but there is ampleal reason to believe the law does not apply to Illegal Immigrants or birth tourists. Birthright citizenship arises from the 14th amendment passed just three years after the civil war and it was passed to guarantee citizenship to freed. The senator who wrote the citizenship clause in the 14th amendment, howard of michigan explained the point of it on the senate floor at the time. The amendment will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens who belong to the families of ambassadors ore foreign ministers. Again, the amendment was designed to ensure that newly freed would be treated as the american citizens they were. The point was to enfranchise africanamericans. The point was not to enable the rest of the world to scam our system, to abuse our generosity. Trumps proposal will get us closer to the purpose of the 14th amendment and for that he is being denounced, naturally, as a racist. Listen to some of the dumb people on tv. What used to be five years ago, ten years ago, dog whistles to appeal to the fears of white voters now are just stated openly. The principal debate, the real fault when it gets people going is this issue of openness, how open are we to people, how open are we to trade in the issue of National Identity versus internationalism, globalism, if you will. So what donald trump is doing is he is mining that fault line. He is working it whether its birthright citizenship, whether its sending troops to a border thats not under siege. We are no longer arguing serious issues about how to regulate our economy. We are no longer arguing serious issues about how to fight the cold war. We are arguing questions about National Identity and its not that far to get from that to issues of racism. Tucker lets get this f straight, defining citizenship is not a serious issue . Only in new york and washington were serious is where to find good broader or how to get to the hamptons in under three hours on a friday night. W these people are total buffoons. There is no more serious debate than the debate over citizenship and its long overdue. Globally birthright citizenshipz is the rare exception. It is not the role. Canada and the u. S. Are the only developed countries that have birthright citizenship. Not a single european country allows it. Out of the 54 countries in africa, only two offer birthright citizenship. The other 52 racist . How about harry reid, is he a racist too . Watch the former Democratic Senate majority leader explain his views on birthright citizenship. If making it easy to be illegal alien is enough of a a call that an award for beingze illegal immigrant. No sane country would do that, right . Guess again. If you break our laws byby entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with u. S. Citizenship and guarantee a full access to all public and social services the society provides, and thats a lot of services. Is it any wonder that twothirds of the babies born at taxpayer expense, county run hospitals in los angeles are born to illegal alien mothers . Tucker as a factual matter thats tougher than anything . Donald trump is ever said. Keep in mind that just four years ago that man was the top democrat in the senate. Try saying that today. Would be called bull connor and shouted out the stage with the questions he raised are stillto fair questions. Is birthright citizenship helping this country or is it hurting this country . Under our Current System Illegal Immigrants who come to the u. S. And have children are eligible to receive tax credit, food stamps and other welfare benefits. C those are huge incentives. Not surprisingly, one in every 12 births in this country right now is someone here illegally. That does not even include birth tourism. No every year tens of thousands of foreign nationals come to thiss country on visas solely to give birth to children. The chinese are over strongly represented. China offers high end birth tours and specialists. Ng for 20 grand these experts navigate clients through the process of having a child in america. In return for that 20 grand, social security, medicare, countless other programs. If they come back to the u. S. For college they get instate tuition, federally backed student loans, financially. All the benefits that are to bed going to actual americans were drowning in college debt. This is a scam. There is no other word for it. Dont blame the chinese or the russians or the salvadorans or anybody else using the system, we are the ones offering it. Why wouldnt they take it . T . The blame lies with us. Y no other country would allow itself to be relentlessly exported like this for decades and no other Leadership Class would side with foreigners over its own people and yet ours does every time. And that tells you everything. Michael antone is a former Senior National security official in the Trump Administration, a lecturer at Hillsdale College and probably the first person inn this generation to raise the question of whether citizenship is indeed constitutional. Thank you very much. Ra you wrote this piece, i think began this current conversation this past july and people were stunned to find out that this was not a settled matter. Most people believe this is etched in the bottom of the statue of liberty but its not. I do want to give credit where credit is due, john eastman. A constitutional scholar and lawyer, he litigates constitutional questions. Edward, really scholarly work. I learned this argument from them. They are two of my teachers. But its true that it had kind of gone dormant for a while. Tucker dormant this is flat Earth Society stuff. Everybody believes we have a constitutional mandate to allow the illegal children of aliens. They base that on a misreading of the first sentence. All persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens. They leave out the part in thel middle, subject to the jurisdiction thereof. They either leave it out or just means you have to obey the law. If you are a tourist coming from england or canada or anywhere y you have to obey u. S. Law while youre in the United States. It doesnt make your children a citizen or u. S. Citizen. Subject to the jurisdiction meant something specific to the people who wrote the amendment. They said it, you read the debates over the amendment. They said it means that you dont owe allegiance to any foreign power, anyone else. You are subject to the complete jurisdiction of the United States which means you are not a citizen of anotherne country. It clearly doesnt apply to people who to people whoho arent citizens or who were born to people who arent citizens or subject to the jurisdiction of another country. The constitution is clear on that point. There is no statute that says otherwise decades ago the executive Branch Agencies of the federal government decided to apply this principle as if everyone birthright citizenship. Why did they do that . Why do bureaucracies typically in our country anyway act without authority . Usually its to serve the interest of liberalism. When the Administrative State starts doing something its not authorized to do and no one has ever told her to know you can bet its not doing so for conservative reasons or reasons that benefit american citizens. Its doing so for reasons that benefit liberalism and thats what happened in this case. Tucker hearing the argument now from the usual course of dumb people thatha everything they dont like is racist. Correct me if im wrong with the purpose of this amendment was to enfranchise people who have been africanamericans who had been enslaved. So in what sense does that argument even make sense . I want to take it seriously. As you say, the racist is just a cudgel to beat up people whose arguments you dont like. So the 13 amendment freed every. Been a controversy at the time were some states were saying you can free the, but we have the power to make them citizens and we are not going to do it. Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1866. The same congress, same year the draft of this amendment. That was vetoed by president johnson. The veto was overridden. Twothirds of both houses saying freed black, they are citizens. It also says not subject to any foreign power. Some of the Southern States came back with 1857, the Supreme Court ruled in dred scott that no black person, even a free black person could ever be a citizen of the United States so the Reconstruction Congress had okay then we are going to put this in the constitution. We are not going to let you get away with this. We are going to make this undeniable that every fleet till mike freed slaves and their descendants are citizens. Tucker and amendment designed to enfranchise africanamericans being here for hundred years, 500 years is now being used by chinese nationals and russians flying into guam or los angeles to have children here. That would be not the original intent. An absolutely not. One of the things i find incredible and amusing, sadly so, the russian hysteria of our time. A russia is supposed to be the biggest enemy the United States has right now. More dangerous than in theup cold war. We are supposed to be on a war footing with russia and the president is criticized for saying maybe we should cool it and turn the heat down. However, we cant act as thehe question of russian women flying to los angeles and having babies to give birth. The suppose it of ours, its the tool to allow them to abuse our system by giving citizenship to their children who are born here, spend a couple of days and then go back. Tucker hurting ourselves, required to hurt ourselves. And of course hurting our president. Tucker and america. Masochism being the operating impulse of the left. Michael anton, thank you very much. Think you are having me. Tucker the president traveled to pittsburgh, pennsylvania, following the murder of 11 worshipers at thee. Tree of life synagogue. Trace gallagher has more. Squirrel hill, the historic cup of pittsburghs community, is also where the synagogue is located. The scene of the 20 minute shooting rampage that took the lives of the 11 people. At the deadliest antisemitic attack in u. S. History. The synagogue itself remains a crime scene but the president , first lady, daughter and soninlaw along with treasury secretary Steven Mnuchin and chief of staff john kelly went into the vestibule to light candles and then, followingar jewish tradition, the president lay stones and white roses on 11 star of david markers planted near a makeshift memorial to the victims. The president and his group were accompanied by tree of life rabbi jeffrey myers, who was heroics likely saved many lives during the attack. Rabbi myers first said he welcomed mr. Trumps visit, thel after getting pushback from some congregants changed his mind but finally decided that accompanying the first family was the right thing to do. Pittsburghs democratic mayor and pennsylvanias democratic Governor Tom Wolf chose not tore meet with the president. Mr. Trump did not speak during todays visit, but heres what he told Laura Ingraham last night. Watch. Im going to pay my respects. Im also going to the hospital to see the officers and some of the people so badly hurt. The president did go to the university of Pittsburgh Medical Center to visit the wounded. The first funerals were also held today, one for 66yearold dr. Jerry rabinowitz and in joint service for brothers cecil and david rosenthal. Tucker Trace Gallagher for us. Thanks very much. Ce Midterm Elections one week from right now. Embattled democrat wants to make it absolutely clear shes not a nutcase like everyone else. The latest on that race and others. When you retire will you or will you just be you, without the constraints of a full time job . You can grow your Retirement Savings with pacific life and create the future thats most meaningful to you. Which means you can retire, without retiring from life. Having the flexibility to retire on your terms. Thats the power of pacific. Ask your financial professional about pacific life today. If your moderate to severeor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough it may be time for a change. Ask your doctor about entyvio®, the only biologic developed and approved just for uc and crohns. Entyvio® works at the site of inflammation in the gi tract, and is clinically proven to help many patients achieve both symptom relief and remission. 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A close look at a couple of different races to get a better sense of whats about to happen. In the state of florida, the andrewtorial candidate, gillum, the one who apparently was under fbi investigation, hes decided to boost his odds by feuding with the president. He tweeted i heard that donald trump ran home to fox news to lie about me but as my grandmother told me, never wrestle with a pig, you both get dirty but the pig likes it. Ignore him and vote. James okeefe has a video in which a staffer for Kyrsten Sinema out ands arizona says she is hiding her liberalism to deceive voters. Theres a lot of very conservative people in arizona, so she cant alienate conservative or moderate conservative voters. Ve she is prochoice, she is very, shes progressive. But she doesnt, in the selection draw to too much attention to being progressive because shes trying to be more thats why i think she took so much democratic health, otherwise she wouldnt have won. Tucker because the country is not quite as crazy as the Democratic Party, even in 2018, so lie about it. Au thats whats happening in missouri perhaps were Claire Mccaskill, the incumbent senator is disavowing the Democratic Party. Watch this. I would say this, i would noa call my colleagues crazy, but Elizabeth Warren sure went after me when i advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks and credit unions. I certainly disagree with Bernie Sanders on a bunch of stuff. Tucker for the record, there is literally no difference between elizabeth and warren and Claire Mccaskill, but whatever. Lisa boothe has been on these campaigns for us for a while now and doing a great job. I sense a theme here. Lets start with the mccaskill clip that we just played were some democrats in some states are pretending to be much more moderate than their voting records suggest they really are. Claire mccaskill has said that Elizabeth Warren is one oft those crazy democrats, yet she has voted with her 60 of the time and she has voted with senator Chuck Schumer 80 of the time entries only voted with President Trump 45 of the time but guess what, shes trying to show that she is chummy with President Trump because he won the state of missouri by 19 points. She told bret baier that she 100 supports President Trumps policies on the caravan and on immigration response to that. Shes trying to run to the center and josh hawley, a republican opponent, has really made this an issue by calling out Claire Mccaskill and saying you are not a moderate, you are too leftleaning for thi state, so thats what this is all in response to. Tucker i got to say as an editorial comment that i cant repress, if you won the state bt 19 points were public and should be doing a little better than theyre doing in my opinion. What is that . Oi is missouri. Kyrsten sinema, of coursee running against martha mcsally, the congresswoman, u. S. Military veteran. Where is that race right now would you say . It still really tight and that is interesting. I will say that President Trump didnt won arizona by that much in 2016 so i think it is all little bit more of a swing state than people give itiv credit fo. But sinema didnt really start moderating her views until 2012 so now shes trying to ever since then shes been trying to present herself as more of ag moderate. This is someone in 2010 extended a conference where she said arizona is the meth lab of democracy. As you know, its this Progressive Organization and conference. She is also called herself a product socialist in the past and has these crazy left wing ideas and policies on military in the past as well as Border Security being part of this group. Shes clearly made a calculated move to move to the center because thats what it takes to win back the state of arizona as a democrat and for the video, they edited that. We can independently verify that it fox news, but i think what it does show is that shes clearly trying to hide some of these past positions that shes had. Tucker at least beto orourke, who i would eat glass voting for, im not endorsing, kind of a far a progressive. Maybe you should get points for that, maybe sinema should do the same. Great to see you tonight. E thanks. Tucker a handful of black conservatives areou advocating what they are calling blexit, that would be an exit from the Democratic Party, could that actually happen . Weve got an update on it next. It is such a good time to kiss it is such a good time to dance it is such a good time to [ laughing ] scoobidoo doobidoo scoobidoo doobidoo [ goose honking ] [ laughing ] a bad day on the road still beats a good one off it. 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Tucker kanye west gave a long stream of consciousness talk in the white house recently and was roundly attacked for it but if you listen carefully there were some insightful poinn that he made in some important questions, including whether black americans ought to be monolithically loyal to the Democratic Party. Why should they be . Thats the question other people are asking as well, founder and president suggesting the democrats have moved left on religion and social policies, even the rule of law itself. They could continue to alienate some conservative minded black s voters. Star parker joins us tonight. Thank you very much for coming on. Simple question, first, why should africanamericans who for generations have been very loyal to the Democratic Party rethink that loyalty . Theyve been loyal to the Democratic Party because blacksk have bought this idea of activist government but something very exciting is happening now with trumping office, the Trump Administration is focusing on urban communities and initiatives so we have two things happening right now. Rb there are very exciting. Number one africanamerican millennials, kanye west hasth motivated, they say wait a minute, what have democrats done for us . First of all, the millennial does not buy this racism behind every rock narrative of the Democratic Party because their friends are diverse. Theyve grown up in a society postcivil rights era, so they dont know that world at all. But secondly, there individualist. They like uniqueness. We can see them in the tattoos that they wear. So this idea of collectivism an. Big government doesnt work for them as well but was also happen is you have the baby boom black. More traditional in their worldview, so now the Democrat Party has become so extreme to the left, so progressive that its conflicting with that babyby boom black world view values anh they are concerned about their grandchildren and what theyre learning in schools, so we will see how it all plays out. Our group is looking very closely at wisconsin, michigan when we are talking about the senate seats, governor seats, we should all be looking at georgia, we should look at florida and even to some degree maryland. Im very excited about the momentum. Tucker if you are an africanamerican voter and your family has been in this country for 400 years, a long time and a lot of cases and all of a sudden your party is telling you that the real concern is people who arent even here illegally,se foreign nationals from other countries, do you ask yourself at some point but what about me, the american citizen . Does that turn off voters at a certain point . Its not only turning them off that this hijacking of the Civil Rights Movement is taking place for legal minorities, but illegal for a lesser even more frustrated because now you are looking at an environment to where you have that lowwage workers competing for jobs andor communities and against people who will not speak english, so its not only affecting the real lowwage, its affecting the middleclass because if you want to work in any type of Public Service for the fire, for the police, for the teachers, anything, you have to be bilingual and this is making a tremendous impact on africanamericans, we think with these new arrivals are. Tucker i think its a totally fair question. I never even thought about the bilingual question. Its horrible. In california for instance you can take the drivers license test and 40 languages. Tucker i never hear Maxine Waters or any member of the cbc mentioned that. Uc why . They are very invested in progressivism. Its their job to make surehe blacks do not get any of this information. The whole Congressional Black Caucus they had to make sure that no gets any information of freedom and thats been there role for the last 50 years. Whats happening now is people are getting more information. My organization, we have our own news site. A black community news. Com so people are getting other sources of news. President trump said latelye about fake news is very real. There are many instruments now competing against that, the mainstream media, so we can get other information and blacks are hearing that message. Tucker star parker, thanks for joining us. San francisco is one of the mosm expensive cities in the world, could get more expensive very soon. The city may start taxing businesses. Hundreds of millions of dollars. They say it will fight c homelessness. Will it work . We speak to a local politician about that after the break. T hold grudges. 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Washington despised him for saying that because it implicated them in their failures but voters appreciated hearing it and it somehow the war in afghanistan has continued to this day fruitlessly. Thats thanks almost entirely to bullying from our thoroughly discredited Foreign Policy establishment. They are happy to keep things the way they are. 17 years later we has a country have almost nothing to show fory what we spent there, the lives and the money. The taliban remains strong. The u. S. Backed government controls nearly half of that country. Described afghanistan as largely lawless, weak and dysfunctional. We are no longer even aiming at any kind of military victory. The best we can hope for is a sort of stalemate that keeps the taliban partly in power. So what is the point of all of this . Some people are getting rich from it, drive to the d. C. Suburb sometimes and see for yourself. Most americans derive no benefis at all. Some families are paying the highest possible price. Two years and, its not too late for the president to deliver on a Campaign Promise he once made and end this disaster. Tomorrow might be a good day to start with that. San francisco, one of the most expensive cities to live in or do business in consumer get even more costly. This tuesday voters in the city will consider an initiative that would implement a new tax on businesses. That money they say would bee used to fight homelessness. If approved the tax is expected to cause businesses to owe about 300 million a year. Former member of the San Francisco Police Commission currently running for d. A. There. Hes a frequent guest on thean shelf and joins us today. Thanks for coming on. How much tax do San Francisco spend already homelessness . The number is 300 million but is probably closer to about one and a half to 2 billion if you take into account all the resources that each of the city departments are putting into the issue. The Fire Department alone, one of the fire commissioners here, we recently did an audit and almost half of our calls, 40 of our calls are homeless related calls so there are a lot of resources going into this issue and i think the mayor is right on this one. Shes only been in office for about six months. She says no, which of the proposition you are speaking about i think shes right about it because theres this institution thats been built around homelessness that if we keep feeding it money and its not showing results, its really just a practice of lunacy. So this mayor has said shes dedicated to the number one issue of solving homelessness so for her to say no on c is really a big deal because she personally sees where this money goes so shes fixing this problem the way it should be solved. Tucker if i could just say i was just there last week and the city is inherently beautiful. Obviously you know that but if the filthiest place ive been in north america. Why not do what cities have traditionally done which is to say you are not allowed to shoot heroin on the sidewalk or defecate in front of kids on Market Street. Wouldnt that be a good policy for outrageous behavior in public . Thats different from homelessness. You have people on the street on a daily basis that are necessarily homeless but if you want to get rid of some of thato behavior you have to install some accountability. Wa our current District Attorney has announced hes not running for District Attorney again for reelection because hes going tc care for his sick mother, which is great, but that leaves our city in a lame duck status which are kind of artie was because a lot of criminals know they can get away with things here in San Francisco and not be b prosecuted much like the images and the things you are saying on the streets there. Tucker i believe that your District Attorney is lame. The proof is in the fruit, but where is everybody else . If you walked on Market Street and there are people sleeping perpendicular on the sidewalk in puddles of urine, why do people put up with that . Why doesnt somebody say get out of here. You dont own the sidewalk. You cant do this, my kids are here. Where are those people, the normal people . They are everywhere and we are waiting for this new mayor to step up and do something about it. Frankly, she cant do it on her own. We need a District Attorney thats going to help out as well and the Police Department is starting to show some signs that they are going to step up as well under this new mayor. D but the reality of it is a lot of san franciscans are fed up with it and they just throw their hands up because they cant solve it themselves. They expect leadership to solve the problems. The current leadership is not doing it. Thats why im running for d. A. Tucker have you thought about maybe sending a delegation to, i dont know, rural vietnam or burma or somewhere in Southeast Asia where the economy is the hundred the side of San Francisco but where theres none of this and ask why dont you have people doing that on the sidewalk . Because you wont put up with that. You dont even need to go that far. You know the bay area. If you go just across the street from San Francisco, i spoke to some of the Police Officers there, they have no homelessness hethere. Its because they dont tolerate it. Tucker exactly. The answer was right in our backyard. Tucker because they wont tolerate it. I love that. That ought to be your campaign slogan. I would send you money. Thank you. Good to see you. Hold onto your money. Tucker im going to. I know we disagree but i agree with that. Thanks. The creepy porn lawyer has had n rough couple of weeks, weve been following it very closely, thats our job. He mangled the attack on brett v kavanaugh but he is undeterred in his president ial bid. Tons of people here inas washington are helping him. What is that . We have details after the break. Fact is, every Insurance Company hopes you drive safely. But allstate helps you. With drivewise. Feedback that helps you drive safer. And that can lower your cost now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . We really pride ourselves ton making it easyautoglass, to get your windshield fixed. Teacher lets turn in your science papers. Tech vo this teacher always puts her students first. Student i did mine on volcanoes. Teacher you did . oh, i cant wait to read it. Tech vo so when she had auto glass damage. She chose safelite. With safelite, she could see exactly when wed be there. Teacher you must be pascal. Tech yes maam. Tech vo saving her time. [honk, honk] kids bye tech vo . So she can save the science project. Kids whoa kids vo safelite repair, safelite replace first, it continues to pay paramedics while were on break. Second, it ensures the closest ambulance can respond if you call 911. Vote yes on 11. Gavin newsom has lived the rich made him powerful. But hes done nothing to help us. Every day i work harder. Rent, food, and gas prices climb. Poverty, homelessness gavin admits it. We created it happened on our watch. What you see out there on the streets and sidewalk happened on our watch. Now he says hell have courage, for a change, but gavins had his chance for eight years, and he never lifted a finger. Its time for someone new. John cox, governor. Michael avenatti is a beast. Thats true. Hes a beast. He keeps popping donald trump and all of his folks in the mouth. Jon meacham says he may be the savior of the republic. He really is a master of the media cycle. For the last couple of weeks ive been saying enough, ive seen you everywhere, what you have left say . I was wrong. You have a lot to say. The democrats learn somethingay for you. He has a bigger calling here. Being a lawyer is minimal compared to what hes doing. Hes out there saving the country. T tucker the savior of the republic. You know what the creepy porn player really is . Is a rorschach block. What you see when you look at him tells you a lot about you. In the past month it has gotten a lot tougher to be the creepy porn lawyer. First he failed to defame Brett Kavanaugh after accusing him of serial gang rape. Then he was exposed for failing to pay his taxes. Failing on all sides, they have decided to seek refuge in audacity. Hes gearing up for president ial run. Politico reports hes artied assembled a team of democratic advisors, jack quinn, quite a famous democratic advisor here in washington to help them raise money, craft a message and ultimately rule the land as president. Maybe the creepy porn president will do better than the creepy. Porn lawyer has done. Tammy bruce joins us tonight. The whole point of never using his name, which i dont evento know, to be honest, at this point, is to send obviously the signal that we are not going to take this wholly seriously. And yet there are people in washington. N jack quinn, again, the famous clinton find and sort of an eminent guy in washington, nice guy. He apparently is advising creepy porn lawyer, so why are all these democrats taking a nonserious candidacy so seriously . They think there might be money. For a lot of people this is their job. 24 7, 365 is that they work for candidates and people ginning up their profile to be seriousnd people or more serious people but clearly for the democrats the bar has become very, very low. Its so low its on the floor and you saw the comments with your montage, really remarkable. If this guy, not only with the irs, losing a lawsuit from a former partner to the tune of over 4 million, his client t Stormy Daniels has been told by a judge she has to pay Donald Trumps legal fees having lost part of the case against him. Now like over 300,000 so ill creepy porn lawyer is elevating his profile using these people, she is probably going to have to go bankrupt. Julie being referred h for criminal investigation by the senate. Shes going to have to get a different lawyer as well to defend her so hes destroying these lives and using these women and it looks like maybe the Democratic Party is the next woman that he wants to use to get more money. Tucker such a good point and i made that point to him in the one and only appearance on this show. Stormy daniels was to perform in a depressing strip club, this hero that you say your protection, you are her protector, why is she working in stevie strip clubs while you are on television wearing expensive suits . Why are you not exploiting her . Why is she doing that . Because she wants to. This is america and guess what . If a woman wants to perform in a strip club, she does so im notf getting rich. Tucker how badly do you think Stormy Daniels wants to perform at strip clubs in richmond . Women make their own decisions. We all find our own level and we make choices for what best suits us. The problem for mr. Creepy porn lawyer, the only thing missing is the giant gold ring and a big giant gold necklace as hes using this process to benefit himself. And you see that as the clients lose they dont just lose. They end up having charges against them or having to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. They lose and they get ruined. He might be a perfect democrati candidate because thats what the democrats do to the country. They get in there, they bankrupt us, they ruin our lives and everything is worse. So this is clearly what we should expect from the democrats but in fact the base deserves better. Women, regardless of their party, deserve better. The democrats think that its the Metoo Movement and this is the man that they want to elevate in this process. They are desperate. There clearly is no talent there clearly is maybe not even a party at this point in that exchange with you will go down in infamy as an example of what we would expect and would want from leaders in this country and the Democratic Party clearly has i dont know if itss rockbottom yet. Maybe the team of creepy porn lawyer and hillary. Tucker he could win. Thank you for your smart analysis. Uc the Migrant Caravan which we are not supposed to talk about because its wrong, but we are going to anyway is still on its way north making its way here. The president said hes going to meet with thousands of u. S. Troops. Is that a smart thing to do . Will it affect the Midterm Election a week from today . Thats next. Im ken jacobus and i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. I earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. And last year, i earned 36,000 in cash back. Which i used to offer Health Insurance to my employees. Whats in your wallet . Tucker in the last week omfore the midterms the tucker in the last week before the midterms the Political Landscape is coming startedo where it all two years ago, immigration is a central topic. By deploying troops to the border and planning an executive order on birthright citizenship to reign in birth tourism, the president is making it clear that the border and whether it exists at all or ought to bede defended is the central issue. A democrat, former cia officer joins usoc tonight. Thanks a lot for coming on. You are a lifelong democrat froa a family of democrats from eastern oregon, moderate fdr democrats. So taking trump the man out of the equation, when they hear policies like this, troops to the border, end birthright citizenship for Illegal Immigrants, whats their responses democrats to that . Positive. Ei i think most folks feel a sense of compassion. Certainly in my own family for the people in central and south america who are struggling economically or who have done my current property. But most people understand, my family included that we have laws for a reason and you can commit an uninvited and unvented and just march across the border. En and secondarily you cant come to the country, have children and have very poor english abilities and certainly poor ability to get a job and support your own family and then expect a country or a bunch of other people to support you. I think my family is like most in that we want to have compassion for folks thatt are struggling but we also believe people come here because of the rule of law and if you dont have the rule of law, you dont have the stability needed to create and grow and create a country that attracts people. Tucker exactly. You are also from a part of the country that doesnt get act lot of attention, which is to say you are not from new york, los angeles, or washington, d. C. , so the zip code that you grew up in, the town that you are from, wast a lot richer than it ten years ago . Probably not, right . So do people there wonder, a lot of attention is being paid to foreign nationals, but what about us . Sure. I think youve heard that over the past 20 or 30 years. Nafta certainly, the chinese entering the wto. The giganticic sucking sound whn china started grabbing a lot of those industrial manufacturing facilities, that impacted places where i come from. My hometown was impacted. Our timber mill shut down. So absolutely people get frustrated. They feel like they have been left behind and the Democratic Party, i think, hasas done a very poor job at rallying the people in Rural Communities because they focuse now on identity politics. If you are a particular color skin come if you are woman, whatever it is, thats who we want to focus on as a party. We are not interested in people and places that are more rural or people that dont fit that desired demographic by Democratic Party. So i have certainly heard it continued frustration by my family, my friends, and i hope that the Democratic Party wakes up and if they dont, then the republicans should continue to do well because they will serve the interest of the rural People Better than anyone else. Tucker i would say the leadership on the hill of the Republican Party cares about world people about as much of the Democratic Party does, which is not at all. But there are i think there is a growing realization that is thats who they represent, those are their people. Why do you think the democratic r party explicitly attacks people from towns like yours . I think that we have become in their minds the deplorables. That wasnt just a slip of the tongue by hillary clinton. We are the people who cling to our guns and our god and thats a bad thing. Famous words spoken by president obama. So for whatever reason we have become expendable and i think part of that is because we dont have the numbers that you willhi find in more urban areas that can bring votes and so our interests arent of interest and thats frankly the bottom line. Its a political calculus that we are not as important as we once used to be, which by the way, will end up hurting us big time. Tucker certainly it will. A despised Minority Group under attack by politicians. Rural america. Pretty disgusting. You put it so nicely. Great to see you. Our show is over. We are sad about that but we will be back again tomorrow night at 8 00 p. M. The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink, all in great abundance right now. This wont last forever. Good night from washington. Guess whos next . Three guesses. Sean hannity. Sean whos next . Me. Tucker live from new york city sean. [laughs] sean great show, good to see you and welcome to hannity. One week from tonight, seven days you will turn into the foxnm news channel, the fate of your government rests in your hands. So much at stake, your paycheck, your taxes, your retirement, your 401 k . Your economy, immigration, border wall, originalist federal justices. Due process, presumption of innocence. Peace through strength and so much more. I argue tonight that we are at a crossroads in this country will either get better or worse. In one week you have the power. Not the pundits, not the fake news network, not the pollsters, you get to decide and shock the world

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