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Gave a bitterly partisan Campaign Speech at the university of illinois at Champaign Urbana in which he urged voters to support democrats in the midterm election. Like virtually all obama speeches the subtext was about the omni presence of white racism which obama needless to say blamed for the rise of trump. But then he got creative. Watch, for example, as obama blames the Current Administration for pursuing almost exactly the same russia policy that he once g. What happened to the Republican Party . Its central organizing principle in Foreign Policy was to fight against communism and now they are cozying up to the former head of the kgb. How did a guy from hawaii learn to talk like that . Where did he get that accent . Pretty funny. Thats just an aside. Soon obama went back to favorite and endlessly recurring theme republican racism. Here is one quote. Each time we painstakingly pull ourselves closer to our founding ideals that all of us are created equaled and endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights. Somebody somewhere just pushed back. In other words republicans hate equal rights thats why they elected trump. They are like save holders nut nfl in the south. Watch obama explain. Understanding, this is not just a matter of democrats vs. Republicans or liberals vs. Conservatives. Various times in our history this kind of politics has infected both parties. Southern democrats were the bigger defenders of slavery. Tucker slavery. See, its simple. Racism did it. Interestingly, the one thing obama didnt next was the death of the american middle class and thats odd because it was only in 2015, seven years into obamas presidency when the middle class became a minority in this country for the first time in living memory. That was the pivotal event of the past several decades. It changed this country profoundly the cause of nearly all of our current political turmoil. To obama it zimmermanly nevesimply neverhappened and ofn years of his policies had nothing to do with it throughout washington figures burst into applause what they heard that they dont want to talk about the dying middle class either they are not interested and dont want to be implicated so much easier to blame racism. Staff to Chuck Schumer joins us tonight chris, is it that simple . The president said today if you read the speech carefully as i did, what most democrats have been saying for the last two years racism, all of this is racism. Republicans rule people, the ruralpeople couldnt deah the equality and it was a backlash against trump. Yeah, i dont think thats really what he said today. Shepard it is what he said. I think its rich for anybody to say that norms were not being followed today which is what you opened with today. Norms have not been follow for the last 20 months with this president. Thats true. Every Good American needs to stop by. Rallying cry touted entire country. It was a Campaign Speech designed to get democrats auto licking countied. Im not begrudging you. One if you are against overturning norms than surely it must bother you a a recently retired president is giving a Campaign Speech. We have a norm you dont do that he just did. Since you are a defender of norms, you are thought bothered . No. I just dont think that the people who love freedom and love our constitution in this country should universally dislarm to a president who has died to post every call him on the press including calling on the press to turn someone over to the government. The Republican Party used to think that okay was tyranny. Dont you think thats more dramatical. Tucker whatever. Its such a talking point. Theafn, then just dont ever lesson me about normals. Again u its its bad for trump to overturn obviously he has. Completely. He has. And obama just did it again today. But thats cool and what trump is doing is bad because stop lecturing me about norms, please. Get back to the rates thing because its real. I watched out speech again and again this is part of a long cycle in howard k. Stern historyward we enfranchise certain groups in the country and certain reactionary elements hate that and thats how they strike back. He just said that. He blamed this on racism. Im asking you, is that really true what the about racism . I watched out speech and read it again preparing for the show. President obama said there are people in this country fear change thats what he said today. Are there people in this country that have a racial element to their politics . Of course there are, tucker, we both agree with that . First on that list. If you are obama fan sees himself as intellectual. Shouldnt you mention the death of the middle class in your speech during his presidency the middle class for the first time in anyones lifetime became a minority in this country. That caused a ton of anxiety that in my view that resulted in trumps election. He doesnt even mention that no one ever mentions that. Why . Im serious. President obama took over an job and resuscitated including Many Industries that would have just gone away had it not been for the policies of the obama administration. You are right the middle class did take a hit curing the obama administration, doned in the Bush Administration as well. Yes, i agree. Th thing is im not a mindless partisan im not defending george s. W. Bush. Im not. I dont think it is. Im thought here to tout republicans who i attack regularly on this show. I just want someone to stop lying and concede all of this is not about racism. Its about the death of our middle class which has sustained the country for a hundred years. Call you admit that. I think the pressure on the middle class has absolutely contributed to our politics, kuker take it out in ways that are not necessarily good. Thats probably true. All right. I dont think this president is capable of doing it. Tucker maybe screaming racist will fix the problem. During his speech, president obama says that its time for women to hold more power. Watch. Out of this political darkness i have seen a great awakening, a movement of citizens who happen to be younger and more diverse and more female than ever before and thats really useful. We need more women in charge. Tucker he could have done his part, by the way, i think, i have got to check my notes but i think he ran against a woman. Who woman who came closer than any other woman in American History by becoming president , he sabotaged her campaign by calling her does this sound familiar . A racist. Her name was Hillary Clinton. Dan bongino former secret Service Agent and author spy gate the attempted sabotage of donald j. Trump and he joins us tonight. I dont know why this doesnt surprise me, this is yet another guy who flies in private planes lecturing us about carbon emission and how we need more women to be in power who brutally savaged the woman who came close to becoming president . How much hypocrisy are they capable of . A lookout. He is also a guy in denmark stabbed didnt want the amount being paid disclosed cancel the speech. Barack obama. Tucker, this is very deliberate strategy by the left. Listen to me. They live in a vacuum of ignorance. They dont have any ideas that appeal on a popular scale. I mean. What is the Campaign Sign going to read government tax hike. Governor is too small beneed more of it racism line coming out strategically. What it does, tucker, is it gets people to believe that the democrats dont vote for us. Vote against those guys, the republican because they are the real bad guys and we are going to be the ones to cynical but very tactical strategy by the democrat. Its pretty disgusting. I hate it. Tucker what cost though because if powerful people get up and say anyone who opposes your ideas hates you because of your skin color, people believe that make all of us hate each other a little more its did, tucker, goes back to critical theory the white patriarch call power struggle. Lid to this whole thing we are now. Can you only do that by divorcing people from facts and data and getting them knee deep in quagmire of emotion. Only way to generate that hatred toward your opponent is to say the most awful things. Is there anything worse you can call someone than a racist or big gout . Out answer is no. Thats why they do it all the time. I cant believe the last time i. Had someone make straightforward. I would be glad to hear no mart what it was. Serious intent moral character like tell me what the economics are no one does. They cant. You are right. They cant. Thats a great point. Dan bongino. Thank you. Thanks. We have got some news for you. Former Trump Campaign advisor George Papadopoulos was sentenced today to two weeks in jail. 14 days the sentence was exclusively for lying to federal agents. The judge said today papadopoulos showed no desire to intep wash. Clearly there wars no coexiewtion band caught up in endless fishing petition t. Petition knot one oath that i have evidence crime it was find. To be clear. Washington more brazen in calls to end the current presidency without bothering to hold a vote. Before they stop democracy, we would like to ask a few questions about what they believe and what they intend to do when they retake power. Thats next. Plus, today was the fourth straight day of hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Someone who spoke on the judges behalf will join us just ahead when you have pain, you want relief fast. Only new thermacare ultra pain relieving cream has 4 active ingredients, to fight pain 4 different ways. Get relief fast with new thermacare ultra pain relieving cream. Its a revolution in sleep. The new sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now, from 899, during sleep numbers biggest sale of the year. It senses your movement, and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. It even helps with this. So you wake up ready to put your pedal to the metal. Its the final days where all beds are on sale. The queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is now only 899. Plus, 24month financing on all beds. Ends sunday. Sleep number proven quality sleep thats why capital one iss feel the building something completely different. Capital one cafes. Welcoming places with people here to help you, not sell you. With savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. 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Which is the main reason i left the military. Everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. And i get to do that. I get to provide that for them. Tucker a few days ago an anonymous oped writer in the New York Times as you all know revealed he is part of a resistance inside the executive branch dedicated to sabotaging the policies of the administration. The left was thrilled to find this. Now they are calling for the mead removal of the president. We dont need an election or even an impeachment trial they are telling us, the cabinet can just end trumps presidency right now its that simple. Washington wants to democratically elected president because they dont like his policy and they want to do it without any election of their own sounds more like a koop than a feature democracy thats what theyre calling for. Maybe they will succeed in it. Before that happens. The people hoping who regain power should have to explain why their ideas are better for america. So far they havent done that they have talked a lot about norms called a lot of people racist tried to make anyone who disagrees with them shut up. Political diversity as if that answers some relevant question. Diversity patchwork heritage is not a weakness still and always will be one of our greatest strength. Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths. Our great strength lies in our diversity. You know our diversity is a strength not a weakness. Tucker well, they all agree on that. Hard to know exactly what it means other than stop talking or else. We wont stop talking. If the president is going to be removed from Office Without a single vote from anybody outside of washington, d. C. Then we deserve to have some simple questions answered. We mean answered for real not just with a smear and ticket to Hr Department for sensitivity training. How is our curentd immigration system made america more stable and more prosperous in your answer please explain what happened to the state of california used to be the called the goldible state had a thriving middle class and had the countrys best schools. Now the schools in california are in complete disaster. Of the middle class is vanishing and the nations largest mass of impoverished people remains behind to serve a tiny pool of tech oligarchs. How did that happen . Next, how precisely is diversity our strength since you made this our new National Motto please be specific. Cuff say for example if other institutions such as marriage or military units in which the less people have in common the more cohesive they are. Do you get along better your neighbors or coworkers if you cant understand each other or share no common values . Please be honest if you answer this question. If diversity is our strength why is to okay for rest of you was surrender our free speech to a handful of tech mondamonopolies. I if your ideas are okay and true why does anyone who questions them need to be silenced or fired. After overcoming painful discrimination hatred why is it acceptable or encouraged to attack people on the basis of their skin color and by the way since we are asking, if its now possible to change your sex, is it possible to change your race, too . If not, tell us why and be specific after spending more than a trillion dollars and lies attacking afghanistan, iraq and libya and getting nothing for it why does it make sense to start new wars in syria and iran and after 30 years after the enter line wall fell why is it okay to ignore china. Why is it it fair to use Public Resources to bail out public to economic collapse. Which enterprises are eligible for tax dollars once they go bankrupt because of stupid decisions . Since were living by this princprince pell does it apply o my household budget, for example . And this, is San Francisco better off covered in hypo dermic needles and human waste. How about detroit and gary indiana doing. Werent you in charge of those cities . We have a plot more questions we could go on. Start with those before canceling democracy washington should answer those questions first. We will start by asking them of clinton jane the founder of collective pac and he is kind enough for come on. Thank you for coming on. Thank you for having me, tucker. Tucker trump is bad, breaking norms. I dont work for trump, why would i defender it what we never hear about is the people who seek to take his place. People who came up with all the ideas that the republic reject to the extent that they elected donald trump. My question is have they repudiated those ideas. Are democrats against it now . Have their views changed . What are they for i guess is my question to you. Thank you again for having me on, tucker. Tucker of course. Hillary clinton more votes than donald trump so i dont know if the republic repudiate you had the entire democratic platform there. Tucker 61 million people. Its a significant chunk i would say. No, of course, right. She still got 3 million more votes. Neither here nor there President Trump is our president. I think when it comes to what democrats believe in im excited about november when democrats will take over congress and we will see a democratic agenda move forward one thats talking about raising the minimum wage. One thats talking about reforming our immigration system. Dealing your healthcare costs that are rising right now. I think what we have seen over the past two years in donald trump is a complete almost shut down moving anything forward in terms of policy. I thought we are mad because congress has done all these evil things and wrecked the country. You might want to recheck your talking points. Im not here to talk about trump or congress. I want to know, for an charm are democrats who backed the bailout ofs of the bank in 2008 killing in qaddafi in libya . Are v. They rethought it at all. Im not here to defend policy from the last administration. I think what were challenging us right now is our Current Administration and, again, almost a complete stand still in terms of moving legislation forward. I think if you look around the nation, would we have democrats leading some of our cities and states they are taking the issue to the forefront and again moving things forward. Tucker okay, hang on, you make a fair point. You are right. I think they should fund the wall immediately. Im sure you agree with me. He ran on it people want it. Lets build that. When you say congress is not acting thats what you are saying. Let me ask you this, we have a kind of case study here because the state of california, our biggest state is a one party state run entirely by democrats. It was the richest state when i grew up there its now got more poverty than any state. Its billions in debt. It will never erepay and its cities are cesspools. So would you say that thats kind of model for the rest of the country . Tucker, the last i checked i think Governor Brown has a surplus for the first time in years in californias budget. Tucker no. Just to clarify, california has more debt obligations than this country could pay. So, no, there is no the surplus thats just ridiculous. Honestly. The facts. Again, i dont think we should look at one state as a model to run our entire nation. Why thought its a democratic state. Biggest state. Between, we are not here to confuse out issues california will become the United States. Right now. Tucker so, name, okay, i will make it easy for you. Name a place that democrats have run for at least 20 years and tell me reassure me that america will become more like that place. Look, i think if we look at the past two democratic presidencies of bill clinton and president barack obama. [laughter] no. Look at the economy. Look at the jobs numbers, right . Donald trump amazing economy. Tucker i know. George bush amazing economy. Now if we look at what is happening in the country, he is taking credit for what we saw under barack obama. Tucker i gave you a chance to give me a quentin, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, tucker. Today is the third and fourth day. Testified on kavanaughs blawf will join us next. For any adventure, you can be in your element, in any element. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Bundle and save big, but now its time to find my dream abode. Right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. Keep going. Stop. A little bit down. Stop. Back up again. Is this adequate sunlight for a Komodo Dragon . Yeah. Sure, i want that discount on Car Insurance just for owning a home, but im not compromising. 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I believe he is the single best republican sitting federal judge under aged 60 available. He is the best person for the job, the best person on the horizon. Im not a supporter of many of the things that the Trump Administration has done but here they picked someone who is really sane, sober. Any republican judge, any republican president should have had someone like Brett Kavanaugh at the top of his list because the most important thing the Supreme Court does is constitutional interpretation and Brett Kavanaugh takes the constitution very seriously. Tucker well, that is a great sober honest endorsement. What do you make given the criteria you use to make that disismghts what do you make of the hearings and the posture of some of his critics . Do you think they are evaluating this correctly . Well, there is a lot of anger in the land on both left and right some folks may have made the decision that riling up the base worked for the republicans maybe we should try to do that for the democrats. I dont like that strategy. I thought the temperature in the room today metaphorically was much lower than in previous days. I have been watching things on tv and i was a little uneasying about going down into the snake pit. I thought today wally there was a lot of cyber conversation among the witnesses with the senators. I was more impressed today than i have been watching the thing on the television for the last three days. Tucker thats a low bar, of course. And, quickly, professor, are you worried about going back to yale . Have you been criticized for what you did . Well, im back at yale now. And you know, professors are supposed to profess. We are supposed to say what we actually believe. We dont run for election or reelection. And were going to be judged in the long run, im a constitutional scholar and i read a lot of what Brett Kavanaugh has written and it impresses me and i will call it as i see it. You are an honest man. Good luck. We are rufting for you. Thank you, professor. Thanks. Tucker amazon has made jeff bezos the richest man in history. Amazingly some of his employees are so poor you are paying for food stamps is that fair . Bezos is a hero and our attacks on Tech Companies are far off base. She will explain next. Ill take you there. Take this left. If you listen real hard you can hear the whales. Oop. You hear that . vo our Subaru Outback lets us see the world. Sometimes in ways we never imagined. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase sensimist relieves your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. It helps block six key inflammatory substances. Most pills block one. Flonase sensimist. 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Well, amazon is a trilliondollar company but despite that man moth evaluation some of the workers are so poor they not only have dropped out of the middle class they are on food stamps which you are paying for. We have criticized amazon and by the way other big Tech Companies and nonTech Companies, too like walmart for this arrangement where taxpayers subsidize the wealth of rich people in the world have been willing in a limited way some people we dont disagree with like Bernie Sanders for agreeing. A talk show host and blogs at dont let it go. Com. She says her attacks on amazon are ridiculous. She joins us tonight to explain why. Amy, thanks a lot for coming on. Thanks for having me on again, tucker, how are you . Im well, im confused you are a libertarian and rigorous thinker. I dont know why it would be okay for the eichest people in our society in effect to rely on corporate welfare to get even richer. Why is that a good thing. Now, to be clear im against corporation welfare. But, i have seen these attacks on big tech as quite unfair and actually quite unamerican, tucker, because, i mean, we are in america. [laughter] celebrates innovation, celebrates entrepreneurship, celebrates success, celebrates wealth creation. Why go after amazon in particular . I mean he has improved, jeff bezos has improved our lives tremendously. And he is not using any government benefits anybody else doesnt have access to. Its about him and his ingeniousingenious ideas to cree this business. Tucker wait. Im not attacking jeff bezos innovation. Im not attacking his business acumen. I admire both of those. I think its amazing what he built. He is the richest person in human history. For that reason i find it disgusting and wrong and actually incomprehensible have people work are for him im paying for food stamps. He is office loading. Its not his fault that the stood star program exist. People are working for him for whatever productive value it is that he is provided. Tucker im not blaming him for the program. What value they provide to him. Thats the wage range. Tucker no. Come on, i just wants to be clear im not blaming him for food stamps, of course. Im blaming him for paying his employees so little that they qualify for food stamps. You cant get food stamps if you make under you a certain threshold. A one pell things at play. The fact that he is able to van in part compensated by food stamps. A lot of other businesses are getting, in too. Why go after him . Hold on because he is liberal and boast going. I will kel you why because he is the richest man in the world and i believe to your children, your employees people depend denting on out an ago sakes you do something for them. Why does he have a moral obligation, tucker . Tucker because the powerful. To him in terms of productibility . Tucker because the powerful have an obligation to take care of the less pawferl, a i think thats fair to say. Why . Because i think thats inparent in our christian code, our jew dough owe understanding, our religious perspective. Christian code and your christian code is based on you will need to provide seq. Coul secular argum. I dont know. I think another im going honest about why i feel that way and im opening myself up. Tuck eer one at a time. Im actually going to finish, amy, amy, excuse me, let me finish my sentence which is to say it would have been easier for me to say what a person would say decency requires it. But, you dont have to believe in decency or a moral code to believe that its wrong for taxpayers to pay his labor costs, which is contactually whats hang taxpayers labor cost what we deed to do is eliminate the program that is paying for his cost, we dont blame a person like jeff base zos for doing what he can within the semi friend of free. A tremendous amount of welfare, tucker. For himself. Excuse me. You his employ years food stamps you dont see that grow text. Tucker, i dont get paid anything to be here on your show and i hope you make an exlengths salary i come here because it is worth my while to be able to say things to try to improve. Tucker im not really sure. People are choosing to voluntarily go and work for whatever it is that jeff bezos is offering because that is the best opportunity that is there. Indictment to take it away from them . Tucker so disgusting, yes. Interview monday amazon employee living in her car. We will get perspective on this. Amy, thank you very much. Thank you. Tucker all sides of the political spectrum buy sneakers while nike targeting one half while alienating the other half of the country. That discussion is next. And thats very different than living on park ave in sheboygan, wisconsin, where ice dams could cause water damage. But no matter what park you live on, one of 10,000 local allstate agents knows yours. Now that you know the truth, are you in good hands . 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Blood clots that can lead to death have also occurred. Talk to your doctor right away if you notice pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain or rapid breathing or heart rate. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include nausea, infections, low red and white blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. Im relentless. And my doctor and i choose to treat my mbc with verzenio. Be relentless. Ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. Tucker nike is a huge company constituent simply a political statement it was a business decision. Is it paying off. Sales surged in the days after the announcement of the campaign. Nikes stock is still down from where it was at the beginning of the week. A marine corps combat veteran and also hosts the jesse kelly show in houston. For congressional candidate and he joins us tonight. Jesse, do you think this was leaving aside your personal views on this do you think it was a wise decision for nike to do this . No, it was idiotic, and i understand they are putting out these statements now how they are focusing on the urban environment, on how they are focusing on younger people but what sense does it make to focus on left wing social Justice Warrior younger people . Whose are poor people. You need to focus on the entire country. Nike was built on the back of Michael Jordan who said republicans buy shoes, too. It makes no sense to alienate anybody. They could have chose anybody for this 30 anniversary. Just because you ride a jack ass doesnt mean you are jesus christ. Tucker im so struck by the term social Justice Warrior. I really believe in social justice really strongly. I dont hate america. These people hate america. The whole point of this is youre kneeling during our national anthem, the basic symbol of our country an attack on the United States. Why do people who say they identify with social justice have to hate the country thats provided more social justice than any country in history . No different than people who love abortion call it rim wption reproductive rights. They master language and try to shame other people when they try to speak the truth. You are right, Collin Kaepernick is just a guy employee who violated the one rule of every employee in the country that makes your talent outweighs your baggage and he didnt. He declared america to be racist. When you add in the fact that he read defenses like helen keller he is out of the nfl. [laughter] tucker thats pretty funny. Wait, i dont think you are giving his his due. Nike told us he is the bravest person in human history. Certainly American History. You served the United States marine corps in combat did you ever meet anyone as brave as Collin Kaepernick . I will tell you all the brothers in arms that i serve with none of them had the bravery to make 39 million in the nfl and then move on to get paid by one of the biggest shoe brands in the world. I have to tell you, i think he should get some sort of medal of honor whatever civilians can make. [laughter] tucker jesse, thank you for coming on tonight. It was great to see you. Appreciate you, man. Tucker thank you. Richard painter ran for office in minnesota recently. He didnt win but he did become famous for a phrase that he uses a lot. He put it in a campaign ad. Why does he love that phrase so much . Dumpster fire is the phrase. We will ask him. What is it about Dumpster Fire that is so appealing. Dumpster file. Its a dumpster file with nuclear weapons. This a dump ter fire. Your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . 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If you followed the career of richard parent there is a certain phrase he loves above all other phrases, here it is. Some people see a Dumpster Fire and do nothing but watch the spectacle. This is a Dumpster Fire. A Dumpster Fire with nuclear weapons. This is a Dumpster Fire. It is a Dumpster Fire we need somebody to put it out. A Dumpster Fire in washington isnt just about donald trump. Attributed a lot to the Dumpster Fire. Tucker richard painter joins us. Thank you very much for coming on. Thanks, tucker. Tucker it has come to our attention this obsession with Dumpster Fire. Fire, this fire that you cut an ad about fire. Are you a piro maniac. No, i dont think so. We could think of other analogies or metaphors but most of the metaphors i could think of describe what is going on in washington would be entirely inappropriate on national television. So, i think the Dumpster Fire is a good one. You couldnt help but notice wait, i dont know if you can see the picture next to you on the screen. This is from your ad that you had up a couple of months ago. We showed this to our experts and they all point out the same thing there is a fire going on behind you and you do nothing to put it out. Why is that . There is a Dumpster Fire but you take no affirmative action to put it out . We had water go on that fire at the end of that ad. Tucker but you play nod role. You seemed to be bipartisanning ibasking inits wo douse it no signature mind freud. Washington a lot of ways to clean that up get the money out of politics and thats the problem with both political parties. And we have President Trump going to drain the swamp. They glowt a lot of conflict of interest. We need to get people out of washington have financial conflicts of interest. That includes the democratics 5 million tucker hold on. There is a fire wait, hold on. It doesnt even make sense. Honestly with respect. I know you are an attorney and law professor. There is a fire going on but you want to drain the swamp at the same time . Is that even safe . No, what im talking about is we need to. Tucker im sorry im lost in met for land here. Whether you want to talk about the strain of the swamp or putting out the Dumpster Fire or some other met for that cant be appropriate. Tucker dont you see how wreckless it is to do both . Hear what you are saying, richard, take a step back here. Fly like a drone above yourself and look down and assess. You are saying there is a fire in progress but we must drain the swamp. Would any responsible person drain the swamp in the middle of a fire . I didnt come up with the drain the swamp language. That was donald trump. He hasnt drained anything. He brought a bunch of backfill in new York New Jersey and wherever he found with everybody come down with financial conflicts of interest. Lets. Tucker are setting fires, also . Financial conflicts of interest. They have the whole me too thing yet they cant figure out whats going on with Keith Ellison out in minnesota. The democrat would have. Tucker whoa, stop. And i agree with that of course. My question is do their problems qualify as a Dumpster Fire or merely maybe a malfunctioning microwave . Where on the kind of heat scale would you put their problems . I sailed they are right in there with the republican washington, d. C. Is a Dumpster Fire and we are going to put it out until we get the money out of politics, get the politicians. Basically, you take the republicans political dumpster and put them together and you have a conflation there. Everybody accuses the other party of being corrupt. As i say they dont bother. Tucker the man who stood in front of a burning dumpster who did nothing to but the it out. We have got to go. Richard, good luck. Get the hose, take control, put out that fire. Good to see you. That is it for us this week. Be sure to tune in the show monday, we will be here and exclusive story about big tech, working to change the 2016 election results. Monday night, dont miss it. See you then. Sean welcome to hannity this friday night. You will decide the fate of this country. The democrats are out for blood. They want to impeach the president and now they are rolling out their savior, barack obama all over the country to tell you how to vote. Of course, he wants to destroy the trump agenda, he wants to decide your future after all of his failure because he thinks he knows better. Tonight with the help of a new report from john solomon, we will connect all of the dots tonight. We will show you how dangerous this countrys

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