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In the first week of june, right before all this began, theha president s Approval Rating average was 42 . His disApproval Rating, 54 . After a full month of all the. Cable news, calling him hitler. Trumps Approval Rating rose to 43 . The highest of his presidency. His disapproval dropped to 50 . That was over the beginning of heres the remarkable part. The Harvard Harris folder, his approving rose with hispanic voters. Keep in mind, this was the exact same period where everyone with a masters degree was telling e u that trump hates hispanics. His number among hispanics voters, it rose ten points. Amazing. Could it be that the cable news dummies dont really understand the country they pretend to report on . Could it be that hispanic americans are pretty much like t every other american. Normal people who love their country and know that illegal immigration hurts all of us. It looks that way. That is bad news for democrats who are betting in the campaign of hysteria. Ew it hasnt worked. Well they figure that out . Well they figure that out . Maybe or maybe not. They have grown so confident that trump is finished, over, done. They are no longer hiding what they really think, they have pulled off the mask. Calls to halt family separation, that turned into demands to hault deportation and to abolish ice. To abolish prisons. The left believes that voters are so angry at trump that they want to abolish the country that elected him. They want to replace it with an entirely new country where voters, business, where the law itself no longer exist. They are betting that most voters hate him so much that they have come to hate america too. That is their gamble. Tonight, it is not paying off. She is the ceo and she joins us. Thank you for coming on. Thank you, tucker. Tucker this strikes me as an amazing number. After this last month that we have had. People were literally comparing trump to adolf hitler himself. Because of his immigration policy. Pa his number goes up among 10 with hispanic voters. How do you explain that . What i love about data, it removes the bias that comes with opinion. I dont care if you are on the left or the right, the data removes the emotion. I have stated over and over again here in this network and many others, we are not a single minded community or a single issued community. A we do care about jobs and the we will continue to hit the immigration pinata as i like to call it as an issue, it is not the one that is really driving the priority of hispanic americans. Working hard for the american dream. Also moving jobs in the economyn tucker what do you make of the assumption. I think it is shared by pretty d much every cable news anchor. The assumption . I think it is shared by pretty if you have a hispanic last name, you are for illegal immigration. That strikes me as a prettyc patronizing at best. At best. I it definitely is a patronizing assumption. While many of us who like to be hispanic, we may know someone who is caught in the middle of a broken immigration system. Or than 60 of hispanic americans are actually u. S. Born. Am that is a fact that many people overlook. We want to work hard, we want do things the right way. Most of the Small Business owners happen to be hispanic, we need to go back to the core of the priority issues. Not continue to see the rhetoric of one single issue that yes, needs fixing, it is not the top one. Once again, we need to see this in elections. This is the thing that will be rattled around, it will not work. That is why President Trump instead of the positive that he is getting, that is what the data is showing. Tucker it is though. I cant say this enough. It is the opposite of what i think every person i know in washington would have predicted a month ago. After all this drama we have the single most intense month politically ive ever seen. In a life lived in washington. That he would be more popular. Could he focus on that point. What he think that is about . We actually ran some data as recent as a few hours before the show. We looked at 200 data points. This is with our Big Data Analytics platform. Again, jobs and the economy is , jobs and the economy is what immigration is ranked as issue number five. So, there is a lot of noise around that. People that care about that issue feel like that is the onlp issue. However, we are not a single minded issue voter block, or community. It is diminishing the sophistication of this audience. The fact that we do care about growth, prosperity and achieving that american dream. People like me, i am an immigrant myself. I am here to work so hard. That is what we want to achieve. Not just for us, for all americans. Tucker the assumptions of the country, they diminish the people. Absolutely right. Thank you so much. Super interesting. Thank you, tucker. Tucker it is pretty obvious there is a crisis on our southern border. Tens of thousands people are crossing illegally or rising to demand asylum. Who is to blame for that crisis . Again and again we have heard that we american citizens are to blame. Are we . She is an editor at the city journal, the author of the diversity solution. { { } } she joins us tonight. Heather, this is one of those people on the other side, the open border, they take for assumptions that i think most if there is a crisis on theen border, it is the fault of american citizens. Is it . No, it is the cardinal no, it is the cardinal principle of the left. They favor Victim Groups they have no agency. Their behavior doesnt count. They are victims inevitably of structural racism. The effect of the matter is, if you are facing a deportation risk, the person that ise responsible as you, by having made the voluntary choice to come into this country illegally. Deportation is the universal response to illegal entry across the world. It is practiced without apology in countries south of the border. So, the American People are nott to blame for this. They are simply asking that the rule of law be enforced. Tucker when you make that point, i think youre absolutely right, i made it, the response you get is, well the United States is such a poisonous force in the region. Our Foreign Policy is responsible for the fact that people are fleeing el salvador and guatemala and honduras. How would you respond to that . It is preposterous. I would ask back in response, if the u. S. Is so poisonous, if this is a country so riveted by racism and misogyny, why do you want all of these people of color to come into it . The left knows that in some part of its brain, in fact this is the most opportunity filled tolerant country on earth. That is why they want to bring in as many third world people of color. At the same time, it insists on this false narrative. We are engaging in a lethal bias. Tucker what happens to people when you bring them into a country legally, let them stay illegally, give them asylum, any of those. The second you get here, they tell them the country they moved too is an immoral place run by racists. How does that affect their view of their new home . That is certainly the propaganda that they get in schools from kindergarten onwards. It results in assimilation downwards. We are seeing in hispanic communities, yes, wonderful entrepreneurship, as previous guests said. We see gang involvement. Highest incentive out of it doesnt help to be told that you are in a place that somehow oppresses you and to think of yourself as a victim. N tucker i think that is heather macdonald, thank you thank you, tucker. Tucker across the country, more and more on the left are turning towards violence as a political tool. In washington a secret Service Officer was injured, he was attacked by a man. The state of nebraska, somebody smashed a window of a Republican Office with a brick. They spraypainted the phrase window. This school, home of children of the administrator at a restaurant. Today, this morning on nbc, a Founding Fathers had slaves. { he was on the left, fairly now, he is not. He was on the left, fairly recently. Now, he is not. Have you seen, have you noticed a progression, where they are defending things, doing things they would not have a year ago . Yeah, it seems like they arei hankering for a civil war. Av it would be very illadvised considering we have all the guns as well as the market on the worlds most valuable resource, which is toxic masculinity. This is not an attempt to be civil, you shouldnt be going after these people. For violence is very interesting. Michelle wolf is an interesting character. Comedy is a great bellwether with what is happening in society. If you look at the great comedians, they are famous, we know that because they allow us to laugh at ourselves. S. They speak universal truths in the most effective way possible, which is through humor. He dont have that anymore through comedy in the left. Michelle wolf, she has hateful ideology. She has hateful rhetoric. She is not funny. This is a thing with all comedians on the left. People arent laughing because they are funny, theyre laughing out of cruelty not mirth. You could tell how emotionally damaged these people are. It is interesting what could really come from this. I dont see how the Democratic Party really prepares itself after this. After the Maxine Waters comment. After all this open violence. What might be the best thing for them is for them to completely crash and burn. For them to give up on 2019, 2020. They need to reinvent themselves. That is when they become even more dangerous than they are now. D tucker if there was a republican member of congress who stood up and said, next time you see someone whos disagreeing, assemble a mob of people. Go confront and harass them. I would like to think, that is totally over the line. That is just wrong. You are not seeing that response. Are there any adults left . Will they be standing up soon to calm what is pretty out of control . I dont see any adults in the room. Whoever does step up to do that, who does go up against the party, thats might be the new face of the party. Something they desperately need. They are openly spreading this rhetoric. A wounded animal is the most dangerous, when it is injured. An animal, a wild animal. That is what you are seeing here. Frightened. They are lashing out. Tucker so, what is the effect on you . You were in it until recently on the left. You live in a very liberalre neighborhood. You come on fox, you give opinions that are not popular in your neighborhood. What has happened to your life . I had been shouted in public its personal, it is veryho difficult. Ac although, i will say i go to many places. L if i go to a bar or something without meeting someone, after a conversation, they are very mucs questioning the left. They are secretly knowing it is a load of bull. They are too frightened to stand up against the party. They are too frightened to what will happen to them personally. They will lose all their friends and they might lose their jobs. They might lose their family members. A lot of people, theyre just scared. Tucker of course they are scared. Chadwick, thank you. Thank you. Demanding that the Supreme Court be expanded and packed with liberals. The next democrats come to power, that would guarantee a liberal court forever and ever. We will talk to somebody who is advocating that. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Tucker the left is taking Supreme Court Justice Anthony kennedys retirement pretty hard. Some of them want to throw out the entire Constitutional Order and delegitimize the Supreme Court itself. Me he has been demanding that as wt soon as democrats hold power once again, we need to expand the size of the Supreme Court and pack it with liberals. He tweeted this, pack the courts. He joins us. Thank you for coming on. Hey, thanks for having me. Tucker wouldnt it just be easier to give california, 27 new congressional districts . And be done with it . Or maybe just abolish congress entirely . If the goal is to increase the power of the left, why mess around with the Supreme Court . The thing is, i think we very much agree on the basic end. Ng the Supreme Court should not be a part of an institution subject to ideological swing. The problem is the Supreme Court, the justices, 14 out of the last 18 have been appointed by republican president s. They had 11 in a row before ruth bader ginsburg. Surprising, almost remarkable. We are left in this position now, the partisan balance is way out of whack with what people have voted for. What i am in favor of, is returning it to being a nonpartisan institution that is such a way from the fray of ideological politics. We cant do that until we correct the balance. Tucker [laughs] smooth i will say that. E you tweeted, pack the court. That should be up there with abolish ice. That is a nonpartisan statementh somehow . How does that work . How does increasing that on the court, equal nonpartisan . When you encounter that, it maybe we should have a even number . They that would nice. That is the art of the deal. The reality is, we are way outrt of whack. If we are to have any hope of moving forward, that doesnt w have this ideological sway. We have something to do. So lets do it. Tucker so in other words, increase the power of the left and everything will be cool. As long as it is center right, if you match Public Opinion polling. You will see the court does not weight out to the right at all. I have seen it. Oh, come on. You dont believe that. Tucker oh, i do believe it. I know you dont believe it i know you shouldnt. I dont think either of us believe that Citizens United should come out to a subject opinion poll. You know as i do, 75 im not suggesting that. You are making the counter case. You are claiming that we need to pack the courts. Tucker it would be more representative of the public will . I am merely noting as a factual matter, the majority of the Supreme Court decisions fallll within the center line. Actually, there isnt a problem other than democrats dont get to do their will with the courts. Im not so sure about that. I have tried to learn well from the most accomplished politicians. Mitch mcconnell. He understood as well as i do, control in the Supreme Court is not something you just give away. That shrunk to eight members, until there is a president to his liking. Remember, before the 2016 elections john mccain, all of your beloved heroes. What im saying, is that counter politics, that has to swing both ways, we have to end it. Tucker you are saying that, just for the record, i hated that. I hated that they did that. I said that at the time. He was a leftist posing as a centrist. I wasnt considering. A however, what you are saying . We should not be legitimized in the courts, if its all left. That is more cynical than i am. We are totally out of time. Socialism will win, thanks for having me. Tucker [laughs] thank you for revealing yourself, i appreciate it. A political crisis. A political crisis. He will weigh in on thats next. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. 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Today, the president struck back. Crazy Maxine Waters, the most corrupt person in politics. Together with nancy pelosi, the face of the Democratic Party she will make people flee. Is that true . It does seem like there is a realignment going on on the left. Something, momentous is happening with the Democratic Party. What you think it is . Theyve been moving left for a long time. It is being tugged to go that way even more at the moment. Some development within the party. The sheer force of the antitrump movement, it has had that effect. All systems are a go for everything you can to resist trump. Maxine waters is a voice on that. That is where we are. Of course, the election in new york city last week. A socialist. She has lots of radical ideas, in favor of those constituents. She will be a voice in the party. Shes an attractive young candidate. She has a good story to tell. These people are effective in the party, as we are seeing it today. Tucker the argument against trump that the democrats are trying to make him he scary and radical. They could say yes, maybe trumps radical. He doesnt want to abolish ice, or borders. You are even scarier. Can they do that . Can republicans flip it around . That is exactly what mr. Trumps tweet represents. Very straightforward in the words of the tweet itself. Maxine waters and nancy pelosi, two of the most controversial figures of the Democratic Party. They are the face of that. That is pretty straightforward. E that is pretty straightforward. That is what you do. At you try to associate a party with its most unattractive, politically unattractive elements. He has some ammunition to work so, i dont believe with Chuck Schumers politics. Hes a smart person. I dont think he is a radical,l, he is not. Why wouldnt Chuck Schumer call over to nancy pelosi, call over to the congressman, and say cool it. Why wouldnt he do that . He did express a disagreement with Maxine Waters in her advocating the harassment ofrs Trump Officials in public places. He is a seasoned politician. I am sure he is uncomfortable. Ti remember, this is the party were he has to live and operate. He has to find a way to accommodate that. They are bent on the destruction of that presidency, with trying to do some responsible politics that wont alienate all the rest of the country. So, just not an easy job. Ic i think he has a tough job ahead of him. Tucker can you imagine a day for conservatives are pining for the Chuck Schumer era . If only we have had a reasonable we might want Chuck Schumer more power than he has. Maybe. If the democrats continue to pursue the agenda of its most leftists. They will have trouble at the ballot box. It wont matter particularly if Chuck Schumer remains there or somebody else. This hope for a blue wave that the democrats were predicting, it very well may not materialize. The republicans could continue to have control over both houses. The democrats will be in the desert, as they are now. W. That is what is at stake here. Tucker i predict that abolish ice is not a Winning Campaign slogan. Of course not, it is crazy idea. You have enough people saying it within the party. People had to be reckoned with, it will be hard for them to shed that label. Tucker amazing. Unbelievable. Thank you. Standards are declining sadly across the country. People are not willing to play according to big rules. He pretended to beo africanamerican in order to get into medical school. P he joined us next to explain why he did that. O he did that with the new united explorer card, i get rewarded wherever i go. Going out for a bite. Rewarded going new places. Rewarded learn more at theexplorercard. Com you made moonshine in a backwoods still. Smuggled booze and dodged the law. Even when they brought you in, they could never hold you down. 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And help make more tomorrows possible. Entresto, for Heart Failure. The winter of 77. Uring i first met james in 5th grade. We got married after college. And had twin boys. But then one night, a truck didnt stop. But thanks to our forester, neither did our story. And thats why well always drive a subaru. He eats a bowl of hammers at every meal he holds your house in the palm of his hand hes your home and auto man big jim, hes got you covered great big jim, there aint no other so, this is covered, right . Yes, maam. Take care of it for you right now. Giddyup hi this is jamie. We need some help. Tucker the Trump Administration will be provoking obama legalad guidelines. As the federal government encourages to use race as a factor in admissions. If that is the case, it will be a longawaited blow for equality and civil rights and standards in american life. Critical decisions are being made simply on peoples appearance. On their race or gender. One place where their merit is most critical, medicine. They do it every day. Confidence is critical there, obviously. The medical schools dont see it. When applying to medical school, two critical factors are, applicants gpa, and the score on the admissions test, theal mcat. It goes without saying the doctor ought to have excellent grades, and a high score. You would want that for your doctor. The standards are not the same for everybody. It differs by appearance. Applicants with an mcat of 27 to 29 and a gpa of 3. 4, if you have those numbers and you are asian, you have a 21 chance of getting into medical school. If you are white, you have a 29 getting in. If you are hispanic, you have ah 60 chance of getting in. Africanamerican applicants, they have an 81 acceptance rate. In other words, with identical scores, an africanamerican applicant was four times as likely to be admitted because om appearance than an asian student. He knows more than most people of the dark underbelly of medical schools, he is of indian heritage. He wanted to go to medical school, he shaved his head and started going by his middle name, jojo. He presented himself as africanamerican. He said it made all the difference, wrote a book called almost black. Tucker thank you for joining us tonight. So, you are convinced based ong your experience that your race, within the deep medical school procedure, race to be was critical . So, exactly like you mention. I reviewed the data published by the american medicine association. I i figured out that i was much more likely to get in as an africanamerican than as an i asian american. I came up with that scam as you described. S i managed to get into washington university, im sorry, i got waitlisted. I also, the university of pennsylvania. They are the third and fourth best medical schools at the time. I managed to get into st. Louis. Despite the fact that my 3. 1 gpa was dramatically lower than their average of 3. 7. My plan paid off much more than i expected. Tucker what does that say about the people who run medical schools, they are willing to lower the scores. Many of those who cut people open, and in the name of some abstract diversity goal . Tucker that seems reckless . As a result of the system they essentially allow the students who were not as qualified as others to get in. I dont want to talk about the end product. Whether this results in people who are of lower quality. It is a system of legalized racism. The universities are promoting discrimination against asianamericans on a massive scale. It also promotes negative stereotypes on the competency and professionalism of africanamericans as physicians and health care professionals. It is important to realize that the university of illinois, affirmative action actually produced negative stereotypes on africanamericans and hispanics. Tucker is there some reason, that we should care what our doctors look like . Is appearance critical to practicing medicine . First of all, i never graduated, so i never can say that it is. Ultimately, we want to live in f society where you judge someone based on merit. Your race should not be relevant to your ability to Practice Medicine or anything. That is not the type of society that we want to promote. Tucker yes. Im sure youve taken criticism for this. I think youre a hero for doing it. I would love to hear your critics explain what you did wrong, because they cant. Thank you for joining us. You probably heard liberals say they are woke. They said that is a good thing,l the phrase is not grammatically correct, obviously. What does that mean . Kathy joins us next, her explanation. Well be right back. Youre headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Tucker tomorrow, their vegan cookouts, whatever else the left does on july 4th other than celebrate america. The activists will be asking one another the single most important question. Are you woke . If so, how woke are you . They are not asking about your level of alertness. There is something more going on. Stay woke, a new watchword a over the progressive left. What does it mean . We have questions like this, theres one person we go to. Kathy rew. Kathy, what is woke . Are you woke . I am woke. You are woke. We know it is happening. We are not distracted. A we know what is important with what is happening today. We are aware, we are enlightened. We are woke. We are not busy with things thaa dont matter. We know what will happen. Gh we know the future. Tucker wait, so we both are woke . I think you are woke. You are more woke. You are the woker. Tucker i think of myself more as comatose. Kind of sedated. I thought there was a political connotation to it . Yeah, i mean. Tucker you have to be on the left to be woke . When people are talking about the wall with mexico. Half of us would say its not that important because immigration was a real problem in 2007. You are not not woke. Stay woke. That is so 2007. Are you asleep . Tucker so the woke position would be build a wall, make America Great again . That is a distraction. The wall is not needed. Immigration was a big problem in 2007, it is not one today. That is a distraction. The conditions that people are living under, the detention stay focused. Tucker who decides . There are some subjective is there a wore counsel . That would be reality. On the street corner. If there is a nice police manwe giving a lollipop and everybody tucker what if you had a child, who didnt hate the police enough . Your kid was not woke . Your kid was not woke . What would you two with a not woke child . They should keep their adolescence happy as long as possible. If they read alice in wonderland, they would be exposed to this concept alice in wonderland, they would be exposed to this concept of dont fall down that rabbit toll. Stay focused. Ro dont except ignorance is bliss. Face the facts. Tucker victorians you are saying were highly woke. They almost created the term. Tucker it is so funny. When you think of the victorian era, you think of repression. You dont really think of black lives matter. Tucker victorians you are saying were highly woke. They almost created the term. We are woke. We know the future. You are the woker. Tucker a captivating and horrifying drama has unfolded. A soccor team and their coach are stuck inside a cave. Trapped by a rainstorm that flooded it. Now, rescuers are trying to figure out how to get the boys out. They cant find a way. They could be stuck there until out. October. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Headclearing, body repairing, titempurpedic sleep. Purchase a tempurluxe or tempurbreeze mattress today and enjoy 500 off. Or a Free Adjustable base upgrade. Experience the most highly recommended bed in america today. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com. Call on me brother when you need a hand lean on me, when youre not strong and ill be your friend ill help you carry on lean on me mmm. Lean on me. Mmm. Lean on me. And im still going for my best even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. 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Tucker a captivating and horrifying drama is unfolding right now in thailand. 12 boys on a Youth Soccer Team and their coach areld stuck at this hour deep inside a cave. They ventured inside and became trapped by a rainstorm a that floated. Now rescuers are trying to figure out how exactly to get the boys out. They cant find a way, they could be stuck there until october. National coordinator of the u. S. National Cave Rescue Commission joins usio tonight. Just the obvious question, how did that get so deep in the cave . How far do we believe they are . Because they are approximately 1. 6 miles into the cave. Initially, its understood that they had gone a distance in, when the water started rising, they were forced to go deeper into stay out of the water. Tucker thats like a nightmare. How do rescuers get to them now . Right now the only way to get to them is using cave divings techniques. Tucker which are dangerous. Come they are incredibly dangerous. Ng they are dangerous for experienced divers, who have been trained specifically on cave divinge techniques. They are certainly incredibly dangerous for regular open water divers who have not had that training. Tucker so news reports are suggesting that it is possible they will be stuck inside this air pocket for many months. Is it possible to survive under thosebl circumstances . Absolutely. Ut its not really an air pocket. Its a section of the cave that is not currently flooded. Its above the floodwaters. Tucker so how would rescuers move food, medicine, all the necessary staples to the group . The cave divers are bringing them and in sealed packages that can survive going through the water, and each one of them involves an awful lot of effort on the part of the divers and a lot of risk. Tucker so if the divers can get to the trapped kids and the coach, mike and they bring them back . Think about this for just a minute. You are talking about people who have absolutely no diving experience. The people who are going to them, the cave divers, our trained navy seal type divers who have had years and years of training and drills and knowledge of what to do. Now you are going to ask people who have in essence a cross, crash course on how to do the dice and dont have that built an automatic reflex reactions to what to do to recover if something is wrong. The problem you have an overhead type diving where there is no air above you, where its just rock, if you panic, you lose your regulator, your air supply, you have to be able to keep your cool and solve the problem, because you only have a minute or so to do that. Tucker i cant imagine anything more terrifying. It really is like a nightmare. Thank you for that explanation. I appreciate it. Youre welcome. Tucker that is the end of our hour tonight. You can tune in tomorrow night and every night at 8 00 p. M. To they show that is a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Tomorrow is the fourth of july and we help you celebrate this nation and all of its goodness to the maximum extent you can. Have a great day. Well see you the day after. Hannity is next with judge jeanine. Judge, are you there . Re judge jeanine im here, tucker. My prayers are with those young boys. Lets hope they get them all out safely. Scary, very scary. Tucker amen tucker amen. Judge jeanine amen. Thank you. Welcome to hannity. Im Jeanine Pirro in tonight for sean. Get ready for one of the most contentious hearings ever. Peter strzok has officially been subpoenaed by the Judiciary Committee and will now be forced to testify in public next tuesday, july 10th. As most of you already know, peter strzok is the corrupt antitrump fbi investigator who played an Important Role in clearing Hillary Clinton of all charges back in 2016. Ha and then subsequently became a

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