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The Special Counsel handled that investigation out to someone else. His focus remains on what he was charged to do. Tucker this falls into the distinction of a difference category. We are less than a year on this thing. Weve got 22 indictments, 100 felonies, 13 russians by the way and of five guilty pleas, thats a pretty Good Days Work and i think we should let him finish his job. Tucker are all guilty pleas the same . Is pleading guilty of lying to a federal agent the same as quitting with a Foreign Government or are they different universes . Of course not, but they may be going lately on these guys to get their cooperation, time will tell. I think its absolutely fair to say this Special Counsel ought to deliver or wind up his work. Benghazi took two years, i think thats way too long, but ill tell you what. Indicting 13 russians for interfering with the election is exactly what he was charged to do, im glad they were indicted, i hope you are. Tucker lets be totally real. None of these people are going to trial, its not even clear to federal government is going into somebodys sex life, but if he has evidence of crimes, that it would be wrong to ignore them and he has handed them off to a separate office. Tucker i want you to concede that youre uncomfortable with it. A man is in prison for lying to an investigator about someone totally different. All im saying is when we let these folks do their job . Tucker how about this so youre comfortable with them investigating michael cohe cohen. Tucker why not have sole partisanship doesnt taint this process of the investigations, lets have a Permanent Office of Special Counsel who floats above the Justice System on a permanent basis with no timetable and no budget limit who could investigate every sitting lawmaker or executive. I live under the same scrutiny every day. I think youre right you shouldnt have openended independent counsel investigations paired im trying to agree with you. When youve got credible evidence of serious wrongdoing, 13 22 indictments, 13 russians, 100 felonies and you have a bipartisan you have a bipartisan consensus on letting this investigation simply do its work. Tucker lets roll it up and get to the business of running the country. We should finish this. Tucker i feel a lot safer now that Paul Manafort is in jail. Thank you so much. Mark steyn is an author and columnist and he joins us tonight. I love the idea of a permanent independent counsel who investigates everybody in power and why stop with lawmakers . When i get into the guys who run google and facebook . Someone who Isnt Encumbered by the corruption of the doj . Whats wrong with that . There is millions and millions of people and theres laws against everything and if you happen to be the guy that they decide to look into, they can find something or they can turn your associates or in this case, they can put the squeeze on your lawyer. I dont care with the congressman says, i find what happens with Michael Cohen repulsive. Lawyer clients or privilege it is so big that was established by elizabethan times. The idea that you kick the guys door down and you take everything and were supposed to be reassured because the prosecutors colleague who is not working on the case will go through everything and decide what is or isnt covered by attorneyclient privilege is ludicrous. Tucker youre not from his country, so you may not read the New York Times, but they assured us two days ago that if you are not guilty, you shouldnt worry about attorneyclient privilege. The president has no cause for worry to hold onto that sacred ancient right if he isnt a criminal. I saw that and when the story began, the announced that he was being briefed by three people involved in the investigation. Weve already got three people leaking to the New York Times, theres nothing to worry about. If its this other guy who goes through all this stuff, hes not going to leak it. The federal justice, i get annoyed because that congressman was a federal justice is a toilet in this country. It operates on blackmail. Michael cohen knows that they have a 97 conviction rate. Tucker thats the soviet level. Is it really that high . Yes, so these guys say we lean on him. There are supposedly at Michael Cohen because he is a new york taxi medallion business. Youre not telling me that he has his new york Taxi Cab Documents from a decade ago and was shredding them on the 37th floor of the comfort and or wherever he was in there saying hes corrupt and theyre looking for replacement. I will gladly volunteer because i think this is a disgrace and at the same time while im getting annoyed, the fbi wont hand over the communication to congress that started all this. Now they need a federal prosecutor who can seize everything he wants from his subjects lawyer in the fbi who works for you in the American People wont even handle the unredacted documents that started this. Federal justice is corrupt and needs someone serious cleaning it up and if Jeff Sessions wont do it, he should get out of the way and make way for someone who would. Tucker i dont know why he needs a lawyer if hes innocent or why any of us does. Thats true. Lets poke around in the New York Times editors and writers stuff. Tucker give me the password to your gmail if youre innocent. Stay tuned. Big banks concluding with the left. Wheels explain why you should be worried even if you dont like guns. Theres a larger principle at stake. What are the ingredients of a life well lived . Is it the places you go . The things you own . Or the people that fill it with meaning . For 150 years, generations of families have chosen Pacific Life For Retirement and Life Insurance solutions. 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Its huge. It could make sweeping changes to america with even a single vote being cast. This is a change. It used to be political activists lobby lawmakers and congress when they wanted some thing changed. They gave money, those donations were recorded, the rest of us could see it happen. Thats happening less and less. Now they lobby Big Companies and the lobbying is done in secret. Theres no transparency at all. You might not even know whats happening. Yet it can affect your life immensely, is not as any federal law. Today its gun makers, you might be slipping that. What if tomorrow, its someone you agree with or anyone who holds ideas that our leaders find threatening . Prolife, opposed to immigration, suspicious of wall street . Corporate america isnt comfortable with those, so suddenly, you take out a car loan or a mortgage or fill in the blank. A version of this is happening in china on a very large scale. Those who disagree are punished in the marketplace. This is significant because our corporate elites love china, its a model for them. Theres no messy democracy to contend with and people get rich. In china, Corporate Power is the same as political power. Companies Work Together and ordinary people obey because they have no choice. Suddenly, america is moving in that direction. Its ominous. Bank of america artist it to banking. That does a good job at that and its safer for everybody when they stay in their lane. Thanks for coming on. Always a pleasure. Tucker i understand you agree with the aims of this, progressive groups apply pressure to corporate america. I get that you like the outcome. Can you see that democracy dies a little bit when this is how we solve our political differences . Why if you want to change gun laws, wouldnt you in full view of the rest of the country Go To Congress and make your case . Youre not doing that, are you . What i agree with those with the majority of his country agrees with and that is the fact that we need to do something about this issue of guns in this country to prevent another mass shooting from happening. I agree with 75 . Tucker i just want to be clear, those numbers dont mean anything. There is no National Movement to get Bank Of America or citibank to punish people for violating liberal orthodoxy. This is not about the left or the right. This is about common sense. If washington, d. C. , dysfunctional city, does not stop up to the plate and do what needs to be done in this country, i commend corporations for having a Corporate Responsibility to do things. Tucker you have to break a few eggs i understand. I want to take what you just said and extended in the future. When companies decide that black lives matter has incited riots and said racist things, which it has paired all of a sudden, if you are affiliated with black lives matter, you like a facebook post, you cant get a car loan because why would we . Theres been a period of history where they have denied and done similar things to groups of people who live in this country. Ive learned to take battles one fight at a time. As a private citizen, you have a right to not shop with Bank Of America. We cant look to the government to solve all of our problems. Therefore i commend the private sector for stepping up to the plate. Tucker we know you dont believe a word of that. You get what you want. If it whipped around, youd be totally against it. Why cant you agree . Tucker whats so orwellian about this . Im looking for Common Sense Gun Reform Measures to make sense. Tucker if you utter a sentence that is straightforward and means what it sounds like, lets take all the propaganda out of this and say what you mean. What you mean clearly is whatever we need to do to make people obey including using banks or whatever, were happy to do because the ends justify the means. If you say that, i will genuflect before you in gratitude for your honesty. Will you say that . Bless her heart and i know you want to put things in my mouth and make something sound a certain way, but thats not what im saying. All im saying is i commend corporations who have stepped up to the plate and are willing to do what lawmakers in washington, d. C. , are not willing to do. Tucker thank you so much for joining us. The biggest estate turning into a mess and the people who live there have stopped lying about it. Another trying to split the state into three. What actually might happen . We talk about that next. Here you go little guy. Not getting in today. Not on my watch. 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A petition right now to split california into three states just get enough signatures to go on the ballot this fall. It actually could happen. Tim draper is one of the most Famous Venture Capitalists in the world, the person who helped start a lot of famous techno companies. Thanks for coming on. Thanks for being here, things are having me on your show. Tucker im not sure what to think of this. It seems like its possible, it sounds like its going to be voted on, it could pass in california. I can understand why california wants to break into three states because its too big, its unmanageable and is not working. Why would that be good for the rest of the country . We know that at least 600,000 californians want to make sure that theyve got passes. I think the rest of the country will want to do whats right for california. It takes up the same landmass as 15 states on the east coast. The population is the equivalent of an average of six or seven states. I think its appropriate to have california represented by at least three states. Tucker i wouldnt be surprised if a lot of americans dont want to do whats best for california, thats just me, but we got a map. The top would be norcal, the bottom will be socal and the bottom will be callow for now. How would this break up politically . What do you think the Political Division would be . What were really looking at is ray trying to create states for the next millennial. Government is going to be completely different. This isnt a part of something one way or another. Its something that the world really needs and to get a fresh start, i believe that california has the opportunity to now give better representation and get a fresh start, so the three new can be created. Tucker its a partisan system, so the rest of us are affected and bound by the senate. It would be interesting to know what balance we would get. One of the many things they would divide is the debt. I think these three new states are going to empower people to realize whats possible in government and all of these governments will realize that they can do a better job and they could potentially compete with one another down the road for citizens. Which is what they kind of do right now, but california is kind of a monopoly. Nobody wants to leave, but we are still stuck with the same government weve had over the years. Its failing our kids, its failing its not safe here. We have many homeless people, we have a lot of big problems. The Education System is just about the worst in all 50 states and its the biggest estate. It really does need a revamp and a restart and i think this is a good start to doing that because then people can say lets start from first principles. How do we empower these people, how do we create these new states and how do we make these states really important and relevant for the next millennial and how do we set a good example for all the other states in the country . Tucker ed can be worse than it is now. Thank you very much for that. Mark steyn will rejoin us just ahead to talk about los angeles new plan to fix homelessness by paying residents to build Homeless Shelters in their own backyard. Not in your backyard. Could bombing Bashar Alassad lead to a global war . Thats next. This is what getting your car serviced at lincoln looks like. Complementary pickup and delivery servicing now comes with every new lincoln. I won. Giving you, the luxury of time. Thats the lincoln way. your heart doesnt only belong to you. Child bye, grandpa and if you have Heart Failure, entrusting your heart to entresto may help. Entresto is a Heart Failure medicine that helps improve your hearts ability to pump blood to the body. 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American universities for example have more than 350,000 Chinese Students plus about 100 Confucius Centers which are bankrolled by the chinese government. This web of students and professors is stealing our secrets on robotics, aerospace engineering, and whats critical to our national defense. Is anyone in washington caring . You know the answer, not at all. In the meantime, the white house says it will soon reach a decision on how to respond to a Chemical Attack in syria. They say it was instigated by the government of Bashar Alassad. We do not have proof that assad was behind it. If the u. S. Does intervene in syria, it could rapidly put this country in direct conflict with russia which for many years is backing the assad regime. What is likely to happen and what should we be worried about . Stephen cohen is a professor at nyu and princeton, one of the most famous professors and he joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. How worrisome do you follow the relationship how worrisome is it in this moment . Im more worried than i have ever been for nearly 50 years of participating in u. S. Russian english she dont relations. You were taught in school and for my children, the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, a moment when we came closest ever to nuclear war with russia and the lesson was supposed to be we should never get there again and we are very close and heres wh why. If trump or somebody sends these muscles against syria, there are russian soldiers invented in almost all syrian environments. I know this because moscow has said so, if russians diet, if damascus is attacked, the capital of syria, russia will retaliate with its excellent weapons every bit as good as ours, some people say in some regards, Missile Technology better, russia will strike, americans in syria will die and we will be where we have never, ever ever been with russia, killing each other, bearing in mind that both nations are laid into with nuclear weapons. I am more worried than i have ever been in my life at least since the Cuban Missile Crisis. Tucker u. S. Forces have killed over 200 russian citizens in syria in recent weeks. Youve heard american officials boasting about that just the other day. Is there some reason to think that helps the United States . Do we benefit in some way by Killing Russians in syria . Not that i can think of any more than russians would benefit from killing americans. Thats a nono. Why would anybody even think of it. You asked a really good question. After that happened, we dont know how Many Russians died. The russian who let it pass, but they said if it ever happens again, we will retaliate because those russians were killed with american operated missiles and they have said and by they, i mean all the way up to the clintons, we will retaliate. Since americans are still there managing those units, that is why what happened to the first time when the russians let it pass, killing of russians wont happen again. Let me add some like that may not be known to you or your viewers. It is a deeply held belief, whether they are right or wrong, its a belief in the political clause that the United States, our country has waged political diplomatic economic war against russia for at least ten years. The attitude and moscow expressed daily is weve had enough. You can interpret that for what you want. Tucker im still totally confused as to how this helps us in any way at all, but i appreciate the warning. I think warnings should be taken seriously. Thank you for this. Time next four final exam, lets see if you can beat our experts are remembering what happened this week. So much happened, it may be tough. Youll find out in a minute if you retain denny. Stay tuned. stop dancing around the pain thats keeping you awake. Advil pm gives tossing and turning a rest and silences aches and pains. Fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer with advil pm. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens brown paper packages tied up with strings these are a few of My Favorite Things stay at la quinta. Where were changing with stylish makeovers. Then at your next meeting, set your seat height to its maximum level. Bravo, tall meeting man. Start winning today. Book now at lq. Com start winning today. If yor crohns symptoms are holding you back, and your Current Treatment hasnt worked well enough, it may be time for a change. 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Are you ready . As ready as ill ever be. This bill in question one, Mark Zuckerberg got grilled on capitol hill and was asked repeatedly about the censorship of facebook of two conservative sisters, these sisters are famous on mine for supporting President Trump. Who are they . Diamond and silk. Tucker thieves or people im asking about. Lets see if youre right. Diamond and silk have a question for you. Let me tell you something right now, diamond and silk is not terrorism. Why is facebook a sensor and conservative blockers such as diamond and soccer . This is dangerous. I believe that is diamond and silk. Tucker Everybody Knows diamond and silk including jeff. Congratulations. It youre like a faction of the second tucker Which Ufc Fighter is out on bail tonight after grabbing a hand truck and throwing it through the window of a bus in brooklyn, new york . Connor mcgregor. Tucker you are up on this. Is it Connor Mcgregor . I dont know. Ufc champion Connor Mcgregor turns himself into authorities last night following his rampage backstage at the barclays center. [bleep] [bleep] i have to give mad props. Tucker i scoff at the idea of toxic masculinity, but if that exists, thats what it is. What the mongols across the russian steps, you are sweeping. Question three. Which member of the royal family has the world in hysterics this week when he or she jokingly compared a noisy helicopter to President Trump and obama . Katie e. The queen. Tucker from what country . Britain. That sounds like President Trump. Tucker we are not impressed. Is the queen adequate . They are saying it is. Katie, all right. The city of los angeles is fighting Global Warming by taking an unusual approach. This approach involves paint. What is the city doing . It involves paint. Its a Huffing Paint until the problem goes away. Theyre going to hug a tree every time they paint a wall . Is it something tucker known. Katie . It doesnt have something to do with the sun and the heat . Tucker can you be more specific . Something from reflecting the sun off the heat . I have no idea. Speak of the city of los angeles is using Taxpayer Dollars to combat Climate Change by painting white. Its costing the city nearly 40,000 per mile. Tucker you just made that up on the fly. You should be a Global Warming engineer. Im impressed that you got it. Maybe shell make up this one too. Final question, illinois senator just became the first sitting u. S. Senator to do this while in office. You didnt wait for him to finish. Shes pregnant and shes going to have a baby. First female senator to have a baby. Tucker katie gets to answer first. Speak out first senator to have a baby . Tucker im reflecting the judgment of the judges. I am merely a neutral arbiter here, a puppet controlled. Your guess is the first senator to give Birth Mirroring Brett who buzzed in early. Lets see if you and him were right. Senator Tammy Duckworth of illinois has given birth to a baby girl making her the first senator to give birth while in office. Our congratulations to her and little baby miley. And my congratulations to you. Good answer. Tucker bittersweet. We have a technicality, we are going to throw in one Bonus Question. The Bonus Question always remains the same and the judges told me to make it up on the fl fly. I i dont know what theyre doig with the answer. What is the capital of burkina faso . The former it has a capital called what . Come on that was it. Can i chime in for pandas . Tucker no, you may not. You all were great. Im sorry eight ends this way. You did a remarkable job. You win the coveted mug which shows eric weddle and his segment on our show. Thank you. Great to see you. Thats it for this weeks final exam. An actionpacked drama filled edition. Pay attention to the news every week, Pay Attention on thursday. Mark steyn back after the break to explain the plan of los angeles to have locals build their own Homeless Shelters in their own home yards. Stay tuned for that. Because they dont relieve nasal congestion. Flonase allergy relief is different. Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. Flonase. This changes everything. You might or joints. Hing for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. At a comfort inn with a glow taround them, so people watching will be like, wow, maybe ill glow too if i book direct at choicehotels. Com. Who glows . Just say, badda book. Badda boom. Book now at choicehotels. Com. only Tena Intimates has Proskin Technology designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skins natural balance. For a free sample call 1877gettena. And call your doctor right away. Other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. So say yesss to help for recurring constipation. Yesss to help for belly pain. Talk to your doctor and say yesss linzess. Tucker the city of los angeles is one of the nations most visible homeless populations. Now l. A. Is a fix it. Filled hom i think this would improve traffic flow because the homeless person would be able to squeegee your windshield while the car is parked in your garag garage. So traffic would flow more smoothly because he wouldnt be held up at the intersection while he puts a race mirror of dirty water over the windshield. It has benefits. Its also a Talking Point in the hipster neighborhoods. Theres a bit of competition about it. I understand that Barbra Streisand had a beach house in malibu. Just the other side of the kidneyshaped pool, she has moved into an ms13 gang. And its actually, it makes for an amusing Talking Point. Conversation flag. You can always point across the pool to the ms13 gang. I think this is actually showing how los angeles is able, even at this stage in california has declined, to think outside the box. Tucker [laughs] the cardboard box. As long as they move into the west side of the l. A. In the neighborhoods that cause problems in the first place, im totally for it. My favorite kind of virtue signaling. Mark steyn, great to see you. Thanks for sticking around. Good to see. See you. Tucker thats it for us tonight. Tune in every night for the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, groupthink. Dvr us. Good night from washington. Sean hannity waiting in new yor new york. Sean lying, pomposity, smugness, groupthink. All right, you have a great show. Thank you. Welcome to hannity. The echo chamber is spiraling out of control. Its become so bad. You have some of these wannabe journalists. They are absolutely losing it from last nights opening monologue. All because i dared to use oak, jim comeys standard in order to criticize some of the lefts favorite champions, including the clintons, robert mueller, and jim comey himself. Since the media is having a really hard time understanding some very simple, basic, fundamental concepts and principles, will help them tonight follow the bouncing ball in a few minutes. And we will correct the record

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