That trumps criticism of the media improves hes a wouldbe dictator. Discrediting mueller, discrediting what come out of the Justice Department, discrediting the press of what mueller does, this is what splits a country apart and this is the beginnings of many other countries it is the beginnings of enough authoritarian rule. Tucker thats kind of hilarious. The irony of course is that he spent much of his own career in government not simply criticizing reporters by actively lying to them, as is custom. Was at the behavior of a desperate . Pretty funny. Pause and consider this a seriously for a minute. Lets see if you really werent authoritarian and wanted to weaken american democracy and oppose an oligarchy on the country. How would you go about doing that . Youd probably start patrolling what people say and think. Its a dissented from the mandated orthodox that they consider unauthorized ideas, you target them and shame them on social media, he shut them down and met public and get them fired from their jobs, you make sure everybody is afraid to disagree with you. After that, you would work to disarm the population. Take their guns away, that way they be entirely dependent on you for their safety, not to mention unable to resist your plans for them. Just to make sure you quelled all opposition, he would systematically target any institution that might oppose or put brakes on your power. You would be especially concerned about churches, the family, and independent businesses. Youd be certain to undermine and cross those using laws and relentless propaganda. Despite all that, if Election Results didnt go your way, youd use an entrenched bureaucracy to neuter any leader you had it handpicked yourself. Youd be shaken by an election like that and would result in never around of violent again. To make sure of that, youd worked tirelessly to replace the old and im grateful population with the new and more obedient. Thats what you do. Sound familiar . We are not talking about donald trump. For all of his faults, trump isnt doing any of that. Our ruling class is, and thats what all these issues are really about. The speech codes, the calls for gun control, the demands for unlimited mass immigration. None of that is designed to help you. None of that will make you happier or more prosperous. Thats not the point. The point is to make you more dependent on the very people who are yelling at you right now on cable television. They are the authoritarians. Mark stein joins us tonight. Authoritarians, its a little ironic. These people are calling the population that while simultaneously trying to control the population by any means necessary. Exactly. In fact, the reason they wound up with a donald trump getting elected president is because they got a long tradition of doing this to any republican. They did it to bush, they did it to met romney, who is a very definition of a milquetoast, and yet they managed to claim that he was some kind of because he drove the dog to canada or whatever he was. In the end, in the end, trump was the only guy who could withstand the kind of careless demonization that goes on. Its interesting, you gave all those examples of the authoritarian trends on the left. Theres lots of other ones too. David gergen didnt get upset when sheldon whitehouse, a democrat senator, propose to people that disagree with his views on Climate Change should be subject to criminal prosecution. He didnt worry about the authoritarian temptation when the democrats in the senate voted effectively to neuter the first amendment. He didnt bemoan the trend towards authoritarianism when the Previous Administration weaponized both the Justice Department and the irs to go after its ideological enemies. Worst of all, he didnt bemoan the trend towards authoritarianism when dozens of democrat legislators, before trump had even set foot in the office, decided to boycott his inauguration, which is the very defining act of a free society, the peaceful transfer of power. David gergen didnt whimper a word when dozens of democrats decided they were going to boycott the inauguration. Tucker he seemed deeply unconcerned. I was thinking, what do all these issues have in common . Gun control, mass immigration, tax on a nuclear family. They never let up with that. What is that about . It seems to me that the family is the final bore against this threat of government power. When you are stopping loyalty to your family first, you could be controlled. I would say that one of the most disturbing trends, there is an indian professor in bangalore who bemoans the western leftists have nationalized the family. They started off by nationalizing the minds and car industry. When all that didnt work, they actually figured out its best just to cut to the chase and naturalize the family. What matters in any society is the intervening institutions between the individual and the government. You mention the family, he mentioned the church, it is also things like town government and county government. When you have serious resolutions like the soviets and the french, they are bullish on all those. The soviets did go very far to abolishing the family. Theyve got something slightly different, as we seen in florid florida. You essentially have got Government Social services, you got Government Police agents at multiple levels monitoring someone, and they are actually these things are not as effective as in fact a functioning family and letting parents raise their children, as opposed to having doctors determine that your 7yearold is going through bit of a phase, so let him get transitioning to a girl. They are at war with all the intervening agencies between centralized power and the individual. Tucker its not an accident. Brilliant analogy. Thank you very much. Thanks a lot, tucker. Tucker this past week it was on a high point for responsible political analysis to put it mildly. Following special counsel Robert Muellers indictment on russians. President trump tweeted, obama was president up to and beyond the 2016 election. Why didnt he do something about russians meddling . Its a fair question. Media were not impressed at all. They could see the find most over a top analogy to express their outrage. The Washington Post merely won with this one. You look at the president s treats this morning and try to imagine if franklin d. Roosevelt after pearl harbor had gotten on the radio and said that tokyo was laughing at us, to use a little less crude phrase and he did. Thats not what is called upon a president to do right now. You know will happen, someone on fox news will take what you just said and say how dare you compare this to pearl harbor. It is an attack on our country. It is an attack on our country with use of 21st century means. It is definitely a National Security threat. Tucker yes, someone on fox news might be a reasonable and subject the analogy to critical analysis. Pearl harbor was a sneak attack by the japanese that killed almost 3,000 americans and lead to four years of global war. Yeah, thats almost identical to russians taking on facebook ads for the next election. Over on twitter, the Washington Post compare the whole thing to 9 11, who tweeted imagine if after 9 11, the president saw the attack as a political embarrassment to be minimized rather than a National Security threat to be combated. Thats roughly where we stand for the second worst for an attack on america in recent decades. After 9 11, we gave up on standing Civil Liberties and invaded two countries and had minor interventions across the globe that has killed thousands of u. S. Soldiers and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people. If he had his way, we would have attacked iran also. He with his suggested that we bomb moscow . Lets pause and think about this in a nonhysterical way with facts if possible. Obviously, we have to acknowledge that russia is trying to metal in our elections because they did. Scale matters here and everywhere. Heres what actually happened during the 2016 election. According to facebook, their own numbers, russian legged company spent a total of 46,000 on ads before the election. Thats a cost to buy a news chevy suburban. By contrast, the the trump and clinton campaigns spent a combined total of 89 million. Russian spending did not amount to much, but it was also badly targeted, comically so. Five times as many russian ads were run in maryland, a bright blue state, as in wisconsin which was on the line. Most of the facebook ads in wisconsin went up to prior to the wisconsin primary and none of those as mentioned trump. Details matter. Washington, d. C. , is a single most democratic place in the country, more than 90 fertility receive more targeted ads from the russians than pennsylvania. As any political could tell you, this accomplished nothing. The russians werent effective more offline. The rallies they organize on facebook attracted almost no attendees with one exception. And off to antitrump rally that was organized after the election solely for the sake of undermining results of that election. This is a minuscule operation succeeded only by the complicity of our news media. The goal was to undermine American Society by fueling political division. The russians must be pleased by their handy work, not because trump was elected but because our talking had to share their goal of undermining an election. Chris, if you look at the actual facts here, this is not a defense of anybody meddling in our system, which is universal as you know. Its everywhere. Im not defending it. Im just saying lets be real. They did not a single thing of any effect at all. It was a ludicrous if they spent more in d. C. Than pennsylvania. What . The ads are just part of what they did. They had thousands of Fake Identities on facebook and twitter that were rallying against the election of Hillary Clinton. Im not saying that that determined the election, but they surely were meddling in the election, and thats why 530 out of 535 members of Congress Overwhelmingly voted for sanctions against russia as a result of this, and of the president , to this day, still has refused to enact them. Tucker a look. Those are two separate question questions. How honest you want to be about the extent to which our policies determined by the priorities of other countries . Lets be totally real. The fact that the majority of congress and voted on anything is not a side it a good idea or if good response. Sanctions against russia are a good idea if they help americans strategic priorities, and a bad idea if they dont. Lets address the facts. What specific to the russians, and im not defending the russians, compared to what the chinese or the saudis . You want to talk real interference in our country . Seriously. They were spending over a Million Dollars a month enact violation of our Campaign Finance laws. They were involved in our election. Whether or not they had an effect, i dont know. They were meddling. H. R. Mcmaster agreed they were meddling. The only person that doesnt seem want to take action on this is the president of the United States. Tucker lets just be real. I want to say for the record that i am totally opposed to this. For any critics saying, you never criticize the president. Let me criticize the president by saying what we are doing in syria it is to American Industries teaneck industry, we just killed a bunch of russian citizens in next year he syria. To that make you feel better . You know what i think the response needs to be very similar to the response we had with the sony hacker we responded proportionally with other cyber methods which this country is perfectly capable of doing, and there are sanctions that the congress voted on that the president should an act. Tucker dont ignore my point because its a real one. Isnt it a little implausible to describe the present as a tool of putin when we are killing russians in syria and opposing russians only base outside of its own border is in syria. We are challenging fat. Is that not significant to you . We are not intentionally engaging russians in syria. To the extent any russians are being hurt in syria, that is not an attack on the United States of america. Tucker they were killed by a drone and it was clear that it was Russian Military equipment they were end and russian contractors. We kill them. They want a war with russia. Im against it. I dont want a war with anybody. Tucker we are getting one thanks to the lunatic rhetoric of the left, which is pushing this administration into a totally counterproductive 3530 members of congress are mostly republicans because they mostly control congress. Tucker it doesnt make their judgment wise. I dont care if its every Single Member of congress or i dont care. You cant justify that on the grounds that it helps america because it doesnt. Tucker every Intelligent Agency in this country says that the russians are still meddling in our democracy. Let me tell you something, the next time it might not help your side. It might be tucker its not about helping anybody side. Do you think the saudis are meddling in our democracy more or less in the russians . What about the chinese . I dont know and i dont want to guess. I would assume that they are. Tucker if you compare the money oh, should we do sanctions against saudi arabia . Speak it we should because we dont need their oil anymore bel source. Tucker what about china, who has hacked into every mainframe to the u. S. Government maintains . Should we impose sanctions against them . Oh, no, we can do that. He said he would act against china but he hasnt. Tucker you think we should impose sanctions on china right now . If they are engaged in cyber warfare, we should respond in kind and impose sanctions. We should bring into the the table to get them to stop. Tucker should we kill chinese soldiers, do you think . I dont think we should kill anybody. Im not for hot war with any of these people. You have a president the president is right when he says that they are laughing at us in moscow. They are laughing that we continue to do it and nobody is doing anything about it. Tucker russia is basically a third world country that poses no threat to us. China is taking over the world because we are ignoring it. Its funny what you can do. Tucker thank you, chris hahn. The president has fixated on guns, but it could be our own media who is turning into violence killers. Not a crazy idea. But there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. You or joints. Something for your heart. But do you take something for your brain. With an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Trust 1 doctor recommended dulcolax. Use dulcolax tablets for gentle dependable relief. Suppositories for relief in minutes. And dulcoease for comfortable relief of hard stools. Dulcolax. Designed for dependable relief. Tucker last weeks shooting in parkland, florida, has sparked new demands for gun control across the country. The course, americas gun ownership rate used to be a lot higher than it is today. Deadly School Shootings are mostly a recent phenomenon. What has changed . Could it be our overall culture has undergone a toxic shift . They suggested that violent video games and tv shows have created a desensitized culture. Thanks for coming on. That is kind of the question. Fewer american households owned guns then 50 years ago when we didnt have School Shootings. What do you think the difference is between then and now . I think we had to ask ourselves what has changed. Gun ownership itself has not changed. If, in fact, there are more gun restrictions now. There are more rules about who can and cant own a gun or how a gun might be acquired then there were 50 and 100 years ago. And yet, children did not slaughter children at school. It is in the gun. Something cultural he has changed. I would suggest that we have become significantly desensitized to death and violence. We are training children whether we intend to or not, whether its anyones desire or not, to video games, two movies, through musical lyrics, through television shows, increasingly during prime time. The amount of violence it is increasingly realistic, increasingly graphic. There is a cost to this. You couple that with the number of psychiatric drugs that children and adults are on. The number of warnings about depression and suicidal thoughts, you couple all of that with the fact that our society has a shifted to the degree that they are largely nonexistent. We know longer have these delineated boundaries. These children are increasingly coming from broken homes as well. They find themselves fatherless. You understand its important what happens at home has a profound impact on what your children do out there. Too many children dont have the blessing of having a stable environment at home. We have to look at what has changed in society and not have a kneejerk response that another rule and another regulation is the answer. Tucker everything youve said has made sense. I dont know the social science on it, but it doesnt sound crazy at all. It sounds obvious. Some of quickly why you you think what you just said gets a hostile reaction from some people. Why do they hate to hear that . It does not fit the narrative people want. For a thousand reasons, people have a preconceived notion that another gun restriction, another rule or regulation or governmental intervention of some sort is the answer. When in fact, nobody wants to look at what they have to look at if its not that. That is, what our responsibility is in society as individuals, as parents, as teachers, as educators, as people in the churches and civic organizations and youth organizations, what are we not doing that was done a generation ago to provide the type of guidance that young people need as they grow up . How you deal with difference of opinion . I will tell you one other thing ive not said but im sure this will make peoples heads explode. We are some of the children that we do this. Not anyones attentions, but we are making heroes of a child who has no business to have their face put out there. Another young person who is in the balance, psychologically and balance will say why not . I will get my 15 minutes of fame. If we dont think there is a copycat mentality, we are not paying attention. Tucker thats the nature of the internet. That was interesting, thank you. Dave grossman is the author of assassination generation and he joins us tonight. Thank you for coming on. You know, you just said you havent seen the social science on it yet. Here it is. Tucker thats why i want to talk to you. This is the kind of idea that gets in the mist as dismissed by people who know nothing. The ruling class. Tucker what is a social science . Surgeon general after Surgeon General has made statements where matters came before the Supreme Court, California Law to regulate filters access to video games. The video Game Industry has found 82 journalism 82 media professors that told the Supreme Court there is no scientific proof. It was academic malfeasance. Our entire medical community said one of the dissenting justices in the Supreme Court that im not a medical expert but i know who is. Is the entire medical community, thousands and thousands of scholars telling us. Tucker i cant imagine as anyone id rather left take advice from thin journalism professor. I cant imagine a dumber group of people. Unbelievable. The malfeasance of journalism professors make it look as a joint statement to the Supreme Court. Heres whats important. Look at this. It was 2002, an identical crime happened in germany, 19yearold High School Dropout murdered 17 people in school. Identical crime. Germany 2002. It is not about the guns. Germany cant stop it. We saw this weekend, a massacre in mecca church in russia. Russia is a totalitarian nation. They cant stop people from getting guns. The most horrific juvenile massacre in history, a 17yearold kid in 2009 in germany murdered 15 people. Germany cant stop it. Russia cant stop it. Its not about taking away guns. Tucker why are the media so hesitant to go after the big businesses that are profiting from this garbage . Thats a question id like to explore. Its their donor base and their voter base. They know that theyve lost the gun owners. They know they fossils both. To attack the gun owners, and especially to protect the video Game Industry, this is their donor base. Tucker thats exactly right. Thank you. I appreciate and agree with you. One last thing, we are teaching the kids that we dont need more wolves. We dont need more sheep. We need more sheep. The whole sheepdog we are changing the world. There is hope for america and it begins with you. Thank you for what you do. Tucker i appreciate it. Thanks. The left is extolling russias meddling and hyper efficient hacking effort. Data suggest they were actually deeply, deeply incompetent. That story is next. Ht not be enough to protect my heart. Adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. Because my Second Chance matters. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. The more you know the the commute is worth it. Me, for all the work you pour into this place, you sure get a lot more out of it. You and that john deere tractor. So versatile, you can keep dreaming up projects all the way home. Its a longer drive. But just like a john deere, its worth it. Nothing runs like a deere. Now you can own a 1e subcompact tractor for just 99 a month. Learn more at your john deere dealer. But theres no way to avoid that mi. S pmi, hey thisll help. Rocket mortgage by quicken loans makes the complex simple. Theres also origination fees and. 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At the end of the day, we fell short in those states, and i think this active measures effort by the russians could have tilted the election in Donald Trumps favor. Tucker keep telling yourself that. It russians turned out to be not very Good Campaign operatives and more terrible at targeting swing states. According to Robert Muellers indictment, they didnt even know what a purple state was until 2016. Just a few hundred bucks were spent on michigan and pennsylvania. Thousands are wasted in states like california and maryland, obviously were going democrat from day one and did. A renowned finance expert who has been on a long time joins us in the studio. If you were attempting to defeat donald trump, or rather Hillary Clinton in favor of trump, would you have done with the russians did . I wouldve spent a lot more than 46,000 whatever number it is. The Senate Intelligence Committee Heard testimonies from facebook that they can only account for 46,000 total. Tucker why are we filling them million . I heard today too that its a democratic talking point. They keep having to change the fact so they can make it look like there is a lot more. Tucker does that number come from anywhere . Not from what i have seen. The testimony from facebook is 46,000. The hearing was that it was in the neighborhood of 100,000 total. Tucker this was the most expensive president ial campaign ever waged by anybody in the history of the world. 46,000, put that in perspective. If i were running for wyomings one Congressional District seat, what i spent 46,000 . You to send spend a lot more than that. Look, the Campaign Together spent 81 million on facebook on social media. That doesnt count all the party committees, just the two campaigns. The money that was spent on the russians on social media it was a drop in the bucket. As the attorney general said, theres no info that it influence the outcome of the election. Tucker how many lobbyists here in washington do you know that spend more on lunch once a year . I dont get their lunch. Tucker its a lot. Im against foreign intervention in our elections, in our policies. Its universal. What you say compared to the efforts of other governments to influence the way this country operates, this is a big effort or small effort . Thats a really good question. Frankly, i think Andy Mccarthy over the weekend made a really good point, which is why is this being treated as a lawsuit. This is counter intelligence. This is what should be dealt with our defense and intelligence agencies, not by a prosecutor filing a criminal indictment against people that are not in the United States, and this is never going to go to trial. Tucker its inherently political. Its making them feel better about themselves. They should feel worse because it shows the president s right. It does not show any kind of collusion, cooperation whatsoever with the trump campaign. The only collusion there might be is whats going on with the left and the russians since the election. Tucker how about since 1917 . Some of us remember. Great to see you. The next u. S. Census is just two years away and could be having your voting power diluted by Illegal Immigrants. Thats a real thing. We will explain how it works next. [screaming crying] [phone ping] with esurance photo claims, you could have money for repairs within a day. Wow that was really fast. Huh. So it doesnt have to hurt for long. Hmm. Thats insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. In your noise cancelling trheadphones . Ry maybe not. Maybe you could trust you wont be next to a loud eater. eating potato chips loudly or you could just trust duracell. silence im mark and i quit smoking with chantix. I tried, um, cold turkey. I tried the patches. I was tired and i was fed up. I wanted to try something different. 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Its not crazy on a mass level here. The birthrate is not high. It wouldnt take a huge wave of immigration from muslim nations to overrun and eventually obliterate a culture thats been there for thousands of year. If youve been there for a millennium, maybe you do care. They show that most europeans agree with that. Last year majorities in germany, france, belgium and several other countries that they wanted a total freeze on immigration from muslim countries. It denounced them as authoritarianism. Their motto is do what we tell you or hate democracy. How is that for you . This country is said to have its next census in 2020. We have to every ten years. Unless policies change, the census will be counting illegal aliens the same as everybody else. The citizens hasnt asked about citizen status since 1950, so a lot of people get a boost of representation because of the Illegal Immigrants in for state. This is a problem. Its not democratic. It is time to change that and he joins us tonight. The secretary, thank you for coming on. The constitution says you have to have a census. The only people whose information matters are citizens. It matters whether citizens are. Think of it this way, there several hundred 10,000 people who are represented in congress. If you live in i district or Maxine Waters is, half or more of your district is probably illegal aliens. We may have 350 citizens voting in your district, and those citizens post counts twice as much that my vote for your vote in a district that doesnt have tons of illegal aliens. Your vote dilution were some peoples votes matter more than others because if they have tons of illegal aliens. Tucker the liberals are always yelling about how every vote counts in every vote should matter the same as any other boat. Why would they be for this . I think its a dirty little secret they dont want to talk about. Youre absolutely right. The 1964 decision of the Supreme Court voting delusion is unconstitutional. You cant have one Congressional District where there are fewer voters than there are in another district. Because of illegal immigration, we have crazy disproportion. You had it 120,000 votes to win back your election. And another, you might just need 300. Tucker the answer is really simple, check a box, are you a citizen or not . Are you allowed to vote legally . Whats the argument against that . The only argument ive heard is a really lame one. They said people would be afraid to answer the census for if it asked the citizens or question. Is ridiculous. We already after the citizens question on the American Community survey, which about 1 of the population gets. The democrats never complained about that. Only when we talk about the citizenship status on the census to the left start. Tucker why should we care people who arent allowed to vote in our elections is supposed to answer a census . If you are illegally in this country, we shouldnt be considering you a resident anyway. You can leave and go home any day. You could be deported and go home. Why in the world will be be worried about them . Tucker why would your feelings matter more than a Fair Election . Its not just Fair Election. Government needs this information. We cant accurately count the registration rate. Unless i know how many citizens i have. I dont have real numbers. Tucker secretary kris kobach of kansas, thank you for joining us. We are huge fans of Maxine Waters, but truly she doesnt shes not that crazy or anything, or maybe she is. That story is next. Uh i used to be spellbound hello again. I used to be spellbound hi. I used to be spellbound thats a big phone. In your arms. [screams] ah, my phone. You built the flame that warms my heart, but lying and cheating has torn us apart and im moving on. Abdominal pain. And diarrhea. But its my anniversary. Aw. Sorry. Weve got other plans. 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Tucker weve had a lot to say about congressman Maxine Waters on the show, but somehow she keeps giving us excuses to say even more. In 2002, she attended nation of islam convention, not much happened really accept this. Shortly after celebrating, Louis Farrakhan began praising Palestinian Suicide bombers and then praised iran for having a mac having armed them. Waters wasnt bothered by this. He joins us tonight. Its like you cant even believe its real. I dont think this can run the New York Times tomorrow. Why is that . Of course its not. With the left, they have double standards on what actually is hateful and racism. If they have double standards. This shouldnt be surprising about the nation of islam because they have been known to rape women within the religion. They dislike people that leave the faith. Just ask malcolm x who got assassinated because he decided to leave the faith. This is the pattern with this organization. The left has different standards of what they feel is hateful. What they teach on the College Campuses today is that if you are not in power, which i consider of a minority not empower, then you cant be racist. This is going to be something that goes on for a long time because no one is standing up for free speech. No one is standing against this hateful rhetoric. We tried to report it every day at the Leadership Institute campus reform, but a lot of the Mainstream Media is not covering this. Tucker i should just say in the interest of total disclosure and honesty, i know some people in the nation of islam who are really nice guys. There is no defending their core beliefs, which are racist by definition. They think that god is going to kill all white people. Thats racist to say. Isnt it a little patronizing to for the press to give Maxine Waters a pass in associated with Something Like this as if it doesnt matter . They have so low expectations for her that they dont call her on it. Its not just patronizing. It would be different if they were silent on all these instances of racism. When it comes to donald trump, he doesnt have to say anything thats actually racist. In their minds, they can form something that is racist. If you support them, you are an evil person. If you have clear evidence of racism and there are completely silent on this. Its a bunch of hypocrisy with the press. Thats why their Approval Rating is so low right now with American People because i dont trust at the press. Tucker its like ted kennedy could kill a woman and still be considered a great feminist. Heres his picture which was hidden from view. It was considered too inflammatory for the rest of us to see. The press hit it from us. Dont you think we should have had the opportunity to make our own judgments about that . We should have had the opportunity. The media around chicago knew about this. The nation of islam headquarters is in chicago. They were known to hang out with these elected officials. The question is, not only did they shield this photo, but why would the press refused to report on it . Anybody that worked in chicago knew that they hung out together, that they refused to tell the American People. Tucker according to a nation of islam guy we talked t to, and here working in a senate office. Its like wellknown. Tucker exactly. Thank you for that, lawrence. Great to see you. The National Anthem somehow doesnt become a divisive topic in neck the past year, but the pop star fergie to unite the whole country behind it and never letting her sing it again. That story is next. vo you can pass down a Subaru Forester. But you get to keep the memories. Love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. avo get 0 apr financing on all new 2018 Subaru Forester models. Now through february 28th. Why people everywhere are upgrading their water filter to zerowater. Start with water that has a lot of dissolved solids. Pour it through britas twostage filter. Dissolved solids remain . What if we filter it over and over . sighing oh dear. Thank goodness zerowaters fivestage filter gets to all zeroes the first time. So, maybe its time to upgrade. Get more out of your water. Get zerowater. For the land of the free and the home of the brave tucker the National Anthem has depressingly been a divisive topic in this past year. No more. Singer fergie sang the anthem sunday at an nba allstar game and gave a strange, slow down jazz version and it was so offputting that everybody is america is united in opposition to it. Fergie did try hard, but shes apologized saying im a risktaker but i love this country and i honestly try my best. Look at the bright side. We are not debating the anthem itself and not people protesting during it. We close tonight show with one final thought on the gun control debate. Conservatives are demanding a costume at crackdown on guns. The Washington Post as a second has become a suicide pact, not sure what that means. Brett stephen says the Second Amendment should be repealed out right. Regulations will stop shooting, they believe and put money by those regulations are coming. The mean makers of the internet have the same thought and a meme like this one is making its rounds. If we make guns illegal, no one will get shot anymore, thats how we start everybody from doing drugs. It [laughter] so true. Thanks for a great show. Sean is next. Sean great show. Welcome to hannity. A hannity investigation. For an official trying affect the election, they should be concerned. We will slain all of this. The president blasting the corrupt media after the indictment of 13 russian nationals confirmed everything hes been saying. They are not telling you this. There is no trumprussia conclusion. The appearance did not impact the russia outcome. We have a report tonight come out byron york laying out why the media and democrats are over blowing what is mullers indictment. His analysis tonight will stun you. The russian spent as little more

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