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He was in a wheelchair because he was wounded when he was arrested by gunfire. He had handcuffs on his wrists and shackles on his feet, and he is facing the first of many charges likely to be filed. Authorities say saipov admittedi to carrying out the attack, saying he wanted to kill as many people as possible, and was proud of what he had done. They say he was inspired by isis, that he had dozens of isis videos and a cell phone along with other propaganda and notes in his vehicle professing loyalty to the islamic state, saying that he told investigators that he wanted to fly an isis flag in his hospital room after he was captured, andd also had considered putting isis flags on the pickup truck that he rented from home depot, which by the way it was hauled away from the scene here late this afternoon on an nypd flatbed tow truck. Saipov could face the Death Penalty in this case because of the federal murder charges likely to be filed in connection with the terrorism charges against him, but the u. S. Attorney hasnt yet said if he will in fact seek the deathin penalty in this case. For the moment they are scouring this man cell phones, his internet history and all of his associations with friends and relatives over the past weeks and months to try and determinet if anybody else knew anything about this plot and if any of his associates might be planning plots of their own. Tucker thanks. Yesterday, Sayfullo Saipov rammed a rented truck into more than 20 new yorkers screaming allahu akbar. Eight people were murdered and the country is once again asking why, but the answer this time is obvious. Those eight people are martyrs to a diversity cult worshiped by a ruling class. Sayfullo saipov was an Islamic Radical from uzbekistan who worked as a uber driver. He wasnt a physician or an exceptional scientific mind. He was doing a job literally anybody could do in a country where we have to the status of your shortage of low skill jobs for the poor in our working class. Why was this man even in our kicountry . He was here because this countrys leaders have decideder that diversity in and of itself is of greater importance than the wellbeing of this countrys people. Thats literally true. Saipov was admitted to the u. S. Under the socalled diversity t lottery, something youve likely never even heard of until today. The diversity lottery was created a long time ago back in 1990. It offers immigration visas to 50,000 people every year. Winners are chosen randomly among applicants from countries that havent sent many immigrants to the u. S. In the past five years. S those immigrants dont have to know english. They dont have to have any skills of any kind. All they need is a High School Education or at least two years of experience in certain work fields. Ol they dont need family here in the u. S, although once theyve been admitted they are of course t allowed to sponsor others to follow in their wake, chain migration that is called. Supposedly immigrants admitted through the diversity lottery must show that theyiv are nonthreatening and able to support themselves, but we know that its a joke. Our leaders are not even willing to deport criminal gang members who are here illegally. To once youve arrived in this country its almost impossible to get thrown out. Discard the propaganda, thats the case. Before getting caught up in all the depressing details around this, consider the absurdity of the entire system. Diversity lottery . America isnt a game show or a mailin sweepstakes, if the country. T our government is supposed to represent the interests of the people in this country. Its citizens. Instead our leaders are treating america as a prize that can be won by anyone on the planet simply for existing. Why not sell diversity scratchoff tickets off tickets in Convenience Stores . Its insane. The whole thing is insane. How do you know its insane . Because the very liberals and defending the diversity lottery and calling you a bigot get questions about it would never in a million years practice a diversity lottery themselves. What harvard implement a diversity lottery forntveit admissions . Of course it wouldnt. Harvard wants to be selectiveg and only admit the best. If it would never just picked 100 random applicants based on country of origin without bothering to check their grades are test, no way. You think google or facebook or msnbc would hire with a diversity lottery . Just picked people at random without reading the resumes . Please. Did president obama hold a diversity lottery when he made judicial appointments . S . Does the military hold a lottery for officers . No. Of course not. Because in all of those organizations is obvious that quality matters. You want to pick the best people and allow the Greater Organization to flourish. Somehow though, this is the most perverse part of all of this,mo the greatest organization of all, the United States has decided that quality is irrelevant. Diversity has become an end in itself. Who is responsible for this . Its not a partisan project. Leaders in both parties decidedd a diversity lottery sounded like a great idea. Senator Chuck Schumer introduced the 1990 bill creating the visa system when he was still a member of the house of representatives. L in 2006 he said he could tell the diversity lottery was working perfectly because he could see immigrants while riding his bike. Se this is an excellent program. Nobody has said it has done a bad job. It is small, there were only about 50,000 visas a year. As i ride my bike around new york city on the weekends i see what immigrants do for america. This program has dramatically helped. Tucker now, irony of ironies, bicyclists have themselves become targets of an extremist who wass admitted thanks to his grand vision. An excellent program. Okay. So excellent in fact that in 2009 converse woman Sheila Jackson of texas lobbied tont double the number of diversity lottery visase to 100,000. The only surprises she didnt ask for 500,000 or 1 million. 00 why not . Diversity is our strength, keep that in mind. But republicans, to be fair, played their part as well. A lot of them. Five Senate Republicans still in office today voted for the law that created the diversity lobby. Thad cochran of mississippi, john mccain of arizona, orin hatch of utah, o chuck grassleyf iowa, and majority legal Mitch Mcconnell of the commonwealth of kentucky. We reached out to every single one of them this afternoon to see how they feel about the diversity lottery right now. Mccain, grassley and cochran say they want the lottery abolished. Will the rest come around . We will be watching. What about the democrats . Congress is hopelessly divided on immigration but we can at least unite on the printablesl that immigrants are to be chosen because they can benefit this country. You think that would be an easy one. Many lawmakers would deflect if you asked them. They say they want the Program Ended as part of what they are calling comprehensive immigration reform. But theres no need for that. Its an excuse offered to lawmakers to do nothing if they happen for decades. Congress could in fact and the program tomorrow without touching any other part of the immigration system. M. If Congress Actually cared about the wellbeing of this country they would do that. Ua but sadly it seems unlikely any of this is going to happen. Why . You know why. The truth is our ruling class prefers immigrants to americans. They dont say that out loud, they dont need to say it out loud. Ri watch how they act. Who are they more worried about . The socalled dreamers here illegally, or the 60,000 american citizens who died of drug overdoses last year . Its not even close. Our elites see americans is beyond hope and worse than that, dangerous. Te just this week you watch an ad in the virginia governors race premised on the notion that the biggest threat to this countrys pickupdriving from voters who want to run over muslim children. Even though, if you want to get factual about it, in a country with 63 million from voters, that has never happened. Meanwhile, an islamic extremistm literally just ran over people with a truck. Authorities, as they always do raced to treat that as an isolated incident, a lone wolf attack with no implications fori american policy. Are our leaders lying to us . Both, probably. If diversity is their religion and in their own way they are religious extremists. When the safety and wellbeing of americans conflict with their faith, they will choose their faith every time. How did this become law . It was an attempt at irish legal immigrants initially. There was a big break and push in 1986. Al q and the irish immigrants did not qualify because they had not been here long enough. They cooked up some way. The senator from new york cooked up this idea of diversity as a pretext for amnesty and irish illegals. And then it morphed into this program that is now a kind of affirmative action for immigrants from other countries who cannot get in otherwise, as you explained. Tucker our whole immigratio system is not so different. We dont with some visa exceptions. We dont screen for skills in the way that most countries do already. Y. The large majority of immigrants, Something Like twothirds are only brought in because of their family connections. And frankly half of the rest come in because they are related to people who are skilled or Something Like that. Skills really play a very small role and in this visa lottery, literally its almost anybody in the world. You would mention you have too have a High School Diploma, but really what does it take to get a High School Diploma and uzbekistan . Im not criticizing the schools, im talking that you can go around the corner and buy a High School Diploma. Tucker you can buy one here. In these many years, in the 27 years this has them all, has nobody said wait a second, this is the greatest country on earth, Everyone Wants to come here. Why are we handing out green cards on the basis of a lottery . People have been saying this repeatedly. In fact, the house a number of years ago even passed a bill to get rid of the visa lottery and it didnt go anywhere. Tucker who was lobbying against it . Lets put a fine point on this. Where is the lobby that wants to preserve something that makes no sense . There is two forces protecting it, one is narrow, one is broader. The narrow one interestingly is the black caucus because they have now come to adopt this as their pet Immigration Program because a lot of people from Subsaharan Africa come through it. Thats the kind of narrow issue. Tucker has any policy any single policy in American History hurt africanamericans even more . No, its a good question. African immigration is a problem for black americans. Me more broadly, basically our whole political class, because the idea seems to be that immigration must never go down and must always go up. So anything that would cause immigration to go down or cast it in any kind of questionable light has to be resisted no matter what. So when for instance the gang of eight bill did in fact get rid of the visa lottery, but it doubled legal immigration. It double guest workers. Amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants. Thats not any kind of price to pay. Tucker there has been a lot of lying about that exact subject, thank you for setting the record straight. Good to see you. Leslie marshall is a radio host on the west coast. She joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me. Tucker the left loves the diversity lottery. I i think just because of the name. Im not sure they are aware of what it is, but now that you do know what it is, is this how you staff your own show, your radio show . Do you hire people at random based on National Origin . No. My irish greatgrandparents came here under the diversity i progm so i actually did know what it was in one of the reasons im here is because of that program. On my irish side, my grandparents. Tucker wanted to hear her greatgrandparents come . In 1990 . My grandparents, i guess as i greatgrandparents prayed about on my irish side. Tucker i guess congratulations, but you are not answering the core question, which is im not saying everybody who comes under the diversity lottery is bad, but im sure a lot of great people come. The fact that the United States passes out green cards on the basis of a lottery at random would any person defending that system apply the same principles to his or her own business . Would you hire this way . No, but a business is not a nation and thats very different, especially a nation decides. As i think you know, i am one of the democrats like Chuck Schumer who was originally a part of this, and others like the gang of eight who say its about time that we get rid of it because it is irrelevant. You just heard the reason that it was implemented in this country originally and we dont need it now. We are a very diverse nation. By radio show tucker we just had a terrork attack last night committed by someone who was admitted under this program. Its very relevant actually in the country is suffering a result of it. It still very much hurting america, but i just wonder why we shouldnt, with every immigrant under any Immigration Program ask first and foremost how are you going to add to the sum total of this country . Why would we let you in . Prove that we should let you in. I dont understand that we dont ask that. Every other country asks that. I dont agree with that. That is not the case with every single country and its not the case with every single reason in my opinion that we should have people coming to this nation. Quite frankly, then we would have people here saying still f immigrants are taking all of our jobs. We want the best and the brightest, but why are we not looking to make our students and our kids here in america the best and the brightest . Tucker i have the answer to that question. We dont need to. Gh we dont need to spend any time thinking about how to fix innercity schools or any schools. We dont care that 60,000 people died last year because we can just import new people willing to work for less, grateful to be her. Immigrants have removed anyy incentive for the american ruling class to care about its own people, dont you see that . No, i would say quite the opposite. I would say maybe perhaps it raises the bar when you look at when you go into a classroom at mit for example and say how come we are importing so many students . How come other like china and india have math scores that are just off the charts compared to our own children here in the united o states . Its not just private schools as well. Its not just about tuition. Tucker, its about a culture. Tucker i dont think youve thought this through. Schools are eager to get foreign students because they pay full tuition. The truth is everyone of those spots could be occupied by an american student. These are schools that take billions in federal funds every year. But if not, its occupied by a foreigner. My only question is shouldnt the Government Act on behalf of its own people first . Its a simple question. Do you agree with that . I dont think they should just be looking at who should be the best for america regarding academia andnd career. There are other areas where we could have better. For example, here in california we have so many lower entry jobs in agriculture that go unfilled, as you know. There are americans who dont want to do it, or are overqualified to do it here. Ug tucker does it occur to you that people will take a job if it pays enough . Does anyone on the left care about wages anymore, how much working people may . Is that a concern at all . It is a concern, thank you for making me a spokesperson for all of those on the left. I know i like to make a goodod amount of money and i think most people do here on thene left. By the way, somebody who is picking the lettuce that goes into our salad is not making the salary that somebody whour graduates from college with multiple degrees is making. Tucker it is undercutting the wages of americans. Im really hoping to educate you. H h thank you for coming on. [laughs] thank you for the lesson, tucker. ] tucker state of new york may have put its own citizens atr risk simply to avoid being called bigoted. We will explain how that happened next. Your brain changes as you get older. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. Heres the story of Green Mountain Coffee Roasters sumatra reserve. Lets go to sumatra. The coffee here is amazing. Because the volcanic soil is amazing. So we give farmers like win more plants. To grow more delicious coffee. Which helps provide for wins family. 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They purged it in 2016 in response to a lawsuit by, you will be surprise, the aclu. Former Deputy Inspector general fertile soil of jihad and he joins us tonight. Thanks for having me on. Tucker new york is famous for having a very serious kind of world class literally, police department, and they took this threat seriously after the two World Trade Center bombings, obviously. They produced this report. What does it mean that the de Blasio Administration jettisoned it . What they basically did is they caved into political correctness. Nobody was looking at the fact that what the nypd was doing was normal Police Practices when it came to investigating crime. If were going to say that terrorism is a crime, which obviously we just charged this individual in federal court and weve given him miranda rights, then there are certain Police Practices that are normal. Surveillance, undercoverun operatives, knowing the neighborhood to which you are going to go. For instance, if youre going to look for clean shirt for your show tomorrow, you will probably go to your closet or to your dresser. Ou you will not go to the refrigerator. In the same way, if im looking for an organized crime figure from the mafia, im probably going to go to an italian neighborhood. Now if we are looking for radical islamic terrorists, we should probably be going to predominantly muslim neighborhoods. That would just be Common Police practice. Tucker of course it would. So what about that changed under de blasio . There were complaints made by not just the aclu, but certain muslim activist groups, and other groups that said that we were profiling, that it was unfair, that we ought not to do it. This had not been happening before. Instead of actually showing that it was a normal Police Practice to do these things, they just caved in. It was like throwing up the white flag and saying we dont want we want to beg perfecty polite, we dont want to offend anybody. Meanwhile, the cost was the public safety. Tucker really quickly, patrick, was there any evidence that the police in new york were violating peoples civil rights, hassling people, hurting people under the current policing regime . No, in fact that particular lawsuit that was filed was ruled on by a judge, and said there were no damages. One of the things that they sued for were damages. There were no damages done by the new York City Police department when they surveilled these particular neighborhoods. Then when the case was reinstated on appeal, instead of fighting the case, and it was probably a 99. 9 chance that they were going to the nypd would win the case on appeal, because a new regime had in come in could no longer been mayor, de blasio came in, and he caved. When you look at the fact that the new procedure calls for a civilian to be appointed to oversee any request to go into particular neighborhoods or particular religious organizations, that person is appointed by the mayor. The mayor of new york city has domestic terrorists. Tucker thats exactly right. So when we say were going to do that, instead of letting the police be the police, we caved in. Tucker of course we have. Thank you, that was really interesting and important. The indictment of Paul Manafort says something about the trump administration. It may explain a lot more aboutr the congress, and we will explain why that is next. Hey, you every talk to anybody about your money . Yeah, i got some Financial Guidance a while ago. Howd that go . He kept spelling my name with an i but its bryan with a y. yeah, since birth. That drives me crazy. Yes. Its on all your email. Yes. They should know this . Yeah. The guy was my brotherinlaw. Thats ridiculous. Well, i happen to know some people. Do they listen . What . Theyre amazing listeners. Nice. Guidance from professionals who take their time to get to know you. Dealership has Great Customer service. muffled voice . And has great deals . And has. Complimentary donuts. Thats the one cars. Com. Over 5 million expert and user reviews. Tucker america, weve been told for the last year, is besieged by shadowy foreign actors seeking to undermine american interests. The people making that claim, you may have noticed, are doingp it for partisan reasons, but that doesnt mean they are entirely wrong. In fact, it turns out they might be more right than they know. The real problem has little to do with the last president ial election. Washington is indeed awash in foreign money. Other countries pay lobbyists to do their bidding here. We got a window into how all of this works in mondays indictment of Paul Manafort. O according to federal investigators, manafort took money from prorussian political figures in ukraine and funneled that cash into a lobbying firm in d. C. One of the firms he hired is the Podesta Group. Its founders are probably the single best connected democrats in washington, in part because they are among bill and Hillary Clintons oldest and closest friends. What exactly do the Podesta Group do with all the money they got from Paul Manafort, who got it from the ukrainians . According to the federal indictment, tony podesta lobbied multiple members of congress and their staffs about ukraine sanctions, the validityo of ukraine elections, and the propriety of ukrainian president imprisoning his president ial rival. Did you catch the key phrase in their . It was members of congress. W the ukrainians were not playing stomach pain to influence a president ial campaign, they were paying to sway the congress, the body that makes this countrys laws. According to a confidential source we talk to, the Podesta Group consistently arranged meetings between american lawmakers and prorussian agents. Our source says podesta set up several meetings between prorussian ukrainians and thensenate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman bob menendez of new jersey. Probably not too surprising, he is currently on trial for bribery. We reached out to his office this afternoon we got this from his communications director, when Tucker Carlson acts like a real journalist and not a puppet for the altright a conspiracy theorists, we will be happy to work with him. He has probably nothing to lose at this point. Y all of it does raise an interesting question, which lawmakers in washington were meeting with and perhaps doing the bidding of agents of a rival, hostile government . The frustrating, indeed the infuriating answer is, we dont know. E lobbyists are required by law to disclose which Foreign Governments theyre working on. Members of congress have exempt themselves from that disclosure requirement. They can meet with all thees foreign agents they want, they could change u. S. Law and policy based on those meetings, and they never have to reveal any of it to the public. Thats exactly what they do. Ea happens every single day herexa and its all in secret. Influence american policy all the time in big ways and small, and you dont have the right to know about any of it. Looking for a foreign influence scandal . We got one for you, and it is expensive. Take the Podesta Group. According to federal documents, they didnt just work for the ukrainians. They also lobbied on behalf of interests in azerbaijan, iraq, south sudan, india, moldova, the communist government of vietnam, among others. According to our sources they were unofficially lobbying for the sultan of brunei, and autocrat accused of human rights abuses. In each case the Podesta Group made the case for those countries in front of american members of congress and their staffs. Which members did they talk to . What did they get in return . We dont know. Because as we said, Congress Wont tell us. They dont have to. They make the laws. We do know the scale of foreign lobbying in washington is breathtaking. In 2013, thats the last year for which we have numbers, the top ten highest spending countries at the top 10 million spent by live washington, d. C. Around the world, foreign interests know the fastest way to get things done is to pay for it, and boy did they pay for it. Just counting russia and other postsoviet states, at least 440 clients of high representation here in washington are lobbyists. Of course that figure does not include entities that fail to register, as some of the most powerful ones dont and never have registered. Nor do these numbers includes the de facto lobbying that takes place by informal networks. That might be the most common, certainly the most insidious kind of lobbying there is. t for example, between 19992014, the Clinton Foundation received more than 10 million from ukrainian sources. Is there anyone who was going to claim with a straight face there was no political intent behind that money . The ukrainians are suddenly committed to fighting cholera on Childhood Obesity . Y . Spare us. Theres a lot more to the story, more than we realize, but heres the bottom line, hostile nations are in fact attacking our democracy. Theyre doing it with help from congress. Its time for members of congress to come clean and tell us exactly whats going on. Congressman a democrat representing the state of rhode island, joins us tonight. Thanks for coming on. My pleasure. Tucker you are on the Foreign Affairs committee. Yes. Tucker we wanted to know what foreign lobbyists and interest you have met with so we called over to your office and this is the response that we got. Ia im sure hes met with folks who registered, as well as investors, governors, officials and heads of state but they had no details. Why shouldnt citizens be able to know if member of the Foreign Affairs committee is meeting with . I think its a great question. If we have a number of meetings as Foreign Affairs committees. Sometimes its heads of state, sometimes as ambassador. Those lobbying for the country, those are government officials. There are occasions in which people were hired as lobbyists advocate for a particular country. They have to disclose that. E w someone wouldnt get an appointment if they said i want to talk to you about uzbekistan or pakistan. They have to disclose that and they are required under law to register to disclose what they are paid. I think thats really important. Tucker two points, many of them dont register. Should. If they dont i actually have a piece of legislation, a bipartisan bill with matt gates to actually strengthen the foreign registration act to allow for more tools to investigations. I think we have to make sure that law is strong, people should comply with it. It provides Important Information so people know who lobbyists are working for, how much theyre getting paid, et cetera. Tucker there are huge lobbyists who dont register at all, as you know. Its pretty outrageous, in my view. The law, everyone should follow it. Tucker Everybody Knows its not followed here. Its true, and you know it. Why isnt congress you are subject to the same disclosure. I think we should absolutely insist that people comply with the law. Ulst it makes sense when someone is advocating on behalf of a Foreign Government. I hope you are wrong that there are lots of people that are breaking the law, but if they are breaking the law, they should be held accountable. Tucker well, we know the Podesta Group didnt register in its representation. That law applies to everyone who lobbies. Tucker but it doesnt apply to you. A you are the reason they are spending this money. Anyone who lobbies a member of congress is required to disclose it. Tucker why shouldnt you disclose it . Why shouldnt i be able to call your office and get a straight answer . You canff call my office and say who did i meet with in the last eight years . Tucker why not disclose it . Foreign governments are spending money no one is making a secret of it. What im saying to you no one keeps a record of it because people come into your office. Tucker why shouldnt you have to keep a record . I dont have any objection to that. We dont do it as a matter of progress. Tucker you dont want to be held accountable. Im a member of the Foreign Affairs committee. People come to me to meet with heads of states who areaf ambassadors, advocating on behalf of a Foreign Government. I meet with them, they make their case. Tucker why shouldnt i be allowed to know that . I have no objection to you knowing that. But dont say that anyone is h trying to keep any secrets. Tucker or else he would mandated. Ono it is not mandated. Tucker i know its not. I think most members of the Foreign Affairs committee. Tucker its really simple. Pass a law just pass a law tomorrow and you should advocate for it is a members of congress who meet with our ages want to give a list and they reveal that to the public. I think thats a terrific idea. Tucker did you ever meet with anybody from the Podesta Group . P . I dont think ive ever met podesta. Tucker from the group, on behalf of foreign clients. Why would they come to see you otherwise . Ucbe they have other clients who are Foreign Governments . Tucker youve never met with a foreign client represented by the Podesta Group . I wish we had a registry so we could check. I dont have it list of everybody ive met with an eight years. Tucker thank you for coming on and representing such a great state. The most famous lobbyist in the history of washington lobbyist. He knows the city very, very well. What does he think of the recent Podesta Group revelations . Thats next. Copd makes it hard to breathe. So to breathe better, i go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace rescue inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. Tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, high blood pressure, glaucoma, prostate, bladder, or urinary problems. These may worsen with anoro. 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One of the charges against Paul Manafort is that he lobbied one behalf of a Foreign Government and didnt register as a foreign lobbyist. Apparently the Podesta Group did the exact same thing in the representation of that ukrainian politicians. Is that common . Ex certainly more common than it should be. I think it goes on a lot in washington. I saw it when i was a lobbyist. I think frankly, virtually every firm has moments where they touch up against fara. The problem is because it was created so long ago, it was created for the nazis. Tucker it was still created forr them. It still applied only to them. T the problem is that its not apply to everyone. It is the strictest lobbying law in the land. By not keeping this law and by not seeing people lobbyistpi feel they can get away with whatever they want. Tucker that certainly seems to be the view and washington among people i know. How do people get around it . A lot of them get around it the same way the get around not registering as a lobbyist to begin with, by pretending they are not lobbyists. They say they are public affairy people and things like that. That does not actually take you out of fara. That may take you out of some of the lobbying disclosure act rules, but not fara. They get around it by creating other structures, to create a nonprofit structure and have the Foreign Government funded itnp indirectly, or the Foreign Political Party fund indirectly so they feel they are not lobbying for the government. If you are benefiting the government and receiving funds anywhere down the chain from the government, or from their agents, you have to register. Tucker in the wake of the scandal you were caught up in, i think it was about ten years ago, seems like yesterday there was all this talk about how washington was going to get cleaned up and lobbying was never going to be the same that youve been back for several years now, is it your impression that washington is cleaner than it was . No, i think washington basically is the same swamp it used to be but they rearranged the alligators and the lillypads. What happens is this theres a big scandal, like my scandal, or perhaps the manafort scandal that we are now looking at, or the podesta scandal. All of a sudden people stop behaving badly, so to speak, for little while. , the same way if youre driving on the road and you see a traffic accident, you see bodies strewn all over the pavement there and people bleeding, you will drive very nicely for thehe next mile or so. Then he will speed up again and go right back. Thats washington. Tucker as you look around, do you think that influence peddling is as common as it was . Absolutely. It is not only common, they are profiting more, the lobbyist and special interests, from the peddling. Tucker people seem much richer in washington than when i came here in 1985. I think thats true as well. I came here in 1981 and it seems to be that the town gets wealthier and wealthier. They say that four of the five top richest counties in the world or in the country of our attached to washington, d. C. F tucker one of the few people in washington ever to learn something from life. Its great to see you. Thanks, tucker. Tucker talk about fighting terror, nbc news appears more concerned with islamophobia. We will tell you how that manifested itself next. im 65 and healthy. Im not at risk. Even healthy adults 65 and older are at increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia. Isnt it like a bad cold or flu . Pneumococcal pneumonia is a potentially serious bacterial lung disease. In some cases, part of your lung may fill with mucus, making it hard to breathe. Can i catch it from a pneumococcal vaccination . No. The vaccines do not contain live bacteria. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to help protect yourself. Tucker the blood was still being scrubbed up in Lower Manhattan when nbc news tucker the blood was still being scrubbed up in Lower Manhattan when nbc news highlighted the greatest hazard of yesterdays attack, the possibility it could encourage islamophobia. Muslim americans again brace for backlash after new york attack the headline warned. If left on ask is why exactly the same to keep bracing for a backlash. Mark steyn is a writer and columnist and we are always proud to have him here. Mark, was that your first reaction to yesterdays attack . 12 years ago, after theac london tube attacks, the australian columnist tim blair, a columnist at his website did a note perfect parody of a western newspaper headline, and it was a british muslim spirit recriminations for tomorrows train bombing. I thought that was pretty funny and i quoted it in my book and ive quoted and on stages and tv networks and radio studios all over the planet in hopes that people would stop retreating to what is actually not just absurd, but actually grossly offensive. Nbcs headline, its actually is more or less exactly the same as that parity headline from 12 years ago. Nbcs headline is actually saying we care more about a hypothetical attack on muslims that never comes, we care more about that than, say, for example the five dead argentines being scraped off the pavement in Lower Manhattan. That is actually a narcissistic and decadent intrusion upon the real news story. Tucker doesnt accurately reflect how they feel, indeed so many of the people in their position maneuvering the levers of power in our country feel . Thats real. Thats actually their view, isnt it . I think thats true. You saw that at the press conference today. The nypd is saying you better s not get annoyed with any muslims because we will crackdown on that. You sought in governor cuomos initial remarks assuring us that this is a lone wolf, nothing to see here. I actually think its getting worse. I used to joke that allahu akbar was arabic for nothing to see here. I think its actually involved now. Allahu akbar is arabic for nothing can be done. The governor of new york state, the mayor of london, the Prime Minister of france all basically tell these people, tell their citizens youve got to get used to being blown up, run over. If you go to a pop concert, you go to a restaurant, you stroll down the sidewalk, you bicycled on the bike path, a certain number of you arent going to be coming homeer again. Allahu akbar is arabic for nothing can be done. Tucker what they are really saying is feeling virtuous about diversity is more important than your safety . We know its rubbish. I dont know where they are having dinner tonight, but lets say coumo and de blasio, whatever restaurant you are in, if you walked in and yelled allahu akbar, they would dive under the table like everybody else. If you walked in and yelled jesus christ is my lord and savior they would say who let that ghastly evangelical christian in the door . Have the maitre d take him out its appalling. They understand the distinction, but they are committed to framing this issue in a way that assures that a strategic clarity about what is going on. Tucker next time im in a restaurant with andrew cuomo i can promise you im going to scream that exact thing and when arrested i will blame you. Thank you, mark steyn. Its a good test. Tucker great to see you. An old photo of this programam attacked us today. We are ready to issue a challenge in response. Will he accept . Coming up after the break. You owned your car for four years. You named it brad. You loved brad. And then you totaled him. You two had been through everything together. Two boyfriends, three jobs. Youre like nothing can replace brad. Then Liberty Mutual calls. And you break into your happy dance. If you sign up for better car replacementâ„¢, well pay for a car thats a model year newer with 15,000 fewer miles than your old one. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. I enjoy the fresher things in life. O. Fresh towels. Fresh soaps. And of course, tripadvisors freshest, lowest. Prices. So if youre anything like me. Youll want to check tripadvisor. 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Tucker in this mornings washington post, the progressive newsletter owned by amazon oligarch jeff bezos, columnist eric wemple takes a shot at the show. Wont bore you with the topic of this piece, like most editorials it was poorly written and done. But at least it was consistent. Hes been going after the show pretty much the day we launched. In february we had him on the show mostly so we could meet one of our most fixated critics. How did it go . This picture sums it up more precisely than any video we can play you but the entire interview is on our Facebook Page for those of you who enjoy that sort of thing. Wemple apparently never got over it, hence his column this morning. Eric wemple is hereby invite invited back to the show any day. I have to be honest, that picture youre looking at on the screen is on my favorites on my phone. Whenever im feeling sad, when the plane is in turbulence, a tough day at work, something wrong has gone on my life, i pull up that picture and the palliative effect is instant. Its on our facebook. If you want to download it to your phone too in benefit for the magical powers of his bewilderment, we recommended strongly. Thats about it for us tonight. Tune in every night at 8 00 to the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugnessw and groupthink. Dvr it if you can figure out how that works. Good night from washington, sean hannity takes over in new york city. C sean thanks, we have an incredible show tonight. Welcome to hannity. This is a fox news alert. Federal prosecutors have now filed terrorism charges against Sayfullo Saipov. Authorities tonight are revealing disturbing details about the radical islamic attack in new york city, killing eight, injuring at least 12 others. The jihadist carried out his savage rampage all of the name of isis, and Authorities Say hes followed the terror groups instructions almost to a t. The president is not demanding tougher immigration laws. More extreme bedding and iss considering sending this animal terrorists to guantanamo bay. We have been warning more isis style attacks would happen if we did nothing

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