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This prime time latenight edition of special report. Throughout the hour, will have Team Coverage on the senate roller coaster toward a health care overhaul. Peter doocy on the hill. Also life, kevin corke at the white house with the profanitylaced tirade from President Trumps new hire. Chris stirewalt and dana perino, former White House Press secretary coming here to take on the scaramucci choice words. You look live at the senator from hawaii on the floor. Thats where we will begin tonight with the political theater as the u. S. Senate works late into the night on health care. Will they or wont they get something to pass . Thats the question. Mike emanuel joins me here. This is amazing. Welcome to capitol hill. In about an hour, Mitch Mcconnell released the details of the senate plan. They are calling at the Health Care Freedom act. Repeal and replace the individual mandate and the employer mandate from obamacare, provide flexibility as states. Three and are 32 waivers. More flex ability for consumers. Increase Health Savings account contributions. It would repeal the medical device tax and Fund Community health centers. Oconnell issued a call for action. Passing this legislation will allow us to work with our colleagues toward a final bill they can go to the president. Repeal obamacare and undo its damage. I would urge everyone to support it. Two moderate republican senators. Shelley moore capitol and Lisa Murkowski told fox news they know how they will vote but would not reveal it. Speaker paul ryan offered a statement saying that the skinny repeal wont be rubberstamped by the house saying if moving forward requires a Conference Committee, that something the house is willing to do. Ryan added we expect the senate to act first. That was in response to four republican senators coming out today saying they would not support the socalled skinny repeal bill unless they had a guarantee from the speaker that there would be a conference on a more comprehensive plan. John mccain told reporters that the speakers statement was not enough. Weve got to have republicans and democrats attempt together and come up with a bill that gets a majority in both houses. Otherwise were going to see this continuous gridlock. I dont want to go on and on but when we passed obamacare in 2009 it split us, split us dramatically. Democrats have spent a portion of the evening attacking their republican colleagues saying they cant believe weve gotten to this point and do not have the final plan. We owe it to the American People to vote against this socalled skinny bill which is really a sham repeal. Its a skeletal version of trumpcare 2. 0, 3. 0, 5. 0, 7. 0. We can do better. If we dont have an agreement, we will not enact the Senate Version of the bill. They are desperate to enact a bill before the summer time starts. Thats why we are all terrified. The plan is out that there is no guarantee there are 50 votes to support it. It may be a late night or an early morning. Bret the press conference with mccain and graham, i was struck. We have covered capitol hill for a long time. Have you ever seen a press conference where someone said i will only vote for the bill if the house votes against the bil bill. Very striking. These guys are worried about going home and saying you passed this shell and thats going to be the Health Care System. They want assurances. Speaker ryan gave them that guarantee. Bret the president tweeting moments ago go, republican senators, go. Get there. Waiting for seven years. Give america a great health care. White house making a big push. At 49 votes, as your sources say, the final push they get them over to the finish line. Incoming white house medications director unleashing on white house staff in a profanitylaced tirade. Dropped the fbomb countless times, because the chief of staff paranoid schizophrenic. He swears he wants to kill the leakers. Thats just part of it. Kevin corke is live at the white house. Compounds a day of scaramucci openly venting to the media. That is one way to put it. We still have yet to hear from the white house chief of staff. His twitter account has been silent for hours but certainly theres plenty of talking happening by another white house official earlier today. This is a guy who sometimes uses colorful and probably not appropriate language, and hes very passionate about the president , the president s agenda. May have let it get the best of him. The conversation Anthony Scaramucci had with a reporter from the new yorker. He criticized the white house chief of staff and Senior Advisor steve bannon in a vulgar tirade that included accusations of leaks from the president s point man. Scaramucci quoted as saying Reince Priebus, you will be asked to resign shortly. Expletive, paranoid schizophrenic. He reportedly said i am not steve bannon. Scaramucci, who apparently didnt ask the conversation to be off the record defended himself on twitter. I sometimes use colorful language. I will refrain but not give up the fight for the President Trumps agenda. I made a mistake trusting a reporter. It wont happen again. Said a white house official, this is getting out of hand. Concern for my safety in the office tomorrow. This type of behavior is unbelievable. Working in the white house and Something Like that is fed . Its a disgrace. Revelation came after scaramucci accused priebus of leaking his personal financial form. Scaramucci writing in light of the info, i will be contacting the fbi and justice department. If Reince Priebus wants to explain hes not only care, let them do that. I am a straight shooter and i will go right to the heart of the matter. Scaramucci compared his relationship to priebus as that of cain and abel from the bible. They are american heroes and we salute them. The drama unfolding as the president celebrated the bravery and loyalty of Law Enforcement officers who helped stop the attack on congressman Steve Scalise and others. It was his loyalty being called into question of the white house. Does the president have confidence in the chief of staff . I have addressed this question when it comes to staffing and personnel many times. If the president doesnt, he will make that decision. We all serve at the pleasure of the president , and if it gets to a place where that isnt the case, he will let you know. If priebus is on thin ice, he would join Jeff Sessions on the list of those under increased scrutiny. Sessions said the barrage of twitter takedowns hasnt gone unnoticed. Its kind of hurtful but the president of the United States is a strong leader. He is determined to move this country in the direction he believes it needs to go to make us great again. The attorney general there with tucker carlson. As for the politico story, the reporters that she asked for the publicly available information. The materials she received about Anthony Scaramucci were not leaked. Bret always interesting. Kevin corke live on the north lawn. For more on that drama out of the white house, more insight into Todays Health Care votes, we welcome chairman of the g. O. P. Conference, senator john poon. Give us an update. I think we will vote on the version thats currently out there which you were reporting on earlier. Gets rid of the divisional and employer mandates. Gets relief from medical device tax. More flexibility to design plan plans. Expands the use of hsas. These are priorities. We hope we can get republicans on board and send this to conference. Bret do you have a number . 50 is the magic number. Thats the number weve been trying to hit. I think we will get there. I feel like if you are a republican conservative, this is a hard thing to be against. If you look at the four corners, these are the principles we are for. A lot of our members want to see this in conference. We have a chance to improve it, strengthen it. Coming out of the senate, this is a bill that addresses a lot of priorities. Gets us on the road to Something Better. Bret senator graham had this to say. I need assurances from the speaker of the house and his team that if i vote for the skinny bill it will not become the final product. It will be the vehicle to have a conference between the house and senate where we consider a true replacement. If i dont get those assurances, i am a no. Senator mccain, graham, johnson. Do they have what they need . I think they do. If you look at their statements, speaker ryan put out a written statement. Hes had conversations with a number of members. Providing the reassurances they need that this is the step in the process in the process will continue. Bret senator, you know the critics of the process point back to a familiar sound bite from nancy pelosi. Is going to be very, very exciting. We have to pass the bill so you can find out whats in it. Away from the fog of the controversies. Bret how is this different . The bill she is referring to was 2700 pages. This is eight pages, a simple straightforward repeal of a lot of the core elements of obamacare. Its been a priority for us for four elections. If you look at the individual mandate for example, insurance premiums have doubled. Markets have collapsed. 28 million americans who dont have insurance. It has not worked. Its a failed system. Tonight we are going to pass hopefully in an hour setup an even better debate when it gets in the conference. It has a lot of the elements of our people for and things we think put us on the path toward a better outcome. Bret cbo score on the skinny bill is a 20 increase in premiums. 16 million fewer people on Health Insurance. They technically say Lose Health Insurance but i think its less coverage. What do you tell somebody who says that doesnt sound good . The cbo score uncovered has a lot to do with the fact that the individual mandate goes away. You are not forcing people they dont want and cant afford. Most of the coverage numbers have to to do that. In this bill, we are giving people the freedom to buy insurance and want to give them more options and choices, create competition. Get premiums down, and we have an opportunity in conference to strengthen and improve the bill. Theres a lot of assumptions made with the cbo numbers. They assume theres going to be 7 Million People losing medicaid. Medicaid is a free program to people and because you take away the individual requirement the people buy insurance, i dont know how you cannot be part of a program thats free to people who are eligible. They make assumptions that are illogical. Most of that has to do with the fact that people, we would no longer require that people buy something they dont want. Bret on this other story, and i know youve been busy but youve paid attention. Do you have any thoughts on the back and forth going on . I hope they can make peace. Theres a lot of quarreling back and forth within the family. I think its good if you can resolve those things but dont do it in public. Obviously we all have intrafamily discussions. They get quite spirited. When it spills out in the public, not helpful. Bret the president is tweeting you on. I hope, if we can get something to him, hes anxious to find something into law. Bret all right, senator, thanks for the time. Send some others this way. Appreciate the time. Dana perino and Chris Stirewalt on the breaking developments and reactions. We are live, special report from capitol hill. Whoa youre not taking these. Hey, hey, hey youre not taking those. Whoa, whoa youre not taking that. Come with me. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Youre not taking that. Mom, im taking the subaru. Dont be late. Even when were not there to keep them safe, our Subaru Outback will be. vo love. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. Which saves money. Insurance a smarter way. They offer paperless billing and automatic payments. Which saves paper. Which saves money. They offer home and auto coverage, so you can bundle your policies. Which saves hassle. Which saves money. And they offer a single deductible. Which means you only pay once when Something Like this happens. Which saves money. Esurance was born online and built to save. And when they save, you save. Thats home and Auto Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. 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Someone who knows a thing or two about the White House Press office, dana perino. Previously press secretary to george w. Bush. A lot of backandforth about the bill. You just heard what senator thune said. Lets hear a democratic senator earlier tonight. This is Nuclear Grade bonkers whats happening tonight. We are about to reorder one fifth of the American Health care system then we will have two hours to review a bill which at first blush stands essentially as Health Care System arson. Bret senator murphy. He aint all wrong. This is a horrible way to reassure people that you care about their Health Insurance and their family and all of their stuff. This is as bad or worse than what democrats did in 2009 when they were stumbling and tumbling through on obamacare. I will put it this way. You are talking about whats going to happen, there will be fake debate on insincere amendments to a nonexistent bill buried bret other than that, its aok . We wonder why people dont trust the process and dont believe we can govern. Dana, paint a more rosy picture. I thought senator john thune did an excellent job describing the bill. The problems he had with the cbo score. If this were to pass, gets the ball farther down the field. Then they go to conference and work it out. I think this is going to work for the republicans had that President Trump will end up signing something. It has not been pretty and i dont think the communications has been excellent. There is a lot of blame to go around. Weve been talking about this for seven years, so there wasnt a perfect plan to replace it. The republicans might have to pay a price for that but if they get something passed and i think they will, i think at the end of it, once they are able to explain it like senator thune justin, they will be in better shape. Bret look at the specifics specifics. I know, its going to look different. They have been talking about repealing the employer mandate forever. They have been talking about repealing the, providing flexibility or waivers for states. Repeal of the medical device tax, both parties. Increasing hsas. They are saying its a start. What we end up with is the question. Why dont they put down that everybody gets a new ford festiva and all of your hopes and dreams and wishes will come true. This is not legislation that anyone who is voting for it wants to become law because if you do the goodies without the baddies, take out the parts people dont like and leave the parts they do, guess what happens to everybodys insuranc insurance . It goes kablooey. You know its bad if they say we will only vote for it if you promise to prevent it becoming law. If bret is it better than obamacare . The sausage making process is always unpleasant. Im not saying the republicans are the first ones to be grody. I am saying the republicans are trying to keep alive a vehicle so they can find a way without having to reach out to democrats to beg for help to patch the hole in obamacare for next year. They need 9 billion to prop up the individual Insurance Market next year or a lot of families are going to lose their insurance or end up bankrupt. Theyve got to do something. This is a way to keep it alive. Its an embarrassing way to try to do it. Bret embarrassing communication deal at the white house. Dana, lets listen into the reporter who took the phone call from Anthony Scaramucci. And then the white house talking about it. He believed this dinner he had with these fox news, executives was licked by Reince Priebus because reince was paranoid scaramucci was burning these folks into the white house. I should say thats wrong. Reince priebus did not leak that information to me. Hes a passionate guy and sometimes he lets it get the better of him. Used colorful language that i dont anticipate he will do again. Bret basically to sum it up, there were definitely colorful phrases. I learned some things. Bret between scaramucci and Reince Priebus. Your thoughts. I feel like Sarah Huckabee sanders, who was then the press secretary for a few days, though she has experience being the deputy, is one of the white houses best assets. How levelheaded and steady she is. If you are a staffer in the white house and you are looking for a foothold, looked to Sarah Huckabee sanders. Doing a really good job in tough circumstances. She didnt say any of those things. The backandforth since the piece was published, Anthony Scaramucci say he will never trust a reporter again. I dont know if that means he thought he was off the record. Ryan lizza clearly doesnt think he was. He said some things that are tough. Let me back up. Beyond this article which i think the white house can get over quickly. What it represents is there is a lot of turmoil inside. Theyve done a pretty good job keeping it under wraps. Youve heard bits about if im not a ton. This basically shows you theres a ton of resentment. When there is resentment, especially among two high level staffers vying for the attention of the president , everybody else feels unstable. There is only one person who can fix that and that is President Trump. This is something he will have to get his hands dirty, doesnt want to get involved in the confrontation but its reached a boiling point and only he can put it out. Bret chris, what do you think . Scaramucci told the president versus television that the president had to choose between him and Reince Priebus. I bet he wishes now he hadnt made that call because what a face plant in your first 24 hours. Priebus to his credit has been silent. He is like a submarine at the bottom of the ocean, letting scaramucci flail. He will resurface and say oh, is there a problem . Did you have a bad day . Bret chris, dana, thank you. Health care vote coming soon. An unfiltered west wing as we just talked about and some other headlines you may have missed. There were other ones. We look live on the senate floor. Late night special report continues. Vice president pence expected to arrive outside for the vote any minutes. Theres nothing more important to me than my vacation. So when i need to book a hotel, i want someone who makes it easy. Booking. Com gets it. And with their price match, i know im getting the best price every time. Visit booking. Com. Booking. Yeah im leaving you, wesley. But why . You havent noticed me in two years. I was in a coma. Well, i still deserve appreciation. Who was there for you when you had amnesia . You know i cant remember that. Stop this madness. If its appreciation you want you should both get snapshot from progressive. It rewards good drivers with big discounts on car insurance. Its a miracle. I can walk again. Go back to your room, susan lucci. Looking live just outside the carriage area of the senate. The camera is flying around. We think we see the Vice President. Or a horrible earthquake outside. I think it was the Vice President arriving. Hes going to be presiding over the u. S. Senate because the vote on health care is that close. Still talking on the floor, the votes will start sometime after midnight. Its believed the Vice President presiding. Potentially casting the deciding vote, as he did in the motion to proceed. There you see senator sasse presiding. Health care dominates the conversation but there were some other stories making headlines. Tough sanctions on big foreign powers. The vote in the senate 982. Passing a bill that includes sanctions on russia, iran, north korea north korea. House vote on this was overwhelming as well. The bill heads to the president s desk where its expected he will sign it. Military Officials Say they are not moving forward with the president s call for a transgender ban tweeting that he will no longer allow transgender people to serve. Chairman of the joint chiefs said no changes made until the order has been received through proper channels. Basically the defense secretary. Jeff sessions spends the day in el salvador. Ms13 is a priority for the president. Slated to make a major Law Enforcement and immigration policy speech in long island friday. Tucker carlson was on the trip, as you saw earlier. Things are at a fever pitch here because everyone is counting heads. Senators working to keep the Health Care Reform process moving forward despite a slew of setbacks. Joining me peter doocy. How far lawmakers are going to go to get something passed. Normally when a bill passes the senate its because senators want it to become the law. Tonight a group of republican senators said they wouldnt vote yes until they were promised the Health Care Bill would never become the law of the land. They would rather sit down with house negotiators. What do you think about this idea to pass something even though they know its never going to become law. They dont wanted to become law. To build the senate is considering as a vehicle to get the conference. The reason for that is under the budget act, in order for a proposal to be considered, it has to be explored. We are waiting on scoring. Its not complete. Very few senators knew what was in the socalled skinny repeal until this evening but very few are getting caught up in the details because they dont expect the socalled skinny build to get signed into law ever. Anything that passes tonight will be unrecognizable after a conference with the house. Something the senate g. O. P. Leaders say has always been part of the plan. I think it will help with our members who want to see it as a step forward but not the final product. Talk like that has democrats piping into say republicans are voting on something they dont want to replace obamacare are taking an infamous pledge by leader pelosi to another level. I said i know how bad it was and i was upset in 2010 when nancy pelosi says you have to vote for it and then read it later. Well, now they are saying vote for it and you might see something later. I hope they come to their sense senses. Compassionate senses. One of tonights mysteries, how will senator john mccain vote. Early this evening, he said if he didnt feel confident the skinny repeal bill would end up in conference, he would vote no. We caught him in the hallway. Said he didnt want to talk about it. We are outside his office hoping to see if hes going to help the skinny bill passed and moved to conference or help end it bret peter doocy down the hall. We head back for breaking details. Lets bring in the panel. Guy benson, julie pace, matt schlapp. Weve been showing the senator from wyoming on the floor. For two and half days ive been listening, giving extra time to the other side to speak. Ive been hoping that out of that i would get one constructive suggestion for what could be done with health care. Its all been criticism. Bret democrats have been sitting on their hands, i have not amendments. We are expecting to see a flurry of amendments. Your thoughts on the process on what it looks like. Chris stirewalt refer to it as sausage making. There is sausage making and then there is whatever this is. You have senators openly begging the house of representatives never to vote for the thing they are about to vote for. They are saying were going to pass a garbage bill. We know its garbage. Thats an unusual thing to see. I understand the reason why. They want to get it to conference. They want to come up with Something Better. I spoke to some leadership aides earlier who said there were reasons behind it and why they think they might be able to come up with Something Better. But getting there the way they have in the middle of the night with a bill that just came to us an hour ago before everyone is supposed to vote, its very, very difficult. Bret julie, if you look at 2010, someone asked president obama about the process. Take a listen. We dont know exactly whats in the bill. By the time the vote has taken place, not only i wont know whats in it, youll know whats in it because its going to be posted and everyone can evaluate it on the merits. Bret republicans say the post of the bill and now youre going to have a conference to iron it out. I dont know how many people are sitting at home Online Dating to the bill right now, trying to figure out whats in it. When you talk to republicans, they know they are pretty far out on the ledge on this. Its something they promised for seven years they wouldnt peel obamacare and put Something Better in place. They also know what happened to democrats when they went through this process. Democrats started to suffer losses not just in washington but around the country. In part because of the american americans frustration with the process. So big and complicated and they didnt know what was going on. Privately republicans feel they have to do something. They are worried about the effects. Bret all right, matt. Watching the debate for seven years and you thought republicans had a great plan, we learned shortly after the election that wasnt true. Theyve been trying to figure out what the plan is. I disagree with what guy and chris are saying. I worked on help. Its never a good process. Sometimes you want to kick legislation into conference because its the only way you can build a consensus. Mccain is somewhat right. They do need to go to conference and they do need to walk through what the bill looks like. Lets remember the republicans in the senate, all but susan collins, voted in 2015 for a repeal of obamacare. That very same valves on the floor and we had seven senators vote to not repeal obamacare. Its hard for people across the country to say anything other than these republicans were lying or went back on their word. That they gave over and over and over again. Same strategy to politically indict obamacare. Leader mcconnell is faced with few options. Do his best to keep political pressure to get this done. If we dont get it done, its hard to go to the American People and say a republican majority was needed. Bret i dont think senator mike enzi has received this much tv time in a long time. We are getting word the motion to commit is expected sometime around midnight. That means getting to the skinny bill, the vote in the boat itself will happen and what happens is the votearama on these amendments. Fast votes. Its late here and you may hear the janitorial staff rolling through with garbage cans. Disregard that. If they get to conference, whether republicans can somehow pull this out to a win. By that point, we are going to be talking about legislative mentorship. They wouldve gone from point a to point d. The theory they hopes is true that they will be so close they will come up with something. More data in terms of what members are willing to vote for. If they can get Something Better than the skinny bill. On that point in terms of policy, i would point out yes this would repeal the individual mandate, the other socalled repeals in this bill are temporary. Eight years, three years, they are patches. Not longstanding, permanent legislation. Not crafted that way. One of the reasons why i think this bill would have to be changed and why you have so many senators worried about this piece of legislation being implemented into law is that it gets rid of the individual mandate but nothing else in terms of obamacares regulations which would have the effect in isolation of destabilizing the individual market even further and rising premiums more than what we are seeing with obamacare. Those are the central arguments against obamacare. Standing alone, the bill that Senate Republicans are about to vote on i think would make in some respects the problems worse which is why the conference is going to be absolutely crucial. Bret talk, julie, about the White House Point of view. They are looking for a w, annie w. But they been pushing and the president s tweet, theyve been making calls. I know theyve been busy with other stuff. The president wants to sign something. Its no secret. He wants a victory. Hes promised action on health care. Whatever ends up on his desk he is almost certain to sign. I think the white house has taken a more handsoff approach with the senates. Eve seen the president making calls privately. Hes been tweeting messages that have been alternating between threats and encouragement. Some republicans say if he keeps up with the encouraging tweets, they are all for it. But these ones were hes going after individual senators are not helpful. Its been a mixed bag but for the white house, this comes down to get something through, get it on the president s desk. Have everybody over. Probably another big signing ceremony. Policy details are secondary. Bret they are anxious to get the tax reform. A vote any minute now. Stay with us, the latest on the senates move to revamp your health care next. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. 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Joining me, chad program in statuary hall. Lets get in the weeds. The vote probably before midnight. Give us the motion to proceed. First vote, dont worry. The key vote is the second one. This is an amendment by Mitch Mcconnell on the skinny repeal, takes out the basics of obamacare. Thats the key vote. If it fails, the gig may be up. Thats not final passage or final failure of the bill but its key to get people on board and thats why at the Vice President is here. They think its going to be a narrow vote. There are a lot of senators who expressed skepticism. Bret earlier we saw senators graham, mccain, johnson talking about how important it was to get an oath from paul ryan that hes not going to vote on whatever passes in the senate. I am just a bill sitting here on capitol hill. Two ways to get the house and senate on the same page. Pingpong, they bounce the bill back and forth. The other version is Conference Committee. You take people from the house and senate and they debate. They come up with the unified product. Once you have created of conference report, it has to go back to both the house and senate and they have to pass it again. Only then does it go to the president. The one youve talked to a lot of people here. Do they sense they have what they had on the motion to proceed. Right around 50 . This is the razors edge. Probably on 50. Vice president pence would not be here if they didnt think there was a need. What we keep hearing is that it seems the republicans are going to pass it. They just want to pass something because you cant go to conference if the house has passed something and the senate has passed nothing. Bret the Conference Committee could be ugly. You have conservatives fighting to cut things, moderates fighting to hold things. Its not like the problems are solved by going to Conference Committee. On Christmas Eve day of 2009, harry reid moved to appoint conferees. Senate minority leader chuck schumer, excuse me, Mitch Mcconnell objected. They couldnt create Conference Committee. You have to have agreement. It took the democrats three months after that to get a final version of the bill which they sent to the president. It could be months off even if its successful. Bret i i remember it well. Christmas eve 2009. Thank you. Health care reform, feisty conversation with the president s new hire. We break it all down on this special edition of special report on fox news. If you could book a flight, then add a hotel, or car, or activity in one place and save, where would you go . Expedia gives you the world in your hand, so you can see more of it. Expedia. Bret we are live at the u. S. Capital, getting ready for some votes. Joined by illinois senator tammy duckworth. Thanks for joining me. Your thoughts on whats happening here and where it goes. Thats my concern, the problem is i do think the bill will have enough republican votes to pass. The Vice President is already here to cast the tiebreaking vote. My concern is what happens in conference. Once it passes the senate, it goes back into the house and we lose control of it. Theres nothing to say speaker ryan wont not go to conference and look at changes. Lindsey graham called this bill of bad policy, a disaster, fraud even. Bret i asked senator thune, the republican from south dakota, that question. Heres what he said. If you look at the statements they made more recently i think speaker ryan put out a written statement. He has had conversations with a number of our members. To provide the reassurances they need that this is a step in the process, the process will continue. We will have an opportunity to make the build stronger. Bret suggesting to have the pledge of the house speaker. Right, but how long will conference last . It could last a day, 5 minutes. Completely up to the speaker to call it up for a vote. Bret what about critics who say where is the Democratic Alternative . Where are the Democratic Solutions to obamacare. We have quite a few solutions. I think we can look at costcutting measures that can happen. Allow medicare to negotiate prices and terms of pharmaceuticals, go after the pharmaceutical industry. I even look at making sure people dont abuse the system, only sign up for Health Insurance, they know they need knee surgery for example. Once you sign up, you are in it for a year. You dont just sign up for knee surgery. I can see there are problems. I was one of the democrats who voted to get rid of the medical device tax. The tax gets passed on to patients. Democrats have been completely shut out of this process. We were not allowed in the secret room that the 13 men met in. We cant vote for something that literally just got read out loud 15 minutes ago. Bret senator mcconnell claims there was outreach. Obviously a different point of view there. I want to say thanks for your service in uniform and out. I know youve put out a number of statements this week about the issue of Transgender Service people in the military. I want to get your comment about the chairman of the joint chiefs saying they are not moving forward unless there is something official. I think thats the right thing to do. I want to pretty bipartisan in terms of reaction to the terrible idea the president tweeted out and im glad the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff said we are not moving forward. Bret senator, thanks for your time. Special coverage from capitol hill as you look live. Waiting for the vote and were going to stay until the first vote we will see what happens in the u. S. Senate. Special report continues live. Keep it here. I take pictures of sunrises, but with my back pain i couldnt sleep and get up in time. Then i found aleve pm. Aleve pm is the only one to combine a safe sleep aid plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. 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He is here waiting to cast his vote. Midnight on the east coast with mike emanuel. You were outside the chamber just a few moments ago. The senator from illinois saying that she thinks the republicans have the votes

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