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Their moneys worth peered he gave a onehour speech for them. A stark contrast to joe bidens quieter approach. Good evening, everybody. Live in washington, d. C. And this is the story. The wall street journal making the case that the president may be in better shape. This wall street journal and bc poll found 11 of undecided voters say they have a positive image of President Joe Biden compared to 22 of voters who say they have a positive outlook for President Trump. These up for grabs voters also say that they prefer candidates that will confront the washington establishment. Its they were key themes durine Democratic Convention last week. Also, former house speaker, Newt Gingrich thinks that the picture is better than it seems right now for the incumbents. I am predicting it will be a dramatically bigger victory than people currently expect. Martha tonight, with the prime Time Convention set to get underway shortly, we are joined by the Trump Campaign and the former dnc chair, donna. Mercedes, it is her teams week, so we start with her. Good to see you tonight. Im hearing that literally, this convention was put together in five weeks. Im not sure why it came so late. Obviously with there was going to be something before then, but im wondering what the trump team learned from the Democratic Convention. Is there anything that you looked at and you want to change because of what you saw last week . Well, ive got to tell you, the dnc doom and gloom convention was definitely not the right message that i think the American People wanted to watch, and clearly thats going to be in stark contrast with what we are doing this week where President Trump is focusing on this Great American story. The fact that it is about american greatness. And we are going to highlight those forgotten men and women that didnt get any help in the past administration of the Obamabiden Administration and they are going to be able to tell their stories about how President Trumps policies have impacted their lives, changed their lives. And tonight, we see the land of promise, which is that of promises made, president s do all my promises kept by President Trump. So many of these stories are amazing. Natalie harp had bone cancer. Because of President Trump, she was able to survive cancer. Its going to be those real american stories that are going to highlight what this country is so great and why the American People are so great. Martha let me ask you this. Today, he gave a very long speech. An hour long. Is there any concern that having him do so many things along the way takes a little away from the special nature of the big night on thursday night . No. I mean, the president , one thing we know about him is that he is able to connect to the American People, and of course, hes always going to be front and center when hes going to be talking about these issues that matter so greatly, which is that of saving america and ensuring that we dont go far left like the joe biden agenda that we saw last week in full display at the Dnc Convention. This is a great way to kick off the rnc convention. Ive got to tell you, the enthusiasm is great. The unity in the Republican Party is great. And i think thats a stark contrast, again, to what we saw last week with the Dnc Convention where they were more focused on the antitrump hate message than they were in presenting a vision for america. Even some of the liberal outlets said they had no vision for american workers. Martha joe biden responde responded. Obviously the president calls him sleepy joe. He calls him slow joe. He felt good about his performance last week. A lot of people gave him very high marks for his speech last night. Heres what he said when he was asked about the names and the weight of the president paints him. Watch this. Watch me. Mr. President come watch me. Look at us both. What we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape we are in. Martha they are in pretty good shape in the polls come mercedes. He said just watch me. Watch what i do over the course of the next 71 days. Well, what we have watched so far of joe biden has been one gasp after the other. We have also seen a candidate who barely leaves his basement. He doesnt give too much time to any of the media. Definitely no hard interviews, martha. Im still waiting for this interview between you and joe biden at this point. Martha so i might. It still not happening. Martha we are working on it, mercedes. President trump, his goal has been to constantly communicate with the American People of his great accomplishments, even during this very difficult time of the global pandemic, making sure he is delivering that pandemic that we are making progress to develop a vaccine. We are taking steps to make sure that we rebuild this economy and make sure we are helping the American People. Martha hes being accused of rushing vaccines before it is ready. He came out and talked about that and he just wanted to get it out before the election for his own political purpose. What do you say to that . That simply outrageous. This president has understood from day one that we needed to work quickly. And thats why he put together this great group of experts to work on operations, focus on getting the hi therapy is necessary. Of course we want to see a vaccine developed. Thats why we have these investments being made in our pharmaceutical companies as well as these several Clinical Trials that they are going through right now. Major progress on that end. Martha all right. Thanks for coming in tonight. Up next, former chair of the Democratic National committee. Great to have you with us today. I just want to put up an oped in the hill for charles jarreau, which says the trends are running in trumps favor. While the democrats chirped about enthusiasm, it is now team trump that holds that card. Its hard to get excited about a candidate that sits in his basement hoping that his reportedly doesnt evaporate. Donna, are you concerned that if joe biden doesnt do the same, he will not be able to maintain his lead . Well first of all martha, my focus tonight is on the gulf coast. Im praying for everyone down there to buckle up and get ready for these two impactful storms. My other focuses what is happened there. To all of the opinion writers, this is not 2016. The democrats are not going to sleep walk this election like we did in 2016. That would have given us 240 electoral votes. While last week we presented the case for the American People, we the people, we included everybody. I thought it was uplifting. And more importantly, i thought that the Vice President and his running mate both got their message out. The real highlight was the ordinary people and they had an opportunity to share their stories. Martha how about the question that i asked you, donna, which is whether or not you think, if you were advising joe biden in this moment, can he not go to the swing states . Doesnt he need to get out and spend time with people across america if he wants to maintain this lead . Martha, there are many ways to get to the white house. One way is to try to ride around the country using the taxpayers dollars. Let me get to the basics, because i understand that you want to talk about donald trump running around the country trying to reboot his campaign using taxpayers dollars to try to give us this false impression that hes not afraid. The majority of americans are focused on protecting themselves. Joe biden is reaching people perhaps not the traditional way by jumping up and down, but hes reaching them every day in their living rooms, in their workplaces, because he is communicating in ways that we are now familiar with communicating. So, i think is making a good faith effort to do with the smart way and not just try to fly around trying to make headlines by saying goofy things. Martha well, we will see. This is an interview that he did do with abc. The first time he and Kamala Harris sat down for a major interview. So, thats about whether or not he would shut down the economy. Watch this. So, if the Scientists Say shut it down, i would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists. Martha do you think a lot of americans want that . You think thats going to be a popular thing to hear, donna . While, the concept is much larger than the frame, but i can tell you this, martha. As someone who understands the impact of this virus, its very important that we listen to the scientists, we listen to the doctors and have donald trump listen to the scientist earlier, we would not be in this mess. He is trying to come up with a quick cure appear we dont need a quick cure. We want to make sure that we come down might follow the science. Martha always good to speak with you. Thank you very much. Our thoughts go out to everybody on the louisiana coast over the next 28 hours we are going to be watching and praying for them as well, donna. Thank you so much. Thank you. Martha coming up, wisconsin city on edge tonight. Protesters take to the street in response to the shooting of a black man by the police. Murdoch and the story and impact around the country. Next. 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I will show you the front of the city hall now. Some of them have shields. Some of them have batons. But they dont have on the heavy riot gear. There was some trouble earlier when they prevented the mayor from speaking. Speak a on. You have to have due process for everyone. The damage and destruction done on the other night is not acceptable. Now, after they tried to follow the mayor into city hall, they the crowd with pepper spray. This followed the night in which cars were burned, buildings were vandalized. All of it is in response to the shooting of jacob blake. Just after 5 00 yesterday. Police responded to a domestic incident. According to reports, blake intervened. When he tried to get on the drivers side of the vehicle, police opened fire with open shots. Blake was airlifted to a milwaukee hospital. According to his attorney, he is in stable condition. Answers as to any wrongdoing, the warranty of criminal could take as long as 30 days. They urge the public to withhold judgment. Martha. Martha mike, thank you very much. Mike tobin come obviously a tough situation all around. Joining me now, contributing editor and fox news contributor. Thank you for being here. Always good to have you with us. I want to start by showing you this dnc, he put out the statement today. He says, our hearts go out to jacob blake and his family. One of countless black americans who have suffered at the hands of bigotry with a badge. What do you think about that statement . Obviously this video does not look good, but as you heard the mayor say, we just need to wait and hear more of the details surrounding them. I think it makes sense to try to get more of the full picture. This may be all there is to it. Maybe there is more to it beyond that. I dont know. I dont know if these cops had a racial motive or not. I think what we need to try to do is try to see fewer American Cities on fire. Im not at all happy to hear that the library of all things is burning. I thought we didnt burn books in this country. This is appalling. Something like tom perez ought to be able to Say Something that is supportive of mr. Blake and his family about throwing more gasoline on the fires. Martha thats another tragic part of this story, that his Young Children were apparently in the car with his partner as well in the backseat of that car. We dont know how this bond to the place that it spun to. It is under investigation. With regard to the black lives Matter Movement and obviously when Something Like this happens it ignites a lot of passion on all sides here and we see the protesters out there tonight. Peaceful protests, may be understandable in this situation. But heres what kyl kamala harrs had to say about how joe biden to purchase all of this. Joe speaks and knows how to say the words black lives matter, contrary to what the president of the United States says which is to so hate and division fulltime and will never speak the words black lives matter. Martha how significant or not significant is that that the president doesnt say those words . Welcome i think its very interesting to see Kamala Harris speaking on behalf of joe biden rather than joe biden say that himself. One of the big things that trump has done in this country was to sign a criminal Justice Reform effort. 3,100 predominantly black prisoners who are locked up for nonviolent offenses to get out of jail, returned to their families and their loved ones. This is something black lives mattered. They didnt get it under obamabiden. Under donald j. Trump, they did. This is something the left wanted and they actually had a bipartisan, democrats and republicans came together. We ought to be thankful for that instead of nonsense about him hating black people. If he did, he would be very happy to keep all of these former prisoners locked up, which he did not do. Martha it is worth mentioning that alice johnson, who was one of the people, the second one who was freed in this program, that you point out. Has freed 3100 individuals to give them a Second Chance at their lives. They will be speaking of the Republican National convention this week. And that is expected to be one of the more interesting speakers that we look forward to hearing this week. You know, with regard to the discussion about homicides come about the rising crime rates, numbers in new york city said the numbers of black vega down. This is something we have not heard about a lot at the Democratic National convention. You would think that this would have also been brought up. You would have thought. The idea is that all black lives matter. Not just the ones at the hands of police or the hands of white people. Youve got come as you say, scores of hundreds of black folks who have died since the george floyd shooting. A lot of these are black victims. These are not white victims. These are generally black and hispanic victims. They have nothing to say about this. Democrats have said nothing about this at all. In fact, they had a speaker on the podium by the name of donna hilton. She actually was convicted for seconddegree murder and kidnapping involving a man who was tortured, who was. His were up apply to this woman who was again 27 years in jail for seconddegree murder and kidnapping was one of the speakers at the Democratic National convention. Martha why was she one of the speakers . Since she got out of jail, shes been involved in criminal Justice Reform. I think they could have picked more carefully somebody who was involved in the kidnap torture and murder of an american citizen. She did 27 years in jail. Martha its always good to talk to you. Thank you very much, roy. Thank you very much. Martha joe biden says that if he wins, another shutdown is possible if it means saving lives. Special advisor to the president responds to what the former Vice President had to say with his opinion, when we come back. Shutdowns because problems too with suicide and depression and loss of jobs and loss of a lot of other things. We have to get your state open. We have to get numerous states open that are run by democrats. Because i really believe that on november 4th, they are all going to be open. Ur back, road warriors. Because we know you want to get back to going your speed. Steering life at 10 and 2. Youre prepared for this. And so are we. Soon youll get back to skipping the counter without missing a beat. Back to choosing any car in the aisle. Back to being the boss of you. Go national. Go like a pro. Trust us. Us kids are ready to take things into our own hands. Dont think so . Hold my pouch. Martha more than 30 million americans are currently unemployed. Nearly double since march 2021 covid lockdowns began to rewreakhavoc on businesses. Now president ial nominee, joe biden is vowing to shut down again if he believes it is necessary. Watch this. Im prepared to do whatever it is to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. That is the fundamental flaw of thiS Administrations thinking to begin with. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed, you have to fix the virus. You have to deal with the virus. So if the science is saying shut it down, i would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists. Martha he is special advisor to the president and Senior Advisor at the hoover institution. Doctor, welcome. Good to have you here tonight. We hear so much about listening to the scientists, although we know that scientists have different opinions on how they interpret what is going on. What do you, do you believe that there might be a necessity if this comes roaring back in the fall, more complicated with the flu. It gets worse in the second way. That it might merit another shutdown . Thanks for having me. That statement is for somebody who really hasnt been paying attention to the science. Because by now we all know that the prolonged locked on his severely harmful to our country. In fact, its killing people. We are not just talking about the unemploymentrelated suicides and other harms. We have the latest data from the cdc that showed that there is a massive increase in people with psychiatric illness and depressive and anxiety disorders. More specifically for young adults. We are talking about people 1825. There is a shocking figure here. 25 plus percent of our young adults 1825, have contemplated suicide in the past 30 days. This has got to end. We know that the precedent has a strategic policy, which is protecting the vulnerable. We know is that risk here. Its not about all the cases that is the most important metric. Its about saving lives by protecting the vulnerable, by preventing hospital overcrowding, which we are really doing well, and by opening up the economy, opening up the schools. Because american lives are being destroyed. The u. K. And other countries are recognizing the lockdown must end. This is really an inappropriate use of policy here. And by now we should have learned that. Martha yeah, the despondency in that age group is just awful. Its a terrible outcome of this whole thing. Do you think that the signs of the virus are winding down and do you think there will be another wave in the fall that could escalate . Welcome you could say this. From the data, the rate has gone down by about 90 from march and april. Part of that is that we are much better, of course, at treating patients. One half the mortality if you are hospitalized. Less need for an icu. We also realize who is not going to get sick or severely ill. And that is young people. We know the data. We know that even pediatrics the risk of a severe illness from covid19 is far less for young people banned from seasonal influenza. We have to really understand what the actual science shows. No one knows that theres going to be a second wave. And i think theres been a massive amount of mobilized resources by thiS Administration really. A massive amount of production of ventilators. Massive amount of lifesaving therapies and drugs. If we are in the second wave, we are going to be in much better shape to deal with it. Martha im running out of time, but what would your advice be to these universities that ive seen cases when they bring the kids back. They are starting to see cases, 80, 100 cases. Sometimes even more than that. What would you tell them about what they should do . I would tell them to be open because we have a very low risk environment in universities. 98 of University Students are under 35. 94 are under 25. Ithese are very safe environmen. When you Start Testing people who are mildly ill, then you end up getting the schools closed by definition because there is an outbreak. But then you end up sending them back home to a high risk environment, which is where the elderly parents live. Its totally nonsensical really to close schools on the basis of patients who are asymptomatic and have very low risk. Martha dr. Scott atlas, always good to talk to you, sir. Thank you so much. So, former fbi director seeming to mock u. S. Attorney, john durhams probe of the russian investigation. Next, im sure there will be in investigation, of the investigation, of the investigation. Martha former White House Press secretary, Sarah Huckabee sanders weighs in on that. The secret she says is one to watch tonight. Next. When we started carvana, they told us that selling cars 100 online wouldnt work. But we went to work. Building an experience that lets you shop over 17,000 cars from home. 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I cant imagine. I saw the news report that he was a witness. Given that i know what happened during 2016 is a bunch of people trying to do the right thing consistent with the law, im not worried at all about that investigation. Next, im sure there will be an investigation after investigation after investigation. They just want to have an investigation to talk about it. Martha Sarah Huckabee sanders, fox news contributor. Welcome. Good to have you here tonight. He said that he is sure that he is not a target of the john dorm investigation. Do you think that is true . I dont know but i think he should be. I mean, hes a disgrace, a liar, a leaker. The entire premise of two years wasted on the russia witch hunt was in large part because of his failings as the leader of the fbi. He has a lot of talk about investigation after investigation. We spent over two years wasting time because they wer refused to report the results of the 2015 elections. The people who actually asked for the election work republican. It was brought in. It was comey, it was abide in they were part of one of the biggest political scandals we have ever seen and that we have ever had. And they tried to take down a duly elected president. And i think each and every one of them should be held to the full extent of the law for whoever was involved. Last week, we heard a lot of credirhetoric from the democrats about democracy. The only one we seem to be unwilling to support democracy are the democrats who participated in this illegal political scandal that we have learn more and more about. Martha john brennan and james comey seem to think that they are going to not be involved in this, that they are not targets. It will be very interesting to see what john durham comes out with. I know he has interviewed and spoken to many people and the attorney general is watching that as well. So hopefully thats going to come out in the next few weeks, we hope. Nikki haley tonight, tim scott tonight. What is their job . Because every speaker who was out there has a mission, something they want to do to help the team win. What is it for them . Well, i think for each person its a little bit different. For nikki haley, she worked very closely with the president. She is a successful governor. But she also has a very strong foreign policy. I think she will talk about the things of the president did to make america stronger, to fight back against our adversary, to work closely with our allies. You are going to see a lot of that come from nikki haley. She is a very strong conservative woman. To hear her opinion, i think is going to be very important. I think he will probably highlight some of those. But i think more than anything, its going to be about the relationship that these individuals have and what they see behind the scenes from this president. What his heart is. How he cares about this country and how hes working to make it better. I think tonight is actually going to be an incredibly powerful night. You mentioned those two speakers. I think there are several others who have Great Stories to tell. Andrew pollan, i got to know him during my time at the white house. What a tremendous person of courage. I think his story will be really powerful as will so many others. Martha weve had him on the program a lot of times. We have a lot of respect for him. Sarah, thank you. Always good to see you. You bet. Thanks. Martha jeff blake on why he is abandoning the party to support joe biden. He is going to tell us why and then the headliners at the he is up next. You dont get much time for yourself. So when you do, make it count with crest prohealth. It protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. The 1 toothpaste brand in america. Crest. Now every bath fitter bathbath fis installed quickly, safely, and beautifully, with a lifetime warranty. Go from old to new. From worn to wow. 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My question for you tonight is with regard to joe biden, he has said that if elected, i will be the most progressive president in history. So, how do you as a lifetime republican, support someone who has that goal . Well, i think if you look at joe bidens record martha but thats what he said. Right, and this is a primary too. He also said that he would work with republicans. He would work across the aisle. Thats not a popular thing to say in the democratic primary, but he did. I think if you look at his record and what he has been all about for so many years, hes a creature of the senate. He knows how to compromise. He knows how to work across the aisle and im confident he will do that. Martha they showed polls today that more people wanted someone who was willing to buck the establishment than someone who wanted to make peace and find common ground. Does that surprise you . Do you think that someone who is more willing is what is resonating with americans ultimately were do you think that they want someone who is more calming like a joe biden . Well, i think at the primary season, its easy to say that you want somebody who is going to buck the establishment. But as you get closer to the election and realize that you want policy to endure, they need to be bipartisan. I think you will see both parties at the center. Like i said, joe biden has been through this for a long time. Martha im just trying to figure out in terms of actual policy what it is that you really like in joe biden as a lifelong republican. We are going to hear from alice johnson. The president was actually able to sign that into law. We had eight years of the Obamabiden Administration and they did not take action on that. So why support joe biden over President Trump . If that were the only thing, certainly President Trump pushed back. I voted for that while i was in the senate. Joe biden has been supportive of criminal Justice Reform Justice Reform. Martha he has been for eight years with president obama and that never happened, is my point. Speak about things happened during that time also that havent happened during the trump administration. We passed the bipartisan immigration bill that appropriated 20 billion for border security. That was when president obama and joe biden were in the white house. We did that in the senate. Ive been supportive of many of the things that the president has pushed. Its not just that. Republicans have traditionally been for free trade. The president is very much a protectionist. The republicans have stood for strong american leadership. Its had a lot of broad appeal in terms of finally pushing back on china. Before he did that, he canceled the transpacific partnership. It would have helped keep china and check by allowing countries, particularly in southeast asia. Martha before i let you go, are you in favor of trade . You bet. You bet. Martha he said that he is not in favor of that. Im just trying to figure out why he will stand up and have reverence for our institution. There is something to be said for that. I think he will preserve the public space so that we can go back to disagreeing about policy and not just this tribalism that we see today. Martha former senator blake, thank you very much for being here. Appreciate it. Joining me now is congressman jim jordan. Set to layout the accomplishments as he sees them. Thank you for being here. Any comments on senator and the 30 other republicans . More than that, i believe, who signed a republicans for biden. He just told you why. Joe biden is a creature of the senate, bipartisan, working with people in the swamp to make sure the American People get left behind. Thats not what President Trump is about, obviously. He is about standing up for the americans. He is against the president S Administration policy. We actually need a wall to protect this country from illegals who are bringing drugs. He told you why he is against the president. I know the American People support what this president has done and i think he is going to get elected in a big way in a few months. Martha i know that you want to talk a little bit about the personal side of the president. We heard a lot of the personal side of joe biden last week. It was clearly the whole issue of being a man of character. They talked about it over the last four days of their convention. What point do you want to make on that . What will we hear from you . I think the president said it best last night on your network. He talked about the amazing potential of the American People. Thats who he is fighting for. Doing what he said he would do. Thats why the American People so appreciate this president. He is doing what he said. Hes fighting for them. Not the mob out there who wants to stop americans from achieving the goals and dreams that they have. So i think thats going to be a key theme throughout this convention. You are going to hear from johnson to dana white. You are going to hear from them in this convention. Those amazing American People who the president has been fighting for. Thats what this is about. Martha i remember i was on the floor of the convention four years ago. I remember ted cruz coming out there. He got booed. A close Freedom Caucus ally of yours. So, what changed . We talked about the countless number of American People. The countless number of American People who feel like this town is forgotten and not fighting for them. Our mission is the same as the president s. We are here to do what we told the American People we were going to do. Both families who are fighting every day, this president is fighting for them. I think they see clearly. It is evidenced by the polls which shows that independents are moving towards the republicans, because they now see this contrast with where they want to go. They will not denounce this crazy policy. They see the difference between him fighting for American Families where the democrats and the hard left want to take the country. Martha when you look ahead at this whole thing, obviously all the polls show joe biden ahead. Real quick. Ten seconds come if you can. I think in our state the president is going to win. I think hes going to win by more. I think hes going to win this race. I think is going to win may be better than he did a few years ago. Martha thank you. Representative, jim jordan, thanks for being here tonight. Thats th the story. Its not over. 10 00, join bret baier and me as we take you through the iron state tonight. Tucker a good evening. Welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. The Republican National Convention Kicks off tonight. Expected to look pretty different from the Convention Last night. Many of the speeches will have actual people watching, human beings. Stick with fox if you want to see any of the other networks. They believe they have apprehended the president of the United States stealing mailbox mailboxes

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