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Very way of life. But where there is no law, there is no opportunity. Where there is no justice, there is no liberty. Wherever there is no safety, there is no future. Martha the president addressing a country torn up by pandemic and by joblessness, by rage over the senseless death of george floyd. Today his brother tried to talk sense to the rioters and the looters, and he called for an end to the property destruction. Blowing up stuff, if im not over here messing up my community. What are you all doing . What are you all doing . You are doing nothing because that will not bring my brother back at all. Lets do it another way. Lets go. Lets not just vote for the president but preliminary for everybody. Martha votes do this another way says Terrence Floyd and tonight we will speak with senator tim scott about that and the racial divide that the president just had to say but also, Robert Fisher of st. Johns church across from the white house. Last night, the church was attacked. During those riots, the reverend with a message for us tonight and also this evening, writing about antifa, the group and what the officials are learning about the extent of the planning that has been going on in the coordination. But first, karl rove former deputy chief of staff, george w. Bush and fox news contributor, good to have you with us this evening to react to what President Trump just had to say in the rose garden. There were questions when he would speak to the nation since he was brought down to a bunker friday night when the protest began. This is the first we have heard from the president since then. Not the first, we heard on saturday at the space launch in florida, nine, ten eloquent minutes from the president of the United States, discussed the killing of george floyd, great tragedy and should never have happened and expressed the war, that anger and the grief of the American People and described himself an ally, seeking justice but he made it clear, and george floyd to rob, loot and burn it and fax those words up on saturday with very strong words. I wish more americans would have seen and heard what he said on saturday. They were powerful, words, beautifully delivered exactly what the nation needed to hear but of course, saturday afternoon space space launch and a lot of people trying to get a few minutes of joy and a weekenf the sun and as many people heard those as needed to hear it. Martha that is a great point. We are watching right now, referring to the aftermath reaction to what we have seen, the incredible burning of all of these buildings. But the president is walking right now through Lafayette Park. And he is being followed he said he was going to a very special place when he finishes his rose garden comment. We are trying to catch up with him with the cameras and i imagine the president is walking toward st. Johns church which is the church of the president. Part of it was set on fire, the nursery was set on fire. This is remarkable, because he is walking right through the area that is so intense last night where fires were burning and the president is come i think making a strong statement by going through here. We will see where he ends up but that is what im assuming as we watch this right now but what do you think, carl . That is exactly right and this is extraordinary, the president is making clear the American People that we will not tolerate this. To me, the attack on st. Johns church is accord, this is a place of great faith, great serenity and has played a special role in the lives of virtually every president and the United States. And for someone to think that they were doing anything other than engaging in an act of mindless violence by attempting to burn this church, i was just shocked. I applaud the president for making it clear, he is not going to be and therefore our nation is not going to be cowed by theo do this. Strong move by the president and a great place to go. Martha we are just watching him walk right now and we dont know his destination but we think it is a pretty good estimation and carl when i watch this last night, it hit me because that church has such significance. Every president has prayed there since medicine. One of the most moving places in the church to me is the back pew where Abraham Lincoln would walk to the white house, flip into the service here and slip in as it ended and just walked just as President Trump is right now across the park to the white house. It almost feels when you watch the president walking through this area, retaking this territory where we stop with such extraordinary and shocking lawlessness with no police. There were police they are, but no ability in that moment, at least, to stop it. They did stop it later. We have seen this unfortunately play out across the country. Im in austin, texas, which a pretty progressive town, liberal in mind, but many of my friends from the left or shocked by the mindless violence conducting against the state capital. People spraypainted it. The lights on the capital torn down. It is mindless and for what purpose . How did that on or the needless death of this man . How did this on at the country that we should be striving for justice . Why would people engage in this mindless violence except to tear down, destroy pit us against each other and make america angry with it so. I admire the people in minneapolis. I was talking to a friend of mine this weekend and he told me about the people who came out to help clean up the damage who showed up with brooms and mops and energy and commitment to make this community to try to heal their community. God bless them for doing that. That is what we need in the moment. We need the American People to say, look, we cannot allow this moment to be lost, to be tainted by the mindless violence of some who would seek to exploit it for their own narrow purposes. We as a nation not to be focused on the necessary necessity of providing justice to the family of george floyd. And asking ourselves, how can we keep that from happening again . Instead, we are forced to watch this. Martha yeah. This is a stunning look now. Areas emigrated with graffiti. Between the white house and st. Johns. And here we are, and i also want to point out hes with the secretary of defense, the attorney general william barr and Jared Kushner is in this group as i saw a moment ago. They are walking over to the boarded up doors of st. Johns church, as the president gets to look at what has happened. And this is just a landmark. This is a yellow building that everybody sees in the middle of the screen. Those are some of the offices and the nursery that goes along with this very historic church. And i apologize. The camera work is tricky here because they are literally chasing the president as he makes this really, i think im a significant moment journey across this park to witness some of the damage done so we are going to wait. The president standing in front of this building of st. Johns, karl. Martha, look at that. That great historic President Trump we have a great country, that is my thoughts. It wont take long. Its not going to take long to see what is going on. Its coming back, and its coming back strong. It will be greater than ever before. President trump thank you very much. The greatest country in the world, thank you very much, everybody. Lets keep it nice and safe. Martha the president with his cabinet, homeland security, the secretary, Robert Obrien is with him. We also see bill barr and mark meadows, the chief of staff also in this group. Kaylee machen and income of the is there as well as they appear to be making their way across te park again. The president holding a bible and stood in front of the side door to the st. Johns Church Building and im also joined by the director of the historic ste Nations Capital as we so damaged by the protest this weekend for the reverend Robert Fisher of st. Johns church joins me now. Reverend, thank you so much for being with us this evening. Pardon me . Martha your thoughts on what we just have been watching here. This is such an interesting moment to me when we agreed to have this talk. I had no idea what was going to be going on at 7 00 tonight. I actually havent seen any of it. Ive been listening to it all, of course, and honestly, it feels like so many ways a surreal moment for me. So yeah, i feel like im in some alternative universe in some w way. Martha because you could never imagine what happened last night, im sure. It was such a shock. I think of these iconic places like st. Pauls cathedral in london during the blitz or even notre dame burn which is a different situation. But it is such a Historic Place in the Nations Capital. And to see the fire and smoke coming out of the side building last night was just a shocking, shocking thing. And now, the president walking over there today. Tell me whats going through your mind, reverend. Whats going through my mind i am remembering the moment last night when i was getting calls from parishioners and sing the church is on fire. And i had seen footage of fires near the church. I was watching closely, but i had not yet seen a fire that was actually at the church were in the church. And i was hoping and praying that they were wrong, and it wasnt st. Johns actually burning. And then there was a moment that i saw with my own eyes and indeed, it was peer that was a hard moment. I went by it later in the night, actually in the wee hours of the morning and actually had a chance to inspect and look around myself, my wife and i. That was actually very positive moment because just personally come i was thrilled to see that the fire only burnt the nursery. The fire didnt expand out. We have two codecs the parish house for sunday school and meetings and then there is the sanctuary. And now, they used to be separate but now joint. What actually burned was in the basement. It was just one room recently renovated and it was not one of the irreplaceable historic parts of the space. I was so grateful for that. And im very mindful that those people who did this it may have been one person. I dont know who it was. I think it is really important to say that person does not represent the majority of the people that are out there peacefully protesting with an Important Message. And today, this was something we had already planned on doing, but after what happened last night, there was even more energy and focus around it. But we gathered, people of faith, clergy and of course all the clergy from st. Johns and other episcopal clergy but people from other denominations and laypeople as well as ministers. We handed out refreshments and we prayed with people. And we were just a presence of prayer and caring. What i experienced right on the grounds of st. Johns, right where we just saw some of the footage was actually very hopeful, very loving. And i think it is important to point that out. We hope that st. Johns, it is a historic church, it truly is. It is a remarkably historic church, but we seek to be a space for grace in the city. I find that the particular neighborhood that we are in is not always a place where you find grace. And we strive to make the space and when you walk in the door, whatever background you may be, you feel that it is a place where you can breathe, where you can experience the spirit. We want to spread that in any event. Martha it is a wonderful message. I think it is the most Important Message we can focus on right now. I think you put it obviously beautifully that this is not reflective of what really came to this moment which is this tragic death underneath the knee of a Police Officer of george floyd. His family has spoken out today stating please come with us is not what any of this is about. It really demonstrates his memory rather than moving the country forward based on pain after this event. And i want to bring everybody back to this for a moment. The president just sort of walked through a column of armed and shielded Police Officers. It is a very strong statement in terms of taking back this real estate, this territory that is the heart of the white house. This whole area of acreage which encompasses Lafayette Park and the office building. To the right of the white house as you face it. Beautiful sunny day. Im reminded also as we watch people walking and saw people in the park and cameramen racing around with masks on their faces. So this all comes with a backdrop of this horrible virus that everybody has been living through for the past three months and watching so many who are not able to survive it. Reverend, thank you very much, and we are also so relieved that the damage was not worse although it is heartbreaking to see the panda bear on them shelf of the nursery. Thoughts, reverend . I want to express my thanks, outpouring of love locally from people and across the country. That means a lot to us. The prayers and support are great, but lets remember the narrative that we really need to stay on this message of fighting racism. And that is the only way that we are going to have healing and progress. Thank you so much more wonderful to have you with us. I encourage you to stop by. It is an incredibly special place to stop and pray. It is important to say the Church Building had to be closed because of covid19 but, we have remained open and our Services Online and you can easily find them on the line on the internet. Tune in. Martha that is a good point. He will want to get inside of our churches. Thank you so much, good to see my friend, let me bring back karl rove. Karl as you have watch this play out, the president walked into the white house moments ago and this is a very striking moment. Reflect on that for me. It really is. Im not certain the take back is what we are talking about. I think the president seeks to restore a sense of calm and peace and we are in the midst of a great crisis, several great crisis and melted death of george floyd. In a moment where we need to be reflecting on what we do as a nation to ensure justice for all, we are being driven apart by father fisher said by a group of people who dont represent and people have a right to protest. And the idea of peacefully protesting the death of george floyd is something that Many Americans can agree with. About what we should all disagree with is those exploiting the moment to loot, burn and to rob as the president talked about on saturday. , and seek ways to bring the country together in this moment of grief and sorrow about where we are as a country. The president said America Needs healing, not hatred, just, karl, thank you very much, good to have you with us tonight. Continuing coverage on the story right after this im greg, im 6. I do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. I honestly feel that thats my calling to give back to younger people. I think most adults will start realizing that they dont recall things as quickly as they used to or they dont remember things as vividly as they once did. Ive been taking prevagen for about three years now. People say to me periodically, man, youve got a memory like an elephant. Its really, really helped me tremendously. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. President trump for george and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain. But we cannot allow the righteous cries and Peaceful Protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob. I am your president of law and order and an ally of all Peaceful Protesters. Martha joe biden stepping out today. That was the president , of course, in the rose garden moments ago but joe biden with in Person Campaign stop since memorial day. He met with the africanamerican leaders in delaware and also with demonstrators on sunday. And he is saying the very soul of america is at stake. Joining me now, Deputy Campaign manager and communication directors for joe biden 2020 president ial campaign, kate, thank you for being with us tonight. We just watched a remarkable moment after we saw last night, which was total chaos in Lafayette Park across from the white house. The president went over to st. Johns church, the church of the president s. I know former Vice President joe biden has been there many times. Your thoughts on what we just witnessed. Look at my was listening to you discuss and im actually a member of that church. I was married in that church. So i have a very personal tied to that church. I think what is powerful about the way joe biden has spoken to this issue over the last week as President Trump has been conspicuously silent, he has really spoken to the idea that people should be protesting the systemic racism and brutality that we saw in George Floyds murder. They should protest it. That is an american response that is good and right, but violence and looting communities is not. Hes been unequivocally clear from the outset. Martha that is the same message weve been hearing from the president basically. That protesting is the american way at the very root of our existence and that violence is heartbreaking for all of us. I think we can all kind of agree on that. Do you think that Vice President of greek, the president had strong words for the governors today after what we all have been watching over the last few days. But does joe biden feel like we need a stronger hand in all of this and that some of what we have watched was disheartening to see, for example, the Police Officers in minnesota evacuating their own precinct and driving away in the middle of the night . Martha, i would argue we have not heard a consistent message from the president this week. He has hidden behind twitter account and in seminary tweets. Martha he spoke on saturday and he spoke today. So saturday, there was a speech and today there was a speech. Sunday nothing, monday. So in the last week, that is inaccurate so i have to point that out. Over the course of this weekend. That is actually not true but over the course of the weekend, joe biden went out into his community in wilmington and listened to date with the pastors and leaders in the community at the Bethel Church and wilmington. He did a conversation today a zoom conversation with neighbors across the country. So he is listening. I think the core contrast between joe biden and donald trump on this is leadership. I think joe biden is showing he is a leader who listens and that he will be a president for all americans. I think what we have consistently seen from President Trump over the course of this last couple of days and out in the last 30 minutes when he comes out and speaks to us is a complete refusal to acknowledge the reason that people are upset. He is not speaking to the systemic racism, he is not speaking to the injustice that is bringing people out into the streets. What americans want is a president who can speak to all parts of the country. Who can unify, who can bring us together. Biden has handled this. Martha okay. I just want to ask you because i was watching a conversation that he had with johnson and they were talking about reparations so if you believe the president is ignoring the root of the problem, Vice President johnson was asked about reparations at one point and he said i will be if i paid for what happened 300 years ago. Is that his stance on wrapper reparations . That is one line from a much larger interview with joe biden with many decades ago and the point he was making in the interview which is when he Still Believes today is that we have to tackle all of the causes of systemic racism. And that means injustice in a housing, injustice in the criminal Justice System, injustice and education. So something that he believes and that was court to his time in the senate in his time in the white house with president obama was a focus on dealing with all of the issues that come together to create any quality inequity in our society. He has laid out as president. Martha one last question, is he dismayed dismayed by what hes seeing in terms of the pushback to the violence . Does he feel like the governors could be doing more . He believes as he said, that people have a right to protest. He believes they should rise up. Martha violence . He has unequivocally condemned the violence. The reason that people are protesting should not be overshadowed by the protests themselves. And hes unequivocally against the violence. Martha thank you very muc much, kate bedingfield. The leadership is so essential as we move through the selection period and win the election will be. Thank you very much, kate for being here. Good to talk to you. Thank you for having me. Martha a live look at minneapolis where the protest largely peaceful. Thankfully today people hanging out in the park at the moment there. There was a call for calm from George Floyds family. We also got the results from the autopsy in terms of his final moments and his death. So we will bring that in a moment, senator tim scott will join me and says justice still yet to be served and he is next. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. Yeah, like a regular person. No. Still half bike half man, just the opposite. Oh, so the legs on the bottom and motorcycle on the top . Yeah. Yeah, i could see that. For those who were born to ride, theres progressive. Yeah, i could see that. I but what i do count on. Ts anis boost high protein. Rs, and now, theres boost mobility. With key nutrients to help support. Joints, muscles, and bones. Try boost mobility, with added collagen. Sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Our gummies contain a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no nextday grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. Do this peacefully. Please mak, and im not saying t people whoevers doing it, rel relax. Peace on the left, just us on the bright. Thats what im talking abo about. Martha Terence Floyd speaking out for his brother george commit peace from the side of his brothers death. In it comes as independents autopsied by the floyd family found joy age floyd died of asphyxia with his back and neck. And his death was a homicide. Mike tobins life in minneapolis where a curfew set to take place just a couple of hours from now. Good evening, mike. Good evening, and i will start with the medical examiner issuing that report of the death of george floyd as a homicide. The report goes on to say that he died as a arrest of constraint and neck compression at the hands of Law Enforcement. And a representative of the family said this supports their call for firstdegree murder charge. We see what happened on the video. It did not take darkness to tell us what happened on the video, but the family wanted their independence autopsy. And now the county medical examiner has confirmed what we said. This was death due to homicide by the Police Officers. Also in a county medical examiners offer said floyd suffered from hypertension and heart disease. He recently used methamphetamines and intoxicated on fentanyl. Trump said that information is irrelevant. It is completely irrelevant, he wouldnt have died here there is always going to be an attempt to try to assassinate the character of the individual who you have unjustifiably and unnecessarily and senselessly killed. We should be able to show you pictures from nearby st. Paul right now is a number of demonstrators have gathered in front of the governors residence. They took off marching. There are also a number of demonstrators at the capital itself. Heckling the guardsmen but nothing really proved to be too big of a development. And also about 200 demonstrators gathered at the spot where george floyd died. But here we are and our net and a half out of the curfew coming into effect for the third night in a row and as we have seen the past couple of days it will be enforced. Martha thank you very much mike tobin on the scene of minneapolis. Republican senator joining me now, senator scott, thank you very much. Good to see you tonight. Obviously, these have been very dark days for our country as we watched so much grief over the past few days. And we heard from Terence Floyd come his brother calling for peace. Your thoughts on that and also on what we witnessed from the white house just a short time ago. Thank you, martha to talk about such a heavy issue an important issue for the country in the countrys future. I applaud Terence Floyd for his thoughts and his comments for peace. It reminds me of the nine family members in South Carolina 2015 when they gave the man who murdered the family members in the church, nine family members suffocated, taken out. Murder in the church. So that calls for peace and for calm. It is powerful from the one voice that matters the most peer of the one voice that matters the most as a member of the floyd family. Second, i would say the president s comments in the rose garden were important. They were significant. They were heartfelt. And they let us in the right direction. We need to hear more like that from the president because frankly, the country rallies around our chief executive when he speaks about bringing the American Family together. So i thought what he said in the rose garden was important, it was powerful, and it was necessary. Martha i want to play some comments by val demings, who is a democrat, obviously from florida and former police chief from florida. She does not agree with you that the president is handling this well. Here is what she had to say. We are going through this Public Health crisis among covid19 and certainly as we are all watching and grieving with the floyd family, and america is on fire right now. And the president of the United States is Walking Around with gasoline. Martha what do you think of that, senator . Martha, as i said earlier, folks seem to be stoking the flames, stoping the embers, not helpful. To be honest with you, what we need is the enemy of chaos order. We need order, structure, discipline and frankly, people leaning and with compassion. I think pointing fingers is the wrong direction right now, focusing on the future and having a real conversation about raising justice necessary. Pointing fingers, throwing bombs towards one another eliminates all life so i recommend we focus our attention on progress. Im sure that val demings is emotional at this time but the truth of the matter is we make all progress together. Martha you said a moment ago, you would like to hear more from the president. Has he turned to you . I know you have a good relationship. Has he turned to you to discuss sort of the way forward in the right things to say at this time to begin to heal the country . I certainly give the president all the credit in the world leaning on passion for the folks who feel the Justice System not working for them. I would appreciate his comments and we did talk on saturday. I recommend he spend more time focusing on mr. Flory comic mr. Floyd and the necessity of justice for that situation. I tried to echo the sentiments i have echoed before which is for many africanamericans, the situation has occurred too often. So mr. Floyd is not simply one lost life, that one lost life is too many. He represents a larger, broader portrait of what has happened over many decades. One of the reasons why the intensity factor is so significantly higher this time then it was other times. So many too many cases and too short of time. Mr. R barry, mr. Floyd, the can so having the president speak from the heart, speak about the importance of righteous indignation is important for this nation. Martha yeah, i think about those two videos you just mentioned that the whole country saw and it makes me wonder how many times we dont see things that are happening as well. It truly is heartbreaking. You know, i heard Robert Johnson speak with bret baier earlier. Hes calling for a multitrillion reparation act. What is your reaction to that . He says you have to level the playing field. Until we finally leveled the playing field, we will not get past this racism problem. I dont think reparations help level the playing field. It might help more eruptions on the playing field. I dont think reparations is the right approach to it. Perhaps one of the most important, i guess my paths forward is looking back. Looking back, understanding and appreciating the drastic occurrence, the challenges that have been faced by so many africanamericans and the country, but that path forward has been a path forward created by africanamericans like john lewis leaving on violent protests joined by jewish brethren and White Christians coming alongside each other. There is a path forward, but it starts with all of us taking responsibility, moving forward appeared the conversation about reparations is not a conversation i have ever been in supportive and i do not support now. Martha senator scott, always good to talk to you. We hope we will see you soon. Thank you very much. Take care. A live look tonight in new york city where a lot of businesses are boarded up in response to looting of stores last night. So what is ahead this evening as we look at this spring evening 7 40 port in brooklyn. Te we will be right back. Hey its me, lily from at t. Im back working from home and here to help. 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Martha the white house saying once again today there is evidence that the protest against the death of george floyd have been in part infiltrated by some far left extremists. Look at this in chicago. Just so heartbreaking. When Law Enforcement official said that bicycle scouts are being sent to head to scope out areas that are ripe for vandalism where there are Police Officers. Window smashing all over new york downtown sunday night. So as the president looks to dedicate and keep as, my guess says that is not possible in his view. Senior editor at reason and panic attack young radicals in the age of trump, robbie, great to have you with us tonight. You watch these scenes of these individuals who are far less interested in george floyd then bringing home some stuff. They are the exceptions, but they are the ones getting the most attention because they are the most destructive. So talk to me about antifa and why you think the president cannot designate them as a terrorist organization . Sure, simple reasons. The state Department Terrorism list only correspondence of Foreign Organization usually Islamic Terrorist Organization like isis, al qaeda that are trying to overthrow the United States. Certainly, he can call nt for a terrorist from a rhetorical point of view, but to kind of look at domestic criminal groups in that context would take an act of congress. Actually democrats interested, not for what they say are right wing groups causing some problems. Certainly it is right for Law Enforcement to look at and target this group. I dont know that a formal terrorism designation is obviously to detract from the violence they are engaged in. Martha a lot of back and forth how organize these anarchist and antifa groups and like groups are studying this. What is your take . The most important thing to understand about antifa, they view violence as legitimate and necessary tactic to stop in their view or fascist from taking control of the government. So they are different from other progressive active it groups and they dont just disagree with you, they think if you are not explicitly on their side, you dont deserve free speech and due process and all those other things. That is why they target the media. You saw people attacking cnn, some of them presumably antifa because unless the medias exclusive activists and on their side and marching with them, then you are part of the problem. You are the enemy. So they really, you know it is us against everyone else. By that they mean literally everyone else. Martha yeah, any institution, capitalism, anything that they see as a power structure is what they are absolutely against. So the president came out and made some strong statements. You heard what he said about the governors. He thinks they are being too weak and he doesnt want to see police cars driving away from the precincts in the middle of the night like we saw in minneapolis. He said and the riots, dominate the streets, and the state refuses to handle it i will employ the military and taking action tonight to strengthen the spine in this regard. Sure, obviously we need to deploy resources to bring the rioting and looting under control. It has ended, of course, but unfortunately to do that in a way that does not inflame rioters more. The protest began as a response to what was perceived to be violence and so we dont want to cause another wave of protest because it was treated in such a way that its had all those complaints. Again, i do think we are looking at obviously antique outside of agitators causing some of the mayhem. I think we have to be careful about attributing all of it or its almost too easy of a solution to say its outside people coming in and doing this. Im afraid there is violence in the communities, economically disadvantaged people taking opportunities that are not ideological. It is unfortunately harder and more complicated than that. Martha sometimes, it looks like the other ones that break the window and then let the rest take shape. Robbie, thank you very much. My pleasure. Martha a story coming up next, stay with us your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats differently. For psoriasis, 75 clearer skin is achievable, with reduced redness, thickness, and scaliness of plaques. For psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. And the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. 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The tempurpedic summer of sleep starts now, with all tempurpedic mattresses on sale, and savings up to 500 on adjustable sets. Martha correspondent bryan llenas once again on the streets of new york city this evening after witnessing a high end store ransacked over the course of last night. Brian. Good evening, we have one of the protests in new york city and this is a splinter group. We had many different ones throughout the city in manhattan and brooklyn which makes it very difficult to follow the groups weve seen the last few nights. If we are three hours away from curfew in new york city, and its the first of its kind in recent memory. If Governor Andrew Cuomo making the decisions today putting a curfew beginning at 11 00 p. M. Will be lifted at 5 00 a. M. This morning. If theres a been reports of businesses being struck by protesters and today at Washington Square park there was this moment. The chief of department kneeling with protesters as bottles were thrown by agitators who try to incite some sort of confrontation. It was an incredible moment and heres what he said right after the moment. Get them outta here protest peacefully, why would anyone break into a store in your neighborhood we employ the people in this neighborhood is no reason for it, and has to end let new york show the country how it is done weve seen moments of deescalation but last night, it was criminal. 1 00 a. M. To 3 00 a. M. For five hours at least, people from out of state in their cars ransacking luxury stories, we shall see what tonight brings over the last four days. The first night of what is curfew. Of martha. Martha brian, thank you and great coverage throughout the night last night. Stunning scenes and we will see if new york city listens to the Police Officer who was just saying show everyone in the country how this is done. We hope that the core few holds and that people in tonight and brian reporting and thats the story of monday, june 1st, 2020. Well see you back here tomorrow night, stay safe, good night. Tucker when the mobs came, they abandon us. If welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, the nation went up in flames this weekend. I went in charge stood up to save america. They did third and they cowered and they openly sided with the destroyers and many cases they exited them on. Later, they deny doing any of this and theyre denying it now. You know the truth because you saw it happen and this is when nations classed when nobody End Authority keeps order. American citizens are forced to defend themselves and they have no choice. No one will defend them they know that now. Its possible that more

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