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Election, the white house slapped sanctions on the russians for trying to influence the elections. Then there was a question whether general flynn gave the russians assurances that those sanctions would be lipton and the Trump Administration so not to retaliate, just to sit tight. So what happened next, we will discuss with maria hart who served in the Obama Administration and casey mcparland who was flynns deputy during that period and remembers clearly the day that the Washington Post piece came out revealing flynns call with the Russian Ambassador. Also ahead tonight, hhs secretary alex azar joins us after the brandnew release of cdc guidelines for opening schools and transit and more businesses. Also, Governor Phil Murphy of new jersey is here as he opens the beaches in this very hard to hit state and one of the hardest in the nation and battles devastation to his states economy. But first, under president obama and fox news contributor, good to have you with us tonight. Speak with thanks, martha, happy to be here at. Martha so what can you tell me, thank you. What can you tell me about the mood at that point . You know, president obama obviously felt there was interference by the russians. There was a lot of shock and surprise Hillary Clinton indeed lost the election and donald trump was going to be brought in. Was they were concerned that the russian policy would be changed under the Trump Administration . Martha, the real concern at the time was that for months, we had seen a hostile foreign country, the russian interfere in our election. They stole emails, they hacked into servers, they put it out at politically convenient times, so we had seen months and months of this and we were very disturbed by this. And on top of that, you saw intelligence information comment that showed there had possibly been americans who had been in contact with them, possibly in coordination with them. So the counterintelligence investigation done at the time was not about russia policy. It was not about the fact that Hillary Clinton lost. But under attack and there were real concerns and real evidence that there were possibly americans who had been helping them. Martha but unfortunately, they didnt have any evidence that any americans were helping them, and yet it appears looking at what we know now, they were treated as if they were. And why did it if president obama was concerned about what he saw as russian interference . There was months of this going on so why did he wait until after the election to slap these sanctions on . Beco well, we certainly raised it privately with the russians what is happening. President obama said that so has john brennan and others. But we were very concerned if we publicly slap the russians while it was going on in an aggressive way, they would actually take further steps. I should point out before the election, we did announce that we had determined the russians had done some of the hacking. We did put a lot of the information out there, but the fact remains there was some evidence, right . We talk about Michael Flynn a lot, and talking to the Russian Ambassador, this topic of unmasking now that the officials found out it was him. That was problematic all that presented a huge counterintelligence threat to this country. And it was an appropriate investigation to undertake at the time. Martha but unfortunately there was quite a bit of guesswork going on with regard to what he was doing because by all accounts, it was perfectly normal for him and his road to be reaching out to other governments, to start to establish a relationship with them. Even to suggest, some might say, that the tone might be different under a new administration or after an election. And i think a lot of people remember this sound bite from president obama when he leaned over and was caught in an open mic speaking with thenpresident of russia. Watch this. Definitely i will be more flexible. Martha i will transmit this information to vladimir. They were discussing in eastern shields, that the russians didnt want to. The suggestion for the president there was perhaps he could help the russians out without issue. And countries of course wanted a Missile Shield to protect them from russia, rather. And so, that is a clear example of someone singing, look, after this and granted it was his reelection, but after this, after the people elect me come i will have a little bit of a different tune with you. First, he was already president as you know, so it was a discussion when things might be possible policy wise for the person who was already in the oval office. That is very different from Michael Flynn, who its not that he was just having conversations with foreign officials, martha, he was saying those sanctions that obama put in place because you meddled in our election, dont worry about those. We will take care of that. It is everything that he did was above board. If there was nothing wrong with it, why did he lie about it to the Vice President . Why did he lie about it to the fbi, and why did he lie to the American People and plead guilty . If he had nothing to hide. Martha the fbi said there was no derogatory information. That is coming straight from them after they question him. So the question really gets into, what happened after that and why there was such a fishing expedition after they establish there was no derogatory information and in fact, they didnt see anything wrong with a phone call. Maria, thank you for being here tonight. Maria hart. But he did lie about it repeatedly. Martha well, then he said and took that back. He pled guilty to that command then he resend it that guilty plea. Only the judge which we will get into in a little while can really sort of shed more light on that, but he rescinded the guilty plea after that. Maria, thank you very much. Joining me now kt mcfarland who was there as well. The general plans deputy on National Security council during all of this and author of the new red good to have you with us first of all but your reaction to what maria is saying about that. Mike of time. Looked, she is confusing to coperiods of time. She is talking about russian interference during the election campaign. We are talking about general flynn phone calls, contact with the russians after trump is elected president. They are two very different times and after President Trump knew he was going to be president after the election, it was entirely appropriate for senior officials going into the Trump Administration to talk to foreign leaders. In fact, it would have been malpractice if we have not talked to foreign leaders. Now so i think she is just completing two things whether deliberately or accidentally, who knows, but it is a decision to have. Martha with regard to this discussion about what he was saying about the sanctions on whether or not there would be a promise to lift them and just sort of sit tight during that period, youre right about this in your book, and you talk about when that Washington Post editorial came out which suggested that there had been something possibly nefarious in that phone call with quinnipiac and flan. Apparently, there was some tension over that oped. You and others went into his office and what happen when you walked in there to talk to him about it . This happen a month later. So david and the column was on january 12th before the inauguration of President Trump, which was january 20. So a month later in february, february 9th, the National Security advisor for two weeks, we got a phone call from the Washington Post and saint they had a transcript of general flynns phone call with the investor or they had been read a transcript. And it was contrary to what general flynn had said, that general flynn according to the Washington Post and alleged transcript that general flynn had actually talked about sanctions with Russian Ambassador. So i went into general flynns office with the Legal Counsel and the Communications Director and said to commit general flynn, Washington Post seems to have a transcript but did you talk with the Russian Ambassador . You know, he looked down at his desk and he said, you know ive gone over and over in my mind, and i honestly cant remember if on that particular phone call we talked about sanctions. And then i said, with the situation, well did you use the word sanctions or did you talk around it . My assumption had been that they talked around it. I talked to general flynn before i talk to the russian investor and i talked to him after the russian investor. After i talk to the Russian Ambassador, i talked to the russian investor and i think we are going to be okay, this is not going to become a crisis. Well, to me that doesnt necessarily mean he went hard, where a quid pro quo. To me, there was much more of a sentence the russians want to continue a Good Relationship with the Trump Administration and no body was horsetrading anything. It was just an acknowledgment that the russians wanted to go forward with the relationship with the new administration. No promises were made. Nothing was, you know, implied, but it was both sides wanted to improve the relationship. I think with the democrats have assumed and said throughout this and the media, which they stirred up into a wild frenzy, somehow there had been a quid pro quo and horsetrading. When winnie went into general flynns office and asked him specifically, what did you say . Any set i honestly dont remember, martha, to me, that was a guy being honest. He didnt look like he was lying to me. I just think he couldnt remember. Did he talk and that phone call . The russian investor in the next day in the day after that, which phone call did he say what on . After that my walked back into my office, i closed the door and thought, what the heck. Not only was what flynn was saying but out of the Washington Post get a transcript or read a transcript of something i didnt even know existed . Something it would have high security clearances. How did the Washington Post get their hands on this, and who else were they listening in on . Was President Trump being listened on . This was during the transition but did it continue. Who were the rogue agents doing this . So for me it didnt answer any questions. It brought a lot more questions to core. Martha so what do you think now . I mean, do you think other members of the white house when you were there were having their transcripts given to members of the press or work, you know, sort of having their names on mask so they could figure out who was on those conversations . And do you think joe biden was aware if any of that . Look, im not one to speculate of things that i dont know anything about. So i dont know what was happening, but i was just worried if they were listening to the president s seniormost Foreign Policy advisor during the transition, where they continuing to listen in and who else were they listening into . As far as the unmasking thing goes, martha, it stinks. I think there is something very suspicious about this. The director of National Intelligence and the Obama Administration clapper did not remember putting his names on these request. The u. N. Investor and Obama Administration come i dont remember doing it. So somebody else putting all of these different names on the unmasking request . It is Pretty Simple to find out, just go as people and if it wasnt the peoples whose name has written on the form, who the heck was it and why are they doing it . Martha i want to play two sound bites for you from james clapper. This one is from today and the other one is from a year ago. Lets play this backtoback so you can comment on those for us. Stay tuned. If you will read the Intelligence Community assessment particularly highly classified and his will as the highly classified, you will not find the c word in the report. You might ask what was the Trump Campaign doing at the same time its essentially aiding and abetting the washington and having contact dozens of contacts with russians, some of whom were connected officially to russian intelligence . Martha it is hard to figure out how he can tell two different stories. There is no mention of collusion, but then a year ago, he was 100 sure that your administration that you were a part of was aiding and abetting the russians during this whole time. Mech. You know this is another thing that really the media is not covering except for people like you, martha. The director of National Intelligence, the cia director of the fbi director of the deputy fbi director and Obama Administration going into closed classified healings on capitol hill and House Intelligence Committee and saying there was no collusion. We didnt find any evidence of collusion or collaboration. The russians, trams were not talking to each other in the campaign not talking to each ot, they were walking out, going to the media and people like the cia director brandon said, well, President Trump, he is a russian asset. Another thing, well basically accusing President Trump of treason. Which way is it, guys . You dragged the country through three years of being at each others throats over something you knew was a lie and a hoax. Why did you do it and who helped you do it . Martha all right on the way out the door here. I will play this john brennan match up of his comments before and after the Mueller Report came out just to remind everybody. Lets watch this and then we will head out. If all you smell coming between now and the final report for mueller . I smell more indictments. I want to receive more information but i suspect there was more than there actually was. But when i mean that was a foot in the mouth moment to be sure, kt. I think you are absolutely right, and i think there is a lot more that will come out in the weeks and months ahead. Martha all right, we will continue to talk, kt, thank you very much. Good to see you, thank you for being here tonight. The cdc is now out with some brandnew guidelines to help the schools reopen in this country and get transit underway as well. That after the white house was accused of sheltering some of their earlier, health and Human Services secretary alex azar joins me next. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines, and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Theyre going to be paying for this for a long time. They will, but with accident forgiveness allstate wont raise your rates just because of an accident, even if its your fault. Cut sonny. Was that good . 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We will tell you how helpful that his spirit that came after a dramatic morning on a hill as hhs whistleblower dr. Rick bright slammed the Trump Administrations failure to combat covid19 and saying he tried to warn supplies dangerously low, but that no one was listening. I will never forget the emails i received from mike cohen indicating that we are a master player, completely decimated. And he said, we are in deep the world is, and we need to act. And i push that forward to the highest levels i could in hhs and got no response. Martha bright says from that moment on, he knew that we would have a crisis with health care workers, and that they were already behind the ball. Joining me now alex azar secretary of human health and services, and in pennsylvania today to visit a company. Thank you for being here tonight. Obviously, this person, dr. Bright had some very strong words for hhs and for the administration and said that they didnt do all they could back in january. You know, yet another attack on President Trump and disproven, unfounded allegations. The president literally did what bright is saying should be done. This guy was singing in a choir back then of everybody. We were all singing the same tune, and now hes trying to claim that he was a soloist. He said we needed personal protective equipment and that we were short n95 mask. Amen and everything was saying that back on same thing and that is why we launched one of the most procurement activities in history to triple the number of in 95 mask being produced in the United States and get them here. He said we needed more testing. The president developed a novel, comprehensive worldclass testing system with 10 million test in the United States. He said we needed a vaccine. Martha it sounds like it sounds like he said he was pushed out of meetings because he was pushing for this stuff or ppe, which we all know was a problem for the first month to be sure. We all know and we all knew, there was nothing novel. I dont even remember that he said in any of this because we were all saying the same thing. We here at hhs, people in the white house, that is why we were working on this. This is no secret knowledge. This is no prophetic voice or vision. These were statements of the obvious. And we acted on them, and the president delivered on every single thing. His complaint is the president actually did what he said he should do martha all right, sounds like he felt like he got nudged out, but there is other things i want to get with you quickly. Secretary, the cdc put out this information on opening schools, which i was interested in a course when i saw the headlines across, but they are very general. Some might even say vague. Intensifying cleaning ventilation, plan for a student or employees to get sick and encourage social distancing. What is new about these guidelines here . Is this helpful . That is what cdc does all the time. They put guidelines to various entities in a situation like this that are road maps and meant to be clear, understandable, not excessively complex. It doesnt really help to provide a school with 40 page singlespaced technical document like that. You have to be clear and provide a road map because what the president s committed to and we are all committed to his reopening this economy, reopening this country, because we cannot continue the way we are right now. Martha so there was a quote in a Washington Post feed that dr. Birx said there is nothing from the cdc that i can trust. Do you agree with that . I dont believe ive ever heard her say that. She works actually extremely closely with the cdc and collaboratively, and even on the preparation of these guidance documents, i know just yesterday, dr. Redfield would sing the process of working together, he thought maybe these guidance documents better understandable to the entities that we were trying to help. So no, there is quite a collaborative interactive process. Martha so before i let you go, in pennsylvania today come obviously an effort to make sure that this never happens again, l these emergency supplies, right . Absolutely. So when the president said we were left with a cover that was fair at the strategic stockpile and he committed we will never let that happen again. We will make sure we have 90 day backup reserve supplies of personal protective equipment and what we need for a pandemic. We will have the full sweep. You know, the stockpile had only 28 of the items that one would want to have in need of a course of a pandemic. Hes got a plan to roll it to ensure that never happens again. Martha and we know the states will have to do their own part as well to make sure that they have what they need and that is where we are headed next this evening. Thank you very much secretary azar, good to speak with you, sir. Thanks, martha. Martha the state of new jersey, the beaches will open in time for memorial day, but most of the state does remain on lockdown, even after flattening the curve. Governor phil murphy on wind that might change next. Try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h, because your derriere deserves expert care. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. That Liberty Mutual customizes your insurance, i just love hitting the open road and telling people so you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Thats why working together ist more important than ever. At t is committed to keeping you connected. So you can keep your patients cared for. Your customers served. Your students inspired. And your employees closer than ever. Our network is resilient. Our people are strong. Our job is to keep your business connected. Its what weve always done. Its what well always do. Many of lifes moments in thare being put on hold. 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Everybody is going to be excited to get out there and you could see some crowds. We could, martha, good to be with you. We announced this today. We announced it with the freeholder and mayor from Cape May County and republican so we made a bipartisan statement today. We are going to try to limit intelligently capacities and social distancing but leave it to the communities themselves to actually do the on the ground management of that. Folks want to let off steam. The curves are going the right direction. We are not out of the woods yet. We opened our herds and this is another big step, god willing, new jersey new jersey complying with these policies. And i fully expect folks to continue to do so. Martha so as you know, im from new jersey. I live here most of my life. A lot of people asked me to ask you this question. We were all asked as people were across the country to flatten the curve. To make sure the hospitals were not overrun. This is exactly how you presented it yourself. That was the purpose. We were never told that we would have to stay in at home or in any form of lockdown until there was a vaccine, which could be quite a long time. So what do you say to people who say that that was not the deal . Yeah, we have never said you have to stay home until there is a vaccine. I wish there was a vexing tomorrow and im sure you do as well. I will say this, the curves have gotten meaningfully better, less icu beds, ventilators and reproduction of the virus is way down in new jersey, no question, but they are still the number one state in america per capita of positive tests, hospitalizations and fatalities. It is a balancing act. As i mentioned, we opened up parks, beaches on memorial day would loosen up construction, Curbside Pickup for nonessential retail. We are going to do something on elective surgeries the next couple of days. Pool protocols, charter boats, we are trying slowly, responsibly, one step at a time to get the place reopening. Martha obviously, one of the reasons for that is the economic hit, which has been an enormous peer of the states lost 3. 5 billion, more than 1 Million People as a result of these lockdowns are now out of work in new jersey. So, was this too much . Was it to the conan to put us in a tough financial position now . Martha i resound to say no. And that does not mean that i dont appreciate the enormity of the economic hit, the unemployment, the Small Businesses because it has been without a question historical. But we believe completely, Public Health creates economic health. If you transpose those or jump the gun, not only will we have an ongoing Public Health challenge, you we will have a bigger economic crisis. It is why we need federal help to direct cash in two states. Its not to manage our legacy issues. Its to manage the Actual Health crisis that we are all going through. So no, it is in an Enormous Economic crisis, there is no question about that. The one i think a lot of taxpayers want to make sure that that money does not go to fix other financial problems that have been in for a long time in new jersey or another state. And that will be an enormous managerial job for them to keep track of. I would like to i spent a lot of time talking about this nursing home issue. More than 50 of the deaths in the state of new jersey have tragically come from the Nursing Homes. This is a family that i spoke to the other night from the paramus veteran homes. This is the wife and the son of korean war veteran arnold haber who died at age 91 at the home. Here is what they told me, governor. I think that when they started getting sick when the virus was going through, they should have really taken the healthy soldiers out and put them in a hotel instead of leaving them in the room with somebody that had the virus. And this is how it spread like crazy. Martha so this is a situation and she asks a really valid question. Two months ago why didnt the state of new jersey start moving these individuals into other places, hotels, the comforts come at the javits where we had access to them . Listen, the tragedy within the tragedy, martha, longterm care and there is no bigger tragedy than our blessed veterans. And i dont know the particular situation of her husband, but god rest his soul. These folks deserve a much more noble and humane and final years. We have a full team, secretary wilkie i want to give him a shout out and my request sent out for a team from the va to go in and help us, not just us up staffing but help us manage. We have three big veteran homes, to go up the three paramus being one. Martha governor, if you know. No its not but you are talking about things happening there were a few weeks ago. This started over two months ago, this problem. And this is one this is a state run facility. The state of new jersey has responsibilities for this facility. So not what are you doing now, but what were you doing back then . We all knew these homes were the most vulnerable places in the country. So why wasnt testing and help surged to them right in the very beginning, sir . You have got to remember, martha, as a country we started with a pea shooter on testing. So we have gone from literally nowhere and new jersey is the top tested states in america and the longterm code care facilities remain if not numbere priority is to get folks tested to. I cant speak to this gentleman, but her question is a good one. You need to cohort patients, healthy, negative test from those who are unhealthy or positively tested appeared again, i dont know the particular situation. I will tell you this, i have asked the attorney general to launch an investigation of all longterm care facilities, including the veterans homes, so we will find out what happened and where there were protocols that were not followed. Martha understand. If i may before i go, press you want to question, why didnt you i remember talking to you about the extra beds extra beds offered to new jersey on the comfort of the javits center. Why didnt you say lets move these individuals in the heart hit Nursing Homes to the facilities . They didnt go to javits center, comfort and we have three field stations i want to give the army corps a shout out to set up. But they were forwarded. I just dont know the timing of the situation of her husband and by the way, he has passed, god rest his soul, so there is nothing we can do now to get him back. Again we cohort of patients and a lot of facilities did. Martha he survived cancer and he survived a heart attack in korea, but he did not make it through the situation in this nursing home. God bless him, as you say, and we hope that these facilities continue to get the extra care and attention that they need. Amen. Martha governor, thank you very much and your efforts to open up, we hope to see you soon, thank you, sir. Good to be back with you, martha. Martha so on to wisconsin now as things open up. They are flocking to bars and restaurants because the state Supreme Court overturned the governor stay at home order. That was chaired by President Trump, former Governor Scott walker joins me to discuss. This was something we thought would drag out to the point where businesses were going to close. So this gives us a sense of hope. Were giving members a credit on their auto insurance. Because its the right thing to do. Were also giving Payment Relief options to eligible members so they can take care of things like groceries before they worry about their insurance or credit card bills. Right now is the time to take care of what matters most. Like weve done together, so many times before. Discover all the ways were helping members at usaa. Com coronavirus woi felt completely helpless. 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Its been a long time since ive been able to come out and have some fun. After my employees havent been paid in two months, i had to look out for them and their families and my business. If people want to quarantine, quarantine. If you dont want to quarantine, dont quarantine. Go out and do what you normally do. Martha customers and Business Owners that you see there they were pleased with the wisconsin Supreme Court decision to overturn the governor stayathome order, relink tony evers the governor there in his administration overstepped their authority by extending to the end of may without consulting the legislatures. The restrictions on gatherings and travel now lifted as previously businesses have opened up in wisconsin. Joining me at the wisconsin Governor Scott walker. Governor walker it is good to see you and thank you for being with us tonight. My pleasure. Martha there is always a battle in wisconsin, right . And this time it is between these guys who want to open up their businesses and the governor, who got overruled by the state Supreme Court. That is a pretty interesting situation. Well, yes 43 vote and the justices that i wanted as my time as governor a part of that majority. It is simple, the rule of law must be upheld in times of emergency and not only the governor but his administration arent above the law no matter what the circumstances. Once temporal, wisconsin, yet again, is back open for business. We need to be reasonable and responsible, but weve done it for almost two months and is central businesses like Grocery Stores like convenience stores, Hardware Stores and we need to apply the same responsible, reasonable Health Standards to make sure we do the same as everybody else. I believe that is exactly what is going to happen. Martha so the video that we are looking at while you are talking are inside these bars. People are hugging, sitting next to each other at the bar. The bartenders do have masks on from what i can see, but you know, obviously a lot of close contact here. And not in this picture, but that lady but before when it was crowded. But i just want to ask you because dr. Fauci and dr. Bright, who we heard from today, who is unhappy, former member of the hhs and in a different job there now, say the winter 2020 could be very, very tough. They are very concerned about what they call, you know, a very reckless opening up. Well, that is the problem though. They governor over stepping his bounds and then you have a bit of a backlash here. I think we need to continue to tell people to be reasonable, to be responsible, to practice safe habits including social distancing, including Wearing Masks and making sure they are following all the other cdc guidelines. But this is one of those where i put my people in the feats and other people put their faith in the government. Again i have a neighbor who has been out Manufacturing Company and deemed essential because of the supply chain. They have been saved, sound, they are employees are healthy, why . Reasonable guidelines and they followed them. They didnt need the government to tell them that. They knew to be safe, not only good but you need employees healthy at work in the same and other businesses and the economy ultimately will be open long term if employees come back safe and sound and if customers feel safe and sound. The government doesnt have to be the one to do that. Martha well, you know what, we hope this experiment works because we all want to go back to restaurants and bars. We hope you guys can do it safely. So far in georgia, south carolina, some of those places him to be opening up well. Good numbers, you are right. 14 days income of the governor said good luck in georgia. We can do it in wisconsin. Martha so far, so good. We hope it hangs in there, thank you very much. Coming up Michael Flynn and the judge. A battle that could drag on. The latest development tonightob is next. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. Its velveeta shells cheese versus the other guys. Clearly, velveeta melts creamier. Hey its me, lily from at t. Im back working from home and here to help. Hey lily, im hearing a lot about 5g. Should i be getting excited . Depends. Are you gonna want faster speeds . I will. More reliability . Oh, also yes. Better response times . Definitely. Are you gonna be making sourdough bread . Oh, is that 5g related . No, just like why is everyone making sourdough now. But yes, youre gonna want 5g. At t is building 5g on americas best network. Visit att. Com to learn more. They one plan that matt and Michael Flynns case, the dojs head lying about a crime you did not commit renders the prosecution invalid and they drop the charges so the prosecution and the defense nowe between them. They are on the same side, but the judge now wants to take it upon himself to keep the whole thing going. A strange circumstance, very rare. Attorney eisenberg said judge sullivan unusual Action Committee believes could be political. Judge sullivan wants to string this out as long as possible, and that endangers general plan. But lets say the President Trump doesnt win reelection and you have a democratic administration. It is still within the statue of limitations for that administration to charge general plan with perjury for the statements he made under oath in his plea hearing. Martha now the spotlight shifts to the obama white housen after the election no one saw coming. Joining me now dan hanna durr, of the wall street journal editorial page and fox contributor, dan, always good to have you with us. I want to start by reading a piece of your editorial today. Youre right what is striking is the lack of remorse across washington establishment. Unapologetic arrogance on the scale suggest unmasking intelligence abuses and leaks are likely to return as off the books weapons as individuals liked by the permanent bureaucracies. Explained that for. Well, i was writing in my column today was that i think there is enormous number of people out there in the American Public who have really lost their trust in faith in the primary institutions such as the fbi, department of justice and the Intelligence Community who has charged peer of the working there have two protect the American People. And they are supposed to play by the rules and the rules of law in doing that. And now, what they have seen what happened to mike flynn and you recall Inspector General michael horowitzs report about the way the fisa warrants were used against carter page and before that the russian collusion narrative, which everybody paid attention to, mr. Mueller investigated that, nothing came of that. What i am saying is that these institutions are now suffering an enormous loss of credibility in the eyes of many American People. And i when they see what is going on with the revelations come about 39 members of the Obama Administration unmasking Michael Flynn. They are asking themselves what has gone wrong with the establishment in washington . Martha so earlier in the show at the beginning, i spoke to maria hart. And she says, you know what, Michael Flynn lied. He lied about his conversation with quinnipiac. He said he didnt talk about sanctions, and then he admitted he did. He lied to the fbi and then took that back too. She believes that that is enough for this judge to continue to pursue here. Yes, but you remember we all recall, martha, how mike flynns sentencing judge sullivan raised the issue with the prosecutors of why they did not charge him with treason. And everybody ran out in the street and said, what in the name of heaven is going on with judge sullivan . Nobody brought up the idea of charging Michael Flynn with treason. So he was outside the parameters of the case then. And now again when these tapes comes before him, he raises an issue that no one brought up before. And in addition, the signs former judge gleason to look into the question of whether mike flynn should be charged with treason. Look, judge sullivan does not need a retired judge to write his decisions for him. The details of this case are no longer that complicated. So i think it does support the view that what is happening here is that the flynn case is being kicked back to mike past the election so the Incoming Administration should joe biden win. Ember and the implications of what happened to mike flynn back in january 2017. Experience or you believe there is a political motive here . I think it is a political strategy. But the thing was the unmasking of 39 members and Obama Administration, including the treasury secretary who could not have a interest in what mike flynn was saying to the ambassador. And so come i think the folks who originated with the russian collusion narrative are getting very nervous about where this is going. They know that attorney general barr has prosecutor john durham looking into it with the possibility of criminal indictment. People getting nervous, martha. Martha well, that will be the next shoe to drop, daniel henninger, thank you. We will be back with more motor . Nope. Not motor . Its pronounced motaur. 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Today the fallout from the scandal and an update for you about that, but first tonight commit has been close to three weeks since the state of georgia began to gradually loosen its coronavirus lockdown. Starting late april, hair salons, bowling alleys, barbershops and gyms to reopen

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