Being told to get the equipment themselves if they can put on the other hand the federal government is buying up the supply chain. Is this a problem that youre hearing about and what is your advice to states like kentucky . I spoke to the governor of michigan today about just that and we put our fema Regional Representative right on the ca case. We want to make sure that we are we are acquiring every bit as much as we can through fema but as we work through the supply chain, we want to have full coordination with the states and of course they are making in the hospitals are making and we are looking into those matters. Make no mistake about it, this fema team with the president s direction is leaning into this effort, leaving no stone unturned, literally searching not just the nation but the world for these critical supplies and as the president reported to you, we are in the process of shipping 9. 495 million respirators, 25 million surgical masks, and the list goes on and we will be shipping those every single day. , we want to partner with her, we want to partner with every governor and make sure the lefthand nose with with the right hand is doing in terms of acquiring resources. [reporter questioning] im going to let dr. Birx address that as well, we are going to be detailing it before the end of the week. We have literally identified significant resources not just around the country but around the world of masks that can be used by Health Care Workers. As dr. Birx said, we are focusing those resources in the areas where Health Care Workers are most exposed to the prospect of contract and the coronavirus, the president made it clear from early on right after seeing the needs of americans who are struggling with the coronavirus, making sure they have the support they need on the same level of priority, we want our Health Care Workers to have personal protective equipment to be able to do their job safely. We are working on that. I will tell you, i spoke about this today to several governors, not only the governor of michigan but the governor of indiana and President Trump and i couldnt be more grateful the way governors around the country are joining us in calling on businesses to go back to their warehouses and identify industrial masks that because of the change that President Trump insisted on in the law cannot be be used by hospital workers. Theyre perfectly acceptable to protect a Health Care Worker from the possibility of a respiratory disease but we are calling on and governors are joining us in calling on every business across america during this time of great challenge where many businesses are entitled, go back to your storehouses, identify n95 industrial masks and as i told our governors today, they can call fema, they can call the state Health Care Services or they can just load them up on a flatbed and drive them over to their local hospital. We hear stories of every state in the union of people doing that. Its happening all at the same time and we will be detailing the progress. I just wanted to add one piece and this is a call to every state out there and every county that has been doing communitybased testing. The fda put out new guidance we talked about several days ago that people can do self testing in the drive through where you give them the materials to do it in their car and you pick it up in a biohazard bag. This would free up all of that ppe that you see being utilized in those drive through his back to the hospital sent back to the clinics that needed the most. We have to move to the new technology the fda works tirelessly to get that out there so it can be sparing of gowns and gloves and full respiratory n95s. This is the moment to move to that self testing with the new applicators that can be utilized so that every single bit of the n95 can be put into the hospitals that need it. Let me just say we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow, well be back here with further progress and news but if i can just say to every american, well get through th this. Well get through this. Will not get this together. Every american needs to understand whether you are in an area that is impacted by the coronavirus or an area where there is very few cases, if you do your part to put into practice 15 days to slow the spread, you will do just that. You will impact the spread of this coronavirus epidemic in our country. The experts tell me tell me we can significantly reduce the number of americans it will be exposed to the coronavirus as every american continues to put these guidelines into practice. We just know with all of the extraordinary effort being taught the federal level by this tremendous team and all of our agencies and that leadership by governors in both parties across the country, with all of the incredible and courageous work by Health Care Workers with the cooperation and the prayers of the american people, we will get this done. We will not only slow the spread, we will protect the vulnerable and we will heal our land, thank you. [reporter questioning] martha there you have it, the briefing for today as we see dr. Birx and dr. Fauci and the Vice President leave the room. Dr. Deborah birx will be our guest tomorrow night on the story so we look forward to speaking with her. We are awaiting the final text of the covid19 relief bill, 18 hours after an agreement was announced, fox has been told lawmakers hope to have legislative text on this soon so it could come to the floor for a boat. The president s book moments ago about the 2 trillion deal which would eventually grow to 6 trillion, roughly 30 of the gdp heres what the president said about this. He calls it the biggest ever bailout and thats what it is, by numbers in our countrys history, watch this. I encourage the house to pass this vital legislation and the send a bill to my desk for signature without delay. I will sign it immediately, we will have a signing and it will be a great signing and a great day for the American Worker and for american families. Martha Speaker Pelosi gambled in and out of that session and just 3 minutes today this morning and is not entertaining the bill until tomorrow morning at the earliest, they will get back to work at 11 00 in the middle of tomorrow morning on the house side. There is concerns about the money going to the airlines without attached environmental strings on the part of the speaker, the democrats proposal includes repealing trump executive orders on unionization and forgives 10,000 of student debt for every borrower, these are some of the things that may be included in this bill. Also reports in the caucus meetings there were discussions on the tremendous opportunity this crisis provides to restructure things to fit with our vision of the country. Theres a lot of speculation on what will be in the bill on the democrats side, these are coming from reports of people who heard things that were said in that meeting and we will see what happens tomorrow but patience is likely to wear thin when america gets a look at the weekly jobless numbers tomorrow morning, those are expected to skyrocket from 281,002 the millions. That number is likely to be a shocking figure when it comes out. Recent polling shows over 40 of americans feel that congress is doing a good job during this congress so they have 42 in the good job category while 60 approve of the president s response to covid19. We will talk to Marc Thiessen and Austan Goolsbee about the plans that are out there, also dr. Ben carson will join us on another new treatment that is beginning trials and this one uses plasma from recovered covid19 patients, a very old way of treating viruses that is getting a second look. Also tonight the California Police chief who played with officials to put an end to testing to nba players and Start Testing First Responders. We begin tonight at the white house, we heard from the president , he talked about the deal that is coming together on the hill, the Kennedy Center at one point they wanted 35 million, we took 10 million off of that. Can you characterize for us how involved the president is in the ongoing negotiation . Hes been involved from the beginning, remember, this is the third package in quick succession. He briefed us before he briefed the country on the packaged components, also the incoming chief of staff mark meadows is up there along with our legislative director, why is this important . We didnt take the first deal that was there, extraordinary times like this require extraordinary measures. Lets go through quickly some components of the bill. 100 billion directly for hospitals particularly on the front lines of this crisis and we all love and honor each and every one of them. That is a big chunk that they need, 350 billion for Small Businesses. If you have a business of less than 500 employees, you can keep payroll, you cant go out and fire your employees and tickets for something else, that money is there for you. 1200 checks in the next 23 weeks, 3400 for a family of four. 500 billion lending for states, local areas, cities, and also other Distressed Industries that can apply but all told, direct relief to individuals and industries. Martha its a 2 trillion bill and weve outlined some of what is in it, Lindsey Graham and tim scott, some of the senators are not happy with something they see as a drafting error or something they are assuming is a drafting error which would mean that for some employees, they would get more from the benefits of this plan, this program done they would from unemployment going back to work at the full measure of the amount they were being paid before. What is the white house saying about that and do you want to see that removed from this bill . They see it as a disincentive to get back to work. America is very incentivized to go back to work, we know that. The numbers tomorrow will not be great but as the president said he wants america to get back to work, he will look at the data and he will follow the data and the facts. There are some extensions in this bill if you are still unemployed and an independent contractor, still unemployed after a certain period of time, Unemployment Benefits will be extended. We recognize for some people, two weeks may be enough, for some it may take more but if this is in addition to what companies are doing on their o own, the country is really coming together in a total nonpartisan fashion to get relief to those who know they are in economic dire straits through no fault of their own. I think theres something here for everyone, it was hammered out in a bipartisan fashion but it really does meet the mark to make sure people know that this president recognizes in an instant the trump economy that was benefiting so much has changed. Martha we have all seen that, its been unbelievable the turn we have seen in our lives. Can you answer very specifically that question from Lindsey Graham and tim scott . Is the white house okay with the current language as it exists in this bill with regard to some payments or does the white house want that changed can be removed before the present will sign at . Im not familiar with that specific provision but i will tell you they are going to have a vote. Nothing has been finalized or firmed up completely in its finality. I would go back to what i was saying about relief that is in there. I do have to say we are talking about new york as being the epicenter, thats the metropolitan area, many more cases in the suburbs and the like. You have mayor de blasio, he lied to america. He said hes been on top of this from the beginning on march 2nd because im encouraging new yorkers to go out on their lives despite the coronavirus and he told everyone the show to go see. He went to a gym, he has taken the subway and is telling people its totally irresponsible and it is the epicenter now. I think it shows you the contrast in leadership, you have a president was publicly facing every single day giving people information and engagement they need. Martha i understand what youre saying i think thats absolutely true. I think he demonstrated he is not giving people a very positive message in terms of how hes going to guide the city through all of this, i think that stood out to a lot of people. In terms of things you are mentioning, it will probably match up some of those early statements from him, similarly optimistic from President Trump, they have handled it very differently. Theres no comparison. Martha in terms of get out and live your life and go ahead and do what youre doing back in early march . In this white house, my very chief of staff started doing meetings on january 12th. There have been groups meeting on this all along and today is the one month anniversary of the task force being announced, dr dr. Birx longterm Infectious Disease and hiv expert, i will not compare mayor de blasio to President Trump and needed to americans, since President Trump has a 60 Approval Rating. I want to make this point, he never had this high marks in handling the economy, hes had high marks because he is handling a Health Crisis and people appreciate that fact. Martha let me be clear that im referring to early statements about get out there keep living your life, not the handling of the crisis overall by any means of the imagination. We have made it very clear, we did that at the top of the show tonight, the president is getting a 60 Approval Rating number by gallup polls in terms of his handling of the crisis so far. Let me ask you this about Governor Cuomo, hes saying it would be terrible if new york only gets 1. 3 million from this package, can you give me a quick answer on that before i let you go . I will tell you senator gillibrand felt they had worked really hard. The president spoke with Governor Cuomo today, fema just today and yesterday got 4,000 ventilators to the state of new york, we are helping them meet this crisis where it is and we are continuing to do that, testing is 435,000 americans have been tested, that is increased explosively. We are recognize every single day and we will continue for new york and everyone else. Martha we will continue to cover all of the Task Force Briefings and what is coming out of there, we think its very Important Information and we will continue to do so. Thank you very much. Still ahead tonight, were going to talk to dr. Ben carson, we also want to ask him about this blood plasma test that is being tested on some covid19 patients, we are going to get his response to that. Also joining me Marc Thiessen and Austan Goolsbee about the deepening divide on want to reopen the economy. I have tremendous numbers of people wanting to go back. Id make it available in dozens. Make that thousands of configurations. 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Joining me now, Marc Thiessen, cohost of the American Enterprise podcast and a Fox News Contributor and Austan Goolsbee is president obamas former chief economist, and a professor at the university of chicago. Always great to have both of you with us. Respond to Larry Summers, what do you think . I think its unfortunate that hes taken that tact, the president has said he hopes we can get there by easter, he may be right, he may be wrong, he said its going to be based on the data and the advice of dr. Fauci and others. That is all fine and good. We need to get to a sustainable containment strategy because what were doing right now is not sustainable, it just isnt. The when you have a crisis, you have to balance risks. You have to balance risks of Public Health and balance risks to the economy. At the start of a pandemic, you err on the side of health because we were flying blind, we didnt know how bad the virus was, how transmissible it was, how deadly it was, we didnt have testing and beds and ventilators in all of these things so we had to err on the side of risk. Over time as we get those things in place, we have to start shifting our balance of risk and start factoring in the economy, the fact that millions of people are going to be out of work and businesses are going under. What the president is trying to do is get us to a more sustainable longterm strategy for combating this thing that balances both of those risks. Martha i think when you look back at the things that Lawrence Summers has set in the past, he hasnt always been correct in his assessment. He said wed be in recession within 18 months of President Trump taking office, he had all kinds of dire economic implications of a trump presidency, that wasnt what we saw until the country got hit with this situation, should we listen to him now . I dont know. I think if you take out the ad hominem parts, i think the president is expressing again his view that he expressed before of i want people to get back out there ended the economy. I think virus economics is different from the enormous Business Cycle. I think the president has enormous Business Cycle in his head. You cant do the economics until you get control of the virus. The only way that we can get out of lockdown by easter is if we have massive amounts of testing, the way they have done in south korea where they are not in lockdown because theres a very low chance that youre going to go out of your house and accidentally bump into somebody who, like rand paul is sick and doesnt know what in the way they are able to do that is by having extensive testing. We were very slow out of the gate, we had eight weeks to ramp up our testing apparatus and we didnt do it. Now we are coming from behind. Its admirable that he wants the economy to come back but if youve ever had a flooded basement, you know you cant just paint over the mold, you have to get the mold out. If this case, if you dont stop the spread of the virus before you start letting people out of lockdown, it will come back stronger than it was before and well be back to square one. I dont think thats what hes advocating, what we want to do is get to the point where once we have surged our testing and after eight weeks, the fda has allowe domestic private buss to get into the testing business, we want to have a south korean style strategy where people can be tested and isolated if they have the virus and people who are not affected can go about their daily lives. It may be in some parts of the country we can do that in a new york we will have to have a lockdown for a longer time, we want to get to a sustainable strategy. Martha we are all just guessing at the time frame and i think the president wants to put out a hopeful message and perhaps over time you can start to open up certain areas a little bit, tested out and make sure its safe and have a rolling reopening over time. Eric garcetti in l. A. Says he expects two months and possibly longer. Becky very much, thanks guys. As we speak tonight new york is preparing to test plasma specimens from recovered covid19 patients as a possible treatment for those fighting the virus, its a really interesting developments. Dr. Ben carson, secretary of housing and urban development uniquely qualified to talk about all of these things coming up next. In nearly 100 years serving the military community, weve seen you go through tough times and every time, youve shown us, youre much tougher your heart, courage and commitment has always inspired us and now its no different so, were here with financial strength, stability and experience you can depend on and the online tools you need because you have always set the highest standard and reaching that standard is what were made for so you can trust us to be here for you. As we remain committed to supporting our community. Because the toyota family is stronger together. This is our pledge. We are here for you now, and in all the better days ahead. 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Martha Governor Andrew Cuomo on new yorks plan to test the treatment that dates back more than 100 years, it was used in the 1918 flu pandemic. Many experts are optimistic that the antibodies from a plasma of a covid19 survivor can be used to treat a currently infected patient. New york is going to be the first state to try this out, they are in the process of recruiting recovered patients for that purpose. Joining me now secretary of housing and urban development and member of the White House Coronavirus task force dr. Ben carson, great to have you with us tonight. Thank you for ining us. What do you think about that method to . I was reading about it today, its interesting, an old method that has been used against viruses, does it have promised . It has worked in the past, more than 100 years ago during the 1918 flu epidemic that was going on here, it was utilized successfully. More recently in 2002 during the sars outbreak, it cut down on the severity and the duration of symptoms. It is promising, the concept actually makes a lot of sense. If you had it and youve gotten over that, than obviously your immune system has kicked in and you have some significant antibodies against the viral antigen and those tend to last much longer than the antigen does and therefore if you can transfer that thats going to require significant coordination with the blood banks because they have to type the plasma and various things like that but we should be able to get some very quick results. This was just approved yesterday, the fda has been doing a yeomans job and there are more than 100 different therapies being looked at right now. I think we are going to come up with something. Martha i hope so, that encourages me so much when i read about all of the effort across the country, as you say 100 different Treatment Centers are being worked on as we speak. With regard to your other half as hud director, one of the thing that is a great concern in the city of new york is the Homeless Population. In los angeles and california, San Francisco as well, there has been someone who has died of it in new york city, the first person to die from covid19 how do you keep it from spreading through the Homeless Population in the environment they are living in . Thats something i have been concerned about for a long time. If you go back and look at some of my interviews from six months ago or nine months ago, i talk about what would happen if we had an epidemic if we dont do something about this homelessness problem . To their credit, many of the governors have stepped up and we sent information on what to do and how to prepare in case somebody does contract the disease. You have to work that out with your state Health Agencies before it happens. Its not a crisis of the time that it happens and that has been done by many states and i give them great credit for that. We also have provided a lot of information on hud. Gov. Theres plenty of information out there and in addition there is money that can be repurposed for dealing with these threats and the new congressional package that has been is being voted on contains money for that as well. Martha one of the concerns is a new study that was done, 29 of families in new york has somebody who was already out of work. How do you bring them relief . It seems 41 that falls on the latino and hispanic community, areas that are the hardest hit also have difficulty overcoming that. The key thing for us to recognize is that this is transient. This too will pass. What we have to do is be smart enough to make sure we keep all of our infrastructure, our economic infrastructure intact so we dont have to start all over again. I think the president has recognized that, there are many people who criticize him for being concerned about the economy but the fact of the matter is if we dont have an economy by the time we get done with this, we are in terrible shape and a lot of people will die from that. We have to look at both things, walk and chew gum at the same time. Martha when you look at the scale of this, when do you see america getting back to wo work . Im hopeful we can get back to work as soon as possible but it will probably be phased. There are some people who are not at great risk, there are some people who already have had the disease and therefore have the antibodies. These are people who probably can start going back to work. We need to talk about this and deal with it in a logical and reasonable way. Martha you need massive testing in order to determine who these people are and that is underway, well see how far will have to go. Thank you very much. While the senate appears to be set to vote on this relief bill later tonight, his future in the house is anybodys guess, congressman mike mccaul on the future of the bill and also an investigation into china that could be a game changer. Give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Martha while the senate is expected to pass its 2 trillion stimulus bill its a much different story tonight in the house of representatives, nancy pelosi telling fox news her staff is reviewing the bill but said well c. We are optimistic but well c. Here she has a short time ago. Will not give 24 hours notice to our members at the bill will be on the floor and we can show them what the bill is so they know what they are voting on and can review it. I believe at that time unanimous consent because there are those that might object to that, if someone calls for a we. Martha joined me now is republican congressman mike mccaul a member of the Homeland Security committee joining me now, good to see you. How do you read what nancy pelosi said the . Will it pass tomorrow . I think the senate will take it up as early as tonight, then it will go over to the house. The senate did a good job stripping all of pelosis wish list items like the green new deal, making it more coronavirus related. All of the things she put in there not related to the virus itself. It will come over to the house i think for an up or down vote, its my hope that it passes overwhelmingly. This is no time to play politics, there are people dying out there and america and the world is in a crisis. Martha what do you say to those who say 2 trillion is not enough, its not going to patch this gusher of a whole that we are trying to put a cork into to keep things at bay and there will be calls for more and more stimulus . There may be, we had the first phase for the vaccine and treatments and secretary talked about the second phase was for vaccinations for all families. This is about Small Businesses and the economy. We have a cash flow problem, a liquidity problem, we are going to infuse cash to these Small Businesses so they dont have to shut down. We are also going to give direct payments to low and middle income working americans out there, Distressed Industries and the hospitals have to stay afloat. Martha well see what happens tomorrow, with regard to another big topic in all of this, the culpability of china in the early stages of this, i know you are working on an investigation that you want the state department to do. When ive examined what happened how did we get to this point . What really happened to put us in a Global Pandemic . And as i studied wuhan in early december, late november, the doctors working on these cases were warning the Chinese Communist party that there are different viruses. The Chinese Communist party attempted to cover this up over time, they detained the doctors, they got retractions, one had to plead guilty to a misdemeanor when in fact what they were saying was actually real. It was a report to the World Health Organization until december 31st and after that on january 1st, they shut down the Chinese Communist party shut down the laboratory and destroyed the samples. There has been a pattern here of covering up, it went so far to say this was not a human to human transmission. We had 5 Million People traveling to wuhan during their festival, going into travel domestically, internationally and now we are stuck with the Global Pandemic. I think this is the worst coverup in human history. Martha keep us posted on where that investigation goes and what you find, thank you for being here tonight. A California Police chief who made a plea to President Trump to prioritize our First Responders in order to protect their vital role on the front lines, he joins us next with how that is going. Tech dont wait for a chip like this to crack your whole windshield. With safelites exclusive resin, you get a strong repair that you can trust. Plus, with most insurance a safelite repair is no cost to you. Customer really . singers safelite repair, safelite replace. Tv sports announcer oh not another commercial al. When you bundle your home, auto and Life Insurance with allstate you could save 25 . The more you bundle the more you can save. What . Bundle and save. Click or call for a quote today. Of the latest news to help yand to keepormed your kids learning at home, just say coronavirus into your xfinity voice remote to access Important Information and special reports from around the world. Or say education to discover learning collections for all ages. Even adults. For more information on how you can stay connected, visit xfinity. Com prepare. Martha First Responders and Law Enforcement on the front lines against the fight against covid19. In new york, at least 50 emts, firefighters have tested positive leading to an urgent call to action. Frontline workers are working hard. They will continue to work and continue to protect the citizens of new york. Unfortunately at their own peril. Because our members will go out there they are told and its up to the fire department, its up to the governor and up to the mayor to make sure that our members are properly protected before somebody dies from this disease. In that blood will be on the doorstep of the mayor and his fire department. Martha strong words from the union in new york. My next guest is also sounding the alarm, telling President Trump last week on a call stop testing nba players and Start Testing our First Responders. Joining me now, john, police chief in california. Good to have you with us. How was that situation is shaping up . Do you have greater satisfaction in the way testing is working . Good evening, martha. It really is moving forward. Im so thankful at the local level for the Health Care Providers that saw a need and found a way to create a streamlined approach to screening and then also testings that we can keep our First Responders o on the frontline helping everyone else thats in need. This has been the important part of that phone call, trying to share with other Law Enforcement leaders around the nation and those that were also representing the administration through fema and Homeland Security, trying to employ best practices. A lot is happening. Its happening in real time. If you recall in the First Community spread of the nation, we have seen this for over four weeks and have been trying to put in place to make sure that our First Responders are safe. Martha yeah. Were looking at images of First Responders getting ppes, gloves, do you have what you need in your department . Or do you have another plea for the president . Well, i believe that the task force that the president and Vice President pence are working on are really trying to listen to what the First Responders are needing on the front line. When we are trying to adapt to an emergency like this, we think about the Public Safety crisis, even though this started as a public Health Crisis. We are all in it together. We look at hand sanitizers, masks, gloves, everything we can to employ the best possible personal protection for First Responders. As long as these lines of communication are open, i believe that we are going to continue to see the evolving change to make sure that our First Responders are safe. Martha chief carly, thank you very much. Good to have you with us and we thank all of your people on the front lines for everything they are doing to keep us safe. Thank you, chief. So you can trust us to be here for you. As we remain committed to supporting our community. Because the toyota family is stronger together. This is our pledge. We are here for you now, and in all the better days ahead. Super emma just about sleeps in her cape. But when we realized she was battling sensitive skin, we switched to tide pods free gentle. Its gentle on her skin, and dermatologist recommended. Tide free gentle. Safe for skin with psoriasis and eczema. 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No emergency orders from our leaders can save us over time, only medicine will stop this threat. Our only hope is science. At the moment, thousands of doctors,

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