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Schiff. We obviously cant trust adam schiff. [cheers and applause]. [booing]. A lot of cheers, but you also heard boos from people who want the impeachment probe to move forward. When that same woman said there has been endless investigations, distracting from getting almost any of the nations business done, there was big applause from that same divided crowd. We will play that and you can see it for yourself. It doesnt fit the mantra we have heard from pious nancy pelosi. Yesterday was a somber and prayerful day. Believe me, i am very prayerful about this. Well, tonight the speaker is sending a letter to colleagues that quotes a song, turn, turn, turn. The bibles wisdom, she writes is echoed in that song. We will devine what is really happening on impeachment. A republican congressman first. The speaker said she is prayerful. Now there is a purpose under heaven to this as well. Well, i would say that the speaker should be praying for better poll numbers in swing districts. I was with brad, the president s Campaign Manager and he gave the president excellent news about polling from no major party affilation voters in swing states, House Democrats are focussed on their own political ambittions rather than the needs of the country. This is the work left undone. This is the opportunity coast of impeachment. I want to play that clip. This is a new jersey district where a democrat was facing a constituent. For the last couple of years all that have been going on is investigations. Its keeping us away from the work in our country. [applauding]. To many of us there appears to be nothing there. [shouting]. When you listen to the witnesses, nothing has been proven. [booing]. What i ask from you is be respectful. There is the congresswoman. We wanted to play both sides to give you a chance to react. You are a republican obviously. These are endless investigation you heard big applause. The idea that nothing has been proven, people were skeptical of that. I think there will be a lot of focus on litigating the individual pieces of these phone calls and records. At the end of the day, voters are concerned about their own needs and their own challenges and opportunities in their lives. The trump economy the hottest in the world. Its creating opportunities for americans every day. I think nancy pelosi and other House Democrats overestimated the extent to which the allegations about the ukraine are central to the decisions made by our bosses. The president has until sunday evening to decide whether or not he will send counsel to the committee where you sit next wednesday what is your sense . I dont know. I will cleave that to the great team they have in the white house counsels office. We continue to see inequities in the process in the judiciary committee. We would like to call minority witnesses. Heres why if we can prove that the president s questions about hunter biden and barisma were legitimate, then it cant be this shakedown that adam schiff and nancy pelosi are spewing to the American People. What witnesses . Hunter biden would be a top witness. The whistleblower would be a witness and others about barisma. George kent testifyed in 2015 he told vicepresident s bidens offense there is a conflict here and they blew it off ump said i dont know its up to the white house whether or not they will bring up counsel. You and other republicans have said the president is not getting due process because his counsel hasnt been there for the depositions in the basement. Why are you not demanding his counsel go up there that you promised you wanted . If i were in their shoes thats the decision i would make. Ed, i like being on the field. Show up and ask the questions. Even if the process is unfair, we have to show the country what an unproductive endeavor this is. The last question on the New York Times story that the democrats are jumping on saying the president was briefed on the existence of a whistleblower complaint before he released the aid. Their contention is that the president after hearing about the complaint knew he got caught and thats why he released the aid. What say you . Ed, if you are ever accused of holding a hostage for ransom and you are not doing it, its a good idea to release the alleged hostage. In this case, if the president was so incensed with the notion that someone would make the accusation there were conditions here when there wasnt, it would be the right thing to do to show there was no dirt for arms narrative like the democrats have laid out. We appreciate you previewing what the republicans will be saying and have a great thanksgiving with your family. Ari fleischer and jessica. Both are fox news contributors. Happy thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving to you. Jessica, a fair crack as a democrat. Democrats are saying the New York Times story shows the president got caught and released the aid. Congressman gates said that is not true. Gates is incorrect. It shows it is true. We already knew that. We knew the white house was appraised the whistleblower complaint and september 11th was the release date for the aid. We absolutely do. Based on the couple of weeks of testimony out of the house intel committee, there were a number of people who were aware what have was going on. There was a trade in place. We were holding that money until there were investigations. I think sonland said a lot of important things but most important that they didnt even have to do the investigations. They just had to announce it. This was all a stunt to make sure we would be talking aroundtheclock about the corruption of the bidens. Ari fleischer, in the end the ukrainians get the aid. There are no investigations of hunter biden. None of this panned out. In the end you have a very complicated series of facts back and forth. Some are true and some are half true around inappropriate asking by the president to investigate an opponent. No president should do that. But it doesnt add up to impeachment. What we really have is a vote of no confidence by one party in the house of representatives and donald trump. Thats all this is. Everything else about it is a waste of peoples time and congresss time. First, we know that our present system is full of people who attempted a crime and it did not work out. There was no crime. Well, there are a lot of people who disagree with you. Using the office to take money and not distribute it to a democratic ally. Its not a crime. A lot of people said its not a cry. Crime. What is your point . We will have to see how the politics of this play out. For republicans to maintain that nothing went wrong here. It wasnt perfect but its not impeachable. We need a standard for what is impeachable. If you lie under oath is that impeachable . Why did the speaker who is a democrat in your party go forward without this legal debate you want to have about what is impeachable and what is not . She promised i wont move forward unless there is bipartisan consensus. She was talking about having an inquiry. I dont know if a vote will be called. I think there is a small chance it wont. I am saying move forward as a nation we want to have ground rules about what count as impeachable. Ari . Yes, jessica said we will do this every 10 or 20 years. Thats the flaw. You will do this every 10 or 20 years. The American People look at this and. It hasnt moved independents or republicans. They dont have any bipartisanship. They have democrats voting against the impeachment. This is a one party push. Thats never the stuff of impeachment. We are a fair minded people. If a president committed a crime, the Opposition Party and the Majority Party would see it and say it. There would be enough people saying it. No one on the republican side is saying it. Thats the democrats problem they convinced no one except themselves. Let me asking you something else. Congressman gates and other republicans are not committing to the idea that the president should send his counsel up there. I thought the president said he wants due process. It sounds like the white house is not going to send counsel. They think this is a sham process. They are winning so why send the lawyer . It doesnt surprise me they are not going to. Its disappointing. I am glad you pressed congressman gates about this. They have been running with this narrative which is wildly untrue since republicans were in secret meetings and allowed to ask questions. Why not send your counsel . The house has the power to impeach him and then there will be a trial in the senate. There are independents to want to see the president take this seriously. What is your advice to send counsel and how does this end . Well, i think it will be easy. They wont send them but on principle it blows up the argument about due process. They need to play it for their advantage. When it gets to the senate, Everybody Knows the house will impeach. I will be curious to see how the Senate Democrats vote like manchin. But the end of the day, still what has been accomplished . Other than a waste of time. Democrats passed over 300 bills sitting on Mitch Mcconnells desk. I would love for him to take a look. We could lower Prescription Drug prices. Nothing is going on while they are impeaching. Some of those bills renaming post offices and other things. Happy thanksgiving. Thank you. Next new details about possible surveillance of Trump Campaigns in 2016. The breaking details are next. Yes, i think spying did occur. The question is whether it was predicated. Hi honey, we got in early. Yeah, and we brought steve and mark. Experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Little things can be a big deal. Psoriasis, thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with. An increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. woman but to businesses, were a reliable partner. We Keep Companies ready for whats next. man we weave security into their business. Virtualize their operations. woman and build ai customer experiences. We also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. Like 5g. Almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. woman when it comes to digital transformation. Verizon keeps business ready. Great riches will find you when Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Wow. Thanks, zoltar. How can i ever repay you . Maybe you could free zoltar . Thanks, lady. Taxi only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Days out from the release of the doj Inspector General horowitzs report of the origins of the russia probe. We have rare insight into what it might contain. People saying it could bring a mixed bag of conclusions for the president s allies and his critics. Jillian is live from washington. I was talking to sources on capitol hill tonight who have seen those underlying documents and been briefed on the draft of the Inspector Generals report. Reactions on either side of the aisle so are not only mix, they outright conflict with another. Republican mark meadows tells me the report is scathing. He hopes it will mark the beginning of serious procedural changes. Surveillance conducted without the knowledge of some Trump Associates occurred. And we reach out tonight to the House Intelligence Committee spokesperson for the democrats. They are declining to comment on this story. Other sources familiar with democrats tell us they are anticipating the opposite findings from meadows. They said the report exxon rates the obama administration. They claim the igreport undercuts President Trumps claim that the fbi spied on his campaign. They were spying on my campaign. It went right up to the top. Everybody knows it and now we will find out. This is nothing compared to what you will see. These people are sick. The report will drop december ninth. Michael horowitz will testify on the 11th. Its a weighting game. We have already seen reports that an fbi lawyer altered a key document to surveil carter page. That change did not invalidate the fisa application that was granted. If the final report reflects the draft we will learn on the ninth that the fbi did not use undercover operatives inside the Trump Campaign but thats a lot of ifs. We appreciate it. Shocking that would happen in washington. Next up electability and likeability haunting Elizabeth Warrens career. She was the rising star. Suddenly a free fall. So were in this little town near salerno and everyone has dads eyebrows we chose eleanor. It was greatgrandmas name. So apparently, we come from a long line of haberdashers, which is a fancy word for. They left everyone, and everything so they could get here. And start this family. Every family has a unique story. 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Talk to your rheumatologist. Right here. Right now. Humira. Down 50 from where you are a month ago. [inaudible]. Its the same answer its always been. I dont do polls. I am out here fighting every day on behalf of working families. Elizabeth warren doesnt want to do the pollercoaster. Shed half of her supporters in one month raising new questions over elect ability and like ability from donnie deutsch. I think she would get trounceed in a landslide by trump. I think she has a likeability issue. Her High School Principal issue. The American People the more they see they are going this is not the answer. Charlie and raicle. Good to have you both. If the polls are not good you dont want to talk about them. The democrats are trying to wrestle do they want to beat donald trump more or love social more . Elizabeth warren had a good summer and surged out of nowhere. Many months ago she was in mitt split darkness. In political darkness. She has a likeability problem. I cant undestand why the debates she uses a prevent defense to use a football analogy. Maybe there is a strategy. The democratic primary they are trying to beat donald trump more than some of the more radical policies because the president is doing so well in polls against Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth warren has been aggressive in putting out the plans. Maybe it turned out to be too boring. She has a plan for everything. What do you say about charlies idea in the debates she is not as feisty as expected . I never noticed senator warren to be feisty to begin with. I think American Voters are looking at all of these plans and thinking how are you really going to pay for that . I am not a trump supporter, but i look at the ideas she has and i dont believe you can pay for medicare for all and pay for tuition without raising taxes. I am not for taxing 1 . I want to see plans that pull poor americans out of that. I am not surprised but we are seeing this seesaw of candidates up and down. It shows there is not really a strong candidate right now for the democrats besides joe biden. The other side. The president s attorney Rudy Giuliani has been in the news a lot. A series of headlines today. Giuliani in the Washington Post. He pursued business in ukraine. Wall street journal giuliani weighed doing business. Heres what he told me on saturday. I wont financially profit from anything i know in the ukraine. If they know of it i would have to disclose it to my soon to be exwife. I have no business interest in ukraine. I was involved in gathering very, very significant evidence to clear my client. The New York Times headline the mayor thinks is wrong because it said he pursued business deal. I got a call from the mayor. He was paid zero dollars. The ukrainians came to him. He didnt pursue any business deals. He said there were 7 billion stolen by a previous president of ukraine. Officials said can you help us recoup the money . I didnt think i should do it. The narrative was formed that giuliani was seeking business deals. He tells me this is wrong. I have seen what the mayor has done. He was a great mayor of new york city. A lot of these stories are popping up. As Rudy Giuliani was the personal attorney of President Trump it makes sense him to find the origins of the murpt. Mueller report. Things are popping up. My own trust is to go to someone who was an effective prosecutor in the past and a great mayor of new york city. We have to keep a close eye on this. What the president s attorney Rudy Giuliani told me, he knew as soon as he went after hunter biden he would be under the microscope and thinks this is unfair. This entire debacle is sad for our democracy. I met Rudy Giuliani right here at fox. A great person. But please stop talking. He is doing himself a lot of damage. Its great to have the exclusive. I think he is doing more harm to himself than good. I would advise him to not pick up the phone. Dont call anyone. Dont talk about it anymore until we can get out the details. I have heard that narrative as well. We will see where it goes. We hope that both of you have a great thanksgiving. Happy thanksgiving. In the meantime, new signs the 2020 election wont be the end of the coalition that the president mobilized in 2006. His supporters are coming back. We are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting and we are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheers and applause]. Theres a company thats talked to even more real people than me jd power. 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. We because its made withan, plants. 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President trump in battleground florida predicting another win there and a surprising analysis from the New York Times upshot. It find the president is on a strong footing not just in florida but 5 other key swing states. Some say they will back the president against each of the top rival and the author of the book the great revolt revisited a unique group of rust belt voters who voted for him in 2016 and plan to do so again. All 24 of the people we interviewed told us they have not waivered in their political allegiance. Joining now is brad tod coauthor of that book. Thanks for coming in. Thats not a narrative you hear usually from the New York Times or the Washington Post and others. They say he has 40 . Thats locked in. It turns out some may be fading because of impeachment and trade wars and other stuff. Your analysis and the New York Times said wait a second. One thing that is unique about donald trump, part of his appeal that enabled him to wins he is not much of a republican. He spent most of his life as a democrat and he was critical of republicans. There is a slice of the american electorate looking for someone who is not quite a republican but rejects the liberal policies of todays democrats. Thats what you see in the analysis from the New York Times and people in our book. The president has been blunt. Saying you may not always like what i tweet or say, but look at the other side. That is helping him. Pointing out Elizabeth Warren and some of the plans that are so expensive. Take us inside the rust belt voters that you talked to. What did that say about all that . Bonnie smith the first woman in our book in the first chapter. He owned a bakery in ohio. They are in northeast ohio. It hasnt been for a republican in a generation. But it swing all the way to donald trump by double digits in 2016. She voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary. But she watched the race take shape and woke up and realized i am closer to donald trump than the democrats. The most significant thing is the Democratic Candidates are not making much of an effort to get back those voters who switched for donald trump. We went to 10 swing counties that went from obama to trump in the 5 rust belt states from iowa to pennsylvania. We found 7 arc types of trump voter. 23 counties in wisconsin switched from obama to trump. The democrats are not trying to win them back. And another factor is impeachment. Since did you that reporting. Cnn had some of the swing voters. Impeachment came up. Listen to this and then react. It was a pretty drastic step. Whether i like the man or not is immaterial. Impeachment is pretty drastic. I dont think its a witch hunt or a waste of taxpayer dollars. I think we need to go through this. I think they should just forget about that and worry about the issues at hand and try to help people. There will be a new election in a year. We saw this in the new jersey town hall. Yes, some people say i want to know the facts. I want the impeachment inquiry to go forward. But a lot of people say wait a second, is this impeachable . No question. The founders did not choose to put the impeachment program in the Supreme Court where people serve for life. They put it in the u. S. Senate and put the power to impeach with house members who have to go before the voters next year. The founders knew would this be a Legal Process and not a political process. The prosecutors are also judged by the public and so are the jurors. In this case the u. S. Senate. Impeachment you have to have national consensus. The really real jury is back home. A lot of voters are saying that the congress by focussing on impeachment means they are neglecting things that are more important to the voters. The things that nancy pelosi said they would focus on when they got some of the trump voters to flip to democrat in the midterms in 2018. You talked to some of those voters and they are going back to trump in 2020. Good luck with the book. Next up, first lady melania respond to this. [inaudible]. [booing]. Living joyfully. The united explorer card hooks me up. Getting more for getting away. Traveling lighter. Getting settled. Rewarded. Learn more at the explorer card dot com. With Medicare Advantage plans that offer Health Coaching and fitness memberships. Plus hospital, medical and Prescription Drug coverage in one simple plan. With monthly plan premiums starting at 0. And wide provider networks, including doctors and hospitals you know and trust. Aetna Medicare Advantage plans call today. Well send you a 10 visa reward card with no obligation to enroll. Medicare annual enrollment ends december 7th. I dont make compromises. I want nutrition made just for me. But i also want great taste. So i drink boost for women. New boost women with key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New boost women. All with great taste. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. Only with xfinity xfi. Download the xfi app today. The first lady melania taking the high road not a surprise after receiving a nasty reception from students at baltimore at an event to raise awareness about the nations opioid crisis. Watch. [booing]. Thank you for the warm introduction and for inviting me to come here today for such an important event. Hello everyone. [booing]. Oh, dear. Mrs. Trump responded we live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to their opinion. But we have a serious crisis in our country and i am committed to educating children on the dangerous of drug abuse. Joining me is doug, author of a new book inside trumps white house. Thanks for coming in. Is there any precedent for a feverirst lady we know aboue president . Yes, in history there is a precedent for everything. The president brought up Rachael Jackson and quizzed me about it. She died of a stroke. After she went to nashville to shop for a dress. She found magazines where they abused her of adultery. We went back home and died and never wore the dress. History is fascinating. This takes it to another level. This clip from cnn where a cnn contributor seemed to blame the president and the first lady for what happened. Who do you expect in this political environment. Its difficult to take melania seriousy on a be best campaign when her husband is a bully. Opioids were added. Okay. Again you want to disagree with the president all you want. This is the first female direct and the more they boo her, the better she looks. It gave her a chance to show her poise and dignity. Her critics are so immature like fashion moguls in new york city. I have a chapter called melanias revenge. I get emails from people applaud ing them. Ivanka said i choose to be happy. I think the more they boo melania, the better she looks. Ivanka, one of the president s daughters. Her husband Jared Kushner faced all kind of criticism. You are in the public life. You face scrutiny. This New York Times oped. Donald trump junior thrives when its nastiest. Jared kushner comes out only if his suit wont get dirty or his hair wet. One of the president s son and the soninlaw, naked opportunism. Is this just trump derangement syndrome on steroids . Yes, its on steroids. He is not mute anymore. I have hundreds of pages of Jared Kushner in my book. He is one of the smartest persons i have ever left in my life. The Mexican Foreign minister said he speaks with such clarity. He told about the russian collusion. He said i told my fatherinlaw, of all of the scandals they could have created. There is none better than russian collusion because its so ridiculous and you are so innocent. If they attacked you for something complicated like building casinos in Atlantic City or here in new york city, it could be complicated with zones. But russian collusion, its perfect for you because its so provable that you are innocent. He said russian collusion helped him turn around the economy. The media was so focussed on russian collusion they were able to reregulate and make america strong again. And 2 years and no evidence of the russian collusion. The book is inside trumps white house. Doug, happy thanksgiving. Thank you, happy thanksgiving. Next a live report on news you need to know. Powerful storms and a bomb cyclone in the northwest that is disrupting Holiday Travel for thousands of americans. children playing dog barking Music Building experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Fine, no one leaves the tablefine, well sleep here. Its the easiest because its the cheesiest. Kraft. For the win win. Steven could only imaginem 24hr to trenjoying a spicy taco. Burn, now, his world explodes with flavor. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday allnight protection. Can you imagine 24hours without heartburn . I need all the breaks, that i can get. At liberty butchumal cut. Liberty biberty cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Little things can be a big deal. Psoriasis, thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with. An increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Lets get to the fox news alert. Severe conditions for travellers across america. A bomb cyclone in the west. One of many storms about to hit. The dangerous weather could impact the 55 Million People traveling for thanksgiving. Many warned to stay put and many are ignoring that advice. Our chief meteorologist joins us. The macys day parade the wind may not out the balloons . This is good pr for the macyss parade. It will be right on the limit. They are blowing them up right now. 300,000 people go to the Upper Westside to get a preview of all of the balloons. Once the balloons are going, they have 40 people below each balloon. Its how high you can let the balloon go up in the air. Let loose of 50 feet of rope . That wont happen tomorrow or tether it lower to the ground . Thats the likely scenario. I think the balloons will probably go. There are official limits. Years ago a woman was injured because a balloon hit a light post and it knocked over. They have limits. If have a sustain wind over 24 Miles Per Hour they wont put the balloons up. Things are trending throughout the day today. The weather, we have this live picture in utah, in salt lake city. We talk about it. Look out. Its coming down. Utah and colorado and a bunch of states. I am always an optimist. The western part of the u. S. Is dealing with drought for the last 15 years. You need moisture in the west. Sometimes you get it on a travel day. Thats what is happening. People go west to ski and the conditions will be great if you can get there. The airplane delays right now. Three airports across the country with delays. Boston, and newark and San Francisco dealing with delays with that storm coming to the west coast. Two storms we are watching. One around the Northern Plains that brought snow from colorado up to minnesota. Most of that snow is gone. But in the wake is the wind. The wind is what we are worried about tomorrow in the east. You see that storm. Its about to get out of here. We start to watch the next storm. Its across the west. This is the future radar. How this will play out. Big rain in arizona. Could be looking at flooding. Thats rare. And maybe up to 2 to 3 feet of snow. Snow busts droughts. It slowly melts. The skiers will love this. Its important to note we have seen Drought Conditions out west. This could be really helpful. Its really helpful. The fires have been part of that. Any moisture we can get. Rainy season. This is the first real rainstorm in central and Northern California this year. Its late. You have a lot to be thankful for to get some precipitation. I will be thankful to work with you on fox and friends. Saturday and sunday. I didnt know you stay awake this late. Usually i dont. Thats the story on wednesday november 27th, 2019. We hope that everybody has a happy thanksgiving. Enjoy. Tucker welcome to a special 2020 edition of Tucker Carlson tonight tonight. The Democratic Party field is one of the biggest in human history. Its confusing. Lets break down the current front runners. When are on the brink of collapse and which are on the brink of victory. We are joined by lisa. Who do you think has the best shot of getting the nomination . I try to spend time to figure out how to

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