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As today he described the details he and American Military leaders went through to mull their options in respect to iran shooting down there unmanned american drone. They came and said, sir, we are ready to go. I want to know something before we go. How many people will you kill . In this case, iranians. Came back and said, sir, approximately 150. I thought about it for a second and thought, you know what . They shot an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it. And here we are sitting with 150 dead people that wouldve taken place within half an hour after i said go ahead. And i didnt like it. I didnt think that i didnt think it was proportionate. Ed what is proportionate . One of many Big Questions tonight. Some members of the Mainstream Media who were creating a bit of a narrative that somehow the president was hill bent on war with iran in the matter what are now shifting their bands, saying that we may look weak for not going ahead with military. What he said right there is the president s worst nightmare. Said it was reminiscent of barack obama. What hes doing in your estimation, is obama like . Isnt this stunning . It feels like hypocrisy to me when the president posture is competing in polls is him in computing directions instead of an orderly procession to his objectives. This is a president who loves to consult. He loves to threaten. But what happens when our adversaries understand that he is never going to follow throug through . Ed that leaves out the two times the president threatened military action in syria and then follow through. There is pressure from some members of his own party who called for some kind of action after recent iranian provocations from downing iran enriching uranium beyond the limits they agreed to. The president agreed that he could strike again tonight. Two key republicans here now, republican congressman adam kinsman, a veteran of the u. S. Forces, still serves as an Air National Guard member. As a lawmaker who has flown missions over iraq and afghanistan, do you think aircraft has been paused and still possible in the hours i had or have they been canceled as the president , the administration regrouped to . I think theyve been tabled. There are going to be options of anything happens. Weissmann would be dumb to underestimate the president now if they do something again but i do not expect that to be imminent and i think it would just be awkward. It would be a heck of a surprise if they end up doing it tonight after all. Ed were you surprised the president found out the potential casualties according to his account so late in the process instead of at the beginning . Yeah, i was. I woke up to the we are striking, we are not striking as we all did. I know that when president james i never had to make a decision like the president had to make. Thats got to be difficult. Thats got to be tough. I do not know the kind of what you have to carry on your shoulders and maybe that number rattled around something. The president has every right to lift off during the strike. What was unfortunate today is how this played out in the public and they think it couldve been one of those things that, hey, we are going to hold this as a possibility. But i think in the future, if you use something against any u. S. Force, you lose it. I think that service to air missile site should go away in the future. Ed if obama had called up air strikes, the media with them and he get the nobel peace prize. Such a double standard. Do you buy into that as a republican that this president is getting no credit for walking up to the line, considering the situation carefully, and against a narrative that so many in the media pushes every day says, you know what, i do not think its a prudent thing to do right now . Yeah, its kind of funny because, again, i disagreed with the president s decision. But this said, this should be the thing that those claiming that President Trump a warmonger, starting world war iii and cant be trusted, john bolton come all this kind of stuff, they should now be celebrating that he is not what they said he was, but they are not. While im being consistent and i disagree with this decision, i think the president will use military force as Something Like this happens again, its amazing to see the dichotomy of things. Also, by the way, the same people was celebrated when president obama didnt strike in 2013 on the redline. Ed here is what the president himself on a question of credibility said about military action before. Listen to him. America will not be held hostage to nuclear blackmail. We will not allow American Cities to be threatened with destruction. We will not allow a regime to that chance death to america to gain access to the most Deadly Weapons on earth. Todays action sends a critical message. The United States no longer makes empty threats. When i make promises, i keep them. Ed is that why you are expressing some disappointment tonight . Well, i think getting out of the weissmann nuclear was the right thing and iran is lashing out right now. The president did not make a process so i dont think its backing away from a promise, per se, i think there has to be a cost to the iranians. If you shoot down a plane that could have had people on it, they may have misinterpreted and mislabel this, the size of an airliner and 260 million, theres got to be a cost to you. Going forward if they think the president is going to do the same thing, if they should anything else down, i think hes going to and the pressure is going to be on him so much that there would be a response that laws that with actually pale in comparison. Ed interesting. Last question. What about this president moving forward in the fact that he drew out there today the idea of the potential for more sanctions against iran . It seems as you say iran is lashing out because the maximum Pressure Campaign the president has been pushing is actually working . Thats true. Areas that there are opportunities for more sanctions we should do, we should label it as a result of this so there is a consequence to shooting down our assets. Thats why look, a stable, confident country does not put one that binds oil tankers and shoot down unmanned aircraft, they dont do Something Like that. They are scared. Ed thank you. Here with moore, jonathan swann, National Political reporter for axios. Thanks for coming in. What is your sends caulking about the maximum Pressure Campaign, the sanctions do seem to be working. But secretary pompeo and others think you can do both, keep your sanctions on the throat of tehran, but have a targeted strike to show you mean business after the recent provocations . The thing that really surprised me having covered President Trump for four years now is that ive heard him i dont believe any point in this administration we are going to see him engage in a largescale Troop Deployment anywhere. I dont think well see a large footprint deployment anywhere around the world, whether its the middle east or asia, but ive never heard him speak with that level of caution or concern about the civilian casualties that would result from a bombing campaign. You remember what he used to say on the campaign, lets bomb the f out of isis, he did those two strikes on syria. To me, it was actually quite striking that he wasnt going to do a ground force invasion, he was never talking about doing strikes. The fact that he considered that, or in his accounting considered that and pulled back was surprising to me. Ed something so limited and yet he still pulled back. What does it say about as we head back to 2020, the politics of it, the campaign always out there you have someone like liz cheney on the right this down the expressing disappointment, and what a democratic president the hopefuls saying that the president campaigned on some of the points she made a moment ago about not getting in a largescale military campaign and yet she thinks he is blundering towards that. The president would disagree with that, but shes trying to steal some of his playbook, if you will, from 2016. This is how President Trump scrambles traditional politics. The conventional wisdom on capitol hill among republican conference wouldve been, yeah, you do x strike, targets, whatever. But i do believe this is one of those things he actually doubts, believes the antiinterventionist instinct that think that the detail that surprised me was i thought he was more willing, may be a cavalier is too strong of a word, but more willing to do bombing and strikes without a ground force footprint. Ed that weve got 30 seconds. What about our european allies. You have a situation where iran has been up to all theres no good. Is it a failure of the allies to come to the table and help the american president or those the white house bear response billet as well in not rallying those allies . Its a cop located question because youve got the iran situation, none of them happy about the president pulling out of the iran deal but youve got a trade war with europe, there have been tariffs and all sorts of things, the threat of tariffs on automobiles. All sorts of things, locating those relationships. And all these european leaders once again have their own massive domestic political problems. Its not like they are saying all these things from a position of strength. Ed from the u. K. , france, germany you look across the field. Ed we appreciate you today. Next, joe bidens no good week after controversy after controversy. From working with segregationist senators to new scandals emerging involving his sons personal life as well as professional dealings. Can his Campaign Weather the storm . Can we ask you about you playing in china . Mr. Vice president , whats yor interest there . Is there a clear conflict of interest . Limu emu doug look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. The way you triumph over adversity. And live your lives. 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Ed breaking this hour, Vice President joe biden in South Carolina capping off a rough week that ended in damage control mode after touting his work with segregationist senators. It could get worse before it gets better. Peter doocy, our correspondent is live in columbia, South Carolina, where biden and 21 of the democrats are attending a big fish fry. Nobody asked joe biden about segregationists. He brought them up on his own while talking about the days of civility in d. C. The latest controversy is joe bidens fault, according to the host of tonights event. The world famous jim clyburn fish fry, jim clyburn. Im not a big tennis player. Im a golfer. I know what an unforced error means and that is what i would call an unforced error. Just a choice of words. Clyburn ultimately defends biden when it comes to his comments are memory the days he himself had to work with Strom Thurmond here in South Carolina. But bidens own friends have less to say about the weeks of the developments which seems to revolve around his son hunter. The 49yearold romantically involved with his late brothers widow for a time but recently married in a recent acquaintance and also now being sued for Child Support who alleges that he got her pregnant last august. But the more pertinent primary issues are the younger bidens business dealings. His dad once bragged on camera pressuring a prosecutor investigating a company hunter was involved with and in china when hunter was involved with a communist government owned entity. Hunter biden told abc news hes never discussed any of this with his dad. His dad less chatty. Can we ask you about ukraine and china . s big weve got a quick question for you. Is there a conflict of interest . Was there a clear conflict of interest . Biden has not been to a public event since tuesday when he stepped in that talking about segregationists senators that he worked alongside, but we do expect him here shortly. Ed peter doocy, thank you. Here with more, call and read. Republican strategist, Steven Hilton host of good to see you all. As a democrat here, please answer democrat jim clyburn who says there has been a series of unforced errors for your front runner . Oh, thats the understatement of the week, ed. Much like our current president , joe bidens own mouth is his own worst enemy. The comments of segregationists, i understand the sentiment saying that hes old school, remembers a day where he could talk civilly with people you disagree with. I understand the sentiment is the wrong message we need right now. Im concerned about the comments he made at a high donor event that hes an fundamentally nothing would change for people of High Net Worth regarding the tax plan. Thats going to be a problem from a party going forward. Ed steve, i am also struck by not just conservatives going after him, now you have Mainstream Media, abc news chasing him around about Hunter Bidens business dealings, and the Washington Post a couple hours ago saying they came out with their weekly feature, the worst week in washington, they ran through every single thing that went wrong with him. Whats going on when people in the Mainstream Media are saying, hold on a second here. Ed, id say about time too. Weve been setting out the gory details of joe bidens connections to china in this corrupt manner. And ukraine for weeks and weeks now. Im glad to see that people are catching up. The truth is the controversy over the segregationist comments, i think we can put that down as another biden gaff gaffe. I dont not think people scarcely think hes racist. But you look at the evidence, he is corrupt. The reason its important from a policy perspective is that there is no bigger issue for the next president then confronting chinas rise. China said clearly they want to topple america as the worlds superpower and impose their vision of authoritarian state capitalism on the world. Joe biden is compromised by china prick while he was Vice President , he took billions of dollars in bribes in the form of i use the word bribes very carefully. In terms of those payments to his sons businesses. It wasnt to ed pardon me for interrupting, but the former Vice President would insist they were not bribes, but you are right that there are goo be coming under scrutiny. I want to bring in as the republican. When Rudy Giuliani raised questions not about china but ukraine is well in terms of business dealings for the former Vice President s son, some people mocked him. Seems like these are on the table, colin. Sounds pretty familiar, ed. The allegations Hillary Clinton face with her Family Foundation in 2015. If you ask me, thats whats on keller clinton above all else, the idea she was using her position in d. C. To sink its coming from abc news. I want steve to jump in because you are nodding. Thats exactly right. People in this country want change from the swamp and the corrupt system. Thats why they voted for donald trump as an outsider. Its that same election all over again this time if they nominate joe biden because hes the ultimate insider swamp creature of d. C. , just like Hillary Clinton was. Ed end on that note, robyn. You have on this that you have Great Respect for the Vice President , you are not necessary in supporting him. Open primary going on, debates start up next week down in miami for the democrats. But get to colins point that its hello its past speeches, business dealings. With joe biden, there is a target rich environment for the president of senate votes, speeches, gaffes. Exactly correct. Look, joe biden is a friend of mine. I respect him. And hes been very kind to my family. But there is an argument to be made that its time for new blood. You know, as well as the rest of the panelists here, the longer you been in washington the more dirt they have that they can dig up on you. Joe biden has done a lot of good, but there is plenty and in the lead to the segment, his mouth right now is really his own worst enemy. So my concern because we dont know what else to come up. Ed steve, where do you see this primary process going . I always thought joe biden in the end will fail to get the nomination because of these problems. Not just the gaffes in that he keeps making these things, but the fact that hes the wrong democrat for the candidates candidate for the democrats and the corruptioa will get more and more more the foreground. I think you can totally derail him because its such a fundamental policy problem. Ed ive got 30 seconds. Youve been very aggressive going after Elizabeth Warren in the years as a senator. As biden has struggled a bit, shes one of the people who has benefited. I think biden dodged a political bullet that hes not on the stage with her next week and they are on different stages because Elizabeth Warren the prospect to stand for joe biden is well documented and goes back many years and she can disavow him on the debate stage. It wont happen next week but it will down the road. Ed she may have the stage to herself, we will see for the former Vice President goes on night two. Gentlemen, appreciate you all coming in. At least 11 american tourists thats right, the number is up to 11, have died in the Dominican Republic in recent months, including the mother of my next guest who says his mom was perfectly healthy before she left. Contrary to what Dominican Health officials are telling the family. He joins me live. That is next. Applebees new loaded chicken fajitas. 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Ed breaking tonight, authorities in the Dominican Republic downplaying possible links between the recent deaths of at least 11 american tourists there. The number is up to 11. They insist they are all isolated incidents and not a mystery. In moments, will talk to a son who is not buying that, saying his mom was perfectly healthy before she went to the caribbean nation to celebrate her 53rd birthday. But first, lets go to our correspondent jeff hall, hes live in the dominican capital of santo domingo. Good evening, jeff. Good evening, ed for the Tourism Ministry went down a list of several of those americans who had died over the past 12 months and says that in his mind, he believes that they all died from natural causes. He says, this is a situation that has been exaggerated and he believes its been fueled mostly by speculation. We have shown that for us there is not an avalanche of dead american tourists in the country. All of the deceaseds that have occurred, the results are that there does not exist and the mystery. The Dominican Republic has nothing to hide and it was that the art who reached out to the fbi in the first place to help help. The impact has and could have on tourism. A lot of jobs here in the caribbean islands center around people vacationing in the dr. But we also got a chance to ask him if he had anything to say to the families of at least 11 americans who have died over the past 12 months. The minister says hes sympathetic to those who have lost loved ones, but he contended to emphasize there is no mystery. We are sorry, but unfortunately people die in situations we wouldnt want. These are things that happen and things that will unfortunately continue to happen around the world. But the Dominican Republic, we have to say it, has made a name in the tourism industry. One of the reasons for his who died is layla cox. She passed away in the room at a resort in the Dominican Republic after falling critically ill. The sun porch authorities to give a sample of the blood to send to a New York Hospital where he worked as an mri technician for toxicology tests. Also waiting on the results of test that the fbi could be working on. We could be getting the results of those tests sometime next month. Thank you for joining me now is william cox who does not believe his mother layla died of a heart attack as dominican officials claim. Good evening. Thank you for having me. I wonder how first of all, william, you react to those officials saying none of this is connected somehow and also declaring, look, this is a great nation. Its all about tourism. How does that sit with you tonight . Its absolutely disgraceful. Its disgraceful to dismiss the families with everything thats going on over there. There is something not right with this story. And, i mean, how many more americans are going to have to die before something is done and we as americans say enough is enough . Ed have you been talking at all to members of congress from your state, from your district, the Trump Administration . Are u. S. Officials helping you . I mean, i would personally like to hear what the Trump Administration would have to say about this whole incident. I have not been contacted by the fbi whatsoever. If you are watching, i need your help. Please reach out to me. The congressman, every u. S. Official ive talked to besides the embassy have been very helpful. Ed lets go through the facts of the case as i understand it, tragically she died and then they claim anyway, the officials i do not want to state it as fact because you dont believe them, that she died of a heart attack. As i understand it, you say she didnt have a heart condition. No, she had no prior heart conditions whatsoever. As many she never had any prior heart attacks whatsoever and, you know, with all these families come with their loved ones all suspiciously dropping dead of heart attacks, it raises a bunch of questions not only for me but the american people. Ed other victims families either talking about many bars, the alcohol, maybe there is some sort of poison or toxicn the alcohol bottles. Others have talked, no, we didnt drink. It was food. Have you done any other kind of fact gathering to establish what she did or did not do . No, i have not. I did not have any contact with her when she was down there. She did not have cell service. I have not reached out to the hotel, they have not reached out to be. I dont even know if there was a mini bar in the room, all speculation. All i know, a crime could have been committed and dominican authorities are not investigating it whatsoever. Thats suspicious to me. Ed i assume at this early juncture, you have not had a chance to have closure. But have you had a chance to have a funeral . Have you gotten family and friends together to try and honor her life . I havent had a chance to yet. You know, im trying to fight to get to the truth. Im trying to fight to get an american autopsy, the american toxicology. I just want answers. The family of these tourists, the families of their loved ones, they need answers too. Im going to do everything i can to get to the bottom of this. I have not had that moment to gather a family, our friends yet. Unfortunately. Ed we hope you unfortunately get peace in the days ahead. William, theres someone listening to you who has some expertise in this and help you get the answers you certainly deserve. We wish you well in the days ahead and help you backed out find out what those answers are, sir. Thank you for having me. I hope. Ed best to your family be horrible, horrible. Next, you arent going to believe this, but madonna is saying that jesus and the pope would be totally okay with abortion. Dont you think jesus would agree that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body . Ed boy. I have a feeling ladies night will have something to say about this. But what i do count on. Is boost® delicious boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals. Boost® high protein. Be up for life. With licensed agents available 24 7. Its not just easy. Its havingawalrusingoal easy roooaaaar its a walrus ridiculous yes nice save, big guy good job duncan way to go [chanting] its not just easy. Its geico easy. Oh, duncan. Stay up. No sleepies. Termites, were on the move. 24 7. Its geico easy. Roger. Hey rick, all good . Oh yeah, were good. Were good. Termites never stop trying to get in, we never stop working to keep them out. Terminix. Defenders of home. My mom washes the dishes. Before she puts them in the dishwasher. So what does the dishwasher do . 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Susan booth lisa boothe, susan lee, a little text came across your phone. I saw it drop down and it said Meghan Mccain called joy behar the b word, and im like, what, my mouth literally dropped. When i watched it and i heard oh, we call each other that all the time. No, you meant it exactly how you said it that you can tell from her energy and talent. You experience that in the workplace. I wouldnt take that in the workplace great but its combative tv isnt that what the view is about . When we have girls chat, we sometimes forget its television. I understand where shes coming from. Ed jumped in. Go ahead. Ed watch this, and ill let you say it. I love the word [bleep]. We text each other. She knows im coachable with it. I also enjoy fighting with you. And she enjoys fighting with me i would definitely get Text Messages from momma and papa saying we are disappointed. If i did that, but Meghan Mccain is smart, tough, she can hold her own at the table. The New York Times recently built this show as a preeminent political show, but in a 2020 landscape, theres nobody on the show that actually supports the president , so the landscape is not covered by the show. Ed is in the book about the show called ladies who punch . Are you buying that we are all friends . Absolutely not. They are fighting every single day. Im not buying it. When you look at joys face, didnt seem like shes buying it either. You know, she could be really throwing those daggers and nobody knows right now. Its a good time to be wearing the sunglasses. Ed madonna out promoting a new album so thats whats behind this, but she made some provocative comments. Lets go. Dont you think jesus would agree that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body . I think youd be open to having that conversation with me. You could look at the bible. The bible says we are created in his image, he created us, we are unique human lives. The bible talks that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, so im sure god would not be supported ending life he created uniquely pure thats my opinion. Thats also what the bible says. She is also selling an album right now. She made some other repugnant comments about jesus on a cross breed thats the motivation, impetus behind these disgusting, and shes making. I am annoyed we are still disgusting madonna. Isnt she so passe . We might have a fight here. Hold on. Remember when she was talking lady gaga, lady gaga is very reductive . Weve been hearing about you for 40 years go back to 1989 when she had like a prayer, there was a lot of controversy around that, so this is something that madonna tends to do where she just challenges, you know, the charts. Did she have an eye patch . Ed thats a little odd. I thought i saw that. What is that . I hope nothing wrong is with her eye. If not, thats super weird. Ed as much as i love about talking about the eye patch, i do want to get to this. Because a theory that as the only guy here, i want to think what yall ladies think. Watch. I think there are a certain number of people would like to see a woman elected. There are people who would like to see somebody who is younger. I understand that also. There are a lot of factors out there. Ed the question was why is Elizabeth Warren rising taking some support from bernie on the left. Rochelle, hes saying theres advantage to be a woman. Im really tired of people saying that they are voting for this person in supporting this person because they are a woman or they are a man or they are black or they are white or they are young or they are old. No. People are supporting Elizabeth Warren right now because you can really see that she actually has a consistent plan. We might not necessarily agree with her policies that she is proposing, but she has a plan. And so also shes not as scary, i would say, as a candidate when it comes to a very far left candidate like sanders. Ed shes more middle. She scares you. Biden says this b1 sanders does. Meanwhile, joe biden the leader of the pack right now. Hes old as dirt. Thats the reason why hes not leading the pack anymore people are losing interest with him because his policy positions are no longer unique in the democratic party. Theyve all adopted things like medicare for all. Ed susan . With the democrats want to see someone else beside a white 70yearold man as a nominee . Yes. But i think he still haunted by 2016. He remembers what happened with clint and britt doesnt want that to happen again given that warren is surging in the polls all of a sudden. Ed and 45 men so far. I think nikki haley. Ed not this time. I thought you are breaking some news. Maybe . I wish i had that kind of news. That would be pretty awesome. Ed will Congress Give the president credit for quickly deescalating tensions with iran. Senator Marsha Blackburn of the Armed Services committee joins me for details next. 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Bye dennis quaid when insurance is affordable, its surprisingly painless. Ed returning to our top story, its been 24 hours since the president caught up air strikes in iran. Tonight, the world waiting for his next movie we turn to washington correspondent rich edson. Good evening, ed henry. President trump saying the military ready to strike and then he called it off. The president says ten minutes before the military was ready to launch, he asked how many iranians would die in the attack. Nothing is being greenlighted to the very and make because things change. We are sitting with 150 dead people that wouldve taken place within half an hour after i said go ahead. And i didnt like it. I didnt think it was proportionate. A u. S. Defense official says the military targeted a radar installation and surface to air battery that iran used to shoot down the drum before the president caught off the strike. Its unclear how and if the u. S. Will respond to iran per the president said hes okay to go but hes in no hurry. Iran said it recovered the drones wreckage and it was in iranian airspace. The president said he shouldve kept should not be saying stuff like that publicly. Its revealing a level of indecision. The federal aviation has signed heightened and iran downing that american drone. Ed thank you, rich. Joining me now, senator Marsha Blackburn, republican member of the Armed Services committee. Good evening, senator. Good evening. Ed weve had democrats saying days for days, weeks and months commencing this senator hellbent on starting a war with iran and steps back and says, i want to think it over, and hes being attacked for being indecisive. Donald trump is very consistent when it comes to dealing with iran. He has said his goal is to end wars in the middle east, to end that threat and these threat of terrorism worldwide and to make sense that iran does not have a nuclear weapon. He has been very consistent with that. I think his actions yesterday shows that he prefers to have a diplomatic solution. He is increasing the maximum Pressure Campaign and the sanctions and, ed, windows p23s economy is in tatters. People cannot get product. What donald trump showed is he showed compassion for the iranian people who wouldve been in harms way. Ed when you talk about a diplomatic solution, are you expecting more from our european allies . We have not been seeing the french, the germans, the british, havent stepped up and all the weight is on the president tonight . I agree with you. They have not stepped up. We would like to see them step up and when you look at the fact that you have had the commercial shipping vessels that have been attacked, the oil tankers that have been attacked, and then also the japanese, you have Prime Minister abe and the concerns there. Of course, they were willing to talk with iran. What we have to do is force them back to the negotiating table. That jcpoa was a bad deal for us. It did not do anything to address the funding of terrorism nor did it do anything to deter iran from getting a nuclear weapon. Ed right. This president , as you know better than many, has said he wants to enter such talks with iran from a position of strength compared to what we saw under president obama were we were sending cash to the iranians and the big reason why the president pulled out of the deal. On the other end, if such talks never materialized or if they do sit down at some point in the near future and he gets nowhere, what then shouldnt this president be strong from a military standpoint to let iran know that they cant get away with going after a japanese vessel, shooting down an american drone . Indeed, he will be. One thing to keep in mind is this. As donald trump and as this president has approached the issue, they are with iran and with the middle east. Knowing full well that iran has continued to fund their proxies in the region, what he has done is approach everything with the terrans, what you have seen iran do is continue what they have been doing since the 70s, they are the aggressor in this situation. Its like shooting down the global hawk. That was an unprovoked attack. They have been the aggressive one in these issues. Our allies in the region, our european allies need to stand with us as we deal with this. Irans economy is in tatters. Ed absolutely. We know that it is shrinking. We know that the washingtons post reported that has bilal said they couldnt carry out some of their bad actions because they were deprived of funding coming from iran. Ed irans economy is in the straits right now. The president twin today that he might have more sanctions for iran in the days ahead. Senator, we appreciate you. More on the story coming up next. It has available led cargo area lighting. Lights up the entire bed. 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President trump they said sir, we are ready to go. Id like a decision. I said i want to know something. How many people will be

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