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Polar vortex 2019. Warren is just one of Many Democrats who are lining up between something called a Green New Deal. An economic overhaul that is aimed at fighting Climate Change. Its led by the newcomer democratic socialist alexandria ocasiocortez. And by massachusetts senator ed markey. I do not think that for the future of humanity and for our country to continue to prosper that we cannot have another president ial cycle where Climate Change is not being asked about at almost every debate. Of course, it would be amazing to see a Green New Deal talked about. And its starting. To say thats really exciting. Martha so at this point there are very few specifics on the actual plan which is expected to roll out shortly. But there is plenty of support already among the highest profile members of the party. I support a Green New Deal, and i will tell you why. Climate change is an existential threat to us and we have got to deal with the reality of it. We continue to ignore our planet, we will face dire consequences. We have a right to breathe clean air. I dont give a [bleep] if its the republicans or the democrats that are in control. You have a right to hold all of us accountable. Those bleeps are becoming familiar with that individual. Joining me now former utah congressman Jason Chaffetz town hall. Com editor Katie Pavlich both are Fox News Contributors and Austan Goolsbee Chicago School of business previously served as president obamas chief economist. Rather than, you know, i dont necessarily want to debate Climate Change whether or not it is, you know, scientifically real to the extent that some people think it is. In terms of the politics of this, Jason Chaffetz, let me start with you on this. Because it is clearly, like healthcare going to be a central part of the democratic side of the equation. Is that wise and do you expect that it will be dealt with in a way that resonates with voters . I think everybody cares about what they throw into the air and in the water. But, the democrats approach to this has been by force. You know, they spent nearly 800 billion on, you know, this stimulus package and they poured billions of dollars in to companies that with no end result they put forward a cap and trade. They did all of these other things where they tried to force it so when i see green deal i know that means a whole lot of green backs because its going to be very, very costly what they are forcing people to do. Martha when you look back, austan, at the Obama Administration and there was a big push for this that we should basically, you know, that its almost it was an Economic Stimulus Program to be coming up with lots of companies who could do things in a greener way and new forms of energy. One of those, some of it was a good idea, obviously, some of it wasnt. This obviously is the solyndra moment that everybody remembers from that era. Watch this. We can see the positive impacts right here at solyndra. Less than a year ago we were standing on what was an empty lot. But through the recovery act, this Company Received a loan to expand its operations. Martha i mean, obviously, austan, that loan, that company went bankrupt. But overall, is this good economics for the government to get involved in the business of a Green New Deal . Well, it depends what a Green New Deal is, obviously. One of the biggest advocates of our involvement are the generals at the pentagon who say that the changing of the climate is one of the Biggest National security threats to the u. S. Military both to our bases which may be damaged as the sea water rises as well as the displavment o displacements of people and extreme weather events that we experience in the United States. Now, we have seen over the last 10 years much of which came out of that stimulus a big rise of wind power, a big rise of solar. And i think the more extreme weather events take place the more on the minds of the American Voters it is. So, if you look in polls, people are really quite surprisingly concerned about these issues of Climate Change and when they have big hurricanes, and they have big weather events, that makes them more prone to be angry at the dismantling. Martha new u. N. Panel finds there is no observable increase in hurricane frequency. Likewise, extreme weather is killing fewer people now than at any point in the last 100 years, extreme weather killed about half a Million People annually back in the 1920s. Now, despite being four times as many people, it kills fewer than 20,000. And, of course, you know, you would like to see that number be zero. Katie, just in terms of the realistic picture here and what this kind of deal would mean. Well, look, they call that Green New Deal but this is really just a massive redistribution and confiscation of wealth by socialists who say thats exactly what they want to do. Im not sure how they are going to pay for any Green New Deal after they get for medicare for all and have to confiscate all of the wealth from billionaires in this country to pay for that alone and increase taxes on the middle class. There is an argument to be made, of course, about how you can clean up the environment further. The United States is the most responsible country in the world when it comes to adhering to our own policies and principles about the environment. We got out of this climate paris accord. We are still complying with some of the emission standards of that accord and, yet, a number of the countries still bound by it who havent left the deal are not complying. With you look at the policies that environmentalists have pushed over the last 10 years when it comes to flooding these organizations, or these Companies Like solyndra with taxpayer money because they cant stand up and produce without on their own on their own merit unlike fossil fuel companies, you have to ask what the return on investment is and whether it actually does do anything to clean up the environment. As we have seen, the cost has been very, very high in terms of what they want to do. Martha jason, whats your thought on that . No, i agree with katie, absolutely. They are taking away straws. Thats not going to solve the problem. I want to be able to get a plastic straw when i go to mcdonalds and order a drink. And what the democrats are trying to do is force this on the American People. But they ignore some of the greenest things that are out there. You cant have a discussion in this country about electricity, for instance, without talking about nuclear. But you cant build a Nuclear Plant in this country because of all the environmental regulations that are out there. They have got to get real on this stuff. They say they are going to put root beer in all the drinking fountains, everything is going to be great. You cant figure out the economics of it and they want to force people to do things that the American People dont want to do and thats why they overstep and they are having such a hard time selling this. Martha do you think its a mistake, austan that some of these candidates have already jumped on this phrase the new green deal before its even been rolled out before they even know exactly what the plan is by this by the congresswoman and the senator . Thats probably a risk, you know, because if you say yes, im for it and then you find out there is something in it that people dont like, that would be a risk. But, look, im telling you, when you seed epa changing the rules so that power plants can dump more mercury into our drinking water, when they are changing various environmental regulations that are deeply unpopular, when they are doing it, anybody who gets on the wrong side of that issue, i think the voters are going to hold them accountable. So, we should, to agree with. So aspects of what the previous speaker said, we should be mindful of doing things in an economically strategic way, but we need to, for both our National Security grounds and on Public Safety grounds keep our eye on the environment and do everything we can to improve that. Martha thank you all. Great to see you tonight. Thanks, martha. Martha coming up next an exclusive with the secretary of health and Human Services alex azar speaking out for the first time on President Trumps plan to lower your Prescription Drug prices in a meaningful way as these new costs come out in january. Plus, the untold story of brad par scale, his ascension from small town boy in kansas, not involved in politics to now running the Trump Campaign in 2020. Being a Campaign Manager has kind of adapted for some campaigns into being the Spokes Person and coms director. Thats not what im trying to be. Im trying to be the ceo of this organization. Uhoh guess what day it is . . Guess what day it is huh. Anybody . Julie hey. Guess what day it is . . Ah come on, i know you can hear me. Mike mike mike. Mike what day is it mike . Ha ha leslie, guess what today is . Its hump day. Whoot whoot ronny, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico . Id say happier than a camel on wednesday. Hump day yay get happy. Get geico. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn, marie could only imagine enjoying freshly squeezed orange juice. Now no fruit is forbidden. 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And you dont want to miss out on everything epix. All saying oh, lets do. This not giving one dime for the wall. Thats okay. If they are not going to give money for the wall, its not going to work. If its not going to work, then the politicians are really wasting a lot of time. Martha President Trump today the Bipartisan Commission tries to strike a deal to keep the government from shutting down again. Meanwhile, the drugs keep coming across the southern border. Were allowing people to come in to this country and sell drugs and human traffic and to all of these horrible things that if we had the simplicity of a wellconstructed beautiful barrier or wall they wouldnt be able to come into our country. Border crossings is down. 90 of the drugs coming through legal parts of entry. We are talking about drugs, most, the vast majority comes through at ports of entry. Not between the ports of entry. Not anywhere that a wall would be. Martha absolutely true that doesnt mean its not a problem. In fact, tonight we can report the biggest bust ever of fentanyl which killed about 18,000 Americans Last year. And was blamed in the death of music star prince. Produce truck came across the border from mexico and on the second round in a secret compartment they found this, 254 pounds of deadly synthetic opioid street value 3. 5 million, estimated to be enough to kill 57 Million People because it takes that tiny an amount in some cases for some people to be killed by this substance. So the truck as i said was undergoing a secondary scan. Dogs picked up the scent. The rear floor was ripped up. They found more drugs on the mexican driver in the forms of bags of pills. So joining me now on that and other big news tonight in the Prescription Drug arena health and Human Services secretary alex azar. Secretary azar, thank you very much for being here tonight. This is precisely the kind of thing that the president talks about when you look at the drug trade that does come across at these ports of entry. You bet, martha. And i am very grateful to our colleagues and the Border Patrol for their efforts that led to this historic interdiction. Im also grateful to President Trump for fighting for Border Security. And for fighting to reverse this horrible opioid crisis. You know, this fentanyl, thats historic amount of fentanyl. Think of how Many Americans could be killed by that. Fentanyl is already killing so Many Americans every single day as part of this opioid crisis. Martha what do you say to those when we played a little bit of it in the intro its not a border wall that is needed. Its these drugs come through the port of entry. So that wouldnt have any impact on that. Well, drugs come through everywhere just like people do. You need Border Security. You cant just declare that heres the one place to bring your Illegal Drugs across. We need Border Security and thats what President Trump is fighting for. Martha tell me about the big change that the president and you have worked on the issue of rising drug prices in this country and these crazy questions of why people end up paying more and more every single year when january comes . What did you do today and whats the impact on regular americans. Martha, i will let new on a little secret as well as your viewers. When you show up at the pharmacy to buy a drug that has a price of 300 bucks and you are paying 300 bucks or a percent of that 300 bucks, there is somebody in the background called a pharmacy benefit manager or middle man and getting a kick back from the drug company for that purchase that might be 60, 80 or 100. What President Trump is proposing tonight is that you, the patient, should get that discount when you buy the drug at the pharmacy so you save that money in the not e middle man. Martha how will they achieve that wont they find a way to move that money around so theyre benefiting from it . We are proposing to change the rules of the road that say right now you as a drug company can give kick backs to pharmacy benefit managers and we would as a proposal outlaw that and instead you would have to provide those discounts to the patient when the patient shows up at the pharmacy so you, the patient, get these savings. Think about how many drugs that you are buying now in january after your deductible reset in the calendar year the issue you just talked about, martha. You show up and you are bearing the full cost of that drug. Well, someone in the back, they are getting a discount on that. You are not getting it you are paying full price. Next year, january 1st, under this proposal, you would get that discount you wouldnt pay as much out of pocket when you walk in the pharmacy. Martha the proof of that may be in the fact that cvs and cigna shares both tumbled on the news of this because they benefit from these pharmacy management programs. Just a quick question before i let you go. Kamala harris wants to do away with all the insurance companies. Would that have any impact on this . And do you think thats a good idea. These ideas of medicare for all will threaten to undermine those of our Senior Citizens on medicare, the sacred promise that we have to them and their program as well as to really undermine or even take away the private insurance that over 140 million americans have through their employer and they are quite happy with when key imup with obamacare they falsely promised if you like your insurance you could keep it nobody is even making that promise with these medicare for all slogans. Martha secretary azar, thank you very much. Good to have you on the story tonight. So do you remember this . Were going to end the government corruption and were going to drain the swamp in washington, d. C. Martha exclusive untold story with trump 020 Campaign Manager says the president is delivering on that message for voters. I think this president hasnt done anything wrong other than actually try to fight a system that was broken and that was a swamp and i think when you are the shark in a swamp, all the other animals in the swamp want to kill you. dealing with Psoriatic Arthritis pain was so frustrating. My skin. It was embarrassing. My joints. They hurt. The pain and swelling. The tenderness. The psoriasis. Tina i had to find something that worked on all of this. I found cosentyx. Now, watch me. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are getting real relief with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Cosentyx treats more than just the joint pain of Psoriatic Arthritis. It even helps stop further joint damage. Dont use if youre allergic to cosentyx. 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Here he is earlier this week. Yes, they have threatened my physical integrity, my families and fortunately im not the only one. There is over 300 political prisoners. Martha maduros police already arrested or expelled 13 journalists from the country by our latest count tonight as the situation could easily go either way here. The United States has a lot at stake and maduro is backed by russia and by china who also have a lot at stake in this joining me now wall street journal columnist mary ogrady. Where does this stand right now. I think actually the opposition is in good shape which is not to say its over but having been recognized by scores of governments around the world, the International Community is really strongly with the opposition and thats because the photos, the evidence, i mean its so stacked against this dictatorship really only ones backing him are democrats in the u. S. , china, hezbollah, russia, cuba, iran, that small sort of axis of evil most of the world is supporting him. The other thing is this financial squeeze the bank of england refused to send 1. 2 million in gold reervesz t reserves when he asked for it last week. They can send all the oil they want from the state owned oil company but the payments for that oil will go into an escrow account which will be used by the new government to help the venezuelan people. And thats really where the rubber will hit the road. Because, when he no longer has the money to pay his military, they are going to start to feel that their interests are not in a good place in sticking with him. And i think thats where he might end up saying you know, im better off if i retire on a beach in cuba. Martha possibly. Obviously he has tried very hard to hang on to power. He hasnt cared, you know, a lick about the venezuelan people. They dont have any medicine, toilet paper, electricity as you say. They have already been through hell. Right. Martha they are hoping there is some way out of this. I think about the days that continue where we herd assads days are numbered and about to leave. When you have the support of russia sometimes they are able to hang on. I dont think russia has really the capability to do anything big there. They have the capability to kind of launch a symmetric war. Cuba is the one that has the interest. You say he is hanging on. Cuba is telling him to hang on. He doesnt run venezuela. Raul castro runs venezuela. Cuba, to give up venezuela would be an ideological loss because they use that real estate in south america to push their ideology all over the continent. But, also, because of the oil reserves that they have been so dependent on. I have said from the beginning the cubans are not going to just put down their guns and walk out. Its going to be a fight. What im really worried about is not so much that maduro will hang on but then in the aftermath you are going to have a lot of irregular groups and maybe like i said this kind of a symmetric fighting and you could even have kind of a civil war type of an environment which, of course, is the kind of thing the russians would really like to see. They cant succeed at anything but they love to ruin other peoples lives. Martha we will see. Mary, thank you very much. From the wall street journal. Coming up, trey gowdy with a big announcement that you will hear only on the story. Plus, we are on the brink, perhaps, of roe v. Wade, an insurgency over this discussion here in america as we head into 2020 after virginia becomes the latest state to propose sweeping changes to late term abortion. She has physical signs of that she is about to give birth, would that still be a point at which she could request appear abortion if she was so certified . My bill would allow that yes. Pickup. 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Considering the comments from Governor Northam yesterday, how does that make it harder for prolife democrats in the party . Does that cause problems at all. Im sorry, i just dont know what he said yesterday. Martha are there prolife democrats left in the party . Remember, democrats used to say this. We can support a womans right to choose that makes abortion safe, legal, and rare and reduces the number of abortions. Martha in 2017 dnc chair tom perez said this in a statement. Every democrat, like every american, should support a womans right to make choices about her own body and her health. That is not negotiable, he said. New york, virginia, louisiana, rhode island now are all debating easier access to third term abortions in their states. So what is going on here . Perhaps, this, a Supreme Court that now leans solidly right may be firing up liberal states who want to push the existing law as far as they can. Here now margo cleveland, a senior contributor to the federalist. Margo good to have you with us tonight. Thank you so much. Martha this question of whether or not democrats, whether they are accepting of democrats who are prolife anymore as Hillary Clinton was, you know, clearly much more inclusive on this issue. Right. And i dont think you see that you see that the Democrat Party is going extreme from not prochoice but proabortion. You are seeing it with these extreme bills in virginia and new york which they were cheering. Martha in terms of that, what do you think is the motivating factor . Is it the fact that the court is now leaning more right . Is that what is sort of firing up the legislative actions in these states . I think they are using that as an excuse and that it gives them an opportunity to push the legislatures, the legislators that they are supporting. I dont think that roe v. Wade has anything to do with what their view is because it doesnt prohibit this now and if it was overturned it wouldnt prohibit it. So, i think that you are seeing is that they are using this as an excuse to push as extreme abortion measures as they can. Martha i think a lot of people, you know, watch this debate and they are kind of shocked, no matter what whether they are prochoice or prolife. Clearly if they are prolife they are shocked. I think some prochoice people are kind of shocked when they hear the reality of some of these procedures and the concept that a baby could be born alive and then a decision would be made about whether or not the doctor and the parent would allow it to continue living. You know, i remember Kamala Harris asking the other day what kind of country do we want to be . And that, you know, thats where this whole thing comes back to. I want to show you this moment that was with congressional testimony it was tweeted the other day by ashton kutcher, the actor. Its from about a year and a half ago, i believe. Lets watch this. I am a man. See me as a human being. Not a birth defect. Not a syndrome. I dont need to be eradicated. I dont need to be cured. March martha was frank peters not congressional testimony but from another powerful statement that he made that really makes a lot of people think. Absolutely. And i think that one thing that is very helpful in this debate is to understand this really hasnt changed as the representative said in clarifying. New york law already allows that. Its just that they were changing some of the parameters of how many doctors had to certify Mental Health. And that is what is horrifying for americans to discover that you can have up to the point of birth an abortion that will kill the fetus, even though the fetus is viable and completely healthy if a doctor will say its in the best interest of the Mental Health of the mother. And that is allowed currently. So, she was just making it easier, not changing the substance of the law. Martha yeah. It appears that there has been push back that some of these procedures, you know, were not easy enough to come by and that people were denied them for reasons that they thought were not fair and that has sparked this push to make it easier and we saw the big applause in the new York State Assembly and the pink lights on the Freedom Tower celebrating that now it would be easier. Margot thank you very much. Good to have you with us tonight. Thanks. Martha coming up next trey gowdy on reports that nellior was digging for dirt she was working on Opposition Research on President Trumps wife and on his children. Also, the untold story of Brad Parscale, President Trumps 2020 Campaign Manager on his boss. Hes already wealthy. He was already famous. He already had power. He is doing this for this country. Thats why i stick with him every day. When i say, drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of 412, you probably wont believe me. But you can believe this, real esurance employee nancy abraham. Look her up online. Esurance, its surprisingly painless. Martha there is a new story out there tonight on the Senate Investigation about the mysterious phone calls that were made by donald trump jr. Ahead of the Infamous Trump tower meeting. You may remember from the reporting on this that some congressional investigators wanted to know who a blocked phone number was and whether or not he had made a call to his father before that big meeting, then candidate donald trump. Shortly after arranging the meeting, don jr. Made an 11minute phone call to a blocked number. Asked if he remembers who that call was with, trump jr. Said i dont. There were questions about a phone call he made to a blocked number and it has been pointed out that his father has a blocked number. It would be hard to believe that don jr. Didnt mention it to his father. Its counter intuitive to think he didnt tell his father. Martha well, the real question is whether or not did he, right . He has said that he didnt. Now, they have got this abc news report that is coming out tonight that sights investigators on the Senate Intel Panel say those blocked phone calls were not between donald trump jr. And his father. They were actually calls that were made to two friends and Business Associates according to the early reporting on this. Here now on this and other things tonight trey gowdy former South Carolina republican congressman and House Oversight Committee Chairman now a partner at Nelson Mullens law firm in South Carolina and tonight he makes his debut as a Fox News Contributor and we hope that we are going to see him on a weekly basis here on the story. So good to see you tonight. Trey gowdy thank you very much. Yes, maam. Martha welcome to the family. Thank you. Thank you for the job. Appreciate it. Martha absolutely. Its great to have you here. So, first of all, your reaction to this. You know, it strikes me and, you know, we are still learning about this story as i mentioned. Its an abc report that i just cited. But, what it strikes me is that you see all of the sort of hyperbole and guessing about what it was before anybody knows what it is. And we have seen a heck of a lot of that. Its the biggest distinction between what i call Serious Investigations and political investigations where you speculate rampantly. The first thing i wanted to does doo was called richard burr the member of the Senate Intel Committee and thank him for running a Serious Investigation where they actually figure out the facts before they make allegations because sometimes, some folks do it in the reverse order. They make these wild allegations and all of your viewers may not be around to seat truth. They heard the accusation but they may miss the truth. Thats why you dont do that in Serious Investigations. Martha yeah. I think one of those people that you are referring to is adam schiff who you have been very critical of in this whole process saying may made up his mind before he saw any of the evidence. Is that true . Is that your feeling on it . Im just quoting him. He had evidence that rises above the level of circumstantial evidence but not quite direct and, of course, there is no such thing that President Trump colluded with russia. I think adam also said there is a very real chance donald trump is going to be indicted and or arrested the day he leaves office. Adam uniquely was both a federal prosecutor and now he is a member of congress. I like the adam schiff who was a federal prosecutor better where you are actually presumed innocent and you have to go in a courtroom and prove these things as opposed to just speculating and accusing people. Martha i also want to ask you about this nellie ohr story that she was investigating when she worked for fusion gps. She was doing Opposition Research and campaigns do this stuff. They look into the family members. They try to see if they can gig up andigup any dirt and loot Melania Trump and the children as well. You say you have never seen a federal investigation, the kind of circle that also involved her husband bruce ohr who was at the department of justice which, of course, was investigating the Trump Campaign. Its the strangest fact pattern i think i have ever seen. You have a private entity in fusion gps and they are working with chris steele who was an fbi source but then was terminated for violating his fbi agreement. And you are kind of laundering this information, this private information to the worlds premier Law Enforcement agency and to the department of justice and you are using a doj official as the conduit of that information. So, its really surprising. I would think in a different political environment everyone would be outraged because you are running the risk of privatizing crime. If you can hire a group to dig up information and then use a doj official who gets his information from a terminated fbi source and it still winds up in the hans of the federal government that should alarm all of us and i hope we get back to a time in our lives where it is alarming to everyone. Martha very interesting. Last thought, roger stone, there is a lot of discussion about the raid of his house and whether or not it was disproportionate to what they are looking for from him. They said today they got terra bites, which i guess is tons and tons of information from his house. And, you know, perhaps to sort of shore up the notion that this was all necessary. What do you think . I want to make sure i dont do the very thing that i started off your show by being upset that others do which is speculate. I think they should bring in chris wray. Chris is a trump appointee. He was a federal prosecutor. He is a serious guy whether you like President Trump or not. Chris wray is a serious guy. Bring him in and ask him why he, the bureau thought that amount of force was necessary, whether or not they were going to execute a search warrant while they were there if they had any evidence that roger stone might be a flight risk ask chris wray. It is not bob muellers fault. The prosecutor does not decide what weaponry to use when you effectuate the arrest. The fbi does. Bring him in and ask him. Martha yeah. They use what they think they need. So we will see. Trey gowdy. Great to have you with us. And welcome to the family. Yes, maam. Martha thank you so much. Yes, maam. Martha we will see you soon. The untold story Brad Parscale the conductor of the trump train. Instead of being the conductor on the train, someone had to make sure it gets there on time and all the pieces Stay Together and i chose that role. Pay for what you need. Great news for anyone wh uh uh im the one who delivers the news around here. Liberty mutual has Just Announced that they can customize your Car Insurance so that you only pay for what you need. This is phoebe buckley, on location. Uh. Thanks, phoebe. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Lobsterfest is on at red lobster. With the most lobster dishes of the year, whatll you choose . How bout lobster lovers dream . More like a lobster dream come true. A butterpoached maine tail, roasted rock tail and creamy lobster linguine. Or try new lobster in paradise. Its a crispy coconutty, vacation on a plate. New ultimate lobsterfest surf turf is here, too. cause whats better than steak and lobster . Steak and lots of lobster. So hurry in and see how youre going to lobsterfest. Not long ago, ronda started here. And then, more jobs began to appear. These techs in a lab. This builder in a hardhat. The welders and electricians who do all of that. The diner staffed up cause they all needed lunch. Teachers. Doctors. Jobs grew a bunch. What started with one job spread all around. Because each job in energy creates many more in this town. Energy lives here. Martha Brad Parscale got his start as a web designer in a little bookstore in kansas. In short order, he became candidate trumps digital wizard in the 2016 campaign. Now he is in charge of 2020. This is his untold story of Brad Parscale. Sometimes lucky as my father always said. I started off in a bookstore learning how to become a web designer and web marketer almost 20 years ago and i got lucky that my first customer a guy who knew a girl and eventually that person knew somebody and i got a phone call one day. And that person gave me a chance to bid on a project for the trumps and i have spent the last decade nearly working my way up in that family. And when the blessing came to be asked to help the country and help the president help save it, i was asked to help. That contract started 1,500 to make a splash page and eventually i took over all the Marketing Advertising and then eventually jared deputy in the way and now i have the blessing to be Campaign Manager. Martha the work has made you a wealthy man. Some estimates made about 90 million on the campaign. Is that true . No. All that money went through pass through my company for advertising. I actually made very little off the campaign and sacrificed a lot of income working for it its been more about this company than it has been. I sold my company and actually walked away from all my business. Martha how would you describe your role . A lot of people say there is a lot of slings and arrows in trump world. You seem to ride above them for the most part. Why is that . First of all, i built a relationship with all the parties that need. To say i have a Good Relationship with the family, you know, i have a great relationship with all the i call the children citizens im older than all of them can i say that i have done a good job of not trying to be the train on the train track instead a conductor on the trump train. Someone had to make sure it got there on time and all the pieces stayed together. Thats the strongest thing i can do. Martha some say you dont have enough political experience to run the campaign. There were three Campaign Managers the last time around as we all remember. Do you think that you will be the Campaign Manager all the way through to Election Night . I hope. So i think its best for this campaign for that to happen. I think i have four years of great political experience now. I also think i have been Campaign Manager longer than anybody now with all the days if you go out since early 2016. You know, i think that being a Campaign Manager has kind of adapted for some campaigns into being the spokesperson and a coms director thats not what im trying to be. Im trying to be the ceo of this organization and manage it and make sure all the teams have the assets and the things needed to be as strong as possible. Im not going to be the coms director and political directors. Those are people that i hire. My job is to keep it all welloiled and all working together as one team unified with the republican party, unified with the white house to provide the best asset and infrastructure for the president to get done what he needs to get done. Martha is there any part of you that thinks that the president could be impeached before you get to that point . No. I dont think this president has done anything wrong other than actually try to fight a system that was broken and that was a swamp. I think when you are the shark in the swamp, all the other animals in the swamp want to kill you. Martha you think they want to kill him . Yeah. They want him i don gone. He is defeating the system that was broken for multiple decades. He is fighting back. He needs nothing from it. He is already wealthy. He was already famous. He already had power. Is he doing this for this country. And thats why i stick with him every day. Martha what is it that people dont get about President Trump how work with and know personally. He is selfless. I really truly believe it i know him better than almost anyone. He actually really cares about everybody. Martha the tweeting and all of that he talks about himself a lot. Tea you cans about running and having the greatest campaign win in history. I think a lot of people have a very different impression of him than that and maybe thats partly his own fault . No. I think the Fake News Media when they actually figured out that that he was going to change the status quote from them having power and the u. S. Government about what they felt their job was felt they had to fight back against him because they were part of that structure that was broken. The president felt he had to fight back against it twitter finally gave him the tool to do so. They couldnt change his message and learn how to adapt. You see when he started tweeting and doing those things they didnt know what to do and they start running in circles. Finally the president didnt need them he could talk directly to the people. Thats why i dont talk to much media and trust them because most of them have an agenda and have an agenda that i clearly see and im glad that every day he fights against it. Martha you feel you have his 100 percent confidence. I believe. So i think i have proven that you know, look, he does things he always makes his own choices. Am i person that he listens to . Of course, does he listen to the data, yes. Is he a highly intelligent man. Martha did you ever imagine growing up as a very tall boy in kansas that you would one day be working for the president of the United States . No, never. I just wanted to have a family and have a good job. I didnt come from a lot. My expectations were not, you know, to be sitting here with you. Martha how has it changed you. Its a humbling experience. The first day you are called every name in the book just because you chose a side its a humbling experience. Martha Brad Parscale, thank you. Always good to talk to you. Thanks for being here today. Dont forget to subscribe to the fox news story podcast. Brads full interview will be posted there monday morning. I encourage to you listen to that we will be back here tomorrow night as always see you at 7 00. Tucker carlson is warming up in d. C. Have a good knight. Good night. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. We dont do a lot of weather segments on the show but we couldnt help notice this phenomenon polar vortex descended on the american United States this week. Temperatures dropped to temperatures that didnt seem real. 38 below zero this morning new state record. In Thief River Falls minnesota the temperature approached 80 below. Cold like that will turn hot coffee to ice crystals before it hits the ground. Stay outside for any length of time and you will die and a number of people did in that region they were found froze to death in the last few days. Meteorologists and this is the good news say it

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