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A look at the days latest news and headlines. Manafort to try to get evidence on President Trump that could result in impeachment. This judge who later ruled the trial could proceed has been very critical of the Governments Team throughout and they are now filing motions complaining that he is prejudicing or misleading or confusing the jury with his quips. Theyve gotten him to admit he was wrong once in open court, but today he ignored their complaints. He constantly asked them how long the individual segments of the trial they are going to take he wants them to go as fast as possible. It was the judge today who delayed the start time by five hours. The jury was reminded very quickly how important it is they dont talk to anybody including each other about the details of this case. We have no idea why a 9 45 00 a. M. Starting time got pushed back to 2 30 p. M. And we arent going to find out immediately. The transcripts have now been one point telling one of the prosecutors are you crying . Martha these are not tears in my eyes. Its sort of personal. The judge got slapped a little bit, he had to apologize. It is very dramatic and makes for great tv, the question is in terms of this city, is this going to tieback in any meaningful way to the president . If not, its fleeting drama. Martha thats the perry mason moment that the president has said is not coming. In terms of the president and the campaign we watched him in the races that we saw this weekend were learning a little bit more how they are targeting exactly where he goes. Your thoughts on what the head of the 2020 Campaign Says were looking at rnc numbers going into the states into doing it in a very targeted way. The Trump Campaign was much more sophisticated in its use of data than most people thought in their social media presence. We were so much bigger and better at data and targeting voters, to think they had any influence is in his mind. He thinks democrats have been a little bit intimidated by their Get Out The Vote again, what do you say . Thats an interesting tactic to put out there and try to scare people but its not actually the reality. As these guys have already pointed out theres a big difference between having President Trump come out in a primary situation where 8890 of his base supports him, its a completely different thing when it comes time for the general. You have to own that. As byron said his Approval Rating is at 42 , his disApproval Rating is below 53 . I think he could do a lot more good for his party, not that im here to give him advice, but he often gets in the way of republican candidates and himself by stepping on opportunities to amplify some of his own good news. He has had some good news. Instead, he tweets about russia so thats what people are talking about. Martha hes been told that a lot i dont think thats going to change anytime soon. The boston globe coordinated Editorial Attack on the president is what theyre trying to arrange, byron . And i the president using the phrase Enemy Of The People to describe the press is a bad thing to do because of its soviet origins. Martha he thinks its a good idea. I dont think you should do it. The fact that somebody in the press are biased against him, theres so much coverage that is biased you might think instead of this collective action against the president , they might look inside a little bit to see our way to oppositional . Are we too easily distracted, do we spend more time with Michael Avenatti then at important issues . Other things we can do, have we change the way we do business because of this unique presidency. I think more introspection would be a good idea. I dont know about that. The media made this president , as much as he wants to moan and complain about the media, the reality is the media made this president. I dont know about that. Martha are playing right into his hands . Whats worse . Organizing a day where you recognize the importance of free press as protected by how was the press not free . Name any Press Institution that is weaker now than when the president came into office . Any Press Institution is weaker now during the trump presidency. They are stronger. The idea this has weakened them, its difficult to argue. In terms of Public Perception it has weakened them because hes got the biggest microphone in the country and the world. Weve seen Approval Ratings in Media Outlets drop. Martha people are reading them and watching them more than ever. Speak out the press has every right to push back, i do think e ganging up thats how hes going to call it, hes going to say vindication. There ganging up against me and people are going to dig their heels in deeper on both sides. Martha byron is rooting for an introspective breath moment. Great to see all of you tonight. Coming up here, fox news confirms tonight that iran has testfired a Ballistic Missile and mobilized ships in the Strait Of Hormuz. General keane next. President trump we will be working with our allies to find a real comprehensive and lasting solution to the Iranian Nuclear threat. This will include efforts to eliminate the threat of a rands Ballistic Missile program. For drivers with Accident Forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty experience the versatility of utility, with a range of suvs perfect for any adventure, at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Martha its plenty hot on the roof, President Trump is at his summer home in new jersey but hes hardly kicking back. Hes upping the ante against turkey and russia and iran. A triumvirate that is bonding over mutual and despised u. S. Sanctions against all of them. The president announcing he will double steel and aluminum tariffs on turkey. He issued what he called it the most fighting sanctions ever imposed against iran and now fox news has confirmed that iran has testfired a Ballistic Missile or short range ship missile for the first time this year. Meanwhile President Trump imposed sanctions against russia for the chemical weapons attack in london. If Something Like a ban on Bank Operations follows, it will allow to a declaration of economic war and it will warrant a response with economic means, political means and if necessary other means. Our american friends should understand that. Martha here now to break all of this down, general jack keane, fox news senior strategic analyst. Welcome to washington. Martha great to be here Lets Go Around The Horn here. With the firing of this missile and the mobilization and exercises they said they moved up to the summer time frame because of these sanctions, they usually do it in the fall. What do you take away from that . Iran is trying to send a message to the trump team. They fired a missile after the inauguration, he came right out and sanction them, theyre not going to put up with this. They havent done anything like that sense, theyre doing it now because they are pretty much on the wrong foot because of the sanctions. They are significant in terms of taking them out of the Dollar Financial market and spread the International Market as well. Shutting down gold, precious metals, automobiles, and a long list of things. Next in the coming november is when we go after the oil and Energy Sector and that is going to be imposing on the iranians. If their economy is already in the tank and is struggling severely. Their currency is almost close to being valueless end of black market is the way of doing business there. Martha if they are backed in the corner is that an option for them to block that . If they block the Strait Of Hormuz we will take out all of their military. Thats an act of war if they pull a stunt like that and they know what the results of that would be. That will push the United States iran does not want conflict with the United States. 38 years of conflict all using proxies, avoiding direct confrontation with their own military. Despite the fact that they harass our ships they will fire a missile here and there, they dont want that kind of conflic conflict. Martha what about turkey . Their economy is under tremendous pressure and heir mg calls to putin, a lot of confrontation there. Of the political crisis goes back to the coup of 2016 when ray ship air to one and not a se nato nation included moral support, nobody spoke in his favor because hes moving that machine to authoritarian and move it toward democracy. He said i want the leader who resides in the United States to be removed, he lives in pennsylvania. We said no. He arrested a u. S. Citizen who resides in turkey and that is now the famous pastor bronson, tragic that he is in he is now under house arrest. This dispute has boiled over and that is why the tariffs are being issued by the trump administration. At a time when turkey is in a financial crisis, their currency is significantly d evaluated against the dollar and inflation is spiraling up out of control. Martha they could significantly defuse this situation if they sent the pastor back. The political dispute eases dramatic the sanctions that they are imposing on turkey are going to hurt them at a time when they are in financial crisis. Theyve got banks that are affected in turkey because theyve been loaning money in years. Its going to impact in europe as well, more pressure will be on erdogan but most of the pressure is going to come from his people because every single day its getting worse. Martha iran may be the same situation and perhaps thats what we are not inciting but creating an environment that puts encouragement on people of turkey do they see an alliance there that could potentially be dangerous for us . This is over syria. The reality is the turks argument is that we are supporting the syrian kurds who are the main ground force guided by Special Operations Ports for the United States to defeat isis in eastern turkey. They look at syrian kurds as terrorists. They are connected to a terrorist organization that is trying to topple the regime and carve out a Curtis Town Inside Of Turkey and syria. Theyre loosely tied to them. We resent as you just mentioned a relationship that turkey has with russia and also with iran that are actually operating against our interests in syria. That frustration is there. It goes back to isis, they never would have moved to 14,006 months and 18 months 30,000 if erdogan didnt have his border open. He let it happen because he strategically made a serious mistake. He thought isis would go against the regime and take it down, he didnt understand. Isis was interested in its own geography which was eased in iraq and the south in saudi arabia. Martha always good to talk to you. Coming up tonight, a wake forest Basketball Coach, a florida man, and now a case of murder. You have one chance in a lifetime to meet because he was so rare elieve but its all coming back me. Baby, baby, baby. All you can eat is back, baby. Applebees. No mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Who would have guessed . 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When we went to see and saw what happened to his face, this was a punch so hard that resulted in his teeth going through his lip. For him to just have an Assault Charge was just shocking to us and disappointing. Martha he picks up the story live, high trace. It happened in the new york borough of queens, sandor szabo who was visiting from boca raton, florida, was looking for an uber ride after his step sisters wedding. A person familiar with the investigation told the Associated Press that szabo may have been drunkenly banging on car windows, when he banged on the window of the wake forest coach, he got out of his car, followed szabo to the sidewalk, punched him, and drove off. Investigators say szabo hit the concrete and never regained consciousness and was taken off life support tuesday afternoon. Jones accompanied by his attorney turned himself into police on thursday afternoon. He was arraigned, pleaded not guilty and released on his own recognizance. There is a Surveillance Video of Jamel Jones Standing by his car but hes alone. If we dont know if there is video of jones and szabo or if the punch was on video. If there is, police have yet to release it. We dont know if jones was defending himself or if he was the aggressor but his family released a statement saying the jones family stands by jamill and his legal right to be presumed innocent and what is ultimately a tragic incident. As you can imagine sandor szabo has a much different take, here again she is on Shepard Smith reporting. When youre responsible for somebodys death, you hit them so hard, you leave, dont show up again for five days and you think assault is what you should be charged with, thats just wrong and he knows it. She went on to say the police immediately treated this as a homicide. The Wake Forest Athletic Department has released a statement saying jamill jones has been placed on leave pending the outcome of the case and the university send condolences to the family of sandor szabo. The next court date is october october 2nd. Martha thats a tough story. Joining me now attorney Emily Compound and seth, let me start with you. The new york Medical Examiner ruled this a homicide. Is there an opportunity for one this is charged to become more than assault . Theres an opportunity for that, when the corner enters a finding, thats not binding on the district attorneys office, the Coroners Office is in charge with a cause of death but thats not directly connected. I think the bottom line on this case indicates you end up with a very shocking results. Our heart goes out to the mother and we understand wondering why this would never go beyond a simple misdemeanor assault. The problem is new york criminal law has some unique aspects that make it hard to charge someone for murder or homicide. Thats not here, so we end up with a very difficult gray area in a tragic case. Martha emily, how much comes down to the power behind the punch . As the mother is discussing there and does that go to intent . The other factor here, is there is some suggestion that he was drunk. His own ability to respond to that punch are not be able to stand if that is the case would definitely buy determined in an autopsy. Theres a few points viewers need to understand. The one Punch Killing, they arent that rare. Multiple states have passed legislation dealing with them and because the victim is often drunk, it has a higher propensity for death. It severs a back artery in the brain or if they are knocked out and hit their skull of the pavement, thats a huge hemorrhage or a skull fracture. A senate bill accounted for what was a one Punch Killing of a 59yearold man in the bronx by a 17yearold, they were aghast at the fact that this does happen. Prosecutors prosecuted a Felony Charge for a Second Degree manslaughter for this kind of case. The intent is an appreciation and a disregard of this kind of circumstance, it falls squarely within that. Its much more common than we think and thats why the law in new york has accounted for it. Martha as we heard the mother say, he left the scene. They didnt hear from him for several days afterwards, what the impact of that . If it was a big kick you wilr incident, that would fold the definition but i dont think it changes the analysis with respect to whether this is a situation where he will be held responsible for murder or homicide. Its true the New York Legislature has looked at changes in the law like this. One comparable change that was considered in 2016 it didnt pass. Another tragic aspect to keep in mind here, from a civil liability standpoint, there is no indication that wake forest would be on the hook because this was an attack that happened outside of the scope of his employment. Even if there was a judgment against him, he would probably be able to discharge it in bankruptcy. Martha how much time could he do . If it is charged as a misdemeanor, it would be within one year. Martha thank you very much, good to have both of you with us tonight. Football is back in the sow are the National Anthem protests. President trump is tweeting up a storm about it today. Also separately here, click on man bonds. Seriously. Katie pavlich and wendy join me next as pie. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . For allday, allnight protection. The first person to survive alzis out there. 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Thank goodness zerowaters fivestage filter gets to all zeroes the first time. So, maybe its time to upgrade. Get more out of your water. Get zerowater. President trump was back at it tweeting this morning, fans are paying so much money to watch and enjoy, is no place to protest. Most of that money goes to the players anyway, find another way to protest. Stand proudly for your National Anthem or be suspended without pay. Joining me now is wendy sfo and katie pavlich, great to have both of you. The president thinks this is a winning issue for him. In reality, the revenue has been rising, ratings are down but revenue is up, is it a winning issue . Its a winning issue for him politically when it comes to patriotism and standing up for the National Anthem, as the president of the United States there are very few things that keep the entire country together. The National Anthem has been one of those things. It does help him politically. When it comes to the nfl, revenue may be up in the ratings are down. It is to the players detriment to behave this way when the league is trying to put in rules where they can go in the locker room to avoid this disrespectful behavior on the field. Espn did a survey asking people why they tuned out of games and the number one reason was because of these protests. They can argue all they want, they have the right to do it in the workplace but the viewers and fans also have a right to tune out. Martha some of us dont even know what theyre protesting. That Got Criticism what do you think about that . Thats flawed. We have had countless players who have written about that, we have eric reed who wrote a New York Times oped, we have Malcolm Jenkins from the eagles who also wrote a Washington Post oped and these are just opeds but we have interviews that say the reason whether protesting is racial injustice. The president said he doesnt know why they are kneeling but on june 8th he gave an interview. He said it since there kneeling for criminal justice reform, let me know who has been a recipient of this and i will see if i should pardon them. This is read to for his base. We all know why people are kneeling, but the president they were vague, the players said they love the military, im not trying to get into it i just do something i believe in. Ive got to stand for something. If they were more specific, there was a meeting yesterday the president held about Prison Reform thats an issue that he cares about. It feels like they ought to be able to come together. Do you think players would go to the white house and sit down and try to get somewhere on this subject . They feel as though the president has continuously attacked people of color. Martha what do they want in their protests . They want to bring attention to the issue. The president held a meeting this week talking directly about Prison Reform, hes willing to discuss the issue to open the doors to players and other groups to talk about the allegations that the Justice System is racially biased towards the africanamerican community. I do want to point out there are a number of nfl players who are saying we dont want to protest the National Anthem. Dr. Prescott from the cowboys says i would never protest, jim jones is also said that. He said this is the most inappropriate place you could choose to protest. Martha i think they should put the money where their mouth is and agree if they should bring that up to the president and say we want to talk to you. Be the change that you seek. I think its a powerful message and i think it would go a lot longer wait than what theyre doing now which seems to be a mixed message and a lot of people feel is not clearly presented. I want to ask you about another topic that happened, the first ladys parents became citizens. Its obviously a personal moment for them of great meaning but when the lawyer was questioned do they come under Chain Migration, he said essentially yes which is something the president is clearly against, how do you square that . That the system we have now. However its not apples and apples with the comes with the way they did this. Chain migration typically, entire families comes after one person comes within a year they try to bring the whole family over and they go through the process and they dont always become citizens. The other part of this is that her parents are from slovenia, its not a Terrorist Haven as the president has discussed as weve seen in the past couple of years weve had a number of people from countries that have terrorist ties with Chain Migration and their families are not vetted. As a 12 year gap between when she became a citizen and her parents. Right now this is hypocrisy, its hypocrisy at its finest were talking about Chain Migration and it is what it is. Melania brought over her parents and they got their citizenship. We should applaud that and we can sit here and condemn individuals who do the same thing. If we take away Chain Migration that incentivizes people to come here illegally. As someone who is from one of those countries, nigeria, theres a lot of nigerians who come to this country and they bring their Family Members over. We cant say that one country is better than another, thats not fair. Martha one country is better than the other when it comes to the economy the economy, there ties to terroris terrorism. I did not say nigeria. Let me finish my point, i said countries are different and that is a fact. Nigeria is a lot of better than other african countries, its better than yemen. You have to bet vet countries d on what they have to offer, whether they protect americans coming here because they have to make sure that the people comin coming martha there has to be a process. I guess we are out of time. We can end on the light note. Now there are man bonds, give me the picture. Its a terrible match. Advertising is hilarious, you can switch up your hairstyle anytime you want. I think theres another picture too. What you guys think . Guys usually have better hair, they can grow it out on their own and do it. I think greg gutfeld is going to have a heart attack. I like the real deal. Its like a cinnamon bun. Good to see you both, thank you very much. Martha still ahead, the remarkable story of one dog tag recovered from the korean war this week and handed over to the two sons who lost their father in that war so many decades ago. Its an incredible story, they are here with me live next who doesnt love a deal . I do. Check out the new united explorer card. 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There are around 7,700 mias. 55 boxes its a pretty remote possibility of being your father but you think possibly it could be. He said yes ive seen that and he said we found one dog tag. He said its your fathers. Its amazing, ive done this about ten times now with people and i cant get through it, i had to stop and pause and reflect a little bit, i met paul at the conference we just had to face to face and thanked him several times profusely. What they do is amazing and we dont ever know whats going on until it happens. Martha Show Us The Dog Tag tag. What goes through your mind when you look at that and you think about it being on your fathers chest . I was surprised like everyone else. In all reality, we had assumed he was deceased for all of these years. That part wasnt a surprise. I didnt ever expect to have anything relating directly to him. Martha What Happens Next . There are as you say 55 boxes of remains and we expect more will come. Do you think you will get a call that says they have found his remains . The dog tag is the only identifiable thing it was amazing, larry and i just went to a conference that they do every year for korean war m. I. A m. I. A. , there were several hundred people there related in some way for the most part. I felt a little guilty because we were the only ones that had some certitude but just because as a dog tag there doesnt mean that his remains are there. Theres still an untold story. Theres several issues about this, the way the army issues this if youre a Military Person you know, theres a long chain with a dog tag and theres a short chain with a dog tag. This is the short chain. What this often is, if theres a deceased comrade, one of their buddies takes off the short chain. I dont know if this is the one that one of his friends took off and later he was killed and this became removed from the body or if this was one that was still with the body. Theres still a lot of uncertainties. Of all of those people, we have some certitude about my father. Martha were glad that is the case, weve talked to other families who are waiting for some kind of something and i know it stays with your family all through your life. Its something you carry with you and we thank you very much for sharing it with us and we are glad that you have your fathers dog tag now. I think that they take it seriously. Martha 24 7. Thank you, quick break we will be right back withhe more. With Liberty Mutual new Car Replacement well replace the full value of your car. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty you wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your Allergy Pills . Flonase sensimist relieves all your worst symptoms, including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. And all from a gentle mist you can barely feel. Flonase sensimist. When you rent from national. Its kind of like playing your own version of best ball. 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