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We all found out about this and were surprised by the statement that came from the white house just a few hours ago. It want to read it to you in full. This morning First Lady Melania Trump underwent a procedure to treat a benign kidney condition. The procedure was successful and there were no complications. We dont know exactly what that condition is, but embolization is typically used to treat a tumor and in this case we believe its a benign tumor based upon the statement that i just read you. But the way it works, i still got a few doctors this afternoon and essay the way it works is you put a catheter in an artery and you inject some particles up into the blood vessels that surround that tumor, essentially cutting off the blood supply. The way it was explained to me, if there is no blood supply than the tumor dies. Thats the procedure she had today. As for President Trump, he arrived here a little over an hour ago by marine one to visit his wife. We are told that he didnt come out here sooner, he didnt come under this morning when she actually had this procedure because he didnt want to tip off the press. The press will have to follow him anywhere the president goes. Thats why he wasnt a pure the very beginning. Thats why he came later. Its very clear that this white house wanted to keep this a secret. The first lady of course is known to be a very private first lady, though in recent weeks she has really had a bit of a coming out. Just last week we saw her unveil her official platform. She hosted our first state dinner. Now this and now of course everyone is just hoping and praying that she makes a full recovery and its nothing more serious. Martha thank you very much much. Kristin fisher out there in the pouring rain at walter reed tonight. Also breaking tonight, a historic moment, clashes with some deadly chaos in the middle east as the u. S. Officially opened the embassy now in jerusalem. We welcome you officially and for the first time to the embassy of the United States. Thank you, President Trump, for having the courage to keep your promises. We stand together because we believe democracy is worth defending. The United States will always be a great friend of israel and a partner in the cause of freedom and peace. Martha a lot of positive celebration on that side. But at least 55 people are dead at this hour. If the International Ramifications already being felt. Turkey tonight has announced that they will pull their ambassadors out of israel and out of the United States in response to this move. This is the question, is at the beginning of a power shift in the middle east that could lead ultimately to peace, or does it mark the end of the Peace Process in the beginning of more violence to come . Joining me now, kellyanne conway, counselor to the president. Great to have you with us tonight. Thank you for being here. Earlier today roche top was speaking with the press. He said he believes in terms of this violence that the responsibility rests squarely with hamas. Is that the white house perspective on the . We think these deaths are tragic of course. And a loss of life is. At the same time they bear the responsibility for killing these individuals. This president made good on the promise of four president s, the previous three president s before him all promised to do with this president did, which is to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel as israel is due and to move our u. S. Embassy there. President george w. Bush said as soon as he got into office he would do that. It was not done. President obama said that jerusalem, israel must remain undivided and that jerusalem will always be its capital. In this way the president is only recognizing reality. But i think it also, the violence in the loss of life, martha, underscores that this is a very fraught process and that hamas has been causing trouble in gaza for a very long time. Martha it raises the obvious question, once that move has been made, and as you say it has been promised by several u. S. President s and now carry through by President Trump, but what happens now . We know that Jared Kushner and others have worked on the Peace Process. Where is that Peace Process now . Whats the next move . We continue to work on that Peace Process obviously with our greatest ally in the middle east, the state of israel. And we are very happy that a number of allies are joining with this president when hes taking such bold actions around the globe otherwise. Look at whats happening with north korea. You look at the polls, the way the democrats by a 21 margin approve or disapprove the president wanting to sit down with north korea and have this summit. Women are much more favorable on this action. Martha i do want to ask about north korea but i want to stay back with israel for one moment because france urged israel to use restraint during the course of this process. What is the United States stance towards israel about whats been happening at the border . Is the president also urging more restraint . Because tomorrow there could be an escalation as they remember and recognize the day that israel became a state. What is the white house telling israel about their reaction in their response . The president and the United States remain very involved in the Peace Process. Secretary of state pompeo has it right when he says israel has the right to defend itself. This president also made clear on december 6th when he announced that he would move the embassy to jerusalem that the borders are left to the people there, that the u. S. Is not getting involved in that. But we recognize a sovereign nation should have borders and we want to recognize that their capital is where they say it is. We are closely monitoring the violence and the loss of life as well. Martha i just want to play a sound bite from john brennan and then from mike pompeo, the new secretary of state and get your thoughts on this. Kim jong un, who i despised because of the brutality that he has put up on the north korean people, but unfortunately i think he has been masterful in how we has manipulated perceptions and manipulated and quite frankly duped mr. Trump. I think former director brennans remarks are silly on their face. We are going to enter into a set of discussions with two nations doing their best to achieve outcomes for their own people that are consistent with their objectives and goals. Martha john brennan statement that the president was duped into this meeting with kim jong un. Thats a very irresponsible, its not a rational statement for several reasons. You see a number of people from across the aisle and as idriss remarked earlier, in the polls, democrats, women, College Educated voters that we are continually told dont support the president is much, they very much support taking this action with respect to north korea. If you look at the polling, people who are older, 50 plus at 55 plus, they certainly do because they lived through decades of war. Theyve grown up only knowing war between north korea and south korea. I would say that mr. Brennan and others who started in the administration before ours should remember that old saying that politics stops at the waters edge. These are decidedly nonpartisan issues looking for bipartisan support. And i would hope that someone who was involved in the Previous Administration could at least see the prospects, the prospect of opening up relations there and denuclearizing the korean peninsula. North korea has already come and get to this president s leadership, released those three americans back here and even then people couldnt just applaud it and say isnt that wonderful day for those three men to be free, they had to make it partisan and political and i think thats part of what the president s poll numbers are improving because people are so tired of the reflexive invective and the inability and the irrationality of not being able to say today was a good day for america. Finally on the part of north korea, this president has made clear again and again that things are looking very promising. The summit is set for june 12th, but at the same time the president said he will see what happens. That these conditions need to be met. But so far we like the fact that they are suspending their tests. They are releasing americans and this president feels that we are at a very good place moving forward to june 12th. Martha i want to get your thought on one less thing and this is a corrupt week from today on leakers. He said the socalled leaks coming out of the white house are a massive over exaggeration put up a Fake News Media in order to make us look as bad as possible. With that being said, leakers are traitors and cowards and we will find out who they are. Can you tell us about the process of trying to figure out who is leaking from the Communications Department and whats going to be done . I wont tell you the process so much as to tell you that there are all kinds of leaks. Some leaks exist to hurt colleagues, some leaks exist because they disagree with the policies that are being put forth, but none of them are helpful and i will tell you Something Else thats going on in this white house but not as badly as it was at the beginning, its not so much leaking as using the media to shiv each other. That was going on quite a bit at the beginning of the administration but its less so now. I think the president is on solid ground here, that if you work at the pleasure of the president like we all do here and you have the privilege and the blessing of coming every day to work in this white house on behalf of the nation that we all love then you want to be competent, you want to be loyal and you ought to be able to reinforce the agenda that prevailed here. I cant go on more but i have several discussions with the president on this very topic today. Martha do you expect personnel changes as a result . I do actually, yes i do. Martha interesting. Kellyanne conway, always good to see you, thank you very much. My pleasure, thank you. Martha stunning news in st. Louis right now. In the trial of governor, prosecutors made a shocking announcement today. They will drop the criminal charge against the sitting governor and Stormy Daniels lawyer Michael Avenatti feeling the heat claiming he is a oneman speaker of truth but he is now lashing out at journalists, including my next guests, who say they are not buying it. Mark penn up next on that. There is no big fat cat. Theres no leftwings conspiracy funding is. Theres no political party, it just isnt there. Zach talk to me. Its for the house. I got a job. Its okay. Dad took care of us. With dell small businessout your Technology Advisors you get the oneonone partnership you need to grow your business. The dell vostro 15 laptop. Contact a dell advisor today. Its red lobsters create your own shrimp trios. Pick 3 of 9 new and classic creations for just 15. 99. Try new creations like savory crabtopped shrimp, and parmesan truffle shrimp scampi. But hurry, shrimp trios ends may 27th. And parmesan truffle shrimp scampi. Do ndo not misjudgenity quiet tranquility. With the power of 335 turbocharged horses the lincoln mkx, more horsepower than the lexus rx350 and a quiet interior from which to admire them. The lincoln spring sales event is here. For a limited time get 0 apr on the lincoln mkx. Plus get 1000 bonus cash. Martha fox news alert, prosecutors in missouri at making surprise announcement tonight. They are dropping the criminal charge filed against republican governor eric just days before his testimony was supposed to get underway. Today a prosecutor has dropped the false charges against me. This is a great victory and it has been a long time coming. Martha that was just a short time ago. Greitens troubles are far from over. Fox news correspondent matt finn life outside the courthouse where he was this afternoon when this news broke in missouri. Good to see you tonight, matt. Hi, martha. At the center of this case the alleged invasion of privacy case is that photo, which the woman says greitens took of her while she was tied to an exercise machine during an extramarital affair in 2015. The woman who has not identified but known to be his hairdresser claims the governor took the picture of her against her will and threaten to send it. Her testimony amounted to enough for Governor Greitens to be charged with a felony invasion of privacy. However that photo never surfaced. We were in day three of the jury Selection Process today. Kind of scratching our heads wondering how this trial was continuing without the photo at the center of the case. At this morning one of the first things that happened during court was a member of Greitens Defense Team took to the stand and put it on record that discovery has closed at his photo has not surfaced. Yet they continued with the jury Selection Process all throughout the day. We now learn that the governors defense team did file a motion to dismiss, although that motion was denied, and then expecting to go home and the last hour or two this afternoon, the state took to the bench and said that it is going to drop this case. It then released a statement saying in part that they are dropping the case because the judge in this case allowed the circuit attorney who is prosecuting greitens to be a witness and they say they have no other choice but to drop this particular trial and seek a special prosecutor. Theres a special meeting this thursday in which the Governor Greitens can be impeached by the state legislature and theres also another case behind all this, the attorney general here is continuing to investigate whether the governor used his donor list from his private charity when he ran for reelection as the governor. Ortho. Martha thank you very much much. Matt finn in missouri with the breaking news today. This also getting some attention this evening. Stormy daniels Michael Avenatti spends most nights on tv at a lot of afternoons as well railing against President Trump and his longtime lawyer michael cohen. In college, in law school you did Opposition Research for Democratic Political operative rahm emanuel. Some people would look at that and say you are politically motivated. I havent done anything in politics in over 20 years. Where did you get this information about his bank records . Just like journalist dont disclose their sources, attorneys are required to disclose theres either. Are you know functioning as a journalist willing to protect resources and go to jail . You have the law that allows you to protect sources. We have the attorney work product. They are very similar. Martha now that avenattis integrity is being questioned by some, he is threatening those who are digging around in his background, including the daily caller, where this article was posted. Avenatti in the spotlight his next my next guest is also the subject of avenattis fire. Longtime clinton advisor mike penn recently wrote a very tough piece for the hill. Who is paying Michael Avenatti . Suggesting the real motivations might be political. Here now is mike penn and former advisor to president bill clinton. Thanks for being here. You say in your piece avenatti is acting less like an attorney and more like a journalist or someone doing opera research for a democratic party. Exactly who is he you say . A lawyer, and opposition or campaign operative . I dont know about and where that is 100 interviews on cnn and tells their client to ignore a nondisclosure agreement. It raised a lot of questions and all i did was really question where is he being paid . It says hes got a crowd sourced funding but that was not set up until he was representing her for several weeks. If so where is that 500,000 that he has raised going . No accounting to that. Where did he get these bank records that maybe the treasury and prosecutors would have . Is at work product. Hes disclosed it. Hes waived any privilege by disclosing. If these arguments are nonsense. Hes out giving 100 interviews and let me tell you, hes not helping democrats because since he went out there with Stormy Daniels, democrats have tanks because it allows President Trump to talk about the middle east to end north korea and democrats are sitting there with Stormy Daniels. I dont think we want a repeat of 1998 and surely this guy is not the guy we want speaking on behalf of democrats for sure. Martha its interesting because you obviously worked for bill and hillary clinton, a longtime democrat and get you time and time again with the pieces that you are writing, you have been sort of sticking up for the argument that President Trump is making here, is that what drives you . That you dont want to go down that road again . That you feel like what happened in 1998 was a travesty . Exactly. I spent a year fighting against ken start and we decided as a country, look, these personal actions, we cant have perjury traps and other ways of trapping people into violations over your that we hold up the whole country for. It doesnt make sense and the efforts case, it didnt make sense in the clinton case and i wish more democrats and republicans would get together and say lets fight it out on the issues, lets vote people out we dont like, lets not try to criminalize everything and you bet i think it was wrong in 98 and thats why i think its wrong now and i think more people have to be consistent on that. Martha what do you say to Michael Avenatti . Is tweeting about you. Too bad he didnt do any basic research for his ridiculous piece in the hill. He goes on to say we did nothing wrong. As i said, he set this up sometime later after he got questions from journalists and then the question is wheres the money and in the question is where did he get these documents and what their authenticity and was something done illegally and is there another opera research set up. Behind him thats being paid by donors. It got to read his statements very carefully. He didnt actually deny everything he says he is denied really 100 interviews, if you are a lawyer. Martha always good to see you, thank you very much. Thank you. Martha still had tonight, a chilling sign of the times to come . One mom, one mom complains that her daughter didnt make the team and know anybody who wants to join the squad can be on it. What is next . Can i join the Football Team . Great panel coming up. Also coming up tonight, this new yorker cover shows President Trump trying to chip his way out of this one, but is this a game that he may be winning against the socalled deep state that wants to stay right there in the swamp . David bossie and Jason Chaffetz coming up next. Its even more disturbing when a flow of information from leadership to lobbyists and then to members. For leisure. So i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. Metastatic Breast Cancer is relentless, but im relentless too. Mbc doesnt take a day off, and neither will i. And i treat my mbc with new everyday verzenio the only one of its kind that can be taken every day. In fact, verzenio is a cdk4 6 inhibitor for postmenopausal women with hr , her2 mbc, approved, with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. 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Anyone that voted for the bill that says they were the bill is a flatout liar. Why would you be voting for something you havent read or that you and your staff combined cant read in that amount of time . Almost all the decisions around this place are made by a few people at the very top. What we have at the omnibus is two of the senate leaders, two house leaders get in a room, smokefilled room and they will figure out how we will spend 1. 3 billion. Without the import of any other congressional members or United States senators. Thats not good representative government, wouldnt you say . Whats wrong with the flipping swamp is you got a bunch of people up there who are bent on perpetuating their own power, their own name, their chairmanships, their leadership positions, et cetera. I take mr. Trump at his word, that he wants to drain the swamp and make washington work better for americans. Martha a clip from the new episode of the swamp, the documentary that goes behind the scenes with freshman House Freedom caucus members to what its really like to work on the hill and to try to fight upstream this system. It comes at the cover of the new issue of the new yorker magazine is released. It shows President Trump trying to chip his way out of a very deep swamp that is full of snakes and inside the issue the article is titled trump versus the deep state, how the administrations loyalists are quietly reshaping american government. Here is evan, the author of that is. He was on msnbc earlier today. What this president understands is that hes going to try to get things done personally and eventually hes had to try to reorder, reshuffle and really change the nature of governance so that the voices that are being heard are ones who will speak up on his behalf and that dissent and debate will be sidelined. Martha joined me now, david bossie, trump 2016 Deputy Campaign manager and Jason Chaffetz, former House Oversight Committee Chair member and author of the book. If both are fox news contributors. Good to see you, thanks for being here. David, you have worked closely with this president. In the way that the author describes loyalists, and we have seen a lot of people jettison from this administration, is he right . This president ran on draining the swamp. That was one of the main tenets of our campaign, to change washington and hes truly an outsider and a belief in his said there are nearly 80,000 fewer federal employees today than there were one President Trump came in office 15 months ago. That is an unbelievable martha they havent gotten around to filling spots. You are saying they have no intention of filling those spots . These people are leaving, they are fleeing the ship because its not as attractive as it once was in the economy is much better. This president is focused on the deconstruction of the administrative state. Thats what we talked about during the campaign and thats what hes doing today. Martha and does a lot of pushback, obviously. Theres a lot of folks are really like living in that administrative state. One of the things that i find so interesting, Jason Chaffetz, is the area in and around washington, d. C. , as one of the wealthiest areas in the country, which makes you wonder, right . A lot of people are working for the government will live in that area and it has grown and grown and grown and grown and grown over the last several decades. Do you think President Trump is having any success trying to turn the swamp . The people in the deep state, they do not like transparency. They dont want accountability, they dont want to be called on the mat and when they a disrupe personality like donald trump and his team come along they want to flee. They dont like the sunshine, they dont like that. I do think hes making progress. But remember, washington, d. C. , if you spend a Million Dollars a day every day it would take you about 3,000 years to get to 1 trillion. The government spends 4 trillion every 12 months of theres a lot of people getting rich along the way. Martha the author of this piece, david, talks about what he sees as the positive things that government can do. He talks about prescription drugs and regulating aspects of the lives of senior citizens, making sure people dont fall through the cracks and he sees this as something that is very much worth protecting and he sees President Trump as trying to dismantle it. We all remember Stephen Bannon talking about dismantling the administrative state, which people thought was scary. This guy seems to think its worth saving. Lets not forget that Newt Gingrich 20 plus years ago, 23 years ago, it ran the contract for america, and part of that contract was eliminating federal agencies and government bureaucracy. This has been going on for a long time. Was at the tip of the spear on this stuff. Donald trump believes in the safety net. He believes in good government, he just doesnt believe in bloated government and thats where we are. I think one of the things we learned and President Trump learned in signing this really bad bill is hes not going to do it again and i think the members of congress are going to have to bring him a bill thats much more fiscally responsible next time. Martha thats going to be interesting because we will see that happen in the fall and then again in december. Opportunities to actually have a budget and do not do these continuing resolutions that just keep going on and on and on and on in the government. The even darker side of this, Jason Chaffetz, is what the administration sees as the effort to undermine them with the Russian Investigation and that all of it goes back to that of their mouth stomach most powerful tool to prevent the adn from doing what they want to do, which is to say maybe we dont need 15,000 people working at the department of agriculture for example. You to have these operatives within the deep state that i came to know and see up close and personal and they want to do everything they can to embarrass the president. They want to slow down his agenda, they want to slow walk it. They think they can outlast this president. You have people at the department of interior, for instance, that are trying to slow down secretary is trying to do. Theres 2. 2 million federal workers and a lot of them are patriotic, they do good hard work and there is a proper role of government. But theres far too many people making far too much money and they just regulate things to death and the president , right at the top of the agenda is to get rid of that regulation. Martha weve seen a lot of shakeup in the administration, david bossie. What this writer talks about is that if you dont prove that you are loyal to the president , if you are not on the program, hes going to boot you, you will be out. Is that true . That should be true. You serve at the pleasure of the president , period. There is no and or but at the end of that sentence. You serve at the pleasure of this president and either you are on the same page rowing in the same direction as this president is or you can go find Something Else to do. It you can go manager restaurant or work somewhere else. It doesnt matter. We want people who are loyal to this president and people were going to try to make a successful presidency by forwarding his agenda. Martha i think most president s want people who are loyal to the agenda. Certainly Lyndon Johnson ted and president obama had very loyal people. Something typically president wants to do, people who are on the same page. Interesting piece. Thanks you guys. Good to see you tonight. Coming up next, call your bookie. The Supreme Court says if states want to gamble on sports, so be it. What did they just set a precedent for pot and for sanctuary cities as well . Who better to ask, judge andrew napolitano, coming up next. Th we were the ones who carried it back east. By steam. By horse. By iron horse. Over the years, we built on that trust. We always found the way. Until. We lost it. But that isnt where the story ends. Its where it starts again. With a complete recommitment to you. Fixing what went wrong. Making things right. And ending Product Sales goals for branch bankers. So we can focus on your satisfaction. Were holding ourselves accountable to find and fix issues proactively. 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Martha breaking news tonight, just moments ago after weeks of heated debate, the Seattle City Council has just voted to impose a massive new tax on big businesses in an effort to solve their citys homeless problem. The socalled had tax forces any company with more than 20 million in Gross Revenue like amazon and starbucks to contribute 275 per employee per year toward Housing Units and services for the homeless. Earlier this month, amazon halted construction in seattle threatening to go elsewhere if this proposal went through. Here now, fox news senior judicial and was judge andrew napolitano. What do you think about this . I think this defies the basic laws of economics. For anybody to say, one of our young producers got some people to say this earlier today, that amazon causes homelessness is a basic misunderstanding of all the jobs amazon has created and all the wealth that it has accumulated. Martha wait until they see the homeless shelter when amazon pulls out of there. These people just dont understand economics 101. Heres the constitutional provision. When the government is perceived as targeting a particular taxpayer like amazon and starbucks, that raises the bar very, very high for the government to justify the tax. I dont think they can do it. If i were Howard Schultz or jeff bezos i would begin moving out of seattle immediately. Martha its tied to a certain level in terms of how much money you make. If you are very successful in seattle you are definitely going to be punished. It really only targets the two of them, lets face it. Martha which has to be unconstitutional to go after a specific company and ask to provide a tax base. The two heads of this compan company, one of whom i know from years ago at princeton, they are liberal progressive people were being burned by their own kind right now. Martha it will be fascinating to see what they do. Fascinating. What about this scotus decision that forced gambling is it state issue even though theres a federal statute that bans sports gambling. The federal statute prohibits the states from permitting sports gambling. It does not ban it nationwide. If Congress Really wanted sports gambling out they could just enact the statue banning it. The Supreme Court said that. But congress cant tell the states what to do. So this is a strengthening of the tenth amendment. This prohibits the federal government from again commandeering states and telling them how to spend their money and what Law Enforcement should do and the best thing i heard was what you said at the outset of the end of the last segment, call your bookie. Sports gambling is going to be in all 50 states, maybe not all, but the overwhelming majority of them. In our home state by the end of the week. Martha absolutely. In terms of the other issues, does it strengthen the argument for centuries it is or pot legality . It strengthens the argument for sanctuary cities because the sanctuary city argument, im going to make jerry browns argument. The federal government cant force our people, our state employees, to help them enforce federal law. They can enforce it themselves and they can pay for it. Thats what this case today reinforces. Marijuana i think is a different issue because marijuana is already illegal at the federal level. But if the feds stop enforcing at the federal level and people began to expected to be legal its going to be difficult for them to reinforce it at the federal level. Martha thank you. For those who believe that states have rights, Chris Christie started all of this and my hat is off to him, this is a great decision. Martha thank you. Fascinating. Judge napolitano, always good to see you. Happy monday. Its judge napolitano day. Coming up next, i know youre going to want to weigh in on us, icicle mom says that her daughter didnt make the team so that it has to be open to everyone. Oh come on. Martha what if someone wants to i want to be a Football Team. I want to be on the Football Team. I tried my hardest. All because of one child who did not make the team. Martha our panel, cheerleading rejects all. Kind of. Ainsley earhardt is here, mike is here and cat came coming up next this is a jungle gym. And a baseball diamond. A mythical castle. And a grand banquet hall. This is not just a yard. Its where memories are made. The john deere x350 select series with the exclusive onetouch mulchcontrol system. Nothing runs like a deereâ„¢ save 300 on the x350 select seriesâ„¢ tractors with the purchase of a mulchcontrolâ„¢ kit. Save 300 on the x350 select seriesâ„¢ when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. 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It will eliminate your monthly mortgage payments and give you taxfree cash from the equity in your home. And heres the best part. You still own yohome. Call now take control of your retirement today martha why does one person have to ruin it for everyone . Everyone should be allowed on the cheerleading team, can everyone be on the Varsity Basketball Team . Trace gallagher explains what im talking about from our west coast newsroom. Hi, trace. Hi, martha. Hanover high school in east hanover new jersey has traditionally split its cheer squad into three teams, black, white and gold, representing the two schools colors. Every student who tries out is placed on one of those teams and gets a varsity letter but as for skill level, the black team was the highest. Only cheerleaders who scored above 87 in tumbling and choreography were selected. Except not enough students scored 87 so the qualifying score was randomly dropped to 78. The school says a modification was made for qualification to the black squad. This modification increase the number of students who would qualify for black squad based on the scoring decision but because some kids told and qualify the principal decided teams would no longer be based on skill but rather grade level. Juniors and seniors on the black team, freshmen and sophomores on the white and the gold theme just goes away. But students say the change is only happening because a parent was angry their daughter didnt make a higher team. So last week ten cheerleaders addressed the school board. Heres one. Watch. I tried my hardest. And everythings going away, all because of one child who did not make team. And their parent complaint. So now all my hard work has been thrown out the window. The backlash on social media was quick with the schools Facebook Page flooded with comments like im 52 and live in georgia, i want to be on your cheer squad and i can still do a cart wheel. Without a lot of back pain and limping afterwards. But thats okay, right . And your daughter didnt make it but instead you have rules changed to include her . Tell your daughter to practice more and finally, why go for excellence when you can just little little snowflake whine and cry to get the position. This is why the country is going down the tubes. If the School Administration said the move supports and encourages more participation which ultimately was always the goal. Martha thank you very much. Youre with more Ainsley Earhardt and mike. And cat tim, fox news contributor. I said cheerleading rejects all, is that true . Absolutely. Years after year and for some reason it didnt work. I didnt have to have a psycho mother freaking out. Martha dont you feel bad for this kid whose mother raised holy hell and everybodys got to be on the team. Congratulations to this mom because your daughter has no friends whatsoever. You talk about mean girls. She will see me and girls in action because this mother taking things to a whole different level and absolutely being crazy about it. The Entitlement Society side of it, we all expect things to be handed to us. Martha this is not helpful mom. I was a cheerleader in seventh grade. Eighth grade i tried out and i was cut from the team. Broken hearted, cried, so upset. My dad comes upstairs, he sits on my bed and he says someone else needed that spot. You are Strong Enough, god created you to be Strong Enough. We were giving up your spot to another girl who might not be Strong Enough can take it. That was such a valuable lesson. Martha and you said no, dad, i want the spot and your mom went and got it for you. I thought wow and my dad totally turned it around and spun it where i got into that. Thats good. And you are somehow okay now. Somehow managed to recover. Martha all because you got cut from the Cheerleading Squad. I was cut from the Cheerleading Squad and i was so bad that i really had some nerve to even waste anyones time by trying out whatsoever. But i just, instead, joined the Mock Trial Team and had some fun there and was actually able to pursue something as good at rather than allowing myself to embarrass myself by somersaulting up on the football field because they couldnt even do a cartwheel. That wouldnt have been good for anyone. Where those kids are so bad on american idol. Martha i was a cheerleader for like a long time. Middle school, all through high school. When i had my daughter i hid my cheerleading pictures because i knew that if she sought she would be like, i want to be a cheerleader and i didnt want her to be a cheerleader. I wanted her to be on mock trial, which she did end up doing and she became an athlete and a Soccer Player and all this cool stuff because, honestly, i think they should do away with cheerleading. I was the head of the force. You stand on the sidelines and you cheer for someone else. Its like get out there and do it yourself. Who needs to learn to dance . I wanted to learn im still trying to learn. Martha i was told that for the cheerleaders because when i was a cheerleader i actually thought people were watching our routines. They are not watching your routine. They are watching football. They are watching basketball and its like that was such a good one. We did such a good job. Patting each other on the back. These are from a story from failure, obviously we will all fail in life but Michael Jordan got cut from his Freshman High School basketball team. Michael jordan, the greatest player of all time. He got through it. And it just makes you stronger and better. Inclusiveness is great, but it doesnt change reality. Just because they allow everyone to make that your limiting, that should make you feel any better about yourself because you are still a bad cheerleader. You are just letting everybody enough. Do you think when they will look back at these videos and say i was crying and tweeting. Martha of course they are, which is why they should be playing soccer or basketball, because then they will feel good about they will feel so much better about themselves. Ainsley is going to cover the Royal Wedding and you are leaving tonight. Im leaving tomorrow night. Martha i did the last one. Poor Meghan Markle. Her father apparently paid the paparazzi to take pictures of him getting measured for his tuxedo and looking at a computer screen at starbucks. There he is. He was looking at pictures of her and harry online and everything and it turned out that it was a paparazzi deal that he mightve even made some money off of and now hes not going to the wedding. You dont need that kind of drama on your wedding day. Probably got enough drama having such a famous wedding but to have your dad to Something Like that, i would be so mad at my dad. Its a lack of trust already. From the beginning, from the onset with the most famous couple in the world right now. Im just very depressed that i dont have a chance with Meghan Markle anymore. Martha what about harry . All those girls. When we did williams wedding, they gave up his little pens that said dont worry, you can still marry harry because william was gone. Youve got a story now. This will be very interesting. I feel sorry for her. Im happy for her because she has the ultimate cinderella story. Its amazing what shes been through and how far shes come and everyone, every book ive read in every article ive read, she was a hard worker and she really deserved this and she seems to be a good person. But her dad to do this, her brother would send messages to harry, dont do it. I feel like this is the cinderella story because she has the family. The dad is trying to make money or his friend is the photographer making money. They couldnt find the tailor. They went up to some kid and said will you act like you are the taylor . They gave him a measuring tape. Martha her mother should walk her down the aisle. This is an easy problem to solve for her and her mother is lovely, shes going to be there and she should walk her down the aisle. This is so much fun. Great to have you guys here. Have a fantastic time. Put in a good word for me with her. A couple more hours. Martha more story after this. Quote of the night is coming up next. Zach talk to me. Its for the house. I got a job. Its okay. Dad took care of us. only tena intimates has Proskin Technology designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skins natural balance. For a free sample call 1877gettena. For a free sample you might be missing something. Y healthy. Your eyes. Thats why theres ocuvite. Ocuvite helps replenish nutrients your eyes can lose as you age. It has lutein, zeaxanthin and omega3. Ocuvite. Be good to your eyes. Pah thano, no, no, nah. K. 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But hurry, shrimp trios ends may 27th. Martha earlier today President Trump speaking by phone to hero james shaw, jr. , commending him for bravely stepping into russell a gun away from an active shooter at a waffle house in tennessee and saving many lives as a result. His comments in the hours after the incident are our quote of the night. Im not a hero. Im just a regular person. And i think anybody could have did what i did if they are just pushed and that kind of cage. You have to either react or youre going to fold and i chose to react. Martha you are a hero, james shaw jr. We will be back here tomorrow night at 7 00. Tucker carlson is up next. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. Its a big week. This is the one Year Anniversary of Robert Muellers appointment. It seems like a good time to assess how its going. The investigation is costing millions of dollars, its using thousands and thousands of hours of cable news commentary. Our political system has been brought to a virtual standstill. We still await the investigation, its conclusions. When youre in, what do we know so far . Certainly nothing we were promised at the outset. Still no evidence of

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