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Ted cruz has a double digit lead over donald trump in this state. According to our fbn poll, 42 of likely primary Republican Voters support cruz. That puts him 10 clear of trump at 32. John kasich lagging behind both of them at 13. If trump amounts a comeback he might have to do it with independent voters. Wisconsin is an open primary state. Those independent voters planning on voting republican, trump leads with them. That puts him 11 clear in that category of cruz and kasich. Kasich is at the event in pennsylvania. He made news a while ago launching his attack on ted cruz saying cruz does not have a record that his record is shutding down the government and making people upset. Gretch gretchen. Okay. So it appears donald trump is now taking notice of some of these numbers. What did you find out about that . Yeah. Donald trump held one event here. Two events on wednesday and then he left the state. His Campaign Website showed two events tomorrow. But the campaign added another event today for tomorrow so that will make it three events that trump now has here on saturday and one scheduled event here on sunday as well. They are clearly building up here ahead of tuesday. As of tonight, there is an event here in milwaukee, a dinner type event. Ted cruz, john kasich will be here. Trump not scheduled to be here. Comprehensive report. Donald trumps meeting. Newly formed policy team in washington this week. One of its members telling fox news what was on thursdays meeting agenda. Joirching me now is National Spokes person for the trump campaign. I know you werent at the meeting but theres several people big on Foreign Policy and has a lot of experience and they were telling mr. Trump what they think he should do and the direction he should go in. Whats the biggest message that came out of that . I think its important because there were people in that room who have a lot of suggestions. I want to point out that the specifics about mr. Trumps Foreign Policy i believe we heard over the past few days considering mr. Trump is the only candidate that set down with the media is the simple fact things we have been doing are no longer working. We have a lot of organizations with outdated missions that need to be reengaged and fight the fights we have today. I understand or i would assume there was a lot of discussion about his muslim ban proposal. Do you know anything more about that . Was that discussed . Im sure a lot of things were discussed. However, with regard to that band he has said it was temporary and we need to have these mechanisms in place. We have to be able to vet people accordingly and most americans agree with that. Lets talk as well. There were two 30r7b9 meetings yesterday. Donald trump taking part in that. The g. O. P. Front runner calling it a unity meeting. What did he tell you went on inside of there . This is not the first meeting he had in washington. He has made a commitment to uniting the party. We are very confident. Im sure there was a lot of discussion about the movement out there against mr. Trump and a lot of leaders really wanted to sit down. Thats the thing. Not everyone has set down with mr. Trump personally and asked him questions, let them give him their answers because what i know is when that happens your perspective changes. One of the things that also came out of that meeting, apparently, was that there was discussion about how you go about trying to get these delegates on your side if theres a contested convention. Apparently, mr. Trump turned to his aids and suggested they had not been doing what they needed to do. Do you know anything about that . No, gretchen. In fact, ed and barry are two of the best when it comes to delegates and the rnc would agree with that. What do you make of the fact theres been ape whole fire storm this year of the outsider being so popular like mr. Trump and others who decided they wanted to go run for president. When you look at how this contested convention might work or even just getting delegates in general, it seems like you have to be politically savvy. I guess thats my question is, is he up to the task of not being a politician in that way . Yes, he is up to the task which is why he does have people on his side working and people on the ground this weekend in north dakota. This is also an exampleover how the system itself has failed the voter over time. Were seeing that on both sides of the aisle right now. Mr. Trump is committed to making sure we have those delegates and we dont want a contested convention. Even if we have one, im still confident simply because even the voters and debt gaits not supportive of dond trump at first will know by the end his divisions are the ones going to need to win the general. Thanks so much. Some delegates have no restrictions. They can vote for anyone. Heres where the delegate count stands today. Trump ahead. Cruz 463, kasich. He knows this thing backwards and forwards, ron, great to have you on the real story. Lets talk about something i never thought we would delve so much into which is this interesting little nugget, north dako dakota. They have a g. O. P. Convention this weekend. Were at the states right. Unlike the democrats they have super delegates and they can do whatever they want. Its a little bit different. Theyre across the country. There will be a bit of a play. All delegates could be unbound going to cleveland. Pennsylvania 17 bound delegates by primary on april 26th. 54 unbound ones. Colorado 37 member delegation will be a mix of bound. Lets talk about guam. A nine unbound delegates. Who thought we would be talking about the importance of guam. Lets face it, ron. Every delegate is going to be so incredibly important and people dont begin to understand whose bound and unbound and the lobbying thats starting already, right. Nothing unusual. Its been this way for a long time. Back in 1980 when i worked for george, it was the same way. He won 21 almost in pennsylvania and this is not a new process but its the thats been in place for a while. All the candidates running this time understood the process from the beginning. A report today said one of the 168 rnc members will be delegates to and theyre publicly supporting trump. One of 168. Cruz has been whipping up delegates in louisiana and other places across the country. Why do you think it will not be that important . All do respect to that important im a Republican National from massachusetts. Im an automatic delegate but im bound to the results of a primary rmt ill be representing those in massachusetts and i will, im automatic delegate im also bound. Thats the rule in almost all the states. So again, its a small percentage of the overall delegates that will elect our nominee and next president. Okay. Unless we get to the point in the convention where nobody has the magic number of 1237 and all bets are off by the time you get to the second vote. Then you need a double phd once we get to that point. Ron, get out your dictionary for bound and unbound. Got to know what that means. Thanks much. Fbi investigating a hospice facility today accused of deliberately overdosing patients to speed up their deaths. Could your loved one been a part of this case . You want to hear the real story on this. Growing concerns the g. O. P. Could be in trouble if its trump verses clinton in the general election. Larry will show us his brand new crystal ball. Hey this is lloyd. To prove to you that the better choice for him is aleve. Hes agreed to give it up. Ok, but i have 30 acres to cover by sundown. Well be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. Yeah, i was ok, but after lunch my knee started hurting again so. More pills. Yep. Another pill stop. Can i get my aleve back yet . For my pain. 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At the same time people in china getting the sinking feeling. We may be months from finding out who will be the last two candidates standing in the race for president. If its trump verses clinton come november my next guest says the g. O. P. Has an uphill battle. Larry, welcome back to the real story. Describe to me who won back then. Thats generic map, gretchen. That is simply pitting a republican, any republican against any democrat who would be the president ial nominee. Leading personalities and favre rablt ratings out of it. Basically, it just judges whether the states are in the republican category. Those are the deep red ones or the democratic one. As long as their nominee is competitive you need 270 to win. What do republicans have . 206. By the way, thats exactly what myth romney got in 2012. Basically because of the high ratings higher than Hillary Clintons clintons. The swing states that are important. Colorado, nevada and new hampshire. Ohio and virginia. Dont forget about new hampshire. They get sad when theyre left out there. The states in the president ial year can be balanced in terms of republican verses democratic turnout. The important thing for the parties is nominate candidates that can appeal to the growing graphics in the states often hispanics and or to energize the core of their party to produce a large turnout larger than the other party can produce. Indiana, georgia, missouri and then the yellow state, North Carolina which you say ends republicans. What do you see . North carolina is competitive. Thats the one you can expect them to send money in and candidates to frequently. Remember, romney was able to take that away from obama. Theyre likely. Theyre not lean, theyre likely. All right. Very, very interesting. Lar larry, always great to have you on the real story. Thank you. Imagine if your loved one is placed in hospice care and the nurse taking care of them receives this text. You need to make this patient go bye bye. We have that disturbing story for you. The real story on that. Plus we have this. Talk about mans best friend. This dog brought home a big haul of weed. That bridges us to our question of the day. Whats the best or the worst thing your dog has ever brought home to you. Tweet me grepencarlson. I think this is the first time of the week weve got the question of the day in because weve had so much breaking news. Well be right back. A 15yearold girl was pepper sprayed at the donald trump rally in wisconsin. Take a look. That video shows a teen throwing a punch and another man pepper spraying her. She had been holding an anti trump sign. The girl tells police she was groped. Theyve talked to the alleged groper and the man suspected of pepper spraying her and no charges filed so far. Heres a very disturbing story. Fbi investigation into fraud at a texas hospice. The feds say the owner of the hospice ordered nurses to give patients an over dose of drugs like morphine to speed up their death and said make this patient go bye bye. Trace live with the story. The real live alleged villain is the man who founded the health care services. 34yearold brad harris is an accountant by trade with no medical training by license and yet the fbi says he was directing nurses on how much medication to give hospice patients telling them to make comments like if this blank would just die and we need this patient to go bye bye. The fbi doesnt say if any patients died from overdose. You can suggest the opposite. If the patient stays too long, the provider could be forced to pay back the government. They will have more with shorter stays. The reason the fbi began to investigation is the concerns the health care was recruiting patients who did not qualify for hospice. The feds say brad harris would also ask employees to find patients who would die within 24 hours because that would save my blank on this. Meaning of course, the government limit on how much he could collect from each patient. So far, no charges filed but that could change. Listen. Brad harris can be prosecuted under the aiding and abetting laws in texas if he solicited, encouraged or directed another person to kill one of the hospice patients. On its website, nova says it goes the extra mile to make people feel comfortable. So far, the Health Care Provider has not commented on this case. Wow, its a huge story and very disturbing, trace, thank you. Donald trump walking back his comments on abortion from earlier this week. How might it effect his campaign . Our Political Panel weighs in on that. Bernie in the bronx on hill clintons adopted home turf and bringing in record fundraising again. Hes got some major star power to help too. 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Call an allstate agent first. 8884295722. Accident forgiveness from allstate will keep his rates from going up. But not his blood pressure. Michael james middle name. Not good. Get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. And it starts the day you sign up. So whether its your car or home, let allstate help protect your rates. Talk to a local allstate agent and discover how much more their personal service can do for you. Call 8884295722 now. Bottom of the hour. Three demonstrators blocking a highway there. Theyre demanding government release. Brussels main airport set to reopen today for the first time. A strike by Police Officers now has delayed those plans. Commuters in washington d. C. Could face massive delays in grid lock. Officials are warning the subway system may have to shut down entire rail lines for months at a time and try to conduct much needed repairs. Back to politics. Bernie sanders burning up the bronx holding his first big new york rally. Still ahead from the polls but now feeling the heat. Ed, secretary clinton lost her cool last night. What happened . Yeah, its interesting. A green press activist pressed her on the fact of 50 lobbyiest for oil and gas interest poured money into Hillary Clintons campaign. She lashed out and said that the Sanders Campaign is lying and her aids tried to spend this by saying Bernie Sanders also takes the same kind of special interest money. Bernie Sanders Campaign manager not taking that line down. He says sanders owes her an apology. Watch. [ inaudible ] i think she owes the senator an apology about that. The senator is not lying about her record. Hes talking about her practices and she doesnt like it. That doesnt make it lying because you dont like it. The Sanders Campaign trying to make a distinction that the money they got was from the industry. He got money from employees for some of the dpacompanies. You can hear clinton was fired up saying im tired of the lying. Some might ask why shes getting so fired up if shes still in the lead. She does have a commanding delegate lead. Shes expected to lose wis windshie wisconsin con tuesday. Last night in the bronx 18,000 people. Hispanic neighborhood and weve heard how he struggled. He gets money continuing to pour in. He Just Announced 44 million raised in march. That equals 109 million over the first three months of the year. 6. 5 for 2 million different people. 97 of this money raised online. Hes not spending virtually any money at all at big fundraisers. That means hes not going anywhere, kid. I love your resounding voice, ed. I like it much better when the microphone is on. Yeah, it is on. Its right here. No, not really. Right here. You sound like youre in some sort of an echo chamber. We got to check it out. Well get back to that on monday. Have a good weekend, kid. For more on this, allen combs. Indicated radio host both fox news contributors. Allen, burning up the bronx, the cash in your wallet. They would be saying she has no competition, shes sucking the oxygen out. Its a row bust campaign and two good candidates on the left and thats healthy. And credit to you. Youve been a bernie guy for a long time. Weve been talking about bernie for going back many months now on the real story. This is good for hillary to watch her be fired up. Frankly, shes robotic and descriptive and a machine. Very interesting. I didnt expect you to be saying that. So you think he makes her a better candidate. Right. He does. People are like okay, she has fire in her belly and not reading off a script aumt time and it probably helps her. Keeping it real on the real story. Somebody elsewhere kept it real yesterday was dawson. She was talking about bernie on women and said something about hillarys tone. Watch this. Theres a rumor that says because hes saying we give trump too much time in the airways, that somehow meant he doesnt care about womens issues. Shame on you, hillary. Sorry, hold on. Let me watch my tone. Clearly a swipe against Hillary Clinton. Compared to what were seeing on the right, this is childs play. This is like Nursery School compared to what were seeing on your side. Lets face it. Theres anger on the left too. Even though sanders is a life long politician hes seen as a life long politician from vermont. Unbelievable. Now to the other side, donald trump declaring his resent comments on abortion. Did you misspeak or misunderstand the question. It could be i respoke. This was a long convoluted subject. Hes not a politician. He commits gaps. It wasnt a gap. He told the truth. He made a cardinal sin of telling the truth. If you believe abortions should be banned as he said and you believe it should be illegal then dont you have to punish people who commit that act. They want to make the woman the victim. He clarified he wanted to punish the doctors. Because thats the pro life anti choice position. You cant say its illegal and i want to punish somebody. A set up from a democratic viewer. He caught him. I wish we wouldnt discuss this issue in politics to be quiet honest. Theyre going to have to stop using it. Lets look at the polls. I want to talk about Something Else which is unfavre rablt. It goes down the line. African americans, 80 la teen knows and 85 . On the strump he says Everybody Loves me. Maybe it will change but right now, those are the numbers. He keeps Winning People over. I know plenty of women in the corner and plenty who dont like him at all. Hes a provocative figure. Theres no question that the left loves these numbers. Hillary has them too. Not those numbers. Not among the latinos and the women. Hes not going to be the nominee. How do you like that . Its not going to make him a nomination. Its going to be a close call. Time now for my take. Two polls show big change for the g. O. P. Cruz out in front now. 10 points over trump and now in the fox business poll too. They still dont know who theyll dhooz. That 8 could end up deciding who wins tuesday. Wisconsin also an open primary meaning democrats and independents may vote republican. In the poll, 5 of dems say theyll cross over to the g. O. P. Then theres Governor Scott walkers endorsement in that state. Walker remains incredibly popular in the state at 80 of approval. And hes endorsed ted cruz. Some real hot wheels at new york citys annual auto show. Check this out. Terally hot. Porsche 911 turbo goes up in flames sitting in the show room. A small electrical fire was caused under the hood. It cost between 130 180,000. Dond trump reversing on the pledge that he signed to support the republican nominee. Because of another document he signed, could he move the delegates he won in South Carolina . Well ask that states Party Chairman next. A baby kidnapped from a mall. How it all ended up for that family. Very frightening. This is usually a safe area and the the mall is always safe and well maintained. Its scary that would happen here. Theres people who care where im going and good friends to welcome me home so get a full tank of freedom, drive the american road and with a full tank of freedom, find your own highway well take you wherever you go. Take you wherever you go. Whyto learn, right . E . So you can get a good job and youre not working for peanuts. Well what if i told you that peanuts can work for you . While you guys are busy napping, peanuts are delivering 7 grams of protein and 6 essential nutrients right to your mouth. You ever see a peanut take a day off . No. Peanuts dont even get casual khaki fridays. Because peanuts take their job seriously. So unless you want a life of skimming wifi off the neighbors, youll harness the hardworking power of the peanut. cheering shepard smith, coming up, ill talk to a political who says this week may be one of Donald Trumps worst and this wisconsin primary is about more than one state and just might shape the rest of the race. That interview top of the hour. See you then. Back on the real story now. A 7weekold baby is back with his family after a woman walks out after a mall with him. They catch the woman, check it out, as she left. Investigators say the kidnapper befriended the family while sitting at the food court and when the baby started to cry the lady asked the mother if she could hold him and then when the mother became distracted she walked away. Scary. U. S. Official telling fox news the next round of guantonamo bay transfers begin this weekend. Two going to an undisclosed country in african. Pentagon just informing congress about the transfer. Come summer, the Obama Administration is hoping to have 37 approved transfers completed. Part of the efforts is to close down the cuba based detention center. Archologist have a burial chamber. Were telling you about the f qy that right. Experts conducted dozens of scans recently discovered and believe the teen is buried in a large tomb that belonged to the queen. Top gun 2 roimds features the original maverick. Tom cruise will star in the squel to the 1986 classic. A man during a monastery visit in russia is going viral. The man has lived there for more than 10 years. He blesses them every day. Back to politics now. Questions about Donald Trumps South Carolina delegates. Following his announcement to no longer support the nominee, matt moore is part of the Republican Party and he says breaking South Carolinas primary ballot pledge answers some legal questions no one person can answer. However, a court or National Committee could result them and put delegates in jeopardy. Moore later tweeting this quote regarding delegate questions today, to be clear, no one is speaking to unbind any of South Carolinas delegates. End quote. Joining me now is matt moore. He joins he now on the phone. Great to have you on the real story. Matt, what is the real story on the delegates in South Carolina . Well, the real story is the media got these stories that create fire storms and the fact is no one is South Carolina is buying any one delegate. These are all questions as we head towards the convention. The best way to be the nominee is win the delegates between now and the convention. I want to call your attention to the 2016 primary election statement of intention of candidacy and were showing it on your screen right now. What it says is i here by affirm i generally believe in and intend to support the nominee and platform of the Republican Party in the november 8th, 2016, general election. So as he now says and for that matter ted cruz and john kasich, they dont matter in South Carolina but if he says hes not going to honor that then are his delegates in South Carolina in jeopardy . Thats not a question for me to answer. I hope not. Im not personally for Donald Trumps delegate move in South Carolina but again, these are questions and open primaries to process this intention could generate. So again, whatever happens, this will be a very honest process. You talked about the media miscon trueing this. There was also a report out that said insiders in the state of South Carolina said that on the second ballot, if it goes to that at the convention, these delegates now unbound will not support donald trump. What do you say to that . Im not sure thats true. There will be a lot of rationals if and when that happens. Theres a lot of time between now and then. The legal thing i read in your introduction which was a quote from you saying that this will have unanswered legal questions no one person can answer, do you still stand by that or not . I do. Im not trying to convey we have a grass roots process that leads to delegates being chosen for state conventions and national conventions. Theres a process here and no one person thinks. You do all this research on a perfect car then smash it into a tree. Your Insurance Company raises your rates. Maybe you should have done more research on them. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Just one of the many features that comes standard with our base policy. Call for a free quote today. See Car Insurance in a whole new light. Liberty mutual insurance. Show me movies with explosions. Show me more like this. Show me previously watched. Whats recommended for me. X1 makes it easy to find what blows you away. 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Screaming like a bullet and breaking the speed of sound off the florida keys. Circumstance gs. Re did rolls and loops. Now you can see how much the plain is actually shaking around. We hit 600 miles an hour. To keep yourself from blacking out because in the negative g the blood goes down to your feet. To avoid that you have to flex all your lower body muscles. That 40minute flight, was so exhausted. Felt like id been at the gym. I would have passed out and barfed. Im pretty sure. This dog brought home a very big bag of pot. Where the hick did the pooch get that . T a family and a career, but most of the time you feel like youre trying to wrangle a hurricane. The rest of the time, theyre asleep. Then one day, hr schedules a meeting with you out of the blue. And its the worst 19 minutes of your career. But you dont sweat it because you and your advisor have prepared for this. And when the best offer means youre moving to the middle of nowhere, the boys say they hate the idea. 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We want to know what the best or worst thing your dog brought home. Lauren said, live lizard. Hash tag chased around the house. The best thing, flower to a woman i was dating. Me a me look so smoothful love that. Few for being part of the real story. Have a faction weekend. Its 3 00 on the west coast, noon on the west coast, time for more drama in the g. O. P. Other. Donald trump supporter accusing party bosses of trying to steal the nomination. What he says trump voters voterd do about it. New trouble for Hillary Clinton in fox business polls. And Bernie Sanders firing back after clinton accused his campaign of lying about her donors. Also, the u. S. Military with a blunt warning to the head of the islamic jihad, justice is coming. I dont know if that justice will look like a hellfire missile or look like a dark prison cell somewhere but he will find justice some day. Lets get to it

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