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Bill caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. The factor begins right now. Bill hi, i am bill oreilly. Thanks for watching us tonight. The truth about the crackdown on illegal immigration. That is the subject of this evenings talking points memo. 23yearold Daniel Ramirez medina arrested by i. C. E. Earlier this month in a Seattle Suburb saying he is being brutalized by the Trump Administration. His story is fascinating. Mr. Ramirez medina came here atu age seven, the son of an illegal alien criminal named antonio ramirezpolendo. There he is. He spent a year in a Washington State prison for felony drug trafficking. He was a dealer. In the i. C. E. Raid, he was picked up along with his son, but get this. Ramirezpolendo has been deported eight times. Yet, still was residing outside of seattle. Would you want someone in your neighborhood deported eight times . We have not heard one, not one, liberal voice commenting on that. Instead, they are focusing on daniel. And another assault on our values, in the past week, we have witnessed i. C. E. Raids across our nation, targeting parents, students, and dacaprotected dreamers. Io bill the protection congresswoman pelosi is talking about was mandated by president obama. It is called deferred action fot childhood arrivals or daca. Essentially, the order says that children brought to america by illegal alien parents and whor have no criminal history shouldy be allowed to stay and work here. Daniel Ramirez Medina was part of that program. The problem is the department of Homeland Security now says he has admitted to having gang affiliations. His attorney denies it. But he has a tattoo on his forearm which some people believe signifies gang membership. The factor is trying to confirm that but so far, we have not been able to do so. It might just be a tattoo with no implications. Now, that gang allegation was enough for i. C. E. To hold daniel, who has a 3yearold son in this country. But the left has now taken the case and made it a centerpiece of attacks on President Trumps crackdown on criminal illegalnd aliens. But the antitrump crew totally ignores the father and the son was in the fathers home indicating the left doesnt care at all if a Foreign National is deported eight times and is still here. Remember, the alleged murder ofr kate steinle was deported five times in San Francisco county, still protected him, right up until the time the man was arrested and accused of shootini her to death. So, step back for a moment. One part of the country, led by President Trump, wants to deport criminal illegal aliens and secure the borders so they canm get back in here. Another part of the country doesnt want strict border enforcement and doesnt seem to care that criminals can defy deportation as many as eight times so, what side are you on . One final thing. Every time, and i mean everyha time, the subject of criminalna illegal aliens arises, the Democratic Party will not engage. Instead, they fall back on the ruse that the illegal immigration crackdown is aimed at chambermaids and house painters. You hear that over and over andi over. In the case of Daniel Ramirez medina, there is certainly enough in play to investigate him further. Is there not . . In the case of his father, who again was deported eight times, if kates law were passed, hed be serving decades in a federal penitentiary. That is the memo. Now, to the top story, joining us from washington, charles krauthammer. The word anarchy comes to my mind when i hear a foreign criminal is deported eight times. Au am i wrong . Well, look, i think what you have is a case that is pretty clearcut. I dont think there is a lot of ambiguity here. The guy is deported eight times. He was serving, he served time for a felony. He was a drug dealer. He is out of here. If you apprehend him, you kick him out. Then, if he returns, hopefully, you pass a law that would criminalize the return. And you throw him in the slammer. The case of the son is more difficult. But it is not a philosophical distinction. It is simply a matter of facts. Either he is a gang member or was or he is not. The fact is, we dont quite know, either the tattoo is a gang tattoo or its not. You bring in some experts. You have them look at it. As to the question of whether he has confessed, or will confess to being a gang member, you bring him in, you question him, you crossexamine him, and you make a determination. R, that happens in our courts every single day. If he is a gang member, out of here. H if he is not, he stays. If there is ambiguity, you create a category for the guy bill he is innocent until proven guilty. You have to prove have him come in every six months to a year after a few years, if his record is clean, then, he states. He stays. If not, he goes. This is not solomonic. Bill theres a Bigger Picture here. You heard the demonstrations, okay, free daniel. He is now the centerpiece of the left screaming, trump is a fascist, antiimmigrant, antimigrant. Free daniel. Where is the sign that says put daniels father in federal prison for defying deportation eight times . Where is that sign, charles . Where is it . This is a movement. This is a whole party. The Democratic Party is invested in allowing daniels father, a convicted dope dealer, to stay here despite eight deportations. That party is invested in making this man innocent so he can stay that is anarchy look, bill, i would be happy to write you a prescription to calm you down. Bill you are not answering my question, charles. Im going to answer you. Bill good. Ou there is nothing new here. N bill tell me why wouldou tell me why they are doing it. We have had demonstrations for 25 years about a cop killer in philadelphia who killed a cop, who was tried in court, is in jail, and it is still there. Bill why are they doing it . Some you have the far left, people bill these are regular folks. These arent crazy people. How do you know that . Bill because you have reporters out there talking to them. This isnt george soros, get out there. These are people who actually feel that trump should not go after criminal illegal aliens. They dont feel that way. Because they are stalwart democrats. You think that there is a substantial number of people in america outside of the far left who really dont want to do anything about aliens who have convicted of criminality . Bill charles, are you living in this world . Kates law was voted down by almost every democratic senator. Okay . If the party, the folks in the party, wanted this problem to be solved, they never would have gotten away with that. But they did the way to go after this, bill, i know you are wedded to kates law, i know it means a lot to you, and i would supporti it. Ea but it wont make a dimes worth of difference. You know what will . Ld sanctuary cities. You want to make a difference . It doesnt matter. The one you want to do, kates law, it is nice symbolism. But how about some reality here . You pass a law that says that you cut out the funds, not just executive orders, lets get a law to cut off the funds bill we assume that will happen. That still doesnt explain regular americans not outraged about a guy in seattle with eight deportations. It still doesnt explain it. And i am looking for answers. Meea charles, as always, good debate. Next on the rundown, a democrat will respond to the evidence we responded and talking points. Later, is the press in america really free . The factor is coming right back. America really free . The factor is coming right back. Why are you checking your credit score . You dont want to ride the 13l forever, do you . The doctor said its not contagious. [coughing] credit karma, huh . Yeah, its free. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Bill a related story, deporting criminal aliens in the dreamer situation. Joining us from chicago, dr. Austan goolsbee, former member of president obamas cabinet. I will ask you what i asked mr. Krauthammer. People demonstrating. Not one sign, not anybody upset about his father, where daniel was found s in the house, being deported eight times. What the deuce is going on in the Democratic Party . Well, i kind of think you have several things going on in your critique. And they somewhat contradict each other. The reason the democrats are protesting the trump policy, and they are not wrong to be protesting the trump policy, is that donald trump started by saying he wanted to deport people that were criminals but he has now tried to redefine what are criminals. They are literally going down, a woman complained about being abused by her boyfriend, and when she filed the complaint, they arrested her. Bill let me stop you there. Wait a minute. In any kind of a bureaucracy, and mass order of criminal alien deportation, you are going to have mistakes made. And your party, the democrats, seize upon that to define the whole thing. If you make one mistake, you seize upon it. He wants this poor woman thrown out, blah, blah, blah. Lets focus in on the seattle situation. Wait a second. You are doing the same thing you are accusing them of doing, which is, you are taking one single instance and trying to say that, trying to conclude something about what every Democrat Bill we are working on a story now about two Police Officers shot in california today. Im going to give you 2 million instances, bill. The thing that is objectionable about Donald Trumps policy is he started by saying, lets deport criminals. Iha now, he is redefining who are criminals. Bill im not sure hes redefining it. I havent seen any. Lets stay on the seattle story. Wait a minute. If you can show me the redefinition, i will be happy to read it on the air. But you dont have it. Ou i will show it to you. They issued an executive order redefining what constitutes a criminal, that is more than a factor of three in excess of how many there are. Bill you got this kid whos is picked up with his father. His father, i can assure you, iw should be kicked out of the country. I would put him in prison first. Second, kates law. Bill no, no. The guy in seattle, the kids father. You would support immediately booting him out or putting him in prison . Correct . Yeah, i would. That has been a priority of many president s. Bill and the priority, he got back eight times. We know how staunch the priority was. Now, the son kates law is the opposite of trumps policy. Bill wait, doctor wait. His son is picked up in the house with him. Got his tattoo. I. C. E. Agents say the son admits to gang membership. Admits the kids lawyer says, no, he is innocent. Okay. You hold him, right . Then, you find out what the story is, right . Look, i dont know bill do you hold him or not, doctor . You dont know you can say that. You might, might. U bill this is what is wrong with your party youre a democrat ig democrats dont want any deportation they want total nonenforcement it doesnt matter you dont want to get to the bottom of daniel you are making a straw man. You know you are fighting a straw man. That is not the position of the Democratic Party. Bill oh where is one democratic senator besides manchin voting for kates law . Now you are back on kates law. That is a totally different situation. Kates law says the opposite of what they are fighting about on trump. Trump wants to take people that he calls criminals and throw them out of the country. And they are nervous that they arent criminals. Bill tomorrow if you go and come back, you have to go to jail. That is like grandma coming back to go to a wedding. You throw them in federal prison. Bill yeah, grandma was coming back to go to a wedding, okay. You can get papers to do that, doctor. Tomorrow, because you intriguedo me now with this redefinition of the Trump Deportation order, i am going to have it. Im going to get it. And we are going to read it, exactly what it is. And we will see. Maybe youll come back. I want you to get it. It redefines criminals. Bill there you go. One hard news note tonight, today in florida, President Trump announced his new National Security advisor. 54yearold Lieutenant General h. R. Mcmaster, director of the Army Capabilities integration center. The general was instrumental in putting together the surge in iraq under president bush the younger. Hes written a book included critical of the military ind vietnam. The phd in military history and a west point grad. Good luck to you, general. Directly ahead, the press in america, is it really free . The second talking points memo, moments away. Lking points memo, moments safe drivers who switch to esurance could save money on car insurance. You know, the kind of driver who always buckles up. Comes to a complete stop. And looks both ways, no matter what. Because esurance believes thats the kind of driver who deserves to save money on car insurance. In fact, safe drivers who switch from geico to esurance could save hundreds. So if you switch to esurance, saving is a pretty safe bet. Auto and Home Insurance for the modern world. Esurance. An allstate company. Click or call. 90 of the Worlds Largest supercomputers run on intel . That means you can take a universe of data in your case literally and turn it into medical discoveries, diagnostic breakthroughs. Proof that black holes collapse into one singularity. I dont know what that is. But yes. Innovation runs on supercomputers. And supercomputers run on intel. You are super smart. And super busy. Ooh ufo false alarm, eyelash bill impact segment tonight. A free press. Does the usa really have one . That is the subject of the second talking points memo this evening. With President Trump taking on the National Media, saying much of it is corrupt and fake news. A major controversy has erupted, as you know. Mr. Trump has been criticized by both the left and the right. I hate the press. I hate you, especially. But the fact is, we need you. We need a free press. We must have it. It is vital. If you want to preserve im very serious now. If you want to preserve democracy as we know it, you have to have a free press and many times adversarial press. K bill senator mccain apparently believing that the American Press is free. But is that true . Many americans believe that the National Media has now become an arm of the Democratic Party. El that is, they dont coordinate with the democrats, they are not attending meetings, but their sympathies are simpatico with the party. On television, the overwhelming number of newscasters are liberal. The constitution anticipated this. The Founding Fathers anticipated donald trump. They feared tyrants. The question, who has the right experience and judgment. Ea Hillary Clinton won those questions by a gargantuan amounts and numbers. He never denied it. But i think what the people are saying, he doesnt we dont care. We dont want to hear it. We dont care. Bill now, President Trump has taken office, and the attacks on him are withering. President trump, if you are watching, you are the president , you legitimately won the presidency. Now, get to work and stop whining about it. It is very irresponsible, ultimately dangerous moment. In history, almost a protofascist moment in history. He is laying the seed bed in the mind of the american people. The media itself is broken. As we know, since 2000, there has been a couple dozen suspicious deaths of journalists in russia who came out against the government there. Donald trump has made no secretd about going after journalists. His distaste for any news that doesnt agree with him here. Do you find that this is a dangerous path he is heading down . Bill so now, he is going to kill us. Again, it is not a stretch for any fairminded person to believe that the National Media leans heavily left and despises President Trump. T not willing to give him a chance or any benefit of the doubt. Surely, that is what is going on. Surely. As for the adversarial nature of the press, senator mccain is correct. The Founding Fathers gave us specific freedom so we couldri tell you how the people in power were behaving. But when the press aligns itself with a political movement, in this case, liberalism, then, it is no longer objective or free, because it is sympathizing with a political point of view. It is tethered to a philosophy. This is not unique to america. The European Press is far left, generally speaking. They are worse than the presse here. But in america, President Trump has made this an enormous issue. Some believe that the Fox News Channel is not fair and free. I dispute that, pointing to analysis of our onair personnel. We put forth both sides. President obama would disagree. Remember, he complained about the press too. Bill you think i am unfair to you . Absolutely. Of course you are, bill. But i like you anyway. Bill give me how i am unfair. Give me how i am unfair. You cant make that accusation without telling me. Bill, you just went through an interview, and what you asked about health care not working, irs corrupt, benghazi, so, the list of issues that you talked about bill these are my questions. But they are defined by you guys in a certain way. Look, this is okay. If you want to be president of the united states, then, you know that you are going to be subject to criticism. Bill but if it is unfair, i want to know if its unfair . Criticism is criticism. It is my job to give you a hard time. It is my job to give everyone in power a hard time. And i do. You remember that President Trump told me i should see a psychiatrist at one point. But i dont have an agenda, other than an honest presentation. I like barack obama as i have liked george w. Bush. I think they are both patriots, okay . You may not agree with their policies, you may think that t they are not managing well. Thats fine. Everybody has an opinion. But as human beings, i thinkey they are both trying to do what is best for the country. So, i admire that, i respect that. Bill for saying that, the far right hammered me. Summing up, if the American Press wants to regain respect, it needs to ditch its outwardly liberal bent. I know all these people. I know all the anchors, most of the producers, i know who they are and how they think. In the national press, it is at least ten to one, liberal over conservative. And that is the truth. And that is the memo. Plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. Brit hume, how do on whether President Trumps accomplishments in the first month rate praise. And watters talking about the president s day. What are you doing to commemorate the president s . Basically, im trying to earn some dead president s. [laughter] bill we hope you stay tuned for those reports. Enjoyae way to get your fiber. Try these delicious phillips fiber gogummies , a good source of fiber to help support regularity. Mmm. These are great my work here is done. Phillips, the tasty side of fiber. You fand together, of your dreams. You had the kid of your dreams. Now you can put them in the car of your dreams. For a lot less than you might think. With a certified preowned mercedesbenz, you can enjoy legendary safety, innovation and performance at a price you can afford. And thats a pretty sweet dream. Visit the certified preowned sales event, now through february 28th. Only at your authorized dealer. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Bill unresolved problems segment tonight. Is the media capable of being objective, thereby being free . Joining us from boston, mary anne marsh. And from washington, katie pavlich. Penf you say, katie . I think you have seen, over the course of the past three decades, much of the press is just liberals parading around as objective journalists. I think it would do the country more of a favor and regain some credibility if they can admit that they come at the news from a liberals perspective and that is the way they are reporting the news. S wh we have a lot of conservative outlets doing the same. Peoplehe know where they are coming from, therefore, they are able to discern the facts for themselves. Bill everybody should understand, there is a difference between opinion shows like this one and hard news reporting. We are talking about hard news reporting. O mary anne is going to dispute that, i can read her mind right now, the media is not liberal. Im going to let you reply to what she is going to say before she says it. How do you answer . You are going to let me reply to mary anne . Saying the press is not liberal. Bill shes not going to cop to that. I cant read minds. Im not sure what shes going to say. The majority of journalism professors, the vast majority, 90 plus percent of this country, are liberals. The journalists they produce are liberal. They love going to the, white house correspondents f dinner, now that there is a republican in office, they don want to go to the dinner. We see questions being asked to the republican administrationbl that we dont see being asked or democratic administrations. The list goes on and on. It is clear that the press is biased to the left and there is a reason why Andrew Breitbart used to call it a Democratic Media complex because it exactly what it is. A bill mary anne, go ahead, state your case real quick,wh then ill get to the specific questions. [laughs] thanks, bill. Are there some progressive reporters. Yes, can you see it in their work . Ro sure. Is it true of all of the media . No. Th there are plenty of examples bill is ten to one an Accurate Survey . Have you done a survey . There are plenty of reporters, julie pace of ap, Jonathan Karl of abc, who are at the white house, who are very tough on obama and very tough on trump. Chris wallace was tough on priebus yesterday, you asked trump about putin and you made fox fans unhappy. That is how it should be. I think a lot of people are getting more of that then the critics another suggest. Bill you are a very media savvy person. Name the conservative presence on cbs news. Okay . Reporters . Bill name the conservative presence on cbs news. Name the conservative presence on nbc news. I think John Dickerson is more conservative than you portrayed him in the clip tonight. Bill maybe that is true. But he is certainly not a conservative presence. Nbc news . B robert costa does a terrific job as a contributor. Bill robert costa . Yeah. Bill i dont even know who he is. He is a good reporter. He is very good. Bill but hes notor a conservative presence. Hes not an anchor. He is on all the time. On all the programs. Bill but hes not a conservative. On abc news. Whos a conservative presence . John karl. Bill john karl is a conservative in your opinion . Yes. Bill okay. Cnn. Who is a conservative presence . I dont have one for you there. Bill msnbc . Dont have one for you there. Joe scarborough. Yeah, joe scarborough. Bill five of the major networks, okay. And to your credit, came up with a couple of names that are ajdebatable. But no major people. I dont believe that karl wait, bill. E. Lester holt is a registered republican. Bill but he is not a conservative presence. Nor should he be. He is an anchorman. Those networks, all five of them, dont have anyone there. Co that just makes my point. If i asked you the same question about the New York Times and the Washington Post and the m l. A. Times, you would stammer and stutter too. They are not there. If i did a survey, and i did, i studied the operations, there is no conservative presence. None. But the wall street journal, fox news, rush limbaugh, are number one in all of their categories in all of the categories and you cant say they are leftwing publications. Bill nor should they be. Number one, number one, number one. Bill all right, ladies. When we come back, charges that the Trump Administration really hasnt done all that much since it took over. Then watters talking a little history with the folks. Who is this . Adams . Actually, i dont know. C bill we are coming right back. Er ght backckckckck as a control enthusiast, im allbusiness when i travel. Even when i travel. For leisure. So i go national, where i can choose any available upgrade in the aisle without starting any conversations or paying any upcharges. What can i say . Control suits me. Go national. Go like a pro. Americas Small Business owners. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes, who use their expertise to keep those businesses covered. And heres to the heroes behind the heroes behind the heroes, who brought us delicious gyros. Actually, the gyro hero owns veros gyros, so he should have been with those first heroes. Ha ha thats better. So, to recap Small Business owners are heroes, and our heroes help heroes be heroes when theyre not eating gyros delivered by ah, you know what i mean. Announcer the oreilly factor, the number one cable news show for 16 years and counting. Bill thanks for staying with us. I am bill oreilly. In the hume zone segment, the accomplishments of the trump16 administration thus far. After four weeks, it has ended with a catch and release of Illegal Immigrants on the southern border. It has ordered the new border wall to be built. And it has tried to limit refugees from chaotic muslim nations. B that was harpooned by the courts, as youo know. But some antitrump people say the administration is all talk and little action. Since winning the election,is donald trump has dominated the news nearly every day. He has picked fights with the media, making a series of bizarre, mostly false claims, but in the midst of it all, what has he actually done . Hardly anything. Bill but is that true . Joining us now from florida, brit hume. Tr so evaluating the first four weeks, accomplishments, where would you put the Trump Administration . I would put it pretty high on the list, bill. I think he has done quite a number of things that wereon easily within his power to do but nonetheless important. T. He has put in place at theng Education Department and the epa people whose very presence and views will make major differences in both education and environmental policy going forward. He has clear the way for the Dakota Access and keystone xl pipelines, both of which were tied up in major controversy for years on end. He has lifted some of thef regulations affecting peoples medical care that relate to obamacare. He has already signed a couple of these measures that congresss has sent him, which undo regulations that were imposed by the Obama Administration and more are on the way, which he will surely sign. So, in my view, not to mention, of course, the Supreme Court nomination, perhaps as important as any of the others, which has been widely acclaimed, and is thought by conservatives in particular to be a very worthy successor to Antonin Scalia. A. Just think, bill, it wasnt so many months ago when it looked as if Antonin Scalia would be succeeded by a liberal. So, to say that he has accomplished very little, i think its absurd. Bill so, why would mr. Zakaria, who is one of cnns big analysts, make that assertion . Well, i suspect that it is because the things that he is accomplishing are not agreeable to people like mr. Zakaria. I dont know mr. Zakaria. But i think he i bill we talked about earlier on the factor tonight, there is this huge divide. I mean, getting bigger by the day. Look, whether people like brit hume or not, hume has been around since james polk. He knows what washington is and knows what president s do. So, hume comes in, not a big fan of barack obama, i think that is accurate, right . I mean, of donald trump . Nor was i really a r particularly big fan of donald trump. Bill i meant to say donald trump but im old and im losing my mind. Not a big fan of President Trump. But i think you accurately assessed, on top of what i said, what has been going on for fouro weeks. But then, you have the other guy over there saying, well, he didnt do anything. N, hes a clown, hes this, hes that. So, people who dont have any ideological bent. They have no routing interests. They hear you and they hear him and they go, what country am i i living in . They can certainly listen to the particulars of what you and i have both said, bill, all of which are true. Not to mention, may i add, other people in his cabinet, james mattis in particular, Jeff Sessions as attorney general, people of that caliber, these are wellqualified, highly able people, who will make a difference. Mattis is reassuring allies right and left about where we stand in terms of our asian alliances, where we stand inin terms of our nato alliances. Mike pence was involved in them, as well. There is a lot of it happening. A lot of it is positive, even by the standards of some of those in the new york, washington media establishment. Bill no matter what he does, National Security advisor today, looks like a pretty good guy, he is never going to get credit. Gallup has him, President Trump, 42 job approval, 52 disapproval. No matter how you read the poll, the country remains divided on President Trump. Di i think it will stay that way until the economy at the end of the year, you can find it a the year, you can define it a little bit. Last word. I think he has got some legislative achievements that he is going to need to make on taxes in particular, on the repeal and replacement of obamacare. Ng those things will need to come about. If they do, one senses that his approval rate will grow. Remember, we are anif ideologically divided nation, bill. People like barack obama are not going to like what donald trump is doing because those things are not aligned and that is the way it is going to be. Moreover, a lot of people are going to continue to obsess with the things he says. He says outlandish things. As long as that is the case, hell have some ammunition. The people that are willing to listen to him, or at least willing to watch what he does, i think, will have a different view. Bill every commentator has an obligation to be honest. I dont think we are saying that in this country right now on tve in particular. Brit hume, everybody. On watters on deck. It is president s day do the folks know anything about american president s . What do you think . Ks do they even care . Watters is next. Well, a 103 yeah, 103. Well, let me ask you guys. How long did it take you two to save that . A long time. Then its a fortune. Well, im sure you talk to people all the time who think 100k is just pocket change. Right now were just talking to you. I told you we had a fortune. Yes, you did. Getting closer to your investment goals starts with a conversation. Schedule a complimentary goal Planning Session today. Bill back of the book segment. Watters world. Today, we celebrate George Washingtons birthday. He would have been 285 years old on wednesday. For the next few days, many of the urchins are off from school because of president s week. There have been 45 americans president s and watters went out to see just how much the folks really know about them. What are you doing today to commemorate the president . Basically, i am trying to earn some dead president s. [laughter] i dont do the president thing. You gotta be kidding me. Im going to hold up some pictures of some of theec president s. You tell me what you think, okay . Abraham lincoln . [buzzer] not lincoln. [buzzer] that is without a doubt the dumbest thing i have ever heard. George washington . [buzzer] the first president . [buzzer] he was the third president. Now, youre making me feel real stupid. [laughter] George Washington . [buzzer] no, its not. Oh, so close thomas jefferson, right . Wow, thomas jefferson. Really good, i am dynamite. Honest abe. Now, what coin is lincoln onn lincoln is on the quarter. [buzzer] what did lincoln do . I dont remember. [laughs]in thats terrific. A big war under his presidency. World war . World war ii . [buzzer] remember who won the civil war . No. The world is full of history. Did you ever read the book killing lincoln . I did not. Bad girl. Bad girl. It wont happen again. Ready . Truman. Rhymes with nope . John wayne . Who is that . You dont look so good. Bob dole, right . Not bob dole, bob hope. . D thank you. No clue. He was president during world war ii. F. Youre not doing yourself any good. President during world war ii . Wasnt clinton . Fdr. You are on fire lady. Teddy roosevelt. My mom is in love with him. Why . I have no idea. Teddy roosevelt had a famous saying that said, speak softly and carry a big. Gun . . [buzzer] that doesnt look like gone. Its gone. Ready . Next one. Lyndon. Johnson . Ford . Gibson . Gibson . That is whats his name. Archie, aint that sweet . No, it makes me sick. Just throw a guess out, m i will tell you. Andrew jackson . Close. Millard fillmore. I was way off. Pass. Close. Really . No. O. Fillmore. Wow. Yes your nostrils are flaring. Is that bill . Bill who . Clinton . [buzzer] sheen. You are incredible. I am watters and this is my world. Oh, wow. Do you know who i am . Jesse from fox news. O i already told you that, didnt i . Bill theres watters. Was there a Pearle Vision near there . It looks like they had trouble seeing. The poor woman who had the tattoos on their face, i think that might have been bill was she an american citizen . T i didnt check her papers. Im assuming she is. Bill people in bolivia but would no more than she did. We should deport her. People are laughing but they are not because again, you pick them at random. You dont go and say, dumb people, please come here. People come to talk to me. Bill i understand that, watters seeks his own. Gbut that is random. M. But that is random. This is not, you know, lets find the dimmest people we can. The irony is that lincoln is on the 5 bill, washington they dont even know who was on the money. That is right. And sheen is on no bill. Bill that one lady, she was good. She was a history major. Can you believe that . Bill jesse watters, everybody. The factor tip of the day. Is it all about you . Is it . The tip, moments away. Do the tape, safe drivers who switch to esurance could save money on car insurance. You know, the kind of driver who always buckles up. Comes to a complete stop. And looks both ways, no matter what. 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Using unique mistpro technology, new Flonase Sensimist delivers a gentle mist to help block six key inflammatory substances that cause your symptoms. Most allergy pills only block one. And six is greater than one. Break through your allergies. New Flonase Sensimist. Just checking my free credit score at credit karma. What the . Youre welcome. I just helped you dodge a bullet. But i was just checking my. Shhhhh. Dont you know that checking your credit score lowers it. Just be cool. Actually, checking your credit score with credit karma doesnt affect it at all. Are you sure . Positive. Huh, so i guess i could just check my credit score then. Oh check out credit karma today. Credit karma. Give yourself some credit. Sorry about that. Bill back to tip of the day, defining life your way. But first off, mail. That is some convoluted thinking, trying to justify your false charge of misleading anybody. Both obama and trump knew there were big problems to be solved but as President Trump told me in the interview, the magnitude of his job surprised him. Im sure it was the same for president obama. True, and you wrote that email before my talking points tonight. We shall see. I am glad you read it down there. Here is an interesting stat, there are more than 6,000 reviews of rising sun posted on amazon. E. 86 , five stars, the highest rating. We thank you all. Well, i am glad you remain aboard. Enjoy the p. M. Status. Finally, the factor tip of the day. S last weeks tip was to ease up on carrying those Water Bottles around, we pointed out that one lady even brought a giant bottle of water into church. What is next . Corn on the cob . Anyway, i received a few letters from folks who said they have to carry water because they have medical conditions. Okay. Ai theres always an exception to the tip. You guys should know that. Dont take things personally when larger points are being made. Living at a time where the phrase its all about me mayn become the national slogan. No longer are we all in this together. S now it is i am special, what is your problem . We deal with this in my upcoming book, Old School Life in the sane lane, coming out march the 28th. Embrace the big picture, it is not all about you. That is it for us tonight. Please check out the fox news factor web site which is different from billoreilly. Com. Name and town if you wish to opine. Word of the day, do not be meretricious. While writing to the factor. Please remember the spin stops here looking out for you. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, it with an interesting weekend even in these highly interesting times, during a saturday rally in florida you may have seen that President Trump set this. We have got to keep our country safe. You look at what is happening in germany, what is happening last night in sweden. Sweden who would believe this . Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what is happening in brussels, what is happening all

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